097 RSW How To Sharpen A Chainsaw Hacks Tips and Tricks

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if you'd like to learn how to get your chainsaw to cut that fast watch to the end of this video hello friends Jerry Rosa here in the rows of string works workshop however we're not going to be working on instruments today we've got something a little different for you if you're like me you probably have been frustrated with sharpening your chainsaw from time to time I've got some techniques here that are different than I've seen on the Internet I've seen a couple of variations of some of it on the internet but I thought you would maybe get a kick out of this and learn how to guarantee sharpen your blade where it's going to work for you and this will give you the very best results for a home you know for you know I'm not talking about a professional I mean these these guys that are professionals to do this for a living they've got better techniques and they got better tools and they know how to do it better than me okay I'm not I'm not in that class but I'm talking about for the weekend warrior or the guy like me who does cut a lot of firewood I mean I cut a ton of firewood every year for private use I even think I might cut more than anybody else in America because I burn a cord of wood every three days when it's really cold when it's like in the when it's in the 20s and upper 20s I'll burn a cord of wood about every four days when it's in the low 30s about five days and if it's in the upper 30s about a week is what I burn a cord of wood so that's a lot of cords wood during the winter especially when it's really cold when you burn that much would you have to learn how to sharpen a chainsaw trust me well I used to do it by hand I had every kind of rig you could get the kind of clamp on the on the blade and you sharpen them with a file in the kind of freehand with a file and everything and I get good results but it was slow and you know it's tedious and you know the results were mixed you know if I did a good job it cut good you know but if I didn't do such a good job then I had problems and then you've waste all that time and you still got problems okay so then I upgraded to what I thought was a real positive thing here I spent a lot of money bought one of the better or a gun bench chainsaw sharpeners this one happens to be a model 511 a it's not their very best but it's not their worst either it sits in the upper echelon of their chain chainsaw sharpeners thinking then and naively thinking that this was going to be the answer to all my problems well for the first couple of years I used this thing I guess I cussed it as much as I used it because it was not giving me the very good results I followed the directions implicitly and and went back to the directions on multiple occasions thinking I must have missed something because well for one thing when you turn this when you turn the blade to cut the other side it doesn't cut them the same length one side will cut shorter than the other and I've adjusted for that many times and I can't get it right no matter what I do secondly you know it leaves burrs on here and and especially when you're cutting on the opposite side of the chain we're going to start with this thing set up just like the book says to set it up and just for your information that the tilt back here the tilt back on the back back here I've got it set at 60 degrees this this angle here for the the blade I have it set at 30 degrees I'm using a 372 XP chainsaw by Husqvarna which is about a 70 something cc chainsaw 71 72 CC chainsaw and which is a pretty big homeowner chainsaw it's would probably be considered light by logger standards but it's a pretty good sized chainsaw for a homeowner and it's a 24 inch bar and it's got plenty of power and with a brand new chain on it it cuts like greased lightning well I've been trying to get that brand new chain cut forever and I think I've gotten pretty darn close to it with these techniques I will just tell you some of these techniques could be considered dangerous by a lot of people the manufacturer will tell you that's not their way to do it all that their book says don't worry about those birds that it leaves out here it doesn't cause a problem well I'm here to tell you they caused a problem so here's here's how we do it we're going to get started I'm going to cut the chain I'm going to cut the teeth on this side the near side of the chain to me I'm going to cut those teeth first and you'll notice that blade is rotating like this is rotating this direction and when it cuts these teeth it's pulling into the point of the tooth and that's great on this side you don't have to do anything unique on this side I've got it set as I said at 30 degrees I have the depth stop set already I have the I have the length of tooth set here already and the only other thing that I do in addition to that is I check the length of the teeth on this side to see and just right now this one's almost exactly 300,000 the other side is a little bit longer it's 305 thousands or something so I'm going to cut the nearest this near side which is also the shorter side and that's the best side to start on is the shorter side and I'm going to sharpen them first and then we'll then I'll explain how I'm going to set up for the other side I'm also going to be wearing safety glasses and I'm also going to be wearing a respirator you won't be able to see that on camera but I will be wearing a respirator and safety glasses you a lot of guys mark the tooth they start on and that type of thing I never bothered to do that because when you get back around you can tell when you quit cutting I mean it just you just can tell so it's not a big deal to me okay so now I've got this side cut and all I did was cuts cut it by the book I didn't do anything special on this side they are now 295 thousands is that one about 295 about 295 so they're pretty close to 295 okay so I took about 5000 Soph on that pass which isn't very much okay so now on the other side there there looks like they're about 305 so I'm going to have two or three there but there are three or more so yeah 305 okay so we're going to take a little bit more off the other side now we'll turn this around to the other 30 degrees and you would think that's all you'd have to do and just lock them in here and start cutting the other side but at least on this one and I don't