Relationship Influencer Cringe w/ Brittany Broski

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okay is this the this the setup this is the setup we're doing it I can't wait to do this yes why cuz I love you I love it here you know there's this special genre now by the way Britney Broski is here with me today twins twins just in the face and body yeah I have my twin Brittney here today to help me with this video hey my okay so like there's this spef specific genre of of like content now where like someone figures out like a like a hack in the algorithm okay they find some genre of content that works for some reason yeah and you see it and you're like who resonates with this who likes this me us usar is it like alpha male [ __ ] or is it like I don't even know how to really describe it here I'll show you the video that that introduced me to him okay okay bro let's go out this weekend there's a crazy event happening there'll be a ton of chicks let's just go have fun and let go a little yeah that ain't my kind of fun you know what's fun for me waking up early hitting the gym spending time with my Creator building the life I desire and more importantly becoming a better version of myself every damn day God period so if your kind of fun is getting shitfaced over the weekend that's cool but we don't do that over here we're focused on God goals and growth my favorite part is the microphone the Giant on he like wears it as a necklace it's pretty that's I mean like that's kind of like the ultimate like Creator Flex the road ice just Iced Out and Road Cuban link with just a road this is a bus down road all the time just in case you got to film an epic video are we getting this okay so that's the video that now let me ask you this sure if someone told you hey there's a crazy event happening this week like like a bombing yeah what kind of event are we talking about why did you say it like that okay first of all I would identif I would immediately characterize this is Christian influencer yeah I guess I guess religion is a pretty big theme in his videos yeah spend time with your creator what do you mean yeah it's like his favorite Creator Mr Beast he's just spending time watching Mr Beast videos hit the gym see Mr Beast for 45 minutes hey bro you want to come to this crazy event um I'm actually spending time with my Creator right now okay so there is levels to this guy he's a very Dynamic person I know from that one it may seem like he's you know his priorities are pretty you know he laid it out on the table he laid it out on the table he's a pretty like you know but this guy is an onion and you got to peel back the layers okay that's what I'm saying right God damn you kind of [ __ ] he nailed it with that I mean like hold on the thing I don't really get about this is that like he's the things that he like preaches like he's obviously like I'm a good guy but like these are thirst straps oh easily so it's like completely contradictory to what he's saying cuz he's like he's like I I don't mess around with people's hearts I don't mess around with people's heart his [ __ ] hair is in his face he's like I only date for marriage so you trying to [ __ ] get married or what no he's so smart if he [ __ ] says God if he says God yes the Bible wait he didn't even say it he just just one thing Bible are you [Music] single no play again see okay this is what I mean so like clearly this that's not actually him the the you know the stuff that goes viral it's just like once you find that little that little thing in the algorithm where like it gets your talent it gets its Talons in your video and blows it up it's like okay we got to keep doing that yeah keep cranking that [ __ ] out yeah so you know we kind of saw like a little bit of his like sad side start to come out with the date for marriage thing like you know he's emo I would say a little bit right so that really worked so then he kind of starts leaning into that good morning once I stop checking to see if I'm left on opened or delivered once I stop responding right away just know you've officially lost me why is he [ __ ] half crying it's crazy I'm talking about not being like on Snapchat yeah it's like when you left on delivered on your snap when your snap School stays the same you got to look to go that's when you've flost me it's crazy if this guy loses his phone the relationship is over man shut up already and be happy damn bro why you so sad all I see is some ass videos from you get it together cuz I think there was a certain genre of person that was like I like this like self-improvement [ __ ] and then all of a sudden he started doing these these videos where he's just like emo as [ __ ] like they got mad yeah what the [ __ ] is this sad [ __ ] slept without a good night I woke up without a good morning and I can live without and I'm proud of you cuz at the end of the day we only have ourselves I love like the formula is so clear