Ben Shapiro & Jordan Peterson - Judaism VS Christianity

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I'm a my feeling and writing a book on this right now actually uh so I there are certain principles that obviously under the Christianity that are from the Judaic tradition clearly the first manifestation of the prophetic tradition yeah exactly I mean it's it's essentially an attempt to merge Jerusalem with Athens is is I think the book of John is the most obvious example using the logos as sort of the unifying feature and writing the whole thing in Greek right I mean that was not the the the lingua franca of the time those not what people were speaking except in an educated circle so all the Judaic principles things like a God involved in history a God who cares about individuals the notion that you have a choice between good and evil so choose good and that and so that you will live long on the earth right the all these things were taken forward into Christianity the major distinctions in terms of Christianity versus Judaism are the idea that and again it depends on your interpretation of Christianity early Christianity sort of suggested that history had ended with Christ and then in later kind of iterations of Christianity that was moved beyond right it wasn't that history had ended it was that Christ would come back when history had reached its logical progression of Christian history didn't end but original messianism was this is the Messiah were done right history's over that it was amillennialist religion right that's what pens are very few people think that now that's right so this why I'm trying to distinguish you know brands of Christianity because obviously they're serious differences even in basic root level between Catholicism and Calvinism and Lutheranism and all these things have different iterations so you know my very strong belief in free will in my actual building of a moral system in Judaism is building a moral system on the notion of free will obviously runs directly counter to for example Calvinism and Calvinism suggest that free will is is chimerical and there's no basis for it and that God grants you grace based on what he wants to do so it depends on on the brand of Christianity but I think that overall the conflict between Christianity and Judaism in large measure is especially in the early conflict was political rather than ideological in a lot of ways it was a new religion attempting to establish its own footing and was angry that the Jews would not join this new religion and leave behind tradition I think there there are certain ways in which Christianity you know like for example then the main distinction between Christianity that people usually make is that Christianity is a great space to religion in Judaism xanax based religion meaning that Judaism says you sort of earned your way into heaven right you earn your way toward a better life and and Christianity says if you believe right I'm the way the truth and the life if you believe then you're good but the truth is that Christianity sort of back doors the the Judaic view by saying if you really do believe then you're going to act in these particular ways that demonstrate your belief there's this weird paradoxical relationship between the idea of belief and Christianity the belief that that Christ came to save everyone from their sins and that all you have to do is admit that and you're redeemed like there's symbolic truth to that that would take a long time to unpack but there's also an injunction goes along with that to imitate Christ in great life exactly well I feel like a lot of these distinctions are almost some of them are almost a little false oh I mean meaning that they're either Christian mysteries of Judaism or Jewish mysteries of Christianity and that when you get to the root of it I mean this is what my monetise says that there are significant differences between Judaism Christianity but his view of Christianity from a Jewish historical point of view is that Judaism was never bound to convert billions of people around the world but Christianity was specifically because we have a lot of crap we got to do I mean Jews have we have 613 commandments you know we got a we have to keep kosher we have to do all of these things I appreciate you doing a lot of them for me yeah no problem yeah I'll transfer over the by a fertilizing exactly but but I think that Christianity ends up doing a lot of those same things that you know there were supposed to be stark distinctions just under different guys so when it comes to this is why in the modern world when the discrimination between you know from Christians toward Jews largely has ended I think that what you're seeing is this tremendous confluence between particularly Orthodox Jews and observant Christians my matters of matters of values because once Christianity in the late 20th century in the mid 20th century and in America more broadly with Christianity cuz American Christian he's very different than European Christianity once once there was an idea that Jews were not the enemy to be converted but were maybe you still want to convert me but we're not gonna come at you with a knife we're gonna come at you with a book yeah and that we share a common framework for how the world is supposed to work you just may not agree with the second half of the book right then I think that that's that's created a pretty good working relationship with I'm sure this is why I'm struggling to come up with what are these significant differences and so I need I need a Christian to tell me what is the single difference I can argue with my question I know my own role is you better than I know my question has been I don't know if the role that the state plays in Judaism and Christianity is the same because I'm not sure what to make of the like what I would say is the Jews put a tremendous amount of emphasis on the state as a mechanism for salvation something like that that might be the symbolic idea that underlies the establishment of Israel and I would say that in Christianity in the nation or II mean like the government I mean the nation right but then it gets tangled up with the government right so so so right this is a distinction that Christianity is univer Universal istic religion or any idea is that it that in the kingdom of God everyone is Christian basically and Judaism is not in one sense but it is another which is that God identifies a nation that he treasures as his own and he has a special relationship with that nation but Judaism is not exclusivist with regard to who gets into heaven so there's this there's this basic idea in in Genesis that there are Commandments that are given prior to the giving of the Torah right that there's the what we call the chef omits Hopa and off the seven commandments that are given to the sons of Noah meaning all mankind and these are things like no murder no idolatry no adultery they basically