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I hooked up all these vintage monster  receivers to finally find out what are   the top five vintage receivers of all time but  I didn't do it just for me I want you to tell   me your top five in our last few episodes  we were touring a massive vintage Hi-Fi   collection in Post Falls Idaho but it's time  to leave Idaho and go about 45 minutes over   to Spokane Washington because today's the  day we finally find out what are the best   vintage receivers ever made so I'm going to  demo each vintage monster receiver for you   later in the video for about 10 seconds each  let me know your top five and I will follow   up with a video with your rankings and  lots of shout outs to you our subscribers well come on in Lenny and see what I've been  working on here wow this is my room oh now   upon entering Scott's Hi-Fi room I was blown  away by the sheer number of monster vintage   receivers in one place at one time so before  we get into the sound demo let's look over all   these vintage monster receivers the first Monster  vintage receiver is the 200 watt Hitachi SR 2004   this is the only class G receiver we are testing  all right so you can see how massive the SR 2004   is and I love how they put the meters on both  sides it really stands out and pops when you're   listening to it a nice warm glow to them you got  all your tone controls over on this side so a lot   of options you can go different ranges you can  switch your base mid-range in trouble of course   monster receivers to get the mid-range and you  got a B and C speakers so three different speakers   there gun across there's all kind of different  options that you can use on this receiver but   this is probably you know being hitachi's biggest  receiver and Hitachi being the company that makes   a lot of parts for the other receivers like this  is a great Dark Horse for Monster receivers I'd   highly recommend this one and any of them from  this series but it is massive in size and really   pops our second vintage receiver is the 120 watt  Akai a1200 this is the smallest receiver in our   comparison this is the Akai a1200 we'll turn this  on and get that warm white glow that goes across   it the tuning dial comes down around the tuner  wheel so it the glass wraps around and goes back   up sort of how the rotels are done it's just a  neat design now the Akai is a lot smaller than a   lot of the other monster receivers I mean it's  maybe 19 inches it's a little bit bigger than   your standard 17 inch but not a huge monster like  the rest it only has a and b speakers but that's   okay because a lot of people do not use that  c speaker anyway you still get that mid-range   control just a shiny flashy machine I love the  way they designed switches and a sand listen   they really sound nice when you're when you're  adjusting them the third vintage receiver is   the 125 watt Fisher RS 1060. it's not Fisher's  biggest but at 24 inches long it's seven inches   larger than a standard receiver this is the  Fischer RS 1060 one of the biggest Fishers   ever made there was one Higher the 1080 but this  is a monster look how massive this receiver is   it's absolutely ridiculous bigger than most other  monster receivers from the 70s and this one has   every feature you're wanting the switches are very  nice too so you got ABC speakers you got all your   tone controls you got these nice switches here oh  I didn't even turn it on let's turn that on bam   got the blue light that goes through the tuning  dial and even the tuner dial pointer is actually   lit up with that little yellow dot there so you  can scroll across and just a beautiful receiver   one of the things that I didn't even know about  this that I really liked if you look at the volume   control when you turn the volume up that red  LED actually goes around the volume control so   a really cool feature our fourth vintage receiver  is the 200 watt Sony Str V7 these Sony receivers   were built like tanks but more popular in Europe  than the US now this is a pretty rare Sony Str   V7 it's a massive receiver from Sony and Sony  is one of the companies that's kind of looked   over in the 70s so we're going to power this up  here you can see it's got that green glow to it   so it says incandescent bulbs you put LEDs into  pops even more but the green was something that   a lot of companies did as good as Sony did back  then so you got a couple meters on the top you   had a power meter for the right channel power for  the left and a tuning meter going down the bottom   all kind of switches now this one does not have a  mid-range control you just got your base and you   have your treble here but really nice receiver  when you switch the inputs the lights go across   and it's a monster I mean this thing is heavy one  of the details that I really like about this one   if you look at the knobs they have that etching  on them sort of like how like a Sansui receiver   has across the side of the knob and even in the  front so if you see when I turn it maybe see   the light goes in a little bit off there those  etchings really make the receiver pop the fifth   vintage receiver is the 270 watt Pioneer SX 1980.  