LIVE: AMD vs. GN Extreme Overclocking 7950X: Learning How to Overclock

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start streaming okay so we should be live or going live very soon let us know in the chat if you can see and hear everything okay we've got a different audio set up here today but we should be good to go so I am joined by a special guests Bill and Ahmet from AMD we did a video together recently so you guys were showing at the Press day some extreme overclocking stuff right that's right and uh that was was that it was 7950x that you had uh two boards yes Asus and azra yeah yeah so we did a video with these guys previously this time what we're gonna do is uh you YouTube popped up this is a new feature we literally went live like a minute ago and YouTube just popped up a bubble that says now would be a good time to insert ads maybe we should segue to an ad yeah we could do that this stream is brought to you by be quiet and the sun wins four Pro fans excellent I I will I will uh send their check along to you uh if you want to check these out they have noise damping on them they focus on the frequency and the type of noise so it's specifically targeted for noise sensitive builds and a lot of that is just from fluid Dynamic bearing to get the annoying frequencies out of the the bearing in operation so we've got a link below for that okay so let's see what what people are saying they're saying good they can see and hear it okay sweet uh and yeah looks good all right cool so um I guess the the format for this stream is gonna be pretty fun so Bill and Ahmed are the experts they're gonna walk us through uh we will go through the setup we're gonna go through some overclocking and do some q a through the process so if anyone has questions feel free to post them we're not going to hit every Super chat today but uh we'll do some questions as we go and um then at the end once you guys kind of set whatever Mark you want to set for validation or the frequency we're going to clear bios and I'm going to see how close I can get to that okay or beat us I do not think I'm not going to commit to that so it'll be really fun educational for everyone and this is stuff that can apply to a to normal system builds too so um I guess for we'll get into like how this can apply to your own computer without liquid nitrogen how it applies to the work you guys do outside xoc but I want to pass it to you guys for a second I'll let you walk through the setup if you want to just talk everyone through it okay and um I'm going to start transferring some liquid nitrogen into the tank perfect okay so if you guys want to take it away on the setup yeah so it's very similar to what we had at the tech day so anyone that saw that stream um it's very similar so we have uh on the very bottom insulated box right and it's got um in this case I've got two heaters in here no there's a 70 or 75 watt Kingpin heaters they have a built-in thermostat and they kind of self-regulate so there's one kind of under the RAM and there's another one pretty much right underneath the CPU socket it's gonna get noisier for a second for people on stream but you guys can just talk over and while you get it where I'm going to transfer L2 into the doer that's what's happening back here it's going to sound like an alien spaceship for a second go ahead you can continue yeah so other than that this is just um a basic set up with Vaseline so the bottom of the board and actually we can kind of lift this up and you can see um the heater so there's uh one on this side and one over here with a thermally conductive kind of like rubbery pad under there and so that's that the bottom of the board and the top of the board you know up to about three quarter down is coated with Vaseline and so we wipe on the Vaseline and then generally I'll I'll hit it with a heat gun and kind of let the Vaseline melt in between all the pins and under the bgas and all that stuff and get everything nice and coated so Bill you talk about why we want heaters even though we're trying to grow cold yeah so really the only thing that I want cold in this case is the CPU itself right so we want to keep everything else above the dew point to combat any condensation that we might have and so that's why we use the heaters underneath the board um the um and then other than that the the pot underneath is covered in a little bit of foam and then I like to use these kind of janitorial uh rolls of paper towels that you might find in a bathroom um because they're not perforated right so I can't there's a free Supply at work there's a free Supply at work they're trying to find out who's trying to figure out they're trying to find me the paper towel Bandit but as long as I don't watch the stream then your cover is not blown so you're still good yeah so um did you already say uh the amount you use no no no okay okay so yeah there's probably about like five sheets and it's probably something on the order of around 60 feet 20 meters of uh paper towel wrapped around yeah so this but as you guys are setting up um I um let me show you my insulation oh God so come on Bill I do this and then I put this around that one two five yeah um that'll work for about 15 minutes huh yeah so sometimes we have issues with uh with condensation yeah and um after seeing this like I knew I knew I could do it better but I didn't think this was the extent well okay so that you guys go to yeah I mean the reason is we I mean I got used to kind of doing it this way but um we we're doing debug in the lab I posted a picture actually on Reddit the other day of uh one of our development boards um that we were doing ln2 work on so sometimes um like with that particular board and we were kind of trolling Steve on the last stream and I super chatted and told them you know me and him were doing so we were actually on teams with another guy doing ln2 debug and trying to optimize different behaviors basically trying to make it so that we can get colder and colder right so um so the internal live stream and we need the board to work without any fuss for that whole time so right when we prep them like this we can literally run it on Ellen two for a whole work day not a problem that's cool yeah do you do anything on the bottom side of the socket yeah I mean it's all coated in Vaseline down there as well yeah yeah and the am5 socket Plate's a little bit different and there's some air space underneath the hollow area so I kind of melt some Vaseline in there to just to make sure but right yeah what um so for other stuff you have here so thermocouples obviously into the pot for the pot temperature um you said you have the heater is that the heaters from Elmore is that right um these aren't um I didn't have time to get those set up today I do I do have them um I actually brought one with me yeah um but yeah I wasn't able to get the software set up in time so sure I do have his thermocouple uh his thermometer here yeah this is pretty this is super nice actually well yeah okay let's turn around yeah go ahead so this is a thermocouple reader thermocouples we use them in all kinds of testing but um they're basically it just gives you a pretty quick temperature reading of whatever it's contacting and this particular reader is just it's just built really nicely so it has two inputs it looks like right so yeah and the new version I have that on hand here as well but um the new one takes one battery instead of two and it has a backlight is the main difference that's cool and Elmore provided one to give to you as a gift oh yeah yeah so yeah and I appreciate that too he makes good stuff anyone's looking into getting into extreme overclocking absolutely I think the website is elmore's lab or something yeah so what do you have the tooth remember okay so one of them is in the container itself and a hole that's you know less than a millimeter from the top of the CPU lid itself the other thermocouple I have kind of wedged in here monitoring this inside memory stick just to make sure that I don't want these to get too cold I want to try to keep these as close to room temperature as possible so DDR especially ddr5 it can be sensitive to temperature swings during operation so we want to try to keep them stable so that's why the outside hot and the cool side cool right exactly yeah so yeah and these am5 is a little different than am4 because the way that the socket is mounted to the bottom plate there's a demore direct thermal conductivity there so the bottom of the board on am5 tends to get a lot colder compared to am4 so that's something that we kind of had to work around so get you guys some liquid nitrogen too yes today I have the the most important and easiest job the job is stay out of the way and fill the liquid nitrogen so people ask why isn't it dangerous to put a cap on here yeah right and we were talking about this earlier and it comes up a lot um obviously we don't want to seal the container the ln2 I believe as an expansion ratio of 698 to 1 when it turns into gas form so it could be explosive so what we do is basically just uh cover it and that's to prevent water vapor from condensing into the liquid nitrogen and becoming ice and then ended up in here right um and that so I'll let you explain I guess why that's specifically is bad having water in the pot yeah I mean it insulates the metal from the ln2 and it gets messy too so when you pour in um you know some fresh L into and it um kind of boils rapidly and it can kick ice out of there and you'll see me tonight as once we get cold and it naturally starts to form because the condensation I'll blow out the the pot and ice will fly everywhere right so out so let's do a I I would like people to understand a couple things one is we get a lot of questions when we do these streams about um well but you know like what's the point right what's the point of volunteer people don't run out into at home and I think you all are in a better position than I am to answer that because you work at AMD so you know for other than first of all the first answer is because it's fun and why do you do anything that's why do you play video games right yeah so that's the first answer um second answer though so my understanding is this helps inform some of the design side of stuff so like I know we were talking about um the curve Optimizer right uh so how how does how do you take this and turn it into ideas for like sort of normal use I guess yeah so I mean we can start with the history yeah the Zen one first product that came out you know it seems like a long time ago but it was you know yeah five years ago it launched and the overclock impeaches on there were something called xfr which basically um took advantage if you had additional cooling over the stock cooler you could get an extra 100 megahertz right that was kind of for free yeah and then you could also do um what we call a precise and direct overclocking it's just you can just set frequency voltage and and do it that way right and that was kind of all we had on on Zen and so you know as we're doing overclocking you know it was cumbersome for us right so we went in and said okay two things one is we would like a tool to help us direct kind of overclocking that's a whole ryzen Master set of features that we have but then what we also started realizing is that it was almost better um it's very challenging to pick the frequency and voltage all the time right and so if you can just give hints to our power management firmware it can actually make better decisions in some cases and and uh allow it to be more managed so that's what we call our managed overclock so the first step on that was PBO right that came out and this is all stuff that is applicable in just normal use just to be clear on that too absolutely yeah so like that's you don't need liquid nitrogen for any of that but um but the work done here helps inform it you can use ln2 for really cool stuff too like we were using it for um for just figuring out what is the actual frequency scale because you can simulate coolers by just controlling the temperature with the force absolutely right so it's really nice for that because even though it's like -196 Z or whatever it is if you only pour a little bit in you can keep the temperature at 95 at 90 85 all the way absolutely we do that too and you can with liquid nitrogen you can play with uh you can see what voltage does it request for a frequency now that I'm running cold um you can see the efficiency kind of jump up and you can run you could run PBO on liquid nitrogen and get some pretty amazing results with just managed yeah so right um let's do uh let's get into some some overclock in some settings and okay start let's fire it up so it looks like Bill's gonna maybe take over some of the overclock and stuff initially so um do you want to walk me through what um you guys are planning to do today like what's the sure so cpz validation I guess is one yeah so CPU auditions what frequency can you get to right uh we want to I think you kind of teased yeah yeah get to a big number today yeah the goal is seven gigahertz right around there uh and uh when I was talking to you before going live you're like yeah yeah let's do that I think I think Tech day we got to 69-25 okay yeah sure so that was on a 16 court Park too yeah right what are you running is a 7950 this is a 79.50 yeah um so initial boot right now yep so we'll want to boot we want to try and see how cold we can get that's always the first thing you know in ln2 overclocking is right getting the code you can get the higher performance you can get um I think we'll go after cinebench 16 R23 okay so Encore yeah and we'll see you know again we got to set the bar so that you can you know try and break it yeah yeah I well you're not gonna have to set it very high like I'm not gonna get there so so I think all coordinates in the bench we should get over six gigs um six three six four if we can manage it right that's right I think that you were about six four in the tech day for some events yeah um but uh I also I from talking with other people my understanding was that was the like the like we're trying overclock at that time anyway at the time it was yeah well actually it was since it was Tech day yeah we kind of couldn't get too crazy right we needed something that I don't want to say safe because it's never safe to do yeah but something that would last through you know or whatever yeah so um today we'll we'll push it so we're punching a bunch of numbers um some of these bill that's uh so we'll store a few of these yeah sure okay so um basically what I did to start off is I loaded uh the Expo profile so these are 6400 sticks so I just went into the profile menu here selected that and then that set the clocks and the timings as you can see here um then I went back and changed the frequency to 6000 but retaining all the Expo timings and the other stuff that it set Expo had set these three voltages here these are contained in the Expo profile itself and then other settings that aren't in the profile are adapted by the platform bios for the specific platform and that way Expo can be platform agnostic so as we move you know to the next am5 platform we can we don't break Expo the next platform will have all of the settings programmed in for when you load a Expo profile if it needs a different vdd misc or a different SOC voltage and so on in this case I'm using rather high you can see that it's colored them red here yeah we should probably uh caveat that with you know don't type these don't like copy these numbers into your water cooled system correct yeah there's no there's no reason at all um it won't buy you anything except for more heat right round view of power budget in the socket so yeah you don't want to be in all in too much yeah you're not using helping too yeah so the other thing I did in the OC tweaker menu is go into the B clock config um and AMD parlance that'd be ref clock and I'm going to set the spread Spectrum to disabled um so instead of getting like a 99.8 megahertz clock we should get like a 100 megahertz ref clock so um so it results in a few points but it also may be a bit more stability as well so yeah you can actually get to a slightly higher frequency um so that should be everything in OC tweaker so in advanced um I'm gonna go into the AMD CBS menu into CPU and I'm going to disable uh Global C state so later on this will automatically happen when you enable ln2 mode uh today I don't think that's the case so we're just going to disable that c-state is is uh uh is it a power yeah power management it's basically x86 when it executes the halt instruction we go into different C States you know the first one is you know halting the clocks right eventually you can power down the core if you're in that state long enough yeah so when you're you're doing this stuff you just don't want any play with the power station yeah we're not really carrying anymore we might dither in and out of that power State you know a thousand times in a second right so um any kind of power gating tends to be uh bad when we're doing ln2 and that's true also uh with regard to the igpu that we're running the display off of um and it's also true for the um for the discrete graphics cards as well um in a feature called Graphics off in that context someone's asking uh so Anthony just sent in a Super Chat thank you and said there's a typo in the title seven gigahertz is that a typo I don't think so not a typo not a typo I've got a system uh it's not a sure thing but not right so yeah uh I believe this might be the same exact CPU from Tech day and it is the same exact board from Tech day so we kind of know like probably six nine is around the limit here right um but I do have something special over here okay um so that is this is actually a CPU in this system that I was doing the ln2 debug with Ahmed on the other night and so we were able um we are very excited uh we were able to hit full pot uh we had someone else on the call with us that didn't understand the excitement as much yeah so that was Adam yeah so that reduces the folk going so full pot we had this in the video but uh it's when you literally just like fill the pot with Helen so you don't have to control anymore right that's right yeah and so literally you know I took my team's video and I'm like look there's it's it's full you know so we're excited yeah so yeah that was unique because like Bill was in the lab in Austin I was in my cubicle in Fort Collins Adam was in you know he lives on an island right so three of us are all on teams doing stuff you know Bill's you know having to manually do everything right and so when he's having to fill and do something it gets get challenging yeah one's got the full pot you know he could walk away you know whatever had to go to the restroom I was like all right guys I'm gonna fill it up and don't crash it okay because they're remotely logged into it so we're on like a remote desktop where we can all see the screen that's super yeah and so we could all be in at the same time oh yeah yeah they know when it crashes because their screen disappears and they're like did it crash did it crash like yeah yeah what's next and set up do you have anything else to change a couple more things right and then we'll probably we'll probably miss something have to come back that's kind of how it works but um so in here that's basically it um oh so for memory we're gonna do a couple of things we are going to disable memory context restore um so once this feature is uh fully working this is what dramatically reduces the training time when you power up the system so but um here since we're changing the temperature of the CPU so widely and wildly I guess um it kind of breaks that feature right so uh yeah you want it to retrain yeah that makes sense the other thing we're going to do is go to DDR controller config and we're going to disable power down looks like ASRock already took care of that for us okay um thanks Nick thanks Nick um okay so I'm gonna go to the OC menu the AMD overclocking menu and accept the agreement here um in here so I've already set up the DDR stuff in the OC tweaker menu um all these voltages are already also set up I'm going to check uh SOC OC mode and that looks like Nick enabled that I think they're enabling that automatically right now when you load an expo profile but I'm not sure so what this does is it disables all of the um um the the DF and the memory P States so that the memory and the DF will run at a fixed frequency rather than trying to go to a lower power idle State yeah and there are a few percussions having your memory and your fabric at fixed speed also means your GMI links which are the links between the core and the IOD those also stay fixed then okay which most people would think about that being attached to the F clock or the fabric frequency the GMI is is part of that okay um okay ln2 mode I'm going to go ahead and enable that so right now we don't have everything fully baked into ln2 mode but we're adding um all the features that we think we need and we'll continue enhancing that as we go along but this sorry to interrupt what uh which fan is the one that's the loudest uh this one okay should we put the beef white up here we can but I was going to ask if it's going to mess you up if we slow it down a little for the mic noise dude we can put the be quiet up here yeah oh hey I'm gonna need that check be quiet foreign I'll see if it fits on the threaded Rod oh it will yep okay cool all right let's see all right that is pretty quiet a little bit different let's see it's got MHS and UHS what is that ah it can be louder yeah okay yeah that works very cool physical switch on the fan okay yeah so um yeah ln2 mode um I don't want to call it