Granblue Fantasy Relink - ALL Wee Pincer Locations, Guide & Walkthrough

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if you're looking to get some spicy rewards such as a flat 1,000 attack bonus 25% health and 10% damage cut a guaranteed silver sentrum and more then we have you covered here with every single we pincer location in every chapter of Grandam blue fantasy relink story I have spent hours memorizing the locations of these crabs so I can do a clean and simple run through each of the chapters in the game going directly from location to location so hopefully it's it's really easy for you guys to follow and get them for yourself I wish I had a guide like this myself so I made it for you guys to save you the time and headache because this thing drove me crazy now I did already have three of these we pins picked up as I accidentally played through but I will still go to their location and label it Tim stamp it and show it for you so you can still grab them and get all 45 you will also get this golden statue which doesn't seem to do anything but hey it's for the completionists out there as well as the other sigil Rewards so here's every location in every chapter to help you guys out having that dream about Lia again maybe you bumped your head on the way down uh speaking of Lia I didn't see where she fell she should be close let's search the area look at you [Music] hiding we've got some time before we reach she's not the most luxurious ship but I assure you she's skyw [Music] Worthy [Music] I see follow that please help anyone you see I'm counting on you allow me to come just a moment this here we're counting on you Come to Papa fear not you have a new friend now uhoh look I will put an end to this in one felt come I come in this is rolling can anyone hear me push through actually [Music] work there that's the last of them now to set the captured people free I thought I would are the erratic winds causing the Goblins to act violently that's a big problem if true goblins don't usually go berserk like average monsters come to Papa this is Roland I see more captives up ahead understood pick up the pace everyone [Music] got Timber wol through they've even learned how to tame wall can't get a feat on them doesn't this island remind you of Port Breeze back when we met rackam oh yeah that's when he convinced us to be dying to join you guys how would you know you joined after me fear not you have a new friend now I'll be there soon please hold out as best as you can Roger Dodger will lock it down looks like the Goblins have hostages we're on it good one more group account for you're safe now you de you sa everyone thank you oh no theity water is under attack we have to get our feet left [Music] we clear the area it should be safe to fre the captain those poor f are safe than to you great job everyone now we should return to our search you have to resc them only way not too late R [Music] than let's get those people out of there this is the goblin Fort we're looking for gives me the willies be on guard ah a wee ply quiet oh we meet again can I offer you a nice knickknack in these trying times that sounded like a kid hurry is this like a Coliseum Come to Papa good luck and man those people we saved were so grateful our job isn't over yet those winds are still a big problem you're not wrong looks like a mining setup neat the winds have picked up rather foring this place gets way bigger on the inside look everyone some sort of furien huh that's its name just for a second I could hear it Whispers and it sounded so upset it needs our help our help with what I wonder I suppose there's only one way to find out let's get closer so Lia can attempt to sooth it I'll do my best we need to stop the primal's Rampage before it gets any worse look out holy poor thing we have hey you guys think we can go this way we're not jumping across that Gap let's find a safer way to call goons just do you think these Goins running away from the Primal Beast sure seems that way but if we leave them be they'll just try to ransack the town again that should be the last of there now it's a straight shot to the alter ah a wee pincer uh think I'm having Deja Vu but there's another lever here hurry the alter should be down this path home stretch go go go this thing's not going to hold up much longer you got to be kidding jump for it wait what this is a p look out we can take refuge in the back cave us we're almost there too many close calls lately Lia are you hurt no I think Alters above us huh hope we've all got our hiking boots on [Music] nice sweet feel that wind's on our side the grand Cipher should get us there in no time the Church of AIA anything for salvation what the heck don't they know it's rude to board without an invite reinforcements from the right man so relentless hold them off and don't even think about coming back no wait listen wow that's not fair I knew they were armed but why does a church have this much Firepower how you like them Apple we're trying to Ram us get us out of here Roland too late they're already here ship and arrest The Outsiders I don't understand why is this church acting so aggressively with The Ether can we've been breached deploy the droids of bam prepare to intercept okay that's one gun battery down they're targeting the guns stop them now Piner aoy here it goes now it's on let's up I'll burn you [Music] up yes sweet snowstorm whatever it's not going to stop us from finding [Music] Lia the cold will Dole your senses take that into account before we fight this is power think you can smash it there's ice blocking this way too it's coming down watch out that