Benny Hinn LIVE Monday Night Service - September 3, 2018

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the steadfast love key break of the Lord never ceases His mercies [Music] they are new so news every morning did stifle [Music] keep reading says different [Music] [Music] let's proceed let's agree together the start [Music] [Music] once again the stand fast [Music] [Applause] [Music] one more time Lester [Music] and so we've come tonight and we're so grateful we really are so grateful to you for being so loving and so kind and so generous and merciful who can understand your mercy Lord no one can your God Almighty and only you are God Almighty there is no other Lord there is no other master there is no other God only you are God wonderful wonderful Jesus o people if your hands and tell them wonderful Jesus wonderful say Lord Almighty Allah become cement illumine come on play some of the Holy Ghost fient ambience I came to I wish [Music] [Music] Almighty God and it's not like you [Music] after moister I [Music] I I I [Music] [Music] I [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yes you are [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the Lord [Music] this [Music] [Music] I will bless the Lord I disgrace [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] sweet [Music] he's here right now saying she's here right now [Music] we don't need to we don't need to make it he's passing out gifts for you to the sea he's here [Music] right now to meet every need all we have to do to just simply say Lord we praise Lord we pray Lord we play [Music] Lord we [Music] Lord we play [Music] you know Oh [Music] [Music] Lord we praise Lord we you're [Music] and the message to you he's here right now I tell you he's here right now you don't need to wait and you don't need to beg is right now he's passing out gift for you to receive lift your hands and receive themselves whatever it may be peace of mind and heart a touch a Healing Touch an answer to that prayer he's passing our gift for you to receive easy right now to meet to meet your need all you have to do is just call in say Lord we praise Lord we pray Lord we pray your name Lord lovely [Music] you deserve the glory and the our Lord we lift our hands and we bless your holiness you deserve [Music] and we bless your holy man for you [Music] very [Music] berries [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] before we take our seats I want you just to begin playing in the spirit for those around you just lift your hands and pray for them you don't know their names only God knows who they are if if you know their name what do you pray for them if you don't know their name you pray for them to pray for people watching around the world right now [Music] [Music] you places I stand amazed [Music] in the presence of jesus the nazarene and wonder [Music] he could love me a sinner condemned unclean marvelous wonderful and my song me [Music] no.4 is my son your love for me you know the presence of Lord is in this house I can very easily move into the healing time now but I know that the Lord's will must be done the old song says like this I stand amazed in the presence of Jesus the Nazarene and I wonder how he could love me I'm a sinner condemned and please those high keys Bruce [Music] marvelous wonderful and my song Shelly if you know it sing it marvelous [Music] is my search yours love boys one more time the chorus [Music] my saw Shelley big five million ha [Music] you may be seated hallelujah somebody say hallelujah don't you love that because beautiful old hymns now you're all you all join the choir by the way right now so come on sings one more time [Music] yes [Music] without instruments please [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I don't forget the words I stand amazed in the presence of jesus the nazarene you may want to play I'll let you I wonder how we could love me a sinner condemned unclean now you think about those words I mean they're quite powerful you want to play it Ikeys I prefer I stand amazed aren't you amazed come on aren't you amazed I stand and me in the presence of Jesus the Nazarene you know it and one don't sing it how he could love me a sinner condemned unclean condemned unclean and how what marvelous [Music] and my song let me have one of those mics guys I'll do it marvelous no no the blue is my say [Music] see now you need to learn these all this because you got the voice and I don't I stand amazed just just a little bit after me I stand amazed see how nice voices okay Patricia I stand amazed I stand in the presence in the process oh I wish I have your voice of Jesus of Jesus the Nazarene the Nazarene yeah good y'all you be fine and wonder how he could love me he could love a sinner a sinner condemned condemned unclean unclean is that the way we all are [Music] marvelous how wonderful and my song and my song shall like you think about like I'm gonna sing it forever you see how marvelous how wonderful and my song shall ever because when I always sing it so [Music] marvelous ha I see you just learn to him [Music] [Applause] [Music] how wonderful [Music] and my soul shall ever meet myself shall ever be [Music] [Applause] [Music] and how wonderful [Music] it's my savings line [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] because he lives [Music] me he Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] God sent his son because if Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] one day I'll cross that River [Music] not in other words you know you are so anointed Patricia the part of God is gonna hit so hard tonight I believe me I will be every is gonna get healed here come on hand because [Music] big [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] if you catch the blood she okay monkey with me that's my calendar she come on let's go [Music] that you [Music] for me [Music] that gives me straight [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] that gym [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] my [Music] my fears they seduce [Music] that gives me story [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're the best one then you'll sit down because you're gonna sing again yeah yeah you will I see a beautiful little girl over there who's that little girl I know come here come here Tashi just bring her and Nathaniel to my grandkids went over there just enjoying all this they were lifting their hands and having a blessed time well if they don't want to come you can keep them there but kids are kids well I have by the way by the way I don't know if Nora can hear me but the I know this probably people in the lobby already so well if there's people in the lobby there's about three seats over here so bring the three let's see how many how many sees I have one two three four four seats there's four seats back here so they shouldn't sit in the lobby they can sit in here well guess what sweet saints Tim is engaged that's what so this is his future wife Tim stand up you all know Tim and Lexi come here and that's his mom and dad over here why don't you come all four of you give them a big god bless come on we're all happy for Timmy [Applause] [Music] he proposed yesterday and she didn't know he said she didn't know now her parents will first want to say hello there from Croatia well oh you were oh you were born here much of but your family now she is the sweetest little thing that's Timmy's mom and and I love her accent no talk to him Seema the draggy book narcissus is ready to do Shao hua she said sir and I want to think no you said say it in English okay the Lord Jesus with this wonderful okay I'm not you said but we are so blessed that she met a pastor Benny to roll Jesus who direct him to pastor Benny and we were so happy we did miss him but with our prayers the Lord told us an interest that's what envelope with pastor Benny and we accepted because Jesus is our Savior and he is opening every day our door for our lives and also I guess the pastor Benny and Timmy was talking before us about engage with this wonderful as my place oh that was wonderful marriage and this and that thank you so many told you what you see her parents used to come to OCC they worked for our ministry many years ago so she you know she's connected already to the ministry how old were you when your mum and dad worked with us they moved from California all the way to the OCC just to be at your church sir that's a long time ago family of six yeah and you are now tell the people your name full name Alexis Alvarez that's beautiful Wow and she's beautiful too they're gonna make beautiful kids so they'll be married next year and you're the only one ounce on my family I'm gonna perform the wedding well you know that well we already had a deal yeah he's such a sweet and his father well has been and you still are a teacher not not so much I 43 years I was and now I'm sort of retired but busier than ever with my grandkids and you talked very little no but I know in the past Utah history history yester in Chicago suburb of Chicago Maywood Illinois proviso East High School which is known for its basketball doc rivers Shannon Brown D Brown Michael Finley it's it's it's a basketball powerhouse school and it was it was quite a pleasure used to bring Tim there a lot of people don't know he was all Staton to sports one basketball on one football quarterbacked at the U of I and you know everything that we enjoyed watching as was just blessing from God but the big thing is when he joined you well I want to say to you in front of the whole world thank you for raising him the way you did because he truly is loyal to the Lord yes he loves the Lord very much and he and I have grown to be very close friends and family and I've spent much time with him you know if I need well when I've needed help he was there you people don't know that when I was in the hospital when I came out of the hospital he and my son would carry me up the stairs because I couldn't walk at all they would carry me literally because I wasn't able to walk too much so it's been kind of a a wonderful thing horizon-- and I met him in Chicago for places when I was at Steve Muncey's church and and you said to me said if you move your hand I'm gonna be on the floor so he kind of told me not to wave my hand because he was afraid he'd be on the floor again but he and my son Joshua have become really close friends and Joshua websley adores him so now you guys prayed josh is an idiot but you pray God gets him a wife like this doing all the time I'm playing for Joshua to wonderful coming and and please put all those girlfriends leave him those girlfriends my god and glory pardon I know he's handsome but those girls they realize something else like dear God in heaven yeah I won the right one too and I you know I'm praying that God would send my son a good girl that she can marry him and he'll settle down and give me some grandbabies before I'm gone it's gonna happy are you are you prophesying doesn't happen soon well you know the God have his special surprises and we don't know what this Lord store for each of us well if any of you girls over here want my son come talk to me don't tell him I said that out in trouble well it's wonderful you came it's so wonderful what God is doing and later on tonight when the anointing of God starts to fall again I want to lay hands on them I'm gonna have you come up we're gonna bless them and bless their life and that God will anoint them both always anointed us you've always blessed us and this has meant so much to us well I love you much bless you let's give the Lord a mighty hand up race that's wonderful hallelujah Jesus is so wonderful what a savior before I Minister the world I want to just tell Jesus how much I love him can we lift our hands and tell him how much you love him how then do you want to save you [Music] what a savior you know yeah hallelujah can I have the pipes please Sammy [Music] Hey [Music] you know these these old hymns it's too bad we don't see him in church anymore jesus what a friend of sinners Jesus lover of my soul friends may fail me for say help me my Savior makes me hope nothing about that just think about the words Jesus wore a friend for sinners Jesus lover of my soul friends may fail me for a sell me he my Savior makes me hold so they all stab me but he makes me whole [Music] say [Music] love me me too if you know this beautiful course take it with me come on [Music] [Music] Sammy [Music] we we me too and God's people said amen now for the next few moments I want you to take your Bible now I'm not yet ministering on communion and the atonement I will in just a second just a few minutes but I want you all to go with me to Deuteronomy 8 Deuteronomy chapter 8 because I truly believe with all of my heart and yes I will be taking the offer in the next few moments but I want to share the Word of God with you for just about 10 minutes before I begin ministering the word and then we're gonna have