training wheels but it does make a few things easier and um so you still use it even oh yeah oh yeah because like for example well the manual mode is good because it just if you forget to set something you can set some things that you weren't thinking about right we we also automatically go into LNG mode when you're below a certain temperature I think it's minus 26 yeah okay and so it sets the same things and and that way like CMOS gets cleared or something like that right you don't have to boot all the way up to yeah yeah no that makes a lot of sense you won't get everything but at least if the CMOS gets cleared you'll have ln2 mode kick on at least right right you may not be able to boot up as cold as what you did with all your other custom settings but it's better than not yeah yeah okay so yeah and we intend to improve that going forward you think you got it all so uh yeah I think so okay you want to save a profile yeah that that's always my biggest mistake is like when you yeah I was doing those rip J competitions Jay and I were going back and forth it was with x299 and some gpus I forget which 20 ATI maybe and um we on my side because I'm not like an expert at this stuff my method of figuring it out was like literally just every day spend four or five hours at the bench you find your settings like okay gotta turn that one off change this one but if I forgot to save a profile it's like you know you don't have it written down anywhere anything yeah you have to do it all again because you're like iterating through everything bios is complicated man like it's the the teams that work on bios uh I have a lot of respect for it because there's there's a lot in there so yeah it's it's a it's a be it's a complicated effort but yeah and the tricky part is that's to work for all these different motherboards yeah right so this year are you gonna try and boot now like to Windows yeah okay cool what's the temperature man uh negative 14. okay and so kind of with all those elevated voltages that's about where I want to be to start I don't really want to be at full ambient temperature um so I want to have I want it to be a little bit chilly um so unlike some people we like to work our way down right yeah yeah the uh I didn't mention I don't think I told you guys this by the way so today during the stream we have a discount code on the store so on on you want to grab like uh coasters or mod mats the code is for 10 off and at checkout if you enter the letters f-kn cold it will give you ten percent off uh fkn stands for a special technology that we're using here today I can't tell you what it is it's uh it's AMD proprietary and cold stands for cold especially is FK and call that checkout 10 off you want to grab like the coaster bags these designs they're not going back anytime soon so we uh if you want to grab one we're kind of on the last run of this particular set of designs for The Coasters there's four of them on the store and um yeah if you want to grab them go get it okay so we're in Windows negative 35 negative 35. so we'll see what happens here so traditionally on am4 a lot of folks um probably remember that um as you started to go cold you would reach a point a temperature and the system almost universally like at negative 160 or so it would just want to reboot and then it would retrain at the colder temperature like the data Fabric and the memory and all that stuff and then it would be happy so um but we don't really see that effect on am5 as much um yeah my my brief experience with the one M5 stream we did um other than my bad Mount which is what I think was causing the limit to how good I could bring it uh other than that it seemed like pretty easy to work on for me so um early rise and I remember when I first tried I think we'd probably start on the 3000 Series maybe for or maybe 2000 when I was doing xoc but um that for me it was it was a big learning experience because like uh the big secret there was Infinity fabric yep yep and people were still kind of figuring out how it works so so we you know we did a lot of optimization 3 000 yeah um yeah by the time that we got to 3 000 um we put in the ability to control the voltages for upstream and downstream for each one of those GMI links individually and we talked about this before and like on a threadripper that could be up to 16 voltages which is quite a lot and and I've spent a lot of time you know schmooing those voltages to dial it in yeah so um lots and lots of hours doing that so um but I think a lot of the optimizations that we did move into am5 with regard to GMI and fabric um those optimizations lent themselves to better cold operation right is what we're observing yeah and the other thing is those observations help you overclock non-l and two absolutely yeah like right now you know you can get F clock 2000 pretty easy uh yeah yeah we were running that um so I haven't posted this in a video yet so it's a spoiler for people but um on a Saturday 950x I was doing some initial tuning no special just a 360 millimeter cooler and we were definitely stay about like a 2100 F clock uh 2200 maybe it could become stable but it would require some additional changes yeah but 2100 like basically no tuning at all beyond that right and that's what I'm saying like those GMI features that we put in yeah for ln2 can help you get higher off clock right on regular OC yeah maybe push it so all right so you got ryzen Master what uh what are you gonna set for the first clocks and I got to pay attention so I can try and do this later well you already missed the most important part yeah okay so I'm gonna synchronize everything together uh using this button so this will make it so I can just adjust one and adjust all of them um because we can we can separate it so I can control one of the eight core ccds and have the other one at a different frequency I can even decouple the cores right and so this whatever you set the fastest core at you're gonna get that and then it'll divide down for the rest of them so you may not get exactly what you expect here um and there are rules there's rules yeah he had to school me on the rules so um but um yeah if you're chasing like a single core and you know which core is your best core like this one is advertised here um and you're chasing frequency this might be a way to go about it so I'll give you that option um so to kind of start I'll put them all together and then we can just set five gig um so for reference here let's say you're just running out of the box no changes Beyond maybe Expo or something uh standard Cooling I guess in from memory I think our 7950x in the review was hitting in an all-core workload something like 50 78 megahertz to stand like at steady state yep um like for something like cinebench yeah that was for blender yeah yeah pretty similar and then uh I guess the there's a little bit of a range there right like from Silicon Fitness I guess or the Silicon quality or is it just purely based on temperature and power there will be yeah until each part individually manages you know based on you know in manufacturing we go ahead and figure out the capabilities of each part right now they're like for 7950 it's just it's a small range but there will be some range between Parts it won't all be exactly the same then your cool angle matter your power to live in the matter uh we have a question here from chat Steve can you send me the CPU they use after the tests I can use it so if you guys want to just we'll get your address later yeah unlikely yeah uh I guess Bill if you want to like get a test running or you know either cinebench or validation and let me Pitch this um question to you on it so uh uh what is I want to modify the question a little bit so what what's been your favorite CPU to put under ln2 like of all time or even the current job all the time yeah all time what was the most fun it was probably [Music] I mean it was it's kind of the the um levels you get to right so the first you remember the first time got to five gig yeah hardcore yeah I was that Zen I think was that Zen one yeah yeah then one um and then the next big milestone was six gig and I think we were just short on Zen Plus uh we got the runs in two yeah um or definitely by the time we got to Zen three um splave and some other folks were posting 6.1 gigahertz so yeah yeah we've gained a little bit since then on this new platform for sure I mean the the most fun actually I think it was Matisse right it's Horizon 3000 I remember we were doing bring up in the lab and I went and found bill and we we took one of the boards from the from the bring up lab yeah and we took it down to the OC lab and I think I think we got the full pot like on the first day of bringing up a new chip yeah that's pretty good that was pretty awesome uh there's a question here of do you de-live the CPUs when you're you're doing extreme overclocking yeah yeah and part of it the pressure of the pot right I mean we've done it um so on am4 I modified um one of my containers I had to take a notch out of the bottom of it to so that it could fit over the socket where the cam is um and then yeah we did direct die on like Zen plus and um I kind of repeated what what durbauer showed that it was worth maybe 25 megahertz back then right so is there a is there we need to direct uh die except with liquid nitrogen pods other than the pressure maybe cracking it I mean does it care about the cold like does no it's removing the interface doesn't really affect it no it behaves the same um one of the tricks when you do that um if you don't have um like a fancy retainer clip and stuff like that I used uh eraser putty okay I made four little dots on each corner so that it could support the weight of the pot as I as I started compress and it would slowly compress down onto it that's the smart way to do it yeah the way it doesn't slam down yeah um I'm gonna grab the one of the delighted chips so we can use it as a prop to show some stuff and then walk us through I guess Bill for what you're doing right now what what you're trying to hit this in a bench or what you have hit so it's uh I've got it running all core 5.6 and this should be this should get us right around kind of what the performance would be a stock on this chip um and we're at -120 a little better right now actually because we hit almost 42 000 points yeah so I think the previous record was like 40 000 some yeah there we go okay yeah that was 5600. this is to be clear was not killed in the extreme overclocking lab that is correct contrary to popular rumor but it is one that was never even lited that's right so uh but you could see like on the on the lid itself and put this downward on the lid itself you can see where there's like not even any solder or anything there um so there we go oh nice it's a fan and a fan excellent that was entirely intentional um yeah so that's what it looks like when it's delighted just since we were talking about that uh but I mean in terms of I guess the biggest thing this time with the wedding is it's a lot riskier to do because of the smds on the I mean as if you're gonna delete it with like a razor blade or something yes there's a lot more stuff you can cut off of it yes yes you don't have the the solid line of you know yeah because the lids are shaped a little differently so yeah yes and yeah I mean obviously we don't recommend delitting yeah yeah yeah if you do the officially uh you know heat is always your friend yeah uh yeah and another thing people talk about is like the the heat spreader you know is it how is it different from the previous gens yeah and I think you know part of our goal was to was to match the Z height right for for cooler compatibility yeah that makes sense and so I you know I think the heath batter might be a little thicker but yeah our testing is shown it's a it's a pretty small effect for um this this error so I see this when does this tell you anything specific when this happens like does that give you an indicator where to go next yes what this is saying is basically you're hitting a speed path on the chip okay so in that case basically you're you're your frequency is too high for the voltage you're at okay right so it's it's basically saying it either decrease the frequency or increase the voltage I guess or or make it colder and you'll see I'm not going to change anything okay we'll make it a little colder and as long as it doesn't crash because of that um then then it'll it'll complete that test without changing right now you're plunging and temperature it's down to one minus 120 yeah minus 123. this is really fast response on this uh let me try and show this to the camera I guess yeah this is a great container yeah so I'm gonna it'll be upside down sorry everyone but I don't want to move it too much um really fast response on the uh yeah if you pour it'll be obvious it's like that's just a little drip right yeah I'm trying to keep it from getting too cold um but we'll we'll go to negative 140 and try to run this again I think I think this test will pass after we cross that threshold right and kind of rule of thumb is every 10 C is about 100 megahertz so that's kind of okay that's good to know how we use that's why you can get to full pot you know like it's worth it yeah it's worth hundreds of megahertz right okay so we're negative 147 same frequency same everything yeah and so I think we're we should be good here so that kind of demonstrates the effect of uh reducing the temperature so that passed and it would continue to pass without changing anything else in fact we could probably even bump up the CPU frequency a little bit now I could probably like run six see so No More Voltage it's at 1.3 and I'll make it a little bit colder and then we'll see what happens and then no he is not here he's in the back he's actually pulling all the strings dude if you were to pop out right now what Ellen too yeah so this um I worked with them and he created um a version of the reactor 2.1 specifically um for me and one of the modifications I did was I had to make the uh cold plate the bottom of it the same exact size as a thread Ripper oh okay um and so we gained some length and some Mass because of that um but but but this is primarily designed for am4 but I have all the brackets and stuff and I have absolutely used this on threadripper because the thing with this pot is it's extremely efficient um at pulling down the temperature uses we just saw a little bit of liquid nitrogen yeah so we call it a fast Putt and it's fast too yeah so I can change the temperature up or down very rapidly and this I don't know if this is maybe a question for the companies or the the guys that make the actual on two pots but do you either of you have any understanding why like what makes it react faster or slower yeah internally yeah I mean it um it just has to do with the ratio of Mass to surface area yeah and so if you could get a good look in here it'd be difficult but it it's drilled out and then the holes that he drilled he tapped them with threads so that it has more surface area because of that and then not only that he then went in and milled out notches like and just go in a handheld here here we go a little risky so there's the top down how's that look oh that looks nice that's good yeah oh yeah get some props for Andrew and chat so why is risky going handheld with an HDMI cable sticking out the back that thing looks crazy I hadn't actually looked in this one yet cool yeah he 3D printed the different uh retaining brackets with my handle and different AMD logos and ryzen and stuff like that so yeah um so yeah we bumped it up 50 megahertz and I ran it again I didn't change the voltage and it passed so we've got more so that's just you know that shows 45k already yeah yeah minus 140. yeah that's what I got stuck at yeah oh boy yeah you're in trouble aren't you yeah I hope you've got to list all that stuff I changed so I'm trying to remember I think you got stuck on frequency like you got stuck at six two so yeah in pre-testing I think I was kind of running six three then I broke it all down to to get the water off and stuff set up next day I got stuck at six two and later I don't think I did this on stream but when I pulled the Pod off the CPU I see like a quadrant had pretty poor contact yeah and I mean you know like Bill thankfully has brought me more Hardware because AKA bearded Hardware uh I think he sabotaged you so something's missing yeah as much as I appreciate it so it was nice so he gave me my first set of like hardware for an allen tupot because he visited he's like do you have any hardware to actually secure this thing to the to the CPU I'm surprised you ended up with four of the legs so he he left me with three cap nuts and then four threaded rods and so every time I I have one corner that's just not quite secure and um where's the springs and the top hats okay okay wait so did that was that the corner that didn't have good contact yeah it was yeah I mean not a surprise right like the the weight of the pot helps a little bit but you'd only get so far with that it starts sliding around too if uh yeah to find the pasties that's one of the tricky things with this particular pot as well um has to do do with that but um because it's a two-piece and it's not very easy with the bottom being so big normally I put a closed cell foam ring around it but I can't do that on this I have to use a thinner foam right people love that uh top down shot Andrew I'm just looking through the chats it's risky but it was worth it yeah okay so I bumped up to 1.4 volts where it's 6.1 we're at negative 150 and um I think this part we can bench probably like to negative 180 without too much fuss but we might crash going cold here yeah 4 000 concurrent viewers now by the way which is great for uh for our streams that's that's getting onto the high side so no pressure Bill our previous high was three so okay yeah so we're negative 170 here okay okay and we had an app crash okay so this again it's the same thing as last time yeah yeah so which this is better than like a full system crash so you're gonna are you going to increase voltage for that or are you changing clocks too yeah I'll just change um we'll just go to one five and we'll see how far that'll get us is that a point zero five increment or uh 100 millivolts as well yeah yeah okay we're at negative 164. um and at this temperature this is the lead and frost temperature uh for ln2 so it changes it it's a much different boiling sound when you hit this temperature okay so I've noticed the sound change yes yeah so you know when you pour ln2 off your hand yeah right that's the leading Frost effect similar to putting water on a hot Skillet and it skitters around right right so once you hit about negative 160 or so on the metal it's cold enough to where the ln2 doesn't form that gas barrier anymore and it directly touches it and so you get a much more rapid boil okay so and if you happen to be full pot like the pot's full and it hits that temperature it'll erupt ln2 everywhere oh really okay yeah cool yeah so when it gets directly in contact yeah that's that Vapor Barrier specifically minus 164 though is where you get that change yeah yeah something like that yeah do you guys do um glaze the pot at all like when you heat it up and then because I know some people are really big and basically like poor and then I guess they heat it and then they flash down yeah I mean that has to do with uh modulating the temperature so usually what they're doing is there's a workload running and they're dropping the lid temperature below a temperature that would cause a cold bug where the system would crash right so then they're adding heat at the last minute to heat the lid back up above that critical temperature right so when the workload stops then it'll be okay and not crash because the workload you know you're generating one two three hundred Watts or whatever in the CPU so that's just making pure heat right um and so the effective temperature of the Silicon is a lot higher when it goes idle and it's almost zero Watts all of a sudden you know all that heat goes away and uh the Silicon rapidly drops temperature so you could cross Into the Danger Zone depending on what temperature your CPU can work out I like the comment that just came through from CC that uh as you're explaining that that just says damn this man knows things [Laughter] I learned from a lot of good people all right what's uh what's the next goal you're at one were you at 1.50 now and then so V core 1.50 uh Miss 160 minus 160 and then miscellaneous and um SOC you're still whatever you set in BIOS yeah three five is that weird one three five and one four was one at one four I don't know Steve I don't know I think you're cheating I'll check the uh I'll scroll back on the Stream see if it's still there but actually you might want to show me Rising master actually yeah oh I don't know what that was let's see how hot do we have to get I've got a torch if you need it too so while Bill's getting that uh up and running for the next test let me let me ask a question here from the chat from Super Chat so uh let's see might you guessed wrong okay I'm gonna modify this question a little bit um so we had a question from Hal Richard five dollar Super Chat thank you uh so the original question was what kind of frequency might you guess for an all core uh oh at zero centers okay um I mean it's kind of hard to predict that kind of stuff but uh it's a fair quiz like I said so you get about a you know 100 megahertz for 10c right so it depends what you're running if like an alcohol workload versus versus one t right it's also kind of hard to I mean I guess you so one of the things I was talking about in the reviews is how since the temperature