mirror a lot of the Ten Commandments and so the idea in Judaism is that God it's almost like a priestly caste God shows the specific group of people to be a light unto the nations by demonstrating what a godly lifestyle looks like if you dedicate every aspect of your life to God and then he said everybody else I know not everybody else is up to this and I and in fact judy's are supposed to try and turn away conference but if you but you can still get into heaven the idea that we are trying to force anyone into into being Jewish that that's not a thing so nationalism without you version think about that psychologically as an attempt to both manage the preservation of group identity so that would be culture a cultural identity which has some utility and also to be able to coexist with other things rhyming things in a different way and again Judaism has had a long history of just like every other religion of sort of evolution on this stuff right like when you're the bush of joy the book Joshua there's actual forced conversion that happens in the book of Joshua but by the time you get to mid the early Christianity and midpoint Judaism right because Judaism is lot older and Christianity then you're already talking about Jews who are not looking to convert people they sort of want to live in their own state they don't want to bother anyone else for the most part so the idea of like a tidal wave of conquering Jews going out I mean even to think about it now is hilarious right nobody thinks about it that way except if you're conspiratorial nutbag what is it but any equations usually work the other way that's right so that's so but so it's with any anything that you might have heard been just say would anything jibe with a fundamental belief that you have that would cause a problem you know to me like cause problem in I think the in society well I think that one potential problem that's that's worth discussing but it would take forever to discuss it is the relative role of the individual versus the state I mean you see this argued out in the prophetic books and in the Old Testament yes I mean there's the Jewish state and it's it's sort of the the central player in some sense but there's clear evidence that it can become corrupt it can fall away and that a prophet who's an individual has to step forward and we receive a fight right and so there's tremendous emphasis on the utility of the individual you see that in judea judaism i would say overall it's it's a it's a very cohesive it it promotes in group cohesion let's say but it also allows for individual expression in a very interesting ways because there's tremendous emphasis in jewish culture on learning and an articulation and mastery of ideas and so that provides this space for the individual to flourish with christianity you see more of a move away i would say from the idea of the state now that's not necessarily without its troubles one of the things young pointed out was well as Christianity becomes more about the individual the religion itself tends to fragment like it did with Protestantism until just fragments right to the point where every individual is their own church and then you have no continuity and no tradition and the Catholics were kind of a bulwark against that but I do think that there's a discussion to be had about the relative role of the individual in Reed the world let's say versus the state in redeeming the world and I would say the Christians come down more strongly on the side of the individual and the Jews come down more strongly on the side of the state well now like I'm willing to be corrected about that but yeah I've never actually been able to have a discussion with anyone so I think there's some truth to that I mean I think the idea of you know in in Hebrew ami Sorrell liked the idea of the nation of Israel being paramount when you pray you pray and collective terms you don't pray in individual terms everything is is done in terms of anachronisms we praying as a group right supposed to pray in a minyan so how do you swear that away in your own ways how do you square that way as there's a lot of noise there's a lot of play in the joints meaning that so for example to take the most take most obvious example with you if you want talk about the power of the Jewish state I in in sort of biblical context there's tremendous argument between whether a kingship is a good thing or a kingship is a bad Larry in the Old Testament right and it says it says like Samuel warns the Jewish people if you take a king here's what's gonna happen it's all gonna suck right and then they form a kingship and things suck mhm and so there's a strong case to be made that kingship was not actually what was wanted because you have an entire period of just judges and the judges are legitimately just individuals who are trusted by the people but then they can be supplanted at any time by another judge who's not from the lineage so you know that so when we say that that group identity matters in Judaism it matters to the extent that you're following God's law but if you stray away from that the idea I think Judaism has always said that what you do is what makes you part of the group not what you are so Judaism has a weird dichotomy in it that's largely driven by exigent circumstances which is the idea of biological Judaism versus the idea of religious Judaism so I care very little about biological Judaism like when somebody says you know somebody is such and such as Jewish you know I'm Chomsky's Jewish like so what I I really don't care and and I think that most Orthodox Jews we basically biological Judaism or your mom was Jewish which is the way that it works in Orthodox Judaism is the is sort of the entry ticket to being Jewish meaning you have to either have converted in or your mom has to be Jewish in order for you to become fully Jewish but the practice is what matters to me more than anything else it's because of the Lexus where did the 50 grand come to just drop Oh Cordy gave it to me for long legal date Oh can't believe I just slipped up like that Oh Oh God and here's the greatest thing I'll never be tried or convicted for the murders of Kurt Cobain or elder Jerry never but I told Alan I mean my friend let the FBI catch him
Channel: ManOfAllCreation
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Keywords: jordan peterson ben shapiro, jordan peterson, ben shapiro, jordan peterson vs ben shapiro, ben shapiro judaism, jordan peterson christianity, jordan peterson vs, ben shapiro vs, jordan peterson judaism, jordan peterson ben shapiro judaism vs christianity, ben shapiro christianity, judaism, christianity, ben shapiro vs jordan peterson, jordan peterson on ben shapiro, vs, jordan, peterson, ben, shapiro, ben jordan, dave rubin ben jordan, jordan ben, jordan peterson religion
Id: kdAOKx6xWYI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 10 2018
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