How to Make Corn Beef Hash SUPER EASY AND YUM !!!

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hi guys today I'm going to be making corned beef hash it's one of our family favorites and it's super easy to make you can also freeze it so what are we going to need we're going to need the humble potato hot potato and corned beef now I'm using pin corned beef you could use fresh corned beef from the den section entirely empty you we're also going to need some brown sauce you could use barbecue sauce as well and it's quite famous in the state's barbecue sauce as it is an England of course as well but I know it is really really popular in America and you can use barbecue sauce with a nice smoky flavor we're going to use some Worcestershire sauce and that gives an elastic one sort of flavour also some mustard now I'm using Dijon mustard you can use any much mustard of your preference in French English American German yes any mustard you like also going to use some onions in it mustache onions some Jew Fleur cheese it's going to be some cheese in it as well and we're going to decorate it with the tomato so let's get started okay so first of all we need to peel all of the potatoes once you've peeled all the potatoes need to cut them up into fairly even sized pieces for boiling we're going to boil these and then we're going to mash them once they've got soft make them into mashed potatoes before we add the rest of the ingredients so just need to cut them into roughly about the same size okay so I've put the potatoes in a pot I've completely covered potatoes with cold water and I just sprinkled in a bit of salt and some pepper for taste I'm going to boil that for around about 35 to 40 minutes until the potatoes are nice lost so that we can match them okay so while the potatoes are bubbling away in the background I've just peeled the onions and I'm just going to roughly dice okay cut it down and then just do a rough dice to flip fry these off last that way and then lightly spray just for a rough day onion will do it a bit of texture [Music] [Music] ok so now we're going to fry off the onions and putting in some butter into the pan for a nice flavor and some olive oil this certainly butter doesn't burn well it's cooking and then we're going to wait until it's nice and sizzling hot we'll add in the onions ok so it's nice and still in hot sauces all and add in the onions next few days onion then it's and a good stir around and we just cook that for around about 5 minutes until the onion is stiff starting to take on a little bit of color ok so they look a nice color now it's just something to take on a bit of golden brown somewhere turn up the heat and then going to add that to the potato okay so they've been cooking now for 40 minutes from their life and soft put the knife in and nice and soft I'm going to turn off the heat and then we've drained those then put them back in the pot just to dry off any excess liquid okay just drain off into a colander I'm going to pop those back into the pot and then just dry them off on the stove okay you can hear them sizzling away there is drying off I'm just going to mash those while they're drying off use my trusty potato masher and smash that match dries it out they don't have a sloppy mixture that's looking good yum yum - that just extra flavor I'm going to add just a touch of butter and turn off the heat completely okay so I'm just going to add in a bit of butter extra flavor Mac's answer as well I'm just going to mix that in mix that through okay I'll get the rest of the ingredients okay so to that mixture I'm going to add in some mustard I'm using Dijon mustard it's entirely up to you what mustard you'd like to use well I like this one because it has a bit of a bite to it but a peak want that don't really like that and I'm also going to add in the brown sauce roughly about two tablespoons Oh Daisy and I'm going to add in few splashes of Worcestershire sauce and then just mix that through and then we'll add in the corn beef so what I've done is I've taken the corn beef out of its tin and then what I'm going to do is that I'm going to cut that up into small dice so that I can mix that through the potato mixture nicely just cut it down have it into small dice make it easy to go through the mashed potato we'll add that to that okay now we just need to add in the corn beef put that in there also add in some grated cheese leave leaver and cheese in there I'm going to leave some for the top for when we put it in the oven and I put some cheese on the top you just mix this through valium - you need to mix it all the way through or you can have little bits of corned beef just still little clumps of them inside the actual mixture it just depends on how you prefer it we like to have it like that which sort of half mixed in a half got nice little chunks of corned beef so now let's put it into the dish okay so we put the mixture into our dish it's not really sloppy we don't want to sloppy mix chefs it's awful happy like that you [Music] then we just need to put some tomato on the top it's a nice flavor as well makes it look nice bring forth at the school cheese when cooking their lovely golden brown in that place the cheese on the top space in the oven basically just until the top is nice and browned and we're gonna put that in the oven now 180 degrees around about 20 minutes okay see this needs to put that in the middle of the oven let that cook for 25 minutes having a bubble boil and trouble okay so it's been in the oven now for 25 minutes that license profound on the top lovely cheesy beautiful yes yummy gonna enjoy that tonight's dinner YUM I do hope you enjoyed that video please give me a thumbs up or subscribe below if your comment is also where you can follow me on instagram twitter or facebook Bon Appetit have a great day thank you very much of the bye for now see you soon [Music]
Channel: Easy to Cook at Home
Views: 706,078
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: recipe, corn beff, corn beef, cornbeef, hash, cornbeef hash, corned beef, lunch, finicky eaters, kids food, kids, beef, brisket, guinness, cooking, food, recipes, family, meat, corn beef recipe, corn beef hash recipe, corn beef hash, hash (dish), beef (ingredient), bbq, bully beef, corned beef brisket, hash hash, corned beef hash, cook, left overs, leftovers, How to Make Corn Beef Hash, How to Cook CornBeef Hash, beef hash
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 22 2017
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