Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom | Is That a Shooting Star? | Cartoons For Kids

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with this telescope I can see deep into space why is that elf can I look yes right now the telescope is pointed at the Moon it looks really close can I have a go of course if I turn the telescope this way you can see distant Stars amazing oh one of the stars is moving maybe it's a shooting star oh I can see it too it's going to crash into the ground [Music] wow that sounded close let's take a look the shooting star landed it's made a huge look at all the smoke it must be very hot let's climb down and get a closer look no we'll have to come back tomorrow with its cool down morning time holy breakfast no time daddy a shooting star crashed into the meadow last night morning time man don't you want your breakfast later mum I'm off to see the shooting star [Music] hi Ben hi Holly wow what made that hole a shooting star it fell out of the sky excellent so what does this shooting star thingy look like we're just about to find out your majesty lower the claw it's a flying saucer tops opening don't panic yet but this might be an alien invasion Alien Invasion Alien Invasion everyone please Panic it's the friendly aliens we met on the moon hello aliens I've got a baby alien I am not baby whoops sorry but you're so sweet and ickle I am oldest one here we get smaller as we get older oh we get bigger as we get older that's crazy my name is zyrus Take Me to Your Leader ah King thistle is our leader ah thistle King so you are leader well the wise old elf is also a leader in a way oh no your Majestic you are our king and leader yes we come in peace phew we are here on holidays have you come far we come from planet bong but our spaceship is crashed oh dear you thistle king must fix it me yes as leader you are clever and wise ah yes of course I'm clever and wise hmm doesn't sound good it is broken maybe I should take a look your majesty good idea elves are good at fixing flying sauces and I'm an elf [Music] does the engine use Clockwork or batteries oh oh it's so colorful and pretty it's a massive pipes tubes and Incredibly complicated I don't need to know the little details just fix it what a great and clever leader yes we're very lucky this is going to take some time Mr fat oh goody this way first stop Gaston's cave Gaston are you in oh well this is our friend Gaston the ladybird ah hey lady bird so that is the sound a ladybird makes what did he say he asked if Gaston is for eating no we don't eat our friends do you oh no hardly ever next on the tour the little castle where I live mommy Hello darling it's okay mummy they're just aliens from Planet Bomb oh that's all right then no you can't eat her little King is this where you make your important decisions ah yes yes I'm always making important decisions your majesty do you want soup or sausages for lunch hmm I think sausages you are very wise thistle King oh well you know I do my best and else then where do you live I live in a tree tree what is tree here it is the great elf tree ah I see so a tree is a kind of apartment block I am learning much about your planet hello Ben huh aliens yes Dad you remember the aliens we met on the moon they're here on holiday oh yes those aliens happy holiday no he is not to be eaten either ah this is such a wonderful planet have you been to other planets on holiday oh yes but this is best you see we are quite small and on most planets everyone is big I see yes we go to other planets for lovely relaxing holiday and get stepped on by big people it is not nice ah there are some big people here too big people here hello [Music] don't worry it's only Our Friend Lucy she's a big girl Lucy these are aliens they're here on holiday he hello aliens you are big aren't you are there more like you there's my mum and dad we're having a picnic over there so there are three big people on this planet oh no there's loads millions and millions most of them bigger than me hmm Perhaps it is time for end of holiday okay let's go and see if your flying saucer is mended ah just in time I've mended the Flying Saucer well done Wise Old elf all those tubes and things made it a bit like plumbing and elves are good at Plumbing thank you I will now start the engine [Music] that's not right it sounds like a fairy car on a cold day daddy yes it does a bit of magical would help start the fairy car no you must never mix magic and plumbing oh nonsense good thanks to me being an excellent plumber thanks to my magic fairy dust you mean no no let's say elf skill mended the engine and fairy magic got it started hey Lucy that's my dad I better go tell me elves and fairies again yes yes oh Lucy [Music] would you like a little ride before we go yes please [Music] dear Lucy everyone knows aliens don't exist [Music] hello Lucy hi Ben and Holly the aliens have to fly back to their Planet they just wanted to say hello to your parents hello big people we have just been here on our holidays um hello we go now bye bye bye bye bye bye I think we'll have picnics somewhere else in future [Music] Ben and Holly next time you go on holiday you must come to Planet bong okay we will see you soon [Music] today's adventure starts at the little castle elephant big elephant elephant gracious what are the twins up to they sound like a herd of elephants they're being very noisy oh good they've gone quiet quiet isn't good it means they're up to something you better go up and see Nanny yes your majesty Daisy poppy dolly Daisy poppy what what tell me tell me at once plums is lots of fun Nan is taking a long time should we have a look you know what the twins are like naughty very naughty plum change my nappy please I didn't know the twins had a nanny Plum doll they don't I think that is Nanny Plum that's right it is me can you please turn me back poor nanny [Music] oh thank you [Music] all this noise again couldn't you be a dolly for a while just to keep them quiet no way I have a lot of words to get on with there's the washing in the arms Dolly Plum Dolly Plum ah peace and quiet carry on nanny now what am I going to do I won't get any work done if I stay like this don't worry nanny I can turn you back oh thanks Holly [Music] cry again I know the elves could make a nanny Plum doll elves are good at making things and I'm an elf good idea Ben [Music] 12 can doll it's for the twins well now what does this doll look like I see you tell me about this instant or I'll I'm Gonna Leave me please yes I think we can make a copy of this come along please if I press your tummy will you sing a song Don't you even think of pressing my tummy you are indeed you are indeed so how are you going to copy me we'll use this copying machine this is how it works if we take this tennis ball and put it right here an exact copy now for Dolly Plum and actually I've changed my mind can you please I don't think I want to do this today thank you thank you Nanny you just have what you mean yes your majesty know your majesty whatever that doesn't sound like me it does a bit Nanny Dolly Plum it's a perfect copy yes and now that we've copied Nanny we can make as many as we want hold on one just to keep the keep the pay I I quite agree one Nanny Plum is quite enough fine now will someone please magic me back again okay Nanny oh that's better now I can get on with my work [Music] oh dear they want a dolly each one but we promise Nanny Plum we'd only make one one more wouldn't hurt just to keep the twins happy my dolly my dolly Ben hi Holly oh look it's a nanny Plum doll and Dolly Plum I'm sleepy where did you get her she's really funny can I have one me too me too oh we're only supposed to make one and I've already made two please well I suppose it's all right to make a few more thank you [Music] it's so sweet oh what's this whatever these are rather good are we making them they're just a one-off uh of ten but they seem to be rather popular indeed perhaps we should make more [Music] um careful with that Daisy it's the only Dolly of its kind in the world oh it seems that there are two of them I'm going to have a word with that Wise Old elf [Music] ah Nanny Plum don't you Nanny Plum me I said make only one Dolly and you've made two uh yes sorry Nanny plums yes wow don't let it happen again right who a he's made loads of them he's not so fun this is outrageous right whoa is just how many of these things have you made ah there's hundreds uh thousands actually I don't believe it but they are very popular let me show you one in its gift box gift box Daisy poppy don't you even think about it Daisy poppy here we are oh where's Nanny gone Daisy poppy turn me back at once no I've fallen off the production line have you have you any he was here but she seems to have vanished Daisy poppy to do magic Nanny into a dolly again dolly he must be in one of these boxes but there are thousands of them how are we going to find her we'll have to open up everyone oh we'd better get started me please too nice you're my best friend too friendly Oh I thought I'd be stuck there forever thank you wise Odell too polite welcome no no you're a dolly no I'm not yes you are I'm not you're just a very clever doll I know I made you okay smarty pants I'm just a doll I wouldn't be able to do magic would I of course not dollies can't do magic Holly once please I'm going to turn you into a slug huh just you try okay you are Nanny plum oh that's better ah Nanny can you turn me back too please okay silly Aldo back to yourself oh you promised you'd only make one doll and you've made thousands but Nanny it's an honor to have a toy that looks like you oh is it well let's see how you like it I'm a grumpy old elf [Music] very amusing if you're quite finished nearly silence [Music] now I'm finished oh dear how undignified what are we going to do with all these well Daisy and Poppy like them look Alfie you know I think fairies are rather last year this year elf dollies will be the thing I'm old and wise with twinkly eyes hmm you are a handsome little fellow I can see why the children like you and you've got lots of them now yes thousands [Music] elves like tooting their horns and where else oh no cover your ears foreign foreign good morning your majesties good morning honey Plum Princess Holly would like to show you how well she is doing with her magic yes I would that's lovely sweetie she will now cast a spell for you it's not magic jelly is it no no not magic jelly you can choose what would you like best in the whole wide world could you make me something pretty okay abracadability boo uh seems to be a box of burps your majesty no that's disgusting sorry Daddy I think it's about time Holly had some proper magic lessons very good your majesty I'll just fetch my wand no nanny Plum I mean proper lessons at a proper school school yes Holly is old enough to go to Mrs figs magic school oh Mrs figs magic school I went there when I was little it sounds fun can my friends come as well of course Violet Rosie strawberry and Fleur can go to magic school too can Ben come along oh remember Ben is an elf and elves don't like magic Ben will most likely be at elf school today good morning children good morning this morning's lesson is called why else don't do magic who can tell me why elves don't do magic because we're elves yes Ben but can anyone tell me why we don't do magic because we're out [Music] I know why don't we we always leads to trouble yes Jake magic always leads to trouble this way girls and talking of trouble hello Wise Old Town hi Ben hi Holly we're going to Magic School oh can we go to the Magic School to Wise Old elf no I forbid it oh please Wise Old elf please please oh very well today's lesson will be to see how magic always leads to trouble way to the Magic School ah magic school I suppose it'll all be pink and fluffy and covered in glitter that sounds nice here we are Mrs figs Magic School what a sensible building it hit by an elf I know it's a bit ugly isn't it it's very sensible now girls and boys you'll soon be meeting Mrs fig she taught me everything I know Mrs fig liked me I used to call her old figgy good morning children my name is Mrs fig morning Mrs big that's better hello figgy remember me ah Nanny Plum how could I forget I told you I was her best pupil and all my years of teaching Nanny Plum I never had another pupil like you thank you and I am the wise old elf elves at Magic School yes we're here to see the magic all go wrong nothing will go wrong at Mrs feg's magic school no who do we have here I'm Princess Holly Princess Holly what do you and your little friends know about magic oh I've taught them lots of things let's say you know nothing now watch the more most important rule of magic don't do magic correct what where's the fun in that magic is not meant to be fun oh I like this lesson magic is only meant to be used for sensible things by sensible people no pretend you are in the kitchen doing the washing up are you going to wash the dirty dishes using magic yes stop that's just the sort of thing you can do by hand what just plain wrong but if you come across a particularly stubborn stain on a saucepan then perhaps you could use magic leave it to soak overnight why not just magic the whole lot clean and get on with something fun I am the teacher Nanny Plum sorry figgy and no for the magic lesson hooray first we have to warm up let's start with a little jog no no the joking outside chop chop what does running have to do with magic nothing it builds character I don't need any more character thank you are you all having fun yes right stop jogging is not meant to be fun no who would like