communion and then I pray I pray everyone will be healed oh that's a good amen that was a good amen I want to do it again I pray everyone will be healed and people around the world will be healed too but let's let's believe God now to meet your needs in the natural financially because see I believe that financial pressure can cause disease financial pressure can can can damage us physically mentally and we need to be liberated from from from that and the only answer is the Bible there's no other way to go and so when we stay with the word it works if we get into gimmickry it doesn't work so let's look at what God has to say about this very important matter and you know when I when I look at the New Testament and I see Paul the Apostle talk about money for example 2nd corinthians 8 2nd corinthians 9 philippians and so on he mentions money more than one time because he tells the church in corinth how the church in macedonia out of their poverty had sent an offering or were sending an offering to the poor Saints in Jerusalem and he was asking them to also give an offering and he said on the first day of of the week put together what God has prospered you with and that we can send it to Jerusalem and yes none lacked among them of course but remember that even during time of difficulty in Jerusalem the the churches in present-day Turkey and in Greece sent money to the Saints in Jerusalem when famine came when trouble came remember when agamous had come and said this committee famine they traveled it was Paul and Barnabas and then him and Titus and him in Silas too but they traveled collecting the offering for Jerusalem and he spent two chapters 2nd Corinthians 8:9 talking about that so we need to understand God cares for our financial needs because he knows we need to live and so the Lord Jesus said he said you know look at the birds look at the at the sparrow look at the beautiful lilies of the field if God takes care of that will you not take care of you so God cares for us we're much so in Deuteronomy 8:18 we see the real foundation of prosperity it says thou shalt remember the Lord remember the Lord let is let's understand that he's our source thou shalt remember the Lord now most people don't even talk about the Lord they just offer many no no thou shalt remember the Lord seek ye first the kingdom of God then prosperity comes so we focus on the Lord thou shalt remember the LORD thy God the Lord thy God don't forget these words it is he he's the source then it's not the bank it's not the boss it's not whatever company old for it is he that gives the power to get wealth he's the source he's the one so what did Jesus say the Lord said seek if first the kingdom of God and His righteousness meaning righteous cause is the Greek word righteous causes the gospel seeking the kingdom and his righteousness and all these things whatever you need will be added that's surplus will be added not just given but added unto you now the foundation is what it says that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy father's as it is this day so which means prosperity is the result of an oath ax think about the oath God's oath God's covenant God's oath God made you and I oppress and oath an oath is not an agreement and otha covenant it cannot be broken so now because of his oath or his covenant prosperity belongs to you and I it's not something to go beg God for it belongs to you you are his child you are his children you have the right you have the right to prosper because you're his children say I have the right now the world doesn't have the right you have the right only God's children have the right you are kings and priests you are children of the Most High God do you not that you are royalty you ought to call each other your majesty you are royalty say I am royalty say me Kings kid you are the King's kid you're the children of the king hallelujah you have a higher position than anyone on earth you are kings and priests that's big stuff right here so now the Bible goes on to say that and I like you to turn to Psalm 37 Psalm 37 I won't be long on this but I want to point out a few things that our biblical so you can believe God and not the bank or not something else so Psalm 37 verse 25 all of you in your homes you also follow with me now Psalm 37 by the way welcome to everybody watching me on social media Psalm 37 verse 25 here's what the Bible says I have been young and now I'm old yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging for bread so here we see that David the king is giving us an amazing promise from God that we have first of all the power because of the covenant to be blessed financially and now God wants to raise you up to be trusted with wealth that his covenant might be established but also it says that God will never forsake you because he has not David said I've been you know I'm old and I was young I've never seen the righteous forsaken never the righteous the wicked that's different never seen the righteous forsaken now God will allow will allow the wicked to prosper for one reason that he might give you the wealth of the sinner so if you like in the Psalms it says how David wondered about Huck how are the wicked prospering and and he could not understand it till he went into the house of the Lord and understood that they are walking on slippery ground he said Lord I'm troubled by this I don't understand why these people are prospering and and and we're all in trouble and they're the ones who got the money and I don't really understand why and then God one day had to open his eyes he said he he made it very very very clear to him that the reason they prosper is God was allowing them to prosper but they're walking on slippery grounds one of these days they're gonna fall and the and the righteous are the ones who take the gold so they are prosperous let them prosper but one of these days that prosperity will be trans and it's gonna happen right on time I said on time and the time is approaching we'll come into the last days when did God give the wealth of Egypt to Israel right before they left so God's gonna give you the wealth of the sinner right before we leave did you hear what I said right before they left god bless them financially to build this tabernacle the only reason the only thing about 20 talents of gold in the tabernacle that's a lot of gold boys 20 talents of gold in the tabernacle alone everything was covered with go way more silver well how did they get it from Egypt why did why did God give that to them to build the tabernacle think about they had all that gold and know what to go shopping they are all the gold and know where to go and buy clothing because they took the clothing and the clothing grew up with him nobody ever went to see a dentist a doctor nothing God blessed them beyond words so that money God gave them was to build his house and God makes it clear and made it clear to Jacob if you sit a Lord Lord I'm gonna build your house God says okay now I will build yours that's what happened with Jacob Jacob said lord I if you bless me if you go with me remember that's in the book of Genesis chapter 28 he said if you go with me and bring me back safe I'll give you 10% and this place will be your house beth-el means God's house and beth-el became later the center of prophecy besides Gilgal in Israel remember that Samuel would go to Beth El and Gilgal there were the center of foundational places in the whole play in the whole country for prophecy if people wanted to hear from God they went to Beth L or gilja and Gilgal is where jay is where Joshua came to and Jacob went to buy help so we see that God fulfilled it Jacob said now Lord if you take care of me this will be your house what did God give him a big house called a whole nation called Israel he will dim house now everyone here tonight and everyone watching me if you're committed to building the kingdom of God God will build your house for it says it says seek ye first the kingdom build the kingdom if you promote the kingdom all these things will add will be added to you so be a giver to the kingdom not everyone will give to the Lord many people in church will not give to the Lord but anyone who gives to the Lord will be blessed for the rest of his life we we we honor let me say it like this God will never stop blessing if you'll do two things number one honor the Lord with your substance and number two honor your father and mother many of us honor God but don't honor parents and honor father and mother doesn't mean hello how are you and goodbye honor means you give them money I would send money to my mom every week when my father died he was 58 years of age he died with cancer because he smoked all his life and I would send my mom money every week and she'd say son I don't need it I said mom I need it I need God to see me do it because it says honor the Lord with your substance and then it says honor your father and your mother so it will be well with you will be well with you and you'll live long on the earth I have family members are always in trouble financially and I've told them why I said you never honored mom and dad oh yes we did I said no you never give them money and one of them said why did we have to you did one brother said me well you did it why should I do it I said that's why you're in trouble God doesn't forget that if you want God to prosper you honor the Lord and your mom and dad that's a fact of the Bible are you people listening and honor doesn't mean throw them away in some place and lock them up when they're old they raised you they took care of you when you were little it's that it's the right thing to bless them and take care of them when they're old let me hear an amen so that's what God says in his word you honor him with your substance in Proverbs we read your substance and the firstfruits of all your increase so shall your barns be filled with when you think about this this is proverbs 3 it says honor Lord with your substance and the firstfruits of all your increase you honor the Lord hell with your substance that means money and the firstfruits of all the increase increase means gross not net if you give God ten percent of your net you can't be blessed I talked to one person he said well he said you know I pay my taxes then I pay God I said oh you're wrong brother if you will honor the Lord first he'll he'll give you them the money to pay your tax well we have to obey the government I said no we have to obey God first and then yes we have to obey the government of course we all have to the Bible tells us to the Bible says pay your tax payer pay what you are required by the law customs you pay your customs whatever when when I travel I declare everything I never have held one thing I'm I'm telling you that's God is watching that when you when you travel do you declare everything you bought it's it's the law of God it's all of God how can God bless you if you break the law of the land but think about people obey the law of the land cause nobody wants go to prison but they're not obeying God and he'll judge you more severely than the government you lack way more and then you'll be punished when you see him what did Jesus say who will trust you with true riches if you cannot be trusted with money how can God trust you with their knowning how can God trust you with his blessings if you cannot be trusted with your money I'm laying in the hospital and I know what the bible says in psalm 41 it says blessed is the man who considers the poor and then it promises God will will heal you said the Psalms won't you turn to Allah so to you the seven blessings seven blessings blessed is he that considers the poor the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble the Lord will preserve him and keep him alive he'll be blessed on the earth you'll not deliver him to the will of his enemies the Lord will strengthen him upon the bed of languishing and that was me there are seven blessings in this amazing portion number one can I just give that to you quick it says blessed is he that can considers the poor that one who gives to the poor number one the Lord will deliver him in trouble number two the Lord will preserve him number three the Lord will keep him alive number four he will be blessed on the earth number five he will not be delivered to the will of his enemies number six God will strengthen him number seven God will heal him it's all there I'm laying in the hospital and I remember that Psalm and I said lord I need my body to be strengthened and I made God a vow that I will give for the rest of my life I will support orphans I have 23 of them that I support personally I get letters from them all the time God touched my body so quick after that I was running within days because it says so or we believe this book or we don't believe this book I've chosen to believe it let me hear an Amen so this is the Bible you are not the Lord with your substance you are not him when you take care of the poor you