uh is not part of the boosting Behavior as like the the ceiling so like 95c ceiling for a boost till it hits the temperature like on a 7950x out of the box um uh it gets kind of weird with like if you put a better cooler on it it is reducing the temperature effectively but it's it still looks higher so you instead of changing the temperature now with a cooler change you're changing the frequency yeah what you're doing is for that same temperature you can get there with the lower voltage right and because of that you can then raise the voltage and get more frequency right yeah yeah you end up at the 95 you know there's been a lot of questions about that obviously yeah I think um it's booting back up we had another question I'll throw out here earlier it wasn't chat so I want to asked um do you need a special kind of thermal paste for liquid nitrogen any opinions on that yeah um you do some thermal paste tends to uh solidify and kind of almost I don't want to say crystallize but um and then it basically freezes it freezes and D adheres okay and a lot of times you can hear it this we call it crack yeah and um so when that happens you can heat back up and and it'll reset um but then you know uh that's not a big problem I haven't faced um we used some Dell Corning stuff in the lab for like when we're doing a lot of swapping around and then slave sent me this I don't know if he's sabotaging me or if this is good I don't know what he's done but it but I've been using it and that's what's uh that's what's on these um I call it Smurf paste right yeah so yeah if anyone doesn't know is uh is another Extreme overclocker has a lot of Records posted on like hardware bot and stuff like that 3D Mark Hall of Fame he worked on this isn't like this isn't an AMD thing but he worked on um with their Bower on the contact frame stuff for the Intel CPUs where display of basically cut a hole in a motherboard yes and he did that so he could take the socket out with the CPU so he could get the clamping for us so that it would be the same sort of Bend yep or curvature and then he could lap it yeah he left it inside there yeah which is like awesome that someone thought to do that so he sent me a picture of that and uh he was like do not share this with Nick well he Roman ended up sharing it with the internet at least you didn't share it uh okay sorry I'm just messing around here I was going to show um uh he wanted to see so um all the voltages and stuff are set here so you can the memory stuff is at one four one four um vdd misc like you asked about one three five um vddg this is something that ASRock is doing at 1.2 um I'd like to point out vdd misc needs to be probably 75 millivolts or more higher than vddg because it feeds vddg okay this particular bios is setting 1.2 here and then vdd misc at 1.1 out of the box so just be aware of that um so but uh yeah this is what he had set and and I'm just kind of leaving it alone yeah you can see vddg for iod1 ccd0 ccd1 iod0 so we have all sides of the link covered here where you can adjust those so uh okay cool and then um and honestly I don't know why it was being so fussy uh because um because I've already been running this part like way faster than that so we'll try again and see sometimes sure [Applause] the the I don't know if anyone's noticed by the way the hair dryer uh that's being used here today what's wrong with the hip nothing I don't have to worry about litigation so I can show it I don't know if I do either but I was told to be careful let's do it yes safe official AMD events right someone's someone's talking this we get this comment all the time so I'm just gonna do the demo I do and all these really quickly um there's a question about or a comment about uh like gloves and safety and stuff yeah this one a lot so um I'll actually to make the point even more this is just the hair tie uh the TSA asked me a lot of questions about that once I don't know why well what's on your wrist okay anyway this if I leave it on when I do the demo where I pour on my arm uh it will stain a tiny bit not a lot but basically this line Frost the fact that bill was talking about earlier where you can see it just basically sort of evaporates immediately and so in terms of gloves it's really what that does is oh and taking this off is because it'll sort of soak you'll get stuck yeah thanks um so yeah anytime liquid nitrogen soaks that's when it's not safe where like if you were to cup your hands and pour it that would be bad that would be it'd be the same as putting your hand on the stove um but gloves like these uh while kind of nice to have at most I'll use this if I'm doing a lot of transferring yeah that's what we do as well yeah where you're pulling out of the liquid nitrogen tank and you've got like a transfer hose that freezes basically and and hurts if you grab it yeah so I'll use it for that but for pouring and stuff I I don't like using gloves just because um I feel like it almost becomes more dangerous for me or at least more difficult to handle everything I agree yeah yeah it makes things a little more cumbersome especially if you're trying to finally pour something it's yeah with the gloves the other thing we found you know depending on how the gloves are made a lot of times you get like patches or holes in here and then it hurts actually way more yeah because it soaks it up and holds it next to your skin yeah so it actually can make things worse yeah so there's different types of gloves obviously I don't know a lot about them but the ones I have at the seams they're made for this like they're crying they handle the temperature right handle the temperature but where the seam is where they Stitch it all together you can still get some soak and that actually hurts more than if you didn't have the glove so that's yeah that's true yeah not not safety advice you can do whatever you want to do to be safe but um that's just that's why we're not using them today yeah and usually when I'm at the bench um I'm standing up all the time I'm known at AMD like standing all the time so um yeah if you're sitting at a bench um I see a lot of guys doing that that's more dangerous because we have had a spill on the table one time right and it it could end up in your lap that didn't happen to us but um but but yeah that's the main thing I worry about because like you said if it gets on your pants yeah it soaks in you're you're kind of in trouble so yeah yeah that's same with uh stephanzi when he was doing the first xoc demo with me he was basically like hey when you're pouring from the doer into the thing don't get it on your shoes because yes right soak your socks who's shock yeah socks yeah our other guy on the team and Neil uh insists that bare feet or sandals is the way to go so [Laughter] he might go farther than that even yeah I was gonna say you can take a step further can't stream that though at least not on YouTube uh how many gigahertz are we at now someone says uh we're at six one okay but it was being fussy so um I had a little I had a when I put the pot on I was kind of questioning if it was perfectly straight and I had to kind of tweak it so there might actually be a problem there so I've got another one over there I do yeah I think we need it we've got another we can run yeah like I said this one's actually a little tricky to get perfect um so we'll try this again um no we won't uh let's see so what what voltage react though one five five five in oh Horizon Master yeah uh so should yeah do you have the new one um no I don't we're gonna do a secret file swap you got it right there yes okay um the latest Benchmade is supposedly downloading but it doesn't look like it ever finished can you see if it's working all right so we had the quick question for you from from chat do you either of you have a preference on Windows 10 versus 11 for this um the only reason I'm not using Windows 11 is because um I saw that cpu-z was taking a long time to open oh okay and when we were benching for like the all-in-one and the ln2 records a couple of weeks ago I just mainly switched over to Windows 10 because it's hard to get screenshots with all the CPUs in there if it takes like 45 seconds for it to open so that is literally the only reason um right I'm on Windows 10 so I brought a Windows 11 disc with me so I'm going to actually go to bios and do a tweak real quick I have the old version of ryzen Master on here I don't think it supports the full Voltage range right I think that's actually the bug I was just hitting so the 1.55 yeah okay so um I'm gonna um so I'm giving you the hot off the press one here Bill and I'm just gonna do the old uh Zen three Zen two trick uh where I'm going to add a positive offset in the Bios and then whatever I request from ryzen Master it'll it'll add that offset too okay cool yeah yeah that's the one you were telling me about previously that's right yeah Bill the other thing is did you set fixed frequency and voltage in BIOS we can do that yeah so we saw that was one of the keys to getting the full potentially these are the real Secrets yeah okay yeah but because you know we're planning to adjust it in you know once we boot up right but we found that if you start off fixed it actually adds to the stability okay so that's just as simple as uh changing uh CPU overclocking from Auto to custom and then they already have I guess 4500 125 in there and that's actually fine so I'll leave leave it like that and then the other thing I'm gonna do is I'm going to go in external voltage and then CPU voltage and then I'm going to do offset mode and then this is in millivolts so I'm going to do 100 and then whatever I tell ryzen Master to set is going to be 100 millivolts more than that so um unload line we'll leave it at level two um we can explore that later um like when we get to the edge maybe we can write that to get a little more I can answer this question if you guys want to jump in go for it though someone asked Steve can you please ask them about liquid metal for ln2 so liquid metal uh gets worse as it gets colder yeah so if you get to like zero or negative on the temperature it basically becomes a an insulator it becomes a wall yeah I haven't tried it but that's what I've heard as well yeah yeah my I don't know there is a name for that chemical process I don't know what it is thermal Grizzly would obviously would know but yeah um but it basically yeah it basically more or less just loses its conductivity as the temperature comes down so it's awesome at high heat applications where you are not bringing the temperature of like the whatever's contacting it down to like say zero or below but as soon as you start doing liquid nitrogen you just hurt yourself you use Liquid Metal it's not gonna not gonna perform yeah it might be I don't know if this is why I'm assuming it's because it kind of solidifies but well it certainly does um it before zero even it'll be solid so um but yeah I don't know the mechanism or anything about it but certainly I know like nobody in the xoc community is using liquid metal for ln2 yeah if you're going to do ambient overclocking though and you want like every degree celsius you can get without doing dry ice or anything exotic then liquid metal makes a lot of sense for that stuff you have to be careful with applying it since it's conductive electrically so yeah and that actually came up with regard to the am5 in the exposed smt components on the on on the substrate right um so and there was some discussion internally at AMD about it and my reply was that the folks using liquid metal probably are going to use nail polish or something like that to cover those components um and they probably already know that right yeah you normally insulate those smds around exactly yeah but it's still always a good reminder if you're going to do something like that okay so what's the so you got your opposite applied yeah can you I'm kind of curious bill because you did a fixed voltage and an offset so I wonder what it really said um so I'm gonna guess it's at 135 at the moment and then once we go to precise and direct um we should be okay so it's at one oh yeah so um I already put it in precise and direct and I've applied 1.45 volts okay and added 100 and that's what we got yeah so right we're five five not four five so and then I will just walk it out from here the questions are always fun these are pretty good questions today uh I don't know the I don't know what they're referring to in this one uh but the first part I do what about graphene like as a contact and then the other part was or that NASA heat material which unfortunately I'm not sure what that's referring to but I'm sure NASA has a lot of like thermal interfaces that we don't know about graphing the if it's like those pads yeah it's I would guess it's just too thick for anything like this where it's not gonna well I mean we have them in the lab and we have some folks in the lab that need to change processors quite a lot um and they use those so for a number of reasons but it's not the best but it's consistent and they're somewhat reusable and they don't make a mess they'll make a mess so they're quicker to change it yeah if you're doing volume stuff yeah so when those guys they need to be able to mount the heatsink and have the same performance time after time and that's why they use them even though they know little bit performance because you know some people beat it some people put their mind some people yeah or manually spread it or whatever yeah okay so you got it running again yes so 42k for initial run just to get it going at five five so we'll walk it back up and and see how much fuss we get I think this is probably a one-word answer will the warranty be affected by doing this [Laughter] [Music] the warranty will be affected this part is not happy I think I might have a mounting problem here so maybe we switched to the gene masters board yeah I think okay I think so you think I think so I mean I mean um so you gotta get much colder in well no no now so I'll bring it over just for for six gig like negative 50 makes it easy to do so negative 100 we're fine but we'll try a couple things before we uh switch completely so okay so there we're at negative 160 let's try this again I still love seeing the just how liquid nitrogen reacts every time we do anything like this that's fun to work with uh let's see got a uh a lot of questions man so many questions about like paste and interfaces yeah I think um we can heat it up and um and switch to the gym switch okay yeah that one has a six core yeah so um I might be able to so I might be able we can boot that one up and might be able to get this one uh properly mounted yeah I think so so uh we'll let Bill start to break this one down we're going to switch to a different board that they brought different setup entirely and all that's going on here is bill is going to basically thaw it out as much as he can kind of pull it apart and then this one is already assembled it's built in the same way um did you say this is six core 7600x it is yeah okay is this the magic 7600x it is it is a Magic 7600x Magical why this one is magic so yeah this is crazy I haven't actually looked at the setup you guys did on this so it's a gene Asus Gene board uh and it's two dims which two dimms can my understanding is feel free to jump in anytime if you want to correct something I say but my understanding is that two dimms uh is easier to get a better memory overclock High stability higher memory speed yeah yeah because you don't have the extra routes for the other two channels yeah so the other two demos per Channel and yeah so you're just talking to two sticks right next yeah you still have the two channels but yeah it's less routing it's easier to route on the board and it looks you can get more optimized routes it looks like there's a like a dim that too or something in there is that what that is or the car it's their new one they call it um they actually call this gen Z and it's not to be confused with the PCI standard gen z um but yeah it's huge so yeah it's got fins and a heat pipe and it's got two m.2 sockets on it um for uh Gen 5 in vme so yeah I've got the OS inside of there and it plugs so the old one dim.2 used what looked like a dim slot and it had a big keep out on there so this is a little different than that um foreign looking for more questions I might bring up so yeah right now basically we're swapping boards CPU and um where's the other one this one should we like Ahmed is it worth us uh uh you want to do it yeah until it gets a little protected well he does it does it right right uh especially and that's when I said like oh do you want to help what I really mean is do you want to do it because I because I'm not gonna do it right that's that's me including myself in the work that uh you would be doing uh okay let me look for I have a list of some actually let's do this let me open it up to chat so while bill is setting up the next board um if uh if you have questions where you want to ask about like how ryzen 7000 or anything like that behaves in a particular way this might be a good time to do it so um I'll kind of start this and then you guys can jump in with what you specialize in so that people know which questions to ask but you both worked on Expo and Bill I guess you worked a lot on Expo um what do you need graphics card reference card graphics card we had it and then I might have put it in here okay oh on the box I can get you so yeah I worked on Expo um with Grant Lee on our team on the overclocking team right who actually authored the spec so and then Ahmet you worked what what did you mostly work on so I'm on the core design team so I designed the clocking power management and um it's like curve Optimizer type stuff and yeah it's basically how to control the frequency and voltage of the part right and dealing with things like you know the chip has different voltage planes and different clock domains and how can you cross between them safely yeah yeah and that's what we we didn't get into this in the previous video together but um about uh like the bill and Ahmed do a lot more than just play with liquid nitrogen all day you work on engineering basically so um okay let me check with questions now uh let's see are we live yes uh let's see there's one about um here's here's one we could do yeah talk about that Wesley Wesley Craig says uh hit the uh oh is that the other fan yeah it's gonna say be quiet fan if the blades it's not to be quiet yeah if the fight survived that they're pretty good um so this one says can you speak about how you determine which CGS are good overclocking candidates for good xoc candidates uh they know in ryzen CPUs that have multiple chiplets is it more difficult to work with if one CCD is of different or Worse quality compared to monolithic CPUs yeah so a lot a lot to impact there yeah so one thing okay so for uh trying to get to the highest performance one of the things and Bill and I worked this out when we're doing the third Ripper um what we found is what you want to find is is the part that can do the same frequency at the lowest voltage right because then that gives you the most I guess it's it's more efficient and it gives you more Headroom to raise voltage and and get to higher things now that's true for like like all core multi-thread sort of thing right now having the chiplets right the complication that has is now you have those those interfaces you know between all the die and so having one shiplet versus two is simpler like the 7600 we have right here that makes sense yeah is less things that can get out of here there's less communication on the substrate or within the chest so yeah yeah so so like if you want if you want to get just like one core high frequency you have something like a one triplet part um it is easier yeah so let's see um is it something you can do at home yeah I mean this really is not much different than a house the only the only real Advantage we have is space maybe and like it does take a good amount of space yeah the the the the the the big Hazard with ln2 is that it displaces the oxygen right so you just want to make sure it's ventilated yeah so yeah we always do the stuff in in like a large studio there's sort of AC circulating fans come on and off and so yeah if you're working in like a really small room like a small apartment or something you don't have good ventilation then you need to be careful and get ventilation yeah that's that's the answer to that but but in terms of like practically can you do it um I guess the you can't really in most places get liquid nitrogen delivered in a large tank to residential but you can buy like a doer so like the one we have behind us it's maybe smaller like 10 liters 20 liters bring it to a local liquid nitrogen seller and ask them to fill it up and then you would buy uh like liquid nitrogen pots there's really only a few companies that make these they are expensive because it's a massive amount of copper yeah and they're probably really low volume and you want to make sure you get it for the processor that you're trying to do right yeah don't just buy like anything random off eBay or something unless it's for the CPU you're working with uh and then yeah I mean beyond that it's kind of just um you probably want to learn on stuff that is lower risk if you accidentally kill a part but we were talking about this earlier um and I did see this question go by and chat earlier how many parts do you think you've actually killed like doing xoc yeah we were yeah we were trying to go through that uh yesterday thinking about it like honestly it's the parts that we've actually killed I could probably count on one hand right yeah and that's in five years yeah and we killed one in