Corned Beef Hash Cook with me

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hey guys so I got asked to share my corned beef hash recipe now I have to say this is really really simple but I'm going to share it anyway so let me spin you around and show you what ingredients so here I've got two tins of corned beef depending on the size of your corned beef hash you will need one or two but we have two I'll put these in the fridge so they're nice and cold it's just easier to cut into the corned beef that way we have a side of beans with a star there my beans I then have my sack of potatoes for the mashed potatoes and I've got some cheese just to put on top so first off I'm going to peel my potatoes and start boiling them up to make my mash [Music] [Music] [Music] so like I said I put these in the fridge so they'd be nice and cold I'm just gonna open them up very careful because this is really sharp just get the knife see now if you can see the fat that's on the outside I just cut that away I don't I don't use that I just discard this I remember when I was young my mom would cut these into slices and pan-fry them and we'd have that with mash and beans ice all over different corned beef ash does anybody else remember spam fritters as well so here I'm just gonna cut them into slices around that thick and then I'm just gonna cut them into slices and then into cubes and I'm gonna do this with both tin [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so I put a sharp knife into potatoes and once they broke apart easily only then cooked so I prank them I'm now going to mash them up just to add a little bit of Marge obviously butters fine just about that much I add a little bit of salt and some pepper I also add some milk but I'm not going to do that just yet we're gonna start mashing first so I've got my Michelle I prefer these ones because you can really push down easy so I'm just going to mash this up and then once I've got all the numbers out then I'll start adding my milk you just add as much as you want until it's as creamy as you want it you could also use cream instead of milk will make a more creamy summer mash is already you could also add some onions fry up some onions and put this in with the corned beef that would be really tasty but we just have it like this but you can adapt this however you want I'm just going to move my bottom try out the way and I'm gonna put half my mashed potato on top of my layer of Kombi followed by my second tin of corned beef I've seen some people just do one lamb of corned beef in one layer of mash but I like to layer it up just personal preference it doesn't make it taste any different by the rest of my mash now I'm just going to finish this off by adding some cheese and we like a lot of cheese on top this is the kids best part is the cheese so I'm going to sit this in the oven I'm electric so I'd do 200 that's 400 Fahrenheit I ran gas March 6 the mash is cooked the corned beef is cooked you just want to heat it through and melt the cheese so I once the cheese is all golden and bubbly and melted then you're good to go so yeah I'm gonna add that to the other now and I'll show you when it's all done so it's been 45 minutes and my corned beef hash is fresh out the oven I'm just doing my beans I like my beans really really soft I can't stand hard beans so I really really cook them down I'll show you what it looks like plated on here's what it looks like plated up I hope you enjoyed this video and I'll see in the next one take care bye
Channel: Wright At Home
Views: 393,065
Rating: 4.6538277 out of 5
Id: adwqfzk_7QA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 18sec (498 seconds)
Published: Wed May 31 2017
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