Someone STOLE My Pond...

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what is up Carter's life Welcome Back to the Vlog I'm standing here inside of the team our house and today is going to be super fun cuz I have a whole plan of what we're going to do out in the backyard so let's get started opening the door we got the little red Japanese Joy pop ready to go we're going to be driving out of the garage and getting into something it's going to be pretty cool I have no idea if it's going to work but uh let's just go find out to the garages we go the teamart house is huge it's over 100 acres and to get to the garages I literally have to drive almost 3/4 of a mile it's kind of a long distance luckily I love to drive so it's a lot of fun here we are at gate number one and now through gate number two we made it down to the Brown Garage as you guys might have seen this is the new toy it's an absolute dinosaur like it just looks like a dinosaur maybe I should paint it to literally be like a dinosaur but I want to use that today it's brand new we haven't done anything we literally pulled it off the trailer and just parked it over there and this thing is so big it makes the giant monster truck it makes this guy look small be cool to park them side by side into the Brown Garage we go oh man I love coming in here we have a lot of toys but I'm not here for any particular toy I'm here for more of a tool because I need the gator because we need to get the trash pump over to one of the legs cuz we're going to try to be draining that once it's drained we can use the big dinosaur to try digging it out so let's fire this one up yes I love vehicles I love driving everything and it's literally like the Dreamland to just have vehicles for days of all shapes and sizes probably my literally my favorite thing ever to [Music] do pulling out let's make sure we keep this closed if all goes to plan today we might be able to fire this thing up and actually put it to use for the very first time that is the goal but we have to drain the lake first so let's hop back in the gator and we're driving back up to the house this time I'm going the back way check this out the team Ro house has a ton of different Trails we're going the back way back up to the house across the bridge onto the island to go get the pump up okay I can't really see is that close enough nope got to come back more okay I feel like it's going to be good enough oh I still got to go back little more okay that has to be too [Music] far it's actually still not enough but I think we'll make it work we got to lower this down onto the ball so we can tow this trailer I might have lined it up perfectly Let's see we might be off about an inch but I think we can just wiggle the trailer a little bit not too heavy okay so we are pretty much all the way down let's see if we and just push this back okay let's try to pull on the trailer I feel like okay I think we're good this trailers can definitely be a little bit of a challenge it's a little bit of a weird angle too okay so I should be able to pull the pin lift that lock this out of place but I do need to get this down well she doesn't want to go I'm going to pull it out a little bit and then try clipping it on pull out the wheel chops let's pull forward and see what happens here we [Music] go now let's see if this will go down oh why is that it's the wrong ball size or something it feels so tight oh wait well okay well duh that needs to come out first but it still feels like it doesn't oh I see the problem is I got it all hung up we got the pin back in we're all ready let's load up look at this up mess that's funny to the pond we [Music] go oh oh [Music] man let's go we're going this way I'm taking A New Path every time I drive which is super fun this one cening cuz it's right next to the beautiful Lake but we're going out to the front Pond oh I forgot I had a trailer on the back should probably go a little slower that thing is bouncing oh we might be uh losing some cargo we are here at what I call the front pond because it's the pond well at the front of the property right against the driveway on the road it's not much of a pond it's honestly a mud bog it's like a bounty hole we drove the monster truck through here twice the first time we put the monster truck in it was romping and it just swallowed it it actually caught the monster truck on fire it's on fire it's on fire get out of there fire extinguisher the second time we came in from over here and that actually worked oh there's Matt yes I guarantee you're going to see him in probably 30 seconds on this Vlog he's going to be rolling up oh it's so funny the monster truck did claim the Bounty hole so we have this marked off I think it's now it's time to drain it so we can dig it out so it can be a beautiful Pond once again that's where this thing comes in I didn't really show you or explain to you guys what this is but this is a trash pump bolted onto a trailer these are bins of like accessories and it's basically like a firetruck pump it's pretty similar it puts out a ton of water and you can use it to pump things the last time we used this we filled the back of the dump truck full of pool water and we went swimming around in the field that was super cool comment down below if you guys remember that Vlog this soon to be pretty Pond has a natural drain that just comes out of here and down the stream so all I have to do is pump the water from there and just put it right here and let it trickle down the natural Causeway so let's try lining up the pump and see if it'll fire up and just like I said look he was right on Q we got Matt oh my gosh let's see what he's doing you guys are right on time speculating whether you'd be out here making a big mess by the time we got back or not but no you've restrained yourself over the hill and I wanted to see the big arm we're close I think if this runs I think we'd be pretty dry certainly by tomorrow if not in maybe like two hours it should pump this yeah 2 hours kind of it's not much water it's not very deep did you make did you check how much fuel was in it there's some and then I grabbed that old jug that was on back of the house it's still been there is that premix or is that regular I don't know o that's probably premix it looks kind of dark that's premix for sure that's looks like it so hard to tell it kind of feels like it I have an idea where we