Best Chainsaw Sharpener, Ever

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[Music] welcome back friends to the shop today we're going to be taking a look at a really interesting chainsaw sharpening system that appears to be very compact and very simple simple enough for an East Coast man I would suspect but don't quote me on that I reach this was actually being requested by several of you guys over the years I reached out to to Timberline who manufactures this I was pleased to find out that they're up in Idaho and they sent this out to me I also negotiated some free ones for you guys so stay tuned to the end of the video and I'll show you how to how you can possibly win one of those before we go over the bench we've got to knock the edge off this this is a 461 32 inch bar a full Skip chain and this is a rock the timberline sharpener is actually quite simple and only consists of basically three pieces you have a guess what for lack of a better word you have the basically the mainframe of the carrier you have the handle which attaches to these really nice high quality carbide cutting bits now these are the consumable part of it I mean every time whenever you sharpen a chainsaw you're gonna have a consumable of some sort whether that be a file or a stone now I asked the guys up there how long will these last and they said if you take care and you do it right you don't break them it's not uncommon to get 30 or 40 sharpening is out of one at a replacement cost at around 20 23 dollars if memory serves and the other thing about it is whatever chain pitch whatever chain size or pitch you have you're gonna be able to do with this by simply adding a different size carbide tip so if you have a little tiny guy or you have you know the regular three-eighths here then you're gonna be fine now just to show you here before we set it up and I hope I set up right again I don't have a ton of experience but what the other thing that really appeals to me is that you have when you insert the cutter in here you once you mount this you don't have to flip it unlike many of the other the other sharpeners and then reset everything up once this is set up and it can be done in just a few seconds when you won't need to cut the other side of the teeth you simply come over here and come in the other side so that's a very good design very simple pretty well built I mean we certainly built to a price point you can see the anodizing and such as is not you know you super high-end stuff but they keep it in and around 100 dollars or so which i think is totally fair you've got these Paul's right here for back that will I'll show you here in a minute how those work but overall build quality looks really good here's a pro tip for you take a sharpie or something and and mark put it across on the tooth where you start sometimes if you have a chain that you're just touching up it's hard to know if you've already sharpened it or not so of course you know I never read in the instruction so I kind of muddle through here so this is not necessarily a tutorial but of course you see that the tooth is that way so we're gonna use the back hole I did glanced at them so what I think what the procedure is is you put the you put the carbide bit in there and basically you're putting that into the gullet or into the hook or the curvature of the chain like just like your file would fit right there once you get that established then you simply type tighten these two knobs on the outside and get that reasonably straight it's not critical at this point right here now we've got that mounted don't worry about the middle one I hadn't I used that it didn't seem seem to be super effective okay now we can back this out now this end right here well I've got this on backwards I'm so sorry guys all we do now for the set up is basically that we have this adjustment right here and this is going to adjust how deep the basically were the two sets now if we back this back out we can see we can go as we go this way these little Paul's lift up and then they once do they go past they drop off past the tooth then you slide it back and that sets your your position this is very precise what I'm finding is that this is a chain that is relatively new I've probably hand filed it twice and what this the timber line sharpener is pointing out to me is the is a my lack of consistency you know we all think that we are holding the file to right angle but without a jig it's near impossible to get it perfect that's why our saws cut crooked if you're going through it a bucking a big log it wants to turn on you that means you're sharpening one side at a different angle than the other typically and what what these jigs do is they bring that back into alignment and they give you a perfect grind every time it's very simple to use it's just cuts the little chips off there it's quiet no electric motors it's a pretty fast - I mean as fast as you can just turn this there's a taper on the end of that that's really quite good there's a taper on the end of that that carbide and that it helps get it started and I just back that out bring my tooth over I'll just bring it in very nice I'm getting absolute precision I will take this out and cut with it here when we're done and see see what's what wouldn't be a bad idea to put a drop of oil on that little arm from time to time looks like everything is replaceable so if this wears over time I'm sure you get the new inserts but look how how nice that goes through there and it's absolutely precise here you can see on the other side how you change it so for changing the angles for the other side you just put it over here and everything pretty much stays in alignment let's take a look at her work and see how that how that chain looks to get up here close well that is that is real that's really sharp sharp the thing that keeps coming to mind is its precise it's absolutely precise which is really interesting look at the look at the end it's a good polish I was a little concerned with that the carbide might be a little bit coarse or rough but it leaves a much brighter and shinier shiny or more polished finish then a file does I mean I can just almost see my reflection off the inside of that gullet this is cat cloth sticky sharp right there it almost it's a little deceiving it almost feels like it's not cutting and then you look at it like oh it is cutting and it's going to make you're going to take a lot less material off if you use it quickly than you would with a conventional file [Music] [Music] [Music] and there you have it the proof is in the eating of the pudding look at those shavings big old chunks of shavings there that's what a sharp chain looks like look at the rips right there big old long ribbons alright guys so