to show me their favorite spell me anyone else I can do a growing spell very good show us your growing spell please okay [Music] she's just growing and growing stop it stop it I know how to do growing but not stopping that's easy stop biggie stop and who taught you that growing spell me I might have known well it did work you grew a lot I know a spell to make things smaller wait George [Music] Mrs fig is still shrinking help help getting teenier and teenier she's never going to stop shrinking oh I better grow her again Biggie Biggie fig back too big how are you feeling I am very very very angry so as you see children magic always leads to trouble they were two very silly spells can anyone think of a useful spell magic jelly magic jelly yes that's very useful well I suppose magic jelly has its uses like at a children's party or a picnic or as a yummy pudding okay magic jelly but let's get someone sensible to weave the wand ER who is the most sensible person here the wise old elf this Wise Old elf shall wave the ward me but I'm not a fairy I don't do magic exactly the perfect person oh I don't think so no it wouldn't be right nonsense we just need a bit of fairy dust you are no magical my body is all tingly I don't like it don't worry you won't be magical for very long just wave the wand and say jelly jelly but not a lot uh jelly jelly but not a lot oh it worked can I turn Nanny Plum into a frog ha I'd like to see you try I say this is fun what happened why is Aldo what are you doing having fun magic is not meant to be fun what would happen if I asked for a lot of jelly try [Music] it [Music] thank you [Music] Nanny Plum it was a me it was him that's ridiculous elves don't do magic actually your majesty it was the wise old elf even old figgy telling Tales now it's true the wise old elf did it oh dear I believe I did do the spell fancy that the wise old elf doing magic you have been naughty yes and it just goes to show that magic always leads to trouble food delivery oh hello Mr Owl lovely day it certainly is hi Holly hi Ben come up Mr elf is kind delivering our food yes where would we be without elves no idea your majesty Cheerio Mr elf um uh is there something else no oh well yes I was just wondering if you could pay us today pay you yes you haven't paid us any money for ages oh right how much do we owe you um 492 gold coins a lot don't worry Ben what money doesn't grow on trees Holly no no it grows in the magic money chest [Music] oh there's only one caught one coin is all we need I throw it into the Magic Money chest [Music] wow can I have a go all right I'll just empty the chest now Ben throw the coin in but I haven't got a coin you made them all disappear oh without a coin we can't make money um I've got a button perhaps that will work it's doing its popcorn thing it's full of buttons Nanny can you buy things with buttons Mr elf would it be okay to pay you in buttons uh no the Magic Money chest broken yes your majesty for some reason it's just making buttons and we need to pay Mr elf don't worry Holly I'll sort this out but the but there's no reason to be embarrassed your majesty no reason at all sorry and all that no no please don't give it another thought good when you get some money let me know and I'll bring the food right back bye oh bye I've good news and bad news what's the bad news the bad news is there is no good news Mr elves taken breakfast away I know because we don't have any silly money what's money for I'm not really sure Holly but the elves seem to like it couldn't you fix the Magic Money chest Daddy it's looking we just need a gold coin to throw in who's got one that's the problem dear nobody's got one so how do we get a gold coin my dad gets paid gold coins for doing his job really could you do a job Daddy and get a gold coin I suppose I could give it a try what sort of job will you get Daddy I'm not sure I must be good at lots of things I'm the king ah Wise Old elf I'm looking for a job very funny your majesty no I'm serious I need to earn a gold coin I see normally you'd have to go to the elf job center and answer lots of questions but in your case no no I command you to treat me like anyone else yes sire Naim the king Mr King what was your last job The King The King any skills being King let's have a king job right now um we need a toy factory worker or a farmer or a sailor Oh Daddy sailor sounds fun yes I like messing about in boats you will be a sailor on our brand new ship your majesty it's the king I'm not the king today I'm just a humble sailor but we need a king to launch our new ship oh all right then I'll just be a king for a moment I declare this ship launched now treat me like any new Sailor okay you can mop the desk right you're doing very well Daddy it's rather dull why don't I speed things up with some magic no Daddy the elves don't like magic your job looks fun let's swap of course your majesty much better oh this is fun heard a starboard Which Way starboard why can't they just say left or right wave picture [Applause] hello your majesty how's everything going very well but that ship wasn't strong enough have you got another one maybe you're not cut out to be a sailor your majesty what other jobs did the elf lady say I could do the toy factory daddy that would be fun it's the king I'm not the king today I'm just a humble factory worker like you lot but we need a king to inspect the toys okay I'll be king for a second it's perfect right now I'm just a humble factory worker again what do I do press this button and out comes the gloop what about something a bit more interesting making the toys but no your majesty the painting perhaps not the packing no today you are the group elf very good Daddy I think I'm really getting the hang of this what go faster all right how are you getting on your majesty perhaps you're not suited to factory work your majesty what is the last job on the list working on the farm daddy the king has a right to start our Harvest Dance hooray I'm not the king today I'm here to do farm work but it's our holiday not when there's work to be done you were the king back to work right who what do I do this pumpkin needs watering so it'll grow nice and big it's not growing it takes a long time King thistle weeks and weeks hmm let's speed it up with a little magic no Daddy that'll help it grow wow that's a big pumpkin it's still growing it's not going to stop foreign [Music] to finish my day's work how many gold coins have I earned for being a sailor you earned one gold coin but for sinking the ship we'll have to take it back for working in the factory you earned one gold coin but for causing a dark flood we'll have to take it back and for working on the farm you earned one gold coin but for making the pumpkin explode we'll have to take it back but I need a gold coin I suppose I'll just have to come back to work tomorrow ah take the gold coin and don't come back tomorrow one one build coin I earned it all myself oh well done darling we just Chuck it in the magic money chest it's doing the popcorn thing it's full of gold coins again hey well done Daddy you worked so hard today it was fun well I'm off don't want to be late where are you going Daddy back to work I've decided to work evenings but we have the money daddy there's more to work than money Holly the elves need me Your Majesty we need you you see we want you to be the King again but Kings don't work I want to be useful the kings are useful we needed a king to launch the elf ship that's true you launched the elf ship daddy even though you sort of sank it as well we couldn't make our toys if a king didn't inspect them and most importantly a king has to start our Harvest Dance I see well in that case start the Harvest Dance [Applause] maybe I am quite good at being King I think it's the job your second best dad really and what job am I best at being being Daddy is which are you in oh hello Nanny Plum what are you doing here I'm here to spring clean your cottage and these are my helpers Ben and Holly hello Mrs witch right sprinkling time oh goodness me what a mess yes I'm a terrible one for keeping things I just can't throw anything away never mind I'll throw things away for you yes the problem is everything in here is magical and dangerous so someone has to look after it what even this dishcloth that's a little magic carpet from a magic doll's house well where is this doll's house huh I'm not sure so you don't need it then do you what about this old mirror that's my magic mirror hmm what's this that's my magic lamp there's a Genie in it you know of course there is oh dear I'm not sure I want to sprinkling what's this horrid stuff I Log Jam slug Jam we'll get rid of that for you good job done uh thanks you're really very kind Nanny Plum are these things really magical no it's just a load of old junk now we've got to get rid of it all starting with the slug Jam slug jam oh disgusting nobody would want to eat that I know I'll put it safely at the back of the cupboard where no one can find it I wonder if mummy would like this mirror my mom might like this pretty lamp the old carpet it'd have to be someone with very bad taste that's a nice carpet Mrs Witch is throwing it away oh it's not magical is it no nanny Plum said it's just junk do you want it yes I would like it thank you ah very nice very cozy beautiful blue sea and golden sand it's a Tropical Paradise a Tropical Paradise I wish I was there ah it is a Magic Carpet [Music] now listen here you naughty Magic Carpet take me back at once hello Daddy I've got a present for mommy oh where is mommy she's been locked in the bathroom for ages getting ready to go out and I'm hungry here I am you look lovely mummy I've got something for you oh thank you my dear it's a magic mirror Mrs witch didn't want it anymore so what does the magic mirror do I tell the truth oh how exciting mirror mirror on the wall who is the fairest of them all you are queen thistle how wonderful well you normally are the fairest of them all oh what do you mean well it's a bit of a bad hair day today isn't it oh dear now I'll have to start all over again [Laughter] what did you say that for just telling the truth your majesty now we'll be eating even later and I'm starving hello mum I've got a present for you Mrs witch had a spring clean and she threw this out a lamp Isn't it nice oh lovely very brassy I'll just give it a Polish [Music] I will grant you three wishes what what should we wish for why don't you dance for us your wish is my command sake very well I wish we had a big party with all of us dancing that is your third and final wish thank you I can't stop huh neither can I no more dancing now but you have used up your three wishes wishes bye bye forever let's go and go in Seoul he can sort it out what you doing in there darling I'm hungry I'm ready mummy you look super ah yes you look lovely right let's go eat I'll just ask the mirror what it thinks mirror mirror on the wall how does my hair look now honestly not good oh dear I don't know what to do let me help I am a magic mirror after all there you go sorted that's horrid change my hair back no it looks great do something but he will notice your hair come on let's go to dinner no no I can't go out like this I'm going to get a snack lovely tasty stuff why does Natty always put the best stuff at the back of the cupboard Jam [Music] I wish for a big party and now I can't stop dancing oh really it was a genie from The Witch's old lamb please help us King thistle which is Magic eh I can't help fairy magic doesn't work on witch's magic sorry and all that oh yeah we're doing okay this witch's carpet just flew me off to a Tropical Paradise well just keep the noise down there's a good fellow my hair I have my hair the mirror has made it even worse how do I stop this thing well if you will all play around with witch's Magic [Music] that's the most disgusting thing I've ever uh daddy where did you get that jam from the back of Nanny's cupboard you've just eaten The Witch's slug jam and it's a bit worse than that it's magic slug jam oh no what it's gonna happen to me now um you might change into it slug this is outrageous magic mirrors flying carpets magic lamps slug Jam Mrs witchkin Jolly well take all this stuff back Mrs witch Mrs witch oh hello King thistle I see you tried my slug Jam uh yes could you turn me back into myself please don't you like being a slug it's delightful I just feel a bit uh sticky oh very well Ah that's better this is you stop us dancing of course and can you magic my hair back to normal my pleasure and would you mind taking all this stuff back I don't want it what throwing out all those old things made me realize I needed a proper spring clean magic saucepan now what do we do all this stuff is too dangerous to just leave lying around Hmm this is King's work gosh what have you done to your house what do you mean I really liked it how you had it before much more witchy oh this lamp would look really good here that's where I had it this slug Jam would look nice yeah that's where it's always lived the carpet here and the mirror here just where I had them you really have got good taste Mrs witch that's why you've got such a nice little house oh thank you you're a lovely man oh well you know I do my best goodbye Mrs witch goodbye thanks for all your help daddy did you really think that Mrs Witch's House was nicer with all that stuff in it no it was a big smelly mess why didn't you say so then there's a time for telling someone their house is a big smelly mess and a time for being just nice good morning your majesties good morning honey Plum Princess Holly would like to show you how well she is