I Have 100 Days to Beat Ark Ascended

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Ark survival ascended just dropped but there's a problem the evil overseer has arrived and let loose bloodthirsty dinosaurs to take over the world I plan to take down this monster but before I do I must defeat The Brood mother MEAP picus and the dragon all in 100 days this is 100 days of beating Ark survival ascended I spawned in and realized something's truly never changed we still have to scratch our arm when waking up spawning in I was in love with how this new game looked this looks so good bro I took a breath of fresh air and began Gathering the basic resources right off the bat as we were wasting no time here a pickaxe was crafted which I put to good use right away by violating ad Doo's rights hi I'm Saul Goodman did you know that you have rights okay maybe I did waste some time by looking at this supply drop but look how cool it looks after exciting myself over some pixels on the screen I started mining nearby River Rocks for Flint we could now craft a hatchet and whilst doing that I made myself cloth armor very nice I was loving this new arc experience until the compy mar jumped me get wrecked don't worry boys drizzle is an absolute machine and kill them with ease my naked body was naked no more and God damn I look good we are definitely getting all the girls I was crossing the river when I spotted an auor man I wish I could swim as good as he can I decided it was time to head in land and got attacked by some angry bugs I gave them a taste of my spear which was more than enough to make their kiten bodies my own I ventured deeper and deeper into your m i mean forest and spotted a mommy parasaur with her babies look at these things how do I tame them can I tame you it didn't end well for them at least this baby got lucky as I realized I could claim him wait what all right we have we have our first a boys I told him that I was extremely sorry for my wrongdoings and promise that I'll take care of him till the day I die no I felt No Remorse in killing our new baby friend as CU of him we lost this parasaur kill I kept on exploring the jungle deep into the night stopping for a moment to ad admire how beautiful the sky looked dude look at the sky with the oblisk that is so cool man I used all the hidew gathered from the parasaur killings to craft myself a wooden Shield day two started with an epic battle against a couple of Doos it was a close call but in the end drizzle came out on top as expected their skin was used to craft hide armor only a few seconds after we couldn't bear the heat anymore and had to strip down naked we were still feeling hot what can I say I am pretty goodlooking the only way to save ourselves was by bolting into the ocean I cooked up some meat as I love meat and went back in for a dip looking back at the campfire I spotted a DLo breaking it and rubbing our lunch I promise I'll get my revenge back on land I was harvesting a rock when I realized the really epic sounds a Bronto now makes this thing also had a massive P while figuring out how to tackle the heat we made a shocking Discovery cloth actually protects you from the Sun throwing our cloth armor away wasn't very smart we kept venturing around the surroundings until a light of a supply drop soon caught my attention and like a little child I ran straight straight towards it surprisingly it rewarded us with some semi-useful items that's so cool I spotted an Explorer note right beside it and Helena is still annoying us even on AR survival ascended there a Giant obelisks floating in the after telling her to shut up I crafted a parachute and flew across the water upon Landing I terrorized a group of innocent dodos claiming one as our own we called him Bob a mortar and pesel was created at as I really wanted to start taming bigger dinosaurs which we shall need narcotics to do Bob just isn't going to cut it yes all right this was a very quick tame and once he ate enough berries he was ours we called him Billy Billy was soon settled up which meant one thing Bob the dodo would be left behind not the nice thing to do but definitely the right one we're on a mission here and the evil overseer isn't waiting for anybody Billy and I kept traveling late into the night until Billy spotted a fiomia that he wanted dead I made his wish come through a group of P tried stealing our meal but Billy had our back oh boy do I love Billy campfires were set up as day three started and whilst cooking up the finest Stakes Billy and I farmed a lot of narcoberries whilst turning these blackberries into narcotics Billy was jumped by a raptor I panicked and rushed to his rescue luckily he survived and thank God for that as I have no idea what I would do without him I hate this game bro devastated Naked and Afraid most people would be in shock and feel sorry for themselves but I'm drizzle and drizzle never gives up we remain unfazed we boled back to the scene quickly passing by two explorers notes for some experience nearing our loot bag I robbed everything from the supply drop including Crystal which will come in super handy very soon spotting my loot bag I rushed in and took what was mine it wasn't soon long after that I spotted my biggest enemy Billy was Avenged walking along the beach soon led me to an ancient ruin I explored around and did some high skilled parkour making it to the other side of the beach the crystal we got earlier was handcrafted into a spy glass which came in very very handy to begin scoping out pteranodons a caral seemed to have other plans for me being the Nimble ninja that I am I made it to safety without a single scratch I waited for the caral to move away and plunged into the ocean we reached Shore as day four began and started scoping out pteranodons taming up a high level Pteranodon early on would increase our progress by 69,000 we searched for hours and hours on end the gods just didn't like me our Voyage lasted for half a day until finally we spotted a beautiful sighting oh yes yes I love the bow at this beast and sprayed it down with tranquilizer arrows let's go let's go okay we need to get spikes down we need to get spikes down ASAP a baby Doo had to be sacrificed and I fed it to my soon to be friend some people might call me crazy but I even built a spike fence around it as we finished it she was all tamed up I named her Pete which now that I think about it is a boy's name oh well cry about it a crawling trilobite was found which I instantly eliminated to harvest kiten for a Pteranodon saddle unfortunately though my Hatchet just couldn't hit this thing I hate this game because of this we had to find a dinosaur that drops kiten or keratin and sure we can kill Turtles and tries but I don't fancy my odds there I'd rather explore a bit more until we find some ants this thing kind of looks like my pen this paid off not too long after as we got jumped by the ant gang oh that's a lot finally having a Pteranodon saddle I took off into the skies and soon got reminded why exactly I wanted to be flying up high well away from that bloodthirsty catosaurus my plan was to head far up north and buildt somewhere close to a rich metal deposit Pete really liked this idea and flew us across the swamps till I came across a hill nearby a mountain with metal a lake for water access and also Argent aises this place sticked all of my boxes as day five started so did the M deforestation we chopped down so many trees that we now had a large open grass Plains for our Bays wow construction started with four wooden foundations being placed in a square shape yes I am building a very simple and basic Bas but this is only our starter base so calm down wallum followed I did have a hard time figuring out ark's new door and walls building mechanic but we managed in the end ceilings were built to finish the shell of our humble abod once complete I headed out to the nearby Mountain to farm metal and a lot of it at that all was going well until I realized how quick we were freezing to death I tried my best to make it to our base and light a fire to warm ourselves before it was too late but our efforts were useless I also realized that I never placed a bed I'm extremely extrem extremely stupid back on the beach we go I spawned super far away from my Bas so I took my anger out on a Bronto spawning back in and we were still so far from Bay oh well I'll just have to bite the bullet here and become a maritan runner after burning 69 million calories back motherucker I'm back we at last arrived back at our BAS on the morning of day six the first thing we did was place a bed for obvious reasons I made sure to place two beds so your mom could join me this evening a forge soon followed allowing us to cook up all of the metal we had gathered earlier once some ingots were ready we forged them into a Smitty I wanted to place a mortar