was close for comfort I think I see lights good I waiter that's where you need to go dolly is back of so as I've ever seen don't let them surround us before no more monsters still wants to meet in a blizzard we this person we have little come we mustn't keep them waiting fear not you have a new friend now a treasure hunt let's play you ain't so tough they hiding in there you up it's the monastery wow that was quick way to go Mountaineers ah a wee [Music] pincer the eyes is a weak point for hum I wonder if the same holds true for you we couldn't see eye to eye oh well R buddy her goal was to reach be hiding snow looks like no one's home the B doed wait they follow here keep coming like this it's going to get real this is power through this is [Music] power what this [Music] I am we won't hold you back Le the way oh Primal God of Belo Dominion bestow th gra the door ofion I'm no stranger to ice but this is something else [Music] entirely done [Music] come ahead lies the tradon sanct wherein a primeval God resides took us forever and a half but we made it nice another door blocks our path allow me oh primeval God of belf Frost's Dominion bestow thy Grace and guide us past the door of seclusion found the welcome Squad don't know how they're kicking when it's Subzero if my incantation is interrupted the sigils will cease forming it demands my fullest attention can you keep the Rabel occupied understood we'll protect you while you work your magic watch your step where you look story has a regular Monster Magnet ain't she perhaps they find her intense magical capacity in L all the more reason to stay focused come with me we stand guard yeah got it nowhere to hide see got it in the name of mos that's a water spirit it crystalized to survive this climate [Music] fire it's over where are you looking I burn you up fantas time to go for another world here's a fun trick it's over one more lift the shackles of seclusion one more don't get over your time's up now step won't lose Where Are You Looking ready surprise one more just a bit longer keep me protected watch your step it's over take almost ready this is power nice work let's move apologies for my earlier incivility your skill is unquestionable wait till you see me get serious I expect to be impressed the drive to save a loved one never ceases to amaze me come to Papa there nothing the blizzard stopped an ill Omen we must hurry that's one sturdy looking door but no match for me oh primeval God of felf Frost's Dominion bestow thy Grace and guide us past the door of [Music] seclusion hey tin's here and looking for Action keep your eyes on that one it's deadlier than the rest protect Historia push through this is power show Frosty bones with boss they're coming from the side go no further nice support push through this is power you're mine where are you guide us through the door [Music] lightning one more here comes from the bridge the circle is on the verge of completion it is time on foul glad that's over it would be a shame to stop now that long last it is far too quiet for my liking nice as we fly desert creatures have adapted to their harsh environs they will be formidable fear not you have a new friend now almost took a spill there actually surfing down Dunes might save us time just don't wipe out and eat sand uhoh is that a pack of wolves we've been spotted get ready to fight head up calling for more F friends this is probably their territory P them up before they alert the whole desert nice push through your time's up now should over there looks like a way into the ruins remember the seals zasa was talking about they may be around here nice and cool a little shade makes all the difference when was this structure built despite the wear and tear doesn't seem that old to me probably has a complicated history like every other tomb with buried treasure a a wee pincer your head who I want certain I BL on you there's no way to stop sliding just try to maintain your balance I think you found the golden carpet the desert out for guest enjoy the slide what what would I gain from that don't worry don't be trust or not all we can do is fly we're just going to have to play by here let's [Music] see for the you both got guts that short cuts known for being now leth don't screw with us the Flor gave out and You Know It Whatever the circumstances it saved you time and that's where celebrated good business is all about efficiency that's the key to moving forward stand for a watch The Ruins come alive what kind of place weed into well I'll be door's open holy this place is way Sky far's job never ends keep one hand on your weapon at all times hey it'd be what just happened what peculiar wind magic perhaps this mechanism was used as a form of transportation that ought to make desert surfing a breeze nice sh Come to Papa why couldn't zba drop us off here to begin with I gave you valuable Intel as a down payment least you can do is show me I made a wise investment huh duche did this used to be a tower probably judging from the look of these ruins it collapsed in a large explosion look at all these buildings there could be a treasure chove of rare stuff let's dig around oh I think I'm starting to burn indeed the desert's wreaking havoc on our skin right let's crack that seal and find some shap Asa [Music] that's a weird looking piece of rubble what do you think it used to be a grand building no doubt all that beauty lost forever it just breaks my heart fear not you have a new friend now Mama poor rackam so scared you can't take a little leap of Fai if people were meant to fly they'd have wings helming the grand Cipher a n thrill for [Music] me