Best Chainsaw Sharpener

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What's up everybody, welcome back to my laboratory. Where safety is number one priority. I'm cutting firewood right here, and this chainsaw gets pretty dull with this black locust. This is like the best firewood. So today, I'm going to show you even better way how to sharpen the chainsaw. I got pretty dull chain, so we're going to do a little before and after. I'm going to try to cut this black locust with the dull chain. Then we're going to sharpen it up, and see how much faster can we cut it with by sharpening it up. Oh there you go, It's an old chainsaw. Ok guys lets check this out. As you can see, it takes a very long time. Can you see what happens now? My whole chainsaw is smoking because it's overheating. I don't know if you can see that. But it's very, very hot. Woah, that's what we don't want to do. We're just going to burn out the chainsaw, and we're going to waste our energy. So let's try out a new method and the easiest way to sharpen up chainsaw and lets see the difference. This is what it's going to look like you slide it in, all the way. Then you level it up. Spin this one in. Boom, you see this piece locks in and also you can lift it up. Okay, then we're going to screw these two in Pretty tight, now we're going to fit the chain through. Boom like this, and then we're going to tie it up. Lets see if it's going to go through, yep you see it's going smooth easily. There you go. Then we're going to flip it over. All you need is 12 volt battery. Do you see how it hooks it up? I don't have 12 volt batteries, so I hooked it up to this little thing It's a battery charger 2 amp 12 volt you see it then we're gonna put it for like 60 minutes Everything plugged in right there. Nothing is wet and this thing turns on right here You see it spins. The height you can adjust that here, go lower, you see, now we are too low we gotta go higher. You see now it's too high so I can go a little bit lower to where it fits just perfectly you see it. Okay now. We're going to turn it on. Now look at this close-up you see how shiny it is now And they said here is very sharp all the way around not just the tip but the whole thing is sharp Now lets move it up Boom. You see how dull this one looks like so let me show you close up whats it's going to do. Boom Look how shiny it is now, and then we're just going to continue. This is so much fun, so easy Beautiful Can feel it, wow, super sharp. next This is the best way to sharpen your chain that's for sure If you have a chainsaw you need one of these Look effortless it's all automated It also came with the grinders like this I need the medium one for my chainsaw It's just simple screw on right here. Once they go bad you can just buy more There you go Now I know that this side is done. Now what I'm gonna do to do the other angles like you see this one It's not gonna go in, I need to twist this one to the side I don't even have to take it off, all I have to do is just open it Boom, I can flip it all the way around and right here there's two arrows Let me show you close-up You see how I used to use this one. Now i'm using this one. 30 degrees 35 And so I don't have to reach around like this, it's uncomfortable What I'm actually going to do. What I'm actually going to do is just flip my chain all the way around boom and that way I'm very comfortable again. And boom our chainsaw is done. Now I can just open it all up And boom just slide it out One more very important thing people should not forget is shave off this part because once you shave of the actual tooth this one will be higher than the tooth, so you have to get one of these see if it's in the way and it's not so go to the next one and this chain is pretty new looks like first time being sharpened because you see how it's not in the way. This is just perfect Ok guys lets see the difference now. Wow like butter! Did you see that? Wow that's insane, so fast now Beautiful Well guys there you go, black locust, very dry. Look how fast I chopped it all up five minutes. Awesome, chewing the tree down so fast. Definitely love that sharpener, chainsaw sharpener the most. So guys if you have a chainsaw definitely recommend this kind of chainsaw sharpener. Will save you some money and energy and time. Well guys, That's pretty much it. Let me know in comments below what do you think? Thank you for watching, and I'll see you next time
Channel: CrazyRussianHacker
Views: 563,621
Rating: 4.8817835 out of 5
Keywords: how to Sharpen Chainsaw, chainsaw grinder, chainsaw sharpening, chainsaw sharpener, sharpen a chainsaw, how to sharpen a chainsaw chain, review, unboxing, sharpening a chainsaw, chainsaw chain sharpening, best way to sharpen a chainsaw
Id: N_xBcqlYVMU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 10sec (430 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 19 2017
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