Best Console Settings For Ark Survival Ascended

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playing ASA on Xbox series X having a hard time figuring out how to get the clouds the fog all those annoying extra additives that make the game just runs like crap no need to fear man we got the video here for you I'm going to show you how to make your Arc run just like this nice and smooth 50 to 60 frames real good gaml all right let's get into it what's good YouTube so I'm back here with a helpful video for all you guys just on Console looking to set your console up so it can run a lot smoother than the default settings um when Arc created the game they set everything on high they added all the extra BTS and whistles and I don't know about you guys a lot of that stuff I do not need all right I'm just trying to have the game Run smooth for PVP and also I would like to see and not be blinded by fog and glare and shadows and lights and all this extra stuff that really don't need all right so we're in the audio you guys can set your audio up just like this I don't think you really need all that um extra stuff but yeah it's all personal the video all right the only thing I have on in the video is the color everything else off motion blur film Bloom lights just all off all right if you want that stuff on expect the game to run a little bit more choppy a little bit more laggy not really that smooth um turning all that stuff off definitely helps out all right so here we are we're in the UI um this is where you can set up your cursor settings you know make it red green blue whatever color you like a lot of preference things here in this list uh if you copy everything you see here you'll have your setup just like what I'm running right it's really really good I'm enjoying it um I do recommend turning off that melee animation you definitely don't need that it actually makes the game Super laggy and annoying all right um as far as the stuff over here this is all some of it is personal too like the fahrenheit I've been living through Celsius in Canada for a while so seeing fah heit is pretty cool not even sure why my filter was on tribe set that to all um yes you definitely want to hide your server info with all the foolishness that's going on on an arc right now you definitely don't want your server number out there if it doesn't need to be um I disabled all this stuff right here you can see what I left on you can see what I left off pause the video and change all your settings like you see here in the video all right so we're going to head over to the camera um the sensitivities I was messing with it a little bit earlier um I had it down like 27 I think I'm going to bring it back up to around 4 40 45 44 somewhere around there and see how was how how it goes with that uh the third person camera offset I turned that off the camera view Bob turned that off pretty much if you see anything that say Bob turn it off all right camera POV I put that on 100% um I think it's something to do with like if you have a huge TV or the case may be I'm not even sure but I got it up maxed all right I definitely want my camera up maxed as you can see I'm running the 60 epic client Network bandwidth it's looking real smooth though when you turn all this stuff off and on um the game runs really really good when you tweak it if you don't tweak it you're in trouble all right this is one of the most important things in this video is the console access make sure you turn that on so you can add the console commands for official this is not no cheating this this is something that Xbox just patched the other the day not Xbox wild card they just patched it and allowed us to um add console commands these console commands allows you to turn off the foilage um the the fog the clouds all that stuff really really helps when you turn that off all right just copy all what you see here everything you see me doing here man you if you need vibration you can have it on but I'm not really about shaking my hands when I'm playing um you can see uh all the settings right here you definitely want to copy everything you see um don't skip nothing because if you don't copy everything and you don't save it correctly the game don't look right can't be mad at the video all right just make sure you follow rewatch the video if you need to um this is the way my controller and everything is set up and I just hit save and you can see here the game is running smooth all right it is night time it's not really during the day so it's really hard to see but as you can see when I'm running around and I'm running up the stuff everything looks pretty good all right if you want super super Graphics you can obviously go get a a super expensive PC um I do plan on building a PC um here real soon obviously to play the game more um prestigiously be up there at the top with all the big dogs right now the Xbox series X is working pretty fine I enjoy what I'm seeing here and obviously we we expected it to be a lot worse but this is pretty good man all right so you want to turn on your console access for your console commands and these are the commands you want to enter here all right these are the only three commands I put in um because I'm I'm hearing that if you put some other commands in you can really mess your game up like you won't even have water or textures and stuff like that so keep it real safe I stuck with the clouds and the Shadows in the grass all right removing those three um allows the game to run extremely smooth all right the the the frames are up there you'll be able to move around look around pull stuff out quick you obviously you going to have a little bit of serac this is official but for me this worked out pretty good all right so I got more content coming up um I do have to finish my notes and get some breeding some taming done um I did a a little bit of farming I got that coming up in the next video so make sure you guys drop a like hit that subscribe button hopefully this video helped you um My Tribe doing really really well as you can see here man TPS is everywhere we got a nice farming area bugs and just yeah man prestigious I'm naked I'm back on my grind and listen it's your boy live man hopefully this video help you guys enjoy Arc Asa
Channel: BlaZe is Live
Views: 20,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark survival ascended, ark survival ascended gameplay, ark gameplay, blazeislive, ark survival ascended console settings, Ark console setting, best ark survival ascended console settings, ark, ark console settings, how to set up ark on console
Id: pF5a5FE54X8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 35sec (455 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2023
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