Best Cheating App for Steam Deck: WeMod SteamOS Install Tutorial Setup Guide #steamdeck #wemod

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[Music] hello everybody Welcome to the channel today let's talk about wiod if you don't know what we mod is it's a trainer program and it works with many games if you install it onto your steam deck you can make your games like infinite health infinite stamina you stuff like that cheating all right basically cheating like game Shar or Game Genie back in the day okay and there's a new version updated 8.3.2 okay and I've been getting messages from my viewers that um I have a previous tutorial for the um previous version 8.3.1 people were saying that you know the tutorial was good it was great but now there's a new version it's broken your old methods it doesn't work now all right so I'm here to prove them wrong I'm going to install the latest version all right with the same method basically all right so let's just take a look at my steam deck okay so I'm currently on the beta Channel okay so steam client update Channel beta all right and I'm on 3.5.1 okay so I've actually installed wi mod on different Steam OS versions they all actually work all right but just in case you're thinking it's not working for you because um your Steam OS version is different from mine you might want to try this one all right so 35.10 as of recording right now it's on the beta Channel okay so let's go back to my um desktop mode okay um exit exit a Big Picture Mode okay so before we get started please go over and support my secondary Channel I've made a new channel called grownup cooking I've only got 20 subscribers right now it's a new Channel all right so I need a lot of love for this channel so please go over there and support me and subscribe all right I'm going to prepare some cooking videos all right that's another passion of mine besides gaming currently I don't have any videos yet I've only got this um intro um you know I just made this intro so yeah please go over and subscribe cribe okay so there's a few things you need before we get started um go over to the description and download two files the first one is the um NET Framework 4.8 offline installer all right this file here okay go get this one and you'd also need the wiod all right so 8.3.2 this is the wiod installer file all right so I'll leave the link for both of these at in my description so go there and download that all right and then go over to your discover store all right on the top left search type proton and there's two programs so proton up QT with the green arrow up icon and proton tricks with the wine glass icon all right install both of these all right so first run proton up QT we need a proton version very specifically so install for make sure it's under Steam and then add version and then and go to compatibility tool is GE proton should be by default I think and then go to version download 6.19 G2 all right this version and then click this install all right I already have it so I'm not going to install it again mine's right here okay if you have that you probably need to restart your Steam for it to kick in okay so if you um installed it and it's still not there then You' have to restart steam okay so now let's get started first go to your steam go to library Okay add a game add a non steam game click browse okay downloads and then search for your wiod installer all right so mine's let me see can't find it okay here it is we mod 8.3.2 exe okay so and then click here add selected programs then on your left hand side you should have it here all right on your on your left left hand side bar okay then we're going to go into its properties and then compatibility for the use of a specific steam play compatibility tool and then we're going to search for proton 6.19 G2 the one that you know you downloaded just then okay if you can't find it here restart your steam all right if you installed it with proton up QT and you can't find it here restart your steam okay so I've got mine done okay and then I'm going to play it and hopefully it installs some people say it installs straight away for me I normally get an error all right watch what wait for it okay here I get this error saying that I need to install NET Framework all right some people say they can directly install it that's fine if you installed it good if you don't it's okay all right so for me I haven't installed it so I'm just going to click okay close okay all right and it stopped okay now if you installed it you also need to do this step okay so go to open proton tricks okay and then click non steam shortcut we mod 8.3.2 double click it so we're going to install NET Framework all right because we're on proton 6.19 G2 we get this error message all right okay just click okay all right now we're going to install NET Framework 4.8 with proton 6.19 G2 okay so select a default y prefix and then go to run Wine config the first thing you need to do run Wine config because we're going to change it to Windows version 7 okay because NET Framework 4.8 doesn't install on Windows 10 okay so that's why we change it to Windows 7 and then run uninstaller okay all right so now click install here I'm going to go to my downloads folder and then here file types I'm going to select programs so umex and then I will search for my uh NET Framework 4.8 offline installer this one and let's just try to install it okay so just wait for it okay so yeah please make sure you go over to this channel I'll leave a link in the description my secondary Channel Growing Up cooking okay and also if you like these type of videos in this gaming video we talk a lot about gaming handhelds especially the steam deck we talk a lot about emulation mods cheats trainers like we mod okay and we also talk about how to install Windows games onto your steam deck Steam OS right so click I have read and accept terms okay all right and yeah and that's basically all we do so please subscribe to this channel if you haven't already and please leave a like on this video okay so we're installing NET Framework 4.8 okay for the first time and this is on proton 6.19 G2 all right so remember that remember that so most people get it installed here not a problem all right with 6.19 ge2 it shouldn't