honor him when you give your tithe when you give your offering you honor him and then honor mom and dad send them money whatever a matter doesn't matter whatever about the moment you begin to honor your mom and dad God will bless you beyond words it shall be well with thee that means now no troubles will overcome you now let's focus on what the Bible says about honoring the Lord the Lord first we honored him first honor the Lord with your substance how that's how you honor him in my part of the world honor is a big thing it's the same in Croatia it's the same in the Spanish world honor is a big big thing with us we honor family we honor dead we are no mom we honor grandpa grandma we honor our teachers we honor those in authority and so on and so forth it's a big thing for us so honoring God is bigger I never went to my grandma's place without bringing something with me just honor when I met King Hussein of Jordan I bought him a pen Montblanc I'll tell you the story it's amazing when I met the king of Jordan his Minister of Tourism said to me what are you bringing to honor my king it was his first question what are you bringing with you and so well what does he like he said he likes Montblanc pens so let's go buy him one so I went home on to a store and I found and very nice spent $2,500 you cheap so what he said that's too cheap he said if you take that pan into his presence you'll insult him I said that's the most expensive pen I ever bought anywhere I never pay that kind of money for a pen so he looks at the guy behind the counter he says what's the most expensive pen you have here and the guy says only have one I'm thinking what will wait there like where is it going he goes back opens the safe brings a pen all gold and says to me it's $25,000 I almost fell over so I can belt edgy the Minister of Tourism at the time says that's the that's the gift that will please the king I mean I was so angry I was so upset with a guy I said where I care let's his name I kill I said I kill twenty five hundred is plenty he said that's the king of Jordan the King I said so what if their King I mean can't he settle for a $2,500 pen isn't it oh no he said that would insult him he said you need to buy him the gold pen I'm so upset I'm thinking to god I'm gonna be paying that for the next 10 years you know like twenty five thousand so I take my American Express card and I'm like shaking and I'm trembling and I'm so upset and I'm just about to lose it and he's pushing me the dear guy named I killed bill 10g he's pushing me to buy the pen so I I did it out of pressure I didn't want to the guy gives me the thing they ripen up all the stuff took forever to be in that store we go to the palace and I'm still very upset with a Kia we walk in this King Hussein in the in the center of the room smiling me and I said Your Majesty I bought you a gift today and he didn't know how upset I was of course but I can new I said I bought you a gift so he looked at it and the biggest smile comes on his face and kiss me here and he kissed me there I thought their God I paid twenty five thousand for two kisses but then then something happened I got the picture I'm kneeling with him and I'm like this watch watch this guys I'm sitting on a chair and I'm like that like almost I was almost my forehead was almost touching his and I said your majesty will you allow me to preach the gospel in your country he just looked at me didn't say a word didn't say a word good try she didn't say yes and he didn't say no well so I leave and his son Abdullah was the king today I met him later so well I asked you dead if he let me preach and he didn't say nothing he said the King will never tell you yes oh no he let someone else tell you yes or no so well what is it he said it's a yes and I preach I was the first preacher I was the first man to ever preached the gospel freely in Jordan the king gave me gave me freely the culture of the Palace of Culture it's called building seats 4000 and sent me his soldiers to protect me all because of a pen I wanted to go buy him another one I was so blessed when he gave me soldiers I said let me go by my mother paying me back and get something else honor did you hear that honor say honor you honor a man like that and he opens the whole country to you you were there I have a picture back that I can show you when I preached in Amman now we have we sort happened for one reason honor let's honor God and see what he'll do for you Father in the name of Jesus I believe in I pray I believe in I pray that everyone who gives right now and honor you with their money that you'll bless them back on or every one of them multiplied the seat that they'll sell and meet every need in their life financially in Jesus name and God's people said all right now let's pass the offering envelopes now listen no just you give me one here I'm gonna ask you to sow a seed you've never saw before in this studio step out in faith so something you've never given to God or something you have not given him too often like you give it here and there you know and watch what God will do with you I'm asking maybe to saw 100 or 120 you do that buying food or clothes once you give it to God see what how God will bless you you saw there hundred and twenty dollars or a hundred dollars and watch what God will do with that so give him it give him at least a hundred dollars him at least 100 dollars watch what God will do with it how he'll bless you back many many many times over and you make those checks payable to Benny Hinn ministries you online you can give online right now watching me on social media and then I I want you to write on the back of the envelope or just somewhere just simply write I'm coming out of that in Jesus name believe God he will bring you out of debt because he promised it in his word he said you'll never lack that's his promise that you'll never never lack and you ever covenant behind you you have an oath the oath of God is behind you hallelujah bless the Lord O my soul fight this bless the Lord Oh and law that is within me bless his heart holy man so you just saw that Sadie and faith now you so that's it in faith and you believe God you watch what God will do with you when you saw that seed and expect that miracle expected to happen quickly hallelujah you see the Lord will not will not fail you will never never fail you because he does not disappoint any one of us the loving Lord thank God for Jesus thank God for Jesus the Lord is gracious and merciful great in kindness and good toward the Lord is righteous in all his ways so blessed follow and give him give him the praise and [Music] with blasts would sing with me hanky [Music] close Oh [Music] we bless his name okay glory the Lord is gracious and merciful great in kindness and good to all the law is righteous in all his way so bless and give him [Music] [Applause] [Music] we [Music] is again Patricia [Music] glory [Music] [Music] here's [Music] [Applause] [Music] can you sing this with me while we we're giving him on Hannah let me hear your voice bless [Music] plus his [Music] let there be glory and honor and praises you know there's such a flow tonight glory and honor to change Jesus closed Oh glory and [Music] to him I'm sure you know that let there be glory [Music] - Jesus oh gee glory [Music] now you know this one give thanks with a grateful heart grateful let's sing it without they won't give thanks because he's given Jesus [Music] with a grateful heart give to the wall [Music] campaign because he's given [Music] [Music] I want you all just one more time to move your hands to heaven and sing with it because let's just prepare the atmosphere for the Lord here we give thanks one more time with a grateful heart [Music] give because he's given Jesus [Music] [Music] aha [Music] because see [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] don't you all to lift your hands away the holy ghost of Marseilles from your burden pensions there's [Music] would you or evil a victori with [Music] singer tapes Wow [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] promised up to 5 verse 12 please the hue by bizarre Romans 5:12 and bless the Holy Spirit be our teacher open our hearts open our eyes spirit but see in the spirit in Jesus name wherefore as by one man sin entered into the world and death by sin and so death passed upon all men for that all have sinned by one man sin entered into the world and death by sin so it's clear that sickness entered into the world by sin for it states very clearly by one man sin entered into the world and death by sin if death came because of sin then disease the cause of it is the fall of man now that does not mean that every everywhere everyone or every time you sin disease will follow it simply means that the beginning was the fall and the fall of man when Adam fell that's the real reason for sin and death that's the real reason for sickness and death so it was his fall that brought about sin and that brought sickness and death now therefore we have to understand now that the remedy must be found in the redemption of Jesus since the Lord's work on Calvary brought salvation therefore now his work on Calvary will bring healing because disease is a part of the curse and the remedy of disease is the cross and so Paul the Apostle tells us in 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 I'd like you to make sure you write the scriptures or just mark them in your Bible it says always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our mortal body for we which live are always delivered unto death for Jesus sake that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh so when you gave your life to the Lord when you surrendered your heart to the Lord when you gave him your body as a living sacrifice the result that has to be life the result will be healing we which live are always delivered unto death for Jesus sake we give our life we die to ourselves we die to the things of the flesh we die to the things of the world and as a result for Jesus sake it says now the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our own flesh now some say well that will happen on resurrection morning it's more than that because if you look at the Scriptures beginning in Exodus 12 and I'll go through these very quickly if you look at the scriptures whenever the blood was offered and Calvary declared healing came to the people so when Moses applied the blood on the homes of the Jewish people living in Egypt the result was healing for they all came out healed not one feeble among other tribes now think about God healing a whole nation in one night I'm gonna talk about something tonight very important in just a few moments but I want to give you first some foundational facts in the Bible so the Bible makes it clear that when they ate a Passover they were healed but the Bible also says in first Corinthians 5:7 that Jesus is our Passover they ate the Passover and what healed so Jesus is our Passover so when we eat his body and drink his blood then we will be healed it's that simple if they were healed while they ate a Passover then we must be healed when we eat our Passover because he is our Passover 1st Corinthians 5:7 declares that so if they received strength and they received healing why should we not receive health and healing and the Bible says in Psalm 105 37 that God brought them out without one person feeble among the tribes the Bible declares in Exodus 15 I'm the Lord that healeth thee the Bible declares in second chronicles 30 verse 20 when King Hezekiah celebrated the Passover the nation was healed and we see throughout the Bible not just one time so they were healed in Exodus 12 when they ate the Passover they were healed in second chronicles 30 when they ate the Passover and the Bible says they were healed also when the blood was again revealed in number 16 remember when chorister against Moses came against the soul of God and the plague came upon the people fourteen thousand seven hundred people were slain by the plague what happened the atonement was made that's in numbers 16 verse 46 to verse 50 just write these down I'm just giving you some foundational scriptures so here we find in the Bible that when they rebelled and when they sinned disease came that the plague began to spread but the moment the atonement was made in number 16 verse 46 they the atonement was presented they ran through the crowds applying the blood the result was the plague stopped I'm here to tell you cancer will stop in your body how disease will stop in your body because there's healing in the atonement there's healing in the blood now I see some people sitting here tonight like the doctor like that sweet lady over here I just saw her that God touched last week with cancer she's sitting there smiling looks so good look how good she looks and your hair soon will grow all back somebody say hallelujah this young lady came here two weeks ago stand up honey please stand up she had cancer and