Quick and Easy ASA Note Run! | Ark Survival Ascended Guide

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I'm going to show each of these note run locations and then I'm going to show the coordinates right after Okay so let's do this as quick as possible first one's right here and it is on 93.6 18.8 right below this little Cliff here all right so go over that big rock here and then you kind of want to just make your way through all these rocks and hug the right side of this Cliff here what you're going to do is you're going to go up and around okay so make your way through here and then just hit a right okay and then hit a right around the TRU obviously you're not going to have one of those but keep moving hug the cliff side okay hug the right side of the cliff and you want to just keep on making your way down till you get towards these ruins here that you see up ahead so you're trying to make your way over there it helps if you hug the right side here a little bit because you know Raptors Theos all sorts of things spawn around here so just trying to be as safe as possible once you get about here stop sprinting so you don't fly off the cliff kind of hit it at an angle just move slowly and then hit the tech Explorer note at 95.8 20.2 once you hit this you kind of want to pick up the pace a little bit to make sure that you can get all the other Explorer notes while you still have this 4X boost because that's going to help a lot okay so keep on running alongside the cliff side here hugging the right trying to be as safe as possible got to be a little careful though because there's a little curve right here right you might just fall if you're being a little too close to the right side so give it a little bit of space just be mindful go around this rock go past this tree and then as you get over here you're going to notice there's another little type of Cliff but right at the bottom of the cliff another Explorer note so just make your way down here no fall damage go grab the Explorer note this one is at 92.5 22.8 now you can just keep on running straight pretty much exactly from the way that you just were running just keep on going straight and try to make your way to this next tree line over here keep on running try to be you know if there are a lot of creatures here that you see in the middle maybe stick over by the water go ahead and grab some water too if you're dehydrated but keep on running make your way into the woods here and as you can see directly ahead right here's the next one this one's at 89.5 and 24 so we just kept on going straight and then we found it now you want to keep going straight again go straight more and then you're going to get into this little opening here and as you can see straight again is another Explorer note very simple 88.1 23.3 next take a left and run up this pathway okay there's a raptor so this is the part where you got to be a little bit more careful careful I'm safe cuz I'm doing it in Creative but okay he's on me we're just going to keep on running make your way up the mountain maybe I can knock this guy out quick yep make your way up the mountain and as you get to the top you'll notice this right here right the ruins go and get the explor note that is in the middle here so you're just going to walk in and go ahead and grab this experiment this one is at 88.8 20.5 and then you want to go right here through all this brush right right back out this little door that you came through and then hug the left side here go through the trees go through the trees and then just keep running down here okay so you want to make sure this little Cliff here is on your right side and you run straight down and then here is the next Explorer note okay okay so you ran in between this cliff and that Cliff then you get to this Explorer note which is at 88.7 and 19 from here run straight down to the water that you can see and by the way for this whole entire note running just make sure that you were grabbing berries along the way and then like put them into your hot bar so you can just Spam some whenever you're low on stamina whenever you're hungry anything to keep yourself from passing out make sure to grab some water if you need it and then just keep on hugging the little water line here keep on going until you make your way over to this waterfall once you see this waterfall first make sure that you have enough stamina to cross and then [Music] just make sure that there are no piranhas or anything in the [Music] water and there's a piranha behind me but it's okay just keep on running up what you want to do is run up past this first waterfall and then keep it moving keep on going past this waterfall and you will see a second waterfall if you guys played Arc evolved you know usually it would have been at the top of that first waterfall but now got to keep on running a little further and then go up this waterfall and then right around the corner here is another Explorer note this one is at 82.2 15.8 once you grab this one go back out that little clearing that you came from and then keep on running up the waterfalls and you're going to get up into this little opening here keep on going through past the river you're going to see these islands okay so what you want to do is just jump past and get onto this first time Island usually there isn't any dangerous creatures over here but there can be some Raptors and Theos get on to the first island and then jump over to the second island and you can already see it there's that little Stone pillar go ahead and grab this whoops go ahead and grab this and that puts you at 791 16.6 after you have done this and gotten to this last Explorer note you should be at right about 70 maybe a little higher maybe a little bit lower depending on if you're on small tribes or if you're on official servers but this is a very perfect type of boost that you can get to your level if you get this fully memorize anytime you start a new character you can become level 70 in like less than 10 minutes which gets you on the path for getting your flag Armor All the materials and resources that you need whether it's for saddles or building bases whatever you need this will get you right so if you like the video If this helped you please like please comment please share it I'm going to be making a lot more Arc videos I'm new to the scene but I'm going to be keeping it coming okay so I appreciate you watching this video peace
Channel: AdrianSmacks
Views: 1,619
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark survival evolved note run, ark survival ascended note run, ark survival ascended note run fast, ark survival ascended note run easy, ark island note run, ark survival evolved, ark note run, ark the island note run, ark island note run fast, ark ascended note run, ark island note run guide, ark survival ascended how to level up fast, ark ascended note run guide, island note run, ark explorer notes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 3sec (423 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2024
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