look up there is that a griffin I'll tell you what it is trouble ranged attacks are our best bet against that flying Beast [Music] nice man there's a world of difference when you get in the shade it's at least 1,000° cooler H it's too bad we can't chill out here forever oh it doesn't appear dangerous it's an air raid let's even you Ain so burn you up ah a wee pincer now that the catalyst is ours it's just a matter of time before we get our Lia back with the [Music] cat thick black [Music] smoke [Music] there so that's magma huh makes the desert feel downright for rosty in and it's goodbye world no one surviving that hey you guys notice anything different about Roland not really I mean I guess he seems kind of tired he's helped us out of more jams than I can count let's get him something nice once this is over nice what a strange light I can feel it a primal Beast is nearby aha I spy a CHP face there's no time to strategize we're going to lose it why is he fighting that Primal Beast your guess is as good as mine all I know know is he's the reason Lia is here in the first place your is as good as mind all I know he here in the first place crap crap crap getting ready to blow just for your life [Music] back [Music] anything happens to her we're not with you hey where that think it's going I so this volcano is going to blow anytime soon right that quite simar to is why it wasis area I take a [Music] MAG he away know whether to be grateful or terrified I guess that's our keep it up guys why is he going that far could he really be trying to save Lia I mean even if he does he'll just take her away again and we're back to square one my thoughts exactly can't let them do that it looks like they've come to an impact now we can join the fight another wave is [Music] coming make Haste The Castle's uncraft should be just down this corridor door man those poor seed Hollow guards they didn't sign up for this come to Papa what we felt trouble I thought we cleared out this area get out of here or face the idiot it's that crew reward us generously for their heads their line into the pre don't back down we have the power of the Primeval Gods on our side primeval Gods huh down amazing how that term persists 600 years after I first formed AIA Lilith and I were working on our experiment studying the effects of Sky dweller emotions such as faith on Primal beasts but she Twisted the convictions of the masses reshaping them as building blocks for this paramilitarism have time to repel all of them stopping Lilith comes first wait Roland weren't you the one who sealed angra minu indeed finally broke through them onward and downward these soldiers are not to blame for Lilith's machinations and yet they're the ones paying the ultimate price a little debris won't stop us allow me you can fight you can clear Rubble think you can clean an Airship what's the pay like shall we talk price quickly the undercroft should be [Music] close can these obious do not play fair we can take ref to the cers below there's no way that I going take half a miracle to bring down that carrier so do we run or judging from the position of this Tower m in the name of the silver more of that Rob well done we can completely destroy such a fine speci hold on hear that coming I think R out of the W yet course un I did you really just hop up on that thing you even have like going we have no need for it'll be a to cover you why always get Weir around your machine yeah I like that in his eyes don't come we must you criticize batt should we focus our reinforement time to online we destroy them both well done team you blast those ships out of the SK more Ste like that insent he you never seen some [Music] you got him I can kiss you R good night sweet prince you will be missed more Rubble is it never fear I'll have a removed paste now there should be an entrance to the undercroft from the front of the court let's hurry they might have strayed to the right not bad Sky farers not bad General you see now M you have no hope of defeating us please guide us good those two freaks were crazy crazy strong I mean oh I hope we've seen the last of them they were masters of their respective Arts why did they follow Lilith even great warriors may find themselves prey to Hard Times salvation no matter how false seems an alluring prize and well some astrals have a certain charm which can prove intoxicating to many Sky farers they've got all the nasty tricks but what about Lilith's son son he an astral too mercifully no he's a sky dweller same as you as far as I can tell Lilith took him in as a child not every day you hear about an astral all righty wind's running wild today but it's nothing the grand Cipher can't handle we the SK a look at the very top it's the light the gate came from we have to go investigate we can finally bring this conflict to an end for the sake of your homelands push onward fear not we have a new friend now what hold did this weirdo craw out okay so it's creepy and hostile we still be a good before the final match we did go through that R right it looks like we're still the same place but happy look the monster from the floor is it just me or does it appear solid now I bet it's because we went to that funky portal I knew it was a good idea think well now that the spooky portal monsters are gone what say we got move on I can't believe they were residing in a different dimension must have something to do with on power the gatekeeper I'm as shaken as you are at least we had you all know the drill now wait for the mini min to pop up then blast them that's up moner it must have been summoned here by I hope never have to do that