Ben Sold Feet Pics | 8 Ball Special - Episode 1

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[Music] oh [Music] dude you ever see someone performing like a musician on stage or on tv or whatever and they constantly are touching or like fixing their ear monitor yeah i was like why the [ __ ] would you do that if i was a performer i would never ever do that touch your ear and now i understand it yeah the [ __ ] keeps falling out a few weeks ago uh we had a mix-up with the ear monitors and i was given a meal all right come on and let me tell you boys these things were so grotesque everybody made fun of everybody made fun of me and made it my weird thing that i was like what the [ __ ] is going on on these monitors i think they were trying to be polite to me because you were so [ __ ] viciously like oh my god whoever had these monitors on is the grossest person in the [ __ ] world caked in orange marmalade yeah i don't clean my ears but now i do everything i want to [ __ ] puke every night keep going keep going every night before we record i clean them now yeah okay good because because of that it was a shame see shame and humiliation works it is an effective tool and i think i honestly ruined one pair because there was so much like we had to switch because i couldn't [ __ ] hear anything out of him they worked but there was nothing coming out because you had too much schmutz in your [ __ ] ears and so now i clean him good job doesn't wash his hair cleans his body and now his ears we're working up to the head yeah maybe we've started right yeah yeah we'll start now okay all right welcome to eight ball special ever hello everybody yeah welcome to the apollo special i think ben should say it now welcome welcome to the eight ball special now emile welcome bring us welcome to the eight ball special nice this is eight ball special number one yeah with the four of us we're gonna be doing doing these monthly and uh and if you want the extended version then you'll go to tng studios you guys brought us off the couch and into your this is like this is like um on the studios tier let's be clear about that you ever watch old johnny carson clips oh all the time yeah yeah everyone's gonna understand this reference yeah dude but he would no dude sick ref what arrow is this from 1910 no everyone's gonna love it maybe you guys don't know but the audience will love it but when a when a new stand-up would come on the show they would do their set and if johnny liked it he would have him come sit and do an interview how terrible for all the standards i don't get it i know i always thought that was [ __ ] no it's cool it's because it was cool because it's like a career maker it's like getting on the tonight show is already like once you do that you could have you you know you're gonna get a [ __ ] sitcom deal you're gonna tour the country whatever but then it's also an honor thing right you like you [ __ ] made the king laugh well guys guys every big media career starts on a couch so right nice wow yeah that's true and then it evolves into a chair yeah starts on a couch goes to a chair sometimes a bed then yeah wait what i don't think i think he's talking porn no i think he's talking chairs but why the intent because that's what you're sitting in that's what i meant because now he was talking about porn oh you were yeah the price couch dude man we're off to a great start this is why you get pulled off the couch yeah dude yeah you guys wouldn't get it with your [ __ ] 1980 references yeah i don't know anything that happens it reminds me i was watching this richard pryor clip oh yeah nice oh you mean the trillionaire mindset like can you read can you say that comment for them yeah yeah yeah with some comment that was like um ben and emil are richard pryor cody noel are amy schumer which i think is a compliment i think so too i think it means you guys have more appeal than us yeah it means we're um sex appeal widely accepted widely beloved or it means we're much more likely to set ourselves on fire doing drugs yeah wait because he did that yeah damn what drugs i think he was smoking crack [ __ ] and that's how we that's how we went no no he didn't die oh but then he came back he did a big special uh i feel like i'm just dating myself i'm not i'm not this [ __ ] old that's cool dude you're no you're an expert in 1920s comedy sick man are you guys vaudeville fans yeah man oh i love it so wait what happened he burned himself real bad he was a big drug addict he burned himself real bad but then he had a big comeback and he uh it was huge i think it's one where he's wearing the red suit he actually did the first night he felt like [ __ ] after he was like it didn't go the way i wanted to and it was sick because he was like he was like book it again i'm gonna [ __ ] crush it and he goes the second night and just [ __ ] knocks out he just needed the right crack yeah he got some bad no i think you i think he cleaned up before would you guys ever try crack i don't i don't [Music] it's my only fair question no yeah is there um are there people that just do it once yeah yeah yeah i think so i have a friend that just did it once really yeah hat did he smoke it yeah what did he say he went and he bought he was like trying to find this is in college too damn so he's like younger and he's like um he went to his drug dealer's house to try and get something else cocaine or something like that and the guy like anything only had crack [Laughter] no coke man is pepsi okay and he was like yeah i mean i guess i'll yeah i'll get the crack [ __ ] it and then he uh he smoked it in the dorms holy [ __ ] he said it was really fun and he might do it again but wow never did it again whoa i would be scared that i'd be like well now this is an experience that i know exists and want to try but i think that's more heroin and meth probably um are you guys ever done myth um [Music] not not by choice wait what you did oh god i was gonna say well i'm glad that it didn't get you because you know no it's the whole slogan is not not even once i thought that was heroin no it's math man i think all three of those are not even ones no meth is not even once here what it's like i think heroin is the number one not even once it's like yeah it's too good you know what yeah well i thought h was not even once because like it feels so good right he's calling it eight yeah because it's just so good that's what i've heard yeah but the needle thing too is like get the [ __ ] out of here you're really gonna need to do it man you smoke it right this activist what lean oh yeah the drink yeah oh but that's like uh that's just like opiates which they're all opiates but like isn't that just oxycontin and [ __ ] yeah i had another friend and he did meth we had we used to have