Cheap Audio Man Thursday Live Stream

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we're live wow that's a horrible horrible angle it's a horrible angle for me there not order all right not very good at this let's go up here all right it's gonna have to be all right can y'all hear me we got three people on here there we go hey nick pandazi tony what up t dogs barking life trying to garner the european market i don't know what that means literally it's so funny i start this in the doorbell rings hey bill murphy greetings from the eu okay hello hello ray and scorpion sorry i'm answering a text just jumped on a live stream let me get to let me hit you up later there you go that sounds cool that sounds like the cool guy stuff hey ho hey steve's edmond zeidman what are you doing here let me grab a cup of coffee yeah i have a soda all right from germany guten tag which connection do i use to connect an smsl sanskrit dac into a weem mini streamer the amp is smsl a0200 and poker 200 you would use an optical out of the wee mini in the back your sanskrit i'm not digging this i don't like it i feel like i'm i don't like the angle i need a different tripod let's see hey everyone i'm stuck at work i figured i'd say hi but i gotta go try to have fun without me all right brian we're gonna we're gonna move forward soldier ford have you heard the marantz pm 8006 i have not i have not yeah if you all like the video or whatever this is live stream i guess this help helps youtube helps me with youtube do you like car audio i do although my new card it has nothing new in it it's just regular regular regular stuff i had like the whole shabeel shebang thing in my old car though um which my son now has hey from norway le chuck which connection okay we've already been to them i think i know why it's because i'm looking up at the screen that's why stop reviewing good cheap stuff i just got my emotiva ta1 and i'm waiting for my ima t9 hey look at that zero fidelity a question of integrity pineapple on pizza yay or nay uh sean that just depends on what type of mood you're in i have been known to enjoy some pineapple on pizza do i use pineapple on pizza at all times no but it's like having a warm speaker and an analytical speaker sometimes just depends on what mood you're in happy thursday wes crockett ed what up ed is it cold up there in minnesota hey live okay let's go dylan gray you made me get a tube amp with clips and i do not regret it thank you for that you're welcome marius oh they're flowing in now pineapple hey brian from acoustics what's happening so you are a real audio man then for sure conor audio car audio is the one yeah when i was growing up that was kind of like what we all had we spent a lot of time in our car so dr c in the house howdy ho to you my friend that's how you been my man a balanced respectable take keep rocking thank you sean you keep rocking greetings from menken georgia great to see you dr c you should text me man let's catch up hello from minnesota we got a couple people here from minnesota hey randy i'm drinking a cup of coffee and watching you live stream very cool amp sound is still a mystery to me is there even a day and night difference or is it always just a tiny wine new nuance no bendy candy and i i used to think that kind of along the same lines eh it is what it is but after i've heard a few like uh here's a couple of examples the iota vx that stuff super analytical um super tilted towards the top end and then i hear things like the denim pm a600ne and that was a lot more focused on the bottom end so um i used to kind of think an amps and amp but not anymore and frankly an amp can really impact the sound a lot of the class d stuff used to have a very similar kind of leaning not so much anymore there's some really good stuff out there that is not super analytical oh that i'm delayed in sending you don't worry about it dr c you're all good you don't ever have to apologize to me for anything enjoyed your house tour you have some expensive stuff mainly with two legs yeah i have a lot of children they're expensive they have two legs um let's see i have a carver c1 and a carver power amp that a buddy gave me what cheap speakers i i don't think carver's really that low end rather i think that's pretty good stuff dr c likes the haircut thank you a little bit thin on top you have to check out the video tomorrow got a real sponsor uh can i do a video on sherwin vega if they'd send me some i'd love to um i think they have some new stuff out what feliciano i've been using the sony core with basic amps it's low-key awesome it sounds that sounds high top shelf awesome to me carvers are kind of retro gimmick from what i understand uh i think carvers are good maybe not i don't know just returned the yamaha rx a6a i've never heard that one never heard that one uh i have three cover amps serviced love them all there you go do you know when polk is going uh on sale next i don't it's kind of hit or miss they usually have one speaker on sale at all times so they have the xt line the es line and then the uh reserve or r line and any any given point there's always one on sale but i will do my very best to make sure that i post them up when i see them how'd you score the max stuff great question dr c um through the problem is i spent too much time time talking to uh steve z and digitaldan and hearing all about how awesome mac stuff was and then uh just you know chit chatting with them and then uh uh found some stuff at i can't remember audio vintage audio or something like that which they have a good reputation and then i figured what the heck really the thing that pushed me over the edge with the mac stuff is looking at some of the higher end pioneer marantz even yamaha the higher power stuff you know you're getting into the uh four or five thousand dollars sometimes even more and i'm like audio classics that's right steve and at that point i'm like why wouldn't i just buy a a mac if i'm gonna spend two three four grand on a vintage cool looking pioneer why not just go get a mac because the irony is i think macs have stayed more have had a higher value compared to pioneer and immigrants now than anything else which is ironic any experience with the brennan b2 cd player no no but you know ed somebody else has mentioned that a couple of times uh so yeah i know exactly what you're talking about all right i'm not gonna be able to we got a lot of comments coming in so i'm just going to grab the ones i see if you want me to read them i'm not asking for money but if you want me to read them pop them in the uh super chat and i'll make sure those get top priority and if you super chat i'm going to do 50 to homes for our troops uh your jbl a130 review and emotiva ta-100 help me both buy both very cool great speaker i got one right back there hi all i didn't know you did live stream order speaker speaker flat plaques from flat plaques from peter rollins and the speaker kit from texas there you go new ghost album is really good hey randy somebody else mentioned ghost just the other day thanks for igniting my love for hi-fi i've been adding budget items to my vintage equipment lately and it's awesome good for you todd what did what kind of vintage stuff do you have oh everybody stop the presses el gordo's in the house good to see you el gordo don't be a stranger rotel versus mac very different sound signature very different um i like them both um mac is you know a lot more romantic and stuff um sorry i'm getting distracted dr c says blue card is ventured in the amplifier market they have a new class c maybe i'll maybe i'll get one of those i think actually i think blue card sending me the m400 mark ii i think that's what it is and then uh that amp too so yeah that's right steve zeidman ghost your daughter's a fan not cheap 3k i don't well the speakers aren't cheap either so um how do you promote a gp very cool be safe out there wear your helmet um [Music] nothing new from sherwin vega my new speakers come to market i will be sure to message them to send you some cool i powered dt 770 with fio i upgrade the amp first cool what's my favorite up firing atmos speaker well wayne it's a pair of 30 or 40 year old realistic vintage speakers i just set them at an angle and then i turned on deer rack or whatever room uh measuring thing i have it figures it out um i think there's some good options out there from emotiva uh polk's got