this is considered by many to be the Hi-Fi Holy   Grail all right if you've watched my Channel  at all before chances are you've seen my video   on the biggest monster receiver ever made well  almost by Pioneer anyway you see how it made the   lights figure that's how much power is in this  receiver so this is the SX 1980 from Pioneer it   has literally everything you would ever want on  a receiver look at the size of the glass on that   tuning section meters all behind the glass another  thing I really like about the 80s series if you   look up at the input selectors when I change them  they all light up different colors and I find that   really fun I like that now this one of course has  your a b and c speaker so you know three pairs of   speakers to it and then it has that tone control  that you can turn on and off you can make several   I like thousands of adjustments you can make  in that tone control so there's one more thing   I want to touch on that's the tuning dial if you  look at the dial and I don't know if you can see   it from your angle or not but each little indent  there is kind of shaped so that when you move it   kind of glistens in the light of the room I just  think that really makes the receiver pop and it's   one of my favorite things about the entire 80  series our sixth vintage receiver is the 110   watt Sansui 90. many collectors say this is one  of the best sounding receivers of all time this   here is the Sansui 9090 now this is the original  version not the DB there's no DB controls here and   there's no DBS for the 90 90. now we're going to  turn this one on here and this is one of the best   looking receivers I think Sansui ever made they  put the Power meters right in the center where   they should be although a little bit smaller than  you may want but then both the signal meter the   tuning meter and the dial lit up a beautiful blue  just one of the best sounding receivers ever when   we were down in Florida with Nick he said this  is probably his absolute favorite receiver you   guys should check that video out as well does  your a b and c speakers base mid-range trouble   controls and a plethora of features making this  one of the best receivers of all time the seventh   vintage receiver is the 160 watt Kenwood KR 9600  which has one of the best tuners ever built into   a receiver so here we have the massive Kenwood KR  9600 you have these giant handlebars on the side   and you're going to need them if you're going to  try to carry this thing because it's absolutely   ridiculous let's turn it on so you can see what  it looks like with the lights because it really   pops due to them putting multiple colors in the  tuning dial here so all your meters light up this   bright orange and then your tuning dial itself is  a lighter blue plenty of features on this one of   the things I really like is how all the controls  have this little etch around them that just adds   to the feel because not only do you see it when  looking at it for an angle but a lot of times   you'll actually see it on the front face place  as well when you turn it you'll see that glisten   depending on your Lighting in your room the dual  power supply makes the Kenwood KR 9600 just an   incredible vintage monster receiver our eighth  vintage receiver is the 120 watt Sansui g8000   this is the only receiver with inputs and outputs  on the side and a built-in wire track one of the   larger vintage receivables you'll ever find and  one of the best looking is the Sansui g8000 and   turn it on for you and you're going to see all  those beautiful meters right at the top big giant   size bigger than that 90 90 series light up with  that warm orange glow that just looks amazing the   gold dial backing is just beautiful and who can  forget these two giant knobs in the front that's   one of my favorite Parts who doesn't like those  knobs to grab a hold of and crank up the volume   while looking at those knobs and all the other  controls in this one of my favorite things on   this one is also how they did the etching because  it sure sparkles on every one of them every button   and switch on this just has a great feel to it  got that square front and even the D detail that   they put into the front of these little buttons in  the center they have that etching as well which is   really cool no other receivers ever done anything  like that this one has all your inputs and outputs   on the sides because it's way too big to pull in  and out whenever you need to change stuff around   the ninth vintage receiver is the 140 watt Toshiba  sa 7100 it is the most underappreciated receiver   in this collection one of the most underrated  receiver brands of all time are the Vintage   Toshibas and this is the sa 7100 their biggest  one just look at the way the detail comes off   that dial in the lighting is just a beautiful  receiver with massive control listen to that   now let's turn it on check out what it looks like  all those meters going across the top a little bit   of lighting not too intense but you can flip this  down and see even more controls and switches under   there they pack a lot into these toshiba's Toshiba  makes