doing with her magic yes I would that's lovely sweetie she will now cast a spell for you it's not magic jelly is it no no not magic jelly you can choose what would you like best in the whole wide world could you make me something pretty okay abracadability boo uh is it it seems to be a box of burps your majesty oh sorry Daddy I think it's about time Holly had some proper magic lessons very good your majesty I'll just fetch my wand no nanny Plum I mean proper lessons at a proper school school yes Holly is old enough to go to Mrs figs magic school oh Mrs Fig's magic school I went there when I was little it sounds fun can my friends come as well of course Violet Rosie strawberry and Fleur can go to magic school too can Ben come along oh remember Ben is an elf and elves don't like magic Ben will most likely be at elf school today good morning children good morning Wise Old elf this morning's lesson is called why else don't do magic who can tell me why elves don't do magic because we're elves yes Ben but can anyone tell me why we don't do magic because we're out yes yes I know but why don't we is it yes Jake magic always leads to trouble this way girls and talking of trouble hello Wise Old Town hi Ben hi Holly we're magic school too wise old elf no I forbid it oh oops Wise Old elf please oh very well today's lesson will be to see how magic always leads to trouble [Music] ah School pink and fluffy and covered in glitter that sounds nice here we are Mrs figs magic school oh what a sensible building it could have been built by an elf I know it's a bit ugly isn't it it's very sensible now girls and boys you'll soon be meeting Mrs fig she taught me everything I know Mrs fig liked me I used to call her old figgy good morning children my name is Mrs fig morning that's better hello figgy remember me ah Nanny Plum how could I forget I told you I was her best pupil and all my years of teaching Nanny Plum I never had another pupil like you thank you and I am the wise old elf elves at Magic School yes we're here to see the magic all go wrong nothing will go wrong at Mrs figg's magic school no who do we have here I'm Princess Holly Princess Holly what do you and your little friends know about magic oh I've taught them lots of things let's say you know nothing now what's the most important rule of magic don't do magic correct what where's the fun in that magic is not meant to be fun oh I like this lesson magic is only meant to be used for sensible things by sensible people no pretend you are in the kitchen doing the washing up are you going to wash the dirty dishes using magic yes stop that's just the sort of thing you can do by hand what it's just plain wrong but if you come across a particularly stubborn stain on a saucepan then perhaps you could use magic leave it to soak overnight why not just magic the whole lot clean and get on with something fun I am the teacher Nanny Plum sorry figgy and no for the magic lesson hooray first we have to warm up let's start with a little jog no no the joking outside Chop Chop run around everyone what does running have to do with magic nothing it builds character I don't need any more character thank you are you all having fun yes right stop jogging is not meant to be fun no who would like to show me their favorite Bill me anyone else I can do a growing spell very good show us your growing spell please okay foreign [Applause] [Music] and who taught you that growing spell me I might have known well it did work you grew a lot I know a spell to make things smaller wait George [Music] Mrs fig is still shrinking help help s getting teenier and teenier she's never going to stop shrinking oh I better grow her again Biggie Biggie fig back too big how are you feeling I am very very [Music] angry so as you see children magic always leads to trouble they were two very silly spells can anyone think of a useful spell magic magic jelly yes that's very useful well I suppose magic jelly has its uses like at a children's party or a picnic or as a yummy pudding okay magic jelly but let's get someone sensible to weave the wand ER who is the most sensible person here the wise old elf their Wise Old elf shall wave the ward me but I'm not a fairy I don't do magic exactly the perfect person oh I don't think so no it wouldn't be right need a bit of fairy dust you are no magical my body is all tingly I don't like it don't worry you won't be magical for very long just wave the wand and say jelly jelly but not a lot uh jelly jelly but not a lot oh it worked can I turn Nanny Plum into a frog ha I'd like to see you try I say this is fun what happened why is hold out having fun magic is not what would happen if I asked for a lot of jelly try [Music] jelly slime [Music] it wasn't me it was him that's ridiculous elves don't do magic actually your majesty it was the wise old elf even old figgy telling Tales now it's true it's true the wise old elf did it oh dear I believe I did do the spell fancy that the wise old elf doing magic you have been naughty yes and it just goes to show that magic always leads to trouble with this telescope I can see deep into space why is that elf can I look yes right now the telescope is pointed at the Moon it looks really close can I have a go of course if I turn the telescope this way you can see distant Stars amazing oh one of the stars is moving maybe it's a shooting star oh I can see it too it's going to crash into the ground wow that sounded close let's take a look shooting star landed it's made a huge look at all the smoke it must be very hot let's climb down and get a closer look no we'll have to come back tomorrow with its cool down morning time holy breakfast no time daddy a shooting star crashed into the meadow last night morning time man don't you want your breakfast later mum I'm off to see the shooting star hey Ben hi Holly wow what made that hole a shooting star it fell out of the sky excellent so what does this shooting star thingy look like we're just about to find out your majesty lower the claw it's a flying saucer the Top's opening don't panic yet but this might be an alien invasion Alien Invasion Alien Invasion everyone please Panic it's the friendly aliens we met on the moon hello aliens look they've got a baby alien I am not baby whoops sorry but you're so sweet and ickle I am oldest one here we get smaller as we get older oh we get bigger as we get older that's crazy my name is zyrus Take Me to Your Leader ah King thistle is our leader ah thistle King so you are leader well the wise old elf is also a leader in a way oh no your Majestic you are our king and leader yes we come in peace phew we are here on holidays have you come far we come from planet bong but our spaceship is crashed oh dear you thistle king must fix it me yes as leader you are clever and wise ah yes of course I'm clever and wise hmm doesn't sound good it is broken maybe I should take a look your majesty good idea elves are good at fixing flying sauces and I'm an elf [Music] does the engine use Clockwork or batteries oh oh it's so colorful and pretty it's a massive pipes tubes and Incredibly complicated I don't need to know the little details just fix it what a great and clever leader yes we're very lucky this is going to take some time Mr Mr fat oh goody this way first stop Gaston's cave Gaston are you in oh well this is our friend Gaston the ladybird ah hey lady bird so that is the sound a ladybird makes what did he say he asked if Gaston is for eating no we don't eat our friends do you oh no hardly ever next on the tour the little castle where I live mommy Hello darling Oh it's okay mummy they're just aliens from Planet Bomb oh that's all right then no you can't eat her is this where you make your important decisions ah yes yes I'm always making important decisions your majesty do you want soup or sausages for lunch hmm I think sausages you are very wise thistle King oh well you know I do my best and else then where do you live I live in a tree tree what is tree here it is the great elf tree ah I see so a tree is a kind of apartment block I am learning much about your planet hello Ben huh aliens yes Dad you remember the aliens we met on the moon they're here on holiday oh yes those aliens happy holiday no he is not to be eaten either ah this is such a wonderful planet have you been to other planets on holiday oh yes but this is best you see we are quite small and on most planets everyone is big I see yes we go to other planets for lovely relaxing holiday and get stepped on by big people it is not nice ah there are some big people here too big people here hello [Music] don't worry it's only Our Friend Lucy she's a big girl Lucy these are aliens they're here on holiday hello aliens you are big aren't you are there more like you there's my mum and dad we're having a picnic over there so there are three big people on this planet oh no there's loads millions and millions most of them bigger than me hmm Perhaps it is time for end of holiday okay let's go and see if your flying saucer is mended ah just in time I've mended the Flying Saucer well done Wise Old elf all those tubes and things made it a bit like plumbing and elves are good at Plumbing thank I will now start the engine [Music] that's not right it sounds like a fairy car on a cold day daddy yes it does a bit of magical would help start the fairy car no you must never mix magic and plumbing oh nonsense good thanks to me being an excellent plumber thanks to my magic fairy dust you mean no no let's say elf skill mended the engine and fairy magic got it started [Applause] Lucy that's my dad I better go tell me elves and fairies again yes yes oh Lucy [Music] would you like a little ride before we go yes please [Music] dear Lucy everyone knows aliens don't exist [Music] hello hi Ben and Holly the aliens have to fly back to their Planet they just wanted to say hello to your parents hello big people we have just been here on our holidays um hello we go now bye bye picnic somewhere else in future [Music] thank you for the white men and Holly next time you go on holiday you must come to Planet bong okay we will see you soon [Music] today's adventure starts at the little castle elephant big elephant elephant courageous what are the twins up to they sound like a herd of elephants they're being very noisy oh good they've gone quiet quiet isn't good it means they're up to something you better go up and see Nanny yes your majesty [Music] Daisy poppy dolly oh Daisy poppy what one tell me turn me back at once Plum is lots of fun Nan is taking a long time should we have a look you know what the twins are like naughty very naughty plum change my nappy please I didn't know the twins had a nanny Plum doll they don't I think that is Nanny Plum that's right it is me can you please turn me back poor nanny [Music] oh thank you [Music] all this noise again couldn't you be a dolly for a while just to keep them quiet no way I have a lot of words to get on with there's the washing in the eyes Dolly Plum Dolly Plum ah peace and quiet carry on nanny now what am I going to do I won't get any work done if I stay like this don't worry nanny I can turn you back oh thanks Holly [Music] cry again I know the elves could make a nanny Plum doll elves are good at making things and I'm an elf good idea Ben [Music] well can doll it's for the twins well now what does this doll look like I see P you told me about this instant or I'll I'm Gonna Leave me please yes I think we can make a copy of this come along please if I press your tummy will you sing a song Don't you even think of pressing my tummy you are indeed you are indeed so how are you going to copy me we'll use this copying machine this is how it works if we take this tennis ball and put it right here an exact copy now for Dolly Plum um actually I've changed my mind can you please I don't think I want to do this today thank you thank you Nanny you just have what you mean what do you mean yes your majesty know your majesty whatever [Music] that doesn't sound like me it does a bit Nanny Dolly Plum it's a perfect copy yes and now that we've copied Nanny we can make as many as we want hold on one just to keep the keep the pay I quite agree one Nanny Plum is quite enough fine now will someone please magic me back again okay Nanny oh that's better now I can get on with my work [Music] oh dear they want a dolly each one but we promised Nanny Plum we'd only make one one more wouldn't hurt just to keep the twins happy my dolly my dolly hi Holly oh look it's a nanny Plum doll and Dolly Plum I'm sleepy where did you get her she's really funny can I have one me too me too oh we're only supposed to make one and I've already made two please well I suppose it's all right to make a few more thank you [Music] it's so sweet oh what's this whatever these are rather good are we making them they're just a one-off uh of ten but they seem to be rather popular indeed perhaps we should make more [Music] um [Music] careful with that Daisy it's the only Dolly of its kind in the world my Dolly Plum oh it seems that there are two of them I'm going to have a word with that Wise Old elf ah Nanny Plum don't you Nanny Plum me I said make only one Dolly and you've made two uh yes sorry Nanny plums yes wow don't let it happen again right who is made loose of them this is outrageous right wow is just how many of these things have you made oh there's hundreds uh thousands actually I don't believe it but they are very popular let me show you one in its gift box gift box Daisy poppy don't you even think about it Daisy poppy here we are oh where's Nanny gone Daisy poppy turn me back at once no no I've fallen off the production line have you