it's like this he like a little a little shade over his face a little flex and then he says some you know some [ __ ] and then he like starts to get up and it fades up time and guess what I'm going to like it it's perfect I'll like it right now boom there you go could not agree more you know what I'm going to go ahead and unlike this actually I don't want I don't want I don't want that to show up on someone's explore page and like what the [ __ ] why did Cody like this okay just remember a person that values you you they would never put themselves in a situation to lose you how many times has this dude been broken up with like holy [ __ ] how many times has he cried in public seriously I don't think I'd be taking relationship advice with this dud well cuz it's like none of it is this is how to have a happy relationship it's you do this to me and we're [ __ ] over yeah ex kill myself yeah and he's also been broken up with a lot of times I mean or is this all are these all about one person we have got to get dive into so she's [ __ ] up she's losing a king yeah seriously every time I think of you I have to remind myself if you wanted to talk to me you would say something holy [ __ ] that was so unintentionally perfect say something say the Tik Tok blue okay so he's also kind of a bad boy though what did it say go back I didn't read it holy [Music] [ __ ] you're dead to me holy [ __ ] this guy's looking for a virgin no literally Jesus Christ you're dead to me The Vaping thing is kind of crazy to me it's like like how can you be like all about like health and wellness yeah your body is a temple but this elf bar hits yeah but this [ __ ] this [ __ ] what is this water watermelon [ __ ] hits he's very possessive flirt or touch your body I'm gone got no time for games it's so [ __ ] true though I got elf bars to V got this like new CBD Vape business I'm trying to open up got I got bible verses to read babe I don't got time for games all right I'm reading the Bible for the 4C time reading the Bible Mr Beast on in the background I got Mr Beast videos bars I'm Mr Beast to clock Ino babe used to be addicted to the thrill of kissing a stranger at a club with loud music after making eye contact okay all right until I got my priorities straight realized my worth and stopped clubbing now I'm in love with the thrill of waking up to $10,000 PayPal notifications yeah it's a $10,000 request from his his yeah he's overdraft from the [ __ ] IRS what is he doing on PayPal well here's the thing this is I'm excited to show you this too he's got a web he's got a business oh let's [ __ ] go cuz of course he does dude this [ __ ] like how is this not parody school for CEOs what's with the design I like it's hard to make a website look this bad nowadays there's so many servic like Squarespace out of the box like looks incredible yeah like he how do you make this look like a scam cuz there's templates at your disposal exactly and you went for the teaching what schools don't Jake Paul ass [ __ ] description I love the uh the tabs here home accelerator game changer client reviews what is the game changer page is it like I hope it's a game yeah it's just like changes to a game Tetris accelerator will teach you how to maximize growth on Instagram plus Tik Tok Game Changer will teach you how to build a $110,000 a month online info business that's where we got to dig in oh wait actually I love the tagline we help people create a better life for themselves using the internet hey planet simple yeah exactly yeah we introduce people to the internet he just comes insts routers yeah that's his know there's like a whole bunch of info that you can get it's just on the worldwide web have you heard of it yeah I can teach you some things yeah have you heard of Wikipedia I'm his whole client base is just Boomers I'm obsessed with this in this video I'm going to provide you with an overview of what my online business coaching program entails so you know exactly what you're getting yourself into before signing up with me so this is a 6-month one-on-one mentorship with the purpose of of helping you build a 10K plus online information business it's one-on what is online does he like FaceTime his clients probably he's like baddies only I only teach baddies you got to submit a picture before I yeah exactly course with you the FaceTime call Connects he's like ew what the [ __ ] catfish there's no way you're getting to 10K a month let me just tell you that he's trying to be like a YouTuber too because like he's gotten so much attention on Instagram but like you know obviously he's got to like stick to his um like formula sure do I genuinely believe in the quotes I post I would never post something I do not believe to be true so the short answer is yes he does okay but it's a 13-minute video yeah yeah exactly that's that's awesome 10 minutes of just like a black screen if you're looking for someone to Netflix and show with that's