Benny Hinn LIVE Monday Night Service - August 20, 2018

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watched the meeting worldwide from all over the world and I've had so many testimonies of people's healings and it's amazing to Jesus with a praise so think about here tonight we are ministering to thousands around the world and the Lord has given us now an amazing divine door that's gonna happen very very very soon in fact we're just finalizing all the agreements as of today that this service beginning God willing in two weeks we thought it'll begin tonight but they're still working the details it will be live on DirecTV beginning in maybe two weeks let's pray it's gonna put me put together let's give the Lord a mighty I'm afraid then we'll do that so we are talking and working with the network is called uplift the probably heard of uplift right there I think it's channel 379 or somewhere that I don't know the number exactly but they are very excited and in addition in addition also all throughout Europe very very soon we will live on love world and we will be back on love world because leveled is still running but I made a decision to not go live yet except on social media till we're ready for all the other ones to go so within a few days we could be live on three different networks worldwide from the studio and let's believe God that we will see more miracles more signs and wonders than ever so I want you I want you to do something right now because see we only think about those in the studio and the world is out and people are lining up and by the way thank you for being patient tonight going through security because we gotta be careful today that we do it right for your security I mean so but I want you right now to pray as we seek the Lord for the many many who are watching that cannot be here you'd be your your your hearts would break if you'd read some of the prayer requests I'm receiving from people around the world who need healing in their body and you think about all the medical breakthroughs yet people need a touch from heaven and so I want you all for just the next moment to pray for each one watching in the spirit so can we just lift our hands and pray for them in the spirit right now because we don't know how to pray right now in English that the Holy Spirit do it for us and we're praying for those throughout the world right now that need God's touch God's healing touch [Music] we're praying for you many of you in your homes pray with us still for those who need healing right now that this be their day this be the night this be the moment our our keep rain Saints let healing flow let hee feeling floor reach out to your master to Jesus keep praying Saints let here let here [Music] take the Masters hand take his and reach out take the Masters play just another few moments come on sense Letty feeling flow let you're here [Music] [Applause] tonight reach to your master to Jesus all of you in the studio [Music] God's here really slow that is he take the Masters head [Music] breacher master I ever won please let's let's thank him now you are the god tea at me [Music] you said to all [Music] [Applause] [Music] you sent your then healed you [Music] you sent you world and heal my disease you our Father your people have come expecting only you are perfect only or wholly only you are righteous [Music] and now cleanse us with a blood of lacrosse wash away our sins [Music] thank you for your love thank you for your grace your declares be all as I'm holy only you can do that to us [Music] only you can do it in us and now as we worship and as we adore you touch us anew in Jesus name in Jesus name Oh Lord my God when I in awesome wonder consider all the world you have made you're a great God every hand uplifted every eye closed forget yourself and troubles and let's worship Oh Lord my God when I in awesome concede Oh I see the store I hear the [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that God his son not spared sent him to die I scarce can take you Leah [Music] that all across that's bradley Barry [Music] he bled and died [Music] away my sins see [Music] come with shouts of hi and take me home [Music] shall fill my heart then I shall bah then I in ha [Music] you know [Music] I'll raise your world [Music] Jesus Jesus there is something about his name says kings and kingdoms one day will pass only his name lives forever and through that name salvation is yours through his name miracles happen and healing is yours there is no other name that can save and heal there is no other name that gives you peace hope joy darkness vanishes when dimension is dead bondage breaks when you speak his name sickness is gone when he met his name for the name of Jesus every knee shall bow every tongue will confess Jesus is Lord for the glory of God the Father and his wonderful presence is here right now lift your heads and forget your troubles forget your diseases forget the problems of life I love him now and kings and kingdoms [Music] all pass away but there's something [Music] Jesus once again Jesus [Music] there is something [Music] master like [Music] see see she [Music] and mr. Boies pancake [Music] there's some [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah there's [Music] Jesus name above all names beautiful save Gloria slaw [Music] as such a blessed presence of a lord such a precious anointing in this house this is the moment to just surrender lift your hands to him come on sense Jesus name above all names just close your eyes now close your eyes Jesus name above all names [Music] beautiful Savior [Music] or is now [Music] emanuelle [Music] with us [Music] Sintra do [Music] living world [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] pretty harmless glory to the land for your glorious and worthy to be parade the Lamb of God [Music] as we stand this day in his lovely presence but remembered who you are worshipping remember to whom the worst ship belongs for the scripture says and I saw heaven opened and behold a white horse and he that sat upon him was called faithful and true in righteousness he doth judge and make war his eyes were as a flame of fire on his head were many crowns and hear a name written that no man knew but himself and he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood his name is called the Word of God and he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written king of kings and Lord of wars [Music] Jesus says it's our wonderful Lord sweetest Savior wonderful Jesus [Music] would you please lift your hands and lovey tell him how much you love you what he means to you all we've wasted so much of our time investing our time and other people yet the master has been there waiting longing for our fellowship [Music] thank you Lord for your patience thank you for your love [Music] glory glory to the lair [Music] for your glorious you're the LA [Music] - you law really after boys would you please remain standing I don't want anyone sitting down please unless you have no legs I don't care who you are with in the presence of God here and I want you all to open your eyes and look at me why are we worshiping [Music] the Word of God declares God's Word declares that the Son of God emptied himself we have no idea we have no conception of that because we don't know God without knowing Jesus think about this he emptied himself and he became a baby Adam was not born Adam was created Jesus was born big difference Adam when God created Adam he was fully grown and very intelligent very wise to even name the animals that's real wisdom yet when Jesus was born on that 1:1 God became flesh he became a helpless baby dependent on the protection of Joseph and Mary that's love not only that the Papa says he became a servant in Philippians 2 not only that the Bible says he who knew no sin became our sin you gotta get this Jesus did not just take your sin he became your sin for he hath made him to be sin for us who knew no sin he God made him to be sin for us not only that he becomes sin he was made the curse galatians 3 says what and if you read this it's stunning it's like how could this be that god becomes a curse really listen here's what the Bible says Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law being made by God being made a curse for us this is in verse 13 of Galatians 3 Jesus not only not only took our sin because when you read this precious Bible in 2nd Corinthians 5:21 what does it say it says this for he hath made him to be sin for us who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness of God in him we are righteousness and he was made sin that should shocked a whole lot of you and yet people sit down when they worship how dare you who do you think you are if some person walked in here tonight who is a man of authority like the president even if you hated him you'd stand up I'm talking about God here the son of Almighty God now lift your hands and love him and you're gonna worship Him because he loved you so much to become sin that you might be that you might become righteous he was made the curse that you might be blessed and they wished and tonight I don't even understand it well it's time you do understand it the time of God glory [Music] I understand [Music] this is your nightmare expect [Music] this is a doctor who came tonight to be healed and the part of God just came on him I said all of you stand up and the poor man began stepping up and I said please I understand you can sit down this is a doctor and what did they do to your foot amputated a toe I was bit on the toe by a brown recluse spider and the poison had got into the bone which got into the marrow they had to amputate and that boy isn't affected my kidneys my liver and it gave me something just happened to you ah when I said stand up you just did this and I felt so bad for you I said please sit down I understand you now and then he tells me I'm a doctor I'm a scientist I came here tonight I checked myself out of the hospital to be here start walking [Applause] and I just laid hands on him [Applause] default the Lord is in this place lift your hands up high come on one more time [Music] a doctor come here name of Jesus you're the learn every better that every benefit every benefit every bit of it in the name of the Lord come on boys [Music] [Applause] [Music] stop [Music] pick him up since we worshiping the Lord just feel that the doctor and you said three of your patients all here two of your patients you brother they came on their own they heard I was gonna be here and they sang Kyle got is this your first time my first time here at this location I used to torch the buses to go to your Crusades so you that you checked yes but you're a doctor and you checked yourself out of the hospital a doctor who checked himself out of the hospital father heal your people type just like you just touched this wonderful doctor come on Saints Alleluia let's worship I'll talk to you can go back to seed look at you they'll kill him and and and your your your your to patience she said where are they back in the winter section you wait till the Lord moves on these people without someone wasn't over by a car well you just stay there and worship and let's wait on the Lord on that one give him back his cane well he doesn't need it what a mighty Lord we worship You Jesus [Music] ah was [Music] we were [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] mr. whisper now as we're Dorian [Music] [Applause] [Music] presence of Jesus is in the sea [Music] be healed in Jesus name on the top of your head to the soles of your feet [Music] be made whole in Jesus lair [Music] once again just a whisper Alleluia those of you sick and body place your hands on that sickness even as you continue to worship father your word declares you was wounded for our transgressions bruised for our iniquities chastised for our