have you seen me he was here but she seems to have vanished Daisy poppy to do magic Nanny into a dolly again dolly Nanny must be in one of these boxes but there are thousands of them how are we going to find her we'll have to open up everyone oh we'd better get started me please too nice you're my best friend too friendly Oh I thought I'd be stuck there forever thank you wise Odell too polite way Plum no no you're a dolly no I'm not yes you are I'm not you're just a very clever doll I know I made you okay smarty pants I'm just a doll I wouldn't be able to do magic would I of course not dollies can't do magic Holly once please I'm going to turn you into a slug huh just you try hey you are Nanny plum oh that's better ah Nanny can you turn me back too please okay silly old owl back to yourself you promised you'd only make one doll and you've made thousands but Nanny it's an honor to have a toy that looks like you oh is it well let's see how you like it I'm a grumpy old elf [Music] very amusing if you're quite finished nearly I'm a grumpy hotel [Music] now I'm finished oh dear how undignified what are we going to do with all these well Daisy and Poppy like them look Alfie you know I think fairies are rather last year this year elf dollies will be the thing I'm old and wise with twinkly eyes hmm you are a handsome little fellow I can see why the children like you and you've got lots of them now yes thousands [Music] elves like tooting their horns and where else oh no cover your ears all right food delivery oh hello Mr Owl lovely day it certainly is hi Holly hi Ben come up Mr elf is kind delivering our food yes where would we be without elves no idea your majesty Cheerio Mr elf um is there something else no well yes I was just wondering if you could pay us today pay you yes you haven't paid us any money for ages oh right how much do we owe you um 492 gold coins a lot don't worry Ben we 'll just get some we Nanny money doesn't grow on trees Holly no no it grows in the magic money chest [Music] oh there's only one coin in it one coin is all we need I throw it into the Magic Money chest it sounds like popcorn don't lift the lid up until it starts wow can I have a go all right I'll just empty the chest now Ben throw the coin in but I haven't got a coin you made them all disappear oh without a coin we can't make money um I've got a button perhaps that will work it's doing its popcorn thing it's full of buttons Nanny can you buy things with buttons Mr elf would it be okay to pay you in buttons uh no the Magic Money chest broken yes your majesty for some reason it's just making buttons and we need to pay Mr elf don't worry Holly I'll sort this out but the but no reason to be embarrassed your majesty nor isn't at all sorry and all that no no please don't give it another thought good when you get some money let me know and I'll bring the food right back bye oh I I've good news and bad news what's the bad news the bad news is there is no good news Mr elves taken breakfast away and all because we don't have any silly money what's money for I'm not really sure Holly but the elves seem to like it couldn't you fix the Magic Money chest Daddy it's spoken we just need a gold coin to throw in who's got one that's the problem dear nobody's got one so how do we get a gold coin my dad gets paid gold coins for doing his job really could you do a job Daddy and get a gold coin I suppose I could give it a try what sort of job will you get Daddy I'm not sure I must be good at lots of things I'm the king ah Wise Old elf I'm looking for a job very funny your majesty no I'm serious I need to earn a gold coin I see normally you'd have to go to the elf job center and answer lots of questions but in your case no no I command you to treat me like anyone else yes sire [Music] Mr King what was your last job The King The King any skills being King type a king job right now um we need a toy factory worker or a farmer or a sailor Oh Daddy sailor sounds fun yes I like messing about in boats you will be a sailor on our brand new ship your majesty it's the king I'm not the king today I'm just a humble sailor but we need a king to launch our new ship oh all right then I'll just be a king for a moment I I declare this ship launched now treat me like any new Sailor okay right you're doing very well Daddy it's rather dull why don't I speed things up with some magic no Daddy the elves don't like magic your job looks fun let's swap of course your majesty much better oh this is fun bird a starboard which ways starboard why can't they just say left or right [Applause] hello your majesty how's everything going very well but that ship wasn't strong enough have you got another one maybe you're not cut out to be a sailor your majesty what other jobs did the elf lady say I could do the toy factory daddy that would be fun [Applause] just a humble factory worker like you lot but we need a king to inspect the toys okay I'll be king for a second right now I'm just a humble factory worker again what do I do press this button and out comes the gloop what about something a bit more interesting making the toys but no your majesty the painting perhaps not the packing no today you are the group elf very good Daddy I think I'm really getting the hang of this birthday Daddy what go faster all right how are you getting on your majesty perhaps you're not suited to factory work your majesty what is the last job on the list working on the farm daddy the King has arrived [Music] [Applause] today I'm here to do farm work but it's our holiday not when there's work to be done you were the king back to work righto what do I do this pumpkin needs watering so it'll grow nice and big it's not growing it takes a long time King thistle weeks and weeks hmm let's speed it up with a little magic no Daddy that'll help it grow wow that's a big pumpkin [Music] right well that's as good a time as I need to finish my day's work how many gold coins have I earned for being a sailor you earned one gold coin but for sinking the ship we'll have to take it back for working in the factory you earned one gold coin but for causing a dark flood we'll have to take it back and for working on the farm you earned one gold coin but for making the pumpkin explode we'll have to take it back but I need a gold coin I suppose I'll just have to come back to work tomorrow ah take the gold coin and don't come back tomorrow one one coin I earned it all myself darling we just Chuck it in the magic money chest it's doing the popcorn thing it's full of gold coins who Rich again hey well done Daddy you worked so hard today it was fun well I'm off they're going to be late where are you going Daddy back to work I've decided to work evenings but we have the money daddy there's more to work than money Holly the elves need me Your Majesty we need you you see we want you to be the King again but Kings don't work I want to be useful the kings are useful we needed a king to launch the elf ship that's true you launched the elf ship daddy even though you sort of sank it as well we couldn't make our toys if a king didn't inspect them and most importantly a king has to start a Harvest Dance I see well in that case start the Harvest Dance [Applause] maybe I am quite good at being King I think it's the job your second best dad really and what job am I best at being daddy Mrs witch are you in oh hello Nanny Plum what are you doing here I'm here to spring clean your cottage and these are my helpers Ben and Holly hello Mrs witch right spring clean time oh goodness me what a mess yes I'm a terrible one for keeping things I just can't throw anything away never mind I'll throw things away for you yes the problem is everything in here is magical and dangerous so someone has to look after it what even this dishcloth that's a little magic carpet from a magic doll's house well where is this doll's house huh I'm not sure so you don't need it then do you what about this old mirror that's my magic mirror hmm what's this that's my magic lamp there's a Genie in it you know of course there is oh dear I'm not sure I want to spring clean what's this horrid stuff my slug Jam slug Jam we'll get rid of that for you good job uh thanks you're really very kind Nanny Plum are these things really magical no it's just a load of old junk now we've got to get rid of it all starting with the slug Jam slug jam oh disgusting nobody would want to eat that I know I'll put it safely at the back of the cupboard where no one can find it I wonder if mummy would like this mirror my mom might like this pretty lamp the old carpet it'd have to be someone with very bad taste that's a nice carpet Mrs Witch is throwing it away oh it's not magical is it no nanny Plum said it's just junk do you want it yes I would like it thank you ah very nice very cozy beautiful blue sea and golden sand it's a Tropical Paradise a Tropical Paradise I wish I was there ah it is a Magic Carpet [Music] now listen here you naughty Magic Carpet take me back at once hello Daddy I've got a present for mommy oh where is mommy she's been locked in the bathroom for ages getting ready to go out and I'm hungry here I am you look lovely mummy I've got something for you oh thank you my dear it's a magic mirror Mrs witch didn't want it anymore so what does the magic mirror do I tell the truth oh how exciting mirror mirror on the wall who is the fairest of them all you are queen thistle how wonderful well you normally are the fairest of them all oh what do you mean well it's a bit of a bad hair day today isn't it oh dear now I'll have to start all over again [Laughter] what did you say that for just telling the truth your majesty now we'll be eating even later and I'm starving hello mum I've got a present for you Mrs witch had a spring clean and she threw this out a lamp Isn't it nice oh lovely very brassy I'll just give it a Polish [Music] he's very manly I will grant you three wishes what what should we wish for why don't you dance for us your wish is my command sake very well I wish we had a big party with all of us dancing that is your third and final wish thank you I can't stop ah neither can I no more dancing stop it now but you have used up your three wishes bye bye forever let's go and go into Seoul he can sort it out what you doing in there darling I'm hungry I'm ready mummy you look super ah yes you look lovely right let's go eat I'll just ask the mirror what it thinks mirror mirror on the wall how does my hair look now honestly not good oh dear I don't know what to do let me help I am a magic mirror after all there you go sorted that's horrid change my hair back no it looks great do something but he will notice your hair come on let's go to dinner no no I can't go out like this I'm going to get a snack lovely tasty stuff why does Natty always put the best stuff at the back of the cupboard Jam Earth is that awful racket pink thistle pink thistle I wish for a big party and now I can't stop dancing oh really it was a genie from The Witch's old lamb please help us King thistle which is Magic eh I can't help fairy magic doesn't work on witch's magic sorry and all that guys we're doing okay this witch's carpet just flew me off to a Tropical Paradise well just keep the noise down there's a good fellow my hair my hair the mirror has made it even worse how do I stop this thing well if you will all play around with witch's Magic [Music] that's the most disgusting thing I've ever uh daddy where did you get that jam from the back of Nanny's cupboard you've just eaten The Witch's slug jam and it's a bit worse than that it's magic slug jam oh no what what's gonna happen to me now um you might change into it slug this is outrageous magic mirrors flying carpets magic lamps slug Jam Mrs witchkin Jolly well take all this stuff back Mrs witch Mrs witch oh hello King thistle I see you tried my slug Jam uh yes could you turn me back into myself please don't you like being a it's delightful I just feel a bit uh sticky oh very well Ah that's better this is you stop us dancing of course and can you magic my hair back to normal my pleasure and would you mind taking all this stuff back I don't want it what filling out all those old things made me realize I needed a proper spring clean a magic sauce pen now what do we do all this stuff is too dangerous to just leave lying around huh this is King's work gosh what have you done to your house what do you mean I really liked it how you had it before much more witchy oh this lamp would look really good here that's where I had it this slug Jam would look nice yeah that's where it's always lived the carpet here and the mirror here just where I had them you really have got good taste Mrs witch that's why you've got such a nice little house oh thank you you're a lovely man oh well you know I do my best goodbye Mrs witch goodbye thanks for all your help daddy did you really think that Mrs Witch's House was nicer with all that stuff in it no it was a big smelly mess why didn't you say so then there's a time for telling someone their house is a big smelly mess and a time for being just nice today I Redbeard the elf pirate set sail in my pirate Airship where are you going to the Lost City what's that an ancient place of great Beauty pyramids waterfalls fountains great statues of ancient gods and treasure oh where is it in the jungle far far from here a long and dangerous Journey all right off you go then try and be strong my sweetheart I will return oh take your time you don't want to rush the lost city Anchors Away red beat thank you but a pirate doesn't need luck I laugh in the face of danger farewell bye oh poor Gaston he's missing Red Beard already it's the life I