may only need a suction hose which would be great oh and just spray it spray park that works I want to park oh gosh okay I want to park it as close as I can to right here without it falling off the ledge so we hopefully can just spray the water straight out okay does that feel sturdy kind ofest say I might that's probably fine it's hard to see what's going on with these hoses um but Matt quickly pointed out we're missing the suction hose these are the output hoses so this is kind of like your garden hose the suction hose is more like this where it's rigid and strong like a straw so you can suck on it and it'll actually pull the water up this is way too small so we got to go find that I need to see if this old girl is going to run I mean it's not really that old so it should start haven't used it in a while but it's not that old of a machine so I guess let's just pull it cuz if that doesn't run we're not getting anywhere man all this hose on here it's good for storage but this is challenging to even get to the engine there we go step one click that to on step two I think we got to put the well the fuel was left on that's this lever that's not great you want to S it the other way and then choke we want to switch to run on the left throttle probably down okay that's up we'll try a few poles here oh my gosh I can't even like see oh second pull amazing okay then we're going to put this to run rev it up a little bit oh we got some old water coming out that is so nasty oh it's like a [Applause] milk okay that's disgusting looks oh it honestly looks like dog puke well that's just old rusty water sitting in the actual pump it's not really that big of concern but you don't really want water to be sitting in there but that is where it comes out we got to unscrew this to prime it anyway so we got to fill it with water oh gosh that is on there tight man that is so tight okay I'm G to need a tool there we go that's the suction hose so it goes on the left side coming out towards the ranger this is the suction end with the basket nice rigid hose this keeps it from sucking up like leaves and stuff so we just got to stick this down in here I think it's going to be long enough oh this is perfect length I think cuz you can always just dig this a little deeper here and stick it down in there and yeah I think we'll be good so now we got to see if we can prime it and get it going that's the worst part of this the worst part hardest part about getting this pump going is priming the pump itself with water hopefully that's enough the pump was sitting full of water it came out like a mil Shake oh boy all right here we go just got to pour all this water in here okay this funnel is not really worth it that's pretty good I mean it's going to get wet it's a pump so all right that's full already I'm going to Prim the rest as it runs watch not start this time now that you guys are watching uh-huh a second hole which is pry sick it's been a reliable engine so [Music] first yeah running we're draining the lake that works great we don't even need an exit hose all right so this thing puts out like five gallon a second or something like crazy which is five of those Home Depot buckets that doesn't sound right it might be like 60 gallons a minute do the math that's like a bucket or two per second that's crazy that's a lot of water so if we look on this side we should just see this just slowly lower down and drain I guess I'll set up a time lapse and see if it works this was really cool this is quite a big flow seeing it squirt out it's hard to know how much that is but when you see it compared to how it was this is like a full-blown heavy rainstorm kind of flow right [Applause] here it's time to bring the big dinosaur over so Matt's climbing his way up the monster truck cuz we got to move this first cuz it's right in the path that we're going to be taking the dinosaur let's see how long it takes to get her to go we're trying to fire up the old girl oh it's a cold start come on I don't think it's running on all cylinders come on ah so close is that like two cylinders or like two cylinders maybe one come on come on there it is yeah you be this reliable well you know there you go that's Doom it's Doom bug again right now yeah but this at least always gets there always gets there it's way better now that it's a little warmer when it was cold that was here we go moving the oh you might have it keep going keep it rolling can see all the drive [Music] shaft come on Monster she runs just fine it's just an old car at engine and it's hard to get it to start for the first time every once in a while like yes there she [Music] goes and just like that we got old monster out of the way so we can get the dinosaur walking up and around this path man just walking up close this thing you start to see just like how big it is like pretty big it's in its lowest setting I mean the bucket's literally on the ground but it's still that tall just craziness one two three steps not as many is the monster truck but it's up here it's up there you should get the skdy and the dump truck out just so that they're you know making a presentence cold start that was a little easier than the monster truck it is the lamest cold start ever all it is is just sounds like you're starting out the vacuum cleaner so quiet did Chris say we got to warm this warmer up before we get moving on it or let it sit for a minute or just just don't like rev it up real hard but it it's got smarts in it it's not going to let you run it hard uh before it warms up so yeah you can just run it that's not going to hurt anything yeah I think I would like idle up just a couple of clicks and just run it like that until it warms up yeah and we're off pushing on these should make us move forward you can turn off the beat we're backwards right now all right well we're off in cruising how's the tracks sounds like a tank that's not that bad woo well we're moving I'm going to try to go as much of a straight line as possible so that way uh we just don't tear up the grass as much but Matt's probably got a better angle back there and I'm sure it's looking pretty of we got a little bit of terrain coming up here click it back into Turtle mode I'm going to try to Pivot on this Gravel drive here okay so we got to kind of oh it's so confusing I got to rotate so we're technically sitting backwards that's a little bit messy over there oh look at