peace and with His stripes we are healed now Lord I step into my office and I'll rebuke every disease in the studio and around the world I command sickness to go infirmity must go disease must go now in Jesus name once again just now we sing it beautiful and slowly [Music] be healed from the crown of your head the soles of your feet father let the same resurrection power that raised flow through those bodies now in need of a healing in Jesus name [Music] I'll lift your hands and receive your healing everywhere ask the Lord to heal you now his presence is in this studio his presence is where you are now too be made whole in his glorious name be made whole in the mighty name of Jesus by everyone in this auditorium everyone under the studio begin to prowl are in the spirit and the Hall ago [Music] your cheese's your colores someone's muscles are being healed to my right someone's muscles begin to move your legs someone's muscles to my right are being healed you feel warmth over there over your body a number of you feel like heat on you that's the part of God I'm gonna be feeling like heat that's the part of the Spirit of God I'll review that sickness already now you receive your healing you receive your healing begin to do what you could not do before begin to move your legs begin to move your neck begin to move your arms and you're gonna feel there no need come on you and the pain will leave you and then I'm gonna have you come and stand here to the side but everyone keep rea in the spirit a lot condition has just been healed on the balcony diabetes has been healed to my left a skin condition has just been healed there's people getting healed in their homes also I give you praise Jesus I give you praise a tumor on someone's an act the lower back has just been healed also check the pain it's gone check the pain it's gone that muscle problem to my right it's a very strong and owning on that person pray for just a few more minutes you're Jesus [Music] somebody's ears have just been healed someone someone see that somebody's hearing has just been restored someone's hearing is being restored you can feel warmth on the on your ears everyone that God is healing don't wait for me to call out the healing if God is healing you and you feel it in your body like that woman would they show blood in the Bible she felt it in herself if you know God is healing you get out of your seat as the people keep praying keep praying in the spirit if you know God is healing you get out of your seat and come stand over there to the left everyone just keep praying a number of people in this studio are feeling the healing touch of the Holy Spirit some of you feel warmth some feel like a tingle that actually came on you earlier salami that's the Blessed power of the Lord that heals if you felt or you feel now some numbness like electricity or you feel like a warmth on your body quickly come and stand over there to my left check the check the problem you'll see it's gone bring them justice right if they can just walk right over here don't worry about it everybody pray in the spirit come on Saints if the Lord is healing you if you felt his touch on your body don't wait for me to call out the healing you just come out of your seat that you just stand over here even if I do not play for you love that God see you there not the Lord see you there ever believed to voice lift your hands and pray and there's someone to my right with a muscle condition getting healed Tim get over there quickly you and David what you there's somebody to my right over here with a muscle problem getting healed let let just show yourself to this young man and just command that thing to go out of them and as God heals you you come and stand over here on the left another moment here Jesus all glorious people of God lift your hands to heaven [Music] during the whole it was just for a minute [Music] just playing the spirit with minute Jesus your glorious [Music] Jesus [Music] your glorious [Music] preparing us your temple born as living stones [Music] where your intro as euros from death and can rise within Ottawa's share rise up on our place another hand that saw you [Music] clothe us in your glory draw us by your grace now if it won't pray out loud in the spirit David I need you over there I need you over there [Music] it's great go go go now that person with a muscle condition what happened to my doctor friend he's back there praying with his friend you tell that man to receive his healing you tell him now to start moving their leg his leg sir face me face me don't you tell that man to begin moving his legs by there [Music] all the way John and Xia join hands idea let the healing part of God's flow Lord on everyone that's sick touch in Jesus mighty name in Jesus mighty name I'm gonna get to that man in a minute because I think it's your friend I think it's your friend that God is touching take your seat all of you what's happening to that gentleman David there's no need to give me his name but it's okay two different meetings in her own for that so the back for weeks ago and his little wait stop stop what happened to you tonight come in closer please back that I came here for the first time and I had a work-related injury on my back and my name for four weeks back I was healed in my back I was able to bend and but I didn't want to testify on that day I wanted to go home and check I went home and I was able to I was able to bend and you know what I was not able to do and to two weeks back I came back to testify but I was late I was sitting outside in the lobby suddenly I heard a pop on my knee and I was not able to bend this knee and suddenly like it was released I was able to move you're in the lobby the last time and what happened tonight and tonight again I felt the power of God on my back and just then you called out your lower back is being healed so I just felt I just needed to testify Lord Jesus I thank you for your mercy tonight now people there's a there's a very strong healing to atmosphere here lift your hands receive it in the name of Jesus every benefit every word of it now keep him down a doctor come here please my friend a doctor was just healed look at him he's just walking around everywhere so you're your friend over there or your patient that's the man in the green what can be a human up the Lord is gonna heal him eventually but look what's happened to you you just he says I'm walking no pain you see what the Lord did somebody just say praise the Lord now I don't know how long we're gonna be in this studio cuz we're running out of space and we're running out of sick people to whatever I'm getting healed now you know what I mean but listen you there's two of them two of your patients back there you said this is just one of my patients husband and wife he was run over by a car while he was right I hear you told me that and so he cannot speak what we're gonna believe God what has happened to you what what is wrong with you pardon you were shot like somebody shot you with a gun what's what's wrong with your leg they told you you would never walk again who said that doctor well doctors are right sometimes and sometimes they're not so let's believe God to intervene on his behalf God will heal him completely and totally but I don't know who the Lord was showing me earlier with a muscle condition that was healed unless they're already over there I'm not really sure but what what happened to the hey doctor please sit down and just relax I think someone someone took your seat hey Doc you want to come sit back here sure you're a great healing testimony brother and now why do you have this this thing on your foot amputated and and so I have to wear this my foot wouldn't I spit into a normal shoe but the pain is gone so you don't really need it now oh he said he doesn't have any others feel so he's gonna have to keep it on for now till until till he gets home help this man please what happened to the young man so two separate accidents caused pain in his ankles feet knees thighs and a serious injury in his back three millimeter bulge all of it healed tonight wait just repeat that to me again I was in a car accident when I was 17 years old we were hit we were going like 10 miles per hour and like a taxi hit us and I wasn't wearing a seat belt it almost killed me three millimeter bulge in my back for life comes and goes it was an attack by the devil he tried to kill me and I was saved God didn't let me die he saved me wanted me here and I don't know what it would have happened I didn't know God very well then I was saved but the pain has been gone and my skateboarding but what happened to know tonight all that pain from from the skateboarding the car accident I feel it burning when I was up there I could feel you told me to put my hands on the area and it was all gone all of it check it out okay huh it's all gone none of it I don't my legs feel like solid steel like strong in my back there Jesus dear Jesus dear Jesus dear Jesus all over just for you brother happy mother move move your legs up and down in [Music] somebody say praise the Lord can we give the Lord Almighty [Applause] for you are great you do me there is no like you let me in the fight [Music] the muscles in her left knee and tonight the power of God came on her wait wait one more time she told the Musselwhite three she tore the three months ago she was in pain on the way over here every better she's movin hazers name [Music] there is no one else [Music] [Applause] [Music] let me hear you I don't know where this leader was sitting but whoever was sitting close to her me I think it's next door had troubles with your neck if you'll move your neck it's gone I don't know where she was sitting help or up we and find out where were you sitting someone right next door or or not to have that promise with you with your neck is there you move your neck is there pain God she says Wow give up here you deserve the glory let me hear a name bye-bye by the way you've just joined the choir all of okay so come on you deserve [Music] and both of you both of you you had troubles with your neck huh I'm not I couldn't move my neck all the way to the left whereas before I couldn't wait just wait a second you were not able able to move your neck before but you could move it all the way well I just just now it just fixed got all fixed I'm cheerful ahead the the anointing on her when God healed her came on you this sometimes when God heals someone at the same time healing to someone next door to him and they don't even know that they're healed yeah yeah she says aren't you glad she said next to you or is it the other way around yeah Lord oh yeah here you go ladies okay come on you deserve the glory [Music] [Applause] keep saying it gives [Music] the Lord the Lord just gave her a double healing not only the neck but she's had some sciatica right here and she said okay check it out good [Music] father seems fine now let's keep it fine thank you Jesus you can go to a seat somebody said praise the Lord you deserve the and the honor [Music] who who are you guys who are you come here you're about to come out of your skin come here the Lord's gonna really bless you come here come come closer were you from father you came to Angeles temple Hispanic and you did an altar call for people to give a hundred dollars and one of my friend that was healed she didn't have the hundred dollars and and you said I'm gonna give you the hundred for your healing but I want to let you know is that she's active in ministry she's walking because she was had a car I gave her the offering to give because you demerit okay I got you but I didn't give you a tow for healing I just blessed oh you did she didn't have the money she went up she she got her healing and by faith she was healed come here since then this way both of you are you are you guys married