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it took me three months to build this Lego house and over a hundred thousand dollars yep I'm the guy that spent that much money building a Lego house and it doesn't even have a toilet you know I think I got ripped off honestly we're doing a last to leave Challenge and we have five people competing to win the house no joke guys the last one to leave my Lego house keeps it I was a little scared to do this video because I honestly didn't want to lose this Challenge and give away my Lego house but oh I'm doing it for your guys entertainment so click that subscribe button because videos are only gonna get crazier from here next time we build a Lego house with the toilet okay the door is closed the challenge has to begun it's official huh it is official we're all stuck in the Lego house I'm so excited I'm getting the food very excited stay away listen okay if it's last to leave I'm I claim the vending machine it said it's free yes you can you can't just claim it you already pee on it I want the Twizzlers Jesus that's not how it works whatever machine well I guess it's his vending machine I'm claiming that as my bad this is a perfect bed right here okay well if you're claiming that and you're claiming that then I'm claiming the couch I already claimed the couch then I'm claiming the Slime no the slide touches what I play you can get the top of the slide okay okay let's work together as a team here even though we're not really a team and last one to leave the house keeps it but like at the same time like let's have some fun exactly what what did you just say let's have I got that part man okay okay is for fun uh we literally got this brand new slide installed in the Lego house it's three stories yeah but you have a vending machine I I do have it that's it that's fine that's that's mine I mean but it's mine but it has his name on it oh this is gonna be a nightmare this is lip oh hey do not break Jerry that's my mannequin I got some tools watch out are those for the slides Jerry wants to go down first you're gonna go fast that's only his head all right oh oh my gosh he's still going you sounds amazing yo scream for me no give me a candy [Applause] I can see him did you steal the candy did he steal the candy or not oh my gosh it's so long yo did you steal the candy give me that trash can yo go after him I'm sitting on a trash can lid right now so we're about to see Jerry oh he landed on Jerry oh that's what that sound was like all right game's coming down all right come on down the big boy oh I'm gonna go so fast on this uh am I clear to go yeah oh wish me luck oh my gosh this is not good he was going fast and then he stopped I don't know why oh hey Jerry that did not work I couldn't keep it under my butt I'm gonna try again I'm trying again is anyone in the slide no I'm waiting for the right opportunity oh oh that's not gonna work that's not gonna work keep it up champions listen this is all part of the strategy okay if I get them all tired you know what I'm saying right getting tired last to leave last to lose we have candy for energy we're fine okay I'm gonna dip and rotate rotate like the top up yeah keep going gets the air out quicker this is fancy right here science oh that shot pretty far actually oh she has the sickness oh wait bruh she's gonna put the fire out listen here woman we we can make it a water water slide okay you're gonna need you're gonna need a lot more water than that but I do have these I'm a little bit nervous for this wait can we slide down I'll pour them all on you okay let's go Hey listen I'm taking you guys with me if you haven't hit that subscribe button already go ahead and hit it especially if it looks like Nathan's shirt color this cut is great color that's why you want to make the Subscribe button look like okay light like this because if it's red they're not sub it's red now and you want to turn it gray I wasn't even I oh gosh hold on I got dizzy oh I wasn't even on the board it was literally on my side and I was like this going all the way down okay they're about to pour down ball pit balls You Can See Your Shadow dude I think Brianna's climbing yo Nathan I think we got a problem bro Nathan what's up you need to hurry Bree is climbing me back up she's climbing what I can feel it [Applause] I'm coming down [Applause] that was awesome wait wait wait you have to smell where are my shoes where are my shoes okay listen where's your other one I hid the other one I don't know I'm gonna give the camera back and then I'll find it dang it dang it oh I got I got more that one came from okay we got this the slinky yeah oh oh almost come on slinker these stairs are too big come on oh how many slinkies do you have Preston I am holding oh that one made it this is the method boys you gotta kick it oh the entire stairs I'm gonna need you to move all these I got this wait hold on that actually might work [Music] get it oh thanks oh let's go oh yeah that was awesome [Applause] so I do see something here there are two options we have a phone case and a phone why wouldn't you get the phone first don't you need a phone to happen I noticed something about this phone case that it is much smaller than the actual