front of Lisa one time it wasn't it wasn't our fault I don't want to say I don't want to say the name of the person we not only kill the part we killed the board there was instantly it was it was in front of oh and just to be clear this is this is Lisa the CEO Lisa correct and her family was there in the lab and she didn't care she was like yeah yeah was that uh was it just like a Bad setting or was it like that short somewhere oh we we applied uh too high volts yeah he accidentally applied the full maximum voltage the vrm can deliver and the part was like at room temperature and the voltage was like 2.6 it's good this is good like to talk about though because uh it shows that you know there's a lot of protections and chips and it is pretty they they being the manufacturers make it pretty hard to kill stuff these days but um you can still do it so like instant yeah so that's I've typed on stuff like that and I've always caught it before applying on bios but like I don't know trying to type in like 1.55 or something you missed the one it becomes like 5.5 and it just maxes out whatever the board will let you know like 2.0 yeah so we actually have Protections in you know in default mode to not let you do that sort of thing right yeah so but when you're doing extreme overclocking you know we take off those protections so that's another therm trip is gone and so you could you could easily cause a lot of damage by enabling ln2 mode and ambient temperature conditions so don't do that please right um let's see I'm looking through the chats mostly to see what the reaction was to the story of of killing Parts in front of places so she'll appreciate this uh I think it was long enough oh yeah someone uh Jay Nero in in chat reminded me that we I did in fact set a coupon code on the store on store at Karen's today for fkn cold for 10 off anything on the store uh if you want 10 off on checkout type in fkn cold uh we still can't Define what F can stands for it's uh it's an upcoming technology but uh gotta keep it under wraps let's see okay should we just put the new version on here I guess yes all right let's just do that we're going to do a little housekeeping real quick okay sure and you want the Benchmade too yeah if it downloaded okay okay yeah yeah let's see uh oh this the tall people were a couple people were concerned for you when you clipped your fingers on the phone oh it actually um it got me pretty good and scared me I I reacted yeah it sounded fantastic I'm fine my building not yours uh let's see I'm looking through questions so there's a lot of questions about like future products which they're not going to be able to answer so I'm not going to bother asking them um uh let's see all right unless you're ready to talk about the Horizon like 9950x I was gonna announce it today we are not prepared to talk about did you put Benchmade on here yes you did okay uh oh this is a good one for you what is the amp 5 record to overclock right now a question from Taylor what does that mean all right let's let's define it yeah so uh how about like frequency and cinebench or something or or send a bunch of score if you know that I think it's just over 50 000. um there's going to be folks Crossing 51 000 I think I got some screenshots last night of um some folks that are successfully running cinebench like R20 R23 at seven gig so um I don't know if any of that's been posted yet but but it's happened for sure and that's about you know that's 900 megahertz more than than what than what Zen 3 could do yeah it looks like 50 800. wow that was running yeah 51 000. 67.50 all chords let me give some perspective on those numbers so that's cinebench R23 right safe disc so you said it was 50 50 843 58 43 and so I'm gonna go to a hardware bot for Hardware Bob people don't know is is one of the few places where you can kind of upload scores and it you do it for home overclocking with water also I mean you don't have to go crazy and get the best frequency or score to upload there well but um right before we launched uh Ahmed and I did four um like 16 core records for four different benchmarks on four different boards using a basic water cooler cool so it is possible yeah right now it might be a little too late now people posting ln2 but right but it does have categories for different types of cooling yeah yeah it has categorized for cooling it has categories for like core count so if you're you don't have to like go buy an 800 CPU or something just to compete if you only have like say uh I mean shoot if you have like a 3300 X you'd still post right so sure um let's see I'm gonna pull up rankings so for perspective 50 000 843 is currently the world record for cinebench and that is uh at least on I'm assuming this number is accurate so 6.75 gigahertz uh liquid nitrogen of course and so if you're wondering like well what does that actually mean uh let's pull up another one so there is man the entire front page is all 79.50x until it's a slave so display has the highest not AMD CPU score for 16 cores and harbor bot right now and that is a 12900 KS so 5843 minus like 4421 divided by 4421 that's like a 26 increase uh between the what rank is he between 15th and first it's like 25 26 of range there which is actually like that's kind of tight together for that many rankings um yeah it has more to it with the chip I think yeah all the ones above it are 7950s so they're going to be similar right right um okay so you got this booted and yeah eventually we're not gonna be doing 50 000 with this particular CPU but yeah well this is 7600 yeah that's right yeah so this this score is going to be lower but the uh you're gonna be able to push potentially higher frequencies because it's behaving better maybe right yeah and then we can play around yeah so this exact CPU like I said in our debug board um I was running well over seven gigs so um we'll see this bios on Asus is a little bit different than what I was running in the lab so let me pull up a uh let me pull up some 7600 or some uh six core yeah I just looked at that it's uh 21 500 at 6.8 gig six Okay so 6.88 yeah 21k is the top score on a hardware bot and that is for a six core which we're not necessarily shooting for like world record number one but it just gives you an idea for the top of the range um so where was it at that is 21.5 K okay if I'm in the right section yeah yeah yeah okay so there is a 7600 on there yeah so currently the highest 7600 on here was running at 6.3 gigahertz okay you think you can beat that I think well I don't know um that should be easy uh but that's what I thought that's what I thought with my other board too I've learned to stop saying that so much okay so I was 55 I'm just going to bump it up to six so if you're trying to displace the top 7600x at minus 50 is that it'll we can set it okay so we'll start we'll cool down a little more I guess um so we're like at negative 53. do you know this particular overclocker or is that uh sort of I don't know him or her so rank number 10 is a user named Zippy Tech who has a 6.3 gigahertz 7600x at 17 893 and cinebench R23 which is what this is try and calculate what we would need to do to get to the top but can you run those numbers in your head yeah it's pretty high [Laughter] laughs see all the numbers flying around there right now that's uh check on the chat all right we're negative 90. so we basically turn this thing on at about room temperature and we made it to negative 100 and so we'll see if we can actually do full pot are you okay one boot that would be cool is it a golden sample I mean I don't so like he was kind of talking about earlier um you know this only has one CCD so it only has the one GMI link going through the package itself so that's a lot less complex to go wrong and a lot less to tune if you have to start messing with those voltages so okay so it did something where are these rankings that you're talking a question from chat uh so these are on hardware bot it is region two probably uh HW bot is the website it's kind of like a repository of um of scores for people and like I was saying earlier we don't have any sponsorship or anything with them but it's it's a good website if you want to kind of get into it and play around with water overclocking maybe you know give yourself some scores to chase so you uh you have some milestones and markers you want to hit 3dmark is another really really common one if you're doing um especially GPU stuff yeah on the front page they list like the top records of the day or whatever so you can kind of see what's popular right day to day and it's got a bit of a scene harder has a bit of a scene for older Hardware too so they occasionally do like competitions for older stuff bro you guys are going to run out of oxygen in the room we're good here thank you though we are I've done much sketchy here foreign bot not a uh I'd be surprised but for what yeah maybe that would be a good one for you to go go get when you get back to the lab so that'd be under eight core CPU let's see uh maybe it's too new oh there's some in here but they're not very high up yet it looks like they didn't do ln2 yeah it doesn't Sail on two it's 5.5 gigahertz which is probably all in one or so there's an opening for you to go again yeah getting easy score are they signing anything no well we do have three things we could probably do that while the bench is getting situated uh we're not doing like signing mouse pads and mats they thank you guys Steve okay so we'll have to get on a plane at some point so um I'm it let's uh so while Bill's getting this set up let's look at these so here's the here's the sort of spoiler for later in the year for you all to look out for we've collected a lot of uh press kits over the years from all kinds of different companies like AMD Intel Nvidia everybody and one of the things I've been wanting to do for a long time is put together a charity auction kit of a lot of the press stuff that like amd's giving us we're in videos coming up and the AMD one's getting to be a pretty good haul right now like there's some cool stuff in there so that'll be a charity auction closer to like out of December sometime and you guys brought these along that we'll include in there uh so it'll be a cool opportunity for people to try and you know get something pretty unique do you want to walk you want to show off the shirts sure yes this is this is what we made for Raphael and you know one of the things we thought when we got the new heat spreader you know what does it look like right and so you know one of the guys on our team was like turtles oh yeah okay so it kind of looks like a turtle shell so uh that's the front and yeah you got the back there yeah so so we kind of went with that and we put in the the blowtorch and the yeah so so we'll we'll uh sign these during the stream here and that's not gonna go out like today or anything but I will announce it in a hardware news video and um you know someone will be able to grab that one like a charity auction uh this one what's the story with this shirt okay so this is this is this is kind of a rare one so this is one we made for for Zen three uh was that the 5 000 Series yeah yeah so service was our internal uh code name for the core kind of like you know it was then yeah in Valhalla yeah yeah right service was was then three and so um this is the overclocking shirt we made limited edition you know show them the sleeve AMD here and here it says AMD yes amts where is let me grab a uh what to say on the back sending the competition to Hades so that's uh service is a dog of the underworld and which actually come in very valuable in in trivia lately so it comes up a lot so now I know what Cerberus means that oh the paint pen yeah where should we assign these Wild Bill's uh setting up here yeah let's do that um uh let's do like on normal people do like like on the sleeve yeah on the sleeve or the back oh yeah if it's worn uh uh or on the front if it's maybe going to end up framed let's do the front for this one okay so that's like I said this will go up later in the Years we'll put some cool um press Day stuff they the Press kits the companies only make like sometimes like 100 of them because just for the for the media so so they're pretty cool and I think you know raise some some good money and get people in the audience here and for me like the Press kits aren't really that special because we it's just we get them all the time and honestly we're not really supposed to in my view like kind of care about them too much because as reviewers but for people in the audience who are like big fans of this stuff it'd be pretty cool on a on a shelf or something a little hard if you kind of hold it and we'll get bills once he's set up here so right now bill is heating up the 7950x bench and Bill are you gonna remount it are you just gonna try it I'm gonna yeah I'll be messing with it off and on while I try to keep this one alive as well so um so I forgot a couple of settings um one of the things that we noticed was um PCI Gen 2 kind of seems to be good for Ellen too we don't know for sure but um but we seem to be using a DGP losing the graphics yeah so um that that seems to help with that so and then the other thing we talked about earlier was um how GMI has been optimized and how that's helped for uh you know you at home run admission mode on air water to run a faster F clock but also for us to be able to run faster F clock on on liquid nitrogen so memories kind of been the new challenge for liquid nitrogen I would say right so if you kind of wherever you want to sign just hold the fabric kind of yeah yeah um so I had a saw a question that just came through in the chat about uh liquid helium versus liquid nitrogen and what it's like the differences to work with okay so the advantage of liquid helium is that it's much colder so liquid nitrogen get down to one minus 196. right the good helium you can get down to four Kelvin right much colder but the there's several disadvantages one is it's super expensive minus 270 if we use the same scale Celsius it's an action minus 100 degrees almost yeah like we said like if it's you know you go a 100 megahertz for 10 you know to for every 10c that's another gigahertz you can get right if you can get that cold problem is the cost the cost is about 200x I would say versus like a money cost that's also it's helium like it's helium so there's environmental yeah like is it in short supply do you really want to be using it for that right right it's harder to handle the last thing is you need special equipment because liquid nitrogen it'll be in the pot in liquid form the liquid helium without I was gonna kill his mic but oh sorry no it's okay I'll remember that next time yeah liquid healing without a special apparatus it'll evaporate before it even gets in the pot you can't even pour it out of a doer it'll turn to Vapor as soon as it touches the air yeah it's wild yeah yeah so you use a siphon hose to get it from the doer into the pot or from the tank into the the doer so uh uh we're gonna sign this one as well for that future Charity Auction how set up going is that bootable now I think someone should sign it in the in in the thermos in the thermos yeah yeah you see that bill fooding oh yeah that's that's good so this is the real uh I was talking with other overclockers about like what what really separates like a great overclock or from someone who you know struggles with it more and the answer I got was patience which I think is a pretty good answer it's very true yes yeah like Bill was saying he's got notebooks full of you know what frequency he got right going like five millivolts at a time to try and just get things to work yeah what temperature he got to so it can be it can be tedious yeah so um uh did you put it in gentle already built I do okay to onboard Graphics studies I've noticed it was alive for some reason okay I think that um that could be part of the problem s off um we need to check it in Windows okay yeah I'm just looking to see if there's anything else um did you and then we have uh someone I guess someone must have asked about liquid oxygen in the chat uh liquid oxygen is incredibly explosive this is it would I'm not sure where the you don't use liquid oxygen for overclocking yeah so the thing about it is though um when you have okay so we talked about earlier how we we capped these to keep the water out but if also what will happen is oxygen will accumulate in the liquid nitrogen and become a solution the liquid nitrogen boils off first so what could happen is if you had open container all day lick oxygen could dissolve into it and then you'll be left when the nitrogen preferentially boils away there'll still be liquid oxygen left in your container so um it becomes a fireball potentially could we've um maybe per purposely made it before you can force air into a cup and let it in and keep topping it up with ln2 and then the oxygen content will don't do this at home yeah it'll like literally I do not yeah do not do not let's see the I feel like the materials questions in chat I've never seen so many questions about Material Science before and none of us here I don't think are material scientists uh okay uh someone's saying have you ever hit 7.2 on any of these chips this one that one yeah seven yeah seven two five seven two five wow yeah we have a CPU Z validation I got a picture of seven but we were giddy on teams and doing and so teams was running so I couldn't get a good picture of it right so seven is pretty crazy seven two is crazy yeah yeah what was the highest you saw on like uh like 5000 series that you guys did six six yeah like a very large difference yeah yeah [Applause] the mic uh I guess if you end up using the um the hair dryer if you hit the mute kill switch on the translator to unmute it when you're done sure oh is there like a like an interference every now and then I wouldn't say it's interference but okay it's just like a bad it might be mine I took the worst cable because I figured oh my audio is the least important today so we need you Steve not for this you know uh uh we already took this question how many chips have you killed they're saying like could basically count at one hand in the last five years um yeah basically massive screw up yeah see let me check on the mute we're not doing all the super chats today I'm checking them occasionally but uh let's see I'm just looking up some of the chats what CPU is this uh this one is a 7600x and liquid helium OC when I have no plans to do any liquid helium work then if I ever did it would probably be at like a trade show where a company's got it all set up already although they pretty much stopped doing that I mean it's limited supplies I haven't seen liquid healing in a long time yeah I don't gigabyte doing it years and years ago some kind of they said some kind of Records yeah I'd say the you know we're still producing helium from mainly from natural gas Wells um there was a controversy though because we uh the United States government liquidated um the helium Reserve that we had and that caused a lot of the shortage talk a few years back right yeah because I think last time I saw it show up was probably computex event which uh what a g-school does a lot of those OC competitions yeah yeah those are fun yeah uh what are the answers to amd's security questions I don't think we can go over those today but we'll talk about that uh afterwards AMD is just one person actually and it has one account for everything and it all uses the same security questions uh let's see so what what's your process on it like while you're working on this right now what is it you're trying to do actively what's the current goal so right now we're just trying to get it to boot yeah right now it's getting stuck right as it goes into OS right right so um what we're doing is we're going through first things figure out what why it's failing right um so how do you uh walk me through like the troubleshooting you do when you're trying to identify that sure so the first thing is looking at the postcodes right so the postcodes will show you how far it's getting let me get a shot of those too sure yeah right now it's on 15 which is memory training um so Bill you've mentioned this board before yeah this exact setup yeah yeah 15 seconds memory training yep it's getting past that it's not 42 some memory training uh basically when whenever you're like booting system first time or something like that some of that initial setup that it's doing is training the memory which is going through and if you have like Auto timings or something or it's a new kit or a new build it'll try and determine what the timing should be when you're booting it so that's the training process that's what that terminology means yeah it's getting past all that fine and then what's happening is it it gets to the point where you can either go into BIOS or go into OS right and right and that's where it's getting stuck so what I'm going to do this times I'm going to go into BIOS and I'm going to see um doesn't see the drive oh okay yeah and does that look look healthy what are the other like common postcodes you see that that tell you something useful I mean in this scenario um so we have we have postcodes I'm trying to remember if the numbers changed a common one was was zero seven that was basically right when we're we call it x86 release okay so we start to run x86 code on the course and that typically pointed to a GMI problem oh okay because that was kind of the first time that we needed the IOD to talk to the CCD right yeah up to that point everything's kind of running independently right right and when you start running xcx's code then the system has to ask to behave coherently and so that was that was a common