some stuff that matches and um lots of folks have upward firing stuff i don't think it matters so i want to go crazy and spend a bunch of money on upward fire and have the speakers not a lot of info going up there hey we got a super chat all about rush hey cam i have a sony dtr dh190 receiver [ __ ] mode 3 plus dac and elac debut 6.2 i'd like to upgrade to an integrated amp suggestions well my friend you have a few options if you have here's the thing you've already got a good deck okay so you don't need necessarily uh integrated that has a dac in it because at that point you're just kind of um your dax is probably going to be better than most stacks in an integrated even at like a thousand dollar integrated um the rotel a11 is really good is 800 um if you're on more of a budget you can look at the emotiva ta1 but that's got a dac so you're kind of paying for stuff you don't need um i would look at some type of i don't know you know what would be cool is like uh [ __ ] what is the i think it's the saga if you can get one and then that going into a topping pa5 would sound awesome and that would be about well that'd come in about the same price as the a11 um there's a lot of options out there but i don't think you need to like spend a bunch of money on an integrated when you already have a decent dac very decent deck um oh you know what the emotiva a2 mini and then uh but you won't have remote control if you need a remote control though you could figure out some type of some type of preamp of the remote uh we got another super chat hello this is uh county sheriff you are being served as cease and desist from seth audio breach of contract getting a real sponsor all right i will file the answer with the county clerk tomorrow um what happened to your amp camp project it's right over there um it works i actually have another one so that i can do um i can do them in uh abridged or whatever balanced you think that 3030i and da9 will be a good match 30 30 yeah well the da9 has a bunch of different eq settings right so you can kind of get in there and tailor stuff to your taste i think the da-9 is a great great sounding amp it depends of course what type of dac or whatever front end you have running into it 30 30 eyes are base heavy uh so i would put them in a bigger room and not super super close to the back wall i'm an asus something stx my dad is well i notice any improvement buying a topping 30 or fx audio what about a burson playmate too i have no experience with the person i don't know if i've heard the fx audio dac m1 i have heard some fx audio uh the topping e30 is very good but it depends on i mean i i generally would would uh get an external dac over like the sound card on your asus but i don't know am i talking about the right thing is that asus is like a motherboard right i don't know maybe not what dac should i buy that would be better than the one integrated in the bluesound node 2i uh lots of options i don't think the node 2i is like fantastic as far as the dac goes but probably even the ship modi uh topping e30 gushely labs j2 even the smsl su-6 su-9n su-8s any of those so it depends on what your budget is um but yeah i think any of those would probably be an upgrade um now to be fair i haven't i have a node 2i but i never use it anymore because the wii mini um so i haven't tried all those combinations but out of those those are the dash that i've heard that i really like um opinion on neem nima nimi tra i haven't heard it sub recommendations ooh i'm not a good sub guy i svs or emotiva is generally where i throw everybody i know rel is well rail is well respected i don't think you can go wrong with them i have a svs micro 3000 and i'm getting really excited for that because i like smaller subwoofers smaller will you review tecton speakers yes i actually have some on the way i have no idea when they're going to be here i ordered them about a month ago hey randy i can't believe the deal i got on ebay 225 offer accepted for yamaha rxa 1050 with non-remote or power cord but otherwise meant sounds uh cool awesome i don't have i haven't tested any yamaha power amps do i still like the elac 2.0 unifi 2.0 yes absolutely i think it's one of the best um speakers out there at least in my opinion hello from greece got your recommendation for the akg k-361 i'm so glad i did paired them with the eco zerta that sounds like a cool lamp i'm happy all right man i'm glad for you i don't know if you're a man or a woman either way i'm happy for you person human uh have you ever heard ohm speakers i have not hey jj's diy audio nice just grab my coffee curious on your thoughts on reviewing diy gear that other people have built is that something you've been approached on i have not so you're talking about like someone puts together a dui diy kit and then sends it to me um i haven't no i haven't been approached there i like diy stuff it's just i haven't done much of it lately um but yeah that sounds cool man uh what's the best tws buds you have heard so far true wireless um i don't know if i have my pocket or not the ones that i use the most are the um sound core i think it is the liberty pro threes the latest liberty pro prior to that the ones i used the most were the liberty pro 2s and then also soundcore p3s i personally like the soundcores because they're fairly inexpensive they have a really good app they sound really good they pair well they're just easy um and with the app you can kind of tailor the sound to what you want i think they're a little bit hot on top and a little bit bassy but that's why that's why there's eqs so those are the ones i use almost all the time there are some from i think grell from drop that sounded really good but their usability was tough because they're like touch touch controls and stuff it didn't always work but they sounded really good but they're expensive too i like the sound core stuff it's good oh boy a question on wiring subwoofer i bought elac sub 1010 and we'll connect to rotel should i connect both left and right from the preamp out to the sub or only the left it depends if those preamp outs are summed then you can connect one however i would imagine on a rotel they are not a summed preamp out so you're going to need both the right and the left channel into your subwoofer otherwise you're only going to be getting one channel worth of information some preamps or power amps like the emotiva ta1 they have subwoofer outs too but they're both summed and then like so you'll have a summed subwoofer out on like receivers and stuff that has one outlet on a lot of other receivers that have pre-amp outs there are right and a left so you need both that info unless you just want to hear bass or you just want the subwoofer to have bass from one channel which i don't think is ideal any experience with focal korras um i think i may have heard those in a showroom i heard the cheapest focal bookshelf speaker and they were pretty bright they were really good for 30 minutes i don't know if those are the 806s though uh wes crockett all right who else elec unified 2.0 ub52 bought on amazon tonight for only 200 euros what oh the ub5 those are good i like those am i psyched and ready for axe pona yes i am we're gonna roll in there like the hell's angels start knocking over signs knocking tote bags out of people's hands saying we're here with cheap audio man actually we have a lot of patrons going to axe bona so that's super exciting so i can't wait to meet a lot of people did you resign from youtube no not yet for my job yes i did i'm full time been full time for about six weeks and it's awesome it's the best thing ever check out the amp tastic mini one from uk i'll check it out just for that model number it's a premium implementation of the venerable ta2020 tripath chip low power but sublime sound man you should have your own channel man um thank you thank you uh yes yes i think we missed some up here is pro logic still a thing yeah for sure prologue is still good man i mean dolby digital has pretty much replaced logic because pro logic sent the same info to both rear speakers but i gotta tell you pro logic sounds pretty good too um your techton moabs rock i did not get the moabs i got the cheapest uh what are they called i can't remember cheapest tower speaker like the full tower they're it's like their first speaker how do you feel about high end in-ears compared to headphones do you see them as equals um