or oh your friends your friends okay well the Lord's gonna use you I don't know who you are were you from where were you from I am from El Salvador I came because girls back to my life to leave you everything and I started to study in the seminary hearing a Sousa Pacific at Azusa talk about who you do you live in Los Angeles father [Music] use him for your glory there's a strong and owning on you you feed it take it all brother take every bit of it every bit of it you from where would you say you're from I'll Salvador [Music] Jesus dear Jesus dear Jesus that's the power of Almighty God on you power of God only my friend it was talking to me come here bring him here I'm not done yet pick her up pick it up tell me brother wha I know I know I know about the anointing is strong right now just you can't talk to me yet [Music] bring him here bring him here - he needs to work what will he say I'm feeling their knowledge strongly although we live to live to enhance prenda in the spirit [Music] for in my presence pi PI pi PI for [Music] busy [Music] can he [Music] holy spirit in this place all this spirit you are well in this place come on man father [Music] 12 welcome in this place what is fear [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you guys took down you guys [Music] you can [Music] let's see is that the girl or guy tell me a heavier [Music] certain hands come on so our heads [Music] for in your presence oh Jesus [Music] or glorious preparing us [Music] [Music] oh Jesus glorious [Music] preparing us [Music] poreless Livingstone's [Music] hey this one you are the son of God jaysus the song go the Great Physician [Music] [Music] [Music] name of Jesus [Music] the mighty name of Jesus [Music] [Music] good Jesus [Music] you're Cloris [Music] preparing us your temple she's born as a Livingstone [Music] as euros from death can rise with it oh rise up on our parade [Music] that's all draw us in draw us by your grace Jesus your glorious preparing us [Music] your temple poor nurse living stones where you're a fraud [Music] as for us from death and power come rise within worship fires up on our praise [Music] ahem let's all raise [Music] close us in your glory drawers by no grace [Music] you felt all through your body [Music] when I had enhance on her she said I have cancer and she's under an intense piece and the pin is gone you don't feel it now [Music] [Music] [Music] and perhaps you too Jim Tim look look at the piece on her face guys halper up gently very gently [Music] where was the cancer take a deep breath [Music] I hope I have peace I feel release like I was having a lot of pain here yeah the breasts don't start there did you come with him No you you don't know him you came by herself who's your friend [Music] Sylvia Sylvia what's your name Susana you know I felt something switch to I don't know how to describe it and I went into a different mode and I sometimes I wonder why was for you because sometimes what they are known he does it like it does this you know especially when people talk to me and they are not exactly with it does this so I have to go into worship to bring it back back up so that's what just happened so come here young lady with her well I thought you were with him because our and I wanted to play for him because how they use him because you know he was he was healed help him up I wasn't gonna come I was exhausted I've been traveling a lot in you minister yes you're a prophetess yes and I just got back from ministering outside of the country and and she'd call me and and my other lady friend she was also diagnosed with cancer and they came so that I could pray which one but she has cancer - well the same God that he'll doors on a heal her comes I decided I told G Metcalf to reserve me some seats so that I could bring them and gene cow had to make sure that I had some seats for them you know I want you just one more time - what did you feel when I prayed for you when I because I you know what a lot Tommy just he said just begin to worship me and then you put your head on my shoulder I don't know if he knew that and I felt something go through you what what did you feel I just saw the presence of Lauren in his piece you know and surrounded me just from my head to my toes and just feeling like he was healing me you know so that's why you had a lot of pain yes like I was tired weak from the last week ahead of chemo Friday so yeah a lot of pain here and there now it's gone I don't yeah I feel okay you feel good Lord keep her feeling good in Jesus mighty name up a little more people lift her hands and pray with me in the spirit for her come on [Music] now Bruce and the presence of the Lord is in this place that's too high [Music] you know what simia it's just if transpire second and the presence Oh is in this place is in this plan feel that me too I can feel his glory I sense his majesty father in this place when I was in seeing it I'm feeling here all over my body are you what do you feel girl joy you know just the 19 that the Holy Spirit moving and just feel joy I think tonight the Lord has been doing his own thing you know he healed the doctor over there before I was ready for the healing he just healed and now when I didn't know what I was doing only just following the wind you know and He healed you your moment is coming girl - and the presence of the Lord is in this place and the presence doc we forget the Lord bring applause he's in this play I can see since his majesty for the presence of the Lord is in this place lower key please [Music] and the process it is and this play you know the Lord told me to walk around his seven times did you know that when when I was worshipping I was walking around you yeah maybe that's why I mean I don't watch what you felt but I was feeling like I was in heaven you felt a deep beat that I was just feeling a lot of peace you know just the presence of the Lord over me that's what I was feeling you know just him yelling me feeling of course well now it's your friends time since his majesty now you girls what I want you to do is just create for what what you saying that these in this place [Music] you're Jesus [Music] Taurus preparing us [Music] your temple [Music] bonus Livingstone's where you're enthroned as yours with [Music] rise at the hair I saw [Music] No [Music] in your glory you feel that on you though you feel that what you feel [Music] ah - about his one I know I know you feel that shaking that something God's found holy holy holy Paulie hold on Jesus unless shooting the elders the Angels bar the retaining worship you now holy holy holy all aw [Music] while I've been walking around they I've been feeling a very strong and owning where was the cancer can you talk to me [Music] can you talk or not you can't talk well the left breast [Music] would you feel for you you feel the shaking on you [Music] I'll pour up you and him gentle [Music] and the presence of all is in this place the same key [Music] [Music] you don't feel anything at all like [Music] she just relax really relaxed no pain check things out a little bit [Music] no more cancer in the name of Jesus stretcher ends lord I thank you for two healings no more cancer I want to know what you felt because I am feeling it but I'd like to know what what you feel I know you feel good but like huh you don't understand it you don't know what happened you girls and I love them tell you what what happened you are healed and so are you you better you better take in both and sit down can I have ugly [Music] somebody say praise the Lord [Applause] [Music] people is it strong in here just way limit there 27 [Music] I want all of you in your homes this is your your moment while the people are worshipping want to pray for you here at dr. Olea now he's healed and there's no pain in his leg two ladies with cancer men only God knows what's gonna happen tonight still but in the mighty name of Jesus whom I serve be healed be made whole in your home be made whole from the top and the crown of your head to the soles of your feet in the mighty name of Jesus I rebuke that sickness in you say it again Alleluia from the choir you just joined the Claudie all know that light in the name of Jesus be healed now review the sickness and the disease and the pain in your life and body I commend the can short to go the hard problem to go the pain in your body to go there arthritis to go diabeetus go every disease go in Jesus name now [Music] father in Jesus name at the healing power the same mighty resurrection power that raised your son from the dead flow through that body right now that's watching then be healed in the name of Jesus [Music] right now receive your Leland you can put your head across my hand on the screen nobody singing with a mic just the people please one more time since Union homes you just can't put your hand across my hand [Music] father in Jesus name let your healing virtue flow through their body now that your healing power flow now Lord bringing health and strength and peace in Jesus name now for your glory then it's all over this this this place here we bring their people quickly because it's just bringing bringing your yeah quick quick quick that God healed her tonight putting them all quick come on quick what happened to her she was hearing voices got delivered tonight she's not hearing them anymore those Devils must go in Jesus mighty name ever better a chest pain two weeks ago didn't know what it was but tonight the power of God came on in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus sciatica pain was healed tonight in the mighty name of the Lord whom I saw watcher motorcycle accident was healed of all the pain tonight in the mighty name whom we serve in Jesus name be healed God set her free from depression this is her husband putting your this way bring him this way no it's fine fine fine fine in Jesus name macular degeneration swear this for this we will run out of space keep singing it Saints ha [Music] severe back injury God's healing him right now come come this way come this way young lady in Jesus name yeah c'mere kiddo another back wait wait wait you're going too fast for me what was wrong with him a back injury he wasn't able to move his back and now as the power cut literally bled of it never again pick him up pick him up pick him up our God in Jesus name bring him here in Jesus mighty name boy he needs this this kid he needs this anointing bring him here a second put him put him put him over there on that side kids on that side Tamir Cadell career [Music] well you fit on you like relief what like a really relief good good I always check things out because sometimes if you were wearing something that all the anointing on that kid brought him his mother come this way girl [Music] for with God nothing is impossible for with the card yeah this place display [Music] now you've been praying for this son of yours huh doesn't answer your prayer that's why I have had I'm having him play that song it's a even even though the songs keep their anointing flowing you know look at him look look at your son [Music] what's happened to you I guess you don't know either fulfill every promise Lord [Music] he doesn't know it don't play it [Music] now listen [Music] Bruce you and Simeon know this one all the glory of your presence just the chorus I don't know what kind of life you're you're having now but gardener use you because of our prayers and you have no choice you think you have you really don't gods Katya now I well worse worse is dead now his he's gone is in he's in heaven you're not sure if he's in heaven okay so how many how many children you have three how old is he he's 18 you go to school [Music] it's like a scripture on your arm what is it huh it's just like yeah some things about talk talked I know your dad Auto for my dear okay well don't put too many tattoos you know I'm