Benny Hinn LIVE Monday Night Service - October 1, 2018

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Lana and glory and praise unto let's sing it says no other name but the [Music] of Jesus No but the name Oh No of Jesus his world the Old Glory and one [Music] and the of [Music] No [Music] but the day [Music] No [Music] but the name No [Applause] [Music] he's worthy of the movie bang whoa [Music] father we come in the mighty name of Jesus tonight Lord I pray your will will be done your precious name exalted the name of Jesus exalted touch your people tonight for your glorious namesake now I want you all to lift your hands to heaven and forget all about your troubles and all the things you've been going through and focus on the master everything in the Oregon come on Bruce No [Music] No [Music] these were [Music] and [Music] No [Music] this one [Music] I want to welcome all of you watching around the world for I believe tonight God is gonna do miracles all throughout the nations let me hear a big amen and we're praying for you watching on social media where we believe in God with you tonight that God will do his wonders so everyone in this auditorium around is studio lift your hands and pray for those people watching us in the Holy Ghost come on lift your voices out loud and we believe Lord we believe that signs and wonders will take place in the lives of your people all over the world we give you all the majesty all the glory all beyond [Music] [Music] this one [Music] let there be glory and honor and praises to him was exalted tonight come on say so two hands and blessed come on leatherby go [Music] lonely to chew [Music] hello [Music] leatherby Gloriana [Music] me bless the Lord bless the Lord [Music] [Music] bless the Lord [Music] lift-away satsangs but let's the [Music] [Applause] [Music] is within me [Music] [Music] father I thank you for what you're about to do in this studio I thank you for what you're about to do in our lives we give you the praise bless the Lord [Music] and all that's within me [Music] within me [Music] Jesus name above all names beautiful save glorious ever want to be lift your hands and close your eyes come on lift her hands come on on the front rows lift your hands up high young man little a translator close your eyes his name is Jesus name above all names [Music] glorious [Music] with us [Music] we [Music] [Music] with us [Music] living words [Music] you're sending me [Music] I stay Meister hi Stan [Applause] [Music] I stay Tellem sense I stay [Music] Oh I said [Music] you are beautiful beyond description to Marvin for war [Music] - wonderful for comprehension - nothing ever seen you're insane [Music] you are [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] beautiful beyond description [Music] - wonderful for God creation there's nothing ever seen [Music] you [Music] you won [Music] Oh [Music] I stay [Music] Oh be God to you Oh I said [Applause] [Music] you're beautiful the face has always seen Manta : Metro plpl back in Germany lift your head hands and bless him and the Holy Ghost for a few moments Monta kealan made the enemy and became tomorrow they knew who we had to dilemma glory hallelujah to the great I am the Alpha the Omega beginning in the end the son of Almighty God seated at God's right hand this very minute is Jesus the king of heaven the king of all the earth [Music] you're beautiful your face is all I seek [Music] and why [Music] [Music] your grace [Music] Oh you're the face is all I seek [Music] and [Music] yo [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] yogurt [Music] she is all what a wonder you are so so pure and so car you upright horny [Music] you are such a precious redeem [Music] Jesus just happily members what a wonder you are you are so gentle so pure and so [Music] you like the bright morning star like the bright [Music] in strong [Music] what a wonder [Music] and the presence of law is in this place [Music] the presence of the Lord is in this place to stand there quietly I can feel it's glory I can sense his majesty for the present of the Lord is in this place if I closed if Lanham lifted for a minute now and the presence awful is in this place a trained a presence of the Lord is in display I can feel his glory I can sense his majesty for the presence of the Lord is in this place surely the presence of the Lord is in this place to stand quietly I can feel his mighty power and His grace his grace I can feel the brush of angel's wings I can see glory on everyone face surely his presence the presence the sweet presence of the Lord is in this plan let's sing it as a prayer spirit of the Living God fall [Music] afresh that's right tell him now spirit off [Music] a fresh melt me Lord mold fail [Music] use me [Music] Fifi [Music] these feelings so many of you like now come Oh [Music] film use [Music] he comes with Jesus is glorified and worship see him now at God's right a hair whose eyes are like fire whose hair is like wool who shines brighter than the Sun lifts her hands to heaven now come on since come on I want to hear those hi keys on the piano glory to the lair [Music] glory to the Lamb of God glory glory [Music] glory to the land [Music] [Music] is your the learn [Music] for [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you're the lad [Music] No [Music] just have [Music] all day glory to the lair [Music] Claude the Lamb of God [Music] yes [Music] to you law [Music] the presence of all these in this house it's time now you just expected expectorating just just have any sound prose please hallelujah [Music] [Music] our second check [Music] being healed in the name of Jesus be made whole in his holy name I review that sickness I repeat the disease in your body I'll rebuke it in Jesus name [Music] receive you're eating now [Music] those sick in body place your hand on that sickness now [Music] even as you can do it to worship [Music] just gently now [Music] I rebuke that sickness father I rebuke it now in Jesus name and I step into my office I take authority over the disease and sickness and pain now in the studio and Lord or throughout the world as people are calling on your name healed them now [Music] I rebuke the disease I rebuke it now in Jesus name you will declare us with his stripes we are healed he was wounded for our transgressions and bruised for iniquities chastised for peace with His stripes we are healed [Music] just once again [Music] someone with a severe problem in your right shoulder just been healed just a few minutes ago in fact the pain affects your neck if you'll move that that shoulder you'll find that pain is completely gone you felt earlier something come on you like a gentle warmth there somebody else with a problem in your lake problem that's been there for a while you've had troubles with your circulation you had trouble with with that right Lake I rebuke that problem in there in the name of our Lord Jesus [Music] a serious infection in the throat has just been healed also a problem in the lungs is being healed now I rebuke that in the name of the Lord Jesus [Music] I won every one of you right now to lift your hands and pray out loud and the Holy Ghost if we were brainless spirit brainless spirit a skin condition has just been healed I give you praise Lord now skin conditioners be the yield a muscle condition has been healed and neck injury it's just now been healed move that neck a number of you feel a part of God on you and I am NOT going to be able to call every healing but some of you now feel that anointing and you felt it earlier as we were worshiping the Lord some of you felt like like heat some actually intense heat some felt like air like electricity through your body others felt like a like a like a like a tingle go through you others like a vibration other just know God has healed you like that woman with the issue blood she felt in our body she felt something in our body and you feel that now in your body everyone lift your hands and pray in the Holy Ghost come on out loud yeah a stomach condition has been healed if God is healing you and you know it begin to walk to the to them to the left over here don't wait for me to come on every ly out if you fell the part of God come on you all you feel it now on you and and you that's right check it out check it out begin to do whatever you are not able to you'll see it's gone because the presence of the Lord is spin here in the studio and there will you are in your home too if God has healed you what healy you now you get out of that seat and you come stand over here to the left while the people are praying in the Holy Ghost all around the place all over the studio do it now a tumor a tumor is going down on somebody's foot on someone's left laid a tumor like a little growth is John just gone down the part of God is just flowing in this studio I give you the praise dear Jesus high blood pressure to my left somebody with who's been struggling with high blood pressure you just felt tremendous power come on you that's the power of geez that went through your body quickly everyone me that God is healing what is healed get out of your seat you must come stand over there whether I call the healing out or not you must come and stand over here to the left come quickly to stand to the left don't wait or stay in your seat otherwise if you could lose that healing whether I pray for you or not it doesn't matter you've got to come and stand over here to the left while the people keep praying in the in there in the spirit that's right that's right that's right the Lord is healing a number of you here from arthritis I will rebuke that demon of arthritis in your body now I command that devil of arthritis to leave you now those with our fridays begin to move begin to move your neck and move your shoulder and move your legs up and down and do the things you are not able to do before and when the pain leaves you just quickly get out and come stand over here dear Jesus I give you the press I see somebody with a wither wither in an infection in the gums you have an infection in your gums that's right in your mouth you've been you've been wondering about what to do about it the Lord has healed you of that in fact the swelling has gone down a little bit but people keep praying keep bring don't stop don't stop don't stop I give you the praise Jesus your presence makes me hold on the instruments very quickly very quickly very quickly I give you praise dear Jesus I give you the praise I'll give you the praise wonderful Lord come on Tim can't get in the line and help over here I give you praise one of you you and you and and Sirleaf quickly I give you praise wonderful Lord I give you praise one of it is still healing is happening lift your hands and pray in the spirit of pick up the keeping of the keeping of the key there's a girl on able deaf children