great but I ain't that someone I'm looking for something more along the lines of Amazon Prime and equ M and if that's out of your league so am I what is that what does that mean I'm looking for something along the online of HBO Max Disney plus what is Amazon Prime what is it is he looking for something to like online shop with what could that actually possibly mean what is Amazon Prime got that Netflix done both are a monthly subscription what could it mean Amazon Prime Amazon Prime and commitment like's looking like he's looking for someone to like buy like paper towels with or something like he's like trying to build a bomb yeah maybe that's what it is Yes actually yeah I think that's that could be this guy like I said he's an onion he's got layers I mean terrorist might be one of them I'm getting [Music] terrorist me cheat nah fam I'll be the one that gets along with your dad helps your mom with dishes after lunch plays with your siblings when they're bored take you on the best day and defend defend your family name behind your back and also go on Amazon Prime all the time and also can I have your Amazon login yeah exactly can you add another device my Prime Membership expired my businesses are in the [ __ ] right now 10K in the red I'm getting these requests every morning for 10 grand from my [ __ ] Distributors babe please yeah it's weird yeah it's Weir but I crave the most innocent parts of the relationship flirting body rubs holding hands just connecting that's the intimacy I crave body [Laughter] rubs what's a body rub it's when she rubs his body yeah exactly I'm just picturing like just like moving the skin up and down creating heat friction he's just cold it's just funny to be like yeah yeah I know I'm like a weirdo but like I like this thing that literally Everyone likes call me crazy call me crazy I know I'm like kind of a weirdo and a reject I really like kissing they said a white boy couldn't find love yeah call me a weirdo but I really like [Laughter] coming call me a [ __ ] creep I know I know [ __ ] weird or whatever it's weird I like to come call me a weirdo but I love to eat women out it's that sh women nowadays don't like to be complimented and eaten out till they come in jizz and and squirt and they also like he's that guy squirt and also squirt I'm just like a like a weirdo like that I just love making women have multiple orgasms just like [ __ ] do you guys think I'm weird do you guys all the mad you're not weird that sounds awesome Amen call me possessive but I'm just saying if we're together and I catch a [ __ ] staring too along I will look them dead in the eyes while I grab your chin and kiss you like there's no tomorrow that way they know who's who's you really are I hate that I hate that more than call me crazy but if I catch another guy staring I'm giving you a crazy body rub right in front I'm going rub that body so hard in public we're going to get kicked out call me possessive okay yeah I will actually yeah it's pretty that's pretty possessive possessive yeah if I'm all about you I would literally eat your face in front of anyone you think I like or wants me me like a like a cannibal like I sucking and chewing and ingesting I am on bath salts right now and I will eat your face in front of anyone you think I like I know there's billions of other fish in the sea but I want my fishy and that's you o that one gave me a bad feeling that one made my stomach kind of drop my Skin's crawling from that I don't know I don't care how clingy you are towards me FaceTime me at random times send me 34 Tik toks spam me bite and annoy me I love all of that it shows me that you care getting Army Hammer Vibes bite me I don't know like bite and like gag and choke and like suck on me and eat Me Maybe maybe like eat my toenails or something I don't call me weird I don't [ __ ] know yeah this guy gives me the same same sort of Vibes I'm getting it a little bit something is a little off at some point you just got to tell people I love you and I'll love you forever but I'm no longer interested in the level of life you have I I just like I'm lost my brain just short short circuited yeah same I'm not asking you to change but I need you to understand that you can do what you want to do and how you want to do it you just can't do that with me sometimes you have to love people from a distance to protect your peace wow this is about as Mom Mom I just don't want to live here anymore back the [ __ ] off mom I want my own apartment just can you just [ __ ] give me the 10K allowance a month that I've that I'm requesting this HTS like El butt it's so true your biggest fans are strangers and your biggest haters are the people who you know Jesus oh my God that's Jesus Christ dark as [ __ ] that's really like that is so dark like this is the most depressing video I think I've ever seen in my entire life when everyone close to you turns on you that relatable moment the [ __ ] yeah all