kind of old-fashioned you know I don't believe in tattoos because the Bible forbids them you know but the kids don't know because nobody tells them you know nobody preaches that they are scared to offend them what I'm scare for I'm not scared of nobody tattoos tattoos used to be on the Amalekites and you're no Amalekite the enemies of God's people all war had tattoos so tattoos are not exactly biblically how shall I say backed up God doesn't permit it because that's what they what they what the heathens used to do but see since you don't know of course got on the stands and forgives you but don't do it no more it's no good you're better without it the earrings they're okay for now I used to be a lot harder on people fill my sunday and wearing him then I had to kind of be nice cuz I was really really bad with I used to pull him right off the ears those poor kids that's when I was young you know then your children wear me there Oh Lord what on earth but he's been delivered now it's about my son over there and and but he didn't pierce his ears oh thank God because I won't let him you did now he tells me well thank God I think they closed up right yes somewhat yeah Laura thank you now stretch your hands we dedicate his life to the Lord Jesus [Music] reform [Music] that's a man of God here is a PK and he is a friend of mine and he could have put some blonde on his beard to make you think like he was end up in the in the glory in the presence of God so he just put it on his Brandon is his name he's friends with his friends with with TM I guess he's friends with all of you he loves George oh she loves him so Brandon you lay hands on him pray for him now in the spirit come on brother father thank you even now in Jesus name for the graces on his life the destiny inheritance father you say there's an ace there's a solitaire in every family and I thank you for the graces on his life to leave a legacy a legacy of godliness a gali inheritance father even the precipice mother and his grandmother has been prayed over him every every prayer will be fulfilled every prayer ladies were filled [Music] thank you for this man of God they will walk in godliness never redeem a generation that's been marked out that's been canceled out by society I thank you that your raise up your Moses to bring deliverance to a generation and set them aside for your colleague and your purpose and the name of the Lord Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] listen he's a PK he knows how to pray this man and he was in all kinds of things you Tom take your seats tell him about yourself well I was kicked out of school twice I like to say I was removed I was sent to a psychologist I was really I had rebellion really bad and they wouldn't let me back into public schools until I went to a psych they diagnosed me really and my mom would let me take it but she made me up here to the the doctors order so I go back to public school and then my junior year the Lord saved my life I went to a meeting and my life was going nowhere and then they were you know give him a light to the Lord and thought I was gonna play professional basketball and I went pro and six games into the season I heard a phrase in my heart I hate basketball I went back to college store don't campus ministry have been serving the Lord strong ever since [Applause] [Music] it went when you do when when you said grandfather why did because he just shook what he said that she sees an inheritance of her mother I just seen it in the Lord she's an offspring she's an Austrian matter-of-fact the Lord is even growing and bringing her bringing you into a deeper place of himself I see the struggles I see the challenges I see all the hardships and but you have such persistence you just stay persist as you stayed of course and there's a even see a level of breakthrough financially coming in your life that you've been asking God for and even in your soul I see the Lord breaking a piece and a settlements in your soul and although you have people that you talk to about your circumstances situation they really don't understand the magnitude or what it was like in that transition time of his father and feeling like you had to kind of navigate through life but I really see it over war coming on you I also see the little waking up gifts of the Spirit that's a intercessory grace on you there's a prophetic grace on you there's an unction of the Holy Ghost on you and I see the Lord opening up on whaled in you and just giving you permission to be in him to release the stuff that he's placed on your life father thank you I thank you not an ounce of condemnation not an ounce of shame now that ounce of shame I had a loss and you my daughter cannot touch her I had a lot say you're my daughter I've ordained you I called you and all of your life has been on purpose all of your life has been on purpose you're not a mistake father thank you even now a new season a new hour of breakthrough that's your portion right now lord I thank you new doors new doors no poverty it's not our portion the kingdom of God has come the rest upon his woman's family in Jesus name right now Thank You Lora thank you're gonna come back here brother don't just come to see him and see my son come and preach someday he'll pour up hammer up hey listen can you sing come on sure you can I don't believe you for a second you go you go sit down and help that kid up happen mom somebody what did you feel when he prayed for you why you're quite relaxed aren't you oh you can't explain it well the laws gonna is gonna use your life brother you need to talk to him afterwards fix him up hallelujah Santa Lucia hallelujah Brendon Brendon Camille you're not going that is a come here we'll come on a path where are you pat pat toomey darling you're gonna sing you're gonna sing for me and he's gonna sing with you a little bit Hey the Bible says be ready in season out of season right so here's the the orange one for Pat and the blue one for Brendon and I keep mine and if I feel like singing I'll join in now listen listen while I talk to them you figure out what you wanna sing no more Methodist music we may want some soul in just a second over there anyways listen listen I have a powerful teaching on healing tonight because I want everyone healed I said I want everybody heal okay what do you want it what were you gonna sing let's do it okay you're gonna sing with Oh hallelujah he said well I do come on friend hey III know you can preach when I've never heard you but man after after after this I ain't it'll be telepathy on yourself [Music] on home [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] see [Music] Oh [Music] on I'm gonna have you I'm gonna have you sing it by yourself because he's not as good as you thank you okay pass all yours on and go I'm going [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] god bless you take your seats here's what we're gonna do Pat is gonna come back and sing in a few minutes but first somebody shout hallelujah yeah God people did you feel the anointing I felt that tangible can we throw Jesus a kiss come on a tangible presence of the law in two weeks we'll be back here and I don't care if it's Labor Day there's no such thing as holidays in the spirit we are living in a holiday you know people are too I don't know how to say to no they stop playing second you know they're they're into special days you know special dates and all that's like Mother's Day there god I loved my mother every day I called her every day I blessed her all the time not just Mother's Day I know you want to honor mothers on a special day I get that I get that I get that but you know what's this about like well it's Labor Day so we can't have a service really you mean heaven has to stop because as Labor Day the Holy Ghost will take a vacation because it's Labor Day if you want your Labor Day go on enjoy your labor whatever you do we're gonna be back here say Amen how many would rather be in the presence of God than watching some stupid thing on TV or looking at some friends that don't like you anyways they just want whatever they want only Jesus say only Jesus satisfies my soul say it again one more time so don't stay home for Labor Day and have a hamburger that will kill you earlier than issue or whatever whatever it is whatever it is can't be in the presence of God did you feel it hello did you feel it did you sense it you want more of it he'll be back the Lord will be here in two weeks again you say how do you know I know just like I knew today that I know that I know that I know that I know that I know the presence of God was so rich in Dallas on Friday or Saturday nobody wanted to move is like nobody wanted to do anything because heavy heavy presence people crying sobbing everywhere you know you don't want to lay hands on anyone because they're just in the in the glory like you the glory was so thick I don't know what God is doing with me but I love it I just love it and I'll tell you something you know and I've been telling people I'm just in love all over again with the master I want no one else but the master you know we've invested so much time in people and wasted so much time forget them forget them they don't give you anything you take them out for dinner or all you do is waste money and time and there are certain people certain people you should have dinner with that can put something in your life you know bless your life spiritually but I mean you know I think about my life when I would just do stupid things when when I was not thinking straight you know but then one day you wake up you think what what did I gain from that nada that's what they say in Spanish right I think that's one of the only words I think I know in Spanish but but honestly I mean what do we gain nothing nothing we invest in the Lord I said we invest in the Lord I'm spending oh you'd love what I'm gonna tell you I'm spending more time in the scriptures than I've ever done in my life and today I'm so proud of myself you won't know you will have no you have no chlorides as I said today I am now a student of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem I wait wait wait I'm gonna have my own professor on skype every two hours every week I already paid for my course and I was accepted so I've gone back to school but wait wait you don't know why I'm doing it I want to know the Bible like I haven't even known the Bible I've read the Bible I'm reading it now four times a year I go right through it I began reading Genesis August 9 I was done with it today I seen what twentieth is in nineteen days I went through the whole book and I read the commentaries on a - I don't just read the Bible I read the commentaries because I want to know it but I saw something online and I called and I talked to the people in Jerusalem and I joined to learn Hebrew I'm gonna be so good in Hebrew in about a year I'm gonna blow your head off I'm already I'm already I know enough people to have two years of University now I want to go all the way and the scholar the professor who's going to teach me is going to be just my professor he will teach no one else except me and I paid for it a private lesson from the Hebrew University on Biblical Hebrew and I start next week yeah yeah because I know why I want it because I want to know the Hebrew better than any preacher very few preachers know the Hebrew very few some here and there but they know some words and they mess em up sometimes I'm from there I grew up yeah sorry I had to do this I'm so excited I just had to shout and if you just woke up I'm glad I woke you up oh I was surprised today I called it but I called my son I called Tim I thought I said I am now in a university I've never been to university but I start next week but anyways because see now I the Lord just spoke to me said I wanted to know my world so I've I've kind