Best Audio Deals on Prime Day!

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foreign [Music] happy Tuesday on a prime day it's Prime day everybody Brian romska got his cam cable today I only have one and I should have actually kept some more but uh it was a lot of fun I did not make these I had the main from a nice company called snake oil cables they make the they make cables for um audio as well yeah anyway I only have one I should have kept more but like people are buying them so I'm like I'm not gonna I'm not gonna keep a bunch of these if people want to buy them so sold out in a day one day Uno Uno day what should be my next product that I make uh I am helping a friend a pair of Howard sub to slot in with his yamo floor standing Clips in ceiling surround Atmos speakers in the basement what you got um you know for Subs I kind of my de facto recommendation is SVS because the app is so awesome and they obviously know what they're doing when it comes to Subs I like emotiva Subs and then after that I kind of go super budget so Polk psw10 which we're going to talk about also the um Sony is actually on sale hey look at that we got a bunch of cables coming in Barry all right let's shout out where are you from where's everybody from in here real quick I like to do this I like to see all the all the folks I like to see where my all my wonderful viewers are from so pop it in where are you from Uno Dia that's one day right one day I think so all right got St Louis Chicago land Underhill Vermont um put it on the Underhill spill what um what movie is that from oh my goodness wow they're really rocking in all right hold on hold on Greg Freeman emotiva land Franklin Tennessee hmm hmm that's fun to be in Tennessee uh big sale on Klipsch okay um Brian's from Michigan well I don't think cables necessarily make speakers sound rare they absolutely can make a difference use cheap RCA to my subwoofer in the sub pops yeah I had some subwoofer issues not I mean RCA issues with noise Grand Rapids Oregon Felix from Germany guten tag magnetic Cinema Michigan okay we already talked about that Jeff Caudill DC Cedar Springs Michigan Karen finkbeiner Park Ave 98 Wisconsin all right another mystery Michigan a lot of Michigan folks uh San Diego California Tulsa Oklahoma 113 degrees one time in Tulsa Oklahoma the the tollway was on fire between Oklahoma City and Tulsa I felt like I was in the bowels of hell um webbwood Ontario Canada all right Randy all right we got New York Kevin Seattle Mars Menard what's up Randy over here in Fargo North Dakota very good Matt's a real man he lives up there by the Canadian border of where it's cold in the winter Kentucky Manchester England Martin Hadfield you are familiar all right ensenatas California Baltimore oh my goodness all right we got another Californian Orange County Italy oh man I want to go back to Italy Tucson Arizona Lebanon Tennessee some Tennessee folks Florida Lansing Michigan Mississippi Mary Paige Butler we have a girl in here how strange is that um just kidding thank you for being here Mary now you probably never want to come back um Patrick Sullivan beautiful Fort Collins Colorado my uncle lives in Fort Collins London Ontario Stockholm Sweden yay I imagine everything's just clean Sweden I don't know why that's I just think of like really clean streets and like beautiful looking people I don't know Detroit Donald Dietz James P from the UK Jose Cintron Virginia Rochester New York Connecticut got lost in Connecticut once Fresno California Katy Texas my buddy lives in Katy um West Virginia all right Leon Mexico I'd like to go back to Mexico too Los Angeles you're awesome you're awesome Mike from La uh Frederick Maryland Joseph Kelly looking all cool with your hat um Fletch yeah very good Fletch the underhills Abu Dhabi what I think this is the first Abu Dhabi person person I've ever had in here West Virginia all right we're gonna have to stop doing this pretty soon uh East Sussex in the UK Rod crew uh Madison Mississippi Kalamazoo Michigan what's up with all the Michigan folks all right Cleveland and it keeps going all right almost on Vancouver Island VC I've been there Ottawa a lot of Canadians Big Sky country what is that uh Montana Inman South Carolina Kennewick Washington Orlando lived in Orlando for a while uh Rochester New York um a pair of emotiva B1 plus is worth upgrading to the b2s [Music] Maybe Irving Texas you're just right down the road all right Glen Falls New York um any good deals on Subs SVS okay so let's get into this I'm sorry we got San Antonio Arizona all right stuck in jury duty perfect um that they let you watch uh YouTube another um friend from the UK Louisville Kentucky Oklahoma City very good all right all right all right sorry we got Houston Southwest Wisconsin Tacoma Wisconsin Montreal Frederick Maryland Kingwood Texas all right we got to stop doing this all right so some prime deals that I think are pretty good um that I found this morning and if I miss anything just let me know pop it in the comments over here a lot of comments coming in though coming in quickly quickly quickly all right so I'm gonna pop this up on the screen if I can see if this looks I'm sharing my screen but the part I wanna there we go pop and then we will push this over here come back to here all right and then I'm gonna share my screen boom okay um let me see I don't want you to see all this I don't know how to do this all right so we're gonna go all right first and foremost Amazon link is a if you're into Amazon music all every time we do a prime day um oh super sticker thank you Michael okay I'm trying to get to all the super stickers too here but we're good we gotta we got a lot to go over all right thank you Michael you're awesome all right Amazon link if you're into Amazon music and Amazon music only really Amazon link is a great deal at 160 so you're getting native Amazon music integration high pass filter yeah uh tone controls subwoofer output um Optical output Optical input RCA input so really this is a preamp of sorts and for 160 dollars and if you're heavy Amazon music listener it's a absolute no-brainer this is like a blue sound for Amazon music and the coolest thing is they have the Amazon music connect feature so a lot of us know about title connect Spotify connect things like that Amazon doesn't do that except for its own products so Amazon link and if you only have one product in your Prime member I think you can get you can turn on Amazon music HD for like five bucks for one device which is crazy Tel Aviv Israel all right Philippines very nice you look like you're having a good time there uh Bulgaria Bulgaria all right um so yeah let's see if we got any other super chats um any good deals on headphones um I didn't see any like sorry I searched akm not akm AKG headphones this morning and I didn't see any I don't know if Sennheiser is running in deals or not all right let's go back to here what do I have next all right and I think all these are linked in the description I think I put these in in the description all right elac bs-41s these are great speakers and they're 120 dollars and if you are so inclined you can do a quick and easy crossover modification where you change out the largest inductor on the woofer circuit I think you can do it for about 40 bucks and you can maintain the same thing which apparently gives you even better bass and cleans things up a bit even though I think they're fine just the way they are and for 120 bucks can't really go wrong um with these and I looked my Sony SS cs5s are not are not are not on sale they're probably go on sale tomorrow we'll see though your cables are out for delivery today I'm so happy um hey Dan Stein sound core by anchor Liberty 3 Pro noise canceling 89.99 brought a pair out to the dog ate the last ones uh Dan's got a great story about his dog um having some issues um with his things actually I have that right here Dan look at this boom right there there we go so this came out um for 160 bucks these are absolutely my daily drivers except I fell asleep with one in my ear because I laid my head on one side and then I have the other one I fell asleep and I haven't been able to find it yet and Dan there was no dog in there so I think it's we're safe on this one um but yeah so I'm still searching for my other Sam Cora but these have a great app they have noise canceling they have adaptive noise canceling you can make calls with them I don't really do that but I have done it before and it's fine um EQ in the app it's great they're great they're fantastic and they're really good at 90 I would still pay 160 for these but they're really really good at 90. all right digital Dan Stein one of my best friends ever hi from England oh King Spartacus is back very good here we go if you install on your phone you can connect to the wing mini for the native Amazon music app right but you still can't drop into the you can control it using voice commands which you can do obviously on the link as well but like the connect feature that's the one feature that I love because then I'm not going through the Wii map on anything or the app I don't want to say her name she gets real she starts chatting at me uh Sennheiser 5.99 or something like 90 bucks no kidding and let's go over here search Sennheiser Headphones um drop may be running some stuff too I haven't been on drops website uh send hi sir headphones you know beats um all right Sennheiser cx-300s's all right these are really really flat and obviously they're like monitoring headphones 560s 150. I don't know if that's a prime deal or not that's a good uh I really like the 560s I don't like the cable that comes with it but it's a good good headphone Audio Technica Sennheiser HD 660s 300 I always find it interesting when someone can just like randomly just knock off two or three hundred dollars it tells me their margins are pretty healthy for them to be able to do that all right let's go back here we've got another man we got all sorts of people from the UK flux capacitor 21 so hey another Super Chat Colton I just bought a pair of clips r620f and I have a Sony s t r d h190 hooked up to them in your opinion should I change out the Sony amp for a better one you know that's not a bad pairing because the Sony is pretty warm sounding full sounding and those clips although I'm not familiar with that model I would imagine that they have the Klipsch sound so you're probably doing good because your Clips are probably fairly efficient as well and that amp doesn't like to drive low impedance loads so it will drive like four ohm loads but it will go into protect fairly easily so 8 ohm speaker high efficiency warmish sounding amplifier I think that's a great great combination uh if you really if you're itching to buy something I'd buy Maybe a weem mini and a DAC or by the Amazon link or something like that and plug it right into that Sony it's um it's a good good good combination hey fire stick's on sale yes and I'm gonna probably pick this one up because I missed out on it last time a 4K Apple TV 4K and in my home we have Apple TVs everywhere got