i think it depends right because soundstage and like space and stuff um i like them both i mean i think it's much harder to get a open kind of a sound from iems lore that's it not the mini lore the regular lore but um i mean i love both in ears and over ears um i have a tendency to use in ears more often though because they're easier to navigate and you know i can just stuff them in my pocket um easier to use i guess what i'm saying you should go to capital audio fest in november sure let's do it would you go for roon or plex i like roon i have never tried plex though but i don't know if plex has like the machine learning as roon does um oh real cheap on your question i have a pre-hdmi on keo av receiver with vintage new large bullnose advent speakers i want better everything what would you do in my situation um so are you asking like if you want receiver or speakers i'll tell you what if you got the budget i would get one of those uh either the onkyo or the pioneer with dirac live that was a real game changer for me i never heard the ankyo the pioneer sounds pretty darn good i mean to the point where i'm like i don't need like two channel stuff this is so good recently about the spectre one nice pair thank you for the review any tips using these um play around with the placement man turn them up enjoy them i like that speaker love that speaker what's your thoughts on the nakamichi one an old receiver with some really heavy small speakers and colorful buttons not sure when it was made but it says made in japan uh they have a really good reputation i have a tape deck down there from one of my buddies sent it to me can we get a proper freya s review i actually don't have it anymore is the aries 2 your favorite deck yes aries 2 is my favorite deck although i have the pontus in the dining room but and as far as like affordable or somewhat affordable i know that that's the aries i think if someone like really really commits to saving up money is achievable i think um now i haven't heard the ponzis yet i don't even know how much the pontiffs cost i think it's maybe 1200. any good cheap cd player yeah any old blu-ray player or dvd player uh we'll get you started there you go jennifer up to aries 2 after my blue sound node black new one running title worth it i think it is i'm i mean that dac is so much different from any other dac i've heard um it is game changer hey john aima t09 duke audio st01 or iema a07 um are you talking about the t9 john um slash duke audio sto1 is that the is that this one or they're basically the same um i don't know i mean the t9 has way more functionality with the dac and and uh uh bluetooth and it's got a cool uv pu meter so i personally i get that but um you can juice up the a07 a bit and change out the op amps um sound bar or cheap av receiver with speakers you know six months ago that would have been an easy answer but now not so much because um i have the clip cinema 600 and it is so good for movies i don't like i've listened to music through it and it's okay with music um but for movies it is so simple i have the wireless surrounds and frankly i end up enjoying a lot of movies on it simply because i'm not continually fiddling with everything um so it used to be an easy answer not so much anymore so there's some good sound bars out there but if you're going to use if you're even like 35 percent music or 25 music you know if you want that true two channel experience it's not going to come from a sound bar although it still sounds good just not as good as two speakers familiar with aerial acoustics speakers i haven't i've never heard of them uh you have me obsessed with the polk ro 100 200 would they work for left right channels on yeah for sure yeah yeah those speakers are good man i mean you don't need any special amplifiers or stuff any they're i mean they're polks right so they're made for you know most av receivers yeah for sure i mean the r200s are nice they got a lot of bass i think the r100s are a little bit more articulate where the r 200s are kind of bruisers any recommendations to replace an old intercom system buy a bunch of amazon alexas you can do what's called drop in and then uh if you name them different things so i've heard i'm i don't know i'm not i'm not too up to speed on intercom systems but with all the wireless stuff out there i'm sure you could do something cool like that oh speed dating for audio files i love it i think i missed something be careful with that den of reps pontius too two grand on amazon listen anything that's from denafraps does not sell on amazon i mean it will but it someone's marking that up it only comes from dennis reps is billy billy a man i was getting ready to reach out to you you doing all right over there i went to corn billy that's really good and chevelle very good billy saw queen perform in the uk back then i think they called it england um class a amp reviews recommendations uh i think the only class a i've ever reviewed um or even hurt no i take that back i've um the sh [ __ ] azir azure i heard that one it's good i liked it um i have the band camp one too i like that too uh so those are the only two i've heard the azir and then the band camp what's the next step up from an a07 808 or the a300 although you can upgrade the a07s external power supply which incidentally they're sending me a 48 volt power supply to get like max power out of the a07 um and then so you could get the a 48 volt power supply because the 808 and the a300 have built-in power supplies so you get what you get with a07 you can upgrade the power supply and then you can change out the op amps too so there's actually a little bit more freedom with the a07 conversely the 808 you can change out those op amps i'd have to think about that i don't know if the a300 can be uh can have switchable op amps or not i don't know billy's between homes no hi-fi at the moment bloods are bad and giving me a hard time oh i'm sorry nice to see the messman hobbit hole in the video yes i'm sorry billy i hope you uh don't have to live in a tent um so i'm thinking about you brother i'm going with polk r200 bookshelves from a 2.0 home theater i have no way to addition to any of the speakers rather than ordering it or should i go clips root with rp 600s any thoughts well if you're in the us you can buy from crutchfield you get 60 days to return if you'd like and then uh you could if you got the if you got the money on the credit card you can order both and then uh keep the one you like and send back the one you don't like um our 200 is you know clips just clips right it's got that clip sound that forward nature um our 200s are to my ear a little bit more balanced but don't get me wrong i have some r500ms right down there and i love them but just in smaller doses i could listen to r200s all the time hey brock i swear this dog man sorry my son's watching some movie upstairs the dog's going crazy just another day in the life of the cheap audio man uh greetings okay cam in what is your suggestion on a mini small amp for 2.1 music set uh up i have emotiva b1 one good bluetooth usb for flash drive listening and remote use thanks um oh what is it smsl a0200 checks all the boxes has a usb input has bluetooth has balanced if you want it has eq settings has a remote there you go your free range palm is going that you that's right yeah we might have to get rid of that free range pomeranian do you recommend crutchfield over other retailers for purchasing audio equipment if the price is the same which it usually is i do because crutchfield has a very liberal return policy and like crutchfield is they've been in it right that is what they do i used to get the crutchfield catalogs when i was in high school i bought all my stereo stuff um my car audio stuff for sure off of crutchfield but they're not i mean best buy is fine i like best buy and stuff but like crutchfield that company is built around audio and that's still pretty much what they do in home theater so i have always had great experiences with the crutchfield they have real people that you can talk to um so yeah big fan of crutchfield uh i think they're a great outfit do do thoughts on harm and target do you like the basements and treble i think harman target's good i don't think anybody should tell anybody how a headphone should sound though you know that's personal preference um herman curve is just you know kind of the average um you know