love Adventures ah I think I see the jungle lost city here I come [Music] oh what is it Gaston he's worried about red beard oh don't worry Gaston redbid would call us if he got into trouble hello I found it nanny Plum the lost city oh jolly good only thing is I've had a bit of bad luck and I'm in terrible danger I thought you laughed in the face of danger I do normally but I'm trapped the ropes from my Airship are Tangled Up In the Jungle we'll come to your rescue Red Beard yes don't feel your must I can survive here I'll eat the odd leaf and drink Dew drops to survive oh I could probably last a couple of weeks that way unless a snake gets me first of course we won't let that happen the elves are coming and the fairies okay we'll do a rescue mission emergency emergency let's get this plane loaded for a jungle rescue right hole jungle tent jungle tent jungle first aid kit jungle first aid kit jungle clothes jungle clothes and I've brought the jungle picnic cheese sandwiches and lemonade for everyone Nanny Plum this is a rescue mission not a picnic so you still need sandwiches you'll need these what are they parachutes parachutes cool yes I can't land the elf plane in the jungle so you'll be parachuting in how will we find red beard in the jungle Gaston will sniff him out Gaston can smell anyone from Miles Away Red Beard does have a strong smell yes a bit like cheesy socks come on everyone time to go wind the engine ride [Music] ready for takeoff [Music] foreign [Music] we've only just got going the jungle is on the other side of the world oh Gaston can smell Red Beard already we can't be at the jungle yet Gaston's nose is never wrong oh well then it is time to jump [Music] everybody ready ready go go go [Music] [Applause] oh wow Gaston was right this is the jungle good now to find red beard Gaston third bed remember he smells like old socks well about good boy this way oh look at that statue hmm some kind of ancient god I suppose we must be getting close to the lost city look at this crazy orange plant ah yes the proper name is heliconia Jack Quinney eye and this one's called chrysanthemum look handsome how did you know that it's on the label oh how odd this statue's labeled too and this one this plant's got a price on it 4.99 that's good something very strange is going on here yes some mad man has gone through the jungle labeling everything it's raining it's not it's not rain rain it's a big person with a water can isn't the jungle this is a garden center Gaston's brought us to the wrong place poor Redbeard is hundreds of miles away in the real jungle and we're stuck in a garden center hello hello are you nearly here uh it went a bit far from the jungle oh yes whereabouts right now we're in a garden center in a pot of daffodils daffodils yes I can see you what oh hello I thought you said you'd gone to the Jungle it is a jungle in here come and see oh this is ridiculous oh well I suppose we'd better rescue him anyway carefully now we must not be spotted by the big people [Music] why weren't the magic door open it's not a Magic Door you just stand in front of it and it opens but we're too small for the door to notice us time for a bit of magic [Music] now that's what I call a Magic Door [Music] ah am I pleased to see you me hearties don't you me hearty me do you realize how much of our time you've wasted uh we thought you were trapped in the jungle not sitting in a tomato plant in a shop but this is where the lost city is look no City it's a load of garden ornaments come come Nanny Plum you have to use your imagination it's a lost city of pyramids waterfalls and treasure it's a load of plastic rubbish well haven't you had an adventure coming to find me yes it's been fun and that's what being an elf pirate is all about having fun now all you have to do is untangle me and we can get away from this dangerous jungle oh this isn't a jungle and there is no danger [Music] hello I'm a customer and I would like to buy this plant find everything you're looking for today yes thank you do the toys come free with a plant uh oh I suppose so one pot plant with toys and one magic Goblin I am not Magic One Talking Magic Goblin oh no barcodes I put it through as compost oh thank you magic Goblin compost how dare she we've got to get free come on everyone into the Earth that's it let's go Anchors Away [Music] hello Mrs customer hello don't tell anyone you've been seeing elves and fairies Wise Old elf looks like I'm rescuing you from the jungle from the garden center you mean ah my sweet sugar plum I brought you a present from my Adventures that's Immortal is it a tomato or is it a mysterious Red Berry from the darkest depths of a lost city use your imagination it's a tomato set sail for the little kingdom here we go bedtime Princess Holly into your pajamas yes Nanny plan clothes into pajamas let's just magic you into bed magically brush your hair ah magic is so nice what would we do without magic elves don't have magic elves are crazy they don't even like talking about magic magic magic magic magic tomorrow is the day what happens tomorrow Wise Old elf once in a blue moon the fairy's magic stops working stops King yes for the whole day from sunrise to sunset it will be no magic day why nobody knows why only that when the moon is blue the magic does not work oh fairies without magic for a whole day [Music] and time pajamas into clothes ah my wand's not working [Music] gee daddy my wand isn't working neither is mine mine isn't either no the magic stopped how am I supposed to get dressed without magic we'll just have to dress the old-fashioned way using our hands our hands do calm down dear let's just have some breakfast while we think about what to do you're right honey Plum magic up some breakfast certainly your majesty Zippity is I forgot my wand doesn't work what's going on why isn't there any magic [Music] happy new magic day hey what don't you know every blue moon it's no magic day oh of course yes and I see you're all still in your pajamas had any breakfast no you will see children when fairies don't have magic they can't do anything have you just come to laugh at us Wise Old elf yes I have a good mind to turn you into a frog be my guest Abracadabra as you can see children the fairy ones don't work today Holly would you like us to help oh thank magic day bye normally I wave my wand and warm water appears in the bath with lots of lovely bubbles have you tried the Taps taps oh so that's what those things are for put your feet in your shoes and your dress without magic and this is how you brush your hair it's really fun I'm not gonna do the washing up without magic we'll help you Nanny Plum oh thank you elves are good at washing up and we're elves this is how you turn the television on and the weather in the Little Kingdom today will be bright and sunny everywhere oh very good and this works like this [Music] oh happy new magic day Mr elf um why is old elf we're having a bit of a problem at the toy factory oh then I'd better take a look that's strange the escalator isn't working yes Wise Old elf nothing is working the whole Factory has stopped but the elf Factory never stops oh it stopped we cannot make any toys but I don't understand why has everything stopped I think you should take a look at this the elf engine has broken down ah the elf engine of course what can we do um well let's not worry about it not worry but there are toys to be made oh never mind we'll just have a day off yes in honor of new magic day we can all have a holiday there's no time for holidays we have a big order of toys for an important customer will the customer can wait uh you better tell him yourself it's Father Christmas here oh Mr Christmas ah why is old elf how are the toys coming along I need them today uh yes your Christmas no problem how on Earth are we going to get the toys made we'll just fix the elf engine I'm afraid we can't why can't we elves can't fix anything and where else there is no way that engine is going to work today maybe it's just run out of fuel yes it has so we'll just get some more fuel what does it run on steam or gas no the engine is powered by a very dangerous fuel [Music] us up some lunch but I can't your majesty it's no magic day remember then what are we going to eat um would you like to come to the great elf tree for lunch that's very kind of you Ben we've got lots of food really then we shall take you up on your kind offer it's very quiet hello anybody home Ben why isn't the escalator working uh I don't know eyes old elf what on Earth is happening well nothing but aren't there toys to be made yes Ben with a big order for Father Christmas but we can't make them why not the elf engine isn't working we can fix it elves are good no no no no it can't be fixed the engine has run out of fuel oh and what kind of fuel does it use I can't say I demand to know it's a secret Wise Old elf what fuel does the elf engine use it's [Music] no it's mustard marshmallows melted cheese Magic [Music] are you saying the great elf engine is run on Magic yes but you hate magic yes it has a small carbon footprint and it never stops except today yes because today is no magic day there must be another way to run the factory yes the emergency power of course the emergency power but that's just a hamster wheel it is the emergency power unit all elves on the hamster wheel will power the factory by foot can we help good idea Holly but your majesty this is elf work not fairy work we're all in it together you helped us this morning now we can help you all for one and one for all yeah I suppose thank you everyone today [Applause] let's hope we get these toys done in time yes yes day is nearly [Music] dick is back and the elf engine is working again [Music] ah I'm glad the elf engine is working again don't you mean the secret magic engine ah so now we know elves do do magic sometimes well at least we don't need magic to get dressed let's hear you laugh when I turn you into a frog not today daddy Plum it is no magic day remember ah why is Odell oh good the magic is back and the factory is working again and the wise old elf is a frog everything is back to normal today's adventure starts at the little castle Daisy and Poppy's playgroup [Music] what's all the noise mummy the twins are being naughty shouldn't they be at playgroup there hasn't been any play group for weeks now really why not the problem was all the toddlers were together in one place isn't that the idea of a playgroup well yes but just think there was raspberry even her wand is rude annetto she has a stingy nettle in her hat and tarquin group and Daisy and Poppy all together they're quite a handful what happened to their nice teacher Mrs fatheringil good morning children my name is Mrs bothering girl they made her disappear disappear all they found was her shoes now no one wants to be the teacher in the nursery is closed what a lot of fuss about nothing I know I'll be the playgroup teacher and Nanny Plum can be my assistant uh um I'd like to be but I'm really very busy I'll call my friend Mrs elf then she can be my assistant hello Mrs elf speaking hello it's Queen thistle oh your majesty I wonder if you'd be interested in a new job a job yes you'd be working with me that would be an honor Queen thistle as assistant teacher at the play group hello hello oh the phone must be broken still she sounds very keen I'll go around and fetch her are you sure you sure want to be the teacher mummy the toddlers can be very naughty no problem I'll have Mrs elf to help me hello is Mrs elf there uh sorry but Mrs elf had to go away suddenly she is not here oh hello mum oh hello I just got back perfect Daisy and poppiest so pleased you're going to help at playgroup well as long as it's just Daisy and Poppy oh no it will be all their friends as well lovely oh it's locked what a shame no play group don't worry Mrs elf I have the key lovely a quick tidy and we'll soon have it Ship Shape oh look Mrs fathering Gill's shoes where did she go no one knows she just disappeared come along the toddlers will be here in a minute we heard playgroups reopening we didn't quite believe it though so what poor person is the new teacher ah me actually and I'm the assistant teacher tarquin's been really missing playgroup [Music] like play group so is raspberry and nettle children she stung me hello I'm your new Nursery teacher and this is my assistant Mrs oh she's hiding under the desk hello children hi Mrs elf relax Mrs elf there's nothing to worry about with me in charge now children let's made the queen disappear all they've left is her panties children what have you done with the queen done all gone hello oh Queen thistle the toddlers have magic me somewhere but I'll be back as soon as I've worked out where I am you'll have to take the class until I get back oh okay bye Mrs elf you're the teacher now yes don't panic Mrs elf you can do this you're in charge uh maybe we should take away their wands good idea Ben right everyone we are going to play a game it's called hide the wands we'll take the wands and hide them in this drawer good now let's draw a lovely picture what shall we draw butterflies bunny rabbits dinosaurs car Queen like dinosaurs oh okay big teeth good now use your imaginations let's all close our eyes and imagine what it would be like in the time of the dinosaurs uh are you sure this is a good idea it's keeping them happy and quiet imagine the fiery volcanoes and thick jungle and dinosaurs pretend you're really there what was that I think the school moved Daisy poppy did you just do something it's all right Holly they're being very good and it's nearly home time oh lovely and quiet why