what did we learn about the timber line sharpener let's talk about the the good points and some of the bad points the one of the bad points and this may not matter to you it but I think it's important is that I don't like the case it came in I didn't show you the case but this is the case it's it's just a simple case with a belt loop on it that's the first thing you're greeted with when you open this up and you know I think guys that are going so far as to sharpen their own chainsaw III can't speak for everyone but I think that that's the type of guy that that appreciates quality right if you're going to that trouble and you care enough about keeping your tools sharp and all that quality matters to you and being greeted with it with a case that's you know just not very nice and it's kind of crinkly and then you open it up and it's got a great big made and shiny tab on there just kind of starts things off on the wrong foot I I would and I know the argument you know I'd guys will say well I'd rather have that money go into the tool and the finishes and the machining than the case and III get that but this is so compact and so small this is something that a guy could wear on his father's belt and I would I would be willing to pay an extra you know 25 30 bucks and have a quality case that was really slim really tough you know maybe a heavy ballistic nylon I had a smart attachment system where I could snap this on my belt I mean I probably would use it I wouldn't use this particular case it's just kind of bulky and not very nice so with that out of the way what about the tool itself well I did run into a little bit of a problem with when I went to change directions from from this side to the other side where it wasn't quite the same now I was using a chain that I had filed myself so I could have over filed on one side and that very well may be it there may be nothing wrong with this even if I even if it was the fault of this it was a non-issue I simply turned the knob about a 3/4 of turn reset it did the whole tooth and it worked just fine it was not a problem as far as the consumables I I'm going off of memory here but I think that little carbide bid is about was about $23 and if you he said if you could sharpen 30 to 40 times let's say that's optimistic let's say 20 times right well it 20 times you know that's less than a dollar a sharpening and I typically will do what maybe two or three sharpening with one file and I toss it you know usually two to be honest with you and those files are you know probably three bucks apiece or so so it's actually a pretty good value it's you can be a master at it you can sharp be sharpening inside of I'd say 15 minutes from opening it doesn't take any specific skill it's a nice little package it really works great I mean look at the shavings but at 461 would just went crazy through that wood with that sharp blade it's a nice little system what I really like is about it is not happening to switch asides it's it's I recommend it I'll keep it and I'll use it if there's something to update in the future I'll let you know but I think it's great especially for guys that don't want to have to go through all the trouble to relearn how to sharpen saws all the time and most guys say who say they can file it buy them sell you file it by hand I haven't seen most most guys you can't to be honest with you what I would recommend I think I I went ahead and sharpen three saws with it and varying different sizes and all that what I found was one of the chains I had was really beat-up and it had it was coming to the end of its life this was not a great sharpener for that because because of the inconsistency of the teeth and how I had filed them incorrectly I was constantly having to adjust this to bring it back to spec so what I would recommend if you're going to use this sharpener start with a brand new sharpener and start with a brand new chain and that's you're not going to have to set it up because the first time you sharp it on a new chain you're gonna have to re-establish those angles the second time all you're gonna have to do is just touch it up and it's gonna be maybe two or three minute job of doing it so buy a new chain and just and be consistent if you're gonna do it and and you're not gonna have near as much trouble trouble this will go into an old chain and correct all those mistakes you've made but you're gonna be there you know you're looking at a half hour 45 minutes to do that so what's your time worth I guess you have to have to have to determine that so how do you get one of these for free so I don't remember is that focused that's getting so dark I'm sorry about the light I don't remember if he said he would I think it was half a dozen or so if you comment on this video and give a thumbs up I will do a randomizer and and pick you guys and forward that to him and he'll send just send these out to you so I don't remember what it was I'll double-check anyway put your name and comment on there and and that will enter you you don't have to buy anything and then we'll get those out to you but I think you'll really like it it's a great it's a great little system I'm surprised I haven't tried it before now one final note before we go I'm sorry I forgot to put the video link to the mark 18 build I was editing from the car we were going to my parents so it just didn't happen I will put it in the subject heavy here just look under mark 18 and that'll take you over to unauthorized and you can watch that and become a member sign up don't sign up you don't have to but you can enjoy those videos and there's going to be more of that stuff on that channel so that's it good job the guys at Timberline were really nice guys I enjoy talking to them good local Northwest business I just don't have any gripes better than I expected just a great little sharpener no issues whatsoever so thanks for watching and we'll keep us in your prayers and may God bless you and your families and we'll see you guys on the next video [Music] you
Channel: Wranglerstar
Views: 761,821
Rating: 4.8960762 out of 5
Keywords: Wranglerstar, chainsaw sharpening, how to sharpen a chainsaw, chainsaw sharpener, sharpen chainsaw, sharpen chainsaw chain, how to sharpen a chainsaw chain, chainsaw file, chain saw, how to, timberline chainsaw sharpener, how to sharpen chainsaw, power tools, chainsaw jig, chainsaw chain, harbor freight, chainsaw sharpner, stihl chainsaw, electric chainsaw sharpener, how to sharpen a chainsaw with a dremel, how to sharpen a chainsaw with a file guide, sharpen a chainsaw
Id: gRnwhopT_dc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 0sec (840 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 17 2019
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