the people that like you don't actually know you all the people that know you hate you [ __ ] hate you they hate you your parents they hate you people who actually know you on a personal level really are not [ __ ] with you cuz you suck cuz you're hard to be around you're bad you you smell it's a problem smelly person smelly stinky ass ass your ass your ass sucks oh see he's [ __ ] He's this is a ploy thank you for all the love I've been getting I appreciate each one of you I rep DMS on IG if you'd like to connect there DM if you're just if you're like a hot girl I mean if you're like 36 Double D big fat ass tiny waste no fats or ugly no f are uglies please I will be checking profile pictures please be God-fearing thank you someone calling you baby means nothing someone in your house means nothing someone calling you gfbf means nothing someone marrying you means nothing exactly you know what means something a person changing their ways to keep you that's what means something that's that's toxic as [ __ ] oh my God you know what means something completely changing the fiber of who you are to make someone else happy yes mold to the to someone else's idea of you that's what they always say that is it's healthy they always say that's the key to a loving lasting relationship don't be yourself yes exactly you need to sacrifice your personality to make someone else lifestyle $110,000 that's with it $10,000 a month please please give that to me I need it I need it badly IRS is calling see see what I mean this guy's like very multi-layered yeah you know what I mean he's a complex guy Jesus what the [ __ ] Jesus what the [ __ ] fact of life you are so talking the honest truth hit home so true what kind of lives are you guys like M from real friends damn Jesus Christ chist this fits in almost to the like redneck single mom aesthetic it's the same there's definitely like an overlap of like freshly divorced single mom like I'm taking my life back but and I found God this is literally it's him too yeah they would love him though they would eat him up probably I mean that's probably most of the comments too it is yeah it's like I need me a man like this where are a in like this yeah exactly I want to see some more sexy edits I think he's just lonely oh lonely and horny and Christian I think I think that's yes yeah I think that's what it is just sign your paperwork in private and use all the money for an unforgettable honeymoon respectfully screw spending money for other people to enjoy your day what dude the point of the wedding is having all the people that you love in one place yeah and also for half of his content to be about date to marry and then he's like I know true Everything leading up to now has been like I can't like I date for marriage I live for marriage and he's like you know what [ __ ] a wedding let's go [ __ ] on the honeymoon he just he's horny he just wants to [ __ ] he just wants to [ __ ] with God not shaming him exactly he's like let's get these rings on our fingers and let's get to boinking yeah exactly let's get the nicest bed we can find with the sickest view so we can just [ __ ] I mean you got to hand it to him what what do you what do you have to to him a Bible a vape you know what I I [ __ ] love him and I hope I hope he finds what he's looking for I do too what are you going to do the possessive [ __ ] is a little bit concerning you know but look he's got a pure heart if that works for his partner and they you know they get married and then but don't but don't but don't yeah they just boink on the on the ocean somewhere exactly um some people really love that though yeah the like I would die for you I will defend your family name yeah that's what I'm saying yeah the theatrics of it they eat it up doesn't really work for me but you know some people some people eat it up yeah well thanks for thanks for joining me today hey a blast guys check out her new podcast the Broski report yes on YouTube and wherever you get podcasts and go follow her on her Channel as well is even filming anymore yes it is okay just talking to we're just hanging out yeah we finished recording I like inviting people over to just react to videos just without just alone and then that's it you and that's all yeah and that's all got a C over here if you want to take a little nap yeah exactly before we react to more videos later it's going to be awesome all right thanks guys bye guys we we let it let it go give it to give it to you don't give it to your don't give it he never gave nothing to me every time I turn around hands out something don't give it to your don't give it to your don't give it it
Channel: Cody Ko
Views: 5,534,597
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cody, cody ko, codyko
Id: Gx8s_6Iz3ME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 9sec (1329 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2023
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