be a problem it's at the later stage that the problem arises and people can't get it to work so follow closely every step is important you know if you do something like in a different procedure or you know different steps it might like mess up your prefix folder all right so let's take a look at our prefix folder all right so you go if you want to know where we're installing it to all right go to home and then make sure you click the three lines here okay make sure show hidden files this is checked we're going to go inside this hidden folders do steam steam then steam apps compat data okay and then stop by modified you see this prefix folder was like created 3 minutes ago so I'm pretty sure this is the wiod folder all right so this is the prefx the drive C all right and let's let's try to locate our wi mod so normally it installs where it installs in the users theme user app data local and we should have a wiod folder but we don't because we didn't install it properly okay so now okay installation is complete so we've installed we've installed it NET Framework 4.8 okay so if you installed it correctly before without um errors you should have a wiod folder here but since I don't because I got the error message okay now I'm going to install it since I've got net installed now I'm going to run it again run the installer again and you should see it populate here we mod a folder okay you see here see we mod just populated all right because it's installing we should have a um splash screen okay we have a splash screen and it's kind of weird now because it doesn't like stop automatically after it's installed so yeah just give it some time you know make sure all the files and everything is installed correctly all right give it some time it some time yep so let it do its thing give it a little bit of time I think it's done all right just you know I think it should be good so now let's check if it's really really installed all right so I'm just going to I'm like this is the installer right now I'm going to redirect it to the installed program which is here so copy this location copy copy this location go into its properties okay now we're going to change the Target because this is the exe for the installer now we're going to Target it to all right so paste it here paste the location click the tick mark select the vod. exe make sure on the target the start of the path you add the quotation mark and at the end of the the path you also add a quotation mark okay and then start in we go to paste the path all right without the quotation marks and without the exe okay now we're going to try to um run it so we don't need 6.19 G2 anymore because that's only needed to install wiod and also to install NET Framework 4.8 for the first time now we're going to change it back to proton experimental okay and make sure this is all done now run the program and see if it launches all right see if we installed it correctly right we should like run the program but have errors because we haven't installed the dependencies we need so let it run all right so we mod like booted up and it says you need to have the correct version of NET Framework installed some people would ask like I already have net installed right but that's installed on the proton version 6.19 um ge2 and now we've changed it to proton experimental so the program is running on proton experimental so that NET Framework doesn't work anymore all right so that's why but now we know that we installed we mod corly and now we're on proton experimental all right that's good now what we do is we go back to proton tricks all right and then go back into non steam shortcut we mod 8.3.2 okay let's wait for it okay select default one prefix okay run uninstaller okay okay now you see we've got NET Framework 4.8 here all right that's installed last time with 6.19 G2 we're going to modify and remove yeah we're going to uninstall it to remove it from this computer right because we don't want it we want to remove it and reinstall it with proton experimental so let it remove okay and I'm going to say it again go over to grownup cooking my new channel it's only got 20 subscribers man we need more subscribers thank you guys it's the third time I'm seeing it I'm pretty sure you guys are going to go over and subscribe right thanks for the support love you guys like my main channel is doing really really well really really well let me show you guys growing up gaming this is my main Channel I've got 5,676 yeah very very grateful thank you guys thank you guys for supporting and if you have any issues go over to my Discord Channel all right so removal is complete so finish okay now we're going to click here install all right so we're going to install it so and then select programs. exe okay we're going to locate our NET Framework 4.8 off find installer again and we're going to install it all right this time is on proton experimental the one we want so a lot of people I think get stuck here like uh they can't install NET Framework 4.8 with proton experimental um there's two reasons one is like user error they probably didn't follow correctly something went wrong uh and I'm starting to think that sometimes maybe it's also because um you know your proton somehow it generates the prefix folder a little bit different and it's just not capable um for that you'd have to get someone to share their prefix folder for you I've helped many um patreon members do it uh it works so I just copy my prefix folder over to them and you know help them install it it works all right so let's just install install it all right the Moment of Truth this is like I think this is just the hard part like if you get this part done then you're basically done okay should be fine if it messes up it'll like go back and forth and back and forth and they will'll tell you installation did not succeed yeah that's the worst I I've had it many times in my experience right like this it goes up and then it goes back down yeah that's when you feel your heart just sinks because you've done so much prep work all right so I'm lucky this time installation is complete it's not really lucky I've done it so many times I know how to do it so just click finish then okay and then I normally go here and change it back to Windows 