like a um this is back in the day man this is you know this was the 80s eight years ago or something yeah you know richard pryor especially just come out everyone was being he he just got onto johnny carson's couch he was feeling good he's like wild stuff that's who johnny carson sounds like that's what he's doing wild stuff trying crack cocaine wow i'd laugh harder at that if i wasn't 22. sorry yes i can't do it it really hits for me hell yeah your friend dude so we used to have like a like a drug testing kit and um he'd fail it mostly mostly for mdma right and it's one of the things you drip the thing on the substance whatever it is and then it turns black if it's real mdma and there's like a chart it'll show you like you know if it turns it's like a orange is um heroin basically like opiates and then all the way down it like it like has every single type of drug and what it corresponds to what color corresponds to and we dropped this thing on it and it went orange it was heroin wow and my friend was like ah [ __ ] it and he just went down and sorted it jesus wow and then what and then he was i mean he was just like really tired wait but you'll turn your mdma black and then you gotta do black mdma no no no you just take a little bit not that i would know i mean i don't right right you've been to coachella though i have been have you ever been around it we forgot to say the opening prayer oh [ __ ] let's do it right now okay who's gonna lead us yes dear god thank you so much for these wonderful friends that i'm sitting with right now and blessed be thy to the most high and the most holy for this wonderful occasion the 8 ball special thank you so with much my sweet lord and my sexy jesus oh man oh man man wow that was very touching yeah really we did touch yeah we touched a lot yeah i felt jesus i felt the energy so we had we we we were meant to do some kind of opening prank on you guys well no it was your thing you just wanted to get the [ __ ] order well because no no well yeah i was gonna say who's the king of the show and you said there was one way to tell the tallest whoever's the tallest the king of the show well that's why you're so [ __ ] worried about standing up yeah yeah and so i don't know who is because we always see each other on screen you can't really yeah you can't tell but so so i guess we could just all stand well but well we can't because yeah we got the mic stands are in the way and do you want to see no we would [ __ ] bigger the monitor chord is not long enough so we can't get that because what had happened was when we were testing the cameras before you guys showed up they were like okay stand up and we stood up and we were like oh wow this is uh look at this yeah though we have that problem too what problem is that whatever you're about to do oh yeah they're too tall for the camera i hit my head on the mic yeah that you that i didn't just point out because we're maintaining the aura yeah by the way this is [ __ ] awesome what like being the fourth it's like you're listening to a podcast at the same time as being on one metal damn i don't even want to talk i just want to listen to you well you can't say meta anymore dude it's patent patent pending or something yeah there you go mark zuckerkorn has that market cornered i was gonna say this is like um it's like uh it's like a podcast orgy but what's something where like that'll be in the bonus yeah what's something where you could like be cucked like uh intermittently that'd be more like an orgy right sure yeah your wife is occasionally getting plugged in front of you yeah like if you're all kind of mixing it up and then like you kind of step out and you're like i want you and he's like oh yeah for sure and then you're like thanks man you go step out for a water you come back in and you're just kind of just watching it go down you're like nice yeah that's what this is like i would be the guy coughing at the orgy yeah do you guys feel like we're defiling your set no good no not at all you ever coughed during sex um no dude i'm [ __ ] dude i run into that i kind of like have a sexy way to clear my throat just it's like impossible to do in a sexy way you just like [ __ ] me up because i just was like have i ever could you bite your lip no cause i'm always i'm always getting something or like a dog hair on your mouth you just it sucks i always have to cough you always have to cough i'm dude like i'm a human being i cough like [ __ ] 20 times a day like we all do right guys right i'm coughing the right amount yeah but during sex why don't you time your sex so it's within the four hours yeah yeah i just cough excuse me i'm gonna run to the back i'm just gonna pee real fast don't worry i'll shake it out real good and then go in the bathroom but then you take a sip of water or something and before you inhale a little bit as one does sometimes that happens it gets caught in the old throat what was your story that you wanted to tell yeah embarrassing story we're supposed to start with this ah okay yeah get them out now before you start [ __ ] us okay i just have to preface this with i know you guys aren't going to judge me because this is this is up there with probably the most embarrassing thing that'll be on the internet no way which says a lot it's pretty embarrassing uh so i posted an instagram photo the other day of my foot oh yeah my bare foot up on uh on my bathroom counter and i got a dm from some like burner account had zero posts and like two followers and uh they asked me if i would be willing to sell photos of my feet to them and i was like yeah 20 bucks a pop how about it yeah cause i'm like [ __ ] it i don't care it's just my feet and uh they replied and said how about uh yeah here i've got the um i've got the dm right here are you interested in selling me pictures of your feet and i said 20 each what's your currency usd yes and then they said my offer is 500 bhd for six pictures and two videos equals one point three uh holy [ __ ] thirteen hundred bucks so i was like all right and i said it's so old wait wait wait wait this was look at what time it was it was 9 43 in the morning it was no there was seven oh wait no i i yeah you're right uh sorry i i screenshotted them at 703. no no no no yeah it started early yeah it started early seven in the morning yeah damn this feet guy wakes up this was on wednesday what what is bhd uh bahrain so i asked if he was in bahrain and he's like yeah and i said so are you just a person in bahrain who's into this and he's like yeah just a guy out here and what's the next uh also the worst negotiator in the world 20 a pop i'll give you 1300. i didn't i didn't stop to do the math i was like oh that's way more but yeah it's probably legit and i can't [ __ ] believe that you're actually taking