there's a young girl here who's married of course unable to have children you feel tremendous heat all over your body you feel tremendous heat all over your body I give you the praise where's the line of the people we'll just bring him no no bring although all the people that have come bring them over here don't let them stand back behind the curtain quickly forgive me everyone lift your voices and pray lift your voices and pray I give you the praise Lord thank you the phrase law whereas dip worst soul if where I believe that neither here [Music] what what's wrong with you my dear three years ago I had surgery on my left lung they cut off half of the left lung on the bottom because I'd suffered from chronic bronchitis years since birth and the doctors said that I had a little bit on my right lung which causes it to cough and just to have you guys continuously but you called out someone's been healed from the Lugg and I feel like like my lungs just started to open and I know that God wants to heal me yeah I believe I was already healed you now people isn't the anointing is strong here remain standing for just another few minutes please just for a few more minutes I want everyone in this in this studio to lift your hands and pray in the spirit for just another three minutes because they're anointing is still flowing God that enemy has not lifted it's not lifted yet and there's a number of people getting healed still and I can't call every one of you out but if you know god is healed you in the studio you get out of where you are and come stand over there keep keep praying keep ray people [Music] dear Jesus everybody with I rebuke you Jimmy you go help Murray over there you double job and there dear Emily just go and just clean him out for him okay you stand right there yeah yeah get the mic over there from get get the mic Jim yes make make sure you have that and just your deal deal Marie you just make sure though yeah click or a pickin up keep praying in the spirit I see someone without pick up the key they are quickly I see someone with a with a don't take Iraq I'm not done with them I see someone with her with a muscle condition that God is healing here and you felt just earlier you felt something go through your body so what do you feel on you now young lady have you been here before and again what did you go to the doctors the day did they check you out yes I had a couple lot of CT scans electrons and just continuously just trying to get better and they had to just play another two minutes that's that's all they had to cut the left lung on the lower lobe because it was there any in my life and doctors say that I have a little bit on my right which causes me to be coughing and just someone just a minute ago your right ear was healed keep praying people that the noni has not lifted you've had pain in your right ear and the largest healing your right ear someone's right ear is also getting a healing here [Music] every belavezh keeper down everyone take your seats take your seats pretty up there people and and and while you take your seats can you keep praying in the spirit for just a few more minutes because see when you pray that they're annoying that I don't wanna keeps flowing here that I know it keeps flowing here keep rain just a few more minutes [Music] there's a problem keep Frankie playing people there's a promise somebody's ear and you're up there the person is up there you've had trouble with your right ear and you're up there and you've had pain in your right ear but the Lord has healed you little while ago epic Europe Jesus Jesus there's something about your name Jesus where were you sitting on this side here well I don't know who was sitting next door but the anointing honor flowed over to someone right next door who's been having troubles with your leg over there whoever you are that sitting nick was sitting next to her the ideal Jesus every better of it goes [Music] stretch your hands tourism will rebuke this problem in that long she's completely whole completely healed in the mighty name of Jesus whom I serve she's completely healed as I'm telling you there's somebody getting healed of a problem with your ear I don't know who you are but that thing is gone and if you don't come down you could lose it so if God has healed your ear you get up here come on quick is that you get down here pick her up sometimes when they don't respond that anointing can lift because if they only receive it it's gone now the one I'm losing it now you go back to your doctor my dear hello you go back to your what is your name Carmen coming you go back to your doctor have him check it but can can you tell the difference what you could not breathe deeply what when I got here I told my husband I had to go to the restroom where's your husband have him have him come here have him come here and I had to go to the restroom took off because I couldn't every time that I feel I feel like someone's sitting on me when I can't breathe well and I have to like cough like let the husband come through after like off like mucus and take it out so I could breathe better and I told him I need to go to the bathroom before I sit in my seat come come please what are you asking God to do for you for you pardon never take the Holy Spirit from you that's most wonderful request anyone can make but what are you asking God for physically also are you are you need a physical because that that anointing is on your life and will come on you to soar what do you need physically [Music] that infection in the stomach will never come back there it is I rebuke that pick up the young man quickly pick up the young man cook an anointing I give you praise pick him up that anointing I give you the praise for that healing I give you the praise I give you the praise for that eating come on place quickly now give me the praise for that healing what are you feeling on your on your stomach right now I give you the praise for that healing gentleman if you're not gonna flow it's gonna kill it you gotta form with me what are you feeling on your stomach sign up inside the stomach it's tying up inside every better every better with every better weight every part of it pray in the spirit all of it come on [Music] Jesus you're the sweetest ma'am I know big bite please and you're just the same as your lovely that's the reason why we love you so for Jesus you're the sweetest name I know every rocket come on Bruce Jesus you're the sweetest I'm gonna get the camera you're just the same as your glory that's the reason why [Music] so for Jesus you're the sweetest keep Riggs keep break something's happening I know rights and be healed in the name of Jesus let's fake how I seen your soul [Music] Jesus you'll never have that thing again you'll never have it again he will touch you and make you oh people have got there's something there's something happening in this in this couple lift your hands up rave on come on has fear and outcome against your mind as your face been so lonely try please lift up your eyes here he's Jesus for you has died brides and be healed right so be healed in the name of Jesus let faith arise in your soul somebody on that section right there been having troubles with your leg right over here you would have enjoyed killing up here man I get it then you Delaney in the name of Jesus he will cleanse you he will touch you [Music] quick quick quick goes what bring that person or but no no no the one tile over there with the lake problem right said be healed in the name of Jesus and the guy on the guy let's meet tomorrow Joe arrives in your soul [Music] Solomon temple in valuing and then all these floats again I guess you've got a cancer to catch and let it go don't you understand that it's all over Pecola I give you the brains right side me in the non-vegan that check it out check it out girl well which one was it pick it up don't stop playing that what happened pick it up [Music] you gotta understand the anointing is like there the anointing is like wind you have to flow with it or you lose it don't you get that I'll not mean I'm not rude when I scream I just want to lose it I'm gonna understand put your hands up high you just don't to lose what's going on here that's why the interests are so important right Oh talk about living right me in the night of Jesus I wanna get the papers let me now the son there's something are you with her get up here quick come on come here come here come here with your sister come on come on come on I believe in miracles I've seen a soul set free come on chip I mean Bruce alternative [Music] Jesus ISA Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus I believe in miracles I've seen us all century oh wait you pray for my heart last week hello Evelyn I've seen that Lily push its way through the stubble saw don't let that makeup on yet for I believe in miracles figaro figaro soso what happened okay the doctor said I had a blockage in my arteries a really serious blockage in my arteries and so they said we want to do the Cathars 8 what happened quick okay well you prayed for me that Friday and I went in that Monday you said Lord healing from a crown head - oh yeah even in the house in the house it happened in your house Mary during the house I forgot about that she what you are sitting down somebody shout hallelujah [Music] [Applause] she came she came to the preachers she came to the preachers class that we have I'll tell you by the lira oh she came to the house and she was telling us how she picking up so she can't tell me again I forgot what she said so you told us what won one more time I told you that the doctor said they did some tests on me of July and they said that I had a blockage in my arteries and they wanted to check my heart to this something cuz my heart was beating irregularly and crazy and stuff and so I asked you to pray for me because I was going in for the catheterization yes and you said Lord heal her from a crown her head to the soles of her feet well I went in for the procedure on Monday just this past Monday and a week ago Monday and they took me in took an hour-and or so I was awake the whole procedure and the doctor says look dr. Crawford I want you to look at your heart look at your heart she said that's the strongest heartbeat I'm singing in a long time she said in your arteries or so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and that's your sister I assisted assist oh you you're the pastor and this is your helper the helper needs help come on Peter fill her with ha she drove me tonight because the doctor said I don't want you doing any driving yet cuz you're here the Lord tells me you've had throws with your blood what's her to yes when you call that out why didn't you stand up why you people so stubborn God wants to heal you and as a blood pressure I called and she