like three of them but this like the one I have is the generation older than this for 123 bucks I'm probably getting this today the only bad thing is I was running title on it yesterday and you can't skip tracks um if you're running a playlist so I don't know what it is you have to go back into the playlist and hit it so anyway 123 bucks though for an Apple TV 4K is pretty legit and at one time they were the only streaming Hardware that would stream Atmos for uh movies and stuff like that uh Kevin's got a question Echo Link versus William is that a fair fight um it depends like if you want something outside of Amazon music then weem all day long but if you are just Amazon music I mean the functionality of the echo link walks all over the wing what I like to aim for is is versatility across multiple platforms but the link actually has a pretty decent DAC in it and then it has also um all types of like high pass tone controls all sorts of stuff um that you can do yeah I'm trying to Bro threes down to 349 yeah triangles I get a kick out of triangle because like they were like super hot when they first came on um the scene wonder why that it was wonder why that speaker was so hyped up try angle bro okay and it was like six hundred dollars and now look at even the the regular price is down to 388. another 349 right so that speaker was competing with like the Klipsch rp600m the first generation the elac debut reference here's the funny thing I actually have Klipsch on here and it's the RP okay so rp600m first generation 379. okay which is actually not a bad deal because that's a it's a decent speaker if you know what you're getting into with the sound signature and everything it's a it's a good speaker and at 379 dollars it's a great speaker all right check this out RP 600m two now Five Sixty two which is so funny because this is the pricing game in like this is an example of the pricing game so you have the rp600m Mark II when it came out I did the review on it 750 Suddenly It's 562 dollars so what I want to kind of like drive home is this is not a supply and demand issue this is a marketing strategy by these companies like Klipsch kef even elac JBL yamo although yamos prices have stayed fairly fairly stable however when you look at companies like SVS or emotiva their prices stay stable they will occasionally go up but in talking to them their margins are set at a certain price level so when their costs go up they of course have to raise prices but they don't raise prices they don't have prices bouncing all over the place like Klipsch like triangle um yeah I think the the Bro 3 uh ship has sailed um because there's a it seems like there's an awful lot of them uh laying around somewhere because it is not uncommon for them to go on sale 349. I paid 450 for these things used yeah so anyway triangle bro threes and we got a Super Chat uh initial thoughts can you see that I don't think you can oh it's Bob Bob I can't see where you want here we go uh initial thoughts on the Fozzie slash Aima tube phono preamp my I don't have any I have long-term thoughts I've been using it for a long time I think it's good I think it's Dynamic um that's the last word in resolution but for seventy dollars what can you really expect I personally think it sounds more natural than a lot of phono preamps installed and integrated amplifiers or preamps costing a lot more so for seventy dollars I think the fuzzy audio slash Duke audio slash Aima they all use the same thing it's just put in a different box or sometimes it's not even put in a different box it's just got a different label or different name on it I think if you're getting into turntables and you want an affordable phono preamp that you can have fun changing the tubes for seventy dollars I don't think there's a better deal in town uh I don't even know what it is um I'm actually running a more expensive here let's do this I'm running a much more expensive phono stage right now so yeah this is what it looks like and it's pretty they're all pretty much the exact same you got some tubes here um there is an LED in here so like the tube glow is faux faux glow it's faux glow solo Soul glow what movie is that from um anyway yeah I think it's great Bob from talking to you though I don't feel like you think it's very good I thought tone controls are evil not for me I love tone controls rp600m sounds great great uh Coming to America Brian romskin nailed it what Fozzy model is that I need one um um it's like the phono photo box or something here I'll pull it up I will pull it up just one moment oh if you guys want to support the channel you don't have to buy these products but if you're going to do any shopping on Amazon click through one of these links and like if you're buying lawn darts or a tent or a television or a fan it helps out the channel because it doesn't cost you any more so any shopping you do on Amazon if you could click through my links it'd be greatly appreciated and uh supports the channel lets me bring in more products without having companies have to send me products because well I really appreciate everybody sending me products when I buy something it's kind of cool when I buy something do a review on it because I don't have to worry about like even though most companies are really cool even if I give it a kind of a ho-hum review some people get a little bit mad if they don't like what you're saying so being able to buy everything is a a lot funner Aussie audio phono preamp all right there we go audio box X2 oh it's 55 man this one needs to go on the list um 55 smackaroos all right where can I put this in here put it right here Boop Boop and then we shall heart that or start um 55 bucks man for a fun little tube I guess I have rolled these tubes these aren't the stock tubes what are these no these are Chinese tubes hmm maybe I did wrong thank you you're welcome I have a next Duo mt602 and I do do not hear a difference from what um I think from what are you comparing it to um I have that I think I have that uh any outdoor Anthrax no I don't really I don't really have any recommendations for those man you know what you should do is just go buy a um buy like a not a car stereo but like a boat stereo and then just run 12 volts into it and then run an external amp because most of those have rcas you'll have to fiddle around with some 12 volt um stuff but I think they're like pretty weatherproof obviously if they're going to be on a boat the fives 460. yeah that's another thing I think the fives are a bit long in the tooth and clips just probably coming out with something new [Music] um look at that 460 dollars they um they've been going down down down down even the regular price now is I think 500 bucks a star all right oh sound bar suggestions um I have a Definitive Technology in here right now it's a little tiny one it's not my favorite Eclipse Cinema 600 I like that one and um you can get wireless surrounds and it works great it's really really good for movies that's it though like movies and TV it's really really good for movies and TV um it's passable if you're not an audiophile or for like background music it's very clean so it's Cinema 600 I like that one Randy so like I said I have the Sony Str dh190 driving the clips and then I have an at okay with an order fun2m red then running it through the Fozzie tube phono premium I'm looking to upgrade something in the system uh Colton thank you for the Super Chat and I'm sorry I didn't answer your question properly um hmm okay if you want more clarity in the phono stage you can get a I5 Zen phono let me see if they're on sale very clean very good um WiFi Zen phono uh no they are not on sale shocking um not on sale all right or I've been playing around with this one now this is not cheap by any stretch of the imagination but it does sound pretty awesome projects tube box S2 500 for this thing but it sounds really good um really clean and you get the tubes I don't have the Zenfone anymore to directly compare them but this is fun and I'm probably going to buy this this is probably not leaving the house anyway as far as let's see yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh uh order from Two and red uh you can also look at getting uh different cartridge uh the 2m red is a bit forward in the upper mid range not super balanced in my opinion uh uh 2m blue here's a little trick so you don't have to even pull the cartridge off what you can do is you can switch out the stylus or the needle you can get a ordathon blue 2m blue needle and you can pull it off and pull off the red and then put that one in because it's the same cart so the only difference between those cards is the stylus and you I think you can get a stylus for 204 dollars which is a little bit um seems like it's a high but um it's a quick and easy way 910 ratings quick and easy way to um hold on I gotta block somebody come on put user and timeout no I want to block them dang it we had some spam spam there hold on anyway we're the moderators oh I bet you can't moderate since I'm going through streamer anyway yeah that's what I would do man uh take a look at upgrading the photo stage to uh IFI Zenfone and then I actually I would probably spend my money on the the replacement stylus first because I think you're going to hear a pretty significant upgrade right off the bat right off the bat got another vote for the two in blue from Marriage Ann Colton you need quits giving me money okay I'll switch to the blue and switch to the uh project photo okay man you're gonna have a rocking system man very good very good very good there's an ambient Warner um the art DJ pre 2 phono preamp is supposed to be very good I've uh have you ever taken a listen to it no I do have this one in here too though Let Me Go full screen the Puffin which is a lot of cool stuff going on in here it um it's it's really not a phono preamp it's like a phono processor so it'll take out clicks and pops it'll do all sorts of things so um this kind of highly recommended from my good friend digital Dan and so I'm looking forward to this full show uh Brian missed my life I got mad watched it later loved your response and attitude don't take a crap from anybody good stuff as usual thank you um I watched it back I guess I didn't get as mad as I thought I did um at the time I felt I was really felt like I was angry I wish I would have gone Blue from the get-go yeah I think that's a lesson learned it was a lesson learned for me too because I had the uh rt-83 that came with the 2m red and then I ended up upgrading to the blue anyway but um yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah ordaphon have recently released the Concord Mark II Elite pretty pricey though Kevin Ken Champion I was going to call you Kevin Champion show is really great I if you're talking about my show thank you very much uh two and blue is very nice cartridge but if you can swing the 2m bronze now that is an upgrade what does that cost two m put it on 419 yoza 400 19. all right uh and I got a pre-mounted to a red head shell so switching to Blue stylus would be patriotic there you go