postcode for that and that's where we recommended lowering F clock you know I'm messing with the GMI voltages right to get past that sort of thing um this one like it's getting the BIOS fine I'm trying to see in the boot menu so it's on so using that DMI that the adding card bill for the m.2 that we were using before yeah so that's the OS Drive yeah okay this one yeah that's it you're good so it's it's seeing it but when I when I go to manually boot it I see Windows is Windows is being uh fussing out right is it when you see this sort of thing that's showing the camera sorry automatic repair yeah this is normally what we see is a memory problem oh okay so that's good to know too yeah typically this is yeah memories not acting right so it you know when it's reading the disk it thinks that there's some problems but really the problems are in memory okay okay I typically that's what that means so let me see so this is is was this the reactor pot is that what this one is so it's based on a reactor 2.1 design but like I said if you look at the back um or the like the bottom side that's exactly the same size as a thread Ripper so the dimensions were stretched a little bit and it makes it tricky to mount on an am4 board but it works uh really great so it's my favorite one by far so heavy my mic wasn't on the whole time so uh your talk next to me so probably could have picked up okay so we got the 750x is currently in in the shop surgery yeah pit stop but Bill mode is fast so it's already getting uh yeah I just need some alcohol fresh towel and then I'm going to mount it back up and uh um load no there it is if I did it might have just been to load the timings it was asking yeah if he loaded the Expo timings or not sometimes we see like at those higher speeds it it actually gives more Cycles uh and so that's online to make things easier even at lower frequencies I'm gonna try something crazy I'm actually going to increase the DDR speed sometimes what we see is that they're actually more stable yeah I don't know if this is true for DDR but I know for um I'm trying to remember the name of it for video memory there was um uh why what is it called there's something like where as you're increasing the offset of the memory on the GPU it lands in like this black hole where it's like really bad performance and then if you you get through to the other side of it so if you're like say plus 840 to plus um 900 you might have really bad performance but plus 820 is better than any of those ranges and I think it has to do with memory errors that are kind of happening silently in the background I'm not really sure how it works exactly but it's almost it's counterintuitive because like say you hit plus 820 offset it's good you hit plus 840 it runs but it's terrible performance the inclination is okay that's my limit I'll bring it down nice maybe but but the uh started but in with the GPU stuff you might then go to like plus 900 and suddenly you're good again so um I forgot that's called oh straps uh Kingpin calls it like memory straps or something yeah we we had I think we had a memory hole like that on the first Zen like when it first came out like there was a yeah there was a range we had it on Raven Ridge and Picasso to our first apus yeah and we had a frequency black hole and it's not intuitive like you were saying because you you hit a wall and it's not working but if you skip that 200 megahertz bander and then went higher then it works fine all of a sudden but if you hit that wall and it's not working why would you think you can go higher right you must feel better back down yeah so that's what I was trying there uh uh I'm not sure that any of us is qualified to answer this question but I suppose we're being asked because there's liquid nitrogen here what's the temperature of a wormhole or a black hole uh I have no idea well depends there you go they'll know it is there a accretion disk it might be very hot is it rotating I don't know if any of this is is actual science or if he's just saying words uh let's see so got some comments oh there you Andrew getting getting praise for the camera operator Andrew and chat always appreciated uh it's comment about how much copper there is here which is also true let's see okay but I'm trying now so we were running um fixed frequency and bios but I'm going back I'm going back to auto see if that makes a difference is this a I don't know if that's like an AMD campus um vocal yeah Fort Collins yeah oh okay yeah it's Fort Collins In the House hey Fort Collins you can see me through the Mist uh look at that chats see if everyone has a question you want to pitch about ryzen especially like as it as it relates to bios tuning overclock and memory anything like that why are there questions like this what's the boiling temperature and the boiling temperature of what in front of the boiling temperature in space we've somehow somehow bill now there's a uh I I guess we've established you as an astrophysicist okay sorry if anyone's looking for an astrophysicist uh bill can do some Contracting work on the side well I can tell you liquid nitrogen will boil at a lower temperature in space I don't know what it is so you are an astrophysicist well it's lower pressure right so the boiling temperature will go down right oh all I'm hearing is uh this denial that he is in fact a space science man I'm not getting paid enough I guess I may have to call my dad he is an astro is he actually yeah different kind of stream q a and that's right yeah Lifeline yeah uh what is Ace I'll kind of take I'll start this question if one of you want to jump in while you're setting up go for it uh question is what is a safe Max voltage for casual overclocking with an AIO or a large air coil like a D15 so we get this question a lot um first part of that is it changes entirely based on the CPU second part of that is if you're say idle versus load it's going to behave differently so if you're at like 1.4 idle it'll it'll affect the chip differently than if you're at 1.4 under a full load because it's a current and voltage relationship um second part of that so it also depends on what voltage you're talking about it's like V core versus vsoc I guess vdd misc now historically my understanding has been that bsrc you have to be a little more careful with how high you push it but I don't know if that's yeah that's true because the SOC affects the i o die um and so it's just it's not really designed with a lot of the overclocking Headroom that we write on the CPU die and so I know in in the past I mean different versions of Zen or Intel CPUs and things it's been like 1.1 1.2 is kind of the max recommended range but uh I say voltages I I am never able to give a hard answer and chat I'm always like I don't know like if it's like an Intel trip I'm familiar with like say the 7700k from ages back we might throw out a number like 1.4 and you're like that's it will be fine with basically everything maybe you can go higher but I mean I mean honestly like what we've tried to move to is the more Advantage overclocking right and so there the the PM firmware will keep you in the safe ranges safe temperatures uh say voltages back uh I took out one damage we'll try that okay look like he worked I don't know what's doing their training yeah yeah um and you have this reassembled I guess good to go nice yeah I found the problem I messed up what was it yeah yeah it was just it was a bad Mount so um there was unequal pressure um I use these um foam rubber gaskets but it can be tricky especially with this this larger pot so I'd basically just remove that gasket so but it was like less than a millimeter this is all that it took like you found with your Mount right so so was it tilted to one corner yeah a little bit okay yeah so and you can tell by the way when I pulled it off I could tell by the imprint of the thermal yeah you said you saw it yeah yes and then I saw and then it also like uh depend on how on there the the cooler is you feel like different resistance as you're pulling it up because the pace doesn't really like yep it's not that suction with the paste so um but I mean uh there's not really like a lot you can do for figuring out if it's a bad Mount before you just you just have to take it apart and see yeah yeah so it didn't happen that often but I feel like normally well for me it happens very often yes so thank you for that burn I appreciate it unintentional sorry for me that's like 50 of the time you have a screwed up mouth look at this yeah that's that's something I got you sorted now I'm completely incapable of of purchasing another cap nut here so uh it is entirely Joe's fault I have no way to buy Hardware yeah so I did it but I just had to take off that near near dim okay um so I say let's okay let's see what we can see we can do yeah and then we can go back to this because I think um this we can go a lot faster now sure yeah yeah okay I've got a really good yeah that's a good place to be in nice okay right so all right so um just clear away we had a uh where was it oh someone said uh what site has updated leaderboards for this so the one we've been mentioning is hardware bot has that uh for like cinebench and CPU Z things like that okay so everything else is the same yeah yeah yeah yeah I went back to uh check number speed I think I went back there's still questions about Material Science more I don't know the answer to any of these where where did we become material scientists in the Stream what about argon I have no idea I don't know anything about argon I don't um liquid nitrogen is colder is my understanding we have a periodic table argon would be safe periodic table on the Whiteboard gin oxygen indium uh uh what about rdna 3 Apu with 3D cache so I don't think we're really talking about like potential products in the future or or completely unlikely products in the future either so uh let's see are the ryzen shirts in the store that's a good question those t-shirts no they're not I wish they were so that makes them super limited yeah yeah we don't sell them do the people want them should we have them in this I don't know yeah post the post comments and chat and then uh yeah we always thought it was pretty Niche right yeah so I mean do you have oh you don't have them on today but there's the they have the other shirts with like the the torch on the Allen Tupac that one this one yeah but we were wearing that the shirt you were talking about at the last uh stream I believe yeah that is my favorite one I think that one we have not distributed widely I do like that one uh could we talk about different voltages we have been kind of covering them um I think once Bill gets this bench running again or on the other one we'll be able to go over some of what he's doing while he's doing it um since we've been kind of explaining a lot of this stuff for over time now the millivolt offset still set did you mess with that I didn't change it okay so okay so that means we're at one five is this the new Rising Master yes okay so we're negative 90. okay so um I think it's mostly Superstition but we'd like to kind of walk the frequency up um it really does seem to help somehow so I've noticed that as well and same thing I don't know if it's Superstition or not no I don't think it is it's like like we do a lot of calibration and so what we've seen is that if you calibrate at one temperature and then and then change you can actually get out of right out of the operating range so do you need a you need a different video card no it's not it's not that um I think it is um because the system is still alive right now I think graphics off is enabled and it's um wreaking havoc so what we could do I can try um to change one more setting to get rid of that and then and then we'll see if we can get full pot real quick and and if we can try for seven gig and if that doesn't work out I'll probably just switch back to the ASRock and uh we should be able to you know get over six five I think with that one that'd be cool yeah that would be uh better than I've been able to do I got stuck at six two three almost on the one test but I'm really excited to um to I don't know if it's out here right now but to uh test out with the new mounting hardware this is the only part I have that fits the current socket uh from AMD so um it's it's behaved pretty well when I can get them out right though yeah I'd like to see you try with four nuts man that would be yeah yeah that would be nice to actually have it secured on all sides and not not like like that or yeah like one millimeter yeah because you do you do crank them down I mean there's a fair amount of floors yeah even with the weight so so all right oh yeah I mean plus the springs on there kind of helps determine how much you should secure it too okay are you doing the registry changes yeah um because you could talk about the registry secrets it's it's not really it's not a secret which is not publish all right we had the setting on our apus and um and we're trying to get it moved over here as well so yeah basically the registry passes information to the graphics drivers all right and it's telling the graphics driver what to do for different power management models oh okay yeah it's kind of similar to what we talk about with C States yeah there's similar power management in the GPU yeah you try to get rid of all the all the stuff that improves power efficiency when you're doing this yes what was um so for wattage what's kind of rain you're seeing when you're on it when you're like really driving the clocks on say like uh 750x or something yeah so I think well when we get close to like the world record you know the 48 000 50 000 range in cinebench at the wall we saw about I think um like 450 Watts okay is the most we've seen and that's at the wall that's at the wall so that's that's the total system yeah not just all the the world record runs are like 375 watts on Ellen to kind of average that's it yeah and then but there's some momentary Peaks at 450 Watts like I'm saying but the average power if you if you watch it is like closer to 375 for all the ln2 stuff that we did yeah so that's like at 6.4 6.5 and what's interesting too is that's pretty close that's pretty close to what the power was on the water cooled records that I did as well because the ln2 the temperature raises the efficiency of the Silicon so much that the voltage requirements go down and power overall goes down you know for a given frequency yeah yeah we kind of like all these have been about around one five volts that kind of range like we haven't got you know the curve really really levels off so to get that last few megahertz you need a lot more voltage push that yeah the power numbers are pretty good though for xoc type stuff because I've definitely like we've run systems with um in the uh competition I did with like me Jay and Vince we had systems where we were running two separate power supplies because you know for GPU and CPU yeah because um yeah you're starting to pull too much absolutely especially with like transient spikes on gpus and things you don't you know you might get like a 100 microsecond like 2X or something yeah like I don't know where we typically like to use one circuit for the system yeah that's ideal right like it's easier are you getting multi-power supplies kind of a pain too because yeah you got to do that cross uh cross connection until the every mess it up like it can be bad so okay it went into recovery for some reason so I'm gonna swap the board and everything okay um because that just makes well here it's booting now all of a sudden um I'll check one thing because it was doing something funny with the the GPU yeah you said the system was still up it um that is saying the GPU wasn't even here I like this uh this comment so back to the shirts people asking for OC team shirt availability there's one from counter I'm One Crazy Cow who says Lisa we want the t-shirts in the AMD store we'll send it all the way to the top of the chain she doesn't have anything better to worry about right now so about those t-shirts I want to go get them on the store no no no no no they they asked for it on the internet yeah the internet wants it yeah the energy bill bankrupt to GN surprisingly like I mean the the power is I don't know for our editing systems they probably draw more power actively but you're also to be fair to like working on one component right now so um but the editing machines I don't know when they're under full load they're probably like 500 600 watts okay if you render it yes GP is running sure sure and those those we have like uh one of those threadripper or one of uh Alder Lake CPU and um it's really the GPU that's pulling all the power you know any of those scenarios and that's the thing like in your use case right you want to get done as soon as possible you probably don't go to the high efficiency part of the curve yeah I don't know it's a good question well you think about like the cost per kilowatt hour here is pretty low uh it's like 10 cents or something so um yeah you're looking at like not working yeah just um I think it got it's just being cranky um yeah swap boards yeah yeah so for us it's just like it's better to if I can get it rendered a little bit faster so I can go home and sleep sooner you know it's worth it I'm I'm willing to exchange the few pennies for that yeah you know that's the same thing we do with benching right uh okay we have we have an answer one of the earlier question of what is the temperature of a black hole I have no idea if this is accurate so I'm going to spread misinformation on the internet now willingly if it's not it says the inside of a black hole is a millionth degree above absolute zero the outside is the hundreds of Millions if it's a quasar phase clock of 250 Hertz and boost of 125 kilohertz not sure if it's unlocked for OC so there's the numbers okay I actually didn't read that part before I got to it so it didn't get better over time I was like I don't know that sounds accurate sure why not oh it's got frequency now maybe not real foreign not right now but I am learning the things I'll need for it the next competition uh do you want me to heat up the gene uh sure that would not be a bad idea I watched that mic oh thanks yeah uh let's see if I'm looking through questions right now 10 cents per kilowatt hour what the hell yeah I don't know yeah that's what it is uh let's see Steve have you heard anything about evjx670 my understanding is they're not currently doing an am5 board uh but when I learned that I was like really please do an am5 board because the x570 dark is pretty cool looking through questions let's see what is the ideal frequency for Ram oh this one we can this one we could do uh Arthur Archer previously asked what is the ideal frequency for Ram with the 7900x 7950x for gaming is faster better how much is too much there there is a get into too much area and I think that's mostly to do with stability well okay so um we made you know on Zen one or on Zen three you wanted to have you know F clock you clock mem clock and a one to one to one ratio right okay so like if you're running 3600 memory and that'd be 1800 megahertz u-clock and F clock right so um moving to am5 with ddr5 and the radically different you know memory speeds that we have now we optimize uh the fabric so that you no longer need to worry about having it in a one to one and we talked about you can pretty much for the most part leave that in Auto auto to one to one now um yeah and then run uh now the main thing is you want u-clock and mem clock to be one to one instead of two to one so um that'll dictate part of the the settings you end up using and just run F clock as fast as you can um 2000 we I plotted it out myself uh running The ddr6000 Sweet Spot memory and um f-clock 2000 gave the best balance of latency in the end where going to 2200 was stable on all of my systems but it it was worth around one nanosecond or less of memory latency right and you also just dropped the other um the other answer to this question of like sort of what is the ideal frequency ddr56000 sounds like kind of where you guys are I think AMD officially wrote like a thing that was like this is The Sweet Spot yeah whatever yeah um yeah right we sent uh the reviews guidance out with that and right um it's because the ddr6000 that is a good speed where almost all the samples all the samples that I've tested can run you clock at one to one with that and get that best latency um you know so um I do have systems in the lab running 6400 with you clock one to one um but I found like not all systems could do that with a reasonable SOC voltage and stuff like that so yeah yeah um for is this system ready to go operational all right let's try we're gonna be in a lot better spot than we were so we're on the 7950x again I brought it back let me get this out there just got the xse bench rebuilt with the 7950x uh going to make another run after I'm sending a tweet out after this okay foreign I do like these comments the Trevor H says this guy knows his stuff yes he does what was that the comment just this guy knows his stuff right well I think it's easy on the company side too um I was talking about this when uh nvidia's thermal engineer visited same thing where it's like when you're when you're in the comedy working on the product for so long before anyone hears about it it's easy to forget that like a lot of the daily knowledge for people working on it is not daily knowledge for everyone else you know so like it helps a lot to hear that stuff do you put it good in your one video um you put it good in your one video where you said something like yeah these guys have been breaking records for months or something like that yeah and that we exactly