parts for a lot of different companies as   well so you have one of those manufacturers that  built their own receiver and it is great our 10   vintage receiver is the 140 watt Sanyo jcx 2900k  it's the only receiver in this collection that I   really don't know anything about all right now  here's one that you don't see every day this is   Sanyo jcx 2900k so Sanyo again another company  that made parts for other manufacturers so you   know their stuff's going to be good and actually  this is one of Scott's favorite receivers right   here let's Power It Up see what it looks like  are they warm incandescent glow almost looks   like a Pioneer 50 Series just a beautiful looking  receiver and very powerful that the 11th vintage   receiver is the 160 watt Pioneer SX 1250. it was  the first time Pioneer put a dual power supply in   a receiver all right so we have what might be one  of the most popular receivers ever from Pioneer   highly regarded from the 50 Series the sx1250  let's turn it on Crank that the difference between   this and the 80 series is you see the display  is more incandescent all the lights are orange   here instead of multiple colors this one a lot of  people say had a better build on the inside than   the 80 series and sounded a lot more warmer and  Fuller but a spectacular build from Pioneer it's   so big the heat sinks on the back kind of dig into  your arms when you pick it up but it has a lot   of options ABC speakers lots of tone controls  on there and is a wonderful receiver our 12th   vintage receiver is the 125 watt techniques sa-800  techniques second largest receiver only to the   techniques sa-1000 which is the biggest vintage  receiver ever made so this is the second biggest   receiver that techniques ever made the sa-800 of  course there was one that was bigger that's just   enormous but this is typically the biggest one  you're ever going to see in person flip that on   you saw those meter lights just like go across  I actually want to see that again let's do that   one more time bam right across they go down to  zero and as you turn the volume up when there's   a signal they actually just beat which is a very  cool feature you got two signal and tuning meters   over here and a plethora of controls across the  whole thing the techniques receivers go from like   you know that entry level model all the way up  to this massive sa 800 and they're all fantastic   sounding just a staple for vintage receivers the  13th vintage receiver is the 110 watt Onkyo TX   8500 this is onkyo's largest receiver ever built  alright so here we have the Onkyo TX 8500 MK2 it's   ankyo's biggest receiver and ibionkyos were very  very popular we're going to turn it on here you   got that warm glow you got a signal meter and a  two meter on the side here if all your indicators   that when I press them where where are they  they're somewhere right here oh it's a switch   you go ahead and it changes turns your digital  tuning meter on and you just go across there they   light up that green now this one I actually did  introduce the digital tuning meter so it has the   analog and works as an analog but also shows you  the digital readout like the receiver started to   do as you got in to the 1980s our 14th receiver  is the 100 watt Sherwood s 9910 this is a very   rare receiver and the sleeper in this competition  so here we have the Sherwood s 9910 now this is a   pretty rare receiver you don't see a lot of the  monster sherwoods but it's beautiful let's crank   this thing on you see that nice glow of all the  bulbs in there this is what I would say a early   1970s to Mid 1970s vintage receivers should look  like switch the input selectors and they change   color on top and when you turn the FM the dial  pointer even lights up that's am there's FM and   then when you go over here the signal and tuning  meters when you're on FM the tuning meter lights   up you've turned off FMA and that one goes off  and then if you turn it to auxiliary they both   go on got a lot of different options that they  put into here to make it more interactive and   fun but this is just a beautiful receiver from  the mid 70s the 15th receipt fever is the 125   watt Marantz 2325 this is known for its powerful  spacious Sound Stage and thunderous base so this   is one of the most popular Marantz of all time  and kind of like the holy grail marances for   most people this is the 2325 and we're going  to turn this on in just a minute let's talk   about why they have the model numbers again so  you have the 2325 most of them say 22 you say   why is there a three that's because it's 125  watts so that 2 then changes to a 3 to get the   100 and then you get 125 watts and that first two  even stands for how many channels the receiver is   so that's how you get the number let's turn it on  ah with that classic Marantz incandescent glow a   lot of people put LEDs in this it's a real phone  this one is classic with a nice wood cabinets a   little longer than most of the receivers are but  it's beautiful sounds absolutely fantastic every   option in tone control and whatever you would  ever want to do is in this Marantz and one of   the things we want to point