and pestle down but I couldn't quite figure out how to get it unsnapped so it ended up looking super weird we finally got our hands on metal tools and a crossbow which meant one thing we had to tame an epic dinosaur a track nearby our base was the perfect victim even though she was a very lowlevel track she would still be a beast at collecting narcoberries which is all I really wanted whilst waiting for her to tame up a cackle of hyenas pounced on us my only concern was getting our soon to be friend out of this mess alive luckily I am an arc veteran and the only dinosaurs harmed here were these pesky hyenas our track soon tamed up and we immediately whistled her back to Bay once back home we made her farm narcoberries for hours and hours on end until the evening arrived ushering in a wave of cold air it became so cold I couldn't even survive in my own base even with our Forge and campfire lit I decided to end our Misery by cooking myself on the campfire upon respawning I immediately dashed out to gather all the resources we would need to craft standing torches ah warmth At Last I don't think warmth is the correct word as our character is still feeling a tad cold but hey at least we're not freezing to death in our own Bay day seven started by crafting a sickle that I used to of course form a ton of fiber a preserving bin was placed to store our perishables and narcotics were crafted right after we used these narcotics to put an ank sword to sleep an anky is great but pretty useless without an argentavis luckily for us there was a 145 female argentavis right near our house and you know me I love females I built a little construction to trap this female as that is how I usually pick up females in real life what once finished I let the argentavis over and trapped it she was extremely hurt from fighting other dinosaurs so I sacrificed myself as when a wild Dino kills something and eats it they heal up my meat wasn't enough for her so I killed one of her argentavis friends and she really enjoyed eating it now that this Beast had enough Health to begin The Taming procedure I put her to sleep as day seven came to a close she was all tamed up I finished off the day by starting construction on a wooden Spike fence to keep our dinosaur safe from the bloodthirsty Ohio citizens the morning of day8 was a special one as we discovered an enormous new dinosaur we shall definitely be taming one later the rest of the morning was spent slaughtering unfortunate dinosaurs as I really needed hide to finish my Spike fence and to settle all of our new tames wood and stone were formed right after with the help of of our new argentavis this was already so much easier spikes and a gate were crafted and placed right after making our base secure from all the crazy Ohio citizens or so I thought I didn't want to freeze to death tonight so I used my huge brain and went to kill something that drops spelled so I can craft F armor Pete spotted the Rhino and we repeatedly used the Pteranodon special fidget spinner attack rest in peace Rhino we finished off the day with mining metal with our Argent Davis I love this thing I lobed all of the metal we farmed into the forge as a new day started Trine carols were crafted as I have grown enough courage to head into the swamp why are we heading into the swamp you may ask I need cementing paste and instead of stealing it from beavers I decided to be nice for once and tame a frog which has the ability to turn bugs into paste Pete and I flew to the swamp and spotted a level 10 this won't cut it so I kept looking and not too long after I spotted a level 95 female frog which will do just fine I made Pete bite her to lead her onto the land as I am not jumping in the swamp Waters I led Abola onto it right after she really want wanted to lick me which reminded me of your mom once fast asleep a baby FIA was sacrificed and Bob's your uncle we had a cementing paste licking machine at our disposal I ordered her to lick some bugs providing me with enough cementing paste to craft a saddle once riding her she began licking everything inside your mom would be super proud past was no longer a worry of ours our Voyage back to Bay took the rest of Day N upon arriving our Triceratops hopped back in action and more narcotics were made we finally put that P to good use this SP armor will definitely be getting me all the girls now equipped with fur I wanted to explore the snow a bit deeper Pete made quick work of an injured Mammoth more Pelt for us something soon caught my eye a crevice splitting the ice bed in two I don't remember this in Arc survival evolved it also seems abnormally safe for being so far out in the snow we shall definitely keep this in mind for a future base spot back at our AB Bo I crafted the remaining pieces of fire armor that we were missing whilst doing so I Rex rudely interrupted us crazy Ohio citizens are evolving and are now capable of jumping over fences our sadly perished but that's fine as I have a lot of Narcotics and don't need her anymore I no longer felt safe here so I decided that the best idea is to find a new base location I leveled up our Argent Avis to make sure we could carry all of our loot with us I picked up our furniture and spikes stuffed all of our loot in the Argent Avis and off we go sadly our frog friend had to be left behind but I made sure to keep her on the roof so she doesn't die I hope initially I flew up to the oblisk as having a Bas up there would be super cool or so I thought all the fogs soon changed my my mind flying down the mountain I remembered about that ice crevice and went to check it out again this part would make the perfect home not only is it enclosed and safe accessible by only two entrances it also has a lot of room for all of our future dinosaurs wooden spikes were placed at the top to ensure we don't get any dinosaurs falling on us day 11 started with violently killing a dayon who thought it was a good idea to mess with me it wasn't I then placed down a wooden gate which will definitely scare away all the angry dinos foundations were placed with all the necessary prehistoric Furniture right on top crafting better items would be essential to beating this challenge so after doing a quick Flint run I flew our anky deep into the snow and used its strong and stiff tail to X some Crystal nodes once out here I might as well collect some pearls and obsidian on our way back home I picked up two Explorer notes with our Argent AIS making it capable of carrying my fat sweetties spotting some oil notes nearby I of course collected more than enough than we will ever need back at the abod I crafted a fabricator a high level anky was roaming close to my base we all know what happened as the Yankee went night night I figured it was finally time to actually complete the bottom fence with some spikes hopefully no crazy Ohio citizens jump over this one I really wanted a dinosaur to help me Farm wood so a mammoth was enslaved now that we had a wood farming dinosaur you guessed it we need a stone farming dinosaur I spent the rest of day 12 searching for and taming up a aicas which became our own in the morning of day 13 it's name Jason we flew Jason back to base and crafted a very cool looking saddle for our Mammoth friend friend no more as even though he started farming like his life depended on it which it did this thing was horrible at farming wood I may or may not feed him to a pack of wolves later spotting an alpha Carno this close to our B made me feel a bit uneasy Not only was this mamit useless at farming wood he was so fat that he couldn't even fit through our gate I really hope a pack of wolves eat him Mr UT tyan is above our base thought it was a good idea to Roar at us with my RG scared I took matters into my own hands Spike walls truly work one wonders the wolf Mafia jumped me right after which also didn't end well for them ark's dinosaurs seem to really underestimate my true power the day ended by using Jason's massive pee to harvest some Stone rocks this thing was an absolute farming Chad unlike that stupid Mammoth why you bully me as the sun rose on day 14 I had a realization our BAS looks really ugly I need to impress all of the girls with my house a lot of wood was farmed as I aspired to craft a masterpiece a transcended work of art ambigu with such beauty and emotional death that it would Mesmerize anyone upon first sight I actually just crafted more smiies and pels and preserving bins and plac them down without much thought but hey I must admit our home is looking pretty good this refurbishment finished in the afternoon of day 14 with the introduction of a Stone behem Gate this thing looks super epic I also placed some storage boxes but who cares a caral mummy was lurking right outside my Bas massive mistake from her end I killed her right in front of her two young children that I of course claimed