they had a bunch of people come in and they said this is what we like and that you know it's math and that that's what they like but not everyone's going to like the harming curve there's no perfect curve i think it's probably close to that curve give or take a few things but for the most part if you want to listen to 300 hertz at 18 db boosted then that's your i that's your deal man uh poker 200 or css creighton 2 tdx i haven't heard the 2tdx i've heard the 1tdx and i like them a lot if you have the skill set and the patience and the ability to finish a speaker as finished as i mean let make it look pretty i think the css crichton one tdx is a great speaker uh for sure there we still there we go orf dale 12.1 or clips are those gonna be different those couldn't sound different um i think i've got the 12.3s coming um [Music] they're both good they're both good in completely different ways though again klipsch has that forward upper midrange uh can you compare the locksheet 830 to d03 and i am a t9 after using tone controls anything else um actually a30 is more analytical thinner through the mids and the bass do3 is more neutral aima t9 sounds similar to the do3 i think the t9 sounds better than all of them you cannot get the lashi a30 to sound like the d03 or the t9 it's just too thin in the mid-range even with tone controls because you're boosting treble and you're boosting bass you're not boosting that mid-range and so the differences in those amps is really comes down to the mid-range i think the do3 is balanced fuller i think the t9 is cleaner balanced and fuller uh so i think t9 is the the winner out of that one or at least would be my personal preference uh i think the launch ga30 is very clean but has that thin not metallic sound but it's thinner through the mid-range and upper base what do you think of the thx onyx haven't tried it are you ever tempted to get one of them old console stereos from the 60s with old tube amps some no but what i have been tempted to do and this is before i started the channel was to take one of those old consoles and then take out all the old stuff and put in new stuff and then just keep the the aesthetics the same right if corn is a 10 what is chevelle chevelle is actually really good um they were really good um i mean i liked them nine was bear dynamics amaron worth buying i've never heard that one i don't know i just got pa5 i like it better than the da-9 yeah i would too pa5 is a monster sledgehammer pfi is one of the best sounding class d's i've heard um pro probably is the best sounding class d i've heard uh have you heard the rp-150m any difference to the 500m there's going to be a difference um i have not heard the r150m i would say they probably sound more similar than they sound different though mm-hmm thanks pomerane is at it again yep it's gonna be a real handful um received an old dual 701 turntable any suggestions on the stylus no i don't you could pop in i don't know if probably not you're not a patron are you no probably not um i'll go into some forums and get some advice um from there people probably have uh well i don't have any experience with dual turntables um so i can't probably help you very much marantz pm 6007 or nadc 338 with wharfdale 11.1 uh actually if there's any if there's ever been a good combo with the nad c338 it probably wouldn't be with the wharftail 11.1 that amp is pretty hard on top and really forward in the treble that would actually be a really good combination although i've never heard the marines pm 6000 seven from my experience with mourinho they're going to have a very different sound signature and i would imagine the marantz if it sounds anything like the marines i've heard would be too warm on those 11.1 which are very warm speakers have you tried the mackie i have not do tubes and chinese class d amps really work no they're fake they don't work at all with they're not the the tubes are not being used to amplify the tubes are in what's called a tube buffer basically the preamp section of the class d so is the answer do they work the answer to the question do they work is yes do they impact the sound a great deal maybe it depends but i mean when you start going down the tube rabbit hole you know there's every time you change tubes that's a variable right so you could have the six the the six nj whatever it is variable types of the same tube all sound different and in many cases very different um so luca yes they do work um toslink or rca digital room nucleus to cambridge audio preamp dac if you have both options i would try both and then you decide which one sounds better to you um i i like optical dennis miller um i just found it easier and i rarely have a lot of digital collapse or rca thoughts on one tdx for near field probably too much for near field um that's a big speaker marantz pmc uh we already talked about that all right here we go hey louie louis e torres 50 pesos is that pesos tried any any op amp tube rolling no but i do have uh some some op-amps in here that i am going to try with the a07 uh let's see fx audio 2 preamp in the a07 sounds great wonder if muses op amp and better tubes are worth it i would say yes and i rarely say that without doing more investigation these are sparks of amps i also have these which are the um what is this burson these are burson but these were too big for the a07 not from a socket standpoint but from a a real estate standpoint so i did not have enough room do you see how they kind of are bigger than the actual socket itself so there wasn't enough room around the op amps to do that but eventually i'll get something because i bought those those are mine sparco sent me this uh so yes i would say yes and yes louis louise the viking cam five bucks five pounds five euros i think we're right go buy some coffee or something thank you viking kim you're the best what happened to ron and randy our miss it i talked to ron today uh he uh i think he put out a video today tcg 35 tc g35 4.99 thank you viking cam it was euros i finally got it on the third try hey martin maybe wait for polk r-100s to go on sale they're currently 649. yeah so the r200s will go down to 649. our 100s will go down into the mid 500s lintons and denon 600ne for really dark and bass heavy music yes or no uh sure i mean the lens sound good on just about anything uh i think the 600 that'd be a warm buttery caramel experience have you ever had the opportunity to hear the bose 901s no i have not joe 6640 thart's thoughts on martin logan electrostatic i haven't heard any martin logan's i've never talked to them uh they've never reached out to me but they look really cool i would love to hear some the the thing that always with martin logan's is even when i was buying everything i would always look at the martin logan's and i'd be like i just can't because they're always so much more expensive than everything else um but i'd love to hear him ken haynesworth thank you 1999 super chat could not tell the difference with the [ __ ] modi 3 between a weem and aima d03 does an internal dac counteract an external deck well um no uh because if you're going ship modi into the um ayima do3 you would be going into the rca connection and so you would be utilizing the the modi 3 instead of the dac in the do3 that is if you're actually optical so you'd have to optical out of the wing into the [ __ ] modi and then rca from the ship modi into the do3 and i would hope that you'd hear a difference with that for sure uh but no you're not going digital to digital at all so you're actually going analog out of the modi into the uh do3 the analog uh worfdale 12.1 versus sony sscs5 which one should you try oh big time different speaker um warp tails are cleaner i think the sony's maybe a little bit more exciting uh but big price difference too on those 12.1 probably 400 ish sony's 150-ish to yeah i like both um sony's are really good though bubble laugh out loud bubble head yeah these questions are hard eric i don't know if that's a talking to me you talking to me eric you think topping has a more powerful power amp on the pipeline something more powerful than the pa5 well the pa5 is actually capable of pretty high power i think they tone down the input level the voltage level to keep the noise down so [Music] uh maybe i will tell you what though now that topping has gotten a hold of that 32 55 chip from texas instruments that's exciting because that's a