of taught myself the Bible I've never been I've never been to any Bible School in all my life I just had to learn how on my own and years ago I knew it was wrong because years ago I think they would have messed my head maybe even destroyed what God was trying to do in my life but now I know enough about the world especially the Hebrew Bible because I read I'm reading the Bible in Hebrew already I just don't really understand all the words because some words I have not heard like I I can read it I can read it already but I am not yet its caller I wouldn't say about the Hebrew language so about three years ago four years ago I hired a Hebrew teacher who came to my house some a wonderful oh my god she was incredible that woman was tough like nails but I paid her too much money she was very very expensive from Los Angeles Tana so she'd come to my house Susan and all the lady by the way just in case you see one much older woman but but she was fantastic except she was a in the in the Kabbalah and I didn't like that so no I said I don't want to know that that that crazy stuff but but she was a scholar and her father a rabbi so but then after I you know I don't want to get some of this stuff but she was good in the biblically but then she gave me stuff I said look I don't wanna hear that stuff I'm not interested in in other things but the Word of God so she was okay with it I was okay with it but she was extremely extremely expensive Palestinian Oh Lord I'm gonna just do it at the right time now I did gain a lot of knowledge I must say I gained a lot of knowledge when she was my teacher about three years ago because even though I can read the Hebrew there were certain things in C the Hebrew Bible is very deep it's not like English because one word came it can mean a lot of things okay so you have to kind of go to the real source well I've read the Bible over over over over over in Hebrew in English commentaries you name it I mean I've forgive me for being so blunt I know the Bible probably most and most preachers because I've read it over an N when I was a kid it was mandatory to study the Bible in schools so you know I wasn't saved but it was I went to class like all the kids and learned Biblical Hebrew when I was a kid but you know it didn't stick us in hours and save then it was just you better do it because then they would punish you you'd lose whatever and it was in the Catholic school and this would you would love this it was Catholic nuns who taught us Hebrew and they would walk around with big sticks in their hand and if we didn't do it right wham so it wasn't where they punished you by you know you didn't make your grade they whipped you now you call that abuse of course back then it was called discipline but now I'm 65 almost 66 and the cry of my heart is I want to know the Lord more than ever and I want to know his word and I want to know the original of the original of the original I used to watch a certain preacher I don't want to say his name because he was a little different now maybe I'll tell you his name was Jean Scott and he was brilliant in he but he was a little wild who knows who knows who I'm talking about who doesn't know who I'm talking about it's okay you don't need to know but he was he was a little wild okay but he was incredibly with teaching the Hebrew Bible and we were flying one time to Orlando because my in-laws my father-in-law was dying with cancer and he wanted to say bye to him or pray with him so we all flew together and on the plane was gene his wife my wife Ralph Wilkinson myself and Eileen Wilkinson and he taught us the Bible from Isaiah 53 I was in tears listening to that man teaching me Isaiah 53 verse 1 through verse 5 it was like the most amazing thing I've Anu and I said to him how did you learn all this well he went to university to learn all that but he went here hey I'm gonna do better than him I'm gonna be a student of Hebrew University in Jerusalem that's one of the most amazing universities in the world they they accepted me and I'm so proud of myself but but why am i doing it I'm doing it for the body of Christ because see two hours of my two hours a week who cares that's worth paying the price for time and knowing though I can tell you this by heart I just want to go into the deep deep deep part of the Hebrew language I'm gonna understand that put your hands up high so you'll you you will all pray for me right well thank you very much but I mean I don't need your prayer but thank you I mean I I'm just having fun with you guys I'm sorry no do pray for him because I really want to know the revelation truth of the word of God in ways I have not known before and I said to the Lord I said Lord before I die I want to do two things one I want to win more people bring them to the cross then than ever in my life and two I want to strengthen the church and turn their hearts turn the people's hearts to Jesus I want to strengthen the body of Christ because see right now what is happening out there is quite shocking and said yesterday I met with about a hundred and fifty people in ministry full-time ministry in Dallas I was stunned by the things that I talked to some of them were the one young men especially what a brilliant man their God he's he's got the largest website today on the history of evangelism and he and his mom came and his brother and his wife and I had such a wonderful time with them and these people really are quality you know like class and we began to talk about and and and others were in the room a lot of the young pastors wonderful like you kids here like real dynamic folks that have such amazing ministries today and they began to tell me about what's happening with people in church today the lack of knowledge of the Lord the I don't know if I want to say this but I'll I'll say something about it and I'm not gonna name names because it's not right but a movie was just released about a certain preacher who was walking with God now he isn't and it's in it's it's it's leaving a negative impact on a lot of pastors who are teaching the ridiculous theology that everyone will be saved that paster well fella who was a friend to me by the way I've been to his arm he's been to mine and I think he just something happened to him theologically he got up and said listen he got up and said that God one day will apologize to the devil yes yes on the news how many know well I'm talking about waiver waiver me okay so we will not name names right because there's no need but that's the kind of danger out there that they believe now many of them believe that everyone will be saved good and bad they're gonna all go to heaven and even the devil will be saved well that's that's demonic theology and my question is there why why why preach the gospel so it's it's it's a it's a wicked theology and some of the churches today are teaching that it's called the the universal message while the universal messages of the devil because the Bible makes it clear that we have to follow the Lord by surrender by dying to self and everyone will not be saved except the called and the Bible clearly states as many as received him to them gave he power to become the sons of God as many as received I said received him means they make a decision to receive him so there's a lot of bad influence other today and it's not really good what's going on in this country so but there are some wonderful things happening to I'm so proud of so many of the younger preachers coming on the scene preaching the real gospel of Jesus oh I'm so proud of them thank God for Denny calendar thank God for my son hello Michael colleano's thank God for Todd white thank God for all these young preachers are filling stadiums and preaching the gospel somebody say hallelujah so many of them so so anointed there are many of them are friends to me oh thank God for you Brenda thank God for you David thank God for you James you kids love Jesus and I love you for that Oh hallelujah somebody say hallelujah so we have we have a big job in front of us right now may be bigger than you even realize we got to get the gospel out in a way maybe we've never done before now the Lord did speak to me very very clearly to go back on TV daily with a new healing program that is from the studio now did you people tonight feel the anointing well that same I know knee will be felt in people's homes now so what is happening in this studio and in other places we are going to is affecting a lot of lives it's now on TV we begin god TV next Monday we just began on Daystar and on uplift and we're adding more networks but I did not want to have another this is your day program with interviews I don't think people want to hear interviews and I don't want have programs with people just saying stuff we don't want to hear anymore let's just give them the power of God let's give them the Word of God let's give them the real gospel that people need to hear the word let me hear an amen so I'm asking you tonight to release ose to help me because this is a new hour for my life and I think it's an hour it's a new day for your life too because God is going to use all of us I'm gonna set again God will use all of us and he's gonna bless you and by the way after this I'm gonna get to the word and then send you home and I won't be here long but aren't you glad you came already alright now listen listen I'm gonna give you an envelope and I want you to sow a seed tonight everyone in this room everyone that's watching the online and this a and the seed you saw I want it to be a seed of love for Jesus show him how much you love him by what you're gonna give him tonight because these Saints there's so much going on out there today that is really not not pleasant to talk about and we don't want to talk about it we've got to give people the message where do you see anymore and I mean like I'm being blunt where do you see the anointing flowing healing the sick any more rare really a lot of the you the younger preachers are coming on the scene thank God for that so it gives us hope for tomorrow many of these young people have come to me and said we want someone to mentor us when someone to talk to us would you please be that one to talk to us and I think what an honor what a privilege to be asked even you know I love it of course I love it one of the one of the young people that really blesses me this young man right here David you are so anointed brother you you have such an element on your life and he says to me tonight he sees as I just want your notes I said okay fine but the thing is I believe in him I believe in these kids here I believe in many young people that very few of you maybe even know around the world there's one guy in Bulgarian him Maxime shaking Bulgaria for God shaking it in his 20s or John Luke in Australia in Surrey in Switzerland or David Hall in Australia there is one one young man that is now running twenty thousand people in Melbourne used to catch in our Crusades these are young people shaking their Nations for God so I'm so just so thrilled will you please help me do it and let's do it because we love the Lord not because we're greedy for more money let's just do it because we love the Lord let me hear an amen and God will bless you and you really do that and I'm so to tell you but I think the prosperity message has gone way off in some cases because it's become greed rather than anything else let's get back to the Bible what is prosperity no lack none lacked among them doesn't mean having millions in the bank and a big mansion no lack say no lack Jesus did not even have a house he had no lack Elijah did not even have a bicycle he had no lack the Word of God says none lacked among them imagine in the desert in the wilderness three million people nobody lacked a thing for 40 years God took care of his people and their animals in the desert how by the