this guy up on this well because at this point i'm just curious and also he like way like over shot right yeah like he could have started with like anything under 1300 u.s which is a red flag right there i should have recognized immediately scam oh yeah you know where this is going oh i didn't i thought you actually were gonna make this money i i had hoped but i don't know where it's going oh okay well i said i'm not gonna do anything nude and he said but i didn't ask for nude content did i and i said no you didn't you dude uh so i said how will you send the money you said how do you prefer i said paypal uh you said good what time and will you take the pictures and i said you know well i expect payment first like give me half the money i'll send you half the phone you're [ __ ] negotiating with this so then he said that's how payment works you send half three pictures in one video and then i pay and then you send the other three in the other video and i said all right so he said wait that's not me that's not me yet he said these are the angles these are the angles for the pictures and videos wait everyone shut up i don't know i don't know who that guy is please tell me you didn't [ __ ] do this i did no wait wait wait i want to crawl out of my skin dude i want to crawl out of my skin wait just listen to me listen don't hate me don't judge me i don't care i do a little but so he said these are the angles for the pictures and videos and then i said i said at that point i looked up what the bhd was i said you're in bahrain and he said yes i said who are you just a man who likes photos of men's feet and he said exactly i buy feet and nude content for about two years now oh my god so then i said i got listen listen just wait a second just wait a second all right look here's the video look i don't want to see the [ __ ] video it's not a big deal it's not a big deal yes it is no it's not i'm like laughing i'm like all right what the [ __ ] all right here we go [Laughter] well there's one more position i gotta get in no not look i'm not naked i'm not naked i'm not making a fake i'm not doing anything hey hey all right i thought i was gonna get 1300 oh oh i thought i was gonna get 1300 wait so that's it you know i'm not doing anything i'm not doing anything wiggle the wiggle those little pins i wiggle them a little bit with those little piggle wiggled him a little because i thought you know and there's the last oh my god dude oh my god so what happened dude ben yeah what the [ __ ] i can't believe hey baby it's nine in the morning anything goes oh my god i had my matcha in my oh my god i also came home downplayed this before we started we're like yeah i got a little i got a little story and we're like well we know we know it's good because your stories are normally good you guys it'll be it'll be quick do you see what brand of shorts i'm wearing bird dogs yeah they're birds dude next time do you guys do an app do you guys do ads for this you gotta just use these and be like dude look how comfortable they are look how agile i am in my bird dog is some guy from bahrain trying to rip you off well wait so then what happened i sent through the video and he said okay what's your pay pal and i'm like [ __ ] yeah cool all right and then he said i gave him my paypal and then he said end the picks and i said you want the same angles as the video he didn't respond so i just sent through the photos and then something really fast happened he double-clicked and liked all of them and then the last thing i said was hello come on man cause guess what the account's gone now like almost instantly it was like profile not found so this guy's got three pictures of my feet in the video of my feet and so you know what we're doing we're flooding the market we're driving down the value of those uh oh [ __ ] my god bro okay so just hear me oh my god before i did it yeah this no this is some richard pryor [ __ ] for sure [ __ ] marlon brandon you're sitting here making jokes i haven't even [ __ ] processed what the dude i know i just want to go back run it back run it like i was crying it's not a big deal look look i'm just like all right this is the biggest deal this is insane all right you know i'm just chilling there and then all right the look off camera and i put my head down because i'm like you know maybe i shouldn't have my head in this stop and pause it right there wait look at how you move your feet looking directly through his legs at the camera just oh bro the fact that just because i i can hear like your inner monologue like oh better wiggle my toes pretty much [Laughter] can i have can i have this for my iphone background you can take it man for my lock screen it'll be uh 10 bhd i thought okay you know what i'm not naked i'm not making any kind of weird faces i'm not making any sounds i'm simply you know as far as i'm concerned these are yoga positions yeah yeah so that's how i justified it yeah thank you see he gets it he said he would he would do it right yeah yeah that's what he said definitely not what i said see that one that one is so emasculating dude yeah that one is well that's right well you see i then put both arms out which is a very strong pose it's like i'm checking on a fireplace well watch go to the go to the picture of that one yeah dude the picture of that one is a lot more masculine yeah no you're you're you're looking under yeah see look at your car i'm looking under a car yeah for looking under your [ __ ] broncos one of those piggies oh my god bro yeah or you're wait what's going on wiggling piggies black stuff it's probably just some lint i have very clean very good feet i don't know i see why you didn't get paid it might be a shadow i don't know it looks like two toes melded together that's not accurate christ that's not right yeah dude he looked at that and he was like can you get nine toes maybe maybe he wasn't even scamming you he's just like no i've got the wrong guy i thought i thought you were cut out for this yeah some man on the arab peninsula has nutted to the oh my god dude i never could have imagined this it's the beauty of the internet wow anyway i really hope you guys don't think less of me i i i gotta be honest i do i only i don't blame you i only think less of you i just can't believe you fell for it i wanted to go to yeah on 4 20 they were doing have you guys ever heard of grateful shred it's basically a grateful dead cover band and it's like on 420 obviously everyone wants to go so sold out we wanted to go someone commented you know dm if you want tickets so i dm'd him and it was just so clearly i was getting ripped off it was like immediately he was like pay me first and it's just i'm just so shocked you did it i thought you know that's gonna buy me some real good omakase that's what