won't stand up now Lord she's I'm gonna go down I believe in miracles I said I believe in miracles we believe in miracles [Music] in God now listen there's somebody behind me some were behind me with her don't you go now somebody's hip somebody's hip is getting healed around here somebody's right hip is getting healed dear Jesus don't worry don't Adele Dell Dell they'll find out whoa now Lord no more problem with her leg and no more blood problem this guy's testing his leg on the floor pick him up I believe in miracles [Music] I've seen a soul century pardon that's sciatica Oh check it out it's gone [Music] [Applause] [Music] so how bad was it I was having acupuncture I could I was crying say your wife come here girl come on so you had acupuncture know what acupuncture massages it wasn't working help her out guys I've been crying with pain you've been crying with pain my lord aldia huh it's gone of course it's gone no I didn't do it he said things with me I didn't do it thank you Lord lift her and say thank you lord thank you lord thank you Lord for saving my soul thank you Lord for making me whole [Music] yes yes yes huh my ministry all my people get healed thank God my great salvation sir rich so how many of them are a part of your of your of your church hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo well where are we are they where are you guys well her to or who right here did you just oh oh you're your assistant well you did a bigger Church thank you lord pipe answer for saving nice making me haul your little heads up thank you for giving to me look at that look at that guy dragging his leg guy checking his leg on the floor is just doing in gymnastics thank you lord for saving my soul [Music] thank you Lord for making me hard thank you Lord for giving to me that healing is yours your great salvation so much so free there's a mighty anointing on her lifted has a pray for her thank you Lord for saving my soul and I hear the piano that they got flames guys I want to hear that the end I wanna hear they got a piano I love sound man-hater I want to hear the piano okay thank you Lord for giving to salvation [Music] now you've had troubles physically - why are you praying for what are you praying for you just felt something or like a he'd go right through you where in your chest that's right you know why to give their troubles with your chest huh that's true so what was wrong with your chest okay now if anyone saw what went wrong with your chest you've had you've had to come on thy great salvation salvation raishin sorry [Music] Jesus orgy sweet Jesus sweet tea [Music] now son God is doing something for Jesus sweetie [Music] your presence your sweet presence your sweet presence just gently now your sweet presence heavenly your sweet presence makes me whole but you know you know what I'm looking for Jesus just gently that that heavenly one oh Jesus you got it Jesus sweet Jesus sweet Jesus sweet Jesus sweet blessed Jesus your friends make sure ho Jesus my karate love album or a sweet Jesus Jesus Bruce heavenly sound Jesus there it is dear Jesus Jesus Jesus being pray in the spirit pray in the Holy Ghost sweet sweet sweet Jesus your presence makes me whole now you've had troubles with your chest yeah sometimes tightness other times pain not a whole lot though I don't know whether you've been to your doctor or not but how how often do you feel like a tightness you're there not often pardon you're trying not to focus on that well the reason you're not focusing on that is the reason God is healing you now but you've you've had these problems yeah and sometimes we don't want to pay attention to our to the symptoms you know of something wrong because we don't want to believe it but see Jesus is so lovely to be healing his people when they don't want to even think about it so the Lord is healed your husband of that sciatica and he's healing of that chest think whatever it is now what did you feel go through you just felt something really strong vibration oh they brace vibration well that's the power of God so part of that pick up her her husband now you can go dance whether your wife because God is also healed her uh-huh Wow what were you worried check-in why boy and goose bumps it's also that the spirit is so strong well that's a part of God see you are connected to this pastor of course she's awesome and the Lord just healed the whole bunch of you and the assistant hallelujah now that girl that lady with the glasses come here yeah not finished the one right behind her the Lord is going to give you an experience in the spirit in the next - two weeks - three weeks an amazing life of dreams and visions is going to begin with you your visions are about to change the the spiritual atmosphere in your house is gonna change because of that and the ladonna start talking to you in dreams about family but more than family even about some world conditions and he's gonna cause you to pray for that because that the hour is coming now when God is gonna give us specific assignments in a spirit through dreams and visions if you want to be one of those to receive that lift your hands and ask God for it that you really want God to use you in dreams and visions where God will speak to you because he's going to speak to this dear woman and I think that's your husband right well he's going to start with her and then later with you but it won't be with her first for about seven months before it happens to you so I'm gonna pray for you later not tonight like the next few weeks pick her up now you just thank the Lord for your healing just thank him now take a deep breath I should have been dead 15 years ago the doctors at Memorial sloan-kettering told me there was nothing more they could do for me for a very rare aggressive form of thyroid cancer that was a hundred percent pediatric and a hundred percent fatal and I was 34 years old with this and they told me there was nothing more they could do that I should go home and get my affairs in order and I told them that that they weren't my only physicians that I had the great physician and he wasn't done yet and I am still here well the Lord kept you alive because we are coming into a season when the Lord is going to and I want to say this carefully he is handpicking people to replace the disqualified servants can I repeat that he is handpicking people to replace this qualified servants did you hear what I said there are many disqualified preachers now who have been disqualified because they are not preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ they're not preaching repentance or the cross death to self because Christianity in its true reality is death to self because the Lord repeats that in every gospel if you will come after me deny your self carry your cross follow me that is the answer that's the solution to all our troubles in the flesh does the real power lies in the work of Calvary see when there is no when there is no cross there's no power the cross of Jesus is the throne of heaven without the cross there's no power without the cross there's no healing to our body and and I want you all to to to understand something you that have been healed you got to understand something pick him up I want to tell them the same thing you you all need to hear this to see the love of God to see the love of Jesus now now you come here you come here bring his wife how many of you have been healed physically here or elsewhere put your hand up high wave your hand okay now can can we can we get a camera shot of this okay can we get a camera shot of the studio wave your hand if God has healed you at some point in your life now I'm gonna tell you something okay God doesn't have to heal you the healing of the body is the additional benefit of salvation Swami by additional your body is not even redeemed your body is not even redeemed yet God heals it because of his love the the physical body has not yet been redeemed you can play something else let's go Lydia you got to understand what I just said your spirit is hold because that part of you is redeemed already but the soul even the soul is now on the way to redemption it's like this my spirit was saved my soul is being saved daily I'm renewed in my mind daily our salvation continues now in the soul the body is not even saved the body will be saved on Resurrection morning yet God heals a body that's not even saved that's a stunning truth God doesn't have to heal your body your body isn't even redeemed yet yet God heals it out of his love so the reason I say that is a few weeks ago I had a phone call from one of my old members in OCC I have not talked to that man in years a fella that was on some kind of staff you he he wasn't even like a pastor on my staff he was just a man just a man I knew on staff but he was like a forgive me low position staff and somebody called after years I hadn't even thought about his name didn't even think I had not thought about that man in years I left Orlando in 1998 that's a long time ago and somebody called said he's dying he wants you to pray that he he doesn't die I said their God he's as old as dirt when I knew him he was old and he's older now how come we all preach about heaven but when the time comes nobody wants to go how true we all preach about heaven get ready for heaven I want to see the Lord but when time comes oh my please I want to live longer for what your body is gonna it doesn't work anymore it's broken like a broken old car you want God to heal you again when the body can't even handle living a lady 95 years old passed away and her family was crying oh my god why would God take her mother you you people she's 95 years old the body just gave up it has no oomph ax to live don't you people get it when my time comes I don't want to get healed I wanna go home if I'm in my 90s I'm ready to go are you people listening I want to see Jesus I don't want to sit in an old folks home waiting to die and stay alive with machines or keep you alive with whatever they keep you alive with today who once it I don't want it this is a crazy world who wants to stay in it so I said to him I said that man is that's old I said when I knew him he was as old as dirt he's way older now he's in his 90s and he wants to be healed I said I'm not gonna pray for him to be healed I'm gonna pray that God just take him home where he belongs he's too old to get healed I didn't want to pray for him I said it's time for him to go home and then I said you know it's amazing God doesn't even need God is not under any obligation to heal any anybody any any one of us because we're not our bodies aren't even redeemed they're gonna get sick because they're not redeemed they're gonna die because they're not redeemed they're gonna break up they're not redeemed one day the body will be redeemed then nobody will come into it no