Best Example of Honor I Have Seen

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or rights books or whatever CDs go around you get interesting emails and letters and a lot of them are really encouraging and then there's the others but actually they encouraged me to they get me stirred up people I tell you the truth people Bend and Todd he was going through a real difficult thing year-and-a-half ago many abandoned him they were back on his wagon now and he's graciously welcomed them all back it's really easy to jump ship when somebody's facing some tough stuff that's not the time to jump that's the time to get on board wave a flag and save don't shoot their shoot over here strewth back to my email it's a long email how in God's name can you endorse todd Bentley that was it so I wrote him back my answer was a little longer than his question have you spent time with Todd do you know him have you watched him with his wife have you seen how he treats his kids have you spent any time with his staff have you been to his ministry has he been to yours have you laid hands on him and prayed as he laid hands on you and pray have you grieved over tragedy together have you celebrated victory together as he sought your counsel as he traveled a great distance just to meet with you privately for advice have you ever received his counsel have you ever been in the room when God shows up on him use dim and stunning miracles have you seen him operate or to knowledge at the prophetic have you met with this council of elders have you personally benefited from his gift has he benefited from your gift in ministry has he ever honored you for who you are in God has he partnered with you as a friend have you sacrificed for his welfare for that of his family have you sought God with him have you ever worshiped the Lord with him I didn't think so I have and I'll continue to support those I have walked with in life and ministry he is my friend more importantly God calls him friend and if you and I were ever friends at that level the people hated you turned against you started webpages to tear down your ministry criticized you to your friends wrote against you in Christian magazines criticized you on the radio wrote emails to other conference speakers and authors I'd still be your friend by the way criticism in the form of a question is not a question but to respond to your statement how in God's name can you endorse todd Bentley it's easy I do it in God's name
Channel: Sherri Wilson
Views: 14,678
Rating: 4.3806453 out of 5
Keywords: RVCap9
Id: rD2nydjMDPU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 47sec (227 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 09 2013
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