as my own sure I just killed her mother but I promise to give them a very long and fulfilling life he just killed himself in the spikes day 15 marked a crucial day for us as we shall embark on our most ambitious Mission yet we shall be taming a spinosaur why you may ask well I really wanted to tame an army of CH wait what of ter teras catosaurus but before you can tame one you must kill one to get venom spikes which will then be used to tame them a highle spinosaur would be the perect perfect Contender to kill these things with high level my ass the AR Gods seem to have turned against me today I searched and searched only finding low levels until we spotted this beautiful being young Drizzy was excited oh I love this game this game's this game's the best this game's the best game boys this excitement will soon become pure frustration when trying to trap the Beast what I don't think it's big enough though dude it's not what I'm I'm not kidding when I say a literal whole day was spent trapping this thing and finally on the morning of day 17 this absolute Maniac was knocked out one juvenile parasaur kill later and Mike was all tamed up the first thing I did with Mike was take him on top of an Explorer note this made him extremely excited which we let out on all the wildlife around us Mike was an absolute machine tearing through a terena without breaking a sweat Beaver soon felt Mike's power on our way back home we spotted a weird looking Mammoth that Mike jumped in seconds finally a catosaurus was spotted I was a bit worried at first but remembered our boy Mikey is an absolute machine 14 Venom spines is more than enough to tame a catosaurus with we traveled for the rest of the day and arrived home on day 18 we didn't stay long here all I did was get up and head back out to tame the Mighty rata the rest of day 18 was once again a lot of traveling as these massive bugs spawn around the swamps and redwoods it wasn't too long till we found one which I killed on site or tried to at least uh oh my God it's going to kill my no standun me off again it shot its liquids onto me which did distract me a little bit but in the end drizzle always clutches up upon investigation I realized that female rinos Do not drop the fome darts that I wanted yeah that's a bit of a bummer a lot of time was spent scouting until we finally found another one it was a female my luck is very bad I killed it anyways to make more spawn so hopefully we can find a male and get a fair on Dart our wishes were answered a bit later I think I hear one yes I do mail mail mail oh yes yes yes back home we went arriving on day 20 Penguins were slaughtered Instant Karma paid a quick visit in the form of a u tyrannus you already know though drizzle clutched up oh my PT is up there but it has follow on him he should follow right hello motherucker we made it boys the penguin sacrifices were all for good reason your boy now had a shotgun to use No One Is Safe anymore I now had to figure out what dinosaur I wanted to sacrifice in order to tame a rata for those that don't know you tamed these beasts by feeding a fome dart to one of your dinosaurs and when the big bug is close to death it will inject its baby inside your dinosaur which will then explode whoever invented this taming method at wild card is extremely creative ad dayon will do just fine if only he knew why we were taming him up or Soul ammunition was made and off we went I made sure to level up our fat big so he can survive a few good hits from the rho day 21 was the big day I found a male which is of no interest to us so I killed it a few hours past and there she was a beautiful female rata we chased her down and it began spraying her fluids at us we finally successfully got it to really low HP but for some reason our Pig wasn't able to eat the faom dart this left me no choice but to save ourselves it turns out only larger dinosaurs can eat this thing oh well time to tame a parer the following day another bug was found we LED it back to the racer and well it didn't go as planned no oh my God bro getting humiliated again wasn't an option so this time not only did I tame a paracer I also tamed a trike so in case the bug kills one I can sacrifice the other my brain is huge a few hours of swamp exploring later and we found a level five rho it was a female so yes we are taming it we let it back to our dinos I landed immediately and fed the fome dart to our track spraying it down with our shotgun went just as planned and before you knew it this Beast was ours rest in peace are trike he will not be missed oh my God even though we made a massive W there was a problem big ass bug was still a baby and couldn't fly and there was no way I'm walking this thing back to base leaving me with one option build a fort around this thing to protect it the fortnite tryhards are definitely proud of me whil waiting for a little bro to grow up I farm metal no that is oil what and on day 24 we spawned back at the bed I had placed nearby him and he was all grown up seeing that his saddle needed polymer many Penguins had to go oh R going to settle www we settled up big ass bug and realized that we need resin to actually pick up dinosaurs yeah that's going to be a pain flying back to base took until day 25 as big ass bug has really bad stamina after all he was a level one tame before heading out to solve our wood problem I quickly placed a bit more layers of security this was done so no dinosaurs can creep in and kill our new tame cuz if that had to happen I would lose 5 days of progress and would resort to Smashing in my Monitor with defenses complete I forged a beaver sdle As I know for certain those things are great at farming wood unlike our stupid Mammoth off we went on an adventure keeping our eyes peeled for those obese wood farming machines we spent the whole day searching for one to no avail until we did eventually find a level 15 oh my God bro a level 15 infuriated with how bad this thing was I violently tore it apart with the Argent avis's razor sharp claws I spotted its friend which was also Al a level 15 Wild Card really dislikes me the search continued and on the morning of Day 26 we spotted another Beaver which was getting eaten by a not too friendly bionx I tried saving it and ended up killing it instead oh oh it was a level five a pack of raptors soon spotted me and well thought that it was time for breakfast oh my God bro what is this game Pete came in clutch and flew us back to the crime scene luck was on our side as our Argent Davis grew a brain and decided to stay a float in the air which is the only reason he's still alive spotting my loot bag I jumped off soon realizing that a raptor was dashing at me I had enough at this point so I started to pick them off one by one with the argentavis getting revenge felt good really good after reviewing our items I spotted a level 30 Beaver still at really low level but the best we've been able to find after an entire day of exploration we flew it back to our base and spotted two crazy Ohio citizens tearing down our fence I took the necessary precautions and led one away the other caral down so I decided to leave him alone oh boy was this a mistake I shifted my attention back to the beaver and put lil bro to sleep in no time the crazy Ohio citizen finally found a way around our fence and began biting at my dinosaurs this Ohio citizen didn't take into account that my dinosaurs were trained Fighters and soon got overwhelmed our new friend was put to work and finally we had a good way of harvesting long and hard locks of wood this wood was used to craft Gates as we needed to repair our fence this was completed right as when day 27 started started ah much better a red drop was looted for the first time in these 100 days surprisingly it gave us items that we could actually use now this is also a good time to mention that I added a cryopod mod as I really missed them from Arc survival evolve our day soon became 69 million times better a 145 female teren boasting 29 Points in melee damage before tame you already know we're knocking this thing out discovering I could shoot from the top of our rogata was a great discovery unlike finding out that we were out of Stam after a quick wake up call on how fragile our bug was I continued firing arrows into this very aggressive chicken until it went night night whilst waiting for it to tame up I visited the sap Taps we had placed earlier my Rano Gata came in exceptionally handy as we could stand on top of its back whil looting the sap once back near the knocked out terasina I spotted an injured Bronto and her baby I wanted to make the baby one of my own so Mike was used to slaughter its mother upon claiming the baby we used our cryopod to keep it safe for those that don't know cryopods are pretty much ark's version of a poke ball the teren tamed right after we named her tickle chicken