had been doing that chat saying crunch I guess is that one of the mics or something probably when I turned it on maybe yeah I don't know yeah okay so we booted up is it like two degrees I'm gonna oh okay this dude this dude knows Bender's good Ed has been done in a while yeah he knows yeah because I probably did it right by the way bad habit that was the comment was a that was a good crunch just all caps crashed are we playing a drinking game yeah knuckle crackers oh nice uh thank you Brendan and chat says got my foil skeleton shirt today that's what I'm wearing today uh this shirt is pretty badass thank you we worked pretty hard on that they finally are shipping out um they uh I think I don't know if we're how far we are through the shipments but everybody should be getting notifications within the next couple weeks okay So currently x minus 20 degrees right now so the only thing like that I don't have is I didn't I don't think I put PC outage in two but I'm not running a dgpu so we're going to see what happens here and uh yeah I think this should be a little better result than what we had before so negative 20. are you all using Factory IRS or directives they're using the factory IHS it has not been deleted that's right it's not lapped or modified at all still talking about the knuckles he cracked the hell out of his necklace uh let's see Okay negative 50. how refreshing is the beverage in that thermos you cannot drink it you don't want to mix them up yeah we had a we had drinks on the table next to the ln2 yeah and you really do have to be careful about what you're grabbing because you could have a drink and pause or something yeah I I don't use any kind of like water bottle that resembles anything like the thermometer sure yeah thank you especially if you like like those small things yeah or you're starting to get tired or something yeah in the sun all day in L.A outside overclocking yeah with that open bar yeah that's for threadripper friends we have an old video on that um I wonder if you looked it up recently said it was like 50k views or something let's see red Ripper negative 80. all right we have six gig no not yet okay it should be safe any moment especially considering the previous situation that was my worst Mount ever the previous one yeah it was funny that are not funny but Bill knew exactly what it was right he's like it's my mouth yeah yeah I called in pretty early it's just like it it always sucks when you kind of you're pretty sure it's the map you're like yeah but you saw I did it pretty quick because yeah you're quick it's like sunk cost fallacy though where you're like I've already got so much time in this Mount maybe I'll just try it yeah and I was definitely thinking that after I had the feeling and I was like no yeah no it was obvious yeah so where are you running now so is this at six um I'll go ahead and open up benches yeah because this should actually work this time I think so random benchmate for cinebench it looks like yeah I love benchmate just if nothing else like I can have all that stuff in one click that's awesome yeah yeah benchmate is uh for any of you who are looking to get into this kind of stuff even if it's just like with water or something check out Benchmade check out hardware bot 3dmark all um those are kind of the top ones that yeah I'll normally go to if I need to download stuff for for running benchmarks yeah bench you can download the package and it has all these these benchmarks in the packet in the installer it's very handy yeah yeah and it it monitors your system to make sure it's you're not playing any games with clocks oh that's right it's for validation right yeah and then and then it's got the the um it takes the screenshots and everything so you can upload directly right yeah actually I can just demonstrate it pretty easily um so we ran R23 and at the very top you can see it says guarded by Benchmade actually in the application itself if I go back to benchmate I can hit this button here and it'll start to prepare everything I need for a screenshot I also need to have if I was actually going to submit it we would need to have um cpu-z open so usually the best thing to do is open three of those is that right bill yeah you need to have three of those you need to have the memory tab open and on display if you don't want your score removed no matter who you are you know if you're like but I'm from AMD well and um you have to have suspicion about us because we could cheat right I mean yeah right I mean so fair enough yeah right but our game you know our goal is to um enable the community right so but yeah something like this normally I'll be on a 4K panel so that you can see the full uh cinebench but as long as you have all this information on the screen and save a screenshot um that's it cool it saved a screenshot in the folder yeah that I like that because uh when I went and submitted a few uh for the rip J stuff when I was submitting scores it was it's always kind of a pain to like open everything up but I felt like the screenshot was the most nerve-wracking part if you're on the edge of stability yes because you're like please don't crash while I'm trying to get proof of this that's why when you ask like Windows 11 versus 10 yeah when it when when we were on Windows 11 and it was taking like 30 plus seconds to open cpu-z like you are sweating bullets right so and you got to do that three times it's not reasonable so yeah yeah and I remember talking about blow torching at the end yeah that's that the harrowing part like The Benchmark finishes you got the record but if it gets too cold and crashes you can't yeah you take the screen may even be up and you can see it and you can't get the screenshot though and that yeah that's happened so the technique is as it's finishing up that's when you start blow torching it okay right and that way you catch it right yeah because if you have ln2 in here and it stops and you're watching the thermometer when that workload stops the temperature plummet pets at a much rapid clip right so so we were benching we go to Taiwan for these OC workshops yeah we were at gigabyte actually and we were benching with high cookie yeah and you know we were letting him have him let him take care do whatever he wanted and you know he was using a blowtorch and he was trying to get right on the edge right all right couldn't quite get it whips on a second float oh yeah so I was just getting near the end he he's got the double blow towards going just to get it right to get those last few points for the world record man it was hiker he was crazy he's so good yeah but it does it was an awesome technique okay so earlier we were crashing at six two are you okay at it easily right because remember the app crashes we were having yeah all right so it was just it was getting warm and like Ahmed said you know the voltage requirement was going up but it wasn't so bad that it crashed the whole system so those are the best crushes okay what do you get so far okay so now we're at 46 254 and like easy yeah uh score and what was the frequency uh it was 6.2 6.2 so I can't remember if I set a voltage offset or not so let me check whiteboard by the way not accepted as an official validation we know we should do that we should take a picture put the memory tab up there you gotta draw the memory and I'll put the periodic table on here too yeah yeah okay it's the next goal so what was the voltage on that that was 1.6 1.6 yeah oh okay because I have the 100 millivolt offset even though I have the new ryzen master that actually fixes all this but so and we're only at negative 108 okay like earlier we were like negative 160 and struggling to do this oh this seems like this is a little two to three hundred megahertz faster yeah something like that yeah another quick tweet just saying it's roll I feel like it's rolling now uh oh we're good now yeah it's amazing like every time I've been through this on a stream where you know there's a bad Mount you have to redo it like as soon as you fix it and it starts working while at the I feel like the whole mood changes you know that's definitely what happened to you yeah yeah yeah so yeah because and you got the 62 with a bat with a bad mouth yeah but you're standing there though you know like do I fix it right it's it's bad and then if it was only you here that's the problem yeah like me I could I was able to duck back and get it done pretty quick but while we flailed on the other board yeah now it's rolling nice okay so okay minus 135 so this is six three so now we're at forty six thousand four hundred two points we're at negative 145. so I guess what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna try to get it as cold as we can and we might crash and have to warm it back up and come back once we find that temperature because people were asking about power can you just run it once more and I'll I'll read sure like it sits yeah yeah just as it is and I I can read out so yeah I'm just kidding too for forty six thousand four hundred two points so we've got a thing at the wall about 500 watts right now so this is actually oh 600. that was that's that Spike okay so what we see in cinebench it it has these spikes of 100 Watts during during The Benchmark so this is total system power you're seeing on the screen right now The Benchmark is just completed that's why it's dropped yep so okay the thing is I can run this frequency at 200 millivolts less and and you can see it like more probably 100 Watts drop off of there or more oh yeah I could yeah because this this will actually run now with this Mount so but a lot of times I just like to leave the voltage alone set it high and then creep up right frequency yeah change one thing at a time yeah especially if it's going to come up anyway yeah okay so here's six four okay okay it's still at one point six volts so the power should be roughly the same as before um oh the voltage is the biggest contributor there so where it it added like about maybe 20 watts when it was actually running okay yeah quick question let me go cold for you from uh chat does switching the process of cinebench to real-time Priority Health yeah it does but the problem with that is a couple of things it it freezes the whole GUI so you can't interact with the system and you can't see cinebench doesn't update for most if not the entire run and the system basically looks like it's locked up so you don't know like you might be sitting there for what you're waiting for the result to pop up but it never does and assistant you know you can't tell so okay but yes but your score will be higher if you're chasing the last few points yes do that yes good question from chat uh is that still a 7600x no this is we're back on the 7950x so in the time that uh the 7600x was out here bill was sort of behind the scenes resetting this all this towel wrapping and the remount uh all that was done in the last couple minutes basically so it is back on 750. so I didn't change the voltage we're running the same 6.4 the difference is I dropped it about 40 degrees and it's going to work now and that's the magic of going cold right okay so that was 6.4 yeah and would you get 47 673.73 so I think I think this part can run about like negative 170 where negative 166 now and it yeah it locked up so I'm gonna have to reboot and I'll warm it up probably gonna have to warm it up a good little bit and then um and then it'll boot probably like negative 120 to 130 in the boot so you're still feeling pretty good about this setup now yeah nice that's good to hear the numbers are where they should be yeah we had six four just worked right so all right did you meet your mic yeah the mic uh we're trying to we're trying to manage the mics for you all because I know it blows out the mic when we're doing that so I also try to keep talking so I can overcome the volume for them so yeah current setup uh scores are 46k when they were at 6.2 gigahertz at 1.6 volts now 47 600 that's at 6.4 gigahertz 1.6 Volts for just point of reference if those numbers don't mean a lot to you uh when I when I was trying pretty hard I got stuck at 6.2 I think it was like 45 and a half k or something and then the I don't know some other parts like I don't I should look up we probably have numbers um internally for like stock Parts just to let people know like hey what is it what does it look like if you don't do anything let's see oh yeah like like mission mode yeah yeah or if you have any memorized feel free to throw them I think it depends a little bit on your cool yeah I think around 38k 39K in there so we were running a 360 cooler for our testing there's a bunch of numbers uh so for a quick reference cinebench R23 this is like GN independent just validation we're doing our reviews we don't publish these though uh it's just to make sure this everything's working properly so we're seeing like um 750x we're seeing at 36k multi-thread uh uh let's see 58x 3D I mean that's not really that's the same as a 5800x in this application that the 3D doesn't really help it so instant a bench that I'm aware of anyway no uh so because it's entirely core bound so like that would have you at like 14k 5950x about 26k these are all stock numbers so that kind of gives you some reference points if you're wondering what is what do these OC numbers really mean uh 12 900ks 20 28 000 points um twelve sevens like 23. uh and then these guys just did uh 47 000 so in terms of like what does that mean you could think of it as if you're if if you just calculate percent difference from the High to the low and this kind of extrapolates to something like blender too if you were if you were going to stand there in Port Ellen too and render a frame sure sure it's faster so we did that for uh for one of our videos once with um Damien on island two we were talking about that actually hi uh Mike Mike yeah we were talking about that actually on that six core if we could get it to all pot uh all uh full pot and then just launch in like an instance a Counter Strike or something yeah yeah we've done that we did that with um uh I think it was GTA we were playing GTA and so like yeah so Patrick how my team was playing the game and I was just managing the temperature of a GPU and a CPU pot oh both wow oh yeah both that's fun yeah it's not unstable because the load is like so unpredictable with games for gaming yeah Okay so so when when do you want to take your turn depends on if you feel like you're at a point where your uh you're you're maxed out uh no we can keep going yeah what do you think Bill I I go all day all the time you want to do like uh try a couple more runs maybe and then I'll I'll see you see if I can get a six five in okay yeah yeah so actually because what I was gonna do um is lower the voltage actually because for all the world records that we did we were running like one four-ish something like that so um yeah so because if uh if I can get rid of some of that heat on the die then and we can lower the power all at the same time and go faster probably so so I can get the machine to boot though yeah what's the temp 7B I don't know what this is 7B uh does Bill have a recommendation of hair dryer brand for Extreme as long as it has the kitty you're good yes yes I think the recommendation is this right here and that's what I think we talked about that but we actually do have two circuits we put the hair dryer on a different circuit actually draws more power than this whole setup yeah yeah yeah this uh we we talked about this question earlier really early in the Stream so I'm not going to go into it too much but just the um you see this all the time of like ln2oc is fun but also completely pointless because you can't work with a PC in the state and um what we were talking about earlier is you know most of it is the fun part there doesn't need to be like a a comma butt also because the fun is enough but also we were talking about how on the company side like manufacturing it's helpful for r d yeah yeah I know it led to things like like PBO and curve Optimizer right which are used you know without ln2 I mean we have a lot of fun messing with the ln2 and everything but our team actually Architects all of the features that you guys like like curve Optimizer we pitched that several years before it made it into into a product we pitched it and that along with eco mode and some of these other things you know we dreamed all this stuff up and the business folks are like why would somebody want to make their processor slower or whatever right and they um [Music] to look into that too yeah there's a I do like this one you you were saying for all the world records we've run like 1.4 about 1.4 yeah yeah you just pointed out for all the world records we have the very nonchalant well whatever I don't have any of them anymore because um we kind of set the bar for launch day and we enable the community to do this stuff and then and then let them go and do it so on launch day my world record for cinnamon chart 23 was you know broken immediately so yeah and that's what we want so so I had the world record for R23 on the 64 core for a long time and it was uncomfortable so I sent a CPU sample to slave and a couple other people because those processors are expensive and hard to get and so I told splava said go get all the records but take my R23 one last and he did exactly that hahaha so I pulled out memory is doing a full memory training and stuff like that right now yeah so that's what it's flashing through on the post code yeah yeah anytime you change your memory config it has to yeah additional training right and that I mean that's maybe some useful information for people at home too without any of this this is true where if you ever have like I don't know you clear CMOS or something um or you just upgrade your memory install new sticks whatever like even adding sticks yeah right so it'll you have to give it a little like training uh it's all automatic it's not like training is not something you do you know like you just turn it on and it'll sort itself outwards it's configuring the timings what frequency currently okay so the one that they that bill just ran was uh 47 000 points at 6.4 gigahertz all core right so that's 6400 megahertz on all 16 cores of the CPU I guess you leave well with that score obviously you leave smt on for all of this so yeah first interventions yeah very beneficial did you turn it off for um like CPUs evalidation or anything we haven't uh but we haven't really pushed it yeah you probably could get something more I think yeah I think people will do better than like the 725 that we got because like um I didn't do anything exotic other than the fact that it was on liquid nitrogen cooling so we didn't go because we could disable um cores arbitrary in the Bios there's a map and you can turn off any particular core you want so you could conceivably turn it into a two core with like one your good core for cpu-z and then another core to handle the operating system and stuff like that right instead of just booting up on a single core or you could do a single core if you wanted right so it's booted again so we're negative 80. negative 80 gonna bring it down to a lower temperature that you might say is fkn cold which is our current uh discount code on Twitter cameras if you want to pick up a coaster pack a large mod mat like this one knock ten percent off the price you can do that only during the the stream today FK and cold at checkout type that in pretty good uh I like the code yeah once you come up with that code was that last night or today [Laughter] it took about 15 seconds it just comes that easily the brilliant marketing ideas okay now that got us to negative 115 minus one 15 degrees Celsius on the pot temperature now the soupiest sensors for anyone wondering they stop at about minus 50. so you do need to have a separate sensor for this can't use Hardware info minus 130. so I think we died at negative 160. a minute ago so I'm just going to kind of try to hang out there was that with the remount yeah with the remote okay yeah and that was just idle right so that was just because it got too cold nothing to do with running yeah okay uh you might need two of us okay yeah yeah so here come on this so where do you want it at uh 150 okay so this will be a warm-up run about six gigahertz so six gigahertz warm-up run right now we're at minus 146. yeah okay let me drop the voltage down uh I will go 5.55 oh it's adding 100. I'm gonna add one I'm gonna do one five yeah okay let's do one five Okay so this will be six three five yeah give that a try okay okay so that my right minus 150. so part of it is you add a little Ln to at the beginning of the Run but if you yeah again you don't want to add it at the end because it'll get too good we're doing like micro pores right now yeah so you're trying to hold minus 150 minus one as close as I can the bench is finishing you do you stop a little in advance yeah but before it's at home okay 27 foreign should be better okay is it going okay so this is six four six we'll try to get our way up to six five yeah so I'm trying to not let it get too cold not too warm while it's running but not too cold when it's done okay and so the the power did drop like 100 Watts like I said when I lowered that voltage and we're actually operating um holy crap at a exact same score wow all right okay so now where are you going 25 acres yeah okay if I can if we can get like 48 500 I'm pretty happy with that I think Steve will be having a difficult time I have a difficult time with six three six two well now but now you got a simple Alverson that's true yes that way I have no excuses it's great I think I should remount that there you go okay 64.50 that was four seven eight three one that time