one will come to healing service you're gonna have a brand new body that will never be sick oh hi me now how many are waiting for that come on no more sickness no more death no more wheelchairs no more pain he's gonna wipe away the tears then but today we thank him for healing our bodies when our bodies aren't even redeemed lift your hands and thank you for that hallelujah hallelujah so the Lord you see the Lord is gonna use people like you and people like you right here how many are ready to volunteer for service in the King which ran high volunteer for the for service what the Lord's going to use you but you have to understand that there are right now disqualified brothers stop moving back and forth okay you're breaking the anointing stop moving there are preachers who are disqualified to be used disqualified God is looking for faithful servants lift your hand say I'm one of them hallelujah now you go to your seats you go to your seats you go to your seats you all sit down I'm glad for you you you promise time you're gonna take your wife dancing the next few days Christian dancing I could never stand this long at all what waits it again when I walked in here there's no way I could ever have stood this long amount of time at all at all jump up brother [Music] thank you Jesus Thanks say say thank you Jesus thank you too thank you because you're alive because you're alive because you're live I live now what happened to the go een in her ears for 18 years ears she shot cold yes you need to come down she felt fire on her ear and the pain is completely gone after 18 years somebody say hallelujah remember I said somebody's ear up there that she she began three times I said that she began crying finally we had to kind of pull her out of her seat almost so what happened you felt a fire come on you and what was wrong with your with your ear I've had pain in my right ear I record music I've been recording for a long time and sometimes I can't record cuz my right ear hurts so bad you record music and that's why ah thank you Lord because you're alive because you're because you're alive you're okay now you can go I live I live I live because he is to listen I live I live with power over sin I live I live because he is listen I live I live to worship Him what happened Jim this woman heard you call out soldiers she's had solar pain for five years I know what what shoulder pain what the show see her that's all that's the first one I call yes mm-hmm five years ping gone because you're alive well let's check it out just don't hit me okay well thank you thank you thank you Jesus I live I live because you are risen Lord she's having fun this girl I live [Music] look look look at her dress with your like gold shoes she's ready to walk on heavenly ground she's all over the place what what happened Jim right leg he heard you call right leg out how come all over him he was ran over by a truck a year ago and he why he was ran over by a truck but when you called out right leg he felt he'd come on his body he's also been dealing blood clots as well lord thank you for these healings so which right yes yeah so I felt just like the warmth come all over my body and then the heat through my leg and down by my calf you know the Lord is so good isn't it it's in the Lord good little hands and thank you for his goodness come on hallelujah oh there goes down on your brother what happened to the lady god bless you brother go enjoy it so you're like all right knee and she felt a cool breeze on her and the paint completely left all gone thank you Lord pardon - you are not gonna come down so you were one of the ones that didn't want to so I had to say you better come down and you did I'm glad Lord Jesus thank you thank you my soul doth magnify the Lord Bruce and my spirit has rejoiced in my God my saving just gentle there gentle Bruce lower key please just heavenly heavenly sound better known is so precious times like that breeze comes in in a like a storm comes and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Savior for he that is mighty has done great things see every every Sun the Lord gives me sometimes it's just for that moment and holy is his name this is the magnificant you know when Mary came to the house of Elizabeth she said my soul doth magnify the Lord that's what i'ma do why do you feel on here that's the anointing God my Savior for he there is so mighty has done great things see those healings are so precious to God every one of them is his priceless holy is his name now you know TOC to thank him Akkadian God bless you yeah pastor this woman's been diagnosed with stage four cancer I can see that on her and she she's been shaking feeling the power of God on her and she's believing for her healing she's not gonna stop shaking I want you all to stand and pray for her with me bring her close forget yourself for a minute now and let's pray for this precious lady what if this was your mom what if this was your sister what if this lady was your child pray for her like she is your family right now come on stretch your hands and pray for her in a spirit that healing flow that healing floor [Music] Laura Kiely Bruce let healing flow [Music] like healing flow Lord and the name of Jesus I command this cancer to go I command this demon of cancer to go all of you agree with me right now follow a command this devil of death leave this body in the name of Jesus in the name that's above every name Jesus Jesus how did you get that goes now it goes now that cancer goes [Music] Jesus name we the church take authority over this cancer and we command it to leave this body in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God Jesus of Nazareth hmm [Music] this is second heir Bruce can you hear the Sun of heaven Bruce [Music] - hi Bruce Laura K please I have you this cancer in Jesus name Jesus name can paddle favor help immutable dorky Bruce nor the key Bruce [Music] that's it that's it [Music] Jim you come instead of Soloff switches Seraph no no keep a mic with you keep her here on the on the platform I need your faith with with me now in the name of Jesus can you hear can you hear the Sun of heaven in Jesus name Lord it is rebuke it [Music] play for our team keep raggin in the spirit world or both of you [Music] lift your hands and pray all of you quietly in Jesus name God [Music] in Jesus name God bring on just a foot closer we don't want one step closer [Music] in the name of Jesus and the name of the Lord card and I serve that cancer will never come back that cancer will not come back in Jesus name it's gone I'll never come back in Jesus name I the servant of the Lord Jesus Christ Speaker and declare it over life overall body and her future their counselors gone never come back [Music] in Jesus name in Jesus name I seal her healing I seal that healing Jesus name I see it [Music] what you feel on you what do you feel on pardon I feel more peace you feel peace was there any pain in your body you feel no pain now where was the pain cancer the radiation gave me a book clock here and I had to take all this medicine I'm crazy so much do you feel any pain now no pain pick her up gentleman come on Jim where was the pain I had painted here one time because of the blood clog but they have had put radiation on me so much that I couldn't sleep it was just hurting me the radiation looks like they can't finish me run was like 500 weeks what what what happened now I just feel like peace that's all I can tell you it just I'm shaking but I just feel peace I wanted to come back if you never come back that's why I walked around you now how about the the pain where was the pain there was just like from the radiation pain you know I would just like I don't know I don't know how to explain it it's okay just pain but it's gone now yeah there's no pain there's no pain like it's tumor right there now all of you set your hands towards oh all of you stretch your hands towards oh Jesus your presence makes me hold on that's right Bruce that's right young man from Switzerland now everyone that has some friend or loved one that has cancer there's an anointing now for that healing lift her hands and call their names out if you know someone that's struggling with cancer lift your hands and call their name out now please call their name out to the Lord now Lord you're hearing those names you hear those names heal those individuals just like you've healed so many people in the studio the last few weeks in this precious woman tonight in the mighty name of Jesus who I serve I command every devil of cancer to go I command every demon of death to go out of the bodies of God's people and their loved ones as they stand in proxy for loved ones and friends father healed those individuals in the name of the Lord Jesus now all of you lift your hands to heaven and I want you to pray this prayer after me because many people many people need to receive the Lord now we are we're running out of time on earth so everyone say dear Jesus I believe you are the son of God and I believe you came to this earth and died on a cross and you said your blood for my salvation and I believe with all my heart you rose from the dead and you are alive and alive forever and I believe you ascended on high and right now you are seated at God's right hand you are the Lord of lords the King of Kings and I believe you're coming back again to rule forever Lord Jesus I give you my life I am a sinner save my soul cleanse me with your blood and make me whole I give you my life my heart my mind and my body I give you everything I'm Yours Lord forever right now I surrender completely and totally use my heart glorify your name Lord in my life and through my life and right now I declare I no longer belong to Satan I no longer belong to the world I no longer belong to myself I belong to Jesus and I am born again amen amen [Music] lift her heads come on everyone then sings my soul [Music] to the [Music] come here fat my soul [Music] your God to thee Oh [Music] who's become the key blues come on sakes [Music] god bless you sweetheart basis mice [Music] [Applause] [Music] now all of you remain standing I wanted to sing that song that you planned and while you're singing I want to go do something and the song is you are alpha yeah [Music] we worship you are you are worthy to be praised all of you stretch electrodes us man here come on you know me [Music] you are you are worthy to [Music] we hoo-wee heeey we [Music] [Music] [Music] we [Music] we [Music] we should be you come on sing it with me we your hand [Music] singing one more time we worship we [Music] we give you [Music] you decide Hey [Music] we lost who because you're worth it all right we you deserve all the gold we come on why we watch suffer we wash up hammer he's gonna walk in here tonight we we say father use me in these last days do not pass