oh my 42 melee and 43 weight dude this is such a beast the next dinosaur on The Taming list was a catosaurus I wanted to tame an army of them to take down the bosses or try to at least I level 25 male was spotted as the next day came along such a lowle maale was useless for me so I decided to kill it with my spine no oh oh no oh no fortunately for us I had a shotgun on hand and soon gone down the bloodthirsty lizard I now had to wait ages for the spinal to wake up but hey at least we now had a fiomia on our side Mike finally decided to wake from his Slumber and we went catosaurus hunting once again another low level was spotted so we killed it in hopes of better one spawning again this didn't happen of course as the AR Gods hate me after killing those two Catos I had enough Venom spines to craft a hemoglobin cocktail I went on the lookout for catosaurus but couldn't find any so returned home where I repeatedly stabbed myself with a blood syringe to craft more of those hemoglobin cocktails for the first time in my life I was a responsible dinosaur owner and put berries and meat in a trough ensuring none of my dinosaurs will be hungry I wanted to test out our giant box abilities so I collected more sap to turn into resin and began unloading our liquids upon anything we came across that was a close call the catosaurus hunting continued on day 29 and after killing two bad ones we finally found a level 100 I rode my dayon up to it and got its attention once it started taking bites at us I fed my my fat pig the hemoglobin cocktail this cocktail makes the angry bees drunk as shown from the purple text right there only 5% yeah my dayon is going to have to take an absolute beating a lot of munching later it became drunk enough to get tamed I realized that it's a passive tame so I FedEd some high quality prime meat and boom I mean boom we had our very own catosaurus I settled our new friend up and began testing it out it was super quick and made really quick work of nearby dinosaurs I absolutely fell in love with its sprinting ability making us go at Super Sonic speeds tearing down anything in our pot I wanted to level it up so I collected an explorers note and killed one of those weird looking mammoths by the time we were back at Bas it was already the 8:30 I came to the realization that our Bronto had starved oh well I made sure this will never ever happen again and farmed a ton of berries with our Mammoth I of course turned all of the narcoberries into narcotics as we shall be going out to tame more epic dinosaurs a high level male Terina shall do me just fine we now had a breeding pair and could start raising an army of these angry chickens it finished taming up right after day 30 ended we named him s day 31 was spent searching for more catosaurus to add to my Army we killed a lot of these things and soon came across a 130 male after getting him drunk I quickly went to grab some prime meat but all was for nothing as by the time I was back he was already out of his drunk stage and could no longer be tamed yes I did Smash my keyboard after that massive L I handled my misery by repeatedly extracting my own blood because we just wanted a ton of hemoglobin we crafted up the hemoglobin that we lost and decided that it was finally time to craft a generator and some air conditioning units we celebrated this breakthrough in technology by making the terenas have sex our air conditioning units allowed us to finally hatch an osaurus egg we named our new spiky friend Spike day 33 was a day of exploration I collected an Explorer note with our bug another note was found boosting my Rin yata's XP to over 9,000 many catosaurus level checks later we finally stumbled across a level 135 male we of course tained the up it came out with very mediocre stats but we will take it at this point I was bored of exploring the land and was eager to dip my toes into the ocean upon diving in all the dolphins instantly got attracted to me I don't blame them cuz all the girls do this when I flex my arc dinosaurs in the club we tamed one up in no time and began exploring the great depths of the very unwelcoming ocean as day 35 started an even better Dolphin was spotted which i t and abandoned our previous one I'm sorry bro for some reason I thought it was a good idea to explore a deep sea cave oh no oh my God H I'm so dead a few electric eel jump scares later we made it to the back where I was Poke balling our dolphin when an eel broke my scuba tank this was the only tank I had on me so it would be impossible for me to get out of the cave before I drowned my fate was pretty much sealed at this point so might as well get it over quickly know I instantly flew back on Pete taking a quick pit stop to get prime meat so we could tame another dolphin dolphin tamed back inside we go oh no no no no I really dislike these electric heals there was no way I would manage to loot my loot bag without all of them around me so I led them away after breaking their ankles looting it was now no issue at all once inside we might as well take a little look around after some tunnel exploration we found a drop shining brighter than my future it rewarded us with an Ascend in tier saddle and scuba tank oh boy was I hyped we finally had a SCUBA tank that wouldn't break from a knil shock there wasn't much else to see in here so out we went I remembered how we desperately needed pearls so I asked my friend Dean if he knows where they are he told me down South by the border so that's where I went at first I thought I'd get jumped by a gang but to my surprise there were a ton of pearls ready for me to harvest these were soon used to create the finest of electronics and to celebrate we made the catosaurus is do their thing the day ended with some good old metal farming give me all this metal our metal farming lasted till the morning of day 37 day 37 7 didn't get any more fun as we just farmed stone for the rest of it this Stone was forged into forges H see what I did there 38 started with farming again yes we hate farming but man look how much fiber this chicken gets more airons were made and used to crack some eggs open after that I was supposed to be farming more metal but got distracted by how good this view looked God damn we did sadly spend the rest of the day hitting metal rocks day 39 I once again grew the the courage to explore the oceans this little bit of Bravery soon evaporated when we spotted the most cursy creature in the entire world just look at this thing it even makes you look attractive after I spotted another one absolutely violating this man's rights excitement filled my soul when a red drop was spotted upon opening it I was very disappointed to say the least oh my God bro just so bad bro dashing through the oceans we once again discovered a new species two giant turtles beating the absolute crap out of these shars sh s you thought that was cool well I even found a pink cursed fish going ballistic oh man I hate the ocean just a few meters away from this dancing fish was another fish but this one was actually useful and was instantly enslaved by us it would Farm us pearls for the rest of its miserable life just look at how much pears it gets back at the abot they were forged into electronics and once they were done crafting I queued up hard polymer as I love hard objects day 41 began by opening a golden supply drop even though it looked like it contained pure gold it had and ank seld I dislike wild card very much this area must have been part of the hood as we got jumped by a very aggressive gangster your boy always clutches up and of course came out in one piece I wanted to start making megaterium babies so when I spotted a low-level female guess what happened I knocked her out she tried running away just like my dad did but it was all for nothing our big bug was just too quick once tamed up we zoomed across the Redwoods and noticed a big cat lurking in the bushes I'd love me a big cat so yeah we had a wild goose chase once again this time though I wanted a challenge so I decided to do it on foot let's go bro day 41 ended by murdering a parent catosaurus so I could claim her young day 42 marked a special day an alphar Rex probably the most powerful creature on Arc right now except for the bosses and myself because you already know your boy drizzle is an absolute machine I wanted to assert dominance over the Rex and show him who the alpha male truly is this sounded much more glamorous than it was I just constantly munched his meat while he lached my meat till I eventually got low on HP points and ran away to heal up with my dayon I did this a few times and before you knew it I was the new official alpha male of Ark survival evolved ascended I mean ascended whoops the AR God soon rewarded me for this achievement two female catosaurus one is even level 135 this was the most beautiful sighting I've ever seen