man Shannon parks and his wife build the puffins by hand at his home in Washington State yeah that's who I was uh that's what I was talking with that's who I was talking with Shannon that's cool man it's all here I love small um audio companies so let's give this a little bit some more pub the puffin Parks audio phono DSP all right if you're interested go check them out um I have not it's still in the box so I haven't even listened to it yet but digital Dan who I trust implicitly implicitly implicitly has one it's a uh get the thumbs up from Dan so Dan's been an audiophile for like 50 years so he knows what he's talking about no but he um good it's the middle of the afternoon so that means the dog's barking foreign ERS has gotten out again Uh Kevin Wagner sorry what's your favorite clothes back headphone um I think it would be the Dan Clark aeon RT it's five hundred dollars um for something more affordable the sivga SVO 21 is not bad um let's see for open packs nobody watched this video because nobody likes my headphone videos apparently these are spectacular these are the meze 109 Pros I was listening to these for probably three hours last night and the the reviews already done so a lot of times like when I review something that's it I don't listen to it again um but I couldn't wait to get those back on my head uh what is your record player of choice for the order fun I think the rt83 so if you're buying the order phone and you're looking for a turntable like get the rt85 it's 500 so and it's a 200 cartridge right so that's it's a good turntable comes with an acrylic platter comes with the auto stop a bunch of cool stuff uh but yeah that would probably be my turntable of choice RT 82 8380 45. um how about can a 10 DAC be I'm gonna find out you know what um it's not bad is the um uh what is the apple lightning to 3.5 millimeter and that's less than 10 bucks it's actually pretty good I think that cartridge is compatible with all needles I don't know which one you're talking about if it's the ordathon you can only upgrade one level so if you have the red you can only go up to the blue you can't put the bronze Needle on the red or the blue I think I think you can go bronze to Black though so there's two that have uh switchable stylized but once you go but you can only go up one level and you can't go up from the blue to the bronze I don't think anyway love your headphone vids Brian you're about the only person that lost my headphones that was like the worst performing video I've done all year video uh I upgraded from the stock platter on my DC nice upgrade very cool boy all right I'm just picking a random one here howdy Randy what is a good compliment speaker to the Polk r200 to use in rotation with it oh Pull car 200 is a good speaker across the board maybe has a little bit of emphasis on the bottom and the top it's got that uh ring radiator tweeter I would say something like something like this would be a good compliment to it something that was maybe leaned a little bit warmer if you have the budget um the Denton it's 500 bucks today Lois is I think it's ever been ever been or Phil Denton 80th anniversary very good 500. 500 man here I don't want to break anything okay look how this thing is built all right this is all wood veneer this is a hefty speaker man one inch soft Dome five inch woofer goes down to 44 Hertz this is an absolutely stunning speaker for five hundred dollars and guess what it sounds pretty darn good too yep all right I want to scratch these they're not mine that's a lot um Colton five dollars Canadian um I have been looking at reviews on clips speakers why does everyone sing a crap on clip speakers I think they sound so clear and nice they do they do they really do sound so they have you know depending upon the level aluminum dome or titanium Dome so all the RP Series has titanium Dome um it has a definite sound I think why people especially like audiophile reviewers and stuff is because the mid-range is a tendency to be scooped out so that the house curve or the house signature of the Klipsch is a bit of a u-curve and that's a curve that you know I use a lot on rock and roll stuff um if it's a neutral speaker so I think that's probably why um I I think the pricing structure the marketing the way they go to market I think that might be that may that rubs me the wrong way personally I don't think they're braced all that well but I think in their lack of bracing the Box resonance actually can add a bit to the vibe of the speaker especially if you're listening to rock and roll so I think that's probably the reason why and not this is purely subjective on my part but if I was a guessing man that's what I would bet on and I think there's a lot of margin on them obviously you have a 750 speaker that just went down to 562 dollars and it's going to bounce around like that uh throughout the year so I think the real deal with clip speakers is like the rp600m the first generation right now under 400 I think that's probably where that speaker should live now if not a little bit lower but when you're putting that up against something like the emotiva B2 Plus like I'm picking the B2 pluses all day long because they still have that top end Clarity but it's actual Clarity because it's an AMT tweeter um and you have a better mid-range so yeah I think the 600m Mark II is a little bit more linear but frankly like when I was comparing it to the 600 M the first gen I actually preferred the first gen because it's kind of like the second gen was kind of like Klipsch light so if you're gonna get Clips you get Clips right so anyway that's a long way to go just say it's probably the mid-range and the price and then the enclosure Construction Emmy Warner never heard a clip speaker too pricey where I live I know they're far cheaper in the U.S yes what do you think of the Apple TV as a streamer I've been using it as a streamer for the past few days um I think it's great what I don't like is the app integration with it and it's not Apple TV's fault it's title's fault um so yeah I think it's great you're really dependent like if you're using Apple TV as a streamer though you are completely tied to the DAC that's in your receiver right unless you put an HDMI audio extractor in there and take out like an optical signal then put that into a DAC and then run that DAC back in to your system but if you do that then you're kind of losing like the home theater aspect of it so if you're a receiver person and that's where you do all your listening I think the Apple TV is great pulls double duty sounds great easy to operate um so yeah but if you're just a two-channel person Apple TV is probably not the right product for you uh the Puffin does not get the attention it deserves let's give it some more attention small family-run business out of Washington State Puffin funnel DSP by Parks audio look at how cool this box art is too look at that how cool is this all right go over to uh I don't know anyway go check these guys out if your turntable Aficionado you got some old records have a bunch of pops and clicks um let's go get you one uh Echo link for the pairing of Yamaha 801 Echo link for the pairing of Yamaha yeah if you're heavy in Amazon music the echo link is hard to beat anyone know if the DAC and the Onkyo rz50 is any good I don't a lot of times those Dax in there though are like wolves and decks or um oh it's owned by TI now what is the name Berber Brown and those are not like the most Resolute but they sound really natural and good so they cover up a lot of sins so a lot of times the daxon these receivers are actually pretty good the problem is the amplifier section can be a bit thin on a lot of these home theater amplification uh home theater receivers you've heard a ton of speakers since your e-lock ub52 review has your opinion on them changed ub15 no not really um I think it's probably the best neutral speaker available um at its price they take an inordinate amount of break-in though and I know people argue about that but at 455 dollars what you're getting here is spectacular if you understand that when you first get this speaker it's going to sound a bit dull until it doesn't and it takes weeks and one day I'm like I'm listening to this thing I'm like I don't like this and I kept listening to it kept listening to it and all of a sudden like the frequency response went from here to here so the top end open up the bottom end filled out all the same time so yeah all right why does my VPI Scout Buzz no matter what I don't know what's the I don't even know what a VPI Scout is um let's see VP ice BPI Scout oh is that a turntable I have no idea what that is anybody know what the VPI Scout is someone said Earth issue power supply too close to the VPI why do my HDMI cables Buzz because you don't have a high quality HDMI cable from audioquest I don't know man uh grounding issue uh uh power supply yeah VPI is a turntable right I've just never had one in hold on vbi Scout there we go holy cow thirty three hundred dollars wow if I'm spending 3 300 on the turntable they should come over and fix that um so anyway uh ground hum that seems to be the over arching explanation Ultimate Hi-Fi setup in a boomer headphones man um MP3 player back in my day it was a CD player a um portable CD player that you'd have to lay flat took a bunch of triple double a batteries I put it in the uh overhead when I was jogging and then I would always like yank it and then it would come to him boom and just batteries would go everywhere uh am I streaming tomorrow as well yes I probably will because they run different sales on each day so like today they run one thing and then tomorrow they'll run something else speaking of which thank you for reminding me let's go back because there's some other good ones um speaking about uh elac the original unifies 296 which is crazy that's a crazy good speaker it's a little bit warm and it takes a bunch of power so it needs 100 Watts but if you give it 100 Watts this thing is really spectacular so if you've got a beefy amp 300 bucks for the speakers incredible yummy water all right what else all right subwoofer so this is um Sony's now this is the psw10 so I've got two of these upstairs they used to be like 125 but since everything went up 160 dollars still not a bad price they're not gonna shake your house off the foundation but for 160 bucks it's um it's not a bad subwoofer and then this is the one that really has my interest this is God why do we keep doing that I guess I put the wrong link on here hold on uh anyway let's just go here I'll um I'll search it the Sony subwoofers on sale today and what wait a minute it was a hundred man so okay that was a uh I guess if we didn't get that one you didn't get that one it was 160 bucks this morning um it looks like it is not 160 anymore so that was a quick one so if you missed it you missed it these are 198 dollars which is too high but hopefully tomorrow they um they go on sale all right hopefully I didn't miss any super chats all right is it really true that passive clip speakers are best paired with Onkyo Pioneer or Integra