good sounding amp chip and they made it sound real good maggie lrs review in the wings victor there is somebody in town that i can get us a pair from so eventually yes remember those smaller than normal mid-tier stacking separates that sony and other companies did in the 80s bet those would sell well now i bet you're right you know if you go to project project has an entire line of electronics that aren't really well known in the us but they're well known in in europe and they have a form factor that's not like the traditional width of uh of uh regular stuff here we got another super chat martin here's enough for sith audio coffee mug or a pound of good coffee thank you martin you're your sweetheart eric jbl are better unless you like the fluon sound better there you have it parasound has components like that too the z series very cool i like parasol try psb imagine mini they are discontinued but still find cheap great speaker uh you know who mentioned that just the other day was the british audiophile taryn was talking about the imagine minis raymond all caps jbl stage a130 or fluon signature which one is better you forgot to add three exclamation points at the end of that um i like the stage a130s is that definitive enough for you raymond all caps should i yell it i like the stage a130s better uh uh looks like john is replying to somebody else um about the edition xs i can tell you the edition xs are great speaker recommendation 300 to 600 range for classical music i think you should strongly consider the q acoustics 3020i i think you should consider the elac b 6.2 um let's see is he um hmm yeah that's all i have right now right rockville bookshelf speakers kevlar wolf or superdome tweeter best deal on amazon sounds great i've seen some rockville speakers that look like a i don't know what is it looked like a radio shack got hammered and then threw up and what they threw up on in front of the the uh the radio shack on the sidewalk is what some of those rockville speakers look like it looks like there's every component ever known in the audio world was shoved into one enclosure out of pure curiosity i've wanted to buy these giant rockville towers that have nine drivers in them have some sort of bluetooth connectivity and it looks like the control panel from darth vader's bathroom i want to know what those sound like there we go rockville sorry i made myself laugh um what do i like about the mac stuff man it's got awesome bass and very creamy buttery mid-range and effortless bass it looks cool um huge sound stage huge sound stage uh so that's what i like about it no i hit the i hit the thing i didn't fart uh dr c i don't know if i'll do a review i've probably not that's kind of for me i'll i'll like mention it i'll show it but i don't know if uh if i'll ever do an actual review of it because i mean most people won't be able to get that holy cow mike balhorn just 20. i like your avatar too um feliciano i love my elac ub 52s and dual sub setup or the wharftail linton an upgrade or what differences can we expect different speaker feliciano um i like tight mid bass punch and wide sound set now you will probably get i don't know if you're gonna get a wider sound stage than the unifies you're gonna get a deeper one though and you're gonna get a bit of a different presentation because those drivers are so far apart with the concentric and the three way of the elax it's going to be a different presentation sound wise i think the lintons are going to be a little bit more tame compared to the elax if that makes sense best speakers under 3k that's tough joe it's so personal to people right certain people are going to really really like a certain speaker um i haven't gotten the boot cards in but from all reports those bucard s 400 mark iis are pretty top notch mm-hmm i haven't heard of them yet though so what the hell do i know um i like the svs uh ultras twelve hundred dollars let's see what other expensive speakers have i had in that i just loved warfdale evo 4.2s are really good but you have to get the placement just right um yeah the sony sub makes the sound of the sscs5 sound worse well maybe check your crossover points um what are your top amps that deliver that full force thump and fleshy sound um topping pa5 uh aima a300 ayima do3 marantz pma600ne or 800 ne i would assume uh pioneer vsx lx 305 uh oh emotiva xpa gen3 emotiva a2 um yeah those are probably just off the top of my head okay jeffrey lewis thank you 9.99 worth going loxg 830 over smsl 8018 for elox 6.2 for desktop setup happy enough for the 8018 uh but what's life without fixation on the next upgrade i don't think you're going to hear a huge difference between the smsl 8018 and the lox g830 although dr c is in the house and he had both of those and i think knows both of them probably better than i've heard both of them yes but i think dr c lived with him a lot longer i would throw the do3 in the mix because that's going to be a little bit different sound or a more different sound than the lox ga30 or if you have some money i would look at the topping e50 with the topping pa5 now you're talking newmie ds5 or mookie2wa you reviewed for a soundbar killer if you want treble clarity and a little bit excitement on top the mookies if you want a very nice neutral sound than the uh numes if you have to have them right against the wall newmies pete talbot five dollars i have a vintage yamaha ca 810 do i upgrade my sscs-5s to the rp600ms uh i don't know um vintage ca810 i have the cr 800. what i'm thinking right now sorry is hey i want to buy your ca 810 from you um uh i don't know man it depends on if you like the sound rp 600s are good man and with that loudness button on the yamahas you can probably get those to sing really good man modi e3 review probably when they're back in stock uh what's your opinion on hypex or purified class d amps i wasn't impressed with either i'm more impressed with the uh with the um texas instruments chips 3255 uh the uh there's a couple other ones those are the ones that really impressed me i like the infineon 120 70 da9 uh s missile ao200 but both the purify and the high patch that i've heard i they didn't blow me away at all is a cheap dvd player okay as a cd transport yes uh you will probably ice power wasn't impressed with ice power either um you will get um some better sound marginally better but unless you want to like drop 600 bucks on a cd transport uh dvd is going to be just fine all right dr c weighed in on this where did he go yes the two sound different lox g versus ayima the a30 has a more detailed sound and the iema has a smoother sound with more body in the mid-range i agree with that 100 um dr c do you think the a30 and the 8018 i think those probably sound pretty similar right you're gonna get more of a difference with the do3 what's that you uh best amp for reserve like the um the pokes they play well a lot of stuff uh to to do man you guys are rolling them in i got to take a break take a drink [Music] starting to see a lot of used cassettes being sold me too and i mean expensive go to half-price books look at the cassettes like 30 to 50 um i don't know i have a brand new in the package remastered metallica uh black album if i can get this to focus i don't know i think the only reason cassettes are being sold is uh because they're um nostalgia i mean that's it um i had it a lot ryan w five dollars ryan william or just a different ryan r w eight tracks two baby there you go clunk man i my parents had one of those and when you engaged that thing it sounded like a piece of metal was falling off the top shelf like the ship phono stage with an rt85 i've heard good things about the uh i5 photo as well yes i don't think you're going to hear that big of a difference though from the uh [ __ ] to the iphone i had them both i mean there are the uh i5 i think is maybe a titch cleaner but that's it patrick walker 12 34. i am listening to you on eloc debut reference speakers i bought per your review and i love them thank you so much i'm adding some inflection are these speakers uh the air speakers you can think of that respond well to tubes yeah for sure um most high efficiency speakers you're going to impact with tubes whether or not you like the sound is ultimately up to you um but yeah for sure if you're gonna do tubes though you want something that's if it's a true tube amp you want something that's pretty efficient probably 