Best Advice for 20 Year Old

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the question keeps getting asked to me what would you do or what advice would you give your 20 year old self man so much advice I was so screwed up when I was 20 it's unbelievable today I'm in Cabo San Lucas beautiful Cabo San Lucas and Stan just hit me and said hey what advice would you give your 20 year old self he's 19 years old Stan let me tell you what let me tell you what I would do god I wish I could go back since I can't what I can do is use this channel to help you maybe make some different decisions like I care my little champ right there Scarlett what's your t-shirt side when things go wrong go right no scratch doubt 10x yeah oh oh here's another one so I'm with my kids my wife a couple my employees and our team here in Cabo San Lucas we just got off of a conference of 35,000 people and just got off the biggest real estate year I've ever had we did almost 400 million dollars of transactions last year so look twenty years old let me tell you what I was still in college that was a mistake for me spent five years in college I was in my second year of college I was completely lost I had lost my way I had lost my purpose I had lost any sense of myself I was trying to get other people to like me lust lost lust idea that my dreams could become true I don't think I knew what my dreams were anymore I'd had a couple of really big losses in my life I'd lost my dad when I was 10 and then lost my older brother when I was 20 years old he was 25 and he was he was both of these guys were my role models and yeah 20 years old I was I was in college but wasn't committed to college was born money to go to college I was using drugs and alcohol almost daily probably dead for sure daily skipping class is no commitment fired from five or six jobs while I was going to college she's making all the wrong decisions didn't know where I was going didn't have anybody to talk to who didn't have any mixers didn't have a channel like this where I could go find somebody that would share their experiences didn't even know to ask the question hey what would you do I didn't have anybody to ask Hey look go if you could go back 20 or 30 years what would you ask you're 20 years old 20 20 year old so what would you tell what would you do different right so let me tell you what I would do different okay first of all you got to avoid the things that are not good for you you're never gonna come we've been here we've been on vacation two weeks now I was in Utah skiing with the kids we go Utah Deer Valley every year ski and and then we came here it's just like we didn't have this trip planned so let's go down to Cabo we were cold one day it was three degrees the next day it was 73 degrees so we came down here why am I telling you that when I was 25 years old I turned my life around like I'm like I got to get this thing in order almost died multiple times between 20 and 25 finally at 25 years old I'm like okay I gotta turn this thing around for for real now and first thing I would tell you 20 year old grant do drugs alcohol I don't care what drug do you think you're doing that's okay grant I'm just giving this advice to myself leave all the drugs and the alcohol alone they are waste of time energy contrary to what people say they do not make you more creative they basically waste time any creativity you have you can find without the assistance of any drugs any alcohol - number two - you got to change the friend well if your friends you need to make these people your friends people that have time to get away people that are working people that are creative surround yourself with people that are doing things that that are seeking to be better I was I was hanging around people that were destroying themselves in them people that were criticizing others that were successful that were wasting time beautiful rock they weren't looking for anything except how everybody else was wrong how they had been wronged I know cuz I was doing this spent all my time talking about how the rich guy there was had his kids and tennis classes and golf classes and they had a boat and they went skiing he was such a prick and when reality sorry guys didn't mean you to hear that when in reality she didn't do that when in reality I should have been looking at what did this guy do to create a situation where he could pay for his kids to learn tennis if they want to golf and scheme I was asking the wrong questions I would tell my 20 year old self change the questions you're asking it changed the way you look at things quit being so resentful and hateful you know quick quick get your game together like it doesn't matter that you lost your dad and you lost your brother and that you've heard you're angry get over it man and have something to look forward to you know the thing that's always interested in my whole life and there's probably something for you love to know what it is in comments below is there something that your whole life you're like dude I've always wanted to do that real estate has always been one of those things for me so the Latin the one other thing that I would tell my 20 year old self but I own seven businesses and I would not tell you I would not tell the 20 year old grant to go get 66 businesses I would tell him to learn everything you can about real estate everything real estate is the business it's allowed me to go on these magnificent trips that I'm taking my family on I've been in business for myself for thirty years okay six businesses do not six businesses combined do not allow me to go on these trips it is the real estate buy and of itself that's allowed me to take my wife and kids employees partners friends on these magnificent trips so I would tell the 20 year old grandpa learn everything you can about a particular specific type of real estate not all real estate a specific real estate there's a very very specific real estate that for hundreds of years it's allowed everyday people every day comment people to create lifestyles that were mind-boggling yesterday we were on a yacht okay I'm looking at whales I've been gone for I don't know 12 days now my plane sitting over here Cabo San Lucas Airport I was flying out this morning check this out I was flying out this morning because I had this this legal issue that I had to tend to this business matter and it was in Miami I'm in Cabo remember I'm in Cabo called up my pilot's and I said hey get ready I gotta fly to Miami tomorrow you're gonna fly to Miami and back in one day so I can handle this issue there is no business that I have that has enough finances the fuel plane up first of all to buy a plane second to fuel plane up plow all the way over there by myself and back in the same day so the real estate that you want to be invested in 20 year old grant you guys are listening to me learn everything you can about income-producing real estate okay 32 units and above I write about this about book how to create wealth investing in real estate I wrote this book because I know so many of you out there don't have the data don't are not getting the right information because Wall Street is telling you to save your money Wall Street the banks they're telling you to save your money put your money in a retirement account 401k asset program or IRA folks use these things for scams okay they're telling you they're telling you to buy a house you know my house spend 20 or 30 