came with was it stage four cancer or some like that right three stage three cancer the part of God came on her look at her now she's standing here with a smile two weeks ago she didn't look as good how good have you been great now huh great you know and doctors are amazed because like the tumor has reduced drastically yes somebody shout hallelujah so here we see the result of a part of God and the doctor and others sitting around here but I want you to all know something and I want you to know something young lady I'm gonna teach you tonight something very powerful in the doctor too and all of you I want you to start having communion every week and I'm going to show you how to do it because the Bible says that having dinner with God triggers the promise I'll show you that in just a second but I'm gonna and I feel the the anointing just saying it some of you may not be healed here tonight you may not even be healed in any service but you will be healed while you take communion even in your own kitchen I was speaking in the UK two weeks in Burslem England that was back in the eighties gentlemen when the United Kingdom wasn't having a revival like now first night in the Queens Theatre 200 people showed up there was 1981 81 that was the toughest service of my life I dread it going back because I had been there a year before I was there one year early due to Full Gospel businessmen meeting nobody even worshipped I was the only one that's saying the piano player didn't even know how to play the piano it was a terrible service and I said I'll never go back to England and the pastor came to me the main pastor in the in the city when I was at Full Gospel he said please come back I said what he said please come back I said I don't want to come back I said this was the most difficult service I ever had in my life oh he said no you're wrong he said this was the greatest service we ever had I said password you can't be serious I said nobody worshiped God with me I was the only one worshipping he said well he said this was the greatest service that they did had and I said well what's wrong with him he pushed me to go back and I didn't want to go back he flew to Orlando met with my in-laws who are from England anyways convincing me through my in-laws to go back now I'm dragged they dragged me back I didn't want to go I shoved to this theater and was supposed to have a two-week revival I went one time and hated it now I'm supposed to go for two weeks first night it was like pulling teeth you know it was terrible they had a big banner behind me from Psalm 103 he forgiveth all thine iniquities and healeth all thy diseases and those British people didn't believe a word second night same thing it was a tough tough tough third night the part of God hit and after after that the crowd would would just surround that building it's seated I think mm but a third night it was full almost full and then by the fourth night you couldn't get any other place and every night we would come and the crowds would be so long so down the streets one night as we as we came I noticed a very eloquent looking man all white hair white moustache wear it all very British wearing a collar so I suppose he was a member of the Church of England so I came in we came through the back door and the line was so long they were back there by the back door so we walk in and then I see him in the audience and I had him stand up I said who are you he looked so marvelous and when he stood up the whole place began applauding I said oh my they know him so he comes up and he tells me I am the chaplain of the Queen of England the chaplain was right there and I said why are you here he said I want the power of the Holy Ghost and before I could say Jesus he was on the floor talking in tongues the chaplain of the Queen wonderful one of the chaplains is a friend of mine today in fact he's gonna be here I'm gonna invite him he just called me Victor mystic of war is his name and he's one of the Queen's chaplain and he now is one of the big men you were with me when I talked to him he's what is it Harvard or one of those big University Stata Stanford University he's the he's like the Dean or there's something off of that you know University and he's a charismatic Holy Ghost man and he's gonna come and be with us so you'll meet him all he's a dynamic fella but now this man became talking in tongues and then the place exploded after that you couldn't get near that building anywhere because when they saw the man there the crowd just came from over and one night this man walks in he looked like a mummy I'm not kidding you for a weekend for a a good week and a half he sat on the front row wrapped in metal wrapped little man little English man bald head I'll never forget that man's face and they'd bring him on a wheelchair and he was wrapped in steel couldn't move he looked like a big mummy sitting there he was a little man every day the part of God would fall and nothing would happen to that guy nothing every night people would come out of wheelchairs they they began moving the pews out of the out of the they began to unscrew seats because so many wheelchairs were coming in there was no place for wheels just so they had to take the seats out and put wheelchairs in the places and people were just getting healed by the dozens except that man they put him right on the front row staring at me every night I don't let that happen anymore now because that's not exactly what I like but the man was right there last service on a Saturday night sorry the service before that our service the next night on Sunday would be the last service and I'm thinking a poor man is sitting here now this is Saturday tomorrow I'm that's the last service and he's still not healed everyone else is getting healed around him Sunday morning my mother-in-law Pauline was there with my father-in-law row and that building by the way had been used by the Jeffry brothers Smith Wigglesworth had his big his biggest meetings right in that same theater called the the Queens Theatre in Burslem still there I'm sure and my mama in-law they invited her to preach in a little country church outside the city and that little man went there and while they took communion the whole thing began to shake he tore that thing off his body and that little man was made perfectly whole God didn't heal him in my meeting heal him and that little church having communion he walked in that Sunday night they were carrying all metal and pushing the wheelchair he walked in put the whole place came like I never saw people could scream and cry like that night it was glorious and he came up and told us how as he took the bread and the cup he felt fire go through his body and he was made whole some of you may not be healed tonight but you'll be healed when you take communion healing will come - all in the name of Jesus the Bible declares numbers 21 just write this down you can read this when you go home verse 5 through 9 that's when the people murmured sneaks bid them remember the story and now all of them many many thousands began to die and God spoke to Moses and said put a brazen serpent on a pole and whoever looks on that bracelet serpent will live what is that brazen serpent it's symbolic of Jesus on the cross for the Lord said to Nicodemus as Moses lifted up the serpent so shall the Son of Man be lifted up meaning that Jesus would take upon himself our sin that's what it means by the serpent the lowest of all animals and Jesus went to the lowest place when he became our sin for he have made him to be sin for us who knew no sin the Bible says he made him to be sin for us I believe with all my heart that men on that wheelchair one of your people that you brought from the hospital I believe God's gonna heal that boy there like he healed you like he healed that young lady from cancer a few days ago he's gonna heal that man over there maybe while he takes communion tonight hallelujah I said hallelujah the Bible tells me that Paul tells the church in first Corinthians 11 he says the reason many of you are sick because you do not understand the body of the Lord you've not discerned what it's all about in verse 30 of that chapter David called upon his soul to bless the Lord for he declared that God forgives because of the atonement bless the Lord O my soul forget not his benefits the atonement is the benefits and because of the atonement he forgives all your sin he heals oh my god I feel it just saying it he heals all disease no disease will stand when Jesus walks in cancer will bow how disease will bow just like that young lady the tumors will shrink coz Jesus his nature is a healing nature he is the Lord that healeth me he is the Lord that he loved you for the Apostle declared in first Corinthians 10 11 all that happened the Old Covenant happened for our admonition as our example now the word of god has much to say about dinner with God the greatest chapter on the subject of divine healing is Isaiah 53 he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him and the stripes we are healed but now listen to what the Word of God declares surely verse 4 surely he hath borne our griefs the hebrew word holy holy i am going to know the Bible but I have ever known the Bible in exactly a year and a half you saw I say that I had my first Hebrew lesson last Friday my professor flew here all the way I flew that woman all the way here I joined the most amazing university class in the world on Bible that's the Bible so when I joined and and you know I'm 65 years old I know this Bible real good but the English language has a limit I want to go way beyond the English I want to learn the Hebrew so I said professor you fly here the lady said no one has ever asked me to fly and so well I'll pay your way and you come to California her name is Siegel professor Siegel she said well can I bring my daughter and pay her way I said I'll pay her where you just come I flew them all here she was beyond words she was speechless and we sat there in the in the back over here in this in this building I said I want to have a grasp of the Hebrew Bible like I've never had it in my life I said you have to test me today give me a good test and tell me what I am like how deep how how good am I in here because I can read the Bible in Hebrew I can right now read it to you so she tested me she said you are really good she said you're even good enough to teach it I said well professor I'm very honored but I said I want to grasp that grasp the real language I'm not interested just to know what the dictionary says or how to pronounce it I said my English Bible has had its limit with me I've read that Bible since I was a little boy and so now I it's time for me to really know the Hebrew I want to dig real deep in the Hebrew she gave me some amazing my first lesson blew my head off but I have something to tell all of you quick maybe I better wait I can tell you now or I can tell you later I convinced her to fly here again and be with us on a Monday night and teach the beginners class and she said she'll do it because I want you all to at least start knowing the language at least start like getting to know the beginning and then maybe you can fly on your own but she told me things I just did not know and when I look at the word holy I'm about to break in tongues here if I do you can all join me somebody said to me a few days ago why are you doing this that's what I'm doing it for the body of Christ I said I want to be able to teach the Bible like I have never been able to teach the Bible I can go right to the Hebrew well let me just continue with my message here you're gonna see how good I will be in about a year so you stick with me holy a hundred times in the Old Covenant holy is translated as sickness except here surely he hath borne our holy griefs this is the only time in the Bible the word holy is translated into grief sir well every other place its sickness sickness now the word holy truly means disease surely he hath borne our disease and the word borne is the Hebrew nasaw to carry away he killed away your disease it's the same word we see in the New Testament he took away our sin in John 1:29 he took away he carried away the word nasai in evil is the same thing he carried away so Jesus came to NASA carry away your disease you he'll take the cancer and carry it away from you if he bore it why should you bear it if he will carry it away why should you carry it you have to believe that now once you believe it God will honor you so it's not about relief it's about substitution it's about caring in a way for good and the Bible says in in Isaiah 53 verse 10 it pleased the Lord to bruise him or to make him sick it's the same word in Hebrew the same word for bruise him in verse 10 is holy it leaves the Lord to bruise him so think about they translated in in verse 4 as grief and in verse 10 as bruise but it's the same Hebrew word so now we know that Jesus carried poor NASA our disease and it pleased