90 db or or higher but yeah for sure tubes are gonna affect uh the speaker sound a lot oh q acoustics 3010i or jbl stage a130 uh chibio uh q's that 3010 is um it's a good speaker it's just smaller stage a130s are going to play bigger soundstage better have better dynamics too those q q acoustics a little bit less dynamic they're very good they're less dynamic than the jbl stage a130 sony dh190 is still good in 2022 sure ah ryan w different ryan w stands for wanting to say thanks well thank you ryan you're very nice man uh yeah so the sony i think uh still good uh i think for the same amount of money you can get some pretty good sounding class d that sony is warm not very detailed has great sounding bluetooth though so um but that's that's a 100 receiver so don't buy it unless it's around 100 bucks um [Music] i don't know what costee cali is talking about yeah texas instruments people didn't forget that ue 22 error an expensive receiver is good for throw away i don't know i maybe you're referring to like a some type of ins some type of chip that ti made it could be i don't know i don't know what that's about please recommend a budget amplifier with sony sscs5 three-way speakers for 14 by 11 room hmm do3 aima i i'm going to sound like a broken record a07 by email but you're gonna need a dac for that or some type of source um emotiva a2 mini uh [Music] emotiva ta1 uh depends if you want to integrate it da3 dl3 i mean t9 but you can't get those anymore uh oh here's a good question phono stage or old school amp with phono great question oftentimes if it's an old-school amplifier the phono stage inside it is going to be of an all discrete design so in many cases the phono stage in an old vintage receiver will be better than a new phono stage if that receiver is in good working order and doesn't have a whole bunch of noise going on with the power supply or something else like that for phono preamps like current ones uh you have to step up quite a bit in the price like for instance the project uh phonobox s2 ultra is an all discrete design but that comes in at 350 dollars so if you have a very good working vintage piece that was probably not like the bottom end when it was sold chances are that phono stage is gonna probably be pretty good but you won't know because it's integrated in the amplifier so what you really need to do to test it is to get an external phono preamp and then run that into another analog input and then a b the internal phono amplifier versus the external if that makes sense and that would be also very difficult because oftentimes phono preamplifiers have different level or different gains depending upon the setting long-winded dancer for that one this is a really good question reuben really enjoy your reviews in your opinion can a class d amp compared to a b and sound quality yes and they're getting better and better i think any i think all the stuff using the texas instruments is rivaling a b sound now um for sure you know there's an interesting thing about class d so barrance came out with a model 30 a couple years ago right and they used class d marantz just came out with a new version of that guess what no class d um however i think topping i think iema i think topping is really going to be with the pa5 i think they can really push into basically having no discernible different uh sound differences um they're doing a really good job with that ti chip uh tech reviewer called the rysong 810 junk do you think his reviewer was a bit too harsh i don't know i had my heart set on it but now it's i'm not sure how does one ignore comments and just buy it it depends i mean who the reviewer is where they're coming from if they're used to five thousand dollar tube amps then probably in their opinion the a10 is junk um it just depends i mean i liked it uh but i don't know tube amps all that well um so you got to understand where they're coming from what their frame of reference is um i don't know i think there's a plenty enough a10 reviews i mean i think uh i don't know if the british audiophile did one or not i think sean zero fidelity did one those guys know what they're talking about um but as reviewers everyone's gonna have a little bit of a different opinion but i when i hear people say this is junk or this is terrible or this sucks that concerns me i would rather understand why it's terrible why it sucks is it this what could have been done better i think hyper critical uh criticisms of products without an explanation as to why they have that opinion is fundamentally worthless right i mean i can say like i i had a subwoofer in here that i thought was just terrible but i explained why i thought it was terrible oh steve zeidman said something uh he said he had it it was disappointing it depends though right depends on what speaker how what efficient uh what level of efficiency the speakers have listen tube amps are not going to be dynamic uh are not going to really punch you with the bass tube amps or if you listen to a lot of acoustic you want maybe an expanse a little bit larger sound stage i mean if you're wanting like big power from a tube amp you're gonna have to spend a lot of money do you accept speakers to review and if an individual pays two-way shipping uh it depends on the speaker uh but usually for sure um we can talk you can email me if you're uh if you're interested uh dr c says it's one thing to say it's another thing to all together to prove it bro rel is a high-end manufacturer that only makes subs yes they are great thanks eric um i feel like you're agreeing with me but that you're angry for some that i did not meet your expectations the way i talked about braille i could be way off though uh steve i thought the a10 was all mid-range and little else yes its soundstage wasn't big okay steve there you go i have yet to hear a tube amp that a true tube amp that i've been oh my goodness this is awesome is todd trowbridge in here i didn't see you todd are you in here if you are quit being a stranger man my phone number changed i probably need to send you my new phone number uh i'm not a subwoofer guy but if i were thinking of getting one it would be rel there you go not angry was answering the other guy sorry randy love you oh sorry eric i'm being a little bit defensive i guess todd troubas there he is the general they are worth every penny of the new price todd missy todd uh to do uh yeah give us your phone number not everybody there's certain people that can have my phone number send me your new number julio uh texas parasite tech tech tech parasite white van hifi what is the most that a company has offered you to review one of their products what is the most are you talking about money wise like as a payment white van i'm interested in this conversation so answer me please are you talking about how expensive a component is or how much money they're willing to pay me to do a review awesome two band my leak tl12 plus 1958 rebuilt twice close to my burmester and quality hey randy all of your speakers have in-house what's your favorite overall that's a tough question um depends on what mood i'm in i can tell you what my favorite is right now right now it's the linton or filming um but that's not to say that that won't change i like they're like children right you kind of like them you shouldn't like children for different reasons i'm sorry you should love all the children the same um bad analogy uh they're different so out of my favorites probably the um the linton i like the uh elac debut reference and i like the elac uh unified 2.0 which channel is your favorite go with that analogy it's about to get funny do speaker cables matter i think they can i i mean i don't know though i just use 12 or 14 gauge uh pure copper stuff uh white van hyphen here we go i'm not saying you accepted but what are the perks it seems to me that you should get paid by the company or they're just getting free marketing from you while you do all the work all right this is a good this is a good uh talking point here so i have actually never been offered uh money to do a review i have in rare instances been told i can keep a product prior to doing the review i have in some instances been left with the products after the review is done but i've never been offered payment upfront i have had emails where they say what are your um what's the word they use what are your conditions and i don't have any um i just say you you