um well let's okay let's think about this one for a while so Onkyo pioneer in Integra all recently within the last year became part of the the VOS family of companies which Cliffs is a member of so really I think Klipsch group is within Vox so then they got Onkyo Pioneer and Integra before Onkyo like went out of business or filed for bankruptcy they had already like spun off the receiver section two clips so being smart they're all the same company now so they're like hey let's do some type of you know easy room integration speaker integration with our speakers so is it really true no but there's some Engineers that maybe understand something about the Klipsch speakers so there's a button um personally I think it's probably a gimmick because you can run room correction on anything Onkyo and Pioneers both come with some models come with dirack now so like if you're getting a direct model no don't even worry about it even if you're not getting a direct model like don't even worry about it it's a it's a marketing gimmick it's a smart marketing gimmick and it's one that I would use if I was a manager at one of these companies heck yeah I'd be like yeah use all of our products and they'll work really really well together so is it really true no it's not really true um they're all part of the same and Integra is like the house so Integra is Onkyo but it's sold through dealers if that makes sense yeah there's sometimes like some extras but I mean really for Integra it's and quite frankly I think the Pioneer and the Onkyo are probably identical if you take off the the top of it you start to look in there um they're sharing a lot of the same Parts which again is smart and that's what I would do if I was you know running a company is I would use as many similar Parts as I could because brain loyalty like some people love Onkyo some people love pioneer it's really the same thing now but if you love Pioneer if you've always driven a Ford they'll give you a forward to drive anyway Mookie 79.99 isn't that what's their prices anyway if it's the three-way I'm not a fan Mookie mookie speaker oh yeah it's the three right not a not a fan not a fan they're two ways much better much better Randy you rock you rock renan renan is the lakshi a30 a worthwhile upgrade from the SM no if it is not is there better uh AIO desktop amp I'm not sure what AIO means analog inputs I don't know I know what the 8018 is 8018 and the lakshi a30 have the exact same chipset the Infinity on 120 70. and I would imagine that their circuit layout is almost identical the a30 does come with a headphone jack I think the 8018 does too but no it's the same amp repackaged um and it's going to sound identical I would look at the um if you don't mind the looks of it it's a heck of a lot more natural sounding is the Aima do three EMA D oh and Aima is running a bunch of sales right now actually I look at this thing man T9 spectacular no headphone output though um tone controls remote control cool UV meter you got tubes uh full complement DAC on the back um sounds spectacular uses the Texas Instruments uh chipset uh really really really really really really really really awesome really really awesome play with it a lot though in the first 30 days because some people have uh said that there's some issues mine never had an issue most of the people that bought it theirs has never had an issue either here's the one that I would look at so the d03 another Texas instrument um amp and it's really good um subwoofer output I believe yep sub out yeah really really good I like this one it's not it's nothing like it's not pretty but I really like it um how TF does he know that chipsets Savant no man it's just posted on their uh the spec sheet like almost all of the um the speaker and it's class D speaker amps from about 18 months ago to probably six months ago utilized like the Infinity on 120 70s and there's still a bunch that do the da9 does but that's a different implementation that's a balanced implementation so you have these chipsets and they can be implemented differently but they all somewhat maintain the same Sonic characteristic especially if you're using the same type of power supply which many of these use the same type of power supply because these are kind of all rebranded not all of them a lot of them are so the 8018 that uh a or S 300 from um SMS out that was the same amp it had some different inputs and outputs same amp even the same uh footprint so and then topping had a bunch of 120 70s so the the amps that changed everything for me from a Class D perspective was the crop of amps that started using Texas Texas Instruments chipsets the 3255 especially there's another 3000 variant of the Texas instrument chip that's also sounds really good and that's the one that's in the T9 but the a07 has a 3255 I think the a300 has the 3255 the topping pa5 has a 3255 the Fozzie audio oh what is it it's this one uh TV um 10. tb10d also uses the 3255. um this one initially was horrible but you know what I gave it a horrible review and Fozzy audio reached out to me and said hey we saw your review we appreciate the feedback would you be willing to listen to it we've changed a few things I said absolutely so still haven't listened to this one yet so I don't know also the cool thing about the 3255 chips is that you can use higher power so that chipset is rated from a specific voltage for the power supply you can go all the way up to like a 48 volt power supply on the 3255 chipset where the 1270 doesn't have that ability so it's limited at the voltage that it can take in so there's a lot of um freedom there's a lot of Versatility with the Texas Instruments chips compared to the 1270s so no I'm not a savant I'm just an idiot that reads the spec sheets and listens to a lot of amplifiers okay call me skeptical anyway I hope that that uh answered your questions oh all in one AIO I got you uh Bob I have the topping dx3 Pro Plus but the pa3s happy with it there you go uh if you want to two row getting to be a bit of a pain to find tubes non-chinese at a decent price I did find some uh New Old Stock General Electrics recently yeah it depends on the the tube too so like the tubes that are in here very a lot more common I think the more more esoteric tubes it gets very difficult to find um New tubes for those hey if you want to support the channel click through any of my links down here in the description um even if you're not interested in buying anything if you're going to buy some toilet paper it's still great it still helps out the channel um they're not as rolled off and measure flatter how many 548 people in here holy cow I think this is the most I've ever had on a live stream maybe 600 holy cow hey hit the like button if you're if you're in here hit the like button unless you hate me which is not uncommon I found your channel a few months ago I am addicted love it I am choosing between Polk es30 center with Polk es15 fronts versus yamo C9 sensor with yamo c93 two fronts using Pioneer vsx 1020. hmm okay so these this is actually a good comparison because the Polk the new signature Elite Series which is funny that they say es when the actual name is signature Elite I would think it'd be the Polk SE anyway it replaces the uh Polk S series that I wasn't overall impressed with the s20 was okay the S15 was actually I still have the s15s around my daughter's room anyway the es30s the es15s um is a bit of a warmer presentation which is fairly uncommon for a speaker in that price range the C9 and the c93 twos which I also own hold on the c93 twos in my bedroom right now although they're not hooked up because I'm running a a sound bar in there c932s really special speaker however they're completely boosted on top and the bottom so the mids are very scooped out whereas the men's on the Polk es15s are going to be more linear with the top end a little bit more rolled off so those are two very different sounding speakers for home theater see you're going to be running a center so it doesn't matter really anyway if you're running just two speakers for home theater I'd actually say c93 twos because the dialogue is going to be better um but I think the pokes are on sale but also the yamos have been constantly on sale I think that's going to get replaced soon um so yeah either way it's a really good combination I have the C9 Center and I do have some resonance issues on there so I do plug the port it's a giant port on the back of that speaker so like I don't know what the purpose of it is I think their bookshelf speakers are a lot better designed than their Center Channel I think the Polk es15 which I also had in for a review pretty good it's got like six little woofers in there and then one one inch terylene soft on Twitter so yeah anyway Invicta is 93 are off on Amazon Prime all of them I'm gonna be mad if they are I just bought this one just bought this one there's a 42 millimeter Pro Diver the bracelet is absolute garbage um so yeah hold on let's pull up some Invicta Invicta Pro Diver you can do a little little watch stuff in here uh let's see how much there 53 87 what come on man I wonder if I can return mine oh that's quartz though um makes me sad over overpaid 30 dollars um anyway nobody cares about watches except for you death death owner 88 I like watches though here let's get off this uh we'll go to oh Polk Reserve series we haven't talked about this one so this is actually through Crutchfield um crazy deal on these so let's go our oh my goodness where's the R2 here we go 565 for the r200s um and these things are worth every penny of their S I thought it was 700. these things are worth 700 easy easy like we're seven seven hundred dollars so 565 is very good very very very very very very good Rachel 93 off list on MSRP right like MSRP is just some fictitious number they came up with out of the cosmos like MSRP like if something's never sold at MSRP is it really MSRP no it's not so that's a great point actually my cables were marked down from twelve thousand dollars to like thirty five dollars so it's a 90 99.6 um discount hey Randy just wanted to say thanks for all your recommendations currently running elac debut 2.0 F 6.2 is on the emotiva ta1 along with an SVS SB 1000 using the built-in crossover on the ta1 cheers yeah ta1 is it one heck of a piece of equipment um and if you ever outgrow it you can use it as a preamp has base management built in phono stage DAC even has a FM tuner if you're so inclined um upgraded remote control from the previous generation so yeah it's a great great piece of Kit this is the pt2 and I can't really see it this is the pt2 which is um the preamp version it's great brilliant how do you rate the pokes versus the Dentons as far as the r200 and r100 different sound signature Denton have that traditional English sound a little bit of a warmth in the mid-range kind of pulls you in pork gonna be a little bit more linear on top if not a little bit boosted ring radiator tweeter it's a good Tweeter it's kind of like a combo between like a um AMT and a soft Dome so it doesn't have that metallic ish like a titanium or