anointing so tonight I want you to give because you love him oh how we love him do you love him do you love him well love is giving love is something you do not something you say so when we give to the Lord we are saying I love you and the amount you give shows how much you love him all right when someone you love has a birthday you buy him something nice right you don't buy him something cheap because you love them you give them something that means something to you my grandbaby I adore heavy I adore Nathaniel it's her birthday this week and here's what she wanted she wanted to go to Disney for a whole year she wants it for a whole year well who paid for it her data because I adore her that's a lot of money for the whole year to go to Disney I'll tell you right now but because you love those grandkids you will you don't even think about of course of course of course you want to do it and she's going to and in fact she went to Disney today that's why they're not here tonight she's had a marvelous time at Disney that her dad at wait for that's me we love Jesus people do you love him do you love him prove it prove it with your giving a lady came up to me a few days ago in Dallas oh I was so touched she said pastor Benny she said I have no money and she was leaping since I have no money all I have is my life to give him and people give him by now was one of them I said here's some money honey she said it now I'll take it to give it to Jesus she had nothing yet another and people were touched by that I was touched by that so I just went and said okay here's money and some lady Orien have to give her money to just so she can have something to give to the Lord so I'm not asking you to give things you don't have I'm just asking give what you have but make it something special that will touch his heart oh man okay so you write it now on that envelope you in this room you in your home's it's right there on the screen for you you just send it to the address on the screen or on online okay so let's let's do it now and I want you wait wait wait yeah yeah go go go ahead and pass I want you to put something on the envelope maybe we've never put put before on the somewhere on the envelopes just say I love you Jesus with all my heart would you write that on the envelope just write it I love you Jesus with all of my heart oh they'll touch his heart alright when you tell them that in writing you see why I write it just express it that's why it's an expression it's a it's something out of your heart you want to just write it and I think it wonderful to write it I wrote the Lord a note years ago that I still have put it somewhere very very very special because I want him to read it as a lord read that note when I'm not telling you just see the note is there because sometimes we forget to tell the Lord you know and I just got saved I said dear Jesus if ever I forget to tell you I love you just look at the note again and every you you'd be you'd be you'd be shocked if you if you look in in many of my books tell me okay it's come here come here all you young people go what does this say all my teach all my books have this I'll read it Jesus use this teaching to bring glory to your name Amen well it's all everything is in here every time I I study I always write my little prayer it says use this teaching for your glory because I love him unless something and then in my Bible you gotta see this too I have so much written here you know your Bible you kind of live with it you sleep with it my Mike my my kids right things in there man you know Oral Roberts wrote something in there there's a lot of little things in there that you just don't want to get whatever the Bible you keep putting it back together when it's it falls apart you go and fix it at all because you don't want to get rid of it because there's some precious little things in there to the Lord and so forth so let's tell them we love them today with a with a witness seat amen so now don't leave because I'm gonna teach the world you'll be blessed and then we'll say goodnight and I won't leave you long I promise so leave that envelope to heaven and tell him you love him say I love your Lord with all my heart I mean all right let's pass the offering offering bucket or what we have there and then quickly take your Bibles I want you to can you stay with me still I said can you stay with me alright great so I'm gonna teach for about 35 minutes maybe 40 and then we're gonna say good night alright Saints once you give I want to talk to you about healing in the atonement tonight because I'm gonna ask you to do something that maybe you've never thought about and I'm gonna ask the the wife of the sweet man on the wheelchair to begin giving him communion every single day till God heals him will you did you hear what I said is healing I'm gonna go over there if you don't mind and just talk to the lady won't you come come the wife come okay and that's your dear sweet husband on the wheelchair there once you want you bring him around well let's see how big is that wheelchair is it quite a big one okay you people alright I'll come I'll come over there no you you you you no all of you stay keep your seats listen I was in England now all you people nobody leave please stay with us till we dismiss I was in England a man said on the front row for two weeks and nothing happened to him my mother-in-law had a service on a Sunday where they took communion and that man was was healed during communion I'm telling you when if if if you'll serve Him Communion daily something would begin happening to his body and that's what I'm teaching about tonight so I want you all to stay with me because what God will do through this teaching will change your life and home let me hear an amen now please hear me this is important we must understand are you people listening okay I know you're still finishing the offering so but but I want to say this quick we must understand that nothing happens with God without having dinner with him I repeat nothing happens with God till we have dinner with him every promise in the Bible is activated during a meal example God gave Abraham the promise that he would be the father of Nations in Genesis 12 13 14 15 16 and 17 now don't write anything just listen to me he had to wait 25 years till one day God shows up and has lunch with him in Genesis 18 and then he said Isaac will come a year from now so all the promises were ignited through lunch communion is dinner with God we've lost the meaning of communion let me give you another one Abba Malik the king of Gerar has a problem with Isaac in Genesis 26 he comes back and says now let's make an agreement let's make a covenant but the covenant was not ratified till they ate together it says they ate together why because eating ignites the Covenant then we see something else in the Bible we see Jacob and Laban Laban comes after Jacob when he left Levens house this is Genesis 31 by the way and days and he's angry why he left and he took his children ba-ba-ba-ba and then they get into a little argument and then they make an agreement and they eat together why ignites the Covenant let me keep going God gives the promise to Israel that he'll bring him out of Egypt but they have to wait till dinner Exodus 12 eat the lamb platter blood they left while chewing the minute you have dinner with God he moves in right away communion is the dinner let me give you another one God gives the law to Moses in Exodus 24 what do they do the elders of Israel have to go up to a mountain and have what with God it says that he they ate and saw God and he did not lay hands on the nobles of Israel this is Exodus 24 the law of Moses could not be ignited without Dana what did David say he prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies when you have dinner with God the enemy will see it but they cannot touch you the only people untouched by Devils are those that have dinner with God what did Jesus do before the cross have dinner they had a meal what did Jesus do after the resurrection he had a meal to ignite the Covenant he just made so Jesus has a meal before the cross and has a meal after the cross when he showed up in the upper room the first thing he says do you have food here he did not even even say something like mighty like I am that I am or you know all the all he said is worse food what does it say in acts 1041 Peter says that they they had dinner with him often they ate and drank with him often why because when you eat with God you ignite the promise we lost the power of communion because we don't do it properly the Bible says that every week the early church would gather to break bread they didn't come just to hear a sermon they came to break bread and and that's why very few were sick that's why it says in the Bible any sick he didn't say many sick he says any sick among you meaning I wasn't expecting a whole lot to say yes in James James 5 says any sick it doesn't say many sick because of what many because they understood the power of dinner with God my father-in-law was dying with cancer his kidneys shut down Roy Hardin Roy used to play piano for Smith Wigglesworth Suzanne's dead a man named Jean Scott who was on TV here like I told you earlier was a little wild but he was the greatest Bible teacher I think I ever heard in my life and some of these people know well who I mean no one could teach communion like Jean Scott as wild as he was and he was wild uh if I tell you what he did most of you won't even believe it but those are no no I'm telling you the truth but anyways he cost me one day out of the blue and I wasn't sure about him I thought you know hey Benny I want to go pray for your father-in-law okay so we fly to Orlando on the plane is Ralph Wilkinson Eileen Wilkinson who you used to be pastor of melody land remember he's a friend of mine he is actually my neighbor still alive and going thank God and there's Jean there's his wife yes Susan and me and like I told you earlier he began teachings Isaiah to us it was just the most stunning thing I think I've ever heard in my life now we get to Orlando my father-in-law is laying there and Sue and I were going to say goodbye for the last time because he was dying with cancer the man was dying with cancer his kidneys shut down his hair gone white like a ghost skin and bones nothing except just a shell of a man couldn't even talk he was like talking like that and Jean Scott starts to teach him I'm sitting on the carpet listening to this guy teaching communion to one of the most powerful Bible teachers in the world my father-in-law nobody knew the Bible like Roy Roy Harlan had the largest church in America at one time called carousel Orlando Florida charisma magazine was born in in that church if you've heard of charisma magazine Roy harden my father-in-law began the magazine not Steve and not dear Steve Strang Steve's friend was one of the kids you know that Steve Strang was in my wedding he was one of the men in my wedding that's how far back we go so Roy began charisma it was a new set up now it's a big magazine so here's Roy Harlan who at one time had the largest church in America dying with cancer and here's gene Scott teaching him and preaching to him about Communion and then he looks at me and says Benny get some wine not grape juice wine okay let's see if there's someone around and make sure it's red not white because he believed strongly that Jesus served why not grape juice I know this is theologically dangerous but that's what the guy believed fine and I believe the same by the way because Jews didn't drink grape juice but it doesn't matter so he says get wine and get me bread so I go look for it he tells my father-in-law to begin taking communion daily till God heals him and he teaches about the meal of the Covenant that how through the meal sickness will go that it ignites