me by don't forget me I am available ready for service oh man oh man oh man and before you sit down just throw me a kiss will ya you may be seated somebody say hallelujah somebody say praise the Lord somebody say Amen glory to God say glory to God now listen I want no one movin no one leaving service is not over in fact tonight I wasn't sure which way the Holy Spirit would lead whether I would minister the word first or whether I would minister to the sick but God is the boss now before we say goodbye today and we will in just a little bit not now I'm going to ask God to do something very special for everyone here and here's what I'm gonna believe God for because you sweet people may not realize how close how close we are coming to days of pain in America something happened to me yesterday and I'm very reluctant to even tell you what the Lord said to me but I will tell you when I was in prayer last night you know I read my Bible in the morning for a good hour and and then at night again I don't like watching TV anymore I don't have anything to watch I just want to play my worship at night and read my Bible I was very touched when someone asked Billy Graham you know if you had to live your life again what would you have done different he said I would not have travelled as much I would have stayed home and read my Bible and told Jesus how much I loved him that touched me so last night I'm you know my Bible are gonna this is a very old Bible I mean it's it it's falling apart and back together and apart and back together you can't believe how many times this precious Bible has had to be fixed and finally back years ago I bought another one and and I have a color system that I've always used I use seven colors and I like to color my my own Bible and write my own notes in it it's a lot of work and my colors are red for promise and brown for very important and yellow for important and green for prophecy and blue for teaching and you know things that I've chosen when I was younger purple for Aaron so so I go through my Bible battle who was sitting here Oh Christian come back sit down and so I read my Bible on my iPad in the morning and I go through it now I'm reading my Bible three times a year but at night I wanna I I like to study the word and then I color it now this is not the one one I'm working on looks like this one so I'm almost now in in Revelation with with with my with my color as I mean you know so last night I'm listening to Jeremy Kellerman you know that beautiful CD he didn't I'm crying and worshiping and coloring and crying again and worshiping and coloring again him as this went on for a long time and then the Lord said now of course I was done with the chapters I wanted to color which I did and the Lord said now don't don't stop don't stop praying guys I have something to tell you so I I just kept praying most probably midnight I don't know somewhere there last night and I'm still praying the tape is playing and playing over again in a house because I have it on my on my iPad it's just if once it's done just you know start from the front beginning there's a beautiful song that Mike aliment sings up top you know it's beautiful most of us don't sing it but anyways and then the Lord said a sword is coming upon America stand a sword a sword I'm sending a sword and suddenly I saw bloodshed all over this country I don't fully understand what the Lord meant but I believe we're going to see an increase in killings we've seen some but I think there's a lot more coming and possibly coming against believers because there's a lot of demons now that have been released in America because of our rebellion against the Lord a sword is coming now III have my opinion on what I think that sword may also be I'm not free to say it on TV but and it's not right for me to say on TV but I believe we're gonna see two things first I think and this is not exactly great news for this country it's great news and I hate to say those words but we all know that these things will come darkness will cover the earth are you listening but the good news is while all this is going on the light of God will shine in the church in a way we've never seen before because when that judgment hits you see and I don't want to say a whole lot not because I really need to teach the word on what I believe the Lord wants you to do with your life now at this present moment so if you you can't miss what I'm gonna say the next few minutes but I really believe that the judgment in the church is almost over you see there's two judgments the Bible talks about the judgment in the church and the judgment on earth later well the judgment in the church has been going on since the seventies and most people ever have ignored it what is the judgment in the church is the great falling away we've witnessed already the great falling away has been going on with with and I I'm probably gonna say millions of former believers are no longer believers and I've talked about this country I'm not talking about the world and in the world it's happened I think in the past in some countries and I believe some are next in line to see the judgment in the church now the judgment in the church has to do with the separation of sheep and goats it has to do with who really are God's people who are the real people of God and who are those who only call themselves believers so the true Christian the true Christian is John 12 what is John 12 if a seed does not die it about alone but if it dies it will be a fruit the real Christian is John well Jesus said in John 15 that every believer will be purged to bring more fruit see so God is is raising and new people today in this country and many of them many of them are young people that are really going to take over this nation and a great revival will come in the church the revival is not coming to America it's coming to the to the church in America and when that slaughter begins to increase out there and it will many will run to the church for protection and salvation and we better be ready for that day to come so I can say more later but I tell you that and I said the first of my I'm saying it I'm saying it in fear and trembling the Lord said a sword is coming now that sword I think it's something is also something else there is I say and I just said to you there's two things coming so when the judgment begins in the world because the judgment in the church is almost coming to an end because the separation is almost complete I think most of you know what I'm talking about you know the the seeker-friendly movement was the beginning of the separation were many many churches large searches stopped preaching the cross and they and this and they and they lost the power of the of the message and and and really walked away from the real message of of salvation and but at the same time God has been raising and new people who are declaring the cross and the work of Calgary now that's coming to an end that that whole judgment is coming to knit but now next the world is an experienced judgment in two areas number one I believe we're gonna see a move false move a spiritual move a demonic move on the planet that I'm not at liberty to talk about at this moment and I don't want it on TV either but I will tell you after we say bye and the second thing that's gonna happen after that is we are going to see a lot of killings not just in this country on a scale I think we've never never seen but the Lord specifically said to me last last night a sword in America he didn't say a sword in Pakistan or anywhere else so we I think must prepare ourselves and I'm talking about attacks against believers are you people listening and I'll tell you more later but be at rest be at rest God is in control say hallelujah so this kind of fits with my message a little bit and I want you all to turn with me to Ephesians 4 the message I'm I'm bringing tonight is making room for the glory of God we have to make room for the glory of God say I'm gonna make room for the glory of God because that's what we are here for a woman came to a pastor one day she said to her pastor I am bored with a Christian life and that that story actually happened it's not something I'm inventing huh this lady came to her pastor she said pastor I'm bored with my Christian life everything is always the same it's the same teachings it's the same altar calls it's the same songs now I'm bored and then her pastor said well what did you expect like what what are you looking for well pastor I want to be forgiven and I want to know the joy and the peace God promises us and I want to go to heaven when I die he said is that all you want and the lady said what else is there that's where most Christians are they're saved they're forgiven they're on their way to heaven but they're bored between their salvation and heaven is boredom is that why God saved you no so most Christians are bored yeah they're forgiven yeah they've known some peace and joy here and there not too much of it and heaven is guaranteed but between both there's a vacuum filled with boredom so if if you're somebody I'm talking to you which I think you are salvation is only the beginning of the Christian life it's the doorway to a new life so when the prodigal son came back home he experienced the kisses of his father but kisses are followed by responsibilities the responsibilities of being a son so you come back home you're safe born again God gives you the promise of heaven but what then then you have the responsibilities of being a child of God and well what what are they well let's see what the Bible says about it and this is where we all are headed what is God what is God looking for in your life in my life beside our salvation well here's what it says in Ephesians 4:11 and he gave some apostles some prophets some evangelists some pastors and teachers for the perfecting of the Saints for the work of the ministry for the edifying of the body of Christ till we all come in the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God what's this unto a perfect man unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Jesus Christ so what what God is saying here is he wants me after I'm saved to begin the process of transformation the growth into the stature of Jesus because it says very clearly and it's so very powerful till we come into that unity of the faith we began with when we got saved and of the knowledge of the Son of God oh there it is of the knowledge of the Son of God not everyone who saved knows the Lord they really don't know the Lord because even Paul was crying at the end of his life that I may know him he said well now wait don't you well I began to when I got saved but I don't have the complete knowledge yet and what do the Apostles tell us over and over Grace and peace through the knowledge of Jesus Christ well