Bill Johnson "Honoring the Presence" with Michael and Jessica Koulianos

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when you walked into Toronto I mean whether things you had never seen before a manifestation wise or atmosphere wise something you never experienced before were you pretty familiar with what was happening I was fairly familiar but on a small scale you know when you have something happened in a prayer meeting with 15 people and then you walk into him with his 5,000 it's there's a sensory overload you know I mean it was it was if I close my eyes I could tell us the same anointing if I opened my eyes what I was seeing was was over over overload over one of that stretch you stretch your paradigm it did but I didn't have a problem with it okay I mean if I were to isolate this person that person this person I'd say yeah I've seen that we've experienced that I've had that but when you have it all in the same room it's just literally as overload and but I but I noticed the Lord and I knew as I was on a journey I'd already I'd already prayed he had touched me touched us in 1987 so I was in Toronto in 95 February 95 and I and on the way there I said Lord if you'll touch me again I'll never change the subject I'll never I'll never add what you're doing to what I'm doing I'll make what you're doing the only thing I do and so I went with that expectation I didn't have anything dramatic but I knew I had enough right so I came home and did what I said I would do so when it comes to Stewart in the presence of the Lord yeah would you say as basic as just walking with the Lord I mean would you say those are one in the same well it is but when you talk about stewarding the presence honoring the presence I think I think it forces me anyway to be more intentional more intentional more more aware of my responsibility my assignment not good to not grieve to not quench to to follow his leading I would hope the whole Krishna life is filled with but when you talk about hosting the presence you talk about giving place to the Spirit of God stewarding presence it forces me to be much more intentional in how I think what I do the way I model that kind of a lifestyle it's not just an add-on it's it's the essence of why I'm alive to walk with the Lord yeah ya know corporately in the corporate setting or to lead others into that does that change at all I mean what are the differences walking with the Lord personally and then leading of people or am corporate meeting for instance if the discerning what the Lord wants to do or however that plays out well it's it's an important combination personal life in the corporate life because many people will learn to hear God to sense his presence for the sake of the corporate meeting and that's not a good place to learn it's your personal life it's when I have nothing to perform I have nothing to do I'm interested in who you are because of who you are I want to recognize your presence because you're with me and there's developing in my own walk with the Lord relationship with the Holy Spirit that isn't so I can do something for him it's just so that I can know him then I get into the corporate setting I have history I have a personal history that I'm bringing into the environment and now I have to learn how to do it for the purpose of a company of people instead of just for myself but the point is is our personal history with them that I'm bringing into the gathering and that personal history is pretty difficult to get to somebody else isn't it and if you can't you can't give it you can model it you can tell them your experience you can you know stir up people that get hungry things like that you know you can give opportunities that's really what we do I can't force anyone to have an encounter with God but I can create the room for it to happen I can make sure that testimonies examples scripture is is put before people to stir up their passion but but you can't give away your history that's yeah that's that's yours and yours alone right you know there's probably some people watching who maybe you've never heard anything like what we're talking about right now and when we talk about the presence of the Lord well what are we talking about we're talking about the Lord Himself yeah say that in the Old Testament when the word presence is used and it's actually the word face right so we're talking about the the president's have got it he asked true but it's his face I mean yeah John the Baptist was sent up before the face of the Lord oh wow yeah so what we do is we we uh sure in the face the face represents the delight of a perfect father in a child it's is the countenance issue face and so that's what we do when we steward presences were stewarding the countenance Wow ya know Richard Warren brand remember he said when he was taken prisoner by the communists all those years underground and he he had not seen him himself for I think 14 years and so one of the chief interrogators wanted to just harass him a little bit a lot of Communists they took him into a room and the guy sat down and he ain't pulled out a Bible it was Richards Bible he hadn't seen the Word of God and you know over a decade and he said I hadn't celebrated communion and over a decade I they drugged you to forget scripture and to literally they drugged you so that you forget all you know and he said he would meditate on what he did know until he went into seeing and hearing what he was meditating on they said so I've seen Abraham's camels and I've seen the masses that's jesus healed he's I've been there yeah it's forever alive because it's his word and it never dies so they when they took him that interrogator took out the word and he said is this book the Word of God he said yes sir it is and he said is your God good he said yes sir he's good it's interesting for someone who's been locked away to say yes he was and he said is does he make everything he makes is it perfect he said oh yes it's it's perfect and they whipped out a mirror and he showed Richard himself he goes what do you think of this all his hair had fallen out he hadn't eaten well for all those years his eyes were dark and baggy and he had no teeth left and he said and his skin was hanging like a wet bag and he said he had never seen anything like it and at first it shocked him he was just taken back by the sight of what he was looking at and then the man said so did your God create this and instantly he said he heard the Holy Spirit and he said sir the Hebrew word for face is by name and it's never used in the singular he said my God has many sides to his face one is glorious one is the suffering Christ all at the same time so he said yes the Lord did did create this he said you're looking at the suffering Jesus in my face right now and the guy was just like oh my god yah-hoo and hope I could just oh my goodness yeah I never forgot that oh I never forgot you up yeah
Channel: Jesus Image
Views: 8,824
Rating: 4.9627905 out of 5
Keywords: Jesus is king, Jesus, Michael Koulianos, Bethel, kanye west, Todd White, Benny Hinn, Upper Room, Jesus Image, eric gilmour, Jesus Conference, Daniel Kolenda, Reinhard Bonnke, Brian Guerin, Heidi Baker, Redding, Bill Johnson, Theo Koulianos, popovici, Jessica Koulianos
Id: 2VIaFMDfNmk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 5sec (485 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 22 2015
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