the Covenant Roy began taking commune every single day within I'm not kidding you I could say maybe five six weeks the most that man's hair was coming back his color was coming back his kidneys began to work and he lived an additional ten years and came to our home and preached did this is your day programs with me he was completely restored to health gen crouch gen Crouch had cancer the doctors told her that I went to her home to pray with her she said Benny God spoke to me to have communion daily I'm walking into her house she's playing terry macalmon CD you know the one we all love and she's taking communion and the cancer was gone more people get healed in a Catholic Church during communion than Pentecostals get healed during communion that's a fact a study was done more Catholics who don't even know Jesus are getting healed during communion because they Revere the elements while Pentecostals who are not even having it anymore not many churches even celebrate communion anymore especially those seeker-friendly boys what they don't they want to have in out Russia in Russia I'll let you pop over it's like it whatever you want to call it we had communion in our church once a month and we took my time and people would heal during communion why is there power in communion why are Catholics getting healed who don't even know Jesus why are Pentecostals not getting healed because they believe it's symbolic it's the symbolic jesus said this is my body giving say symbolic of my body this is my blood so we pan across those we cosmetics we who believe in the Spirit of God believe that it's his body in spirit it's his blood in spirit it's not symbolic oh I got your attention now now every time let me just say this I want to just go back and say a few things real quick number one when people look at earthquakes pestilence all the bad things they say it's an act of God no no it's not an act of God because the Bible says all good gifts come from the Lord the the sickness and disease are not from God because the Bible says in 10:38 Jesus went about doing good healing all oppressed of the devil so Jesus is in the healing business not in the sickness business Jesus came to calm the storm not to cause the storm but though many in the church and most in the world call these acts acts of God when their acts of the devil so now you have to understand that disease is evil disease did not come from the Lord disease is the result of the fall of Adam and we also must understand that Jesus is the will of God the work of God the action of God in human form so if you want to know what God is like look at what Jesus did he did not have to say it just by doing it he was saying it so when jesus healed the sick then we know it's God's will to heal to say because he did so Jesus Christ is the will of God in action he is the work of God in action he is God in human form and action so when people say well diseases from God where did they get their the idea why would why would the Lord heal all if he gives them disease and then you have the the the silly thing that some say well I'm just suffering for Jesus really if you love your children will you give them cancer to teach them some lesson well I'm just being this well I'm learning you know I'm suffering for Jesus and he he allowed that sickness so I can I can be better really I won't do it to my kids why would God do it to his no no we don't suffer with cancer we suffer persecution God does not chasten us by giving us cancer he's a good god he's a healing God and the very idea that God allows diseases not even in the Bible one man came to all Roberts he said I don't believe that God heals he said alright give me a pair of scissors and the man wondered why he said give me a pair of scissors so the man brought a scissors he said please go ahead and cut every part in the Bible that says God healed oh no no I won't do that because I would be destroying the Word of God he said that's what you say and that's what you do every time you say God doesn't heal you are destroying the word every time you say he doesn't heal so if you believe he doesn't heal just cut it out of the Bible oh no I won't do it because if I do it I'll be destroying the word well that's what you do everything every time you say God doesn't heal healing came the Bible makes it clear when the cross is understood so second Corinthians I won't be long but you need to hear this 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 verse 10 and 11 we read something very very powerful it says this always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body when we identify with the Cross then our body will see the results so let's understand that sin is the cause of disease that doesn't mean every time you sin there'll be sickness I mean it came from the fall of man when Adam fell the result was death and disease we're still having it now because of the follow man but let's also understand there is a promise and the promise of God is quite simple that through the cross we are forgiven and healed and the Word of God says that once you begin to identify with the work of the Cross always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body now we have to understand that whenever the Cross was revealed healing came the first time the cross was revealed in the Bible was Exodus 12 in Exodus 12 they made the son of the Cross by applying the blood on the doorposts and on the lintel which is on top and ate the lamb so they had communion in the Old Covenant how they ate the lamb applied the blood on their homes and the result was what all were healed they came out of Egypt a healed healthy people because of having dinner with God the next time we see miracles in the Old Covenant is found in numbers chapter 16 verse 46 through verse 50 when the atonement was made now you all remember what happened of course where Cora came against Moses 250 were killed because of his rebellion the whole nation now rises against Moses and a plague starts in the camp and Moses says run through the camp with the atonement meaning with the blood meaning bring the cross into the camp and when the cross meaning the work of the cross because it says they made an atonement the the minute the blood was applied the minute the cross was revealed it says the plague stopped and by that time fourteen thousand seven hundred people had been killed the plague began and they ran through the crowd and stopped it with the work of Calvary now think about this that that was only a shadow in the Old Covenant Exodus 12 a shadow number 16 a shadow numbers 21 a shadow what was numbers 21 when when when they began to murmur and so forth snakes came and bit them many people died and God said okay now put a pole and put a brazen snake on it symbolic of the work of Calvary because Jesus became our sin if you remember and and the serpent is symbolic of sin so when Jesus said to Nicodemus as Moses lifted up the serpent meaning I will also be lifted and be sin for the world as Moses lifted up the serpent so shall the Son of Man be lifted up meaning that across the work of Calvary and God said to Moses whoever looks will be healed so when you look to the cross you'll be healed that was a time now here's what I want to say if the type can heal how much more the substance they have the type they had the shadow we have the real thing if they were all healed by a shadow why are we not healed when we have the very substance of the shadow a shadow a shadow there's my shadow in the lights that's all they had the shadow all the types and shadows we have the real thing they were all healed Exodus 12 number 16 number is 21 don't you remember in second chronicles when when King Hezekiah reinstated the Passover it says god healed all the people again what does it say Lord of God it says that when the atonement was made even job even job knew that job 33:14 says what what this watch this watch this for God speaks I'm reading job 33 verse 14 God speaks once twice but many don't hear it now God comes in a dream in a vision when deep sleep is falling on man that he might open their ears in seals instruction that he may pull them out of their purpose hide pride from them to keep back his soul from the pit his life from perishing but by the sword so when you begin to sin against God God will try to talk to you through circumstances if you don't hear then sickness will come because you walked away from God not in every case but in this case watch this it says he's chastened also with pain on his bed and the multitude of his bones with strong pain his life begins to up horror food and so on and so forth his flesh now is consumed away that you can't even see it but then something happened but God is gracious verse 124 and says to him deliver him from going down to the pit I have found a ransom here's a man God is trying to talk to him and he was not listening so sickness comes because of his rebellion and sin but God says okay now I have found a ransom meaning the cross so I'll be gracious to him and if he'll receive the ransom his flesh will be fresher than a child he will return to the days of his youth there's healing promise to a man who's in rebellion if he looks at the cross sees the cross David saw the cross when he said bless the Lord O my soul and all within me bless His name who forgives all your iniquities who heals all your sick why your sickness because he saw the work of Calvary Isaiah saw the work of Calvary and cried he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for iniquity chastised for peace with the stripes were ill now we people don't understand the power of those words but but I wanna I want to say something here and I'm gonna I'm gonna get back to what as I said forgiveness and healings are twins forgiveness and healing are twins whenever God forgives he owes heals always because the psalm says he forgives you and heals you now why is it that we are willing to accept a message of salvation but we fight the message of healing here's why because we know that we cannot be saved any other way but through accepting Jesus as Savior so nobody will fight you on this because they know there's only one way to heaven his name is Jesus but why do we fight healing because we know that our other means to get it if God doesn't heal me I'll go see a doctor I'll go take medication I'll go for help here and there well that's when you lose the blessings of God - so the world and many in the church will not accept the message of healing because there's other ways to receive it but no blessings attached to it whatsoever yet God offers forgiveness and healing together he said to the men in Matthew nine-six your sin is forgiven gallivant walk in James 5 any sick among you come to the elders and og with oil and any sin will be forgiven altogether why cuz they're twins sin and disease are twins too now we have to understand what I say I said so let's go back to Isaiah hallelujah hallelujah I want to read Isaiah 53 verse 4 surely he hath borne our griefs monto Corot alpha albicante mental ummah Oh hallelujah let's just say a little praise we're here come our people meant a man taken theorem oh then fakey albicante meant Oh hallelujah surely surely he has borne our griefs tho that word griefs is found a hundred times in the Old Covenant it's the Hebrew word holy means infirmity sickness that's what the word means so when you read surely as born our sorrows that word griefs Julius he has borne our griefs that what griefs is sickness in Hebrew surely he has borne our sickness because his Lord holy and holy I repeat means infirmities sickness except in this verse it says grief that's why I'm gonna learn the Hebrew to help you understand it so it's a mistranslation in the in the King James to say grief when the it was as holy surely surely surely he hath borne surely he took upon himself the word