an aluminum dome has so the poker 200s are great for most people the Dentons are going to be great for people they're looking for maybe not as intense of uh of a listening experience um I love the den love them love the Dentin I also love the Polk r100 um Rachel you recently got to use Music fatality m3ci integrated amp no off switch they just go into standby is that common yeah Rachel actually some people don't turn it like I don't turn off my my Hi-Fi equipment um people have told me like actually like the power cycling and it's not really the power cycling it's the cooling and the heating so if you're constantly cooling and heating cooling and heating that can prematurely cause Electronics to fail so I just leave my stuff on um and I know a lot of people that have just left stuff on so absolutely don't be worried about that at all if anything it's a good uh feature to have because your equipment's not going to be like heating up and cooling down um what was I gonna say now in the summer it does get a little toasty in here but um I doubt that thing in standby is probably putting off much heat so yeah hey another watch Invicta men's especially chronograph textured down stainless steel watch 5636 very cool oh here we go Invicta garbage uh Rachel thank you for your question um don't get many ladies in here so they ladies always go first in line it's usually uh AARP convention a bunch of dudes um I've been researching Dax for a couple of months now nothing against AARP dudes all right I'm gonna be one of them soon we're all in the right place okay don't want to alienate anybody but really my audience looks like me a little bit younger a little bit older anyway I've been researching Dax for a couple of months now and I've found a used topping d90le for a great price 600 euros do you think it's a good buy or should I save some more money and buy an smsl sabaj Etc uh I would negotiate that down to about 500 it is a good deck it's a good 500 deck it is not a good 900 DAC um it it actually that topping e50 sounds very similar to the D90 and I think that's 250 bucks so and it's they're both sound good though so it's a rich warm full presentation organic doesn't sound doesn't have a digital harsh digital harshness at all that some decks do so I like the D90 I don't like it at eight nine hundred bucks 500 yeah um or 500 euros whatever yeah try to negotiate them down or tell him like here's what I would do I would say hey I'm interested in the DAC I'm also looking at the the uh the e50 though and I've heard that you don't really gain much over the e50 can you do 500 euros or 450 and then see what they say if they say no then go buy the e50 um because they don't sound very different Denton versus diamond diamond 12.2 Denton's warmer richer more personality the diamond 12.2 is more linear so it depends on what you want hey we got more Invicta stuff uh yeah and Victor are not particularly nice Watchers rather pay 150 for a citizen or another reputable brand come on Matthew they sell a lot of watches man I got this one I got this Pro Diver okay A little watched it here let me let me get out of this all right I get this Pro Diver 17 years ago and I've beat the ever living crap out of it and it still runs just fine actually it runs better than a lot of newer watches I have so 17 years I've had this um now they have better movements and the quality control is better and they're cheaper I think I paid 150 for this in 2005. so I get there's a lot of Invicta hate but from my own personal experience at 17 years old and it still works um original band everything uh gold plated Seiko all day all day all right go back to audio hey again Randy I sent a comment about the wharf day on the last video please forgive me for the cursed message supposed to be kind I know my English is awful I don't know I didn't see it um truth be told I'm in the comments for maybe two hours after I post a video and then after that rarely am I in the comments um simply because there's a lot of comments and I would like to make I'd like to spend my time making more content and you know being a dad and stuff well I'm not I don't I don't see all the comments um especially if it's a video that gets a lot of them but uh you're forgiven no problem um the Warfare 225 is a wealth of quality that speaker yes it is warm rocks my house yeah 225 so here's the cool thing about the 225 and the Denton 80th so those were actually kind of um only sold through one sales Channel and the den 80th just came back to uh wharfdale USA so those are both fantastic speakers warm though and so those speakers are good kind of introduction into what worm can sound like Jeremy s build around rt85 Klipsch sixes versus 600m with an old Onkyo s608 I got but no phonogram so amp preempt needed help a brother out to pair um I don't know anything about the Onkyo s608 okay let's look at them if it's a two channel amp okay s608 if it's a two channel amp I said go with that one okay yo this 608 come on oh here we go oh it's a 7.2 Channel um hmm okay here's the I'll just go into this here's the problem with the sixes it's a powered speaker right like power speakers it's kind of like buying a Tesla like yeah they're great it's convenient everything's great but what if it isn't the thing about a like a thing that I like about like separates is you can kind of tailor the sound to it so I haven't had great experience with um Onkyo Home Theater stuff for music um so it doesn't always sound the best to me for music if you have a EQ in there you can go in and start playing with that um personally I would go with passive speakers um so and that one doesn't have a phone apparent but then you can get something like this I know that's a lot of boxes if you're if you want like pure convenience then yeah go with um powered speakers and stuff but I personally like separates um that's just my my opinion I like to tailor stuff though because you'll find something that you really like and then you're like I don't want to spend like and that's a cool thing too about going separates is you're not like replacing a whole box oh my goodness I don't like this amplifier now I need to get another 1200 integrated amplifier you'd be like hey I'm maybe you want to see if there's an upgrade from the Fozzie audio to the um you can't really see it right there the tube the project two boxes too um the Sith audio I have a prime day yeah it was the day that they went up it was 99.6 off 55 off tiso is a very good quality brand of auction uh facts highly collectible I have uh tiso right here and then I have my first Swiss watch it was a TSO got it in 2006 in Zurich of all places I didn't speak a lick of Swiss German the guy didn't speak any English if he did he didn't let me know um I bought it I get home and I saw it for a hundred dollars cheaper on Amazon I still have it though I love that watch I don't wear it very much though uh I thought Prime day was in June or July this is confusing I'm not a Prime member because there is nothing in it for me but this is still confusing all the Black Friday stuff is messed up this year uh Elliot I don't know what to tell you you need to take that up with uh Jeff Bezos but there is prime day in the summer and there seems to be prime day in October if you have some self-control I mean you can wait till one of these you can get a good deal and stuff uh don't see many comparison of SVS Ultras and Polk are 200 thoughts okay so I did I compared the SVS Ultras to the wharfdale Evo 4.2 and the elac UniFi reference I thought the Ultras were great I actually preferred the Ultras over both of them I think the um The Wharf Del Evo 4.2s can in some applications be better but they were pretty fickle about placement so you had to get them towed in just right also the height had to be just right because they have a big two inch Dome mid-range driver and if you get that at ear level mid-range is really forward and it's a tall speaker too um so that was a little bit like I think I think the Evo 4.2 is better than the ultra in very slim applications I think the SVS Ultra is better than the 4.2 and pretty much all applications because you can just kind of put them up and forget it I like the I like the Ultras a lot um and then the unify reference they were good but not I didn't think they're as good as the Ultras or for me for me personally um how would you describe the punchiness of the tecton lore um really not much I have heard that after a lot of break-in that they get punchier um Ryan Benson ten dollars thank you very much I don't know uh took down lord didn't do it for me they were good they were good they kind of had that uh model KLH Model Five vibe but um they're not here anymore and I bought those speakers so nobody sent those to me so they were not in the house very long all right we got Todd so super Punchy I promise I listen it depends on the amp maybe I didn't let him break in long enough um I had them on two or three different amps um I think the uh Vidar was the one that kind of I thought was the best okay so Todd is saying it takes forever to burn in there you go so um if you want to wait eight months to get a speaker and then wait another three months to uh have them burn in tecton lowers the speaker for you um and if you want them not to send you the grills that you paid for or the spikes tecton lures for you um and then have issues with one of the drivers tecton lures for you um anyway not cropping on tecton because this is my experience all right block user there we go we had some what do you call it spam not sure if anyone mentioned this but the 2021 Apple TV yeah I um I brought that up Sean um thank you for reminding me because I'm probably gonna buy one of those right after we get off of here Boop and then we'll go 123 dollars not too shabby not a bootlooker which two metallic correctors do you like and listen to the most besides the Black Album Injustice oh um master puppets which I think is the best best mental album ever ever um like every song like you can listen I can when I listen to that record every song front to back and then uh this is kind of cheating but s M2 I just think it's what do they call it magnum opus I think that was Metallica at their finest with the San Francisco Symphony Orchestra just absolutely stunning that record um stunning stunning hey Ogden oh man you are so clear at it lures yeah Ogden actually bought mine so I'm not saying that lures don't sound good I'm saying I don't like I don't like the weight I don't like the fact that you got to burn them in I don't like the fact that I didn't get the um the grill scent I don't like the fact that they left off the spikes um I don't like the fact that I had to replace two drivers on him um so yeah all right we already had that one all right any other super chats Orion yeah man like I had some of my friend friends that aren't into metal I had them listen to Orion I'm like just give this a chance just listen to this and um they all liked it uh Jonathan Taylor five dollars thank you need help buying speakers for my siblings yamos 809 and c93 are options but 225 is the budget