Best Corned Beef Hash Recipe with Canned Corned beef

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Chef Buck here and today we're going to cook up a  very simple corned beef hash recipe now the recipe   i'm going to have is for a whole can of corned  beef but i'm just going to use half of it today   to make corned beef hash now the first thing i'm  going to do is put a hole in the bottom of the can   so it causes sciency stuff to happen and  the stuff will slip out of here easier   theoretically oops i did it on the wrong  side of the can it's supposed to be this side   because it comes out of there i don't know a lot  about science put the hole on the right side boom   so now you just want to take the key  off and then we'll turn it around then we'll just give it a turn and  carry it all the way around the can and   hopefully we won't have any uh engineering  difficulties while we're doing this here so it goes around easy peasy lemon squeezy and then we open it up just like the world's worst  christmas present and it should plop right out of   there because we put that little sciency hole in  the top although science you know we got a lot to   learn about science it's not a 100 reliable so  let me give it a shake shake shake and you have   to be careful because the edges of this can are  pretty lethal now about half of it came out so   that's going to be perfect because i only want  to use half so i'm going to save this half here   and i can form this into patties and fry it up  and use it for sandwiches as a breakfast side   or anything like that but i'm just going to use  this half here for my corned beef hash so i'm   going to cut it into a few slices because first  thing i'm going to do is put a little bit of sear   on my corned beef i heat my skillet up on medium  heat i'm just going to give it a light spray so i'm going to lay my slices in my skillet and even though this is just going to be a  half order of this recipe you know that's   a lot of meat you know especially for  one person but i'm all about my lonesome   so i don't want to jeopardize myself by cooking  the whole can and plus i've only got one potato   and really you need two potatoes to go with  one can of spam otherwise it's too meaty but   while i'm getting a sear on my meat here i'm  going to go ahead and give my potato a slice   and this is a pretty small potato i mean it's  not ginormous but i'm going to cut it in half and then i'm going to cut each half in half   then cut it lengthwise and then sideways so that  i got some little cubes and these are about the   size a little less than the size of a die and  that's about what we're looking for we don't   want them to be so small that it turns to mush  but we don't want want it to be so big that it   won't cook up in a timely fashion because this  this really doesn't take a long time to cook up but you want to make sure you got your potato  sizes pretty uniform so that they'll cook   evenly that's a nice little bit of potato  so let me shove this out of the way here   and then i'm going to slice up my onion kind  of a dinky do onion you know if i was making a   regular order of this you know i'd want to  use an onion you know like like like like   well you know twice as big as that but before  i slice my onion i'll go ahead and give my meat   a little flippy flip and corned beef is already  cooked in the can so we're not actually cooking   this meat to get it done we're just cooking  it to get a little bit of a sear on it and it doesn't take much time at all to give  this a little sear plus we're getting a little   bit of the meat flavor in the skillet before i  put the other ingredients in there so while my   corned beef continues to sear i'll go ahead and  cut up my onion and i'm going to go ahead and   slice my onion into some pretty dinky do pieces  you know sometimes i'll do it with big chunky   chunks but today i'm going infantisimismal you can  slice your onion up into whatever sizes you like so i got a little bit of color on my  corned beef now that's all i wanted to do so i'll just take this out of  the skillet and then set it aside   and i just did that because that seared flavor  is really nice you know and i can do it up real   quick while i'm slicing up my other ingredients  i'm going to go ahead and put a little bit of oil   in my skillet now just a little canola oil  but whatever kind of oil you like to use   now this is completely optional but i  really like caraway seeds you know when   i'm cooking up a corned beef dish so  i'm going to throw these seeds in here   just let that go for just a few moments  straight off i'm going to slide in my taters now if i was making a regular order of this  here you know with a full can you know i would   definitely want a larger skillet than this  so now i'm going to go ahead and let these   potatoes cook all by themselves undisturbed for a  few moments to get a little bit of color on those   so after a couple of minutes i'll go ahead and  give my potatoes a little bit of a turn there   and we'll leave them alone for a couple  more minutes you want to have them nice   and spread out in one layer we'll let  these taters go for a couple more minutes so these have been cooking all on  their lonesome for about five minutes so now i'm going to go ahead and add in the onion we'll mix our onion in here get everything stirred around nicely then i'll  spread it out and let this go let the onions   cook with the potatoes now for a couple of  minutes so it's been about three minutes i'll give it a stir now i'm going to add in  a little bit of seasoning i got some paprika   a little hot pepper and a little black pepper i  don't have any salt because canned corn beef has a   lot of salt in it already so i'm not going to add  any more to the dish but now i'm going to go ahead   and add in my canned corned beef i'm going to give  it a little bit of a choppy chop chop right here   and i'll just slide it in we'll stir  it in here with these other ingredients now canned corn beef has a lot of flavor and  we've added in those additional seasonings but   what i really like with my corned beef  hash is some worcestershire sour sauce   and i kind of added in late into the process here so that was quite a little bit you know  that was probably more than a tablespoon   but you'll want to do it to taste  now this dish is pretty much done   i'm just going to let it cook away for a few more  minutes until my potatoes are done to my liking   so i probably had this stuff going for about five  minutes i'm gonna go ahead and give a big chunk of   potato here a little taste test to see how it is  but you can see how easily that fork slid in there   so that's it it's done to my liking so now all i  have to do is cook me up an egg throw it on there   and i have me a nice little breakfast but that's  it give this easy meat and potato dish a try throw you an over easy egg on there you  know get that nice yolky sauce sauce sauce   all over your meat and potatoes you know this  is classic canned corn beef recipe right here   you know one of the most affordable  delicious meat and potato dishes you can make   the recipe i'll have uh down below and over at will be for it'll be double this   recipe so you can use the whole can of corned beef  if you got one potato just use half a can if you   got two potatoes use a whole can but that's it you  know hopefully camera girl will be back next week   and you won't have to suffer through  another whatever kind of abomination   of a video this is thanks for watching thanks  for subscribing we'll see you next weekend bye
Channel: Chef Buck
Views: 179,120
Rating: 4.8468337 out of 5
Keywords: Corned beef hash recipe, how to make corned beef hash, how to make corn beef hash, Corned beef recipe, easy breakfast hash, best corned beef hash, potato hash, corn beef hash recipe, best canned corned beef recipe, canned corned beef, canned corn beef recipe, how to eat canned corned beef, how to open canned corn beef, canned meat, canned beef, corned beef in a can, easy canned corned beef recipe, how to use canned corned beef, tinned beef recipe, chef buck, my food channel
Id: SPr_UnCrYPg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 36sec (516 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 09 2021
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