except for your mom our dayon of course had to take a beating man I feel bad for him his pain was worthwhile as one of them came out with more HP points than the average McDonald's consumer I can't lie I really like how the devs have done some of this new landscape at home now I popped popped and popped out all of our new Pokémon I am a great dinosaur father and ran away just like mine did except I didn't and went to farm meat instead is it just me or the dinosaurs become even more stupider in this new arc I'm not a very good dinosaur father after all no what dude what dude there's no way bro my day ended by checking what remaining materials we needed to craft a big Forge we're actually not too far off as the sun of day 44 started Rising I exited my house and chose violence after tucking little bro to sleep I did the same for these penguins except these things shall never ever be waking up oil was also taken care of I'm so hyped for our new Forge my urge of violence soon Revisited this poor megaterium had absolutely no chance after poke balling our new tames I ranged the dinosaurs in our base just like any dinosaur geek w we were still lacking some polymer so I decided to revisit an old friend to my surprise he was still alive i k it up and headed on out to the swamp cave am I crazy for thinking a tiny little frog stood a chance against this bug infested cave yes yes I am I did take the necessary precautions though and put a sleeping bag outside along with a box to store our extra items I also equipped a very weird combination of armor as for the noobs that don't know if you enter this cave without scuba and ghilly armor you actually take damage from the poison gas inside and we went soon coming across the first hostile an extremely highlevel spider just another day in Australia I guess we did what your mom does and licked endlessly after licking it enough times it died feeling like Superman after that kill I went deeper inside and got swarmed by flying insects our head disintegrated in seconds but at least we managed to hop outside before it was too late before going in again I stuffed meat down our frog's throat to heal up I decided to be smart and instead of barging straight into the cave I killed bugs slowly slowly so I wouldn't get overwhelmed look at all that cementing Pace seeing that we barely made it through the first room of the cave I decided to pack up we got a good amount amount of cementing paste anyways so I was a happy man we flew back home on our big bug now that I think about it I might sacrifice him if I ever need Pace again as I arrived home the Catos had just laid more eggs I am so hyped to have an army of these things we were so so so close to crafting a c bench and a big Forge by now all we needed was obsidian which we will combine with all the past we just got the craft polymer the volcano got its moment of glory and God Dam we got a ton of obsidian we had everything to make a c bench now and boom look how quickly craft Pac I'm in love with this thing we still needed more pace for our Forge so on day 46 I cryed up our megaterium and headed back into the swamp this time the bugs stood no chance at all they were getting absolutely folded the most difficult challenge here was making sure to not get slop capped by all the berries I'd have no idea why the devs span so much bushes in here deeper in we went and more bugs fell the power of my megaterium Titan was farmed by the thousands oh another drop what the is this piece of sh I was happy with all the Titan we farmed so we dipped as I came out of the cave I found a Rex about to eat our giant bug unfortunately for him our megaterium wasn't happy with this Behavior the rest of day 46 will spend farming narcoberries in the Redwoods day 47 we crafted up more cementing past than we will ever need and crafted a vault to stall all of our diamonds a bit of oil farming later and boom we had our very own industrial Forge capable of cooking anything in seconds remember those tato eggs we collected a while back I finally got them to life look how cute these little guys look the male came out with the good health and melee stat meaning he will now take his father's position as the official baby maker we even hatched some chicken eggs our army is growing by the second day 48 was spent farming Stone rocks with our Do's hard pee the whole day was a farming simulator so to celebrate our hard work we made the newly raised catosaurus is well yeah you guessed it we made them have sh in the morning of the next day I realized that some of the chickens we hatched were useless so uh rest in peace baby chickens wanting to hatch a lot more eggs meant we needed more air conditioners after building some we l down three more cat eggs we got two pairs of twins and they all came out with the good stats the overseer is definitely trembling right now more babies meant more hungry bellies to feed so I had no option but to kill all the wildlife around my base until day 50 I was peacefully farming touch when I got jumped by a pack of deons and sabertooths they clearly weren't happy with the Moss murder I did yesterday we came out on top in the end that fat beaver will not be missed farming wood with a big chicken is just as quick as with that weak Beaver once happy with all the wood we farmed I began sketching out a new construction project I wanted to expand our base on top of the ice here to breed in all the fresh air of AR ascended a 6x6 area should be more than enough for our needs after crafting the stone structures we needed I place them down and voila we had the floor of our soon to be home complete I even added some Square edges to to make PVE Builders happy and not build a completely Square shaped house I leveled the flooring as day 51 began a ramp and gate were soon added I really liked how these TCH stairs look so I'll definitely be going with those large walls were used as we are building the greatest Fort this island has ever seen after the walls came the ceilings and as the sun setted in our Terina was used once again to gather wood look at all that wood the following day unfolded by using all the wood we farmed to craft even more structures for the castle these quarter size walls came in clutch to patch up the little hole we had above our gate ceiling construction continued but man we ran out of stone once again Mr do de curus was put to hard work this took up the whole morning I finished off the ceiling is what you think I'm going to say but I'm drizzle and drizzle builds the best castles around designing the corners of our roof with the new building mechanics was a thrilling experience I kept on building the edges of our roof throughout the next day and God damn look how epic our BAS looks except for those quarter walls they're ugly time to replace them with some windows what is the point of a roof without stairs I used the touch steps once again they just look too epic and Bam we now have access to our roof day 53 ended by farming touch with our Mammoth and crafting stone gates as on day 54 we began a massive construction project building a wall around our Castle we have a lot more to do we of course needed a ton of stone I'm getting very concerned that we might be overworking our docus never mind that it's all worth it as we are making a ton of progress the spikes and Gates protecting our cave had to be picked up and before you knew it we had a whole ring of gateways around our Castle day 55 began by collecting terena eggs soon spotting an impostor amongst us gateways without gates are useless so we crafted some up and started fixing them in we even placed a massive Behemoth gate ensuring our fat Mammoth could get in and out of the new compound without any trouble a stone Farm run later and our perimeter was Secure now was by far the most exciting part of our day moving everything from the cave base to the castle base luckily for us though our big bug could carry entire structures while keeping all the items inside them yes I am in love with this thing I had to make a big hole in our castle for now as the bug was too fat what's up with all these fat dinos the morning was spent picking stuff up and placing it back down picking stuff up and you guessed it placing it back down once the structures were dealt with the dinos were poke balled and loved out in the natural sunlight day 57 was all about turning the inside of our base from a Barren cave into a crafter's paradise we laid down an army of smiies ensuring that running out of storage is in fact not a problem of ours then with the Precision of a dinosaur dentist we plung down our big Forge generator Fabricators and C bench setting the stage for some crafting magic the morning of day 58 was a mix of DIY home projects and Dino care we added a bunch of air conditioners by the castle wall then there was that wall we took down yesterday we patched it up