the Lord to make him sick think about that God is not pleased when you are sick but it pleased him to make his son sick boy that's that's heavy it gave him pleasure to make his son sick it gives him no pleasure to see you sick so tonight all of you with cancer it doesn't belong in your body he took it on his already you were that heart condition it doesn't belong in your body he took it already whatever disease you have and we know from Matthew 817 that it was talking about healing because it says that it might be fulfilled because in as in in Isaiah it says he was wounded for our transgressions bruised for our iniquities chastised for our peace with the stripes were healed that's in verse 5 verse 4 says surely he hath borne he carried our sickness and our sorrows yet we did esteem him stricken smitten of God and afflicted and the word sorrows by the way deals with emotional healing so not only did Jesus carry your physical disease he carried your emotional disease that rejection you've been suffering with he carried it that hurt in your heart he carried it that's why I said in Jeremiah I will heal you of all your wounds wounds the wounds of the heart when Louis Pasteur was dying Louis Pasteur was the Frenchman who was the chemist who invented pasteurization in in in in milk and on and on he went against the microbes that were causing disease in France on his deathbed he said the last thing that must be defeated he said that they will come medical science will defeat physical disease and I think they're almost there anyways but it said the last disease that must be conquered will be emotional because it's the cause of all disease emotional disease will bring physical disease that's why it says in the Bible I wish above all things you prosper and be in health even as your soul so God in His Word says I will heal you of your wounds now there's more sick people today in America they say then even in in the past millions more are struggling with cancer and leukemia and all kinds of diseases and scientists are working hard to get rid of it but I'm here to tell you even if they do bring that cure only God will accomplish it I believe in medical science we have to but if we neglect the Bible will never see miracles but the Bible makes it clear you know there's a place doctors can can do no more there's a place doctors will tell you there's nothing more I can do won't you trust God then he'll never tell you there's nothing I can do God can do anything he can heal every sickness and disease when doctors give up that's when God begins to work hallelujah and Matthew 8:17 confirms that Isaiah was talking about physical healing because when jesus healed he said that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah now let me switch gears quickly here I want to talk about the meal why are we dying before our time because we have not caught the importance of dinner with God listen here no covenant in the Bible was ever triggered without dinner so you may want to call it communion Eucharist Lord's Supper Mass whatever you want when it comes right down to it it's one thing and one thing only it's the Covenant meal I don't like calling communion communion I like to call the Covenant meal say that one more time the Covenant meal has miracles in it now the Word of God tells me that in Genesis 26 verse 28 when Isaac and Abimelech made a covenant they did not seal it till they had dinner it says in verse 28 through 31 and they said we saw now this is Genesis 26 28 and they said we saw so long that the Lord was with you we said let's now make an oath make a covenant between us and then verse 29 says that you will do us no harm and will do you no harm and verse 30 says and he made them a feast and they ate which means the Covenant could not be established or triggered the Covenant could not come into being without dinner the same thing happened in Genesis 31:44 yeah God I feel then only just telling you this with Laban and Jacob now therefore calm down let's make a covenant I and you Laban says to Jacob and let this be a witness between you and I and Jacob took a stone and pull it up for a pillar and Jacob said to his brethren gather stones they took stones and made a heap and what did they do they did eat there upon the heap why did Laban and Jacob eat to establish and trigger the Covenant now listen to me all of you look at me all of you God made a covenant with Abraham for 25 years nothing happened so Genesis 12 the Covenant 13 14 15 16 17 from Genesis 12 to 17 are 24 years exactly 24 years if you look at your Bible so here's Abraham waiting for Isaac to come Genesis 12 God says I'm going to make you the father of Nations I'm gonna bless you he goes down to Egypt he comes back God repeats the Covenant Genesis 14 God repeats the Covenant Genesis 15 Abraham says when is it going to happen nothing has taken place God says count the Stars Genesis 16 smile shows up Hagar the whole mass starts with that 17 God repeats the Covenant when Abraham said look I'm okay now I have a boy and God said no no no in Isaac will the seed be called from that from Genesis 12 to 17 24 years and nothing happens until God shows up in chapter 18 and has dinner and while they eat in chapter 18 God says now Isaac will come exactly a year from today it triggered the promise it triggered the covenant there was no meal with God in chapter 12 no meal with God in 13 14 15 16 17 God never had any dinner with Abraham throughout those chapters except one he shows up on the way to Sodom and Gomorrah and they have dinner chapter 18 of Genesis verse 6 7 and 8 that was the turning point and Abraham hastened into the tent on the Sharon said make ready quickly three measures of fine meal get the cakes ready abraham ran verse 7 into the herd and got a calf gave it to the young man and they began to cook it he took butter he took milk and now the Bible says and he stood by them under the tree and they did eat and the second day ate God said now where is Sara the next verse where is Sara he said she's in the tent the next verse in verse and says I will certainly now return to you my god I glory feel that order yeah he's and now I'm gonna come back according to the time of life and Sarah your wife will have a son when did God say that just when he finished chewing how many felted when I said the foot has arrived when that meal was done the next verse he says well is Sara verse eight he finished eating verse 9 where is Sara verse 10 the boy is coming in a year hallelujah I said hallelujah I said hallelujah what happened in Egypt four hundred and thirty years nothing till they had a meal when they had dinner that night they were coming out while chewing think about they walked out of Egypt chewing four hundred and thirty years and nobody had dinner with God now he shows up and tell Moses get the lamb it will family get a lamb let's have dinner apply the blood and while they ate Egypt was by now destroyed the firstborn dead and they're having dinner and while they're having dinner God says let's go home they took the door with them and it wasn't even yet ready for cooking when you have dinner God moves real fast whoa while you have dinner phantom or Emil alpha P albicante mental Omo oh my god come on people lift your hands let's let's have a praise break in this auditorium more cool a maintaining faith Galba continent alone dinner I'm not done preaching yet don't play that Oh what happened in Exodus 24 they had dinner with Abraham and the promise comes God has dinner with it with the people of Israel and the rod of Egypt the next dinner is when AHA God gives the law to Moses gives them the commandments but one day the law did not trigger yet it did not come into the being it wasn't released until Exodus 24 what happened in Exodus 24 I'll tell you what happened it's there in your Bible in verse 1 God says come Moses you come up to the mountain you bring Aaron your brother you bring native and Abihu and bring 70 elders but let them worship far off nobody comes close except you so he goes up the mountain and God gives him the law because it says Moses came and told the people all the words of the Lord and the judgments and they said we'll do what God says and Moses who wrote all the words of the Lord verse 4 and rose up early in the morning and builds Delta so now watch watch watch all of you watch watch watch so the day before Aaron every human a DAB who were killed by God because they offered strange fire that's another story 70 of the elders are all shop and God says don't you come close now nobody comes close keep paying attention Moses you come up he comes up all day all night he comes down the next morning he says to the people all right now here's what God says they all say okay we'll do it now those elders are still where they were the day before something happens after he applies the blood on the altar on the people on the book of the Covenant the next thing god says verse 9 then went up Moses and Aaron my god and made them and AB you and the elders of Israel and they were close enough to seek on the day before God says don't you come close now you keep those boys damp down there far away you just come by yourself he gives up the law blood applied now the next day God says bring him here bring him close now and what do they do when they come close and they saw verse 10 they saw the god of history hell there was under his feet as it were a paved work of sapphire stone as it whirled about of heaven and verse 11 upon the nobles of the children of Israel he laid not his hands and they saw God and did eat and drink when they ate and drank it activated the Covenant the law was ignited after they ate after they drank godson now build me a house I'm coming down God has set the Moses out to that are you people listening after that time he said Moses you come down up down Moses come up Moses go down Moses come up Moses go down now they have dinner glasses you don't have to come up in the motor I'm coming down [Music] now build me a tabernacle that I may dwell with them what triggered got to say it dinner when you have dinner my brother he'll come to your house [Applause] hallelujah I said hallelujah I said hallelujah some of you go to death churches you go to that church and you sit there bored to death God isn't even in there they have little sermonettes they sing and then you all go home and have coffee my brother it's time that God comes to your house you go to church and you get bored to death but begin having dinner with God you know those churches don't even have communion why would God show up why should he show up because communion brings them into the church God ate with men you know I think about David they'll prepare a table before me in the presence of mine enemies Wow so every time you eat with God the devil will see it but he cannot touch you the only time Satan cannot touch you is when you have dinner with God you'll see you he cannot touch you now prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies the enemies will see it but they cannot get in you are about to see miracles in your kitchen you're about to see miracles in your living room you're about to see miracles in your bedroom we're about to see miracles in your house demons will no longer be invited to your house they're about to leave your house when you have communion with God he is right now look look look what did Jesus do before he died dinner what did Jesus do after he rose from the dead dinner to activate the promise he said this is my body Luke 22 this is my blood Luke 22 19 through 20 he said this is the new covenant in my blood do this in remembrance of me he did not say thickness he said do this do this means reenact relive the moment what do the Jews do every year on Passover they relive the moment how do they relive it by what they eat the food they eat brings it back the herbs suffering bring it back no Jesus didn't say this is symbolic of my body he said this is my body now the Catholic Church wants a little far by believing it's the real flesh the real blood but I'll tell you something more miracles are happening in Catholic churches than Pentecostals a study shows that a study proved that more people are getting healed when the Catholics have communion even though most of them in those churches are not even saved but they're getting healed think about they're not even saved then it'll be saved so what's the difference come on that children of Israel were not saved either they were healed too even when they rebelled God was helium because they are no the blood you get these Catholics honoring the body honoring the blood and most don't even know the Lord and we Pentecostals sit in our churches sing hymn and we eat the bread like it's just another piece of bread and drink that grape juice and nobody says a thing about this is the blood and they all are sick and dying early before their time not knowing what the what the Bible teaches you know I saw something in the Bible so somewhat