i thought i thought this is a free sushi dinner you don't no of course i don't but i was just like this is i mean hey i'm just dying laughing at him sending those grim dark ass images of that strange man just like yeah and you were like i could do that yeah and i was like i'm keeping my shirt on because the guy had his shirt off peeking above your crotch like this yeah i'm glad i'm not high right now i can hear i can hear ben's voice yeah you want to get on zoom or something just to make sure we get it right make sure you're real should i set up some lights or something or i'm just pissed that i got taken like you never that's the most you always get paid first right i know but i thought well because he you know what's funny he said yeah send the pictures first i've been burned before and i'm like oh you [ __ ] you burned me you reached out to me yeah yeah yeah god he also played you a little bit because he was like no send half the pictures first yeah and part of me thought he was like take the half and be satisfied but that kind of got me honestly i was like oh that's kind of fair i guess but half the pictures is all the pictures yeah but that's everything you need i was having a really good morning and i was just like feeling good and like yeah nothing could do in my life yeah yeah i'm already i was having a good day in stocks and i was just like hey what's another 1300 bucks let's do it baby see this stuff like 1300 stock market is a poison yeah the stock market makes you feel good make you feel so good you'll [ __ ] send a stranger your [ __ ] feet for money all it takes is one yeah i'll take this one good trade and you're like [ __ ] it dude how was this is hustle culture baby this is what day trading is about man how how was the negotiating don't do that anymore it was like he'll put his feet up on the table dude take those things i can't see it the same but but he went hold on i gotta stretch real fast oh see now that's out there like this you you offered him twenty dollars a picture and he said for five a hundred dollars and he said nah thirteen hundred and you were like well this is the videos that are the video forty second video he's got you bending over on your bed and that's you know you i'm still thinking about the fact you only sent him half the pictures which could i only could be in your favor yeah because he could be like halfway to coming but he can't yeah he might get he need the whole set he might get tired of those give it to me come on buddy you got my paypal i don't judge you thank you pal no this this to me is just a very ben story it's going to be my legacy when i when i leave this portal it says a lot about your self-worth because if someone said to me thirteen hundred dollars for your feet picks i'd say come on you don't want that this is insane but you were like i'm worth it yes that's exactly right immediately these these feet are worth yeah 1300 also nothing is forever i'm gonna be dead in like [ __ ] 100 years and it'll be something for someone some [ __ ] kid before he's people are jerking off forever yeah i just mean like separately like he's [ __ ] around on youtube before he goes and jerks off to something else oh just like look at this dead guy look at this clown do you think i richard pryor [Music] do you think the ones he sent you were guys he previously scammed i i oh yeah it's like the tinder swindler yeah yeah maybe maybe there was some porsche he's scamming a new guy right now sending pictures of you mine like look at this yeah [ __ ] well i mean i gotta tip my hat to him because he got me i wonder how he told the people to get into visit position before he had any pictures he had to explain i was just gonna say getting those three sample images that must have been a story in it of itself yeah you know he's like scan he's getting all these bad like shots he's like no no no again i need your ass in the air and your feet out at me what don't you understand yeah that's that's the worst part about sexting what having to be like that was great but can you do another this way oh wow i've never you've never done that you get a little nudie photo and you go hey that's cool can you lay on the bed or something you give them pointers oh sure you give them notes not pointers but just no i don't if somebody that's brutal sexting notes is crazy dude really that's unhinged dude i have an apology to my channel no this is okay but you could do better i don't even mean like that he's like damn that was great you know what i'd love to see this the worst thing ever studio notes listen your tits are awesome we love them could you just turn just a little bit just just so we could get a little more of the yeah listen there are people out there who are on my side and i need to hear from you yeah sound off in the comments if you've ever given sex dude the top comment is going to be and here's the best part about the studios app people can now up vote like there's the highest upvoted con is going to be like no ben we are not with you after you laid on your back for the man in bahrain i think [ __ ] dude we kind of like need to get you 1300 somehow yeah you know what i think you're right i think we ought to start a gofundme and maybe do a calendar oh my god let's own it we should do a tmg feat cow oh my god you all got that go ahead no we could all get we could all do those positions together on on a king-sized bed i didn't realize how crazy people were yo we'll see you later man yeah yeah oh that's a no yeah i'm out of here oh yeah yes oh i thought it was like yeah oh well you guys can just stand there giving me notes okay we'll give you sex notes yeah sex sext no sex to notes come on if someone sent you a really piss-poor sext you would just be like damn that's great like are you saying uh sex is in like words no no i mean like a nude a photo yeah i knew if it was like really like someone is so generous what no as to give you a picture of themselves it's not saying like any picture naked it's like holy [ __ ] this brings up a really funny point trying to like passively nudge for a different kind of nude you get when you're like yo sick let me let me see yeah like a little more under the light sure and then it's wrong again and you're like yeah no like lol no hot clothes like just a little police yeah and it's just like it's just like progressively not the right way ben ends up sending the samples he got from the feet guys yeah yeah could you do something like this i was think it's a little something like this oh my god yeah your ass is cool but like what are your titties up to [Laughter] just just curious oh no i don't want to see him i'm just wondering what they're doing for sure what is it what are your what's your pus put your puss lips eaten [Music] your [ __ ] eat fingers