is it so different today it's time to pick up the twins ah the twins that's why it's quiet right Nanny I'm on my way hello have you come to pick up your toddlers yes where's the playgroup it's gone wow last time the toddlers just made the teacher disappear this time it's the whole school phew well done Mrs elf that wasn't too bad apart from the queen disappearing oh yes the queen see you next time children don't run oh my goodness [Music] Daisy okay where have you sent her dinosaur dinosaur oh no they've sent us back in time to the land of the dinosaurs how are we going to get home again let's not panic there's an answer to everything okay we're stuck in the land of the dinosaurs 65 million years in the past so what's the answer I'm thinking I have an idea I might be able to Magic the school back it's worth a try abracadabra the main thing is not to panic ah the school's gone shall we start panicking now mum yes it's the school welcome back everybody oh this there's no one here trapped in the land of the dinosaurs with no way back don't worry there must be an answer think Mrs elf think what's that what's that so if I'm not sure it's okay woman yeah [Music] shoes wait a minute it's Missy's fathering girl the Lost teacher I've been stuck here for ages thank goodness you finally come to rescue me well we sort of need rescuing ourselves actually oh mommy was here yes the queen could magic us home but the queen is here I saw her this morning hooray but she was carried off by one of those pterodactyl things [Music] leaving just her wand and her cell phone Mrs fathering Gil do you know where the pterodactyls live they live on scary Mountain could take you there if you want all right come on children hold hands Stay Together Mrs furtheringale why is it called scary Mountain look me hello everyone mommy are you all right yes but I'm trapped it won't lift up its foot climb up and take a literodactyl l lvet tickling pterodactyls and I'm an elf careful Ben tickle tickle tickle tickle here's your wand mummy thank you everyone now I think we all better get back home [Music] and my panties oh hello hello everyone I was getting a tiny bit worried I think it's all gone very well for the first day and the good news is we've found Mrs fathering girl hello welcome back Mrs father and Gill I expect you'd like a little rest oh yes your majesty thank you you'll need to get your strength back before you start teaching the playgroup again oh oh today's Advent Ure starts at the meadow [Music] the new one jig up a stick ready one day Abracadabra here you go Gaston fetch the [Music] sticky oh it's raining we're getting wet no problem run to Umbrella wow that's great [Music] come and dry umbrella two one [Music] sounds like your wands got a cold oh no poor one day it's because she got all wet I'd better call the wand doctor though is that the wand doctor yes we've got a sick wand thank you goodbye the doctor says you have to put wundy to bed and he'll be right over oh one day the one's doctor is here hello what's just the wise old elf I'll have you know I'm not just the wise old elf I'm also a fully qualified one doctor oh I see we elves make the ones remember yeah yes that you you eat magic we make ones but we don't use them magic always leads to trouble now where is my patient here tongue out please as I thought a cold I suggest plenty of rest the wand needs to stay in bed and keep nice and warm will wandy be able to do magic oh no no no no there'll be no waving wander around for a while oh It's All I Do Without a wand funny you should ask I've been working on a brand new wand maybe you'd like to try it out wow it's been top secret until now I call it the wise wand three thousand even I didn't know about it gosh thanks Wise Old elf it's so pretty you're my best friend oh and it talks I love you incredible amazing that's not all this wand has a very special feature no other wand has what special feature oh you'll find out soon enough I have to say ones don't get any better than this what do you mean by that what does he ever mean I always lose interest halfway through I can't I can't my wise why thousand well you will have to wait till tomorrow because it's nearly bedtime oh bye bye Lee bye Ben bye Gaston see you tomorrow [Music] morning Daddy morning Holly ah the new wow is it it's amazing good news Princess Holly wandie is better the one's doctor was right she just needed a bit of rest oh that's nice so you can take that new wand back to the wise old elf if you like uh I think I might like to keep it for a bit I haven't even tried doing magic with it yet oh well what should we do with this um I don't really need it anymore can you put it with my baby toys okay oh well there you go Holly's got a new wand now [Music] hello Holly hello Ben hello Fleur is that a new wand yes it's called the wise wand three thousand I I wow it talks yes it's very very new and top secret my best best friend oh let's play a game yes what shall we play Let's Play princesses nights and naughty witches yes I'll be the princess because I am a princess and I'll be the brave knight okay Wow real armor and I'll be the naughty witch [Music] what do we do now the brave knight has to rescue the princess from a tower what a tower haha this Tower whoa wow how am I going to rescue you from that in the stories the princess grows her hair really long and the night climbs up it oh yes [Music] climb up that hair band easy elves are good at climbing up hair and I'm an elf [Music] here I am I jump to rescue you thank you brave knight that's now you're both trapped [Music] oh we can easily get down not if I put bars on the window [Music] thank you oh we're stuck lunch time oh that's my mum I've got to go bye okay bye Fleur how are we going to get down don't worry I've got my wise one three thousand you're my best friend okay let's get out of here I love you oh it didn't work I love you it's not doing anything what happened the last time you used it nothing I haven't done any magic with it yet I love you it's useless I wish I had my old one oh it's it's done Gaston could fetch help yes it's done go and get wandie veg Gaston [Music] fetchum Gaston you're in a hurry today [Music] hey where are you going with one day the wise one thousand is meant to be a very special wand but it doesn't do anything maybe it's broken it doesn't look broken I love you does it ever say anything else no apart from you're my best friend that it's actually a bit annoying yes my old ones never talked it just [Music] oh one day I'm so glad to see you now let's get down from this Tower yes indeed for you I think I'll use my old wand from now on ah Princess Holly how are you getting on with a wise wand three thousand it's broken is it it looks perfectly fine to me but it doesn't do magic yes that's the special feature I was talking about no magic what a ones that doesn't do magic correct you see magic always leads to trouble and also it's a one that doesn't do magic is not a wand it's just a stick so you're saying that the wise won 3 000 is good for absolutely nothing yes I know one thing it's good for yes here Gaston fetch the stick [Music] I love you Gaston loves fetching sticks I love you you're my best friend and I love you one day you're my best friend [Music] jump the highest me me then jump higher that's cheating that's not jumping that's flying jumping is all about using your legs like this I love playing in the meadow I hope it never changes the murder won't change it's been here forever and always will be nice Jumpman quick let's hide it's only Lucy the little girl we met at the farm and her dad's with her it's so pretty here yes Dad it's a shame we've got to dig it all up dig it all up why to make room for the cows in a dough they're ginormous cows can graze in this Meadow oh we just need to flatten these mole Hills it's not a mole hill that that's Gaston's house [Music] they're going to flatten your house oh don't worry Gaston you can come and live with me in a little castle I'll put the Cow Shed over there oh no the Cow Shed will be right on top of my little castle don't worry Holly you and Gaston can come and stay with me in the great elf tree and I'll put the cow manure over by those trees oh that's where the elf tree is what's Minya cow poo oh maybe I won't stay at the great elf tree thanks anyway Ben I'd better start building the fence Lucy Lucy oh hello Beth hello Holly your dad is putting his cows right where we live yes isn't it terrible you have to tell him to stop okay I'll tell him that Alice and fairies live here no no big people must never know we live here but I'm a big person and I know you're special what can we do then let's ask the wise old elf he'll know what to do he's old he's wise what was that we've got to be quiet okay let's go and tell the wise old elf about the cows cows in the meadow we'll have to tell the farmer that he can't put his cows here no no we must never talk to big people hello Wise Old elf ah big people nice to nice to you again oh hello Lucy I thought you said we should never talk to big people well that's apart from Lucy of course Lucy is nice but we must never talked to grown-up big people you can't trust them oh no don't worry I'll sort it out what are you going to do I'll tell the king to sort it out cows yes your majesty the farmer is going to put cows in The Meadows right where Gaston's house is and he's going to put a load of cow poo by the gray self tree again not so bad you'll get used to the smell and he's going to build a Cow Shed on top of the little castle what who is this farmer I'll sort him out how big is he is he as tall as me he's my dad yeah a big person and her dad is even bigger yes well Nanny Plum come up with a plan I already have a plan your majesty oh well done I'll turn him into a frog that into a frog cool that's your plan it's like they always say to get your own way turn them into a frog that doesn't even rhyme it's a silly plan no it's not yes it is and I absolutely forbid you to as I was saying to get your own way turn them into a frog oh well done Nanny Plum the plan does work carry on right you are your majesty even think about doing anything so oh where did nanny go [Music] he's almost finished the fence frog time what problem solved frogs can't build fences um will my dad be a frog forever oh no he didn't wear off after a while and he'll be back to his old self again but won't he just start building the fence again oh I never thought of that uh oh I think the spell is wearing off huh where was I oh yes I was building a fence [Music] it's been ages how long does it take to turn someone into a frog hmm maybe I should go and see how Nani Plum is doing good idea you go then there's a good elf so how is the brilliant plan going I turned the farmer into a frog then he turned back again and he's still building the fence foreign I'll turn him into a frog again frog time no nanny this plan is silly all right smarty pants what's your plan then maybe Lucy's mum can stop the farmer but you said we can't talk to grown-up big people we can't but Lucy can yes I could ask my mum to stop dad come on the important thing is Lucy not to mention elves and Feathers okay wise old elf Mommy Mommy hello Lucy I thought you were helping dad today I was but but what oh mummy can't dad put the cows somewhere else Lucy whatever has got you so upset it's just slip there oh no oh no fairies how lovely no no Mom it's true right leave it to me so really are elves and fairies I know there are darling do you frog time oh hello Nanny Plum uh hello Mommy how do you know Nanny Plum's name because I remember her from when I was a little girl so you know all about the house and fairies yes I used to play with them when I was little Sally now I remember you it was years ago yes there was you and naughty Prince thistle King thistle now Nanny Plum we must never talk to big grown-ups oh Wise Old elf nice to see you again oh hello Sally did you know the wise old elf when he was very young no he's always been old and wise you haven't changed a bit thank you so it's the little kingdom where Dad's putting the cows yes yes then we must stop him come on everyone stop stop what we have to find somewhere else to put the cows oh oh why because um because the grass here is a bit um dry and uh and the ground is uh too muddy there must be a better place to put the cows no this is the perfect place the plan's not working who said that now what do we do is it frog time no nanny what frog time ah don't let the farmer know we're here okay clever clogs what's your plan then um hello we'll be with you in a moment now Nanny Plum as I was saying um who are you all hello Mr farmer we're elves and fairies and we live here in the meadow elves and fairies living in the meadow yeah yes so we can't put the cows here darling well of course not I don't want to knock anyone's house down and one more thing dad you must not tell any of your friends that you've seen elves and fairies don't worry there is no way that I will tell any of my friends that I've been seeing elves and fairies thank you Dad good use your majesty there will be no cows in the meadow so what's the bad news the father his wife and just about everybody now know about elves and fairies I see hopefully they don't know too much and over here is the little castle where the fairies live hello ah hello next on the tour the secret elf tray see all the secrets the elves have been hiding for years keep up children we don't want to be late for your magic test Nanny Plum why do we have to take a magic test all fairies take a magic test it's how you get your magic license this is mine like that no this is