you can have grace and peace without the knowledge but not only the knowledge because he goes on to say unto a perfect man unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Jesus so here we are promised much more than forgiveness much more than peace and joy and waiting to get to heaven when I'm dead and I have a job now to do as a son my responsibility is growth not boredom so God Almighty put in you a hope when you got saved and and and that hope must be realized must be experienced but what is hope well the word hope sadly in the in the English language has lost its bite but God put in us a hope here's what it says in Colossians 1 first 21 through 27 hallelujah so that's Colossians 1 21 and you that were sometime alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works which means before your salvation yet now healthy reconcile in the body of his flesh through death to present you holy and unblameable and Unruh provable in his sight if you continue in the faith granted settled and be not moved away from the hope of the gospel what is the hope of the gospel keep listening of the hope of the gospel which you have heard which was preached to every creature which is under heaven wherefore I Paul am a minister who now rejoice in my sufferings for you and fill up that which is behind of the afflictions of Christ in my flesh for its body sake which is the church where of I made a minister according to the dispensation of God which is given to me for you to fulfill order God but what is that fulfillment keep hearing me now keep listening to what he's saying even the mystery which has been hidden from ages and from generations but now is made manifest to his Saints to whom god would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among you which is what Christ in you the hope of glory what is he saying he said the reason you got saved is that God put in you the hope of glory what does it mean the hope of the gospel then is the hope of glory that I would reach that position what I shall be like him sharing in his glory because that's what Jesus prayed in John 17 so before I get to heaven I am to know more of the glory of God on earth because we are changed from glory to glory unto his image it's not about being forgiven and knowing I'm saved and go to church hearing the same messages the same song and I'm bored it's about being transformed day by day becoming more and more like Jesus so before the rapture I'm more like him than I was when I got saved but the sad thing is nobody preaches this nobody teaches this and most Christians are gonna get to heaven and see how much they miss down here the saddest thing will be the saddest thing will be when they get to heaven and discover how much they missed on earth because on earth it all begins now the glory of God is the outshining of God it's his manifestation when people think about the glory there they are think about some brightness I'm like no no no but glory of God is who he is his attributes if you read if you read Exodus 34 and start with verse five it says the Lord the Lord is merciful gracious long-suffering forgiving and that will by no means justify the guilty meaning he's also just so the glory of God is revealed in Exodus 34 verse 5 and on where God reveals who he is now Jesus the Son of God is the glory of God in the human body so when Jesus when God said to Moses the Lord is merciful gracious long-suffering well Jesus became that in a body everything God said to Moses became flesh in Jesus he is Jesus is the glory of God in the flesh now keep keep keep keep listening the revelation of God became a man so all that God is and there's way more than I'm not even talking about I think I think I think when we come back I will be preaching and teaching on the glory of God because that's what belongs to you so next time we come here in just a few weeks two three weeks I'll let you know before we say right it's what is the glory of God I'll be teaching and ministering besides pray for the sick on the glory of God I've never taught on the Lord of God I think it's time because the hope in you Christ in you is the hope of glory but what is that glory it's himself now the Bible says the Bible says in Romans three we all know the verse but don't even understand it Romans 3:23 now remember this verse has been preached a lot but nobody seems to explain it all have sinned and come short of the glory of God now what does it mean it means that when you live in sin you cannot reach the stage to become like the Lord you fall short of transformation you're no longer being transformed into his image because you're living in sin all have sinned and fallen short haven't been able to reach the place where God can transfer them begin the work of transformation to his image because they're loving their sin all have sinned and have come short of the glory of God means when you lived in sin you could not be transformed impossible Jesus is the ultimate revelation of the glory of God He is glory incarnate what did John 1:14 says we beheld his glory and the word was made flesh and we beheld his glory who is the glory the Lord is what is the glory who he is the glory is not some brightness of light it's who he is and who he is you will become if you allow it as he is so are we in the world well that's the glory of God that's when you become like the Lord you share in his glory on Eartha not just in heaven so it's not about boredom I'm bored with the Christian life because you don't know what the Christian life is you think the closer my ways let's get saved and let's go to heaven and have a great time on the way great time what getting bored listening to boring sermons singing boring songs and wanted to go home and have a coffee the Christian life is very exciting if you find it what is it it's being transformed into the image of the Son of God but the question is how oh ha we're getting there what must I do to begin the process of transformation well I'll I'll explain this but I don't want you to rush me now Jesus Jesus said that his will is that we share in the glory because in John 17 22 in John 17 22 that's what he prayed and God will answer that prayer well the Lord said and the glory which you have given me I have given them that they may be one as we are so so Paul the Apostle Paul the Apostle talks about this quite often but one portion Oh hallelujah Romans 5 Romans 5 verse 2 and verse 5 by whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand and rejoice in hope of the glory of God so we stand and rejoice in hope of the glory of God McCory Taylor Fame Yantic indeed we have access are you listing what I'm gonna just read that he gave me access to get there by whom we have access by faith into this grace yea I'm not rejected God says I give you access the door is open and I want you to look like me you have access into that place to become like him for it says here's what he says people listen here please we stand and rejoice in hope of the glory of God and and verse five says and hope this hope of glory doesn't make us ashamed because the love of God is she'd abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit's nobody may be understood why what what it means in verse five and hope maketh not ashamed what hope was what were we talking about here the hope of glory Christ in you is the hope of glory are you listening when you got saved God put in you the hope of glory to become like him that glorious day now most of you know what I'm saying some of you are as dead as death itself I can tell by looking at your faces I can tell the living and the dead sitting right here in the studio thank God for the Living I got the living right behind me here I got the living here but about one or two are dead I got the living right here I have the living right there and have the living up there but about two of them back here are dead hallelujah and about one or two are dead over here too but thank God for the living all over the place say yay I am say I'm an because when they sit there looking at you like with blank eyes like you need you you know they're dead all the living shout hallelujah and that hope of the glory of God does not make me ashamed because if I hide if I have the hope of glory that's when the Holy Spirit will fill me with love for Jesus why would I love Jesus if I don't have no hope of glory and hope maketh not ashamed my quarter tailor about somebody give me give me a little praise break somebody please hope you guys are not making a shame because because because the Bible says who the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given to us because when you have the hope you have the Holy Ghost anyone who doesn't have Holy Ghost has no hope the hope of glory and Philippians 2 12 and 13 tells me that I am to work out my salvation with fear and with trembling but you know what am i working on what is it God wants me to work with what what what what does it mean by work out your salvation I'm saved up so no he doesn't mean that you're saved already work out your salvation means start the process of the glory that's what what it really means the real truth of that scripture work out your salvation doesn't mean that you know you're saved here for every day now you know ready you're saved growing into salvation it's growing into Jesus the Savior growing into its knowledge becoming more like him on the planet with fear and trembling now fear and trembling means that you have no trust in the flesh no trust in self only trust in God because he gives you the hope and the power and the will to get there as it says very clearly very clearly in Philippians chapter 2 12 and 13 he says this and so powerful my beloved he says no it says that last part work out your own salvation with fear and trembling for it is God who works in you both to will and to do his good pleasure meaning when you begin the process of transformation God gives you the will and the path to get there but glory who say who the glory the glory the glory he talks about this in 2nd Corinthians 3 come on let's go verse 12 verse 12 2nd Corinthians 3 verse 12 first seeing then we have such hope what is that hope of glory every time you read the Bible you know every time it says hope hope for what glory sake say glory Christ in you is the hope say he's the hope of glory so hope is a person the English word has lost its back because they think it's some mental hope you know hope hope hope hope well if that's not the same hope we have in Hebrews 11 this is a whole different hope I'm talking about this is the Colossians 1 hope the hope of glory Jesus is the hope of glory but now he says he says he says and I want to read this again verse 12 seeing then we have such hope we use great plainness of speech we don't complicate the issue the Christian life is about becoming Jesus walking