out is the gyro touch  tuning where you scroll that across and it goes   see if I can light that up for you bam there's the  tuning dial lit up and as I move the tuner this   way it goes across so a nice weight this is like a  literal weight built in that you can scroll across   our 16th receiver is the 125 watt MCS 3125 this  receiver was sold by JC Penney's in the 1970s so   this is the modular component systems a 3125 or as  you would say MCS now this was actually designed   for the JCPenney stores so you may have seen  this one but this is an absolutely insane looking   receiver let's check it out when it's on you got  this cool it almost looks like an LED screen at   the top the way the tuning dial lights up we can  scroll across it it has a nice smooth scroll but   the real feature that I like about this you have  the power meter down the bottom that shows your   output power but then you have this EQ that as  you change it the lights move up and down across   the entire face plate and you can do a lot of EQ  adjustments man they did a good job making these   MCS receivers and this one is probably the best  I've ever seen the 17th receiver is the 120 watt   realistic sta 2100 this was one of the largest  receivers ever built and sold by Radio Shack foreign sorry I'm just playing with it guys  this is the realistic sta 2100 I just love   the way that you can adjust the lighting on  this one I think the way the green stands out   behind the tuner meters and the power meters  are just absolutely incredible it's a Radio   Shack product guys this is one of their biggest  receivers they ever made and it's an absolute   gem sounds perfect and hey who doesn't like  flipping through those old Radio Shack catalogs   and looking at cool ads of the realistic sta  2100 it's almost like you scroll the input over   and it kind of hits the meters and turns them  on our 18th and final receiver is the 120 watt   Yamaha cr2040 while it's not yamaha's largest  receiver ever it's a monster in size and Watts   all right here you have one of the largest Yamahas  ever built the cr2040 it's massive I mean it's   these Yamahas were just known for making their  receivers very very wide and not too high so you   could fit it in smaller spaces but it'll take  up more room we're gonna power this thing up   and you got those classic Yamaha almost greenish  lights that light up here that's more based upon   the little caps that they put over the bulbs so  lots of controls go all the way across you can   make the Almond house sound any way you want but  the real controls that I like are the way that   these selector controls look that's squares just  a classic look I really love it so to recap here   are all the monster vintage receivers that we  are comparing today now when Scott told me the   plan was to listen and compare every one of these  vintage monster receivers I was questioning how we   were going to do that but he explained to me that  he built a magic box to help with the process what   I try to do with is listen to all this stuff  and I enjoy them all the time and the only way   you can really do that is you can select them  so I built myself a speaker selector switch so   the one on the left here is just a switch that  will choose whichever receiver that we want so   receiver one position one receiver two position  two receiver three position three so I can go all   the way through all the way through ten and  same with my speakers I can choose whatever   speaker system I have it set up with in this  case HPM 100s and number three is my Polk tens   so speaker speaker selector switch pretty cool  now the monster receivers weren't the only Hi-Fi   in the room Scott also had several pairs of large  speakers two Pioneers spec racks real to reels and   a few other components all right let's check  out what we got this is the fluoroscan system   from Pioneer and it's on like a custom rack which  is just incredible you have the rt909 real Reel   with the custom reels and the hubs it just looks  amazing you come down here and you have the sa   9800 integrated amp like look how beautiful that  looks it just shines that was built to look good   and to help it sound even better is the SG 9800  equalizer that actually lights up all the way   across and even that just a beautiful shine  to it coming down if you want to expand your   sound even more you get the rg2 dynamic expander  which just opens up the audio in your room when   you use that now for cassette deck we have their  largest one the CTF 1250 which has that door that   kind of covers up when you're not listening to the  cassette so you can actually if I stop it and pull   the cassette Out close it up so the heads don't  get Dusty so this is a two motor cassette deck and   it's three heads so we're just going to slip back  to set in like that hit play the mechanism goes up   and your meters start to move so it's a wonderful  cassette deck and all the way down the bottom we   have the TX 9800 tuner and this one one of the  best tuners of all time matches up with this   sa 9800 integrated amp so that's the whole 9800  set all three of those pieces so that's actually   rare to see them all together