a grown-up license you'll be getting a children's license who gives us the magic test the owls do but elves don't like magic no but we do make the ones [Music] and elves do like tests good morning everyone have you come for your magic test yes Mrs elf until the test is finished I am not Mrs elf I am Mrs examiner yes Mrs examiner lift up these Pebbles please move them forwards this is hard yes now backwards when I clap my hands stop [Music] excellent and finally one simple question magic must only be used for serious things or just for fun um is the answer magic must only be useful serious things correct you've all passed the magic test hooray and I'm Mrs elf again you may now hug me well done everyone here are your licenses signed by me the chief examiner I knew they'd pass because I taught them that makes their success even more amazing thank you Wise Old elf perhaps we should have a little celebrate oh yes can we have a party and what every party needs is Magic jelly uh nanny I don't think that's a magic jelly lots and lots of Daisy used a bit too much magic there Nanny Palam do you even have a magic license of course I do oh dear it's expired what does that mean it means it's worthless can't I do magic then no it's against the law no grown-up fairy Can Do Magic without a license what I'm taking away your wand you can't do that I just did it's an outrage the king will be very angry [Laughter] it's not funny you're right it's not funny Nanny does not have a license she must not do magic yes yes Wise Old elf but maybe we can Overlook it just this once as it's Nanny it's because it is Nanny we shouldn't Overlook it she's dangerous Wise Old elf I am your king and I must yes is your license up to date your majesty my license well I'm sure I mean I I I maybe I should take a look no need for that the wise old elf is Right Nani Plum rules are rules what so I can never do magic again of course you can uh can she she will have to go back to magic school first magic school yes Mrs figs magic school oh [Music] my name is Mrs fig you remember me don't you how could I forget and all my years of teaching I never had another pupil like you thank you I was her best pupil the wise old elf has taken away Nanny Plum's wand very sensible and he has sent her back to your magic school what yes I'm back you lucky old thing good duck Nanny oh I'm the one that'll need the lock first thing to know about magic is Magic always leads to trouble so for our first lesson you will not have a real wand you will have this stick what does it do nothing oh why can't I have a real wand you need to learn how to use magic sensibly but I use magic for lots of sensible things look I'm in the king's Underpants or dusting the fridge or polishing the carpets or Miss Plum I am the teacher if you want to pass your magic test I suggest you stop listening to me let's see how you hold your wand no no no all wrong you're making magic not stirring soup is that better it'll do for the moment no a few questions can't we do a spell instead how do you stop a squirrel nesting on your roof uh turn them into a frog how do you get a mouse out of your kitchen uh turn them into a frog how do you rescue an elf who is stuck up a tree oh I know this one turn them into a frog is that your answer to everything Nanny Plum turn them into a frog yes oh dearly me this is going to be a long day how was your lesson today Nanny really good I got a couple of things wrong at the start but I got better and better all day that's great I'm all ready for my test tomorrow ask me any question you like okay how do you stop a mole from digging up your lawn turn them into a frog uh no that's not the answer in the book are you sure maybe you're reading it wrong I don't think so oh I find the answer to most things is turn them into a frog Nanny don't keep saying turn them into a frog that will never be the answer oh all right I'll try and remember that morning Nanny Plum have you come to take your magic test yes Mrs elf until the test is finished I am not Mrs elf I am Mrs examiner right you are Mrs elf I'll take this one yes Mr Chief examiner but that's quiet please the test has begun here is your wand back oh nice to see you again please lift this rock up in the air but it's really big I know can't I use a pebble the Pebbles are for the children's test why can't I say the children's test because you're a grown-up or you're supposed to be oh all right [Music] forwards please rock is that it belongs to the wise old elf just be careful okay reverse please slowly ah what's happened to my my castle me to do it sorry your majesty now forwards again and when I clap my hands you must stop no problemo stop stop stop stop stop stop stop oh bring the rock back here now I want you to Magic this rock into something else a frog no I can do frogs and egg what do you want an egg for oh just do it please all right keep your hair on I said an egg not a chicken what there one egg to the pass the Practical test is over but you still have to answer one question how would you help a tadpole become a grown-up uh to help its heart pole become a grown-up um Danny what's your favorite spell turn them into a frog correct I knew it the test is over and it's bad news did I fail it's worse than that you passed you may now do magic again did you hear that once we're back in business oh dear magic always leads to trouble maybe it doesn't show me one piece of sensible magic okay there's one piece of magic I've been wanting to do all day what's that turn you into a frog you can't do that oh yes I can here's my license like I said magic always leads to trouble [Music] everyone where are you all going it's harvest day can we come to hoverboard today's the day we pick all our fruit on the farm to make fruit pie scent tonight we have a Harvest Dance I love dancing me too morning all morning boys old girl it's Harvest Time to the Strawberry Patch everyone it's been a good year for strawberries yes we've grown loads of them here we are the Strawberry Patch oh but where are all the strawberries they're gone all eaten but that's crazy incredible there were lots of strawberries here yesterday what could have eaten them I don't know I've never seen anything like it they're still the apples to the orchard Mr elf here yeah the apple orchard right pick the apples but there are no apples what it's impossible there were loads of loads apples here yesterday something very odd is going on no strawberries no apples what's eating them all it could be locusts yes stories tell of insects called locusts who arrive in their Millions swarming all over the fruit and eat it all up in seconds they eat and eat and eat and eat and eat yes thank you Mrs elf we get the idea but locusts don't wear size 10 shoes it's a footprint our fruit hasn't been eaten by a swarm of locusts this is the work of a swarm of gnomes gnomes why is old Health how does it one gnomes have a huge appetite they can't stop themselves eating if they see food they eat it that's right they eat and eat and eat and eat yes yes Mrs elf so does it mean there'll be no Fruit Harvest and no dancing yes no because there's always blackberries they grow in the wild blackberries but we have to get to the blackberries before the gnome does how do you use a knife well of a gnome bring an orange from home yes we tried that once he ate the orange yes gnomes like all fruit the only thing they like more than fruit is pie here we are the blackberries are still here thank goodness no time to waste begin the Harvest everyone picking blackberries is one of the most dangerous jobs for an elf why because elves are quite small and blackberry bushes are covered in big thorns and the best berries are very high up me help that's tasty The Gnome Hello nice to see you well it's not nice to see you oh that's a shame normally I'm very popular are you uh no everyone hates me well I'm not surprised you've eaten our strawberries and our apples and now you're eating our blackberries too oh dear I'm terribly sorry I didn't realize they were yours hmm delicious stop it stop it stop eating everything I can't help it sorry he's really good at picking blackberries yes the Thorns don't bother me oh you have a thick skin why don't we ask the name if he'll pick black Breeze for us clever Holly then we can still have a harvest and I'll Harvest Dance Harvest Dance oh I like dancing can I come no I'll type that as a yes what time does it start Mr nine you can come to the dance if you pick some blackberries for us it's a deal we'd like this truck filled up with blackberries thank you no problem one Blackberry coming up oh it's a nice one delicious not in your mouth in the truck oh yes sorry don't worry this time I'll oh a Blackberry yum yum no no no no no no no this isn't going to work if you keep eating them whoopsy Daisy I do apologize this time I'll make sure I oh a Blackberry sorry oh yeah it again ah this is useless every time he has food in his hand he just eats it that's just what gnomes do they eat and eat and eat right eat it's time for Plan B what's Plan B you'll see I'll be back in a moment Mr Wise Old elf who's come up with it it's bound to be very clever oh very stupid as you see I am dressed as a pie why dressed as a pie gnomes love pie more than anything in the world so every time Mr gnome is about to eat a Blackberry I will run in front of him dressed as a piece yes very that's why it's Plan B this time I promise I'm not gonna eat it oh look at that silly me I did it again Focus Mr gnome right this is it no more oh a Blackberry hey there Mr Gnome look over here I'm a pie oh a pie [Music] oh sorry thought I saw a POI never mind here's a lovely Blackberry for me hey wouldn't you rather eat a pie oh yes I would [Music] delicious boy [Music] [Applause] wait don't eat me oh a talking boy that'll be tasty I'm not a pie I'm not a pie not a boy what are you then I'm the wise old Elf oh what are you doing here let's put you down again oh look a Blackberry ah here we go again hey there Mr Gnome look down here I'm a pie oh a pie oh this is going to be a long afternoon where Earth can they be [Music] if the Harvest Dance without them well it looks like we can't have a dance then here we are with a Fruit Harvest blackberries what happened to the strawberries The Gnome ate them The Gnome oh no what about the apples The Gnome ate them too well I'd like to give this gnome a talking to you can if you like he's here oh no yeah what's he doing here he helped pick the blackberries for us so we invited him to the dance oh he ate two thousand blackberries but we got ten for us uh nine I ate one on the way here sorry anyway there's still enough for a big pie excellent then let the Harvest Dance commence [Applause] [Music] boring let's get this party started [Music] take your partner's please swing to the left step to the right wiggle your hips spin around and get a big kitty pie everybody it's traditional that the first slice of pie goes to the person who picked the most fruit oh who's that then that's you oh thank you very much on Gaston [Music] good boy Gaston Gaston loves his tummy being tickled Pakistan is the best pet in the world ever okay girls playtime is over time for your magic lesson oh do we have to yes strawberry now who can show me some magic um I can make an egg a pair eggs can be quite tricky but have a go [Music] uh stinky [Applause] it looks like you've magiced up a dragon's egg Nanny Plum oh that's the king what does he want Nanny Plum I can't find my crown have you tried looking on your head oh yes now where's my wand Nanny no I'll have to go this is dragons a dangerous wild animals and they breathe fire oh I'm scared let's run away oh isn't it cute hello oh it's so sweet Gaston be nice to the baby dragon bad ladybird shall we call it how about cuddles no he should be called fang yeah Fang I like snuggle bunny fire claw what about Dave Dave the dragon yay Dave that's your new name Dave has got really big paws that shows he'll grow much bigger what do you want Gaston oh all right fetch the stick [Music] wow aren't you clever day oh he wants his tummy tickled oh he's the best pet in the world ever [Music] where's Gaston gone oh I don't know oh well it doesn't matter we've got Dave [Music] Princess Holly same time oh I've got to go now bye Holly the dragons following you no Dave you have to go home now but where is his home you magic him up I guess he hasn't got one never mind he can come home with me [Music] hello YouTube a baby dragon his name's Dave he's going to live here I'm sorry Holly there's no way the king's going to let you keep a dragon look at baby dragon haha isn't he cute can we keep him of course I ever not on second thoughts get that dragon out of here Dave can live in my house I'm sure my parents won't mind good that's sorted Come On Dave Ben are you sure your parents won't mind they'll be fine but maybe Dave should stay out of sight at first all right Dave stay good boy start remember you said I could have a pet in my room one day yes maybe it is time you had a pet of your own something small to start with what about an ant or a goldfish yes oh what about a dragon Dragon alarm fire breathing dragon alone sorry Ben we must all help the elf trees in danger [Music] looks like everything is under control anyway back to your pet Ben what was it you wanted ah it was the dragon you can't have a dragon in your room he could burn the house down it's the most dangerous pet you could have in a tree apart from woodworm it's okay everyone my son is taking the dragon away where can Dave live how about Gaston's house yes it'll be nice for Gaston to have a friend to stay we've got a visitor