making the place look neat again the morning was all about getting our dinosaurs lined up and comfy the castle compound is shaping up up really nicely we need to fill it up with Dinosaurs we need to tame a male megaterium and we need to do a meat run actually uh let's take one of these guys and we do a me quick day 59 began by increasing the population of our chicken and catosaurus army significantly as I really wanted to start doing boss fights look at all these young menacing catosaurus some came out with bad stats so uh I sent them to the afterlife I also wanted to a male megaterium to our dinosaur Army so we could start breeding them up as they'll be great to take down the brood mother whilst looking for one I found a purple drop that gave us sap and insane saddles on day 60 big bug was feeling like a menace and terrorized a pelorus man I love big bug we also discovered a never seen before dinosaur unless you live in Florida I finally found a male megaterium and used our big bug to pick it up and move it away from its mate big bug has a special place in my heart dude never mind I I hate big bug we don't need him anyway as I still managed to knock out the megum without any of his help upon hearing the Roar of a nearby UT tyrannus I went to slaughter it as I didn't want our knocked out megaterium to become its lunch after completing my mission I decided to end myself in a nearby lake so I could spawn back at Bay and return with my Argent Davis oh my God looks like I played myself once again I forgot to place beds down at my castle base when I moved from the cave to the castle I truly never learned at least we still had the bed at our first wood base so I spawned in there and instantly got jumped by some Raptors trick question two Raptors are chasing drizzle drizzle is naked cold and outnumbered who wins get in get in get in no oh oh boys I'm too good boys I'm too good I'm actually too good at this game bro I made some primitive gear and replaced the wall with a window soon putting these Raptors to sleep to hide from their bodies were turned into parachutes which I used to get home home safe and sound day 61 I returned back to the lake where I decided to drown myself and retrieved my loot bag our megaterium was also tamed up by now so I poke balled him back at Bas I made a lot of dinosaurs mate and placed a bed for obvious reasons the megatan babies finally popped for me to claim oh boy I can't wait to use these things on The Brood mother speaking about The Brood mother it was time to start collecting the artifacts so we could summon her later to the clever cave we headed zooming through the map on this thing never get sold in we went soon getting attacked by a lot of bugs and bloodthirsty bats our serat dealt with them with e drop spotted drop collected and hor moly look at this clutch shirt arras seem to be an issue as whenever we bat them we took a ton of damage I had to stop for a while to heal up our dinosaur once at full health I explored the cave a bit deeper and there it was the artifact of the clever we zoomed back to base and arrived on day 62 where we popped more chicken eggs our army will soon be unstoppable the rest of day 62 was spend and zooming across the entire Island until we arrived at another artifact cave we entered it as the next day started and were having no trouble at all until the whole Lobby attacked us as you all know however drizzle always clutches up going further in we came across one of the Florida crocodiles we spotted a few days back its mouth was wide open which usually means they want to be tamed down I went to feed it oh oh no I got pranked it snapped its mouth right at me nearly eating me whole I ran for my life and ordered my Sarat to sacrifice its life for me I truly believe in miracles now as I somehow managed to H back on my dinosaur and killed both of these evil lizards we were at least rewarded with the best stego saddle in Arc history right after the drop lay the artifact of the hunter we made our way out right as day 64 started and spent the entire day zooming to the lava cave for the final artifact to summon the brood mother upon exploring this cave though I soon realized that there was no way we shall be making it across the lava pits with our osaurus so I cryed our friend shot a flare gun staged our loot somewhere safe and jumped into lava so we could spawn back at base on day 66 and 67 I tamed the MOs chops and forced it to farm polymer which we then used to craft a cooker which we then used on day 68 to craft Medical brw but no one cares about that the reason why we came back to base was to recruit our big cat for our lava cave Expedition day 69 my favorite day was spent pouncing our cat all the way to the lava cave the Cave's Lava Pits were no match for our Nimble cat and before you knew it we had the third and final artifact to summon the fat Queen Spider back at home I settled and lined up our newly grown up Army Dinosaurs the only dinosaurs that we were missing is AD dayon and Au tyrannis which is what I set out to accomplish on day 71 a level 85 dayon will do just fine I couldn't find any good U tyrannus until I did and also made it our own as the sun rose on Day 72 this Cy was desperate for some level UPS so I flew off a cliff with our serat to find EXP Explorer notes two Explorer notes later and this thing was a tank back at the abod more baby killing was done to level up more of our boss Army we were finally ready to do a boss fight when two backstabbing terenas went ballistic and began attacking my dinosaurs through the floor this is what a top tier $50 Remastered game looks like some dinos died including our U tyrannus and donon which I replaced in the evening of day 73 and the morning of day 74 after healing up our army we were finally ready to take on The Brood mother I think The Brood mother isn't just a spider is the epitome of a arachnet horror with her ability to cost expensive webs she can immobilize even the mightiest of creatures we shall be charging right into her nest where she commands an army of Areno spiders and unleashes poison balls inflicting severe damage on anyone stupid enough to take her on I am that stupid someone so I crowded my Army and off we go to the green oblisk upon arrival I led out our army and waited until sunrise till they all woke up it's finally time Lads in we go hearing The Brood mother scream made me scream back giving our army the UT tyranis courage buff our army went in and began taking massive bites out of her kiten shielded skin nice okay nice we're doing really good damage we're doing really good damage get her boys she put up a good fight claiming some lives from our army oh no that's a ter de come on boys but in the end it was only a matter of time till we overwhelmed her let's go boys our well-deserved Bruce mother trophy along with some element thank you very much the Army did pull through but showed some sign of weakness many of our dinosaurs suffering a lot of damage taken we will definitely be needing a stronger lineup for the upcoming bosses which are much stronger to say the least I arrived back home on day 76 and found a spinal stuck in the snow what I crafted up stone walls as we're going to tame something that looks exactly like you we flew to the ocean and loved out our dolphin as we are swimming through the ocean you're probably wondering what I'm I'm planning on taming that resembles you say hello to the ugly fish we spotted a while back the stone structures I crafted were soon used to create the ultimate trap except I forgot to get a gate oh my God bro I forgot the gate not my best moment but it was soon dealt with after crafting the gate I flew back to the ocean fryed my bird up and baited the highle fish to our track the dumb thing fell right for it and before you knew it we were railing it with Tran arrows it was only a matter of time before it went night night let's go after feeding eating it the finest cuts of meat it tamed up and I gave it a very creative name I cryed ugly fish and flew back home arriving right as the day came to an end the next day began by farming oil and a lot of metal that got lobed right into our big Forge I then handcrafted a saddle for ugly fish soon lobing him out in the ocean off on a deep sea Adventure we go you might think I'm crazy heading into a deep sea cave which yes I am but I need the artifact of the brute to summon the mega picus so in we go we soon turned an annoying eel into a snack his friends came for Revenge but you already know your boy is way too quick for them I then L the gang of angry eels far from the artifact and quickly headed back to grab it artifact ours out we go upon exiting the cave uglyfish was feeling brave so we began fighting a shark this bravery soon left when the shark's friends arrived getting bullied made our big fish cry oh my God I nearly died from that out of Fe I