and uh I think we hit on this before but I'll just mention if I was actually trying for World Records right now um it'd be a little bit different because I'd be closing ryzen Master oh yeah and some stuff like that um that's worth a few points um just by itself so okay we're almost done should we write that one down yeah sure okay what's the four seven nine six one and that was a 6.45 yeah and 1.5 volts so I'll go ahead and I'll close ryzen Master this time this should put us over 48 000 okay this might be a good maybe head for 155. okay hold on so you can imagine if we were actually running full pot we could just fill the thing up and you don't have to modulate the temperature like this it's much simpler this is where actually those smaller pots are useful because if you're doing these micropores oh yeah it's like a little easier to control that makes sense okay all right 48 368. okay um four eight three six eight three six eight and what was the frequency voltage 6.475 that's very precise 1.5 yeah yes yes and uh so remember six and a half yeah okay and you want 155 yes all right I'll close this again okay okay so you can see the difference that that made doing redoing that mount right okay so that's right it's uh okay okay now we're gonna do it that one of those so yeah maybe that's it for us yeah sure okay yeah yeah I'm happy with that for other reasons I don't know if I am we'll see okay this is my best okay shut itself down and the power supply is still on and this isn't working right what do you do throw them into the defense yeah I would do okay minus 155 I feel like it's kind of I didn't that's right you know because I don't do that that's right yes safety only only I actually walk out you took off the fan yes that was good I was watching for that we were both watching for that I've made that mistake it's just plastic you know yeah you make that mistake one time right yeah okay if you add oxygen you can get your flame like twice as hot almost okay yeah yeah that's why I should oh I should have needed my bike when I was doing that yeah yeah watch oh no actually no you got to recover this thing now that's what's up is that all this is yeah the bottom one I believe yeah there's a high and low I think the bottom one yeah you of all people should know how to operate one of those right [Music] I mean here keep this a little bit away from the flame yeah there you go like that go to negative 120 or 115 . no it's all right minus one eighteen minus 118 now minus 117th man this part is so reactive yeah yeah uh did you have a preference on where you're you're just putting this on one peg sure yeah threadripper you can do too okay they're asking you to step up Steve that's uh we're trying they sabotaged me first though okay so board's recoverable so the the answer to Bill's question of power supply is is on but there's no lights on the board was heated up I guess is that answer and did you clear Sema oh clear no but it probably did by itself or it might have yeah so um okay so it's not so watch this so it's hung up that's some weird code hey yeah so so you just reset yeah so maybe um most of the CPUs I've been trying are uh cold bug or cold boot bug at negative 120. okay so it's maybe still too cold yeah minus 108 now 15 is that training yeah it is and then um Kitty has another function you can um go to bios like that oh nice okay so for anyone who can't see past all the stuff the the real Pro tip secrets hearing I hear from experts who get paid to do this time is money is to set the uh the hair dryer on top of the escape button or delete you know whatever delete that's the real Pro tip this is why AMD doesn't need a huge xrc team because of this efficiency yeah yeah like normally you would have to hire someone to push that button but this so we're a lean team foreign I did that for uh I forgot what it was some kind of game a long time ago taped down uh left Mouse button something where you're like harvesting something okay okay right yeah all right so we're 15 we're memory training at this moment you've got the memory really insulated does it um does does it start to care about heat from all the paper towel around it because it's um no it's probably below room temperature because it's just barely warm at all yeah um so just from from running it cold yeah because like I said on am4 it was a lot different but here um the way the socket is designed in the back plate and it's much more integrated and so a lot more heat travels out of the board into the into the pot because of that so um amit's over here uh experiencing life as someone's streaming well here's something funny so so like like we said we do these teams things where we're working together yeah and what we started doing kind of been making your live streams yeah you know as we send each other loonies and tunies atoms in Canada right so Adam Clark just sent us a toonie so okay and the peo just um said something yeah on behalf of peo that's our manufacturing work they say thank you Bill and I okay cool yeah so thanks for the tuning 5f it looks okay wait here we go all right okay so five so it's gonna it's gonna get there now um and then we'll be in BIOS because of kitty and then so but just to clarify uh Kitty is not like a special extreme overclocking tool it's it's I'm sorry yes it is I'm sorry that is expensive it's the hair dryer but it is a special overclocking tool how long have you had this um that one I've had for probably a couple three years I got it for Vermeer probably oh yeah this is not the first game it's not my first Kitty the other one got damaged and transported I determined that I must have backup kitties right so the reason I have a kitty is because hi cookie uses a kitty hair dryer oh it does so that's that's yeah so okay okay so we're in bias we need to look and see are our settings here yes they are they are that's a good thing okay so okay if you want to do that and put yourself through that pain you go right ahead uh uh randomly changed go to exit you're just trying to oh I was gonna save her profile first oh it's saved oh is it yeah exit yeah it's just clear load uh uef defaults uh yeah it's a little okay default settings uh I guess was well I'm trying to get it to go to the right there we go a little slow on the response is that if a temperature thing no no okay I don't think so uh all right so I'm gonna go to AMD overclock and accept and and I gotta I don't remember what vdg DG was I think it was 1.2 I'm just gonna start there we didn't touch it though I'll just help you out we didn't touch it yeah leave it alone that one was default default I guess I'll turn all into mode on so let's do L2 mode enabled let's go to bdd misc I think you did or did you end up leaving it I did I did all this in the OC tweaker menu um okay but you could do it here um you may get a different result than what I have um yeah so just Alan tubal SOC what would you have to do here yeah so there's another one in there you should do oh there is yeah uh it's not a voltage it's not a frequency you were in the right menu there you go okay not there one out oh yeah do you mean just in here somewhere yeah okay all right uh not PBO you said you're not changing those there you go it's on good so we want that yeah okay all right we're good in here okay so then let's go back to OC tweaker you said you were sitting on the voltages in here that's right let's go to Emily vdg alone vdd miscs one point two uh so remember I don't want I don't want you to fail so bad here so remember the vddg voltages are fed from vdd misc and remember as rock has those at 1.2 by default right so you have to be you know 75 or 100 millivolts higher than that on vdd Mist right so we were running 135 for that one how about 135 that would work for a moment maybe very red micro seconds okay I have were you setting if manually um I might just leave it alone I think we were actually I wasn't because I know um well yeah I think we've said yes we set it to 1800 yeah okay uh I'm Gonna Leave memory alone for now did you end up I know you changed between this a few times did you end up just keeping Auto and doing it all through OS the when we were just mentioning just now it was on auto okay you should be fine but yeah setting it won't hurt anything either all right let's set it then and then this has the new version of ryzen Master right okay so I'm going to set it because you were mentioning getting potentially better stability at boot um so we'll set that to Just 4 500 1.25 which I remember bill you specifically said was this acceptable for boot so we'll do that if you're cold yeah yeah so uh uh what am I looking for SOC I guess I set the one four I already had something at 135 which I guess was misc um and then I think that's kind of all I want to change right now so go in the B clock real quick okay B clock down here B clock configuration yeah so this um that that one right there spread Spectrum control oh are you disabling it yes okay so yeah this I every time I've turned that off it's only because I've been told to turn it off okay or either of you able to explain why for me yeah so spread Spectrum what it does so normally we have a crystal that gives the clock to the to the processor and that's very precise right and what hap what they found is that if you had a bunch of computers running exactly the same frequency it would mess with with emissions right okay right and the spread Spectrum changes the location of the peak of the sine wave and and spreads it out so it's not centered in one location so the um you don't get that big spike from that one frequency yeah but two things happen so one is since it's spread in um time the average frequency actually goes down right because you're spending more time at the lower than the higher right so the average frequency drops to like 99.8 99.6 okay but what what's happening is it's really ranging from like 99.5 to 100.5 yeah and so you still have to be able to meet timing at 100.5 but you're only getting the performance of 99.8 okay so it kind of hurts you in two ways yeah for years I've been turning doing disable spread Spectrum on uh and uh you know Intel and AMD alike and I never actually knew why other than someone told me to Once yeah so that's a great explanation so you need it for regulatory reasons like OEM shipping a system it's going to have spread Spectrum on for sure is uh ssdn here right now oh yeah yes okay all right do you need an ln2 Port yeah yeah okay so we can provide that the pouring you mean or from back there by the way yeah whatever you I'll try Okay managing the pot and then um I'll start it uh I guess I probably should have blown the ice off first right hey man you're you're you're you're learning that right as you go I normally don't do that so that is actually that a very good takeaway I think because normally I just pour straight in and then you get all the water in the pot um this is twice now it's gone back into BIOS uh suggestions okay oh it doesn't see a drive for some reason I wonder why so you're really sabotaging me no operating system so actually though this is good okay because you missed um something okay here um you want to go into CPU options in CBS okay and disable C States remember we talked about cc6 so that's power gating it's actually taking power away from the cores and turning them off right right and I could do that a lot in a second and you don't that's power gating is bad for overclocking so um and then um the other thing that we can do either in CBS or you can do it in overclocking menu and the memory settings is a controller configuration and power down enabled oh yeah yeah and then um bus config okay so he's missing everything in here we got to go back to CBS okay is this related to the drive not detecting or no no uh we'll figure that out okay that's next we um but the other thing to memory features and we can turn this off okay so in normal mode each of these is like once you get to it I'm remembering sure a couple hours ago you turned it off but uh the navigating bios is um I I haven't uh for these settings haven't memorized where they all are yet so that's helpful should we blast this off to yeah I'm gonna I'm just power cycling so um whenever so hopefully the SSD will come back now after the power cycle okay so getting the ice off the rim should we bring it back up sure yep it's a power supply switch back on let's power up so I'll wait on the poor and see what happens the drive yeah let's see if you get the drive back that was not intentional yeah just yeah as you're you're passing it off to me it just unscrew the drive I normally don't even screw them in I only did that because we were traveling yeah okay so training with 15. this thing is still iced over back here this other one yeah yeah we'll get it in a minute yeah that's I think we got we got plenty to do with this 7950x anyway is it coming up uh it's not doing anything bad okay okay great it's doing memory training yeah um Samson tip yeah wipe off the water on there oh 44. so it doesn't end up on the board or in the pot okay [Laughter] I just started uh I feel like that deserves to be just on some like 90s style HTML blog right like it's Gotta Have No context whatsoever okay so we are booting that's that's good that gives me some hope okay cool uh all right and everything else yeah should be set okay so this one I know you were trying to keep it at like minus I saw it minus 147 when you were maintaining it so I guess I'll start I'm gonna Target a little bit warmer than that see how it goes as we're getting um I don't remember how much you were bringing it down before you got started but I do remember a few like minus 80 runs in my 70 runs do you need to run as admin for this yeah I it's good right because if it if it works you just spend a little time if it doesn't work then there's something else you have to tweak right where do you have cinebench hidden on here oh are we getting oh yeah bench me let's do R23 yep oh sorry yeah thanks Andrew good call me yeah real MVP calling all the mic on off toggles and the thermos presence okay uh so for this I guess we're still at your settings here so I'm gonna bring that down um yeah your voltage is done here uh voltage is right there oh no I mean like your previous full or was that what you were running that's what we were oh you were running one for no no so okay when Bill did it he had an offset in the Bios but you don't need that now because he puts a new ryzen master on yeah okay uh uh I just want this thing to work first so I'm gonna I'm gonna bring it down to like to 55. okay um and can we type in this yep uh so we're we don't have an offset applied let's do 1.45 I feel like more than enough based on what I was doing before and then actually can you just go to the home screen let's just make sure of this yeah the Verizon Master Okay and that'll show what we're really at so for voltage I mean yep it's a 1.45 perfect okay yeah yeah you're good man that's good to know um so this is just a is it a live readout or is it like last update it's live okay it's it's similar you can open CPU Z and check too right okay these are like Mega thermos if you do the offset trick on any of our platforms um then ryzen Master then um yeah just you just got to keep in mind um oh Mike okay so I just wanted to run once before okay you're on the board you're on I did it it's over uh you can write down the score it is it's actually uh it's 48 360. I need I need a second validation of that yeah 41.046. oh so I'm gonna stop using Benchmade now and uh okay so we gotta run at 41k okay 41 something uh 41046 okay so let me bring that up now it's 5.5 and you're at 1.45 yeah I'm gonna do 5800 now we're just going to add through I should probably should have brought it down first and I should have blown that off first but that's too late now are you talking to us what are you talking about okay it's surviving so I guess I won't add anything yet we'll bring it down for the next one so all right 42 883 uh with that was 5.8 1.45 so I keep leaving the voltage alone I guess and let's just go up to six if it'll run but I think for this I probably want to bring it down more I would yeah so but it'll run I'm sure it will it's not gonna crash It's gotta gotta come down at some point anyway right I guess so I'm gonna bring it to like I guess like minus 110 and see what happens So currently minus 108 and this is six gig this is six yeah six gigahertz and then 6.2 just for people watching I guess my personal goal isn't necessarily like beat these guys because uh I I like to live in reality so my actual goal is to just get past 6.2 where I was stuck last time that would be that's pretty good that would be great yeah would you get 44 428 okay at six gig that is six yeah and uh that's still 1.45 so let's bring that up to let's just jump to six let's jump to six sixty two twenty five that looks good and trashy great thanks hey it's the it's the small pieces on the edge I'm getting OCD about thank you yeah I feel you from minus one twenty I'd go ahead um lower maybe I would head for like 140 at least okay yeah we were doing 155 and that's that should be fine right all right so minus 130 I can't see it anymore minus 140. I actually look pretty cool it looks like you were only really doing a lot of poor control when you were um when we were right yeah so I'm trying to hold my f-140. and okay Okay cool so we are past well past actually in score uh is that 45 500 something last time at six two so this is so would you run now 62-5 62 25 yeah 1.45 still volts yes and what was the score 46 000 275 I mean I'm happy with that just for wow just for getting past the six two I was talking about we're stuck on that for like an hour in that last stream yeah I saw it yeah yeah I think all right I had a lot of times like you should be able to pull it off I bet that might take a couple tries uh let's just bring it up to let's try like a 63 you know that's not that big of a Giants let's do 64. uh I'm gonna preemptively just bring this up two one five there's no offset right now no offset so unless you put one in no I didn't know so he just killed ryzen master so here we're going for real points here so same with like uh if you use it matters a little more on the GPU I think um with some of those benches but if you leave like Precision or After Burner uh Port Royal you know eats points sometimes oh sure okay I'm gonna stop it pour it a little too much mice yeah so this is this what you were telling me is typically indicative of like too low voltage for the frequency yeah yes or or too much heat all right so that's that's good I'm I'm learning it means you're kind of but you could also try to run it again and it might work right okay yeah I mean really but it means you're close to the edge right so uh so I'm gonna do like one five two and stop there um let's launch our 23 uh minus 142 already I think the the most helpful thing I've learned so far today is the what that message tells me oh yeah so go a little colder let's go to 155 and try again okay [Music] okay but yeah about the message yeah because I I was pretty sure it was like an overclock setting issue but because it's a software message I'm never 100 sure if it's if it's my fault you're familiar with it yeah actually we're happy to see that because because it means it didn't crash yeah right it tells you something right okay yeah go to 155 and just try again I'm afraid of the crash in from cold all right I should have opened it first so right minus 158 please launch it's alive oh did he just die it's no longer alive okay so hold on okay it might be able to recover right here so Phil's trying to wash my eyes off and heat it up a little bit I guess marginally to get this running we do have a torch but so do you heat with the oh we finally went yeah I do yeah and it's it's slow but it but it can work yeah uh okay so at this point how does this one do with booting at minus 145 probably not okay okay I've not seen that color on that screen before so I'll heat that up I guess that yeah what is that is sure okay all right um what's a good thing to talk about we talked about the features that we've added uh Expo is the new thing on Zen four did you did you send it oh I can smell it I got to be careful in the lab with that yeah we just we just moved to a new lab in Austin I guess you weren't at the old lab so the old lab was kind of self-contained it had its own door we had oxygen sensors in there and everything to for safety but it was contained for noise right so so now we've moved to a new building it's nice but it's one big lab covering the whole building and so you know the noise can travel right yeah kind of all over I already got a complaint but you know what they told him Bill's doing his job leave him alone she our job yeah right part of the job part of not the whole job from that was what uh someone earlier asked that we had kind of addressed it so I didn't answer it but was asking um what do I have to do to get a job as an overclocker at AMD and it sounds like the answer is you have to do a lot of other stuff than just overclocking yeah contribute to the designs basically right yeah no I mean design manufacturing validation we have lots of lots of elements yeah I don't know if he mentioned it earlier but we were talking about architecting the features and stuff like that and um I think we've got at least three patents and we've got like probably 15 or so at least in Flight right now yeah filed and waiting for approval yeah right yeah we always get excited when one goes through yeah yeah right we have a chat we call it the the AMD yes OC chat okay and so we always blow that up yeah I know like some of the coarser guys who have a bunch of patents on thermal design and stuff uh oh that's a great question great question from from uh Matt off camera um what is an AMD fellow or a fellow in general it's kind of used the same way between all the Silicon companies but so Bill I get or Amit right your title officially is is it just fellow is that all it is yeah it's AMD fellow yeah so we always put xoc team in like the title cards because everyone knows what that means uh do you want to explain what fellow means yeah so we have we have two tracks at AMD we have a technical track and we have a managerial track and um so as you progress you start off as a design engineer the next set of levels is what we call technical staff so there's senior member of technical staff principal member of technical staff then above that level is when fellow starts right so man we have three levels of fellow in the company fellow senior fellow and corporate fellow yeah it's on the technical side right yeah so that's all the technical side now there's an analog on the managerial side but there's kind of uh I don't know it's when you get to fellows considered kind of an executive level so you get executive engineer yeah yeah so we have two fellows on the OC team oh that is very full thank you I that's a Samson poor yeah it is I'm gonna transfer it into a oh dude what I wouldn't no you normally don't hold it when I'm doing that all right has uh post-traumatic stress because of uh incident that we don't talk about an incident hey man it's you're here okay so I said it's a 63 and a 50 or 25 or something I better go colder yeah and uh we're at 1.52 still um is that baby doer available on the store or what not on ours although we should do something this is a Corsair one which uh I don't know how old this was given to me by stefanzi nice um I guess I should be wiping this off too right to get rid of the frost and stuff [Music] I've noticed you Phil I feel like you spend more time doing like Frost and water and ice control than anyone I've ever seen because overclock because I'm in the lab and I have to keep the machine running for a whole day potentially right so I don't want to mess with water so yeah but yeah yeah most people want to get to the record as soon as possible because mine doesn't look as cool right because uh a lot of the other guys they have ice everywhere and yeah so it's all frosted over yeah that looks cool yeah oh app crash go colder yeah so what are you running right now uh let's see I think it's 63 50 or 24 yeah and 1.52 I brought it down for 64. 