now here we have the  rt901 and it's a different real real than the 909   you might ask why well this one does not do auto  reverse so the 909 over here has an auto reverse   feature the 901 does not besides that it's pretty  much the same but you can just see the buttons are   a little bit different on the right side on each  of them because of that auto reverse function   moving over we get over to more of the spec rack  right so on top you're going to start with the   pl600 turntable from Pioneer then we're going to  go down this is a really rare piece this program   selector the U24 you can go on here and you can  change your amps that you have going with three   different amps you got tape monitors so you got  four different tape switches you can choose your   source for other tape monitors for your Source two  auxiliaries and three turntables you can hook up   to that so that's a cool piece that you could  add to a system if you have a lot underneath   that you got a Reverb so this is the sr303 and  remember as you listen to the music it actually   beats to the music so if we had it on with music  playing for you guys you would see that it would   actually pump that light out to go with whatever  you know level of Reverb you were doing so going   down we have of course the famous spec one one of  the ones I really love it have on all my personal   racks back at the store just a great preamp that  you can use plenty of functionality and how this   actually hooks up it hooks up to the spec four  the spec 2 Amp this one being the Spec 4 with the   giant meters and the volume controls on each side  basically this amp only has one set of outputs on   it so you can only hook one pair of speakers up to  it unless you run it back up to the preamp where   there's actually a speaker box built in so that  you can make instead of just one pair of speakers   coming out of the amp you actually get two if you  run it back up into the spec one so that's a cool   feature and a lot of people don't know about it  down here you get another SG 9800 EQ of course   just a very very popular e there it is lit up as  you move it you see those lights at night when you   turn the lights out and it's just a good looking  feature but one that actually works with the   system as well going down a little bit farther we  have the txd 1000 tuner it's a great tuner digital   tuner not analog but if you want the fluoroscan  system that's the tuner you're probably going to   want to get with it coming down here we have two  more reals and they both look the same but they   are not or they are yeah they are oh okay so this  is my favorite world of rule of all time it being   a seven inch even though 10 inches always are a  little bit better looking overall than the room   I just love the way the meters look in the center  of this as you're playing the tape and the volume   is going up and down on the meters as it's not on  that one but this one down here those meters go up   and down and I think it's just a great aesthetic  to go with your music they made two models of this   just like they did the other and they made one  the rt707 which is what these are that has an   auto reverse feature then they also made a rt701  that didn't have Auto reverse so that would be   what the difference would be between the buttons  would be a little bit different the other thing   that's cool about both of these is they both have  that original reel there so the Pioneer really the   size it says one and two but that's a nice piece  how they put the spokes going across just a cool   aesthetic piece to go with those rotor reels all  right now going up on the Shelf up here we have   like the most famous Pioneer 8-track the HR 99  this is a great model it has little meters that   glow on the inside there but just a nice eight  track it's heavy duty there's a lot of eight   tracks out there that are very light not that  great that one is and oh there's a little treat   up here these are the original pp228 a hubs for  the Pioneer rt-909 or the 9901 rotor reel that's   a neat accessory to have laying around underneath  they have the very famous Fisher 500c so this is   going to be your tube receiver from Fisher the  most popular one ever and also one of the most   hardest to find in really good shape so the 500c  it's a great really really warm sounding tube amp   uh and you know it's a fissure so it's nice over  here we got a realistic sta 2300 this is my Radio   Shack's models one of their bigger ones this is  when they added the powered output meters on them   so it added a little bit of digital you get into  the 80s it's probably like an 8082 you know the   buttons are a little bit different than the 71's  a little lighter but the Finish still looks great   lots of Lights it's a cool model and when you  go up you even get that Harman Kardon receiver   we got the HK 450 which has a nice backlight  when it's lit in a very entry level receiver   but very nice and hard to find now we're gonna  go to one of pioneers other roads so this is the   1020l a little bit different looking than we saw  in the 909 because it's for a different series   Series this is probably going back to like