like Jesus living like Jesus being Jesus on earth being is representative on the planet died to self and live for him it's as simple as I can put it quit being me and start being him say that come on say that quit being me and start being him that's the Christian message that's the Christian message it's stop being you deny itself Dena who you are and becoming him on earth but how do we how do we do that oh I'm getting that I'm getting there don't rush me but but but what watch watch now now you you you've got to read you even though you read verse 12 let's go back and read verse 7 right through 12 for but even the ministration of death written and engraved in stones meaning the Old Covenant was glorious so that the children of Israel could not steadfastly behold the face of Moses for the glory of his countenance which glory was done away with how shall not the ministration of the spit be rather more glorious if the ministration of condemnation which is the law be glory much more than the ministration of righteousness exceeding glory for even that which was made glorious Old Covenant had no glory in this respect by reason of the glory that excels meaning what we have is greater for that which is done away that was glorious was now done away but what remains is glorious so he's explaining this to us and then he says now seeing then we have such hope we use simplicity now watch what it says in verse 18 but we all with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord are changed into that same image from glory to glory by the spirit that is the Christian life now listen listen a man in Luke 24:31 we have we have the four positions of Christians the four revelations of Christianity in that one chapter on the road to Emmaus because on the road to Emmaus there is a revelation and a very powerful revelation of the believers today and here's and here's what it says oh Jesus I feel your anointing so marvelous people you feel that at that anointing I'm feeling look what it says in verse 31 this is marvelous Luke 24 31 says this and their eyes were opened and they knew him and he vanished out of their sight aha but but but but but now wait wait this is the concluding this is the grand finale when we recognize them but what happened to them before that well here's what it said those disciples who met him on the road to Emmaus it says their hearts burned within them yet they were blind they were blind but let's let's look at let's look at the four stages stage number one stage number one they were sad so when when they were walking Jesus said why are you so sad why is your heart troubled now you you need to read this for yourself when you go on just to save me a little time because when Jesus met me said why are you sad why is your heart troubled and they began to tell him why because Jesus died because Jesus died so he said you're sad huh your hearts are troubled they saw the cross but they did not see the living Savior when you see the cross only hmm when you see the cross only like the women who came to the tomb when you see the cross only all you want to do is help him do something for him because the women who saw him on the cross said we need to do something now let's go to the tomb and let's anoint the body and make sure it's just right because on the Sabbath it was a rush job and we can do it just right so let's let's let's go early in the morning and finish the job so the sad Christians today all they know that Jesus died for them that's it he died for me mm-hmm but that's just the beginning because when you read Luke 24 from from the beginning - - to that portion you see youyou see four stages youyou see the seven troubled heart then Jesus said the next step is slow to believe you are who you you're slow to believe that's the second group of believers slow to believe means oh this is awesome that's Luke 24 25 they heard the message that Jesus was alive but just didn't believe it they know he died but they cannot see him yet alive in their life that's a lot of Christians I know they have not known the resurrected Lord they just know that dead Lord he died for me he died for me there for me but he's not living in me yet they don't know the living Christ those people are slow to believe because they don't believe that he is alive there's a lot of people that have not experienced the Living master now when you see him as dead you want to do something for him but when you see him as alive he'll do something for you it changes the whole thing you're no longer trying to help him he's now touching your life but there's a third stage there's a third stage not only is there the sad heart slow to believe but there's a third one burning heart did not our hearts burn they said these are the Christians that know it's true that Jesus rose from the dead they even feel the anointing sometimes when they read the Bible but something is still lacking the heart burns but no true revelation of the Lord yet they're still blind did not our hearts burn but they did not recognize him there's a lot of Christians that don't know him they know he died they know he rose they even know they're knowing they're not my heartburn oh that's their learning but that is blind as bats they don't even know him he didn't reveal himself to them what that's what we want we don't just want to know him as the crucified Messiah or the living Messiah or the one who anoints us we want to know him lift her hand say I want to know your Lord they put in my soul I want to know you then comes the heart that satisfied well now you know him now he has revealed himself to you but how does the process begin it begins with Matthew 16 24 25 26 that's what it begins with and that's what nobody's preaching any more for it says in Matthew 16 24 jesus said unto his disciples If any man will come after me let him deny himself take up his cross whoever will save his life will lose it whoever will lose his life for my sake will find it same in John 12 21 through 26 except a corn falls into the ground and dies it abides alone but if it dies it will bear fruit what did Paul say to us Paul was saying something so powerful in Romans 8:13 he he made a powerful statement about what the Christian life is really all about and this we do daily I have to do it daily and if I don't do it daily I lose on that day I'm going through it now as I'm talking to I was crying today just thinking about this before God Almighty Romans 8:13 if you live after the flesh he shall die but if he through the spirit do mortify the deeds of the body you will live see Paul discovered that he's a wretched vessel Romans 7:24 he's saying he said all wretched man that I am who will deliver me from this body of corruption I gotta be free and now he came to the conclusion that only the Holy Spirit can give you that power to yield Philippians 2:13 what does he say in that amazing chapter you see that's that's the beginning and this is where what the devil will fight you big time on him he'll fight you continually Philippians 2:13 it's God who works in you to will and to do and I mention that God gives you the desire but now we come we we come to the place where the transformation begins it's gotta begin there we come back to the cross because if we're not at the shadow under the shadow of the Cross will not know the power for transformation because the cross of Jesus is the highest expression of the life of the Spirit no you you didn't understand what I said when you come to the cross that's when the Holy Spirit comes alive to transform you until we know the part of the Cross will never know the part of the Spirit so it's the Holy Spirit who leads us to the cross he led Jesus to the cross in Hebrew as it says Jesus offered himself through the Holy Spirit to the cross the whole reason the Holy Spirit came upon him is to lead him to the cross and also you because you see the Bible says that your address is one place if you ever leave that address you lose your only have one location and that's Galatians 2 verse 20 I am crucified with Christ nevertheless I live yet not i but Christ lives in me and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me that's my address I must come to the place to be crucified with him what does it mean well Luke chapter 9 is quite clear on this and and verse 23 and he said to them If any man will come after me let him deny himself take up his cross daily ah there it is daily now we read in Matthew the same words but it missed the daily look as the daily daily very very important how many of you truly truly want what I'm talking about put your hands up I you want you you don't want to be like that woman who's bored waiting for heaven you want to start the process well here's the process is the process I am 65 years old I wanted in my life more than anything in my life so therefore I had to do a few things lately I had to cancel Netflix and Amazon and quit watching the garbage on TV I had to shut the world out and I want nothing from it I don't care about it I have a focus now I am NOT going to die as a phony Christian I want to die a real Christian and a real Christian is one who denies self who comes to the place and says it doesn't matter in a war my aim is one thing I want to be more and more like Jesus as I live on this earth and people will see it I don't have to preach it I don't have to tell him look at me because if I say look at look at me me still there but if I forget me things will happen then so the Christian life James here and you kids back there it's daily its daily denial its daily death its daily saying no to the things that devil offers you daily this morning I said to them I said you know I'm very busy today cuz I fly tomorrow to Lagos Nigeria I'm gone tomorrow till next Monday I said I got a lot to do today and then I woke up and I found a little thing in my ear here I called the doctor said come to I can look at it so it's nothing it was a little bug that bit me at night but I didn't want to go to Nigeria without something you know in case it gets worse and I don't trust people that I don't know and so I ran I woke up early and I went to the doctor he checked it he said everything's fine I got back home and Tim said let's pack I said no no will will pack after tonight's meeting I gotta spend time with God and he'll tell you he's back there somewhere I said all I want now I want to be just alone come here Tim yeah it's not what I said to you what did I say I just want to just do what you said all that matters is seeking the Lord for the meeting tonight just seek the Lord we can pack oh and we we we haven't packed yet I don't know what time I'll go to bed tonight it doesn't matter you can't miss it I don't care what you have to do your time with God is more important than anything on that day because if you miss the transformation of today