know if I got a factory limit or what they won't cut them the same length so the first thing I do is back this off bring the bring the thing in there I just barely clear the tooth and I and I just take a practice cut here and it's just barely touching it so I'll just ease it forward a little bit just barely cutting it ease it forward a little bit more took a little bit more off at that time now I'm going to just check the length of that tooth that looks like it's going to be about the right length now you would think well that's all you have to do well no that's not all you have to do if you notice the blade is still turning this way on when it when the when we were cutting the other side the blade was pulling into the point of the tooth now it's pulling away from the point of the tooth and you think well what's the big deal well I'm sure you've noticed when it pulls away from the point of that tooth it pulls a great big burr out and that great big burr according to the directions isn't supposed to cause a problem well it does and these burrs on top also cause problems I'm going to show you how to deal with both of these berths burr issues now and then you'll have much much much better results okay the first thing I'm going to do you also notice that when I put when I pull this chain up tight to the stop I put my finger on here to make sure that I always get it and I push down to make sure I always get it locked in the exact same place every time I push down okay the next thing I'm going to do and here is the hack I'm going to take this drill and I'm going to widen the length here so you can see what I'm doing and I'm going to connect the drill into the bolt here this is a hex a hex drive right here and it fits the hex drive in the motor on the on the on the blade and I'm going to spin this blade and this is just turning the normal direction for the drill I'm going to spin it up as fast as I can spin it up and then I'm going to and this makes the blade turn the opposite way it normally turns and I'm going to spin it up as fast as I can spin it up then I'm going to flip the switch on pull it out and flip the switch okay now this believe it or not is actually spinning in the opposite direction that it normally spins evidence of that is you'll see the sparks shooting out on this side over here watch okay now that's part right there is part of the thing that you would say is not safe because it's blowing the sparks towards you but like I said I wear the respirator and I'm wearing safety glasses and I just deal with it but now it's pulling in to the point and you don't get the Boro you okay I would have round a little few more cuts than I needed to just to make sure that I was all the way around the blade now the blade feels really sharp it really does but it still got these top burrs on here um I might just add there's more to sharpening these things than what I'm showing you here in other words you've got to get these rake your teeth to the right height that's the little tooth in front of the cutter you got to get that to the right height also this will not address that so you know that needs that is important if that's not at the right height if it's too high you're not going to cut very good if it's too low you're going to cut too good and it's going to bog your saw down so that has to be done right also there's gauges for that you can in you can see that on other videos I'm not going to address that part but I'm just addressing how to sharpen it so basically now we know we have the teeth at the very same length on both sides I'm very careful about using this this is very important is getting those teeth the same length if they're not the same length you're just going to be cutting in a circle that's why your your blade will cut in a curve like that even when it's sharp sometimes if it's just dull on one side it'll cut to the sharp side and you know drag the dull and it'll cut like that also but it can do that even when the blade is perfectly sharp because one tooth is longer than the other okay now we've got the teeth exactly the same length we've got them exactly the same angle everything's cool but we have this little tiny bird right on top still and you may think and according to the directions that doesn't matter well it does matter if you want to get it to cut like a brand brand-new blade all you got to do is take that little burr off and the way I take it off and I just I normally do it in my I have a big woodworking vise it's real long and flat but I'm just going to do it right here since I've got the camera set up and what I do is I put on my safety glasses and I put on my respirator I'm not going to put the respirator run for this first one so I can demonstrate how to do it and I just turn on my dremel tool with the little grinding bit it's just a tiny little grinder and I I just work right on the top of the right on the top of the cutter just bear very lightly you you okay it only takes a couple of minutes to do that and if you get a good you get used to doing it it works really good it's just awesome you can just feel how much sharper that chain feels it just feels way sharper it's going to cut you if you put your hand on it for sure well I sincerely hope you found this video helpful like I said I used to just almost loathe using this thing when I first got it because it just wasn't put producing the results once I started using the calipers to get the teeth the exact right length and once I started spinning this the other direction on the other side of the teeth so that the blade is always pulling into the point that's the key it's pulling into the point and you know it gets rid of that extra burr on the outside and then I started taking those little burrs off the top everything changed it's just like cutting with a brand new blade it really is thanks for watching please give me a thumbs up and you know click the subscribe button because we have lots of things going on on this channel thank you very much you
Channel: Rosa String Works
Views: 405,790
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rosa, String, Works, Jerry Rosa, Husqavarna, Chainsaw, 70CC chainsaw, 24 inch bar, Sharpening, Tips, Tricks, Hacks, cut like brand new blade, firewood, felling trees, cord of firewood, firewood produc
Id: Lj1J_nU1XQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 12 2016
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