cry out him up and once back home I began Lo out all of our Buzz dinosaurs our evening was spent farming berries with our fat Mammoth day 78 began by zooming across the map making our way to another artifact cave at least this one wasn't in the ocean and we went and man this place looks incredible our Serato was too big to fit through this passageway yeah we're not getting through this thank the Lord for cryopods hearing the sound of angry bats I loved out our tickle chicken and began tearing everything apart no oh we got rabies for the most part getting through this cave was really easy and seemed to be a pretty straightforward task until I realized we needed to dip our feet into a system of underwater passageways H yeah not a pleasant surprise fear not however as I am drizzle and as we all know drizzle always clutches up and I went easily swimming past any Predators thanks to the help of our scuba flippers and focal chili my stamina was quickly depleting but luckily for us I found a little ledge we could rest on to catch our breath back in we went dodging every dinosaur with EAS soon spotting a blue drop I balled to loot it and got ascendent boots right after that we spotted a tech likee pillar coming out of the wall which usually means we're getting close to an artifact there were a ton of hostiles blocking our passageway so tickle chicken was used to send them to the goolag I must admit though that Saro is really smart for staying back there he left me no option but to humiliate him by breaking his ankles a few meters past the angry lizard and there it was the artifact of the pack two artifacts down one to go tickle chicken was crowed and we dipped quicker than your dad did not before killing more annoying bugs of course nice we're out let's go boys finally out we zoomed our way into day 79 where we found a crazy Ohio citizen fighting at our gates dude what is this bro how is it in the mesh Ark truly never fails to impress me all of our dinosaurs sank underneath the mesh I was left with no option but to go into ghost mode to save this is not considered cheating okay don't you dare come in this is considered cheating cuz I would rage so much the next artifact on the list is located in Caro cave which has a landscape perfectly suited for our big cat we pounced until the sunset and entered the cave it looked absolutely stunning we Travers deeper inside even swimming through a puddle of water I've lived in this cave many times before so I knew exactly where to go with me also being the best Arc player alive the artifact was snagged without much trouble I must admit I really did enjoy jumping around this cave on our cat getting out was just as straightforward as getting in and before you knew it we were out and had all the artifacts to summon the mega picus I was swimming to the mainland when I couldn't help but admire how incredible the sky looked I really like this game sometimes I pounced over the gate back home on day 80 where I soon began lining up our boss Army thousands and thousands of fiber was farmed right after hard work of course must be celebrated with more mating and as the sun set I appreciated how cool our line that boss Army looked mating was over by now leaving us with chicken eggs to collect I don't want my boss Army being harmed so I set up a catosaurus on aggressive settings ensuring no crazy Ohio citizens will cause Havoc the following day began with violence some people might call me a terrible human being which I tend to agree but these sacrifices are necessary we soon ran out of babies but luckily for us our chickens just keep producing eggs like there's no tomorrow the fat pig finally got his moment of Glory healing up the boss Army to full HP more babies were sacrificed which finally made me feel a bit sad so I decided to give that a little break I crafted crop plots and planted citronel as I wanted to tame a brosaurus very soon I'd need to wait for the crops to grow so in the meantime I ventured out to tame the massive Gator which nearly ended my arc career I zoomed away from our abod stopping to play target practice on a [Music] bird that bird might have survived but the same couldn't be said about these unlucky Penguins I stumbled across you know how it goes boys boom dude oh my God bro piece of the search for the giant alligator lasted till day 82 with absolutely zero success we even ventured all the way to the swamps which went as expected oh no bro this long hold trip wasn't for nothing at least as I discovered a new resource wool what is wool my saratu and I still had leeches sucking on us which I of course had to remove by burning myself I wanted to tame a big alligator so badly that I even Revisited that cave where we nearly got eaten a few days back oh oh my God bro upon spotting a level 150 I was filled with excitement I equipped the ghilly armor and went down to finally T huh is it dead I think he with my armor broken and Bone snapped I rushed to my sarato distracted by a Saro the massive Dino sucus nearly swallowed me hole this Want To Be Tamed no no no no run run run run run I hopped on our tame and dashed away soon getting cornered and left with no option but to fight this thing head on we're so dead bro no get me out get me out get me out get me out get me out wo our Sarat sacrificed his own life so we could live I will never ever forget him we exited the cave on day 83 where I sted my Loot and spawned back at Bas whilst flying back to retrieve our loot I realized that our old friend Pete was still alive thanks to ark's new tracking system we were able to reunite with our best friend oh Pete I missed you so much we flew Pete back to our loot stash and flew back home I'm never trying to tame a big alligator again day 84 started with naming a newborn chicken evicting an argentavis and crying up our boss Army as we shall be taking on the megap picus very soon the megap picus a colossal adversary this towering Behemoth is renowned for its devastating power unleashing Earth shattering punches that can crush the mightiest of foes but beware its true Terror lies in its ability to hurl massive Boulders with deadly accuracy a skill that spells Doom for unprepared Challengers accompanying this giant are its fearsome monkey minions notorious for their ability to dismantle even the most formidable dinosaurs with ease it was finally time to face the big monkey boy so I unced all of our boss Army near the blue oblisk and once all of them woke up on day 85 we activated a monkey portal here we go boys can't lie I am a little bit nervous we're in I whistled our chickens and Catos to follow me and leted them up the stairs attack in they go guns blazing whilst I'm constantly buffing them with the UT tyranis nice nice nice we're doing good damage we're doing good damage it began smashing my dinosaurs on the concrete and lobbing giant Boulders at us but we kept pulling through come on boys we're going to do it we're going to do it we eventually managed to Corner it where the evil monkey soon met his end this rewarded us with the monkey Trophy and 40 elements the only thing standing between us and the evil overs here was the dragon back at base I placed down the monkey flag and placed our big cat in a very t tactical position day 886 was spent farming metal which I shall not show you as it's super boring 80 minutes later it's a lot of metal day 87 was a special day as we shall be taking on the caverns of lost hope a deep sea underwater cave home to Mosa Leo's megalodons duno jellyfish you name it this cave has everything you never want to come across including the chance of an alpha Megalodon and here I am with a harmless dolphin where am I entering this cave you may ask for the artifact of the cunning in we go oh oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no no oh my God oh my God we're really going to die we're really going to die and we barely entered just 2 m in and we're already getting fried alive down to half HP I need to be on my best game I managed to avoid any danger for a while soon making it to the back of the cave I poke balled my dolphin and ventured around on foot for a while soon discovering that I could ride my Pteranodon in here there was nothing to be found so I headed back in oh my okay I'm an idiot I'm an idiot I'm an idiot get me out get me out get me out get me out get me out yeah those electric heels made me a little petrified I grew the courage to face what had to be done and popped my dolphin whilst jumping back inside we broke their ankles soon finding the passageway which led to the artifact it was filled with the deadliest of ocean creatures including that Alpha Megalodon we talked about oh boy this looks like a GG we bolted back out to grab our bearings and headed back inside eels hot on our tail I hopped off our dolphin grabbed the artifact just go for it just go for it nice nice nice nice