you're gonna have twice as hard to work tomorrow daily say daily now I'm not asking you to shut down some services for TV and not look at stuff that's your business I'm just too old to worry about it and I just don't want it c'est la vie that's just the way I am now I start playing my worship music and I'm just in heaven I start crying I don't know about nothing I'm I'm I'm teaching some preachers who are here tonight who will tell you what they've been received in the last few days now wouldn't you say it's life-changing yeah you know I said Lord there's two things I want I want to win the lost and strengthen the Saints but I also want for me or I'm preaching so what am I saying to you sharing in his death if you read Romans 6:6 he says knowing this that our old man is crucified with him sharing his death but the body of sin might be destroyed that henceforth we should not serve sin I want to share in his death Galatians 2:20 we want to share in in his death Romans 8 what does Paul say in verse 35 and a lot of people preach on this but they miss the one real point who verse 35 who shall separate us from the love of Christ shall tribulation or distress or persecution or famine or nakedness or peril or sword none of this moves any real Christian because it is written for thy sake we are killed all the day long were counted as sheep for the slaughter its death only when you die you become a conqueror yeah Galatians Galatians 6:14 he keeps hitting the point about the life of the cross it's about the cross it's about denial of self what is the cross I gave it you Luke 9 and John 12 and Matthew 16 then I self say no to the flesh every day that's your battle but you have to win it in Galatians 6:14 and nobody leave me if you leave me you just shown how much you love Jesus if you leave now you'll just show me how much you love the Lord if you don't want this there's something wrong with you if you don't want this there's a devil in here because only the devil will hate this message you leave I'll know there's a devil in here that's I'm just as blunt as I can be this is the message we must hear today and the people said but you see you see this is the message of the world that the world doesn't want because Galatians 6:14 says but God forbid that I should glory save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ by whom watch this the world is crucified unto me and I unto the world the world means nothing that's the Christian message separation from world that's what I'm asking you to do if you want to real be a real Christian and quit getting bored I'm saved mm-hmm I just want joy and peace mm-hmm and I want to make sure when I die go to heaven is that really what the Christian life to you is then you'll be bored but if you want to become like Jesus you'll never be bored into his image someone lift your hands that's what I want Lord into his image and there's a price surprise denial self-denial look at me all of you give me that camera real good stick it on my face when I got saved the only message I heard over and over from Corrie ten Boom Kathryn Kuhlman and Basilius link amazingly mostly women thought that message death to self that's all I heard they are a prince Baum Mumford on Baxter the great Bible teachers of the 70s that really had them add the word death to self who preaches that today out there well thank God I will continue to don't don't don't interrupt brother but I love you anyways but but but if you if you if you if you listen to Christian TV today some here some there it's really about a self-help message it's how to make yourself better not die to self but that's where the where the pilot is the pile is when you die to self there's power now you know I've I've had many meetings in this studio and I taught and ministered them some good some bad some not-so-good we we haven't had one bad meeting for the last whatever it's been months now because see back then you could understand I died I made my decision I said I no longer want this sick world there's no need for entertainment there's need for transformation and it's affecting my family it's affecting Michael and Jessica they just began a church in Orlando packed the first Sunday yesterday turn away people it's like an OCC all over again they can't so throat is dead the place was packed they just began the church two weeks ago so what do you expect when you love Jesus they all people just want this they they are hungry for somebody please preach about the real Christian life all to Jesus I surrender because that's the message lift your hands all to him I freely give I will ever love and trust him in his presence I want to live come on Saints the chorus and I surrender all signals [Music] so run [Music] now now in just a moment I'm gonna have I'm gonna have a surrender moment because we need to surrender the last message you just let the load follow you the last message Katherine preached to the oru students was this one surrender she left an impact on how are you that it still felt surrender let Jesus live just surrender and it's very hard today to surrender when so much in the world steals our time away you watch people playing with our phone when I fly through airport just you see them just glued to that thing emails and text and this and this and this okay some some of it is it's okay I mean you want to talk to your family I understand don't your friends of course send pictures of I do that too because I think it's ministry you Minister but but to you know they're too much bondage in some of that stuff it's time to really surrender now before we surrender and we will let's let's give him first our offering that will really tell the story of whether I belong to him because when I give my money I'm giving Who I am it's more than just spiritual because the song says give me the right key key malarkey all to Jesus I surrender yeah all to Jesus now listen to this I surrender all to him I freely give well that's more than just my body my life freely give you know when when when you put an offering in their envelope young man you're just saying Lord even my money is yours because if your money is not as nothing is because what does it say in 2nd Corinthians 8 they gave themselves first to the Lord so if someone cannot give God an offering it's because they haven't surrendered if you give your life it's so easy to give your money but when you don't give you money you just stole the whole world my life is not is there are people that don't have money in places I've been on earth they have no money I've seen people give clothing food when I was in India people sat on the floor they didn't didn't even have shoes we had millions sitting there and the offering was thirty thousand dollars with three million people three million people three million and thirty thousand because that's all they had you were poor but their God they gave Jesus their life in ways I hadn't seen when I was in Nigeria a few months ago they were giving shoes food clothing just throwing it on the platform because they were surrendered and the Lord will bless you when you surrender your money it's very easy to say I give you my life it's very hard to say I'll give you my money there are people people people fight when you say give him your money oh no no no no that's my my my my my we just show me what what your heart is like because where your heart is there is your treasure if your treasure is not doesn't belong to him then your your heart isn't easy there yeah so lift that envelope to heaven come on those of you get their envelope quickly given an envelope please and you in your in your homes you can give online but pass the envelopes quickly because we're gonna pray right now that God will bless your finance as you surrender your money to him and then we're gonna pray we're gonna say goodbye send you home so I can go back and I'll be back here in three weeks and we'll we'll call you so if you want to come back you you you've you've you've gotta let me know on this envelope that shook you're coming back how many wanna come back put your hands up high because I'll be I'll be ministering on the glory of God and we'll just let the Lord do whatever he wants to whether I pray for the sick first you know it's worth it tonight to me when that lady was healed of cancer that was worth it all and we've seen so many people healed of cancer in this studio the last few few few weeks and months now so many of them almost every service some one or more than one is healed of cancer can we believe that the next time we come together more people will be healed of cancer and I believe in God to heal that young man sitting there on that wheelchair and my friend the doctor look he's still healed sitting there from a few weeks ago all right kids just just before we go lift up that envelope to heaven father in Jesus name bless your people mightily and knowing them bless them think thank you Lord for every one one of them I'll give you praise ok pass the offering buckets quickly pass the offering buckets quickly you sweet people thank you for coming don't leave till we have given place so the ushers can catch the offering buckets thank you thank you for staying with me thank you for allowing me to minister the words thank you for staying long and after hear the whole message say Amen and how many want what I said tonight how many want what I preached all right well let's just finish the offering but can you can you all can you all stand can you all stand I want to pray with you come on thank you all for coming you're sweet people and you have to forgive me for being tough you like it Chris some people don't like it at all they think I'm nasty no I just love Jesus too much I guess ah yeah well the time has come you know I I would like to tell you I'd like to tell you what I could not say on TV remember that yeah now we're gonna pray our Father let's all stretch our hands with the camera bless your people Lord as they give bless them for what they've done for you and we'll continue to do for your Lord minister to each one of them your healing power and grace in Jesus name bless them and God's people said amen and you online you can give online depending in ministries and people are giving here and I'm gonna say goodbye to everyone watching now in your homes God love you all thank you for being with us now I'm gonna wait till they give me that clear signal that we're clear off the air so that way I can tell you what you
Channel: Benny Hinn Ministries
Views: 225,412
Rating: 4.7295728 out of 5
Keywords: Benny Hinn Ministries, Pastor Benny Hinn, Benny Hinn, Monday Night Service, 10/1/18
Id: KNmwrqnBJx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 173min 10sec (10390 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 08 2018
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