a 74-76  model but it's a 10 inch so you can see all the   room that's up here that's because you put a 10  inch reel on it in that Hub and it takes up and   it's just it will look beautiful in your room and  we're on your system when this thing's going with   those 10 inch reels all right so this is probably  one of the more popular techniques receiver so   how the receivers work with techniques you know  the bigger they get the more rare they get when   you get down in like that 400 to 700 series a  little bit more calm but 700 is a little bit   more powerful than the rest so you have that  monster receiver feature with that mid-range   lots of controls lights up beautiful and even  have those power meters that we saw on the 800   earlier that has the music's beating it goes like  side to side which looks really cool coming over   here we have a very rare quad sensui qrx 9001 they  made a US version they made a European version as   a slightly different model this one has the cool  feature first off you get all four meters light   up plus the signal and tuning mineral top it looks  fantastic it's massive but as you turn the tuning   dial the light goes up and down like in diagonal  motions across the entire front it's really nice   this one even still has the original Dolby tag on  it a lot of them actually do a lot of people never   took those off by pulling the knob out you can see  underneath it as the Dolby System logo because no   DB after the model number all right then over  here the components he's using plays vinyl and   he's got the Yamaha YP d71 this is an incredible  turntable that whole series is but the one thing   I do want to definitely point out is if you look  down at the cartridge it has a Shure v15 Type 4 so   some of these Shore cartridges are the absolute  best cartridge they can get on these vintage   turntables so I would highly recommend looking a  lot of them still have that on there coming over   here we got an Akai GX 635d real real 10 inch  reels beautiful Real to Reel kind of resembles   like the 747 world of rails just the Kai's got  the glass heads They're Gonna Last absolutely   forever longer than any of us and look at the  glowing meters that's just a nice piece that   goes with all all rotor rules have meters I've  been told or at least most of them but the way   Akai did their real just looks fan fantastic  underneath he's got the Nakamichi md8 which is   a really cool system so this is actually a five  disc CD player and you're just gonna put one disc   in at a time and it adds it into the system so you  can play Disc One disc two because I'll stop that   you get on the disc three and on the inside it's  actually going to change the disc start playing   disc three you know if there's a CD player in  there I really love the display how bright that   is as well very underrated product we actually  saw them recently in like a rose gold super nice   CD player so speakers in this we're going to start  out with like a Baltimore Classic this is the Polk   Audio model tens like this speaker if you have  this you're probably never getting rid of it and   the other good thing about this even though it's  a speaker from the 70s these parts are actually   fairly easy to find and replace so a great speaker  whether you get a model 10 or 7 or really any of   the other poke lines and the SDA pokes they're all  beautiful but talking about beautiful underneath   that is of course my favorite speaker of all  time the HPM 100s that's the 100 watt version   where you have the super Tweeter that I can hear  you got the regular Tweeter that I can probably   hardly hear and then you have a mid-range and  the driver bait in that that white cone you know   these were designed by the designer from the JBL  L100 so we're also very famous and there's a big   argument out there which ones better but I for me  it's this one it's the HPM 100 and if you know if   that's too big for you uh you can go down to the  HPM 60s right here so it's a little bit smaller   driver but it's going to take this same mid-range  Tweeter and super Tweeter so just drivers of 10   inch instead of a 12 inch fantastic speakers uh  in the room right there you go so you got on here   that that really big 12 inch driver on the bottom  which is kind of tucked away kind of how Clips   did the heresy back then so you can see it's it's  actually screwed from the other side of the wood   onto the front so to work on these everything's  out the back instead of the front two mid-ranges   two tweeters here and a horn it's a nice design  for back then definitely one of the are bigger   speakers for sure now the speakers we're going to  listen to today are the Pioneer HPM 100 which may   be my favorite speakers of all time we have one  pair of speakers on each side of the room one   pair for the first half of the receivers and one  pair for the second half the hpms were in pristine   condition but one common issue with vintage  speakers are the grills typically need to be fixed   so next we went over to Scott's Workshop to show  you how to fix a pair of grills before we start   listening this is a grill cover that I replaced on  the HP M40 and it's really