marvelous help me help me having here is here is Cleopas in another man on the road to Emmaus Jesus doesn't reveal reveal himself till dinner many of us have not seen the Lord because we have not had dinner we haven't seen his face haven't had a revelation of who is no dinner tonight you're playing the right one now our sorrows and by His stripes we are here I'm gonna have a little gift for you tonight when you leave tonight we only have about 212 of these this is a communion set from Bethlehem these are communion cups in there you're gonna give a little offering I don't care what you what you give you a fee if you give 10 cents it's yours on the way out there'll be two hundred and twelve of them and Laurie is gonna be out there and I want one per family so you can have communion starting tonight if you cannot tonight because of the drive tomorrow and I want you to have communion the bible's away the bible's way now the word just play real gentle that heavily sound please and let the Lord lead you so don't play the same song over and over like heavenly you know the heavenly like yeah good man you're the best Simeon you and Bruce now when I look at the Bible Jesus had dinner in Luke 22 to ignite the New Covenant he has dinner again on the road to Emmaus so their eyes would open he has another dinner the same day he shows up to the Upper Room what is the first thing he asks for food now wait wait the son of God just rose from the dead rather than saying something majestic he says you had food but why why because he wanted to trigger the covenant with his people listen three dinners before the cross triggered the New Testament road to Emmaus opens their eyes the third dinner brought Pentecost does the next thing we see he said he shall receive power they ate and after they ate that Sunday night when he came to the upper room Shalom he said peace you have food and it says he ate and they watched him but Peter says they ate of him because in acts 10 41 he says that Peter was preaching he said we ate and drank with him after his resurrection which means the Lord had more than one dinner to trigger the promises now I want to say something before I stop do this this is an active participation in a historical reality it's a reenactment and the release of the power of that moment I want to repeat that when you reenact the moment you release the power of that moment when you relive the moment you release the power of that moment and you build you'll be healed this is my body he said to us this is my blood and Paul the Apostle 1st Corinthians 10 says is it not the communion the fellowship the unity of the blood of Christ is it not the fellowship of the body is it not the fellowship of the blood so now we take into our body the life of Jesus the life of Jesus David Hernandez give me your wrist pull your sleeve up before me now this will be a gross thing of course to do but let's just say we were tribal people you and I from some part of the world where they actually did this this actually happens in some parts of the world my father when he was when we were young we saw him do this in my part of the world they cut wrists in the mingled blood did he do that in India yeah well they do it in many parts of the world and when they mingled blood the historian can tell you the father will tell he's waving his head they mingled blood in the mingled lives and those covenants never break so my father made a covenant with a man named Luke Tala Hanna he was from Lebanon and they made promises to to to each other and they said if you die before I do I'll take care of your children and if I die before you do I'll take care of your and they kind of went back and forth now they mingled lives lives now what the Lord is asking you to do is not just to mingle watch this in some tribal people they suck it they drink it even though it's gross what are they drinking your life if I should drink your blood which I will not because we're forbidden to do that by that by the law of God remember that because God did not want the Israelites to be drinking life so if I should suck it out of your veins what what am i drinking your life your life and my life are mingled and they mingle the same when they do this what did Jesus say drink my blood John 6 they said oh who can handle that one will we're leaving drink my blood means in spirit in spirit bring me the communion elements someone back there bring me the community elements just bring it to me now we have an element here it's grape juice forgive me but I recommend wine because Jesus didn't drink grape juice the the church changed that because so many were getting drunk they abused the beauty of communion they abused it so the church decided let's not given wine they're getting too drunk on us but those of you who can control yourself its wine those who can't keep the grape juice but you partake his blood tonight for the first time I want you to believe that grape juice will turn to blood his blood because see if you if you think grape juice ah let's just drink it if you think why not let's just drink it if you think blood you'll be trembling so whole different world there and when you take that bread it's not bread it's his party you know why they're not getting healed where it's just a wafer let me have it just bread that my mom cooked or I got from the store who's gonna get healed they may even get sicker his body never will never make you sicker he'll heal you so I want you to start having communion in your home every week I wanted to join me once a week play worship in your homes and have communion well now can we pass it to everyone here search me O God and know my heart today try me o Savior know my faults I pray see if there be some wicked way in me cleanse me from every sin and set me free search me Oh God and know my heart today [Music] try me Oh Savior no my thoughts I pray see if there be some wicked way in me cleanse me from every sin and set me set me free [Music] once you pray in the Holy Ghost law recently man a man a pal Biddulph RP Alberta albicante Manor junior homes for in the spirit now the anointing of God will come upon even while you partake in a moment canta canta Lima Mel B Mel baking teaming Oh moon a moon elf APL BPL became too you [Music] see if there be some wicked way in me [Music] cleanse me from every sin and set me long free [Music] he shall receive power after the Holy Ghost has come upon you you shall be witnesses unto me in Jerusalem Judea and Samaria utter most parts of the world as promised [Music] cheese as we praise you Jesus we praise you Jesus Jesus we please [Music] just a moment there Bruce [Music] take my bread we ask you take our lives we love you take our hearts or father we are yours we are you [Music] we take your bread we ask take our lives we love you take our hearts Oh father we are yours [Music] we are you [Music] we take your blood we ask you take our life we love you take our heart or father we are yours [Music] we are you at the cross and the cross where I first saw the light talent and the burdens of my heart rolled away it was there by faith it was there by faith I receive my sight I am happy I want y'all to stand please as we are still being served ever ever everyone stand sick it will mean faith at the cross the cross when I first saw the lights and the burdens of my heart it was there by faith it was there I received my sight [Music] and now I am happy [Music] thank you lord what you did for us on Calvary Thank You sweet Jesus for dying for us on that hill two hands and thank him please on the hill far away stood an old rugged cross sing it with me now as we celebrate the victory on a hill far away if two voices six [Music] ah flaws Cena watch me salsa bill draaga thoughts till my two all fees at last I leave I will commit Oh [Music] and it's a something [Music] but I have received of the Lord that which also I've delivered unto you but the Lord Jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread and when he had given thanks he brake it and said take eat this is my body which is broken for you this do in remembrance of me after the same manner also he took the cup when he had supped saying this cup is the New Testament in my blood this do as often as you drink it in remembrance of me now Paul writes for us often as you eat this bread and drink this cup you do proclaim the Lord's death till he come wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread and drink this cup of the Lord unworthily shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord but let a man examine himself and so let him eat of that bread and drink of that Cup for he that eateth and drinketh unworthily eateth and drinketh damnation to himself not discerning the Lord's body for this cause many are weak and sickly among you and many sleep for if we would judge ourselves we should not be judged and father now we remember we remember how your precious son Jesus in Gethsemane struggling against sin the blood came through his sweat thank you remember how he was taken to the house of Caiaphas and beaten and spit upon in prison for that night we remember Lord how the next morning they took your son before Pilate and they placed the crown of thorns this precious head will remember Lord how they beat your son his face was no longer recognizable and whipped his back till the bones were seen we'll remember how he carried his cross down the Via Dolorosa the way of suffering up the hill we also remember how they laid him on that cross and nailed his hands and nailed his feet and picked up the cross and watched him there we'll remember how he cried for water and they gave him vinegar and now Lord we'll remember when that man pierced his side and Warren blood came out we remember Lord - when your son cried my God my God why have you forsaken me and give up the ghost he died we remember how the earth shook and trembled and darkness had filled the land now for three hours prior to that blessed moment when he died and we remember how they took him from that cross and laid him in a tomb belonged to Joseph of Arimathea and now will remember three days later the women with Mary Magdalene ran to the tomb having prepared spices for the body knowing not how they'd get in and the stone was rolled away and the angel said why do you seek the living among the dead he's risen as he said thank you lord thank you for our salvation all people lift her hands and thank for our salvation thank you for dying in our place in our stead being our substitute and now Lord will remember him was so grateful to you unworthy as we are that you died for us and now we partake of this bread it is no longer bread it is your body broken for us look at that bread in your hand and lift it up to heaven like this look at it say this is his body broken for me his body was broken that my body might be made whole and now in Jesus name I partake by faith partake in his name [Music] lift up the cup look at it and say father I thank you for your precious blood I thank you the blood of Jesus shed for me on Calvary's tree the price the price for my salvation and my life and now Lord forgive me cleanse me wash me and make me whole in Jesus name we're gonna now worship with Alleluia and as we worship with Alleluia I want you to examine your hearts and you drink the cup when you're ready you drink the cup when you know your heart is ready make sure you're done by the time we have sung it three times and as you drink the cup receive your healing receive your blessed healing this is your time this is your moment whatever you may be here and around the world this is your moment to be healed and to stay here ah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] they're a concept [Music] I leave that sickness in the mighty name of Jesus I'll be blue the disease in the mighty name of the Lord Jesus [Music] ah someone with a infection [Music] and I infection is being here [Music] those of you sick place your hand on your sickness now [Music] father I'll be blue the disease in the name above every name the name Jesus a tumor on someone's someone's elbow has gone down [Music] one more time just all alula [Music] you put that hand on that diseases are pragati Leah I rebuke that sickness I rebuke it now in the name of Jesus be made whole [Music] now lift your hands receive your healing there Nonie is here the skin disease has just been healed affecting your face the skin problem on the face a stomach problems has been healed a few minutes ago to my left a hip condition also been healed to my right [Music] a liver an infected liver everyone now lift your hands pray in the Holy Ghost our thoughts [Music] a heart condition just been healed I rebuke ins a bone disease is being healed by rebuked it's a neck problem move the neck the pain is gone arthritis also has been healed a number of you are feeling God's power on your body begin to do what you are not able to do before and you'll see the problem is gone and quickly get out of