Metal Detector Reviews for Beginners 2021

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Where was the high end model? I only saw two low end and one mid.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Tyberos 📅︎︎ Apr 26 2017 🗫︎ replies
welcome Kyle from turf and surfers follow us on Instagram hashtag turf and surfers we've got lots of metal detecting videos and lots of fishing videos coming up as well so make sure you hit that subscribe and like button today we're going to be testing three different types of metal detectors now I should say three different classes because there's a very low-end model a medium end model and a higher end model detector that are all going up against each other today $60 price point $200 price point and right around a 550 dollar price point so you'll kind of be able to determine which metal detector is right for you now I want to I guess basis review on I guess depth and accuracy so what I've done is kind of saved some of the things I found in the last week or so we're going to be testing everything from bullets to silver coins to gold rings to aluminum can silver chains and of course grenades so let's get into it alright folks so let's get the show on the road as you can see I have the coil flush with the end of this two-by-four and we also have a piece of 3d printed material with some clear scotch packing too I don't have any metal buttons on this jacket my hands are also free of any rings or jewelry as you can see before the test nothing is going to interfere with this and I'm also using a 2x4 with inches measured out and drawn on the 2x4 that way we're not using a metal ruler that will interfere with the coil so let's start off with some of the trash items that you will find using the quick shooter we're going to start off with a pull tab or a pop tab which you can find on a can of pop now let's kind of hold it flush and run it up to the coil the setting on the head here is at maximum sensitivity so it is sensing junk material now it only rings in at about six inches deep the next thing is these pesky beer bottle caps now let's do the same test as you can see it's right about the six seven inch mark third you'll find a lot of these rusty nails and this is a smaller nail and it's only hitting on this at about five-and-a-half inches so what we all love to find our silver coins this is a ninety percent silver quarter as you can see at about five inches it's giving off some great readings and five inches is about all you're going to get off the protector here is a war nickel do the same test as you can see it's giving off some positive tones but depending on the depth it's kind of erratic and all over the place now let's take let's test some more modern-day things like a zinc penny that's bringing in at about seven inches as you can see this detector is kind of going all over the place now we'll kind of go on to a 925 sterling silver bracelet that's giving off some great positive phones but as you can see this detector is kind of all over the place depending on the depth what's good we just about seven and a half inches the next thing a 10 karat gold ring you'll probably find these from time to time negative tones especially in that seven and a half inch mark so it's not too terribly accurate the farther the the depth is we've got a 14-karat gold nugget ring here negative tones six inch smart very negative tones all the way through how about that we've got just a pewter cross see what this rings in it more negative tones so as you can see this metal detector is not very good and you could be potentially going over a lot of stuff let's try the grenade pretty impressed here this is a big chunk of steel iron and this thing's picking it up at about eight nine inches so it does find larger objects easier let's move on to the next detector okay so up next is the Bounty Hunter Lone Star Pro which is available at some of the big-box retailer as you can see I've got the sensitivity turned up nothing's been knocked out it's basically the same settings as the quick shooter so let's go through and test the pop tab now the bounty detector is ringing it at about six seven inches same as the quick shooter or nearly the same a pop tab or a bottle cap reading in at a little bit deeper just about seven and a half inches so you can see the detector is all over the place which is nice and we've got the nail let's try that it's identifying the nail quite nicely and we're looking at a bow see seven and a half inch range so I'm seeing a little bit better depth and identification from the Bounty Hunter we've got a bullet and this is a lead bullet only ringing in at about five inches now it's kind of reading all over the board you can see let's test out the 90% silver quarter and I actually found this 90% silver quarter with this detector so let's give us some nice tones you definitely would know some sort of coin is down there and it's only ringing in about six and a half inches or so let's try the war nickel so as you can see it is kind of all over the forest but it's given a decent tone and we ringing it at about seven eight inches on that as well let's try the I guess standard quarter of today 2017 no problems not at all a zinc penny it's doing a pretty good job at least a lot better job than the quick shooter about six inches the 925 sterling silver bracelet ooh I like that so it's reading about seven maybe seven and a half inches 8 inches definitely telling you something is down there we'll go with the 10 karat gold ring which will probably show up as foil which is right here aluminum interesting you can see the conductivity kind of disappears at about seven and a half eight inches giving out some great tones conductivity is good we'll try this 14 karat gold nugget rings about six inches it's hitting on oil and aluminum oil and five cents each so it's telling you something's there and we got about a six inch depth on that one and of course