pretty easy this is an   original one here and I just simply take my razor  knife I just cut just like that pull them off I   do have that all the way around but I leave the  original staple on there because you're going to   staple over it it doesn't matter if that's there  it'll go on the face of the speaker without any   problem so here's one of course that I've I've  put the new grill cloth on Staple all around   and all I have to do is finish up this little  bit here and and it's done and I'd be happy to   staple for if you want to see it so of course to  finish up this here all I do is just run the run   a staple along this Fabric and it's a pretty cool  fabric it stretches so you can get it nice and   nice and tight without any folds that you  can see from the outside when you're all done and then just take my razor knife and  just trim off that little bit and it's   all done speaker Grille and of course  then I have my emblem badge I'll find   a little hole which is right there  and I'll just push that in like that HPM 40s just like new now after we do this  sound demo I'm going to tell you my top five   and there's some surprises in there but I  want to know your top five or you'd rank   them all and let me know which you think is the  best to the worst so watch this section over a   few times and let me know what you think  so we can include you in the next video foreign there we go thank you all right so that's  the first hand on the HPM 100s   now let's go to the second 10  monster receivers check it out foreign all right now comes the fun part I'm  going to tell you my top five going   through and then I want you to let me know  in the comments what your top five were or   if you have any of these and what you think  about them coming in at number five is this   one down here there's some rants 23 25  and 125 watts just a beautifully clean sounds so good it has the right amount of warmth  right amount of clarity it's just a perfect blend   of which you would want out of a really good  receiver so my number five the Marantz 2325.   all right so for number four we're going to come  down here the g8000 for Sansui the detail is really nice it's clean it's got a lot of power  behind it a good crisp sound but it got kind of   overshadowed by another one that I'm going to show  you that came in at number three so number four   I got the Sansui g8000 all right so the surprise  of all of them to me was the Toshiba sa 7100 the   Toshiba completely surprised me when I was going  back and forth between that and the Sansui I was   surprised at how much it actually had a little bit  of warmth to the sound of Toshiba over the Sansui   and just took it by a notch I could just feel  the power behind it kind of edging the larger   Sansui g8000 so I really have to say even if  it's for the sheer wow factor that I didn't   expect the Toshiba to sound that good I'm putting  it number three thank you so before I show you   guys number one and two which I kind of just  hinted to it's coming down to these two it's   coming down to the Sansui 90 and the Pioneer SX  1980s really good sounding receivers in their own   right but they both have two different traits  that depending what you like in music you're   going to choose one or the other so for me I  think the number two is actually going to be   the Sansui so this is one that at first I thought  was exactly what I wanted like I listened to it   I'm like wow that that's overwhelmed the 1980s  got more kick more punch behind it sounds super   clean a little bit of warmth but cool but then  I realized when I was testing them out at the   end unlike when you guys were I had the loudness  on the Sansui and not on the 1980s so number two foreign and then number one for me and I  know you're going to say well of course   it was number one for you that's your favorite  one yeah but when I cranked the loudness on the   1980 it just edged the Sansui and not because  it sounded better but it's a different sound   it's more cleaner in the mids and the highs  and that's what I like so you know I'm not   a real big bass guy you should have the  power behind the base in this one but it   edged the Sansui out for me in the highs  and mid category so I really enjoyed how   that sounded I mean when they like shredded the  guitar you could totally hear every detail when   you go with the 1980. there you have it is the  1980 the best receiver of all time you tell me
Channel: Lenny Florentine
Views: 796,138
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best receiver, best receiver for music, best receiver 2023, best av receivers, monster receiver, vintage audio, vintage stereo, vintage hifi, vintage receiver, pioneer sx-1980, home audio, Marantz 2325, Yamaha CR-2040, Onkyo TX-8500, hifi, hi fi, audiophile, Technics SA-800, Pioneer SX-1250, Toshiba SA-7100, Sansui G-8000, Kenwood KR-9600, receiver sound test, hifi sound test, Sansui 9090, sony str-v7, akai, best vintage receivers, home audio system, what hi fi
Id: 7RcMTbNO2Ls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 24sec (2124 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2023
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