years there hey Sabrina spend 20 or 30 years there it's a way to save money it is a scam listen to what I'm telling you I'm begging you to figure this real estate thing out mr. 20 year old Grant Cardone okay the only kind of real estate you want to invest in today is income-producing real estate 32 units and above that provides at least twenty four thousand dollars a year in positive cash flow if you want to grab my book I'll show you exactly what you should be looking at what not to buy what to buy how to get funding on it how to get financing on how to raise money for it how to create a partnership chord if you want to how to manage it but most importantly how to exit it because if you can't exit I know a lot of people in real estate right now I know a guy's got six hundred houses he does not know how to get his money out of the six hundred houses and if you can't exit then you're trapped so for 30 years when I started getting my life together it was about five years after I started getting my life together I started my dreams came back oh my god I want financial freedom I never wanted to be a billionaire I never wanted to have a plane okay I never thought about being an internet guru or like a leader of people or having a buck big father I never thought about that I had one dream financial freedom I had that dream of financial freedom because my dad died and when my dad died even though my dad had done well it was obvious to me that we were not we did not have financial freedom because my mom who was the best friend of my entire life was terrified the week that she should have been in grief because of her husband dying she was terrified and she seemed the finances had stopped so at the age of 10 years old I wouldn't remember this until I was about 30 the age of 10 years old I realized hey look when the money stops everybody gets terrified see that didn't happen to a business right you could have a great business you could have an e-commerce business and if you get destroyed because some some bad news comes out some bad news comes products have you been selling or some competitive advantage comes out and replaces that problem or gonna note maybe the internet goes down that's going to happen in our lifetime but when you invest in the right kind of real estate that produces income that pays the expenses that takes care of the property taxes that allows for enough money to take center of the tenants and the security and the landscaping and the management right anybody who's ever had a bad experience with real estate I can tell you guarantee you I can tell you it was less than eight units probably in a bad location you bought it because it looked like a great cash on cash return you're bragging about some 20% cash on cast and then as soon as the economy crashed and all before that you couldn't keep the tenants in it tenants termites and toilets that kills you not true what kills you was it didn't produce enough income to war the trouble 30 years I've been buying real estate I've bought over a billion dollars for the real estate 1 billion dollars we own about 900 million dollars at real estate today I started I started with one unit my second deal was 38 units my third deal was 48 units my fourth field was batted 2 units don't make mistakes behind the wrong stuff you hit the link below I'll send you the book for free you take care of the shipping if you're outside the US by the way all the supplies these rules applied to outside the US hit the international button that sometimes shipping outside the US is so ridiculously expensive I don't want you guys to to waste that much money on shipping and then it gets tied up in customs god this place is beautiful by the way this is not the kind of real estate I'm talking about all this all this real estate right here is garbage you're like what garbage this is for rich people that are bored not creating people these people are not creating anymore they're like hey let's just blow six million on this little joint we'll come here once or twice year this is a ridiculous all this real estate right here is some of the dumbest investment real estate in the world that house you live in do you MB you need to put that on a refrigerated dumb why is it dumb it doesn't pay you if it doesn't pay you it's not a good investment I know some of your gonna hate on me for this it would be like man a house a good investment only because you've been told that it's not a good investment never has been a good investment except for one group which group benefited from housing in America more than any others look more than the person that lived there who benefited the most posting comments below okay so look on the book if you want to grab the book let go play with my kids now we got another three or four days here if you want to grab the book you can go to Amazon read all the 5-star reviews people love this book easy to read simple not complicated no big words think you're selling the book for 20 bucks or something grab the book there check out the reviews are get the link below you can get the book for free but I'm John my 20 year old self leave the drugs and alcohol leave it alone so you get your money right you want to go experimental a them become Charlie Sheen then do it later okay to change your friends hang with the people that are dreaming hang with the people that are doing not the people that are complaining bitching moaning groaning negative you got negative Nellie's I don't care if it's your mom or your dad brother uncle sister I don't care if you you were you were born in the womb with it if they negative get rid of those people and replace them with people that are positive people that are doing things the third thing start learning about real estate right now right this second okay you can figure out how to start buying this stuff yourself or create a partnership or find somebody find somebody that's out putting their own money their own time their own energy and deals and partner with them I promise you it will provide you with financial freedom that will boggle your mind in the future takes time okay it's not gonna be easy but I get a guarantee you this nothing's easy you know that I guarantee this this is the one business it will be here ten years twenty years thirty years from now we'll take care of your family after you're gone I could die right now to have a heart attack on this beach right now the real estate that I will take care of my family and my charities for decades probably centuries to come so that's the advice that would get my 20 year old self engine last last piece of advice help a lot of people want you to make it man a lot of people Nicholson you can help people you can't help anybody if you don't make it I hope you guys enjoyed this again subscribe to the channel please do so if you like it post you you liked it post to comment if you don't like it let me know god bless you good luck investing
Channel: Grant Cardone
Views: 2,656,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: success, college, learn real estate, success advice, investing, passive income, friends, drugs, growing up, yt:cc=on, business, alcohol, grant cardone, mentors, grantcardone, real estate book, advice, entrepreneur, realestate
Id: OmdhW5PO59s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 0sec (1080 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 21 2019
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