let's try the other grenade actually we'll try the same grenade just to maintain integrity of this test we'll start this off way down here this is picking up this grenade from about the 12 inch mark which is pretty impressive as you can see pretty spot-on with identifying it's not that it's a grenade but probably something you don't want to dig up okay so we've got the Garrett 80 Pro and I actually had to turn down the sensitivity one notch because this is such a powerful machine now we've got the pop tab let's see what this thing is in it notice how this thing is pretty consistent now the depth is off and that might be because this is an error top and it is very hard to tell the depth on anything anyways with any other metal detector but it's close we're getting a reading of about nine inches and you can see it's ringing in at about eight inches here and what I like about it is I'm looking at the screen and the control head and it's ringing in a can distance target indication at a consistent number no matter how far or how close you get next up let's try the bottle cap and this is in standard mode as well as you can see it's just everywhere these bottle caps wreak havoc on these attackers but as you can see we're bringing in eleven and a half inch depth on this so that's very good to say the least let's try the rusty nail and I'm not sure as you can see it is picking it up it's just kind of notched out but it's still going crazy and identifying at about eight inches on this that's not bad that's pretty that's pretty good conductivity will try the silver quarter this is ninety percent silver quarter let's bring this one in see where it'll stay okay very nice rings nice and consistent readings go off on the depth but it's hitting this thing at about eight inches which is really nice let's try the war nickel very consistent I like it keep in mind folks I had to turn the sensitivity down one notch compared to the other ones because this is such a powerful machine lead bullet you can see it kind of falls off pretty quick but that's alright we've got a 14-karat gold nugget ring eight inches is when it starts picking it up and it's fairly consistent in the gold range which I like and the depth is pretty accurate too so let's try the 10 karat gold ring we're bringing in 10 inches all pretty consistent in that gold Bell Park all that will try the 925 sterling silver it seems to be picking it up even when I'm holding this away real nice bones it's like 8 9 inches is a good sweet spot as you can see it's ringing in nice and high ringing in nice and high telling you there's something down there last we've got the grenade let's try this keep in mind folks with sensitivity turned on Wow Wow this where is my dancing it's even picking it up there I'm holding it there's about a foot gap between maybe a foot and a half gap between here this hand here and this hand here so this thing is just insane that's got to be at least 22 inches down it's picking up objects like this so that's pretty interesting so there you have it that's what you're going to get when you pay a little bit extra for one of these whoa that was a crazy review for you so we've got significant results I mean did you see that that crappy metal detector couldn't even discriminate hardly anything it was jumpy all over the place it really had a hard time I guess basically functioning now this thing might be good if you are looking to find your lost ring in the grass it will detect the there is something in the ground other than that you're going to be digging lots and lots of nails and garbage and it's just not going to be fun it's going to ruin the experience for you by using that metal detector now the Bounty Hunter Lonestar Pro did a significantly better job than the quick shooter as you can see it kinda still had some trouble discriminating against certain metals etc etc but it was able to pick up on some of the coins and gold and give some nice positive feedback yeah it's a great metal detector if you're looking to get into the Hobby and are trying to decide if this is something you might enjoy now of course the Garrett 80 pro just destroyed all the competition and that's expected especially when you're paying the price you do for that metal detector the discrimination was pretty dang good I mean the conductivity it was reading this whole depths everything was pretty spot-on the only gripe I have is the depth perception which is a problem for all metal detectors it at the end of the day when you commit to dig a hole an inch or two is not going to break your back it really isn't so that's not even really important to me the important thing is that it was able to go out and do the do its job so yeah there you have it there's three metal detectors at three price points Garrett 80 pro wins with this contest Kyle from Turpin servers make sure you subscribe make sure you like the channel and leave me a comment I want to know if this review helped you we'll catch you on the flip side we've got more metal detecting videos coming out we've got more fishing videos coming out we'll also do some scuba and some other interesting cool things so peace I will see on the flip side Oh [Music]
Channel: turf N surfers
Views: 218,921
Rating: 4.6141481 out of 5
Keywords: best metal detector for beginners, garrett metal detector reviews, the best metal detectors of 2017, metal detector comparison, good metal detector for gold, good metal detector for beginner, best metal detector for depth, garrett metal detector review youtube, metal detector companies, fortress metal detector, metal detecting system, metal detector manufacturers, metal detector price range, best metal detector reviews, metal detector reviews 2020, metal detector reviews 2021
Id: 5ib8xYSRT44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 50sec (1070 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 25 2017
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