how much dirt just ripped up oh my gosh this thing is it it's an excavator for just the track it literally is in a straight line it's not that bad it looks worse than it is it's not bad really pushy but this is bad well this is what the skid steer is for the skid steer I can come in and smooth that back out so it's just the way it is all right we're off and moving kind of mostly in a straight line that's the straighter we go the better we're going to be on the ground which just means we have less cleanup to do when we're done with this project otherwise we're just going to be tearing everything up which might happen regardless honestly wait wait wait oh is it just looking what is it doing you might want to come a little further out first is it just wrecked it's just it's just like peeling the grass off the ground from this perspective I can see this portion of the track quite literally just pushing like sliding it's it's getting it's just like peeling the grass off like a skin I guess we just keep going yeah get her there just doing the best I can oh man the thing sound so cool just it sounds like a military tank just rolling like in an old like war movie or something it's like vibrating me a little bit too I think we're all right we're going full speed right now it's on bunny mode full rev straight line This is as fast as it'll go it's probably like 6 M an hour it's as fast as like a fast power walk I'm sure it's leaving some pretty big Trails behind right now this is the softest ground right here it's kind of funny because I'm driving with my feet like my hands are free it's kind of silly cuz uh you're supposed to be able to drive and operate the stick at the same time oh no gosh we have a we have an error check fault check engine we got close to the asphalt I know we got a check engine light just came on oh no yeah that's this could be bad yep and it's that's fun it's flashing at me what does it mean to check engine mean like could mean anything is there a way that like it tells us I know I wonder Chris would know better than me oh you're changing that up there oh oh I see so The Skit Steer will tell you air codes when you get them I don't like the look of that flashing light oh boy we might have jinxed ourselves oh I would say I would say to keep running it because if it's something bad it'll tell you to shut the engine down see think it's something more minor engine fault check engine it's just yeah it's just a general check engine light I wouldn't worry about it too much at the moment cuz it uh my guess is it's something fairly minor usually it'll tell you to shut it down if it's uh bad okay well we got all that sorted out let's uh let's keep going all right we're off and running again and we got the pond in front of us we do have a check engine L which is I don't know how big of a deal it is I'm I'm a bit worried about it this is pretty exciting cuz this is the first time we have it here we can see how far reaches yeah move some move some move some dirt the AAL reach yeah all right here we go out my favorite part of this machine is that it just reaches so far oh my gosh did the camera even show this that's so far oh my gosh oh rocking a little bit okay that's bottom I think we're scooping I'm kind of underwater so I don't know I'm going for just a big one oh I got something oh we got something I don't know what to do with that should I just slop it over there I don't know put it put it right there or something I would bring it in and then spin all right let's try to bring this thing in without dropping it there we go we're getting somewhere oh all right nice and easy now oh that is sloppy that is sloppy I don't know where we should put it we're kind of committing to a lot by dropping this somewhere where do you want it right there oh oh oh Matt got slopped on and that's the official first scoop done in the new excavator oh my gosh okay I'm definitely Rusty but I mean that was successful I want to take a look how's it feel feels great I'm Rusty I got to finesse the little you know look at that let's go look at it is giving me Dayja V the first pile of dirt yep oh that looks exactly like what we had at my parents house identical and when it hit the ground it SL splashed everywhere I saw it just slop okay well if we put that in the dumpy it is going to just be like we got it drain cuz we get a lot of water out of that when I scooped in it I was going slow it was gushing water like tons and tons yeah up to you little more little a little more time consuming to let it dry but uh we'll make less overall mess we might be just get the water off and then it's dry enough cuz that was underwater still by a foot yeah but that looks like good quality material though it is good dirt oh wait it's dry yeah de enough you got to dry wait this is like blue clay oh wa what that is in interesting it's blue weird is weird a very interesting color and it's dry it's like Sandy yeah that's really interesting stuff we'll have a blue motorcross truck how could that be yeah look at this got people pay good money for these River Rocks I don't know what that is it's like a it's like sand but it's also like it looks like mint toothpaste it does that's really interesting stuff yeah I don't know what that is man that would I don't know look you found trash I know there's going to be a lot of trash in there too I think I think I think we're going to find a here goes Matt taking a turn at it look at this thing from the outside it's crazy it's so tall let's see how he does on his inaugural scoop it reaches so far you can't even see the machine way back here there we go all right so that's bottom couple feet deep still oh that's lots of leaves lots of leaves all right it's all about that joystick control and that finesse oh oh don't lose it don't lose it oh gosh driving these things is like a claw machine it's just like it's a lot of skill but you can get really good at it and it's amazing what you're capable of when you spend a little time you can like basic it's just insane there we go oh what
Channel: Carter's Life
Views: 519,623
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Carter Sharer, carter, sharer, carters life, team rar, carter life, someone destroyed
Id: DayuMiqmaIo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 3sec (1563 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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