your area there your will you're sitting or standing and come and stand here to the left if God has healed you while I was speaking somebody was healed earlier you felt warmth on your jaw God healed something to do with your your mouth that's right some of you are healed earlier if God's power came on you or you feel it now some of you feel great Heat different than the warmth of a building or if you felt electricity likelike like needles go through your body that's the part of God healing you some of you felt like a trembling sensation or an overwhelming reality of the presence of God like that woman with the issue of blood you knew in yourself you're healed get out of your seat and come stand over here to the left very quickly everyone else if your hands and pray in the spirit [Music] if God is healing you don't stay in that seat otherwise you could lose that healing jesus said go tell them go tell them you can you get you you come out of that area now and you stand over here real quick you and your homes if you go online let us know online or send me an email pastor Benny at Benny Hinn Gorga pastor Benny at Benny Hinn org let me know God is healing you but everyone here lift your hands and your voice and pray out loud as God is healing people you come out of your seat somebody's lower back very severe back problem has just been healed yeah I see somebody with a shoulder problem you've not been able to move your shoulder without pain and now it's gone while you took communion God healed you a number of you were healed while you took communion you would heal and you felt God's power on you that's right you come out of that cedar cover stand right here David I need your help everyone pray in the spirit [Music] if God is healing you you get out of that seat come stand over here check that young man see what's happened to him there David everyone keep praying keep praying that I infection I called earlier then I infections was also healed what happened to David bring him he had a broken ankle and can't and a contusion and depression and the power of the Holy Spirit is strong on him he's able to move that without Tom come close come close brother come close what was the wrong with you again the doctors the hospital yesterday because my ankle I do Taekwondo I teach Taekwondo and I I was just telling my mom I I couldn't do this I couldn't do I can do this but I couldn't do this there's no there's no painter I was so swollen Lord every betterment goes in the name of the Lord every better it goes in the name of the Lord leave that man play charge come on honey in the moaning of God people pray out loud that something might happen here Jesus your presence makes me bring him here pulling him close bring him close be healed in the name award being healed in the name of the Lord take your seats people take you seats take a seat take your seats all of you take your seats but keep praying in the spirit come on people [Music] pick him up guys [Music] give me a brother come here check it out now check it out some jump jump up and down [Applause] [Music] I don't kick again mother don't kick again in the name of Jesus somebody said oh Jesus your presence makes me whole pick up the key please now Lord use it use and pray for him come on guys flavor will swell swell Siobhan get her get her get her get her dunya come here mom come in well come on down [Music] I'm we've been everyone's here you you've been to the Crusades and every one of your Crusades when used to be in the Anaheim the Honda Center and you've prophesied to me that gods can how old were you then Oh young I used to watch you on TV when I was about three to five now easy simple my hands when she said lay your hands off the TV and I would always every day you testify come lay my hands on that TV well Lord use him in Jesus name oh come here mama come here you're young mama come here Jesus seems she'd be prey for you I'm sure come on closer here where the companies Joe actually when I was three years old she was heavy alcoholism and at the age of three Tijuana wasn't heavy alcoholism I used to ring a lot I dragged we were walking we were homeless at the time you were homeless story you got it here okay three years old she looks I don't know flora she picked up a piece of paper and it said there's power in the blood I took only I could have this power I thought God left me that's why I was drinking and we were walking down the street he was only three and I said come walk with mom and he'd walk with me and there was a wooden cross in the flower shop and it was on Friday the 13th on Good Friday and then he dragged me know he saw a cross and I saw the cross in this flower shop and I went like this I said mom look and I went right at the cross and she went to certain ways no no I can't have that I wish because I thought he left me and I was drinking I was believing you saw the gun left her thought God left me so I couldn't but he pulled my arm but look and I pointed right in the cross and the power of God hit her she was sensibly delivered from alcoholism my hands went up and I began to clap and I go but I can't I'm not a Christian anymore but the Holy Spirit I guess grab my hands and I'll just send I go oh no my god this can't be him I know him the Holy Spirit from a long time ago and I said my god it's him and then all of a sudden it was like I came out of a spiritual calling the Holy Spirit but you are you are homeless you-you-you lived on the streets well in motels mostly in cars yeah by the way remember you used to always put my hands on the TV screen with him how old was I maybe three and we've been doing everyone near Crusades in California and yeah I've been yeah I've been going through a lot in the past year you mentioned something about a skin condition I've had impetigo which is like a skin infection you mentioned that I heard you man I did I did and I did feel like like a warm but then like a numbing sensation or you're feeling it now stretch ranch toys oh come on in the name oh you want really more than anything in my life I just want to be yielded to God more than anything in my entire life God's gonna use you brother he said he's done so much for me Lord in the name of Jesus now all of you stretch your hands improve on sweet Jesus sweet Jesus [Music] the high keys Olivares Jesus precious Jesus a Lord remove that skin problem from him too when he leaves here tonight easily completely whole in Jesus mighty name [Music] just chemo on the floor I think there to pick him up and I was the wrong thing to do David what what happened to the young he's been battling with severe anxiety and tormenting thoughts but during the service today she felt electricity go through her and something lift off of her she's been set free describe that breakup about six weeks ago and then three weeks ago the anxiety started and it's just tormenting thoughts like I feel like my thoughts are all scrambled and I would just feel miserable but I felt a lot of electricity when I was sitting over there well you know these these inner mental problems sometimes are more more difficult than this is some problem physically because you can't think straight you know I mean I can handle pain I can just go to a doctor in and get a shot or pill or something but men told you know there's not much to do except if you take match they'll mess you up even more mentally make it like a zombie and that's I think a bigger miracle the scripture says whom the Sun sets free is truly free and now Lord Jesus that anointing is so strong on you my dear be free be free be free be free be free now in the name of the Lord by sir set my spirit free that I might worship just gently there Symbian this is just for her set my spirit free that I might worship thee set my spirit free feeler on you what do you feel just shaking that I might praise your name as I'm singing it you feelin it let all pundits go oh that's glory on you and let deliverance flow now that's strong earlier you began feeling it don't sing it please begin sing it when I began you be convenient when I when I began to sing that because that song is just for you set her spirit free that she might worship thee my god set her spirit free and mind free too that she might praise your holy name let every bondage go and let deliverance flow set her spirit free to worship thee together Maalouf set your spirit free take him back to receipts that she might worship thee was wrong on his girl set her spirit free their colleges she might praise your sweet name let all bondage go I want two of you girls you come here you come here in fact three of you come lately lay hands on our stomach and pray [Music] set set her spirit free lay hands on her girls that she might worship you [Music] set her spirit free that she might praise your name look at the way she's trembling here can you see that let all bondage go they'll actually give me a quick come on quick and let deliverance flow lay hands on her on her honeymoon set her spirit free pray for in the spirit of eagles to worship thee look at that girl sad her spirit free she just trembling all over like she's Mount Emily that she might worship thee that's with a deep bondage enough a long time it looks like set her spirit free [Music] Louise come in pray for your wife right now pray for your wife she's been going through something I'm just sensing something for your wife I've never met your wife [Music] now you go stand right over there and periphery wife stand right here right here closer than owning a free life set your spirit free she might worship thee set her spirit free every time I seen that song she just starts trembling that she might praise praise your name let every bondage go [Music] that deliverance flow set her spirit free to worship thee keep praying Timmy get my Bible and mind my notebooks off the pulpit set your spirit free Lord right now all the bad memories all the childhood rejection all the childhood pain in Jesus name leaves him set her spirit free she might praise your Holy Name let every bondage go now all of you that are here that have loved ones with with angel is in the soul little hands and pray for them right now come on tell CC that's why the alcohol that's why the drugs that's why the rejection that's why the pain in them because of things that come in things that maybe in childhood without them knowing they've been called horrible names by somebody and they they keep that in their hearts this this bondage is a deep one it's not something new this has to do with something way back there that seems to have gotten in her soul began affecting her mental state and that's why she felt the part of God and she's still feeling it strong on her now pick her up girls help her up turn around and look at me now you all stay here now this this thing has been deep what caused it from high school but it was I managed it and then after the breakup it just got really bad breakup I broke up with my boyfriend broke up with me about six weeks ago and then the anxiety after three weeks post breakup got really bad but but the Lord tells me it's deeper and although tells me something to do with your childhood because see there's always a struggle that the devil looks for so there was rejection when you were young and a lot anelia from that in fact that's why you're feeling strong and warning the strong and owning doesn't come because of some boyfriend who left you then only comes to heal the source because see if you don't take care of the source other boyfriend's can can do worse so stretch your hands in the name of Jesus we suffer free by God such a free come on keep pray in the spirit come here girls come in come in all all for you if you mean a quick come on boys pick her up pick up a liquor Aleksey right now let's see in Jesus mighty name user pick her up man pick up your wife or future wife in Jesus mighty name Lord user somebody just pray out loud in the spirit hallelujah hallelujah girls you can go to your seats hallelujah what what what what happens she got to he's ill right now very quickly she had two healings tonight one during communion in her neck and one award in ology called out in her back they gonna bring her closer closer Tory to reaches to the highest mountain it flows to the lowest Valley by pi pi pi is the blood that gives me strength from day [Applause] - it will never never never ever go its power become became brother for Italy church - that glorious high mountain get ready for the fire your future wife it's loads to the lowest lowest Valley come on people into Hanson taken it's the blood Ettore in her breasts began shrinking as we get rich slag from day to day well where was it where was it you had a huge tumor pardon it's shrinking were you from nowhere originally originally Mexico in look at that girl's still Trembley see God listen down with her laws now your future wife figure out man put her back in those seats she's had enough for one night I'll pull it off come on Josh come on there