phone itself so I don't think it's even going to work so I'm gonna I'm not gonna I'm gonna pull a big brain here Brady go give me that pillow yeah give me a pillow please can you give me a pillow break your hands Bob guys if you ever wonder what's I could be married at a young age stop it there's a pillow abuse all right here's what we're gonna do we're gonna put the pillow oh that's never coming out all right guys the pillow's not gonna work so what we're going to do stop nagging we have a backup plan I am going to use balls to absorb the impact why because I'm not gonna have the phone falling and then you know iPhones crack they're pretty garbage oh okay it's too many balls okay good good good good okay now the moment of truth don't crack don't crack I thought that was Nathan's phone not sound good I bet it's James's phone it didn't sound good that's a Mr griffor dang where's the phone this is definitely a prank wait what's a home screen she's good look at that zero fall damage it didn't have to respawn though actually we did a good job I just want to show you guys the phone case by the way I'll present it I'll present the beauty yeah if you could hurry up that'd be great thanks Brie ooh ah it's for iPhone 6 and 6s I just can we just I'll take this thank you it's Lego house I don't know man I just I expected more right like I thought it was gonna be like an iPhone like 11 10 maybe was that like an iPhone 6s you know 6s plus plus success [Music] I'm making waffles did you say you're making a waffles I'm making waffles wow you making waffles I'm making waffles waffles okay's making waffles I love waffles so much that one was golden life I don't get waffles I'm leaving I want pancakes I can't tell if I like them or not I'm sorry you know it wasn't the best ingredients but I'm just excited to have some food uh we don't have any syrup butter but hey waffles I mean they were made inside of a Chipotle 10 full of oil it's kind of awkwardly sweet though right it's like what are you trying to do to my Waffle I'm sorry I just wanted to bite we're trying to do my wife I'll let you have a bite of my mouth I'm getting some real food I'm hungry I'm leaving I am about to put my foot outside goodbye sir Uncle Roger wait was you really that mad wow you just destroyed his favorite thing I'm getting some real food it's okay I plan that the whole time I put high performance spray adhesive on the table so it would fail so he would get mad but it played out perfectly I was literally just trying to do a trick it worked for him though he stayed on the table in my waffles you want my waffles don't try them don't eat it I can't believe he gave him I sped in the bat no you want me to bird feed you Dad get out of here dad's dad I said nothing waffles are better than pancakes they have holes we're serious you was right that's right respect your elders I'm four years older than Nathan so we got all these eyeball bouncy balls see how high they can bounce you can do better than that oh my gosh be more aggressive did you go over the roof yeah [Music] oh yes thank you I trained a long time for this yo oh wait wait wait hold on all right we have an issue a big problem there's a bunch of bouncy balls on the floor no no it's me you Preston and Bree left in the challenge two and two think about it Preston and Bree they're married oh that's what they are you know that makes sense the point is if press and wins Brie also wins if Bree wins then Preston also wins because they're married no what I'm saying is we need it's a double win we need to get one of them out of the challenge but how and who I don't know we need to like think of like their worst fears or something I don't know Marie probably hates bugs oh we have cockroaches downstairs we do what do you mean yeah they're downstairs we have a lot of random things in the Lego house or maybe we can just help press with a Nerf gun until he runs up no no he's gonna be harder to get out yeah I think we could get Bree with the Cockroaches like have her go down the slide or something and we just pour around be like oh look at hissing cockroaches oh my dude she would freak yo dude she would she would run she'd run back to Dallas immediately let's do it let's do it I'll grab the Cockroaches you trick her to go up down the slide no there's a lot of balls on the floor it's kind of weird can you stop doing bouncy balls down the slide on the scooter yet normally yeah I guess that works whatever yeah yeah I'm gonna I'll go for free quickest time quickest one down the slide oh I'm so mean you're done we'll be waiting for y'all let's get this rolling what are you doing what you need that up to no good quickest one down the slide I'll just count it off you're gonna count oh yeah okay better not skip any numbers three two one go [Applause] like about 20. I can beat that I can definitely beat that come on come on no what are you doing okay Bree I made it down are you ready yeah you realize that was like 50 seconds it took you so long Nathan give me a back Nathan give me that back Nathan stop stop it's beef jerk no it's not beef jerky I'm ready [Applause] foreign [Applause] see this is not fair now there are two team unspeakable one team Preston you guys eliminated my