again Shadow Port Shadow what's ni wait I think aast feels like a p be and this present isn't there's no guarding against this one get ready to dodge for your lives my I'll Trust your hero after fued I'm going to make you spill your evil master [Music] plan transformation can do that the even more we can't any get some place safe welcome to the yeah you're not people person are you sorry he where your adoptive we're not related by blood but I owe her my life if you want to turn back no one will blame you I've made my choice you might say that now but when she's right there in front of you it's going to be tough I'd rather face my never suffer someone else's head family you must feel responsible for her crime very well we'll respect your wish there's something I wanted to ask you about last time we cross sword you transform the manifestation of the dring sa the world you will be kid that's the whole reason you joined us on this crazy mission right I it now it was like a Shad made our memory of real So Not only was it counter final it never truly existed at all correct I on whoever but he still unable to change for and we've won the day what the hell is this some kind of baiting dance is everyone all right down we have to do something know what I recognize that spear W what are you doing here you got some big L up I got my wall Ally no aut [Music] fight weow you so it I've always wondered when you were part of the church why did you go to such lengths to protect lria I was only following orders at least at first Lia was the key to Bringing salvation but then you learned all Lilith wanted to save was herself Lia was no more than a means to an end once she had made lria absorb enough primals Lilith meant to free angra minu and sacrifice all who opposed her I gave my myself to Mother's cause I trained and trained to protect her vision of Salvation when I learned it was all a lie my life was devoid of meaning there was nothing I wanted to fight for anymore except liia now I'm protecting her because it's the first thing my heart's ever told me to do this silence is unnatural For the Love of what is it this time look like weird icky stuff is coming to swallow us yeah I don't like the look of that who knows what'll happen if we touch it I sent something it's the Primal beast from fondom please tell me that's a bad joke we don't have any real estate to find For the Love of what is it this time look like weird icky stuff is coming to swallow us yeah I don't like the look of that who knows what'll happen if we touch it I sent something it's the Primal beast from fondom please tell me that's a bad joke we don't have any real estate to fight on no we've reached a dead end I can't believe we're still breathing magiel hadn't come we'd probably be s'mores by now it's too soon to celebrate come on ceiling's gotten higher should mean we're almost at the top the more I see that Sky the more I hate it yeah L's got some messed up [Music] taste he didn't even answer you guess we still need to work on his people skills know I the Goblins to recover the supplies sounds simple enough it will be come about your for isn't it and there's our cover I'll that's that let's grab this up and get out of here it should be it let's move on something's watching us stay short more Goblin should [Music] be a blind lizard but no side of the Stu with chain FL we'll just have to keep looking let's go how rolling the he certainly has a knack for them doesn't he you really can leave it to Mr hey did you guys see that something big just flew by not part of the brief not part of our problem another Goblin let's take it out before it notices us more of them here they come something's wrong running but not from us doesn't matter I came here to do one thing destroy them I do this get another Goblin band what you I that's two of three so now we should have just one more now you're such a wasn't that wait no all right enough this around there's the last Supply pack we have to take [Music] out explain C want be CHR lunch wasn't request up monster it did it an adventure Mission I mean Quest complete now to bring the items back to the C you're all business huh EAS on him he's still all let's move out sometimes I wish we only took easy missions no point complaining now though this place makes my scale stand up yeah I don't want to stay here any longer than we have to what are they are these supposed to be our shadow monsters perhaps this is power they're not our primary tet the soldier mentioned one steal yourself ready your weapons it keep on appearing just how many are here doesn't matter we'll get them all G push through this is power let's keep moving um head are you doing all right I am this place just brings back memories this was where Lilith I can only imagine how it must feel to be back sorry I'm I'm fine really don't worry about me if you're sure I'll heal you you can never catch a break lucky as Sky be where you look push through I don't want to be annoying but you sure you're okay let's find more nice for
Channel: Arekkz Gaming
Views: 62,314
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: granblue fantasy relink, granblue fantasy relink wee pincer, wee pincer locations, granblue fantasy relink all wee pincer, granblue fantasy relink collectibles, granblue fantasy relink gameplay, granblue fantasy relink review, granblue fantasy relink characters, granblue fantasy relink trailer, granblue fantasy, granblue, granblue relink
Id: baAtiy_NGqY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 36sec (3456 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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