well whereas where's Louise man get over there and help brain tumors that began also shrinking tonight back to the Union back today it will never never never lose it's far I believe in miracles pipe sir I've seen us all century miraculous the changing one breathing through I've seen the lily voices away the stubborn saw I believe in miracles [Music] shows the part of God there's glory all around I only have the bike and those who see my standing I believe in I've seen us all century [Music] that's changing you know this I don't know that guy ass but there's an echo slam I've seen the Lilly Porsche it's worth I threw the stuttered sod I believe in miracles you know your mom or there's a grandma back there somewhere who prayed for you to be in the ministry you know that is this your first time tonight yeah well follow the Lord's call ICU between two roads one road no good follow your childhoods experience it's what the Lord tells me to tell you because when you are a child you are very spiritual and that never left you but other things come along the way sometimes and they try to pull us away and we think this is God when it's not God so you're not here by accident you're here but because the Lord wants to put you back on the right track and there's an amazing future for you give me a five yeah it's crazy because I mean people go study major and so when I came here you know the Lord called me to Los Angeles to build this temple but when I came here now we have so many views and it becomes more of a psychology so it was shrinking my spiritual life because it becomes more so I never spoke to him and it's crazy because what I was sitting there was praying I don't know in my life my heart I was like god I see him talking to people if he's your man make him talk to me - what's thoughts of its man he said it he's young man having talked to me you said that to God yes I said it to God I said it's forgotten so I think that's so much because you know in our today we we are lacking the power that puffs the Holy Spirit you know and so many times when especially in the biblical studies major in theology they have taken a Bible like other books and that is becoming very crazy so I think that just to remind me of that you know well that's what I saw and so now you go sit down and you know what to do bless you it works every time 25 years suffering from pain from osteoporosis tonight all the pain is left is my so you stand up there you are worshiping all my brother I believe in miracles I've seen it pick them up guys I saw set free waiting on you man fire that changing one you better take him it redeemed through Calvin I'm always afraid they may kick me so I got a move away pick him up you take him back he's he's one of those kicker guys we stay where I stay away from him say Amen okay what happened there was a surgery that she had from cancer but that surgery the how those ladies up guys pain from the surgery is being healed tonight completely Weymouth come here this your first time first time here and what was the serger what for what cancer and breast cancer spread and then to to learn across the lung and then my heap of left side and so now and have a hole it's big holes inside a really painful before I came here but now I feel it much better we're gonna play now we're gonna believe the Lord to heal you completely like heal that girl sweet girl over there huh okay now Bruce you're gonna change the song for me he was wounded for our transgressions [Music] bruised for our iniquities chastised for our peace and with his stripes [Music] with his stripes well here bless this one too [Music] all of you search your hands and pray for her forget yourself and pray for this woman but cancer will die now he was wounded for your transgressions he was bruised for your iniquities [Music] surely he bore your sorrows and by His stripes you are he to do it one more time to her he was wounded for your transgressions he was bruised for your iniquities surely he bore every sorrow and by His stripes you're here [Music] where was the cancer squeeze who's here and where else okay just can you can you can you can you touch it because that in auras all through you can you feel the pain No [Music] today when you came was it was painful in your left where the hip please the cancer cells in a in my blood it's big dimension the report mention is a large but the didn't mention how big is so you had pain check it now yes it's got here so no pain no pain open what it was and over here pain gone pick her up guys pick up the lady can out check everything I can bicker and turn around and I'll use my left left less I can't turn now I can't do it you could not turn around okay yeah I know you can now pick pick pick pick up is that your daughter my friend Oh your friend your friend I don't think I don't think she can help a lot so you moving out you move sorry let's throw us our daughter the other way [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well we've had more cancers yield here every Monday night somebody was healed of cancer or somebody last time to people and know that sweet girl over there healed why don't you come over here where is she come on over here I just want to thank the Lord for healing those girls with cancer because they're both young come come come stay here I want every second tables I want every one of you that has someone in your family that has cancer stand up if there's someone in your family who's got cancer on a prayer right now the Lord will heal them because I feel the anointing for this and Patricia come please take the mic from behind me there and we're gonna sing you're the God that healeth near the Lord Mahela and pick up her friend and take a friend somewhere back there guys she can't walk so just carry her that's the way it is - that's the way it is Josh that's my son will hear that carry that girl one day he'll kill his wife through the door say Amen now everyone let's believe God for the people standing up whose whose some friend or loved one in their family has cancer these girls this one here was healed two weeks ago and look at her now she had all kinds of stuff on her skin when she came the last time and you're gonna see a change - I'm waiting - her whole help hair will grow back and she's gonna look so but she looks beautiful already now father in the name of Jesus just sitting behind me very slowly very gently you are the God that healeth me in the name of Jesus Lord heal everyone [Music] whom these people standing represent and everyone watching me on social media I agree with you that God will heal that one you know with cancer or if you have cancer I rebuke it in the name of Jesus right now April one lift your hands and pray in the spirit out loud pick up the key Bruce singer again and just gently in Jesus name father those people standing here in proxy for their loved ones or friends heal them as you are healing and healed these wonderful young ladies in the name of Jesus that the cancer will die the cancer will go from their bodies every cell will be burnt up every cell will burn up in the name of Jesus sing it again take your seats I'll be dismissing you just a few moments to tell them about the girl this is a husband wife you go to your seats good diabetes three years during communion felt fire go through him autoimmune disease for ten years putting him have the spots on her skin are disappearing and her dry eyes have also been healed so wait Juden Communion during communion come come close I mean he's three years he felt fire go through him same for her during community autoimmune disease which caused spots to be on her skin they're disappearing right now and also her dry eyes while she was taking communion became moist let's let's talk about you first so tell me again now explain that problem well the skin I have an autoimmune condition and as a result I have psoriasis so after communion I started my hand my hand started to feel really hot and they started tingling all the way down here and then I felt like it's change on the inside and I felt like the root cause of like my skin condition what left and then when I and then right after communion when I opened my eyes I just felt moisture in my eyes which I hardly feel and then I did look you can't cry is that it you don't have tears I could cry but yes you could or could not I could but just like on a typical everyday like I would have to use drops just to get that moisture in my eyes see communion works and I'm going to ask you I'm gonna ask you I want to ask all of you to have communion every week how many will do it put your hands up high and you do exactly what I did here remind the Lord go through the entire reenact calories the pain of Calvary just a repeater to the Lord just say Lord I remember it starts with what you know from your Bible and watch what God will do with your life it's gonna be like your own revival will happen in your own room and now you had Diaries try to and I feel warming and still feeling I still sweating maybe their condition is right here it's still feeling this heart my body the name of Jesus of Jesus keep singing a petition for six years she's seen floaters in her eyes and her skin also on her hands was dry and cracked and wouldn't heal and tonight both of those creative miracles happened isn't God good God is awesome because cushion in Ukraine and original from China speak Russian Chinese and English how long have you have you been a Christian 50 years Lord thank you for your precious daughter thanks for the healing there's the anointing girl as their Nanak I want you all to stand everyone stand [Music] just candy we sing it together everyone stand please [Music] you are my he you sent your words you said [Music] Alpana please let the Lord lead you Bruce in Symbian I'm gonna dismiss in about five minutes it's been an amazing meeting how many have been blessed how many felt their knowning now I want you all to listen to me before I say goodbye to the people in their homes the first thing I want to say most important the greatest miracle is not a physical one the greatest miracle is salvation if you do not know the Lord accept him now I want you all in this place to lift arrange seven and just for after me dear Lord Jesus I believe you are the son of God I believe you came to this earth and died for me on a cross forgive my sins cleanse me with your blood come into my heart I'll give you my life what I believe your rose from the dead you're alive forevermore I want to serve your Lord I want to know your Lord I want to love you forever so Jesus wonderful Jesus take my life let it be consecrated Lord to thee take my moments and my days let them flow in ceaseless praise for your glory now before you go before we all go here and pray lay hands on hands on Tim and his future wife and moment but the next service the next service here will be in three weeks not two weeks three weeks will be the 24th not the 17th I think is the next Monday two weeks but one after that the reason is because I'm gone two weeks from now and most likely most likely the next one here will will be the last one in the studio because we don't want trouble now with the neighbors people are parking in different office parking lots here that we're not supposed to because we have so many people now coming to the to the studio so we will let you know where we're gonna go God willing God willing it's going to be an Anaheim instead as Anaheim maybe better than here because it's between Los Angeles and yeah and dear Marie dawn is working on a beautiful auditorium right in Anaheim not far from Disneyland so we can drive there and you can people from Los Angeles can come without fighting traffic but we'll let you know but the next one here will be here I repeat the 24th will be here at that time I will announce the next location comprende so so the next the most likely the last medium will going to be able to have in our studio is the 24th and I think I'm right on the lake on the data if I'm wrong someone correct me three weeks from tonight is the 24th if it isn't someone tell me look it up for me right now okay one other thing very very quickly how many of you are in ministry put your hands up high full time initiative wave at me would you mind staying behind I want to talk to you for just 10 minutes those of you in full time release I have a very important announcement to make and I don't want to make it for the whole world and and for people here but I'm gonna say goodbye and dismiss everyone watching on TV so let's wave at them love you all see you again bye bye Shalom say Shalom all right now
Channel: Benny Hinn Ministries
Views: 35,389
Rating: 4.800797 out of 5
Keywords: Benny Hinn Ministries, Pastor Benny Hinn, Monday Night Service, Benny Hinn, 9/3/18
Id: VC9t5qm2WmI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 213min 20sec (12800 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 04 2018
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