Bill Johnson - Recognizing and Honoring the Annointing

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when you honor the anointing see the Spirit of God can rest on a donkey's already showing us that it's the Spirit of God that we learned to recognize now I don't know how he works with you but he sets me up all the time by bringing me the weirdest person I know and he puts the word of the Lord in their mouth and I have to be able to recognize that when it comes the point I'm trying to make is this how hungry for him are you because sometimes he'll rest on the donkey sometimes he'll speak through the reject to the rebel sea without recognizing the presence without being acquainted with the voice I can reject them I could say look at their lifestyle I can say all kinds of things and cut myself off from the very thing that God sent to me I sent you the canoe I sent you the speedboat I sent you the helicopter I sent you all these things you asked for I sent opportunity for you to get the economic breakthrough he was in your church for 25 years you just never saw the Spirit of God upon him but I put the Spirit of God upon him and I put a gift within him that you could honor and if you honored it you would get to taste of what they bring to the table this is not about the people to write the books I'm thankful for the books I'm glad I get to do it it's the person in front of you it's the person that sometimes were too familiar with to draw from the supernatural and somehow Elijah and Elijah as respected as they were in Israel it was not enough to draw to break a famine or to break leprosy to draw from that annoyance that makes sense to you every person every person is made in the image of God so every person deserves honor on that level how can an ungodly person write a beautiful song I used to think it was the devil but it's not it's because they're made in the image of God how can they design a beautiful building is made in the image of God every person has a gift in them given from God so every person deserves honor on two levels made an image of God and the gift they've been given the third one is reserved for believers it's not only the gift but it's the spirit who has chosen to rest upon them one of the things that concerns me is to see how many people will reject another believer that carries the Spirit of God because they don't like their history I can I can tell you how to find out if a church or a group of people is governed by a political spirit or religious spirit I can tell you how to find out throw a controversy in the middle of them the political spirit washes their hands of the matter creates a distance so that nobody associates me with that sinner the religious community picks up stones to show our opposition to sin and our zeal for holiness and they want to stone the person you can always find where people stand but is the religious spirit wants to bring death to prove their holiness and the political spirit wants to create distance to preserve their reputation and Jesus Stoops to the woman caught in adultery and that is kingdom valued the first we valued a person so much that he didn't even have to do the preach thing whatever he wrote in the sand I've heard good sermons but we still don't know what he wrote in the sand whatever he wrote in the sand will be so much grace into the atmosphere that her faith in Him became natural because grace is the atmosphere for great faith most of us belong to a denominational model or have and even if you don't belong to one it's a part of our thinking denominations are formed on agreed-upon truths which automatically means if you no longer agree you have to be removed from the group and the shift that's happening right now is that people are not just gathering together around agreed-upon truths they're gathering around fathers they're grabbing around mothers and when the family sits down our dinner you can have all kinds of different opinions and it never changes the fact that it's a family sitting around the middle diversity is one of the luxuries of a culture of Honor it enables us to celebrate the uniqueness of every person even those we disagree with to value the person because of their place in God's eyes see there are many who can't receive from certain groups and I've watched this through the years the Lord oftentimes will put the very thing you're crying out for with the group you least want to be associated with they could he because he's got to know do you really want me or do you want me and the ability to look good first Corinthians is the gift of the spirit called discerning of spirits I always thought that was the ability to recognize demons but it doesn't say that it says the certainty of spirits done correctly we get to recognize graces the rest on people's lives the flavour of his own nature that has already settled in that person the Spirit of God has chosen to rest on this one I better not reject the one he has accepted the inability to recognize the Spirit of God has caused the church to reject and condemn many people when they were just fish being cleaned listen this is the greenhouse that grows the seeds that we ate for grows the plants the flowers that we pray for constantly that manifestation of the kingdom that we want so much to see in our cities they're all developed easily in the greenhouse I've just described it's the place where every person finds they're actually valued by God they're actually celebrated and that happens to be the culture where miracles are normal if he can if he can trust me valuing you and preserving your reputation he'll trust me with his reputation the realm of miraculous opens more powerfully to people that can be trusted and sometimes the test is with that friend that differs
Channel: LampsBurning
Views: 8,007
Rating: 4.7142859 out of 5
Keywords: bill, Johnson, revival, holy, spirit, Jesus, Christ, Yeshua, anointing
Id: G3ddSa_i_wA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 0sec (480 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 10 2012
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