born is a mossad means to carry away to bear it surely he has borne or has carried another translation says take away like in John 1:29 Hibiki he came to take away God came to take away your disease if he came to take away what are you doing keeping it he came to bear to carry our disease surely surely and I love that word surely surely means of a fact of a truth it's a vow there were truly in the Hebrew says oath think about God making a vow when he says surely he hath borne or carried our holy our disease our sickness and our sorrows so it's not about relief it's about substitution do you not understand that when you get saved you give your heart to God and when you get healed you have to give him your body the reason many are not healed they won't give him their body because he can only fix what you give him that's it now Isaiah 53 and verse well let me just keep keep reading it says surely has borne our griefs FeliCa our sorrows yet we did esteem him stricken smitten of God and afflicted but he was wounded wounded the hebrew word he was pierced for transgressions the word bruised means crushed in hebrew crushed for our iniquities and then it says he was chastised or he was punished is the Hebrew word for our peace so transgressions are the actual sins iniquities is the state of the heart our sin and punishment means deliverance from the curse I want to repeat that because you missed it he was wounded wounded and the word means pierced for our transgressions it transgression is the act of sin he was bruised or better crushed for our iniquities which are the state of sin 1 is the act when it's the state 1 is the act when one is the reason for the act and he was punished or chest for a piece now if you put why the piece because the curse brought the torment the curse brought no peace so Jesus was punished to break the curse now the Bible says in verse 10 it pleased the Lord to bruise him Wow he pleased the Lord to bruise him why would it say that it pleased the Lord to make him sick and that's confirmed in Matthew 817 because many will argue well it has nothing to do with healing wait wait hold hold he was wounded for our transgressions bruised for our iniquities chasis for peace and then verse 10 says it pleased the Lord to actually bruise him and then you read Matthew 8 and and what does he say in there he says when the even was come they came and were all healed that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet Isaiah that's Matthew 8 16 17 that it might be fulfilled by the prophet Isaiah saying himself took our infirmities and bare our sickness now we know that what is spoken in Isaiah makes it quite positive in Matthew it was referring to the body alone he was wounded for transgressions bruised for iniquities chasis for peace has to do with our salvation absolutely but with the stripes we are healed so now Jesus is healing all the sick that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah which I just read because what was Jesus doing healing them all it confirms then it dealt with the body so he healed the people is what Matthew says the reason jesus healed the people is because isaiah said he would Wow now I want to say something here before we all go home because I don't want to keep you too too long and I'm gonna continue this next time and I'm gonna do something next time in two weeks we're gonna have communion again because I want to teach you what communion is all about because I can't do it tonight because see I'm gonna only prepare you and we're gonna do communion like we've never done it before and I'll explain that in a minute now by his wounds we are healed it means - it means that that's additional to spiritual Redemption it means the redemption of the body also surely surely why did he say surely because he was saying truth the truth the truth it's an oath God was willing his oath on it and may I also say something the word sorrow in Hebrew means pain surely he hath borne our sorrow our pain not not only grief not only Holly but pain so God didn't only come to receive our sickness seek him to take the pain that comes with it what's your name again dear girl what's your name again Susannah help me on the instrument there when jesus healed your cancer tonight he took the pain so that is in fulfillment - Isaiah surely he bought our holy sickness and carried our pain which is translated sorrow he did the same for you a doctor Jesus today fulfilled what as I said for you you came with AK with a cane and you crushed your toe and you you're a doctor and a scientist and tonight you're sitting here wouldn't know pain so when jesus heals he takes the pain with it you see now the Bible has been fulfilled in your body tonight lift her hands up thank God isn't be fulfilled in your body - and by His stripes we are healed hi Keys Bruce hi keys only he was wounded for our transgressions lift your hands to heaven he was bruised for our iniquities surely he bore our sorrows and by his stripes we are healed surely he bore your holy nor sickness and by his stripes you are healed [Music] I want to do something before we say goodnight I want you to stand up and we're going to pray for people you know who are sick to be healed I want the people from India I see there's people from India come down here I want to play with you come down here all the people form India come down and I want you all to stand I believe doctor you come David come on all of your kids come on Brendan come on pastor from Mexico stand here with me Tim come here I have the precious in your people stand right here for managers right here just for a minute come on Saints no it's just that they help me sing this at the cross and the cross I first saw the light and the burdens of my heart rolled away it was there by faith I received my eyesight and I am happy all [Music] once again just gently come on and the cross where I first saw the light and the burden of my heart rolled away it was there by faith I received my side [Music] happy [Music] now before we say goodbye I'm gonna tell you something I believe we are gonna see soon the fulfillment of a prophecy I heard from Kathleen Cuban and Otto Roberts miss Rubin said it in a service oral told me that before the coming of the Lord all will be healed before the coming of the Lord all will be healed say all will be healed I believe I'm gonna see it and you'll see it for sure so you guys get ready for it do you know the old song at Calvary yeah do you know it years I spent in vanity and pride knowing not my Lord was crucified caring not it was for me he died at Calvary you know it are you sure can I just played played gently and I want to hear the high keys I don't want those lower keys years I spent in vanity and pride caring not my Lord was crucified knowing not it was for me he dies [Music] any goal or key please my keys please from the start because I this is a message for these people here your your your Christians all of you right why did you come with no shoes because you it's a holy ground I'm gonna pray that God will visit India with the revival you live here in the enlasa you're from India you came for a visit or you're here for a visit Wow why did you how did you know about tonight Oh from website from the website so you came to visit America and then you just included this with it how sweet you live in Los Angeles you live in Los Angeles Virginia Virginia Wow what what cities are you from Hyderabad oh I know what it is one day I'm gonna go back to India one day soon God wouldn't oh I love India are you kidding okay kids and this is the I I think this is the message for the for for the future years I spent in vanity and pride [Music] caring not my Lord was crucified knowing not it was for me he died at Calvary you know it you're like that mercy there was great and grace was free pardon there was not applied to me there my burdened soul found Liberty thank God CAD cam you know a dark now so you're a yeren old time around mercy was great and grace was heal doctor [Music] but they're my burdens all bound [Music] threat your hands with these precious Saints we're gonna teach you to you one day back you know it know blessed come on all of you such rents with this with people so they'll they'll go back to India with an anionic watch them okay well they're taking the shoes off god bless em laugh [Music] look Heather glory to the lamb just play play for me real heavenly their glory our Lord bless these precious people from India send them with a mighty anointing back to Hyderabad and other parts of India less this precious men crush their life bless their life send him with the Holy Spirit's anointing on them in Jesus name pastor Josh will come on with me this is a this is a pastor from India who lives here and his father built a great ministry in India in what city Hyderabad same city Hyderabad and and and he goes back to India a lot and ministers so let's lay hands on him together come on in the name of Jesus pray pray tikal arabic arabic ta la ba la la la she cholera mati allah masha Koneru mutia baba Sheikh Allah Allah lord I pray that you would send your dear people back to India father Lord with a fresh anointing Lord Li the fresh unction of the Holy Spirit father Lord let your Holy Spirit upon them father Lord and let them Lord shine Lord like lord beacons of life father Lord like lighthouses Lord Jesus among the Hindus and the Muslims in India father lord thank you let's believe God is faster oh say here still I saw earlier well I just wanted to know we all love her very very much before we leave I want you all to join hands with each other and look at each other and pray your families will be saved soon come on agree with each other form form circles and play with each other come on form circles and pray as we as we close hallelujah and brandon come here yeah pray a mighty prayer brother for the people I'm gonna leave but you take over and pray as an all praying all right Holy Ghost all the way and then father we just come in an agreement with your work you say that you sent your word to heal them well we send your word to bring healing to every family every circumstance every situation every impossibility must bow to the authority that's in the name of Jesus Lord like you did for the cinterion soldier you sent the word that he was healed as you did for the nobleman and the officer though you said the word and they will heal what we send your word we curse we still gets every form of cancer every disease against the bone everything that war gets the lungs every infirmity against the mind we take authority in the name of the Lord Jesus LOI prophesied divine healings and the prophecy was spoken and all were healed because of the work of your blood and your bread Lord we thank you for removing the penalty of sin the effects of sin the acts of sin through your chameleon we honor your blood we honor your blood we honor your blood we are it was said before the foundations of the world we honor your covenant lawyer said this is the blood of the new covenant which is shed for many for the remission of sin thank you that series remitted and sickness must see we think that sin is remitted and pain must go thank you Lord for even restoring the soul not just the body but the soul Lord you said in your word that would meet miss receive the engrafted word which is able to heal the soul to restore the soul we thank you for now Lord as we go come on good night god bless you [Music] you [Music] you
Channel: Benny Hinn Ministries
Views: 36,958
Rating: 4.7973857 out of 5
Keywords: Benny Hinn Ministries, This Is Your Day, Benny Hinn, Pastor Benny Hinn, Monday Night Service, 8/20/18
Id: pZSRmE3Ases
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 182min 49sec (10969 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 26 2018
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