63.75 try 155 I guess okay five five what the heck uh did you install the new ice master was that on the other board I did that yeah it probably was okay so sorry about that I kind of I satisfied with pure sabotage all right so your option is you could go do the offset in the Bios or we can install the new ryzen Master right uh I'll do the offset and bios yeah I would kind of be debate it seems like it so it worked pretty yeah off the works great see yeah you might actually post hold on I'm just gonna add the fan back but so we're looking at 15 on the postcode is that telling us it's training yes okay hey Bill hey James just reading the chats okay uh okay Heyday so so too cold yeah heated up I think I think last time it worked at like once five or something yeah Okay so currently uh I like that people are hearing you say your your OC screen name Samson yeah and uh we're getting Samsung Samsung yeah I've had that yeah yeah also there's a con bill gigachad I don't know why you did that uh that was so deserving oh man that praise I don't know how it'll react to that one that's the correct reaction that is how you react to that one that's my reaction to probably about half the comments that I see so it's minus 96 it's training memory um I guess the the big thing is we need to get um the voltage offset yes so this is on the older version of Verizon Master which stops at like 1.55 one five two one five two thank you well I was going to use the trick but why the put the put the hairdryer on the delete key trick okay so voltage um where's the offset option actually so go down oh sorry that's dram did you do offset uh definitely did it um this is just Auto and customize where's offset what's this oh drop set external voltage oh okay and then uh here and you left llc at just level two right I did yeah and I mean you know maybe get more but yeah then just go offset and then you can program it here in the millivolts and that's it okay no one where stuff is is I feel like most of this most of the most of my weaknesses with this have been um obviously not knowing the additional buyer settings Beyond sort of like OC tweaker page um so you you disable that something to do with memory I want to say it was called like memory speed something oh there's memory power down power down and context restore those are the two yeah and um I Think We're looping both of those into ln2 mode I think but actually probably not uh maybe memory power down um I suspect some people are actually have figured out how to use memory context restore to do some better memory overclocking on ln2 but I don't want to give away any secrets but I'm pretty sure I've reverse engineered what some people have done which is clever yeah some clever people out there yeah that's what's cool about it right it's like seeing all the tricks that come out uh okay so we're gonna try again it's at minus 83. so I think I'm gonna keep bringing it to like minus 150 ish and now this should come down right because yeah uh so the trick here is don't go above um like one five two now okay um in the menu right so we were going for one like five five right so yeah you can go for one four five one four five I'll be there this time when you check it check it in so hold on don't apply yet because you're only at negative 80. oh yeah six gig will probably work but um yeah I should have uh can eat it yeah I'm not gonna do it that way thank you yeah the fan we actually never talked about why it's there uh but it's just to get the vapor away from the system right to kind of reduce the connotation build up on the board and stuff that's it yep because that I mean that vapor is cold and it just drops right onto the board yeah so it's heavy and it doesn't take very long at all for stuff to start getting wet if you do that right all right it's minus 120 s122 uh uh should I wait till like minus 150 to hit apply 140 40. all right Oliver's kind of there for too much minus 139 looks so what did you do or you spec at 6375 right off the bat yeah okay I did not do the walk-up approach okay we'll see how that works for you so this is where I feel like I normally get that yeah okay so there um you're there you're there like you should have been just adding some little pores there during the Run yeah yeah foreign the first step is knowing there's a problem and the problem is uh well one of the many problems is um I I'm realizing one of the other than bio settings and stuff I'm really bad about getting rid of ice buildup on things so like just pouring that right now I was like I probably should have wiped that off first so that is that's the biggest lesson I've gotten but it's very forgiving uh the board is with um with the Vaseline and stuff on there now if you got it down here that could possibly be a problem but and then the other thing too is people worry about the water like it's going to destroy the board oh yeah and it just acts funny most the time yeah I've never had any kind of failure from water and I've had um you know CPU sockets that look like a lake so okay feather it in keep going oh stop oh yeah thanks so yeah stay um try to keep it at 155. okay throughout minus 155 now yeah so just let it do it again by grip it there yeah okay yeah just add ln2 to keep it there oh too cold too cold yeah I don't know but we're at like 6.375 so what do you want yeah all right Okay so okay let's see what it does we're gonna probably yeah we're gonna need to heat it up yeah probably do like I want to try and get one more run in and then we can call that the score but so far I mean uh this has been very helpful because I don't know you're you're Flying Blind you know if you and there's some amount of research we can do um but the information is so scattered all over the Internet and like uh I don't know having it actually condensed and provided by people who know it's a lot of the OC forums I feel like there's so much like mysticism you know and like and like Superstition around some stuff sometimes it's hard to know in my character I did this matter or didn't yeah am I caring about the right thing um so I I think I'll probably be able to go live in in the future with these parts and probably do a lot better oh yeah so that that's really exciting to me be able to put together and kind of the key is like to know what you should be hitting right and if you're not hitting that then there's something wrong and you gotta figure it out right uh so it's booting already I noticed uh one of the things that Ponzi talks about is like score efficiency he calls it where it's kind of what we've seen a second ago where the um the numbers the cinebench numbers I was getting for the frequencies I was setting were proportionately better than last time which is probably because a bunch of the settings I hadn't tweaked in BIOS or something or maybe just cold I don't know where like um the where was it this 6-0 is like is that better awfully close yeah it's better than the 6-0 I posted last time okay um but by how much there's a lot of yeah there's one yes variants right but because really functionally the only thing you you change was the spread Spectrum I think like versus when I ran it solo I almost none of those changes I did not spread spectrum is the one it's one that would affect the score oh okay okay yeah gotcha yeah yeah so maybe round to run too I think so we run it like once we find a stable setting then we'll run Center bench you know five six seven times yeah right and pick the highest score foreign so what it looks like has happened is CMOS might have been cleared so your best bet is to go in CMOS and make sure and then you can use the boot menu from there to load to go straight to Windows if we don't need to change anything and we'll try and do this as like last round for anyone in chat uh but so far for quick recap of the scores so we had for on the AMD side um I guess first of all like candidly everyone got a very real look at like what is it to actually get set up and start posting scores like you just have to be persistent and sometimes it's something like a mount where it's uh it's just patience to fix it and Bill got it fixed pretty fast so um so scores you guys stopped for this one at 6.475 we were talking about the seven gigahertz number earlier and should clarify that one so uh CPU Z validation is a lot easier to get higher frequencies than like cinebench R20 or R23 or whatever um so you guys are hitting like seven something it was just 7.0 7.25.25 on this on the six core part we did yes yeah and six on 7600x with cpz validation yes um and uh what so what is cpz validation actually is it basically just like literally like it's rounding out this frequency it's idle at desktop yeah I'm not sure if it runs any it does when you do the validation it runs a workload and you can tailor it for ln2 so it's not as dramatic and it runs very quick but it wants to run like a fully loaded test to make sure that the frequency is actually there like during the load okay but it's nothing close to like a cinebench yeah no it's very short yeah right we could do it we'll get to a high frequency if you if you want to try that I mean when we're done yeah because that's different than loading it right this part I don't know like it'll do six nine right um is what we did at Tech day I think so let's see oh someone wanted to know the wattage that we were seeing earlier I think total system was like I think the highest I saw was like 500 but you may have seen that was at one six and then we lowered it um and uh and it went down 100 Watts right right okay so it is booting it looks like that's good nice let's see check on Gandalf ln2 pot I was trying to figure out why this is one of the comments because it's so big or what I don't know let's see yeah yeah it's got the white robes and the we just need like a wizard [Music] okay uh yeah I think the new rings of power come back tonight oh yeah Steve make an altitude tracklist yeah I mean I am probably gonna go back through the stream at points and look at the bio settings and stuff and um and write down what the main changes were Okay so uh was there something you changed or we just had like the cold it just crashed from cold right and then yeah I didn't change anything in BIOS I just made sure that the settings were still there right um and they weren't so I loaded the profile okay yeah because that's why it took so long to post so um so what's happening is it's memory training is failing and then it's going into memory recovery mode and that's causing that that effect so we're trying to get that solved okay gotcha Nick's not happy some other people are not happy with it you have to heat up quite a bit to recover from that yeah ln2 mode is only going to help you so much well minus 150 trying to get down to minus 108 takes a while yeah you know and there's a two terms right there's a coal bug and cold boot bug oh okay I think right so cold bug is just how how cold can you operate or a cold boot bug is what temperature can you boot at got it that's good now yeah typically those are two different temperatures I don't think I was making a distinction ever so that's that is yeah so like on this board like the cold bug like on this part we're hitting at about minus 155 minus 160. but the cold boot bug we're hitting at like minus 108. 8 Okay so minus 108 seems to be like the magic number I've seen that on a few parts now yeah I had a lot that were 118 on the dot um so so I guess I'll bring I'm like a I'm a little too afraid I think of minus 150 but just because the recovery time but let's okay apply start that because I dropped it to 150. oh no okay so let's see is it alive no so that's definitely a graphics and to clarify uh when we're using the word alive or dead here we're not talking about the parts just just if it's still on yeah that's the green screen yeah the green screen so that's Graphics yeah yeah so did we give gfx off uh should be yes I checked it earlier we'll see how long it takes uh get in it might be I might stop at 6.225 uh because that is better than my last one so that was the goal yeah we did get past the goal which is awesome uh that was at 1.45 also so big Gulf there between what else the 1.55 we're just trying to do let's see what Chad's saying while we uh I'll let you guys get it we'll we try another dude I guess but I'll start winding some of the chat down too so okay yeah so for people did you guys get this is funny because it's we've been live for a while now so not everyone's gotten like the the background did you guys get bull uh gold Bend CPUs from AMD this is AMD so hopefully that answers that question I mean they no they they worked on on some parts and brought them in I think is really awesome yeah they're not they're by no means the Golden State yeah in fact a lot of our partners yeah Mike yeah so no these are not special screened parts of in any kind of way at all um and really a lot of our partners are better and able to screen mass quantities of parks and they do so and they often find you know a lot of the golden samples that you see on launch day and stuff like that yeah and they use them for like marketing and promotion and stuff so it makes it makes sense OC Partners right sorry about that sometimes people get very emotionally attached to those magic parts right yeah well yeah I mean it takes a lot of work I guess to identify them yeah like you have that one part that's 100 megahertz faster than anything else right now right or that it can full pot yeah because some of the parts are easier than others to get to full pot so but no no golden samples no screening or anything like that uh let me try I'll try one more time what's uh was is there anything I need to do about the last video that we saw or is that just so just check Rising Master for the voltages and make sure that it didn't clear CMOS again okay that's so um just go to home stay on home okay and scroll down and let's look here oh yeah you're good okay yep all right it's been so long since I've like actually really used ryzen Master it looks a lot more uh detailed than last time I worked with it yeah we've been adding stuff like curve optimizers built in right now oh okay uh this screen looks pretty familiar to me but um the main screen yeah it's got more on it yeah oh thanks Andrew all right so bring it to like I guess we'll go the same range right like minus maybe 150 ish minus 148 or something yeah but I'd say maybe try to make a run at six three okay yeah that's two six three yeah that sounds good to me let's do six three offset's still in there I guess should be let's load with the profile you can check with CPU Z it should be though yeah the cpz just didn't uh that's the way to do it hey did you know that one oh I'm home yeah yeah damn it [Laughter] so it says 136 what did you set currently nothing is set yeah okay then it's one two five so it's still 100 millivolt offset yes okay cool that's a good way to check yeah uh so all right so six three is what we're gonna go for yeah I use the scroll wheel yeah oh scroll Wheel Works too yeah oh that's nice yeah that's now that's the best trick I have yeah you get the exact 25 megahertz all right uh okay so 1.45 with 100 millivolts offset do a little more down to like minus 147 just because I'm copying where Ahmet was key um apply and it's at minus 141 right now get the load started okay that's Graphics all right so I'll call it there on my attempts but uh I guess I I don't know is is there anything if if I come back to this at some point um is there anything to do specifically when this when the green screen like actually I haven't seen that particular issue before um so that's new but I mean I think we're all kind of familiar with the green screen I haven't seen one in a long time though so um yeah I don't know what that is so but later on in the new uh bios one of the things we'll do is turn off Graphics off in ln2 mode so you don't have to do it because right now there's not an easy way for an end user to do it so yeah that's that's going to be fixed so switch spots around here and that should avoid most of the problems with with igpu after we do that it's been pretty trouble free so yeah I think um the run up there the run you guys had before switching off I feel like was really strong after getting the board swapped and stuff yeah so pretty strong run up to 48.3 ishk points 6.475 gigahertz for frequency uh validation we're talking about you guys are doing like seven something previously in cpu-z seven two two seven two five seven two five um is that posted on Harvard bot no or anything no no because like understand so on hardware bot it's independent of number of cores it's all all the records are oh they're like uh old Athlon right yeah so okay yeah eight or over eight right I smell the uh paper towels burning yeah yeah I got a I finished it a little there sorry uh okay so we are gonna we're gonna wrap up I've learned a ton from this so extremely helpful and for any of you who are interested in this stuff like we've been saying before you don't have to get into liquid nitrogen stuff and overclocking actually on ryzen 7000 now um You Really almost I feel like shouldn't do just a simple all-core if you're gonna use it daily you should maybe do like more of the optimizer type stuff because it's all core you're gonna if you walk in all core stable you're gonna lose some of that top end frequency and single thread right I mean it depends on your workload we enable you to tune it either way so if you were running a workload and that's all core and you can get something out of all core yeah OC um you don't care as much about the single threaded performance or you're not gaming on it right um that's a good way to go but PBO that's what I use at home and curve Optimizer yeah yeah like for your own use I think the the curve Optimizer PBO routes the way to go right yeah um well thank you everybody for watching and uh hopefully you picked up some information on the way I'll probably do a quick recap of like some of the key points we've talked about some of the non-oce Q a we did throughout the session and put it into one of the hardware News videos is recap so we can get all the key details in there and uh I guess oh I haven't told you how we end the streams so now everyone's Gonna Know The Secret oh Andrew's got it okay oh you're not gonna know the secret oh wow cool all right Andrew I just got robbed Edge I don't know what I don't know what the new secret is all right I'm going to start wrapping up and then Andrew is going to figure out what to do thank you all for watching and uh check back for additional follow-ups we want to do on ryzen 7000 series again thank you Bill and Ahmet for joining and thanks for having us Steve thank you and we will see you all next time
Channel: Gamers Nexus
Views: 120,622
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gamersnexus, LIVESTREAM, live stream, overclocking, amd ryzen 9 7950x, amd zen 4, amd cpu review, amd r9 7950x review, amd r9 7950x benchmarks, best cpus 2022, ryzen 9 7950x overclocking, how to overclock amd ryzen 7600x, amd ryzen 7700x, amd ryzen 7900x
Id: 8q7AQPt_seg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 210min 42sec (12642 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 06 2022
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