know pay for shipping send it to me i'll do the review and then you know take it back uh some a lot of the chinese stuff i get in they do not want back simply because i think paying shipping would be greater than the cost of it's cheaper just to leave it here so that stuff generally stays put um they're in a few instances um i have been left with a what is it cambridge audio axa 25 they left that with me um but that's it so no one has like offered me money up front and i won't i won't take and i'm not getting on a high horse or saying anybody just did people should do things personally for me i don't take payment up front any type of payment up front uh whether or not it's for my time or anything else i'm not saying that people that do that are wrong that's just personally what i i don't do um and so most of all all the money that comes in the channel is through adsense through youtube or through um affiliate marketing and then through uh patreon of course um which is awesome no and i'd rather that people would say i don't if someone says you can keep the product at that point that's a paid review because i i understand that that product has in some type of value so that's basically payment for a review uh but if they're going to leave it with me i don't want them telling me they're going to leave it with me prior to but generally that's that's the exception and not the not the norm um all the speakers on this wall i purchased personally there are a set of wharfdale evo 4.1 that i did not purchase but those are going back actually uh everything else in here a bot with the exception of the chinese stuff i do have a [ __ ] vidar that they have not uh asked for back yet but i think eventually they're gonna want to back let's see i believe the last email is sent in your channel listed uh email was sent via outlook maybe it went to your junk it looks like i believe the last email is sent your channel listed email was sent via my my email is cheapaudioman um so send me another email and then just in the in the um my brain's dead today and not the comment section the email header whatever the hell that's called i'm sorry i've been shooting and um editing all day just put hey i want you to review this or something um someone said something about me being authentic now i'm not saying i do not want to give the impression here that people that take money and then make a review are wrong that is a choice that i i don't do that and i still think people can be uh unbiased and still take payment up front that's fine i just don't do it that's not the way i do it but they can do whatever they want um do you have any experience with dsp outside of outside of like home theater receivers that have it baked in no but i've been very curious about mini dsp and now that i've played around dirac a little bit i'm very interested in dsp um north kick my channel bro you kick butt smash that like button metal head ooh metal head i like metal into a corn concert the irony is i just bought corn tickets again because they're coming back with evan essence in september and i wanted i wanted to buy rob zombie con uh tickets because it's rob zombie mud vein who just got back together powerman 5000 and static x and i should have jumped on it right away but tickets went up um and i like to be in general admission with the rest of the maniacs check out the dayton audio amp boards of built-in dsp actually dayton audio and i talked about a subwoofer it was a 2.1 amp board that could run a sub and two speakers that had some dsp in it mud vein is the best are the ones you named i like rob zombie i like mud vein too man in 2005 i about wore out that mud vein cd um i have a quick question have i've ordered the caf q150 and the nad 3020 version 2 would you recommend do you have a recommendation on which amp will go best with these speakers for deep bass at low volume um if that nad is the class a b version i think you're fine um you might have to use some tone controls at lower volume if you want like thumpy bass fat fitness nerd ten dollars thank you fat fitness nerd oh billy winsock sideways question favorite film soundtrack are we talking like score are we talking like songs um if we're talking like songs i tell you gross point blank is a pretty solid soundtrack um lp i don't know what that means um singles oh yes sing it very good there you go singles is a great soundtrack um i like singles i like ghost point blank i like uh the uh uh forrest gump soundtrack i'm sorry um there's a lot of good songs on on on the uh i'm sorry i can't think a lot of good songs on forrest gump soundtrack a crow i haven't heard that one first transformer movie great soundtrack i have the nadd3020 class dv version one yeah i'm not a huge fan of nad class d stuff um there's just not my cup of tea i'm not saying they're bad i'm just saying they don't resonate with me uh tristan reader really enjoyed your room tour recently i just landed my first teaching job and i graduated this month uh congratulations tristan what are you teaching that's awesome very admirable profession um very nice very cool white band high five five dollars thank you white van there we go dr c says i had the d3020 version two and send it a bit anemic yes south of grace do you have any opinion about eq target curve for rock music i'm working on tuning my stereo system in the suv every rue tutorial uses the house curve it depends on the speakers really and that's really what eqs are for right eq's are for what specific speaker you have a specific eq curve is only good if those speakers all have the same response or all the rooms are the same or the interior or whatever vehicle is the same so eq is really meant to either make a speaker or a system flat or dial in the sound whatever you like i have a problem with eq like target curves because at that point you're saying someone is saying that your music needs to sound a certain way i think there's good rules of thumb and i think there's stuff that will get you where you need to go and i've got to tell you with direct live whatever curve they used was pretty outstanding because it sounded great but ultimately i mean eq is really what you want it to be depending upon your system um so yeah i think the differential the differentiator with drak is it's measuring your room and your speakers and then it's setting a curve with rue i guess it's doing the same thing but whatever you want that final uh package to sound like is really up to you i wonder what a good system would be for an rv i don't know a lot of room in there a lot of real estate to work with cheers from germany guten talk like your vids why the heck do you only review have those small speakers why you review smallest figure what about towers will we see serious floor standing speakers for review well i've got some in the living room right now i've done the rp8000f i've done the svs prime towers i've done three emotiva towers i have a pair of wharfdale towers on the way so yes i would consider all of them serious um i'd like to get the actually the oh i've got some uh polk es towers on the way too i think so um yeah not opposed to towers um they're rolling in too let's see i just saw to do someone said how how did you become a discerning music listener i've listened a lot of music i guess a lot of different equipment i don't know i don't know what that question means does that mean why did i become a music lover or how did i become kind of like a youtube reviewer type i don't know anybody can do what i do man just listen to two different speakers and then report the differences that's it and then when you've listened to enough speakers or pieces of equipment you can kind of get a a vibe for what different things sound like today's speakers designs incorporate small six and a half inch and usually are two-way and design speaker designs from the 70s which use large drivers 12-inch and above incorporate through designs no subs yes i think a lot of that is due to cost though speakers for the most part now are made overseas which means shipping is involved and out of probably the 50 60 70 pairs of speakers i reviewed the larger bookshelves almost always weigh 39 pounds packed up in their box which means that is a design consideration so people are designing to shipping costs and sizes so i think back then they didn't have that they didn't have to worry about that um but it's coming back you've got warfare