10 because most games now run on Windows 10 like if you have a game that runs on Windows 7 you can change it back here so I'm using change it back to Windows 10 okay and then we can just quit out of this okay quit out of this and now let's just run we mod see if it works see if it works okay yeah it looks fine looks fine it's loading up no problem all right so log in I'm going to log in okay no problem no problem I'm going to add a game game all right so what I normally do is I put the game inside the uh prefix folder of VOD so this is the WOD prefix so I'm going to put it into drive C okay so Drive C I'm just going to create a folder called games okay and then let me go to my games folder all right let's say I've got a game here um Star Wars Jedi follow on order all right I'm just going to drag it over to my games folder here inside the we mod prefix folder see Ji all right and then here uh okay star Jedi Fallen okay St War just for order all right so I'm going to search for the game and then here install game at custom okay I'm just going to go um here my computer C drive and I created this games Star Wars Jedi follow in order right I'm going to select the game so Star Wars game binaries win 64 okay Star Wars game win 64 shipping this is the exe I want to load load it okay oh there's one more thing I want to do I want to copy over the save all right so because this is a completely different um this is a new prefix folder I don't have my saves all right so what do you do I locate my save I know the save directory is inside my C drive users steam user all right and then save games all right it should be oh I've forgot the all right let me let me locate I forgot about it so okay save save location all right so it's here save games respawn all right so just copy this respawn because I haven't created it I haven't run the game yet that's why I need to do it myself if you run the game it will automatically generate for you but yeah I just don't want to waste time I'm just going to create it myself the respawn Jedi Fallen order okay did I Fallen order okay and I have my save file here I backed it up so I have my save file I'm just going to drag my save file over okay every game is different the save location is different all right so yeah if you if I want to run my game inside wi mod I'm going to move my save to the wiod folder as well right so now let's just press play see if it runs tells me to upgrade to Pro no thanks okay all right see J Fallen order it's booting up so here's the demo part all right the demonstration of what we mod can do how it runs all right you can see I launched we mod I put the game inside the wiod prefix folder I moved my saves over so I could use my saves all right so I don't have to start the game all over again that's also something important all right okay you can see it's actually already found my game see it's playing if like your game is not loaded into we mod it will say like loading and maybe game not found something like that but yeah now it's already it's already good it's already good already good okay okay you see I've got my save I've got continue all right I don't have to start the new game because I transferred my save over that's why okay now let me just turn on these so I've got unlimited health so I press F1 right you can actually change this you might change if you don't have a keyboard or Mouse you might want to change it to 1 2 3 and then you can um turn on your like virtual keyboard so F2 for unlimited shield and unlimited Force F3 all right so I'm turning on all my like stuff okay so now let me show you in action all right um yeah maybe I need to find a planet with some enemies let me show you a planet with enemies okay the E okay okay travel here travel to this planet okay I think I need to sit on the cockpit wait for it to load a bit so yeah this is just a demonstration the installation part is already done so you know if you don't want the demonstration you can leave the video right now but for some of you that want to see you know I'm doing this for a reason right why am I like jumping over so many Hoops to install we mod you know this is the final part this is the end game like you get to play your favorite games on Steam deck and you can toggle these cheats on it even works on um on gaming mode so I'm on desktop mode but um on gaming mode you'd have to go into your settings and make sure you enable developer mode so you can switch between Windows all right because you need to switch between your game and we all right so you can toggle the cheats all right so you might want to do that okay I'm just giving you a demonstration all right so I've toggled unlimited so I'm just going to find an enemy and just stand there and you know let you see how so I haven't really customized so it's a little bit choppy because I haven't customized the graphic settings but yeah this game runs great and the great thing about um the great thing about non steam game is I don't have to go through the EA launcher all right see see the enemies like they can like attack me and I'm like I'm just not going to die because I've got cheats on all right so yeah that's basically like Game Genie or Game Shack back in the day when I was a kid right remember that right let me just try to take them out with some Force oh oh oh oh oh okay that was crap all right so yeah I think you know yeah what's going on they're still here all right so I've got Force yeah I limited Force that's cool going push them away all right yeah that's enough fun all right yeah so if you like this video um please leave a like And subscribe I really hope it helped you out if you have any any questions uh feel free to jump on to my Discord server or leave a comment I'll try my best to help you out all right so thank you very much and I'll see you guys in the next one later
Channel: Grown Up Gaming
Views: 9,638
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steam deck, wemod, cheats, cheat, gaming cheats, gaming cheat, gaming mods, mod, mods, game modding, game trainers, game trainer, trainer, trainers
Id: 1eqOd0xcRhk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 5sec (1385 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2023
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