ever just chill no no it's cool no no i like what i have no i like what you said no it's good no i could probably jerk off to these yeah i guess if i try yeah if i have to i can i can i dude i can make these work this is gone offline no i've never said anything like that no i know we're just we're just giving you [ __ ] hey thanks for this nude but uh i'm going a different direction i've decided to go a different oh thank you so much for your time we had some other great candidates and we just want to say we wish you luck we're going for a diversity yeah it's just grinning all right what should we move on from the nude i don't think i'm gonna be thinking about it as i go to sleep that's fine you know what it's really we all are like all 100 000 people listening to this are going to go to sleep and just remember ben just like yeah but those are so like the vulnerability of like you kind of you could see it in your face of kind of like looking at the camera like i hope this is what he's looking for it's just very beautiful i was trying to look at that way beautiful i was trying to look that way in the event that it would get out somehow little did i know i would just gladly offer it up but i was like yeah because i'm not going to be like [ __ ] although that probably would have made it better that would have been hilarious if you're trying to sex it up yeah like just gripping something with me oh hitting my feet talking to the camera you like that you like this damn i wish i had done that now you made it funnier you know yeah you you could have like for the bit for the bit for the better you could have hid your feet for a second even like i bet you want these huh take off the suck yeah damn man that roller coaster of emotions like the the sickness i felt when we saw the example photos and i thought it was you and then the relief i felt when i realized it wasn't you and then i was right back to the sickness when i realized you did it i'm just never gonna forget emil going ben [Laughter] oh my mom i just thought of my mom oh my mom she's not gonna she's gonna laugh she doesn't care i was nervous i was gonna puke when you kept really i was just laughing so i couldn't like catch my like catch my breath it was [ __ ] me up peter parker moment oh ben uncle ben don't show your feet to that man in bahrain fine peter this will pay the rent oh well damn i don't even want to do anything else now that was i don't want to talk about anything else you got so much more oh that was so good that was i'm just like i respect it though me too it was very special yeah thank you boys you were trying to get your bag or whatever you know like i said you know what no dinner thirteen hundred dollars can buy you it's a free dinner men should be allowed you gotta take those opportunities you know women to get those kinds of offers all the time you know they can they can turn them down accept whatever a rare opportunity like that as a dude yo let me see your grown ass man feat for 300 bucks that guy must have some kind of algorithm set up right to like pull i don't understand how he found you or he's got a website that he runs maybe it's actually a good question well so that's because i think they have one for when i almost got ripped off on the tickets i think they have something for whenever there's a post from a a an account like that it said when when it when it shoots out sold out they immediately get like a notification and show up in the in the comments yeah sure and then it auto responds back and forth and then but what's the goal of the bot to get as many feet pictures as you possibly can yeah i guess for maybe a website right they're not even asking for money yeah but couldn't you like compile those and then upload them somewhere or yeah i guess i guess i've been exploited i'll tell you what i didn't know how crazy people were about feet i like i posted one story where i was in tevas and i got so many dms like damn you're posting tivas to like maine they're joking most people are joking about the foot fetish but there are a few who uh nah for sure bro there was a there was a woman also in my dms in in canada i think also on a burner account uh asked me for a couple and she's she was a real person i could tell wow did you get that actually for feet pictures yep and you didn't i didn't didn't give it to her nope but the bahrainian man some reason was 1300 actually i think she was asking me for like three for like i don't even remember uh 40 bucks or something i was like sorry sweetie it's one for 20. yeah but these were loons probably loons isn't that what they call them what canadian money oh yeah uh loonies oh yeah loonies we got the loonies and then we got the toonies yeah but wait wait wait three for how many uh 40. i think 40 per currency uh no us dollars i think oh so it's like 1 000 loonies i don't know the exchange rate's not that yeah no that's like monopoly money yeah it's not real but i need to hit her oh you know what i told her i said they're gonna be free in a few days just wait no you didn't i think i did and then you posted one on on maine well i had the she dm'd me from the one on main wow yeah i'm not gonna post those those no wait those aren't meant to be you should you should post that on your instagram those three photos no the video oh dude you should do no you should do a dump you should just a whole dump i love the devalue you're looking through your legs it's just like no it's perfect it's so actually oh [ __ ] what now i'm just trying to think how can we just wondering if you're doing it right i knew i was doing it right i was just like well the guy in the photo had his head between his legs what if he rejects it and has me do it again i just want to make sure i'm doing it right can we move on yes we're almost at 40 minutes i know [Laughter] no we want to talk about ninja and [ __ ] drake oh [ __ ] there's literally nothing you there's nothing we have to try i have to know but i just it's just when when i saw those sample pictures i think i died like i think i'm not alive i know i know like i think this is just i actually like slipped out of my skin yeah and it was just like a like a skin suit just like the deflated chick you know yeah people that don't do drugs at or whatever yeah that was me it did feel dark because the lighting in those photos was like oh this is like in the middle east is is what is being in the middle east just inherently dark you know it just looked like it wasn't lit by like electricity come on then dig yourself out yeah dig yourself out your toes are we gonna pull it up again no well i think it's also by virtue of the fact that the guy was from bahrain so i was like oh yeah okay okay yeah sure okay yeah thank you yeah i think i think what you're trying to say is like you