wife you monsters but you're like two of us so make the best man win I'm gonna jump out that window okay what if I do it right now you bet me a hundred yeah give me the hundred dollars right here right now you put the hundred dollars right right now I don't have cash on me but I will give you 100 bucks actually I'll give you a thousand hey I expect that thousand dollars Nathan I'm about to push you out of the window okay I know this is rigged I know I know it's really James look at them it's something good no no it's in this place for like a couple couple days I'm watching I'm watching I'm officially touching the ground can I please have a moment of silencia doesn't matter door's still unlocked yeah the door's still unlocked how do they know those were if you step outside the Lego house you lose the Lego house keeps it technically is in the grass a part of the Lego house no that's the front yard fine I'm gonna leave I still expect that battle okay I'm leaving seriously I'm leaving but I want my thousand dollars okay can I get my thousand dollars okay you promise hold them to it in the comments okay you know what his nickname is Right fair and you know what I am right for our painting Today class we're gonna be starting off with brush number four we're gonna start off with our yellow we're gonna be painting a sunset softly with the bristles run across the bottom layer approximately three inches you're gonna start off a nice smooth layer and go ahead and dip some more and some more and some more and a little more and a little more and a little more and get rid of this brush you're not gonna need it again we're going to move on to brush number six brush number six the bristles very softly across the beach make sure you go one way with it you don't want to go sideways you want the sand as if it was just rubbing across the wind into the sky now feel free to make your Beach multiple layers you want that sand to be thick as if a beach really was beautiful we're taking a light stroke of blue paint to show off our Sky we're gonna take that same brush we're gonna make a bird not a plane now we need the Sun the most important part of our paint a dab of red in the corner and a little bit of yellow to mix it off making a nice orange surface just like my hair I was just looking I'm on brush number six jump in not like the other side like flipping around ain't got nothing on this sometimes you can make the sun big enough to make it look like it's engulfing the clouds when someone looks at it they're just like that doesn't make any sense but that's the point to draw attention to your painting the more attention you have the better the painting is mine kind of turns from the Sun into a black hole what I was just expecting how's it going it's going eloquent very prestigious like very honored to learn from the best of best when you're done your painting should look something like this absolutely trash we're gonna take a little bit of our green put it right on the beach yes the brush needs to be more wet notice how he made the colors blend very uniquely [Music] it's raw it's uncooked the beans were supposed to be in there for 15 minutes not 10. but I only left it in for oh get out of the kitchen get up I'm sorry foreign [Music] [Music] another hour has passed when you gonna leave this house when you gonna leave this house not leaving this house I'm not leaving this house I built this house unless you bribe me a million dollars one of us has to leave this house yeah you no you no you no you double dog dare you it's dear partner what's the deal the deal is we about to have a dude about to sell this right now stand up or stand down I'm sitting see partner this house ain't big enough for the two of us well looks like we're gonna have to stick them up pull out your pistol is that a Lysol it's spray adhesive because you said stick them you know what boy you better get some brains in your head oh you want to play like you're talking smack you want to play like that yeah we can play like that nice paint you want to go to a lot or you want to go to the right five meters back to the left to the left in a box or to the right or to the right no in a box to the left 3.14 equals Pi you like cheese or chocolate I like peach cobbler I respect that bit so here's the dealio we're gonna do make the best man win like we agreed on whoever gets hit has to leave stick him up partner I just I did stick him I know but like you really gotta stick him this time oh oh like shoot yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Victory always tastes good 3.14 equals Pi you like cheese or chocolate I like peach cobbler I respect that
Channel: Unspeakable
Views: 21,262,623
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unspeakable, vlog, vlogs, unspeakablegaming, prank, comedy, challenge, laugh, funny, moments, craziest, pranks, crazy, no cursing, no swearing, how to, parody, troll, video, react, family friendly, funniest, adventure, trolling, unspeakable vlogs, real life, life, unspeakable real life, unspeakableplays
Id: 3Mlf-TM2l1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 55sec (1255 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2020
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