nice nice no no no no no no no no run run run run you stupid oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God you already know drizzle always clutches up woo the adrenaline rush was surreal boys the AR gods were definitely on our side one artifact down three to go I'm Coming For You Dragon after such a rush I wanted something a bit more mellow so I grabbed my beloved mus chops and off we go to F dude oh my God bro a purple supply drop soon made me forget about the past of our new friend the next day we grabbed our megaterium as we shall be heading back to the swamp cave for the artifact of the muu this went as smooth as expected exiting the cave as the day was coming to a close on day 89 I headed out to yet another artifact cave which was a very enjoyable experience till it wasn't oh no no no no no oh sh bro oh my God bro run run run dude I keep getting stuck everywhere bro what I hate this game bro I quickly geared back up and rushed back to the crime scene the sounds of the bats soon sent me balting out like a little girl luckily for us however our Argent Davis felt like his afternoon snack I couldn't find my loot bag anywhere till I caught a glimpse of it in the ceiling don't ask me how that's even possible is this game serious I really hate this game with our loot retrieved I made my way to the artifact dodging all of the bloodthirsty BS and just about managed to get out in one piece only one artifact too the dragon is definitely getting a little bit scared by now the rest of day 89 was spent doing your usual boring Arc Necessities in preparation take on our hardest challenge yet the snow cave the snow cave a place where only the bravest Souls tread within this icy Labyrinth temperatures plummet to a bone chilling negative 30° C challenging the very limits of survival inhabited by some fearsome creatures such as the dire Bears yetis and menacing wolves but the most treacherous of them all the peroia lurking beneath the snow ready to spring a stunning Ambush on an unsuspecting Survivor adding to the danger the creatures here are extraordinarily powerful with some reaching staggering level of 340 and here I am with a wooden Shield only a few steps inside and wolves were already hot on our tail leaving me no option but to Grapple to the ceiling I tried gunning these things down but I didn't even make a dent in them juking them was the only option soon entering a room filled with the craziest Florida men adrenaline must have got the best of me as I began grappling like my life depended on it which it did I guess a few close calls later I made it inside a safe Point guarded by large crystals of course though wolves soon tracked my scent again grappled to the ceiling I began working our way closer to the artifact and it would be only a matter of time till it was our I'm dead yeah GG one unfortunate death wasn't going to stop me so the next day I quickly farmed up some Tinto berries and craft them into medical brw I also crafted metal spikes for a 100 IQ play I had in mind back in we go wolves were dodged with e after all I am an arc veteran and we're dead we're dead already that's really good boys that's really good nice here we go again we quickly reked and bolted back to the cave you know what they say boys third time is the charm no not again bro oh my God how I spawned at a bag we left outside the cave and sacrificed my life to lead all the creatures of the ledge this worked wonders as retrieving our kit was really easy we reached the big crystals once again right when day 92 started this time I was way more prepared for these tight corridors thanks to the metal spikes we crafted and the tickle chickens I brought with us this doesn't mean it was a walk in the park though these polar Birds p a really painful bite nearly the entire day was spent slicing through dinosaurs always protecting ourselves of course with metal spikes arriving at the safe Zone I took my time to spike it off and place down sleeping bags I stashed the majority of my loot in my teren and began spidermanning our way to the artifact there it was right as day 93 came along it was all ours I honestly never had a doubt we would conquer this cave hello I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead no bro I died our way back to retrieve the artifact I spotted a red drop which gave us the best machine gun I've ever seen with the artifact and loot retrieve out of this nightmare we go I am never returning as the next day was upon us I farmed metal which soon turned into rifle bullets for my machine gun this shall be used to gun down the dragon which we shall be fighting tomorrow you see the dragon isn't like anything we've faced before it resides in a literal volcano this colossal Beast commands the sky with its Enormous Wings darting through the air with terrifying agility its fearsome weapon is its breath a scorching Blaze that can engulf enemies in a sea of flames but the dragon's might doesn't end there it can summon a host of flying minions adding chaos and danger to the already blistering Battleground it also has a massive day tomorrow was upon us oh boys I'm hyped I loved out all of our dinosaurs at the redis and once they woke I activated the portal realizing that our U tyrannis didn't get teleported in made me a little bit worried I whistled everyone to follow me and began unloading rounds of lead the Beast soon landed so I charged towards it my Army finally came to support me back in Disguise it went soon unleashing its minions followed by a devastating Fireball killing one of our chickens once it landed we charged back at it all was going well until it released its scorching fire breath kooking most of our army in seconds oh boy this was not looking good with only a few dinos left we kept on nipping at its feet hoping for a miracle this miracle never transpired leaving me alone on our very last serat running for our life dude no way bro I thought we were going to do this I tried to gun it down but all was useless soon being put out of my misery by a fireball oh my God bro oh boy this was a bummer upon respawning at B I began building a bigger raising area as if I still had time to raise a boss Army before the 100 days ended the next day reality kicked in I realized that there was a 0% chance of us beating this challenge as not only did we need need to raise an army to fight the dragon and then the overseer we also needed to farm all the artifacts again instead I decided to enjoy my last few days on this island and tame new dinosaurs that I never tried taming before our eyes were set on finding a Brachiosaurus after a day of exploration I finally spotted one of these massive yet Majestic Titans it being only level 10 was perfect as I have no clue how to tame one apparently all I have to do is shoot lead right below sneak apps okay that's where you do the tour p okay our serat turned into a little girl and bolted of the scene leaving me alone to take care of this giant her before is it out yes oh my God what did it I shoved berries down its throat which was enough for it to become our own Not only was this thing capable of farming tons of resources it also one tapped an entire Bronto after fooling around on it for a while I went back to base and crafted the saddle of the most most powerful creature we shall be taming yet on day 98 we set out to make it ours flying to the ocean and keeping our eyes peeled for those giant turtles stopping to admire an alpha Mosasaur I soon stumbled across something essential for our Turtle taming Journey a jellyfish the whole day was spent searching for Turtles finally spotting one getting absolutely violated by a pack of Megalodons I tried my best to save it but all was for nothing fortunately for us we spotted a level 85 the next morning morning I began feeding it biotoxin and after three feedings this prehistoric sea tank was our new best friend I instantly began testing it out making it not kill one but two elad 6s taking our Turtles HP up to 20,000 HP the rest of day 199 was spent swimming through the ocean on our new friend we also discovered that he could walk on land and that long last day 100 we crawled up on the same Beach where we took our first breaths in this new dinosur world we might have not been able to beat the challenge but what means even more to me is that you still made it till the end of this very video as I get more money if you enjoyed this 100 days video you will definitely love this one on screen right now click it click it click it
Channel: Drizzle
Views: 269,575
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark, ark survival evolved, ark 100 days, ark ascended 100 days, ark ascended, 100 days ark ascended
Id: 1MbQMbAymSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 12sec (4032 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 30 2023
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