per sibling start of home theaters in mid-sized rooms I'll go to the c93s they're built way better they're built way better the yamo s809s are they're nice but it's kind of like a piece of um of uh what I would call it Ikea furniture like you put it together and then you leave it where you put it together as soon as you start moving it around like bad things start to happen and that's the same thing with the yamo s809s like I had them in here I moved them once and like they started peeling up and stuff so I think long term the c93 is going to be Gonna Last way longer than s809s and frankly I think the c93s sound much better um different yeah they just sound much better that's a better speaker the the concert series is a much better speaker all right I gotta get a drink man we've been at this for a while huh how long have we been doing this all right Ryan Benson ten dollars big fan been watching since the start thank you Ryan I try to watch some like some of my old videos they were pretty bad I built some uh crichton's one TDX based on your recommendation I love them love them but looking for a new flavor watch what should be next the creightons are a really good top to bottom speaker um on the bottom end they're just Roots um I think the Denton is a good um fun alternative and then you can look at so I would look at the Denton I would also look at the emotiva B2 Plus because the Crichton is kind of like perfect on the bottom end if you don't have a small room but the uh emotiva B2 plus are like perfect on the top end so very different flavor you're going to hear things in the music you haven't heard before and they're 500 dollars so that's what I would do hey it's my good special friend Chris Studebaker one of the speaker Builder patreon said the akm chip J2 is more clear then the dinner prep's Aries too um yeah I don't have the denofreps in here anymore um they're both great I love them but I mean after I got the j2s in and it's kind of like okay yeah maybe the Aries too is better but is it three times better no so I'm gonna buy a J2 and then I'm gonna spend I'm gonna go buy a turntable or something that's how my brain thinks about the weed meaning based on your review thank you thank you Jay I'm hooking up to an external deck it sounds really awesome hmm here's the thought he was partnering with gee dunk audio there's some Naval Navy slang for you gee dunk um and Baylor's in here you know what gee dunk means all right Kevin you can't answer this does anybody know what gee dunk means um besides Kevin and I um so I'm gonna wait for that one white Yamaha 803 going for 115 wow yeah um if you're on a budget the the 800 series uh yamo is the S series I mean is really good but like I said it's like a IKEA Entertainment Center leave it there otherwise they'll start to they'll start to show their design limitations all right uh yeah well s803 all right there you go 114 and usually they have this actually usually they have the five channel on sale there you go man 114. we have it we have a winner uh Chris veltman junk food that's right candy JG Lieutenant JG uh I have three T's of watches great watches I have two I agree uh gee dunk may have been a very usn specific joke reference yeah that's what I we got one though it didn't take long at all Chris Feldman um but can anyone find why emo S8 Atmos I don't know you don't need Atmos speakers to be Atmos speakers unless you like want to mount them to the top and have a matchy matchy does audio core sell t-shirts I'd like to support the company I think they're awesome you buy some cables man they have a healthy margin and I'm not saying like that is a bad thing like I'm glad like if you have a good company then you should be able to make money off of it um I don't know if they sell t-shirts I got a whole box of audioquest stuff in though a whole box of it foreign AJ my guess would be something that stinks actually quite the contrary it's yummy junk food uh once again thanks for any for tuning me on to the Sony SS CS5 so I now have three pair I say this all the time when they go down to like 80 bucks like if I was doing home theater on a budget I would do all Sony's including the center channel so I'd I would break up one pair and just use one as the central Channel um they're so good so good whoo I'm running out of steam here I've been talking so much Dax suggestions for the wing Mini um for 250 bucks uh just Shelley Labs J2 all day long you'd have to you have to get it in um aluminum um you can get it wood for a little bit more but the cool thing about the 250 version is it doesn't have a USB module so you're saving 50 bucks Optical right out of the weem into the J2 and you're done however you're gonna have to control volume on the Wii Mini or the app the amplifier or integrated amplifier that you have um outside of that the Modi 3 plug whatever it is now at about 120 is good there is one from smsl that I liked um I think it was the dx3 pro wasn't terribly expensive and it has a lot of functionality and sounds good does skit sell t-shirts I don't know I have three or four of them though from the audio Roundup I have a bunch of and I haven't even washed them yet so there's you know like when you get a new t-shirt and don't want to wear it because it's kind of scratchy and stuff I have a whole bunch of you should get an emotiva t-shirts do you have a favorite pressing for master puppets final um no I like the Walmart exclusive ones I think they sound great I think I have the Walmart exclusive Master of Puppets hold on oh I should talk about this too um hold on sorry my vintage Yamaha manual is right here and I don't want to mess that up all right I got a bunch of Records look at this that's not master puppets but it's a Metallica record this is I always forget the name of it um but it's it's really awesome it's a plastic box that you put your records in but it's the best plastic box it's one of those things that you don't think you need and you think it's kind of stupid and then you get it you're like I wish I had this my whole life okay you guys got me out of breath UB Cube they make these awesome here let me put it up oob Cube makes these incredible like record boxes and you can see the artwork through them and they are really well made um there we go and I don't think it's just record stuff um Ube Cube you gotta go check them out it's so good so yeah it's collapsible like that although I don't know why I Collapse it anymore and then you can stack them on top of each other it's really really something else um really impressive I thought they were more expensive than this yeah for 24.99 it's like a no-brainer anyway and they've got like uh rubber feet so they don't move around how many yeah hold on sorry not very good at this um but yeah this is the Walmart exclusive Master of Puppets I have another one I I like to collect Metallica records but yeah all of the Walmart exclusive pressings have been uh have exceeded my expectations a wien to topping dx3 that's it Pro Plus in an amp I'm using a topping pa3 uh all under 400 yeah that's it I said smsl it was actually a topping my goodness all right well I might I might call this let's answer a few more questions let's go back to I want to give these guys um a shout out because they were kind enough to send me these and I haven't done a review on them but they are spec acular here let's um let's do them a favor everybody go click on their link and if anybody buys uh show them some love and say hey you you learned about it from the cheap audience I don't even have an affiliate relationship with these guys so it's just one of those products that you know how do you make a review on a box and I could do like an accessories review but I don't have enough accessories to like fill up a whole video with that but and they come with like these cool like inserts so you can do like these this plant this area right up here it comes with a plastic thing you can put your own artwork in there and then on the other side it shows you like the record that's on the out so like if you have a bunch of Records and you don't have a lot of area you can do like hey this is my classic rock Cube this is my metal cube this is my I don't know Jazz Cube they're really good like I I would never have bought one but now that I got one I'm like okay I'm gonna get a whole bunch of those um yeah I'm getting some Ube cubes for sure Rachel awesome um actually I was trying to click on John but things are rolling in so quickly here we go John an unboxing of a box everybody let's give it up big round of applause John shepler is the father of rocktopus yay actually this might be the next Sith audio product it may be a bunch of rock to pie packing them is going to be a real pain though because this part right here pretty fragile Rock the pie John when you build a hundred of them for me um not for free of course I'll tell you who let's vote for it who wants rocktopus to be the next Sith audio product um hold on Todd says crates look heavy and solid no sagging I'm guessing yeah no I think you could park a car on these um looks like a milk crate yeah listen man I'm not chilling these so go get yourself a bunch of milk crates then for me I'm going to spend 25 bucks on a noob Cube um all right anybody wants uh father of octopus let's say uh give me a yes let's see how many yeses we get in here Sith audio products Rock spam can I would consider buying one all right we got a bunch of yeses ah look at this 100 with a rock to puss octopus emoji hello again from New Zealand Randy yes octopus John I think we might be onto something here um you may need to get all your 3D printers up and running at the same time yes gotta be rainbow like I don't think these are easy to make John is is kind enough to have made me a whole bunch of cool 3D printed um things this is way back in the beginning this was a 3D printed Vader Buddha and then like you may get a kick out of this one too he did a 3D printed Steve Gutenberg which we did a bigger version and we actually sent it to Steve early on when the channel started because Steve did an interview with me but yeah we're octopus gives me great pleasure every time I come and I look at it and usually it has a place of reverence on whatever speaker I'm listening to um opinion on getting the elac Edition one speakers for a desktop I don't even know that is that the powered speaker I have a box of them right there I don't know if it's the Edition one though show the Randy button Tony that's not it like I don't know where he's at all my action figures are falling down now see what you're doing to me Tony I don't know where Randy went it really looks more like Ron Perlman than Randy though um maybe I was a little bit heavier back then I don't know where Randy's at sorry there's a there's a cheap Audio Man bus too but it must scare me enough that he's not around anymore he probably fell behind something I should do a 3D printed speaker yeah well possibly could go wrong in that one oh coffee mug with my picture I have this one um I have a rock to post coffee mug and then on the back it says uh binge listen