linton um klh model five all the clips heritage line jbl kind of heritage stuff so i think there is a vibe push kind of a retro looking speaker vibe that people are going after magnat has one as well um so yeah i think i i think you can great sound out of a smaller compact bookshelf uh but just because a speaker has a big driver though doesn't mean it's going to be super bassy i mean i think the klipsch heresy is a great example of that i clips heresy needs a sub and it's got a huge driver in it um so just a big driver does not mean that it's going to have a lot of bass at all at least that's been my experience there's no replacement for displacement yeah there is a finely designed crossover i can tell you i have the psb imagine xb and i just did a review and i finished the edit it'll be up tomorrow for the elac bs41 mica rb42 they out punch speakers that are five ten times bigger than they than they are um so if you if you design a crossover the right way to a specific sound i think you can get a and you have a good enclosure design you can get a monumental amount of bass out of a small package the unifi 2.0 from elac huge sound bigger punch than a lot of tower speakers i've had what is my favorite media format um well when i'm just relaxing vinyl for sure um but just because it's my favorite format it's not the most used format uh what's my uh what's sorry one more question what's your opinion on electrostatic speakers i enjoyed yesterday's speakers better sound and no subwoofer um i haven't really heard any electrostatic speakers um i i know a lot of people love them [Music] my 15-inch open baffle single driver something audio sound great but they do not have much low end grunt meanwhile the tiny driver and this sibius stays flat down to about 35 hertz that's that's right you get a transmission line speaker with a six inch woofer that goes extends flat down to you know 33 something like that the base extension is really more about the enclosure design and the crossover design and i mean obviously there's some mechanical characteristics or the feel small characteristics of a driver that come into play with excursion and things like that but bigger is not always better or bigger is not always more base um at all uh do love the channel or any things for the entertainment do you have recommendation for active desktop speakers for limited space i was considering edifier 1280s they're big for my desk i don't know those i have the r 1700 bts or at least i did have them but i gave them away um oh we got some we got some debate going on about small bass drivers um i'll be using a topping deck and an am okay [Laughter] douglas bay so we get we have some people digging in about uh about woofer speaker size and stuff like that i think we can all be right we can all get along not one of us has to be right small speakers can sound great big speakers can sound great [Music] one tdx upgrade is insanely good but painting veneering is a pain in the donkey i wish i could vanity unlike my wd-225s i couldn't agree with you more chris i finally got good at veneering a speaker on about the 12th pair of speakers that i've veneered and at that point i decided i did not want to veneer speakers anymore so and you know the thing that really that really kind of makes a good speaker finish is you get the veneer on there and then you put like 10 coats of polyurethane and then it seals over the edges and then you don't have to worry about the veneer pulling up but it is a pain in the donkey as chris feldman says email sent i enjoy your videos definitely agree high five shouldn't cost more than a used car hospital bill there you go that deal you had for patreons we pay you was the deal of the century i don't know what that means i was gonna ask about that too randy how was your discord i haven't been on there for a while um i need to get back on there i'm not i don't i'm not very good at discord [Music] really enjoy that we got a lot of smiley faces really enjoy the email tv bm plus recommended by you smiley face and tomorrow i'm getting my hyphen edition xs smiley face can't wait to compare them back to back with my 660s very cool veneering that one tdx for 300 deal this century oh yeah well you know what chris a lot of those weren't done very well the last pair that i did or the best pair and that was like when i was done i was out i was like no more no more oh we got some more talk about driver size all right i may be calling this one any final questions any quick questions maybe maybe 10 more minutes 10 more minutes and then i got to do a uh thumbnail and a title have i tried any boot card speakers no but um if if today's email is any indication i should be getting the s 400 mark ii to review not to keep greetings from mexico just bought the elac oh sorry just about the clips rp 600 even you go off and lose the eloc love your recommendations cool do you like steel speakers as a as a rule no i don't and it goes back to base right i haven't heard a sealed speaker that i'm like oh yeah this gives me everything i want um first tube gear to get can't find any obvious choices that will last me a while i'm not really good i'm not up to speed on on [Music] tube stuff i've been torn between those s 400 mark iis and klh model fives i haven't heard either but i want to hear both uh how did your family like the tour of your home that you gave to all of us i did not mention it to any of them uh did i miss that start of the stream okay [Music] any plan to review dynaudio no i haven't reached out to them they haven't reached out to me i have no issue with dynaudio i just haven't ever talked to him come up to minneapolis sometime i'll take you out for juicy lucy i haven't been to minneapolis for a while billy good to see you my friend although i just see your pirate i hope to be back on sunday morning soon well get some rest take care of yourself man all right hope the best for you got some text messages did you know pioneer elite avrs in 2016 plus used class d amplification no i didn't know that you know what type of modules i'll have to look that up i didn't know that when i picked it up it did not feel like a class d i felt like i had a very traditional uh power supply in there any review of excuse me energy kind of show no not yet all right a couple more minutes any more questions [Music] what's my favorite holiday i like thanksgiving i love the food christmas i used to like but now it's a lot of work for the kids and everything um i like thanksgiving i enjoy thanksgiving the most i'll put you the holiday that i enjoy the most was uh was thanksgiving how much of the pioneer's amazing sound was due to drock i don't know that's the thing about deerak man it's like the matrix does it matter let's say all of it's due to the d-ray although i did run it i i didn't even have d-rat going i still thought it sounded pretty good what were those uh true uh the uh soundcore liberty 3 pros or the liberty 2 pros yeah i'm such a down to earth guy thank you barry pamplin gravy's life thanks cheap honey i got rca output in this device and on the other has a balanced input what can i put in between that makes a good connect you uh well you can if you're going rca out into a balanced in you can get different cables but if you're going balanced out into something that has only an rca in that's not a good good way to go you'll just have to get an rca to xlr connection or um rca xlr cable that makes sense there you go all right i think we're going to call it more live streams during work hours you bet ed you bet all right everybody appreciate you attending thank you for all the super chats hope you have a good uh come on dr c a little something for the beverage fund and a little something for homes for our troops you're the best dr c you're truly awesome have i heard rotelle rbs 300 speakers i have not roxell or rotel cheers it's very muscular muscular of you man awesome donation love you brother i love you dr c thanks ronnie congrats on going full time with the channel thank you eric thank you so much all right we're gonna call it have a good day everybody good day good day good day good day
Channel: cheapaudioman
Views: 14,633
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ku-mFZ5-dqM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 23sec (5783 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 07 2022
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