know as a millennial you're pretty like scarred from all those like brutal isis videos and [ __ ] yeah so you have like a certain mental image of the middle east so seeing a a person vulnerable with their [ __ ] toes like that in a dark room it probably just took you back to like live leak or just or just like some [ __ ] he's saying they don't have light in the middle east he's saying i'm trying to help him that's what he was saying don't throw him in the shovel he's got to dig himself and the gentleman in the photo had you know he looked like he was um arab yeah so there's that too so i'm not so bad i'm not so wrong well man speaking of dms i mean we should try and yeah it was great yeah there we go drake's dm what happened this came out yesterday it's very funny so basically he [Laughter] what are you gonna put your feet up oh so basically this guy dm's drake what what i'm just trying to find a way to call back a 1300 feet you'll you'll get there just yeah no no man this is a long [ __ ] article yeah no no this is a bunch of added [ __ ] so basically drake comments on some basketball posts sorry is that what you were going to say cody yeah yeah yeah no go for it i don't really know the story so he comments and he's referring to um uh [ __ ] oh my god the ball lonzo ball no their father lavar ball lavar jesus how do i blank so hard so drake says imagine your son makes the league and he's he's ja or mello or lonzo all you can do is be elated and competitive and over supportive and it's a right of passage to that the og's talk [ __ ] i know i'm gonna be this way even if my son is in a rubik's cube competition okay he's going to be a supportive dad just like levar ballas yeah even if his son is a [ __ ] dweeb yeah and does rubix cubes yeah what a nerd it's just that's nice it's like that's a yeah it's a nice thought so what what was the original why was he saying um i think uh kyle or ryan you guys are basketball experts who jaw marantz is on the sideline for all of the memphis games and he's just been like really supportive vocally yeah i mean it's been cheering for him and they don't like that i mean as a as a just as a side note how do you not like that that's yeah that's great you're [ __ ] your son is in like the top .001 percent of athletes in like the in the whole like [ __ ] out of all the people play basketball how are you not freaking out every day that kid's playing yeah anyway so this dude follows up and says your son probably played ghost writers and he he did that in response to drake to drake and this is a random guy it's a random ass dude okay which is in reference to drake using ghost writers yes yes he's trying to jab at him and whatever so then drake says i just followed your girl because she's probably miserable and needs some excitement in her life oh my god and he did that he does that he follows her scroll down he followed her oh yeah so then the guy her phone right but like the best part is is that she's like liking his stories yeah and has responded like multiple of his stories yeah and she like screenshotted him following her and then she put on her story and she said oh hey drake oh right i think the one above is her screenshotting her followers yes yeah because her followers are going crazy and then the guy um he says something like uh to uh to all you dudes being weird i got people that'll dirt nap you uh like that'll kill you or whatever wait her husband the husband put that on his story but i was just like there's nothing that can get you out of this scenario it's like over like this is like thanos touching down on your world it's like it's gone dude it's crazy drake would be able to receive a sex from her and give notes true yeah oh damn it yeah drake could be like nah different different try again please that's all he would say yeah definitely different that motherfucker's just kubrick in the chair no no no again more symmetry that's also something that like prince would do if he were still alive and receive detect a sext yeah but he wouldn't because he was very food he was religious yeah like did you keep calling it sex because i'm picturing like a girl just being like what do you want to do to me and you're like can you phrase that differently no i don't like that you're being i don't like that oh you know you know what's the the what do i want to do to you then that's what i'm talking about you know you ever uh you ever make a spelling or grammatical error during a sext um now that's just like coughing during sex yeah you're like i want to see you boobs like [ __ ] i will it doesn't and then you do the wrong you're and you're like i want to see you pee that's what i meant sorry i will say someone did it like i couldn't get past it someone wrote we were the next morning talking about the previous night and we i was like yeah it was really hot blah blah and she wrote like i'm gonna masturbate to it when i get home and she spelled masturbate wrong and i was like [Laughter] different different try again dude you just reply with the [ __ ] [ __ ] thumbs down yeah weren't you an english major rip no your phone correct that you would think what a [ __ ] yeah damn is that the end of this story though what else happened i mean so then uh she she went from just last note and then go on but she went from like sub 1000 followers it's like 127 000 no what [ __ ] yeah no way blew up her account good for her holy [ __ ] i hope she does something with that they have two kids oh god oh yeah that's weird that's getting worse yeah i mean i know like this article and uh us right now we're like dude drake is savage man yeah he what are you doing honestly reply like even in your own comments like yeah there's probably 200 000 comments on that post yeah and he picks out the one roast and it's like oh oh hell no i gotta [ __ ] i gotta slide into this like dude don't you live in a palace like go to your personal basketball court and shoot some hoops i think that's how once you get to like a certain power like that's how you get your [ __ ] rocks dude true he can't go on the lolita express anymore yeah cause we all know what happened oh yeah he likes young girls right um allegedly a legend oh what's her face millie bobby brown yeah yeah well there was like the other model that he was like people like kind of dug up he was like taking pictures and like commenting on her [ __ ] when she was like 16 and then just commenting different yeah different next nice drake looks like a wizard turned a turtle into a man why does that work yeah no look up drake 2007. and then and then search drake turtle and he comes up does he why 2007 he does look like a turtle-ish wow so either the turtle the turtle did something that the wizard loved it looks like he got his teeth done or something i think he must have