and feel your soul with happiness those are available in my merchandise store problem with coffee mugs like everything's printed on demand so coffee mugs are expensive when you do them one at a time rocktopus def must most definitely adds to the overall sound quality for sure hiding under the helmets rocktopus is greater than Rock Lobster very good you know the B-52s when they were um like in the 80s they're on uh MTV a lot and like I don't know what it was but I was like in junior high and I was like I the B-52 ladies were very attractive to me they're dancing around in their little Go-Go outfits I got a big kick out of the B-52 girls all right I thought I blocked this person uh we're octopus on an Amper deck reduces micro vibrations and improves the sound absolutely 100 guaranteed to improve the sound of any Hi-Fi system the octopus and they're really hammering me now error occurred block user uh oh they're hammering us now here maybe I can put them in timeout put user and timeout there we go freeze up are we back there's also a rocktopus t-shirt that's right am I back did it go away did it die uh room and Love Shack Rome and Love Shack yeah great videos well if you want to roam around the world take a hit I mean I haven't listened to everyone what about rock to push Tumblr with sippy cup lid listen we're not all alcoholics man I'm just kidding that would be cool Billy Grace says I'm back back you know I was gonna wrap this up but let's just keep hanging out it's um what have we've been doing this for about an hour and a half we keep going I don't have to go to the bathroom I don't have anywhere to go kids don't get out of school for a couple hours yeah Rock to push okay so b2me this is the exact idea that I had is how cool would it be I talked to John about this how cool would it be to have one of these and then a Little Rock to puss on top that would rotate around um so not only is that a good idea it's one that I I have had I just don't know how to make it work um and I think really what one would need to do is either have it completely cast out of the same material which then you're going to lose a bunch of detail or you're going to have to print individual Rock to pie and then adhere them to the top um the problem is octopi don't ship well so anyway sand person just a little random fun fact you know what China sent me the whole country that they sent me for Christmas very nice um the Chinese folks that I deal with are really into gifts and I didn't know this but Christmas like they send you gifts and it's not like Hi-Fi related stuff they sent me a bunch of these little Prosperity tigers and apparently you're supposed to put these around the house and where you have these uh it's supposed to bring prosperity to you anyway very nice David Johnson says great show today Randy back to work David thank you for joining us how cool is it that this is my work now you guys every one of you that watches this has have made my dreams come true I am working right now and I love it I love it you guys are the best and gals octopus logo on women's two oh call it boating wear I like bikinis um cheapest two channels stood out that you'd be happy with in your home and why is it the aim a T9 with the emote would be one of the flu and and why is it uh I don't get it um see cheapest two channel setup that would you'd be happy with um so it'd be the Sony's if they're on sale um probably the T9 um a wing Mini then I'm Optical into the T9 and then uh probably fluance RT 81 because it has a phono uh stage in it so that would be let's say let's say 80 bucks for the Sony's when they're on sale 120 for the IMs they're 200 um and then Wii Mini would be like another 80. so it's 280 and then I think the rt-81 is 250. so just north of 500 bucks and I'd be perfectly happy with that frankly I've been I usually run the excuse me I usually run the Sony's like near field all the time um Rick Brashear hey Charles related to Charles beshear the famous Navy diver super sticker five dollars thank you I just subbed to that Kevin Gardner glad your new career is working out thank you for everything oh yeah big time oh Kevin thank you so much for being um a big supporter of the channel from the very beginning um what's your recommendation for CD player a old Oppo Blu-ray player if you can find him I got one for 60 bucks um but in all seriousness I have a um an emotiva it's not cheap but you look at um there's not a lot of folks that make them anymore I think Audio Lab sells a very good CD transport uh Cambridge audio sells I think a 300 CD player I think it also has a digital out and then they also sell us five or six hundred dollar CD transport so transport is one that doesn't have a DAC in it um so yeah those are some options but like if you're just new into CDs I would just go out and buy any type of DVD player that has an optical or digital output and then just put it into your DAC for you know for less than you can go to the you can go probably go to Goodwill and find one and walk out of there with 10 CDs for under 20 dollars um Rotel has a couple of CD players yep uh I think they have one that matches the a11 tribute um but again we're talking some bucks though so if you want to be cheap go cheap audio main Style run on over to your uh Goodwill grab a old DVD player with a digital output and uh a stack of CDs you can also go into Best Buy and they have like a really base level DVD player I think it's 15 or 20 dollars new it's about the weight of a pad of paper um but it plays CDs I have the Sony dh190 receiver with preamp outs subwoofer I just purchased only has one input LFE how do I connect them together uh preamp so you go uh you'll get two rcas into a single RCA and then run that out um that's how you do that or you can get a single like male RCA into two female rcas and then hang that off your subwoofer and then stick an RCA in there what you really didn't want to do is just combine those channels uh am I into dasdcds I am not um but I do have ironically a Sony Ultra HD Blu-ray player or high diff Blu-ray whatever it's called and it will play sacds because sacds is actually a Sony format so pretty much all the Sony Blu-Ray players can play sacds so if you want to get an sacds for cheap get a Sony Blu-ray player and these are streaming why would you want a CD player so you play CD sound better um you don't have a you don't have any variability you have a known format um I mean you have scratches and stuff but what I do is I get a CD and then I rip it to um a hard drive using exact audio copy which is a free software and then um I listen to the CDs and then I put it on my Nas so I can stream my CDs if I want to through my Nest but um not only that but like physical media is awesome what if your internet goes down right so I mean I I can still I can't actually if my internet goes down then I can't stream from my Nas um because I'm not hard networked in I like CDs I like putting them in I like playing them I like listening to records in their entirety um so yeah CD's the bomb all right uh lee lay something thanks for your videos great info I love my emotiva B1 pluses thank you uh I still buy CDs another like why wouldn't you like CD is the cheapest now than they've ever been you can go buy a new CD for 10 to 15 dollars in 1988 a new CD cost 13 to 15 sometimes 20. that's let's talk about like inflation 1988 so 13.198 it's about thirty dollars today so even when people complain about the cost of vinyl I think this was 22 bucks maybe a little bit less I paid 13 in 1988 for CDs all day long I'd line up to do it this is less in today's in today's less than what it would be in 1988 dollars physical media is awesome it's awesome you don't have to if you don't like CDs don't get them but I love CDs I got a whole rack of them back there love them love them love them garage sales used CDs they're great Brian romski see you tomorrow buddy see you tomorrow yeah uh Nord nordas owed into audio interconnects are just 22 all right 22 200 Euros a pair that sounds like a bargain I love CDs my way main way of listening to music yeah you see these are total bargain I prefer CDs but I like album art on my TV screen I really wish a new format gained traction uh here you know what you can do man is um yeah that would be cool love flipping through the CD booklet and listening yeah yeah I don't know who said that but I'm not trying to dog on you but like that's why all of this that's why people want CDs I have hundreds if not thousands of CDs I love physical media yeah yeah it's the bomb it's awesome that's like that was my opening up the cassettes I mean I even have some cassettes that I don't listen to actually this is brand new and it came with a crack I don't listen to them but I still like it's not foreign it's about the experience right so it's not just the music it's about everything that goes like why would anybody listen to vinyl like for the expense and inconvenience I actually want to make up a t-shirt it says I'm into vinyl I listen to vinyl because of the expense and the inconvenience like why would anybody listen to vinyl finals huge Resurgence you can go into Target or Walmart right now and go walk in their Electronics section and at the end of a row not like buried somewhere in the row at the end of the row you get three uh turntables and and choose from 20 different vinyl records like physical media is the best album art kiss he used to throw all kinds of insane extras in their LPS yeah like you know what I love about vinyl man is like I'm gonna put a a shelf up there and then I'll just switch out you know some records it's art it is Art man that you can put on your wall I wouldn't recommend you know hammering it into the lawn but yeah nothing beats Vinyl cover art so yeah like it's not just about the music like if it was just about the music everybody would stream it's not love gun LP came with an actual paper love gun anyone remember that uh did an aeb chest with the Eagles one of these Knights on Amazon HD music against the CD the CC I think what don't keep me in don't keep me in suspense what happened hey Robert um you better support the artist when you buy physical copies what I don't get it I don't get what that means um yeah not quite sure what that means because I mean every time you stream you support the artists and actually streaming has been kind of the best thing for like unknown artists because they can put their stuff up on Amazon music title Apple music Spotify and then they do their own marketing so if they're good and they get the word out they're going to get paid whereas before they would never been able to get paid um now for a while it was a little hairy about how artists got paid with streaming but um I think streaming is great I think he meant you do better when you support okay artists are supported either way now either way like there's Napster 2020 years ago you know it's very difficult to um to add it all up like record sales were easy right um so it's different now but I think it's actually better for unknown artists because there is an Avenue for them to get paid like recording and technology has gotten so good that you can record a record in your house if you want to you can put it up on one of these streaming services and you can start getting paid if you you know are good and if you've gotten the word out liner notes sorry the Eagles one of these nights the CD beat the Amazon HD means CD Center more Dynamic um I hear that a lot and I think that could have something to do with power supplies um so I think like a higher end streamer with a better power supply maybe more Dynamic but there's so many variables and we'll never be able to like put our finger on each one of them about streaming because also if you got a CD player like there's variables there what kind of power supply does it have a cacophony of options with both but isn't it a cool time that we live in or we can go out and buy a CD for less than what it costs in 1988 and we can stream like we can stream anything we want and then figure out what CD we want to go by or what record we want to go by because you remember in 88 89 85 86 going to the record store and flipping through it and knowing that there's maybe maybe two good songs on a record and you're it's a gamble you're taking a risk when you pull that thing out and you go give them your money from delivering papers or working on the farm or something like that you're giving them your money and there's no guarantee that there's going to be anything good on there except for one or two songs what a world we live in man we have more access to music than in the history of man um so yeah of Apple music which there is a better service for high-rise yeah you know what's ironic is you can actually play high-res Apple music through uh an Amazon device through voice and actual streaming or most like usually the only way to get apple music into a device is to airplay it and there's there's issues with that too because it changes the format to alac and then streams it via airfly and sometimes if there's not enough throughput it actually downgrades it's an AAC so um the irony is an Amazon device is actually one of the few devices outside of maybe Sonos that actually streams Apple music streams it not like through AirPlay so crazy I think the CD Master is sometimes different from the streaming master I feel like CD Masters are usually more Dynamic and Grand there you go there's no better algorithm than title and the quality is great I've been listening a lot of title and I agree like I I just let title do his thing last night and I keyed up it was a live um uh Chris Cornell from songbook there's a lot one of his live songs and then I just let it run and man there's so many like live acoustic versions of like 90s music that I'd never heard I listened to these amazing what is IT 109 Pro I listen to these for like three hours last night and just had a ball also I was listening to it through dragonfly blue cobalt from audioquest actually they're going to run a deal so we're going to give away some dragonflies um some dongle Dax from audioquest title has an excellent veterans discount they do they sure do title Hi-Fi tier is like five dollars veterans discount that's thank you for bringing that up emotiva also offers a veterans discount um so yeah hey here we go Todd Trowbridge if you have a good Digital streaming front end the difference between lossless streaming and CDs is very minimal yes I've done the A B test well Todd like for most people like Todd you're like a super user you're a super person Todd Todd's a super user so I think like it goes back to my argument before if you've got the right setup if you've got a great streamer if you've got everything really dialed in perfectly then I think streaming can sound fantastic I think CDs can sound fantastic uh would you say the meze 109 Pro worth 370 more than the iPhone Edition access absolutely because they're different they're like one is not better and that's one of the things about like I've learned through this Channel Through the last almost two years like in the 19th we're coming up on two years sometimes like what you have to do if you're gonna say something is better you've got to sort things into columns and the excess and the 109 Pro don't go in the same column right so you can't say one is better than the other what you can say is one is better for somebody's specific tastes and proclivities but you can't say ah this is better and I think reviewers that do that and I'm listen I'm guilty of this too I think people that say this is better than this um are wrong because everybody has different opinions and different tastes it's like saying one chocolate cake is better than another chocolate cake it may be but it may not be to do a proper like head-to-head comparison you got to talk about what what what the differences are and what the similarities are and the excess as a planar magnetic uh very open headphone that takes much more power than the uh what are they 109 Pros um I'm not remembering all my um anyway then the message like you can run the mezes off a computer you can run they're 40 ohms right I don't know what the XS are but I don't think they're 40 ohm so you can't just say one is better than the other um one may be better than the other personally I think those they can both live perfectly well the excess before a prototype headphone amp blew them up was like my go-to headphone love the excess um they're not right though you got blown up by I was really upset because this prototype headphone amp had push button volume control and it was like and you didn't know like when you don't have a a button that depresses like or LED to tell you where you're at you don't know where you're at so I just kept touching I'm like is this even happening and then the music came on it's like boom and the headphones have never quite been right after that it's a long way to say it's difficult to say one thing is better than the other um when they sound different and these definitely sound different the mezes are richer warmer not as detailed on top um and they just have that different sound like planars have kind of a sound so yeah I guess T10 before about to get Saga Plus cool all the best Kevin says any Prime sound bar recommendation Prime sound bar recommendations um I don't know let's see if the um let's see if the cinema 600 is on sale and then I'm gonna call it a day I'm getting tired Clips oh let's go back to Amazon Amazon Eclipse sound bar Cinema 400 it's 226. oh here we go oh Nelly 400 bucks man not bad um I like this one I like it a lot um I like it a lot 400 dollars like personally if I had 400 I'd probably put together a little two channel system but if you're into a sound bar like this thing is is pretty good and then you can get the wireless surrounds um and I like those Wireless surrounds like that this is my favorite sound bar and I'm a huge sound bar fan but this is it this is it oop and then we'll start this one uh any recommendations for a center speaker under 300 it depends a lot of people say you should timber match your Center to your front channels so the first thing I would do is look at whatever you know Center Channel your front Channel offers but some of Center channels aren't very good like the Sony Center channel is not very good um so I guess it depends I like the emotiva C1 plus it's it's a sealed box has a AMT and then it has also a dedicated Min range driver and then some woofers sounds really good I can't remember how much it is so I think at one time it was under 300 at one time a marathon session great job thanks Jason Ox we still have 476 people on all right um let's go to emotiva let's see how much their Center channel is [Music] emote Piva speakers a 350. all right so it's a little bit outside your price range um whoops daisies here this is the one that I liked I don't have it anymore um because they want it back but I like this one a lot Ogden Lopez 4.99 thanks brother someone said concentric um I don't know where it went concentric Center is best yeah sure you got a point source like how many concentric like Center channel speakers are out there though um I guess you could use like a single one Center speakers are like yeah like some people go bananas over Center speakers like this has doesn't have good direction I don't know like really like the center channel is just there to like when Netflix does a crappy mix you just bump up the center channel a little bit um yeah I wouldn't go crazy over Center channels frankly like home theater like speakers like anything outside like if you're gonna spend money on home theater spend it on your fronts and maybe your Center and then nothing like doesn't really matter outside of that people are going to say that it does but it doesn't like you don't there's hardly any information going to like the rears the atmos stuff like that like how realistic do you want like a spaceship coming overhead because we all know what we all have been there and you know when we hear the spaceship coming overhead we know what it's what realistic spaceships flying overhead sounds like anyway spend your money on the front three channels and then don't worry about the rest you know just get something that works for your room um but don't get like don't get caught up and like oh I bought some clips RP 8000f I better get some clips RP 600s for the Rears no you don't need it oh yeah SVS Centers do both um SVS is a good I always like SVS always I always forget about SVS how good their speakers are actually I have the prime Pinnacles I should bust those out and put those upstairs today Sean Williams ten dollars for any thanks for hanging out for a couple hours I never see the streams live due to work but I was lucky and caught you today awesome work with the channel bro appreciate what you're doing Sean thank you so much for your support I really appreciate it all right I think I am going to call it a day I am getting a bit tired um anyway oh yeah spend some bucks on your subwoofer too um I agree on that like a good sub goes a long way all right y'all um if you want to support the channel just click through any of these links if you're going to buy anything on Amazon doesn't matter as long as you click through my link and then buy whatever it helps out the channel um if you want to take a look at some of these products uh they should be in the description then I starred some here um I think they're pretty good deals so yeah y'all have a great week probably going to do this tomorrow too because there's probably going to be new things that are on sale tomorrow that weren't today I need to go buy that Apple 4K TV because last time we did this I slept on it and I didn't get the Apple TV the next day so y'all have a great uh great rest of the week we'll May uh we'll see you tomorrow some cool stuff happening this week too so stay tuned
Channel: cheapaudioman
Views: 273,910
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lU2mQsxLo6k
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Length: 125min 57sec (7557 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 11 2022
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