yeah i will say though when i read that i'm not the first all right that's fair oh [ __ ] yeah he does look like a turtle he do be looking that way when i read that comment that i was telling you about like i almost responded to it yeah almost and then i i was like [ __ ] what are you [ __ ] you doing yeah just stop stop yeah wait because you got it gets okay so like on the last episode so i've been like people have been roasting me because i said like i went to a party with some celebrities and i was like like i wasn't bragging about it but i was just like i was in the same room as these right cool people so i was like oh that's [ __ ] cool and then uh they're like dude cody saw la now man i saw la and so then i last week i went to new york and on this week's episode i was just talking about how magical i think new york is that's it someone said dude cody's so [ __ ] la now he literally thinks new york's a magical place i live there dude all i smell is garbage cody's so l.a peeled just what i said you're so la pill do you think new york's magical yeah yeah new york is magical [ __ ] face it's [ __ ] magical did you did you reply to him no i almost did and then i was like nah and then i just followed this girl instead and i was like let me buy your feed pics i almost responded to a a reddit post and um i wrote out this long thing and then i copy and pasted it to ben and ben was like don't do this no he sounded really mad i was mad that's the number one rule on the internet you get mad first you lose yeah right no matter what it's about yeah and you can also win any argument by suggesting that the other person is mad it's it's like that uh [ __ ] drill tweet i'm not taking it put in the thing i didn't get mad yeah i'm not mad i'm not mad and then he slowly turns into a cob of corn i'm not taking advice on how to win conversations from you right now oh yeah i completely understand that yeah the most baller move is to get on your back and put your feet in the air and then get scammed the most baller way to to end the conversation is come on man that's the most that's the alpha way to end the conversation come on man yeah hello it's so innocent come on man come on man the hello with the question mark is killing me hello just picturing him in like a cave and just echoing hello come on man [Music] it's so dark in here i don't know what's funny is i knew that the message wasn't gonna go through because i had already seen when i clicked the profile it was like profile not found but i was like you know it's worth a shot oh come on man come on man so he had already deleted his account and then i well so it took me like 90 seconds but then i was like i can unsend so i went back and i unscent the three pictures in the video but he probably already he already saved them above thought they're immortalized now did you at least do the like vanish mode thing the what [Laughter] i i forgot that i'm gonna okay i'm gonna say something you might have to cut this is like that the inverse of that crystallia moment when he found out that people can screenshot sure this is like the inverse you know you can send it so it like disappears and you're like you can what i don't know there you go after also just putting them online permanently yeah yeah yeah this is like i could have avoided this whole thing i hope people enjoy those [ __ ] man that was like the hardest i've ever laughed is you're going to take your feet down yeah emile was like i want to even it's not the same it's not the same yeah well i can learn as they say god damn it bro all right ninja can we watch this clip of ninja at uh ludwig's poker game please why do children love ninja they don't anymore why i can't remember who's ninja and he's pewdiepie pewdiepie is he doesn't have dyed hair which one got in trouble for like racist stuff pewdiepie yeah i think ninja has too oh really no yeah yeah like he's they both have you mean the hair professional gamer yeah he said you mean the white guy who goes by ninja yeah this deep in his professional career has a insensitive clip on the internet videos of him like berating children on on stream yeah being like you [ __ ] little piece of [ __ ] yeah you know who i am yeah that's what gaming's about though i mean that's true that is the only fun part about gaming screaming at children yeah yeah see i was gonna say that's where responding to a negative comment can be funny yeah okay if you don't go in it like trying to prove a point because i've done that many times actually a few times someone has said something and it's like i've been fired up and i'll say something like really mean as like a roast and i'll wait exactly an hour and then i'll delete it and my hope is that they caught it and they go yo what the [ __ ] and then like maybe they're crafting something and then when they go back it's gone oh yeah that's pretty good that is good and they're like no no dude he did and they like they like didn't get a screenshot yeah like no noelle he did he replied like he roasted me i swear and everyone's like uh-huh yeah sure or even if they did get a screenshot where are they going to go post it on their [ __ ] profile to 100 followers yeah yeah yeah literally yeah but no even nice dude god yeah no i mean i just [ __ ] uh i don't i always like say the worst [ __ ] you know it'll be like this video and i'll be like i bet you're [ __ ] ugly just like something i should have said what i was just gonna reply to that comment is like just let me like things just let me enjoy things yeah that's fine also it's new york that's like saying uh i think donuts are good and someone being like [ __ ] thinks donuts are good so l.a yes like everyone in the world thinks new york is good new york [ __ ] rocks it really does i love it so much man if you're out there in new york special shout out to you nice thanks you love shout outs he's obsessed that is your [ __ ] it feels good to do it feels good to say hi yo shout out to everyone in bahrain right now [Laughter] hey dude the guy is out there you [ __ ] got me you know you earned it yeah we gotta get him on we'll meet again we have to get him on the next call yeah if you're out there somehow pal reactivate your account and dm ben just give it a shot i mean i'm not gonna try to shake you down for the money because what can i do right so no no we don't want money yeah they want to interview you yeah you can be anonymous completely yeah we need to know your process i should put out an instagram story with just text and be like to the bahrainian man please dm me we want to interview you yeah you should and he's like i'm not bahrainian you idiot i'm from minnesota i just tricked you yeah you got [ __ ] got yeah but then he wouldn't have deleted his account he would have taunted me and been like you [ __ ] idiot oh he might have not completed his whole thing he's like okay i've compiled the pictures i'm going to do a fun edit we're really going to dunk on this guy what did ninja do sorry sorry sorry can i just get this dumbass sketch off my chest i'm just imagining ben some years later in bahrain he you know he's just walking in public he's kind of like uh this brings back bad memories he pushes it out trips on something in public falls forward his [ __ ] feet come out of his sandals and so his bare feet just hit the pavement and he's in that all fours position in a public square and everyone there's just like it's him and then you you look back like huh and they all roll you on your back and they lift your legs up and they're like look through your legs and i become the king of bahrain yeah hell yeah they're like thank god you're here can you please give me my 500 bahrainian dollars now please did you look up if that was the right exchange yeah is there currency that strong right i don't i don't know i just i just took it that's what it was because [ __ ] yeah wow well they got oil over there so they would think i would think that the petro dollars i think you've done enough yeah that is yeah well see he was truthful about one thing listen okay so this ninja guy do you guys think about this this ninja guy is out of control you're playing poker or something yeah you should just go to a joke i watch this clip but it's pretty great what is he where is he playing poker there so all the these streamers like got together cody do you understand like the setup here a little bit better um it's just a i don't i don't know it's a poker game it's like blood waking through it's a cash game and uh i guess it was a 100k buy-in so it's like basically a bunch of really streamers that's a lot of [ __ ] money a lot of [ __ ] money and they invited phil hellmuth and this guy is like uh you know he's a poker pro all the clips i've seen him in he's always getting owned phil phil so i think it's very funny to see him get owned by ninja what's his name phil hellmuth phillip mccrevice that was great [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] magic's nuts yeah what the chat character that's true ninja lied magic comes eating what's your fear of cups lick my literal paint [ __ ] up oh dude [Applause] i think hellmuth's basically just insinuating that during around his worldwide what the [ __ ] is going on here tonight oh wow wow that's a great statement that guy's way weirder than you yeah i totally forgot about what happened in the first day that's that is embarrassing man can you guys believe that [ __ ] it's like it's like yeah wipe my memory i don't even remember what we were talking about man the time has flown i don't even remember yeah what it was the turtle shell thing actually did weird me out yeah a lot that was weird as [ __ ] poor mr beast you could tell that he was like can you shut the [ __ ] up yeah dude we're playing like 15 000 hands right now yeah also ninja is like still clean on a stream right uh no no he has like late night after hours stream where he says the f word whoa well i mean that's not very clear wait considering yeah yeah exactly right yeah well he is a gamer yeah frigg frigg frig that's my worst nightmare [ __ ] drinking a bunch a bunch on a stream yeah why i can't think of anything i can't think of anything more embarrassing just i just oh oh yeah yeah me either i just wouldn't want to be that forgot for 10 seconds no no i knew i knew i knew i feel like ben is in that you remember when like you got dumped as like a teenager and like that [ __ ] was just a singer man yeah and that [ __ ] was just on your mind like it just you couldn't escape it like if you've earned that [ __ ] in here i feel like that's the place you're in right now no not at all no i i wasn't even barely even blushing i was just cause i'm like whatever i'm happy you told that it's the human experience i'm so happy no i'm thinking i'm so thankful i don't know if i laughed that hard no then that brings me joy yeah honestly hey it caught me by surprise it was like i got the wind knocked out i could make my buddy laugh yeah it's worth it no you um you are the king of this show yes oh yes because of that to we'll have a king every episode no okay i have a feeling we will never top that yeah i have a feeling there's literally nothing that'd be hilarious the three of us go and [ __ ] start doing fetish [ __ ] it's like as i tied myself up for 20 bucks so we can be the king yeah if anyone wants to rip me off i'm trying to wear the crown next week so this dude dm me asking if he could put me in a hole in the crowd for 20 dollars and i drove to his place have you guys seen that video it's like it's like this crazy ass fetish video that we watched a long time ago on the podcast of this girl that's like like all just like bound up like ropes and like latex and [ __ ] like that and then this dude he's got like a hole cut in his floor and there's like a just like a human-sized hole that goes down into the floor it's a it's a steamy tweets it might be the very last one steamy tweets yeah and he lowers her into the hole and then like puts the floor cover on and then he puts his table over yeah yeah yeah and that's like a fetish just knowing that oh there's a lady down there and i got her i can't i can't it's the most [ __ ] up thing it's a buffalo fetish yeah i don't think that's a fetish i think that's just straight up kidnapping yeah oh oh you guys are under arrest for being sexy um well everyone we're gonna go ahead this no wait can i yeah no as the king yeah no please well everybody that's that's going to do it for the regular people as johnny carson well everyone that that'll about wrap it up here at uh eight ball special and we hope you've enjoyed your stay with us so uh for all of our tmg 10 tier uh subscribers stick around because it's gonna get a whole lot weirder is that good you like that good nailed it thank you that's really good thank you for those of you who don't just look up johnny carson let me know if that was good and tmg studios tv just for the we're going to keep going so if you want to keep if you're enjoying this then i'm going to kick off my shoes though this week on the extended cut i got very clean good feet don't worry pal i love those big piggies stomp me out you [ __ ] bovine well i'll just say the guy that i bought acid from massaged me watch the rest my son watch the rips stop watching stop please sorry watch the rest by signing up at laughs
Channel: TMG Studios
Views: 493,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: sBIsup-3Mtk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 18sec (3618 seconds)
Published: Mon May 09 2022
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