for you look he's drinking Gaston's water [Music] he's sleeping in Gaston's bed he's making himself at home Ben you don't think Gaston Minds sharing his home do you no I think he's pleased to have a new friend Dave got bigger oh we better get him out of here while we still can haha I see the baby dragon is getting bigger yes Nanny and it's impossible to find anywhere for him to live he needs to go home but where is his home Dragon Land of course mind you it's a long long way away my dad can fly us there in the elf plane he'll be happy to take us what what take a fire breathing dragon on an airplane never that get that dragon out of here all right then hold the Dragon [Music] ready for takeoff [Music] how's the dragon not breathing any fire is it today is not silly Mr elf He knows not to do it in a plane everything okay back there uh yes Dad don't do it again Dave um is Dragon Land Dragon Land is in March on any Maps it's the only place the dragons can get some peace and quiet nowadays here we are Dragon Land I'll open the back of the plane get ready to Chuck him out Chuck him out he can fly can't he oh all right I'll land but we mustn't stay long [Applause] so hot here and everything's burnt yes Dave feels right at home marvelous ah let's get going then shall we Nanny how big is a grown-up Dragon think of the biggest thing that you can think of and it's bigger than that bigger than us much bigger bigger than an elephant yeah you're getting there wow a grown-up dragon is ginormous right then home time but we haven't said goodbye to Dave okay quickly goodbye Dave this is where you belong this is your home well well don't worry Gaston maybe Dave can come and visit you wow more dragons lovely well maybe we should be thinking about leaving can't we stay a bit longer no bye bye Dave right fast seat belts and off we go looks like we got away with that one nice dragon don't be fire now don't breathe fire nice dragon it's a bit warm in here let's open the door and get some fresh air well Gaston wants to play Here Boy fetch the stick oh the back door is open [Music] [Applause] Gaston's the best bet in the world ever [Music] Gaston's brilliant at digging he's dug up an old stick Gaston fetch [Music] Gaston loves fetching sticks oh it's raining London to Umbrella Wow Let's play indoors come on Gaston [Music] ah I love a clean kitchen hello Nanny class well no don't let that ladybird into my kitchen he's making muddy Footprints everywhere get off the floor what's on the table shoot this is a food preparation area where is he going now maybe he's gone to see Daddy he likes Daddy [Music] who let this smelly ladybird in the house Holly yes Daddy please keep Gaston under control sorry Daddy we live in the castle Gaston lives outside never mind Gaston let's all go to the great elf tree instead [Music] Mrs elf that blueberry pie smells delicious yes Mr elf the secret is to cook it very slowly over three days hello Mom hello hello Ben hello Holly can't he Shake himself outside that pie is not for you Gaston well well now Ben Gaston should live outside we live inside okay mum ah where's the pagon Gaston's eating it we don't know it was Gaston it could have been someone else he's the only one with pie on his face outcast on I never want to see you again [Music] sorry Gaston you'd better go hang go on Gaston off you go bedtime Holly ah are you all right darling I'm a bit sad Gaston isn't allowed in our houses anymore oh Gaston oh gadstone is all wet and cold oh Gaston go and make that rocket somewhere else oh Gaston [Music] it's done [Music] Gaston Gaston Gaston hello Ben I can't find Gaston anywhere maybe he's in his cave Gaston it's empty where is Gaston he must have gone off somewhere to be sad don't worry I'll find him elves are good at finding ladybirds and I'm an elf Gaston Gaston Gaston oh where are we I don't know I've never been here before oh it's a door speak friend and enter King door hello hello I wonder what's behind it that's for me to know and you to find out oh let's get the grown-ups a talking door yes daddy it said speak friend and enter oh that will be the old Dwarf Mine Dwarf Mine yes the dwarves used to dig down into the Earth looking for diamonds and gold and stuff like that [Music] I like diamonds and gold they're so pretty and sparkly and glittery let's take a look at this Dwarf Mine what are dwarves like they're big bigger than us yes dwarfs are huge here's the door oh it's locked what does that mean it's a riddle no entry that's silly I'll just magic it open [Music] my magic doesn't work on the door yes fairy magic and dwarf magic don't mix maybe we should just ask nicely how are you today Mr door fine thank you can we come in please speak friend and enter maybe it means say the word friend good idea Ben um friend that was easy let's go in Ben and Holly you wait outside the dwarf mine could be dangerous then why are you going in uh well we're grown-ups can we go with you uh uh why not if you're with us grown-ups you'll be safe as long as the door doesn't shut behind us oh now what do we do wand give me light maybe we can say friend again to make the door open friend it's a new riddle this time all right what's the new riddle if a car with a tool later engine travels up a 15 degree Hill at 10 miles an hour how much fuel will it use if the hell is a hundred meters high ah what if we go this way lots and lots of tunnels leading for Miles we'd get lost going that way if only Gaston was here he could smell his way out good idea where is Gaston yes where is good old Gaston you said you never wanted to see him again and so did you Dad oh no yes and now gastons of somewhere being sad [Music] all right [Music] Gaston good old Gaston my best friend help Gaston we're stuck Gaston run and get Nanny plum [Music] all nice and clean again no Gaston out out what's that Ben and Holly and king and queen Sizzler Mr Mrs elf all stuck in the old mine you say well then there's no time to lose lead the way Gaston [Music] hello Nanny Plum thank goodness you're here we're trapped hang on I'll just magic the door open [Music] oh it doesn't work no because the door is sealed with dwarf magic you have to answer a question what question an airplane is trying at 180 miles per hour how strong will the wind have to be to slide speed by 15 that's just Gobbledy joke Nanny Magica for Speed and diggers out this will take ages I know Gaston can dig us out yes Gaston's brilliant at digging Gaston old friend figures out uh he wants you to say please oh please Gaston [Music] thank you Gaston oh Gaston yo wonderful good boy Gaston so can Gaston come to the little castle now yes and to our house too yes I'll even make him a pie well Gaston thanks for rescuing us oh here I am big people big people coming hello it's me Lucy oh panic over everyone it's Lucy we thought it might be someone dangerous big people have big feet yes and we don't like being stepped on ah oops sorry for stepping on you Mr Mayor I didn't see you there it's fine glad it's just you but it's not just me my teacher Miss cookie is bringing my whole class here today on the nature trail lots of big children and a big teacher they mustn't see us fairies oh us elves oh Mrs witch all the dwarves oh red bed the elf pirate yes yes yes the whole of the little kingdom is meant to be secret that's my class here they come quick into the houses close the windows and doors [Music] oh did I just say little windows in the toadstools all right gather round children yes Miss cookie here are some toadstools tick toadstools off on your lists Miss cookie the toadstools have little windows in them uh no amazing that was close yes but I think we got away with it next on the list is an oak tree let's go and find one oh no they're heading towards the great elf tree we have to get there first big people big people coming this way ah big people big people everyone into the tree [Music] lose the shutters good it looks like a normal tree oh look a little person here we are you can tell an oak tree by the shape of the leaves do oak trees have little people living in them what of course not tick Oak Tree on your lists everyone [Music] phew that was close you're telling me right next on the list is insects this way children oh they're heading straight for the little castle we have to get there first wait for me [Music] Daddy Daddy big people are coming big people quick close the shutters could now we're completely hidden hidden but what about the castle perhaps they won't notice it won't notice it won't notice it a little fairy castle with a flag on top I know I'll just imagine the castle invisible brilliant Nanny invisible invisible Castle disappear invisible invisible castles disappear a castle this field is a perfect place for insects to live I think I just saw a castle then it went invisible oh what fantastic imaginations you children have what there does seem to be something here I can feel a tower with a flag on top [Music] uh oh oh yes insects that's what we're looking for Miss cookie I found an insect lovely now does anyone know what this insect is called Gaston what oh uh I mean a ladybird well all right children tick insect on your lists and now onto the lake I think it's this way thank goodness they're moving away from the little castle but they're going right towards Mrs Witch's House no time to lose how can we hide Mrs Witch she's huge maybe she could pretend she's not a witch good idea Ben hello hello Mrs witch listen uh there's no time to explain but you have to pretend you're not a witch okay who am I then you're just a nice old lady okay here they come remember you're just a nice old lady who wouldn't hurt a fly okay hello I'm not a witch I'm just a nice old lady who wouldn't hurt a fly well I'm uh pleased to hear it my name is Miss cookie I'm Mrs witch your name is Mrs witch yes but I'm not a witch I'm just a nice old lady who wouldn't eat a fly uh that's good can you tell us the way to the lake yes straight down the path and through the trees you can't miss it is that a witches hat you're wearing yes but I'm not a witch but you are called Mrs witch yes and you're called Miss cookie but you're not a biscuit talking of cookies if anyone would like a snack take a roof tile then gingerbread you know thanks Mrs witch bye bye [Music] they never suspected a thing but now they're going to the lake and that's where Red Beard the elf pirate sails his boat we have to warn him hello Redbeard the elf pirate speaking listen carefully big people are coming your way I hear them and I've no time to hide pretend to be a toy okey dokey I'm a toy here's the lake I found a toy boat there's a doll on it oh that's red beard who's Red Beard I mean uh the doll's got two Reds beard some poor child must have lost it let's put it here where they'll find it okay I found a tadpole lovely tick tadpoles off your list tadpoles and that's the end of today's nature trail come on children back to school yes Miss cookie well done Red Beard they never suspected a thing it was a close call and no mistake they've been all over the little kingdom now but we haven't been discovered yes well done everyone the big people have no idea us little people live here they didn't see the great elf tree or the little castle and they didn't find out Mrs Witch is a witch all I can say is it's a good thing they didn't bump into the gnome [Music] hello evening all hello are you going to a fancy dress party party is there party food there I like food uh we're just on a nature trail oh yes what have you seen on this nature trail we've seen toadstools and insects and tadpoles toadstools in six tadpoles but there's loads more stuff really there's the Elves and the fairies the what that blabber mouth is giving everything away how can we stop him I know come on Gaston yes the elves live in a tree an oak tree yes it's got tiny windows in it I thought I saw a castle you saw it all right because it's there the Posh fairies live in a little castle made a tiny bricks it is is there a witch of course she's called Mrs witch and do fairies live in these tote stalls yes this is a secret fairy Village yes hey what's that Mr gnome people must never know about the little kingdom oh yes of course leave this to me now then you know how I was talking about tolstools insects and tadpoles yes right everything I talked about after that forget it forget it yes and there's no magic dwarves dragons or goblins in these Woods neither okay come on class let's go home bye good boy I think we just about got away with it bye everyone that was close close you told them everything but I also told them to forget it all anyway the little kingdom is safe again yes and it's all thanks to me look what came in the post an invitation to the Boating Carnival oh I love the Boating Carnival all the boats sailing on the river with music dancing but the king and queen Marigold always make fun of my boots are so snooting well maybe the marigolds won't be coming this year hello oh hello King Marigold this old boy are you coming to the booting Carnival we've got an amazing boat this year oh well I've got an amazing boat too really I can't wait to see it cheer those marigolds are such show-offs this time our boat will be better than theirs What boat is that your majesty ah the boat you're going to build me me allow me Your Majesty elves are good at building boats and I'm and I can build a better boat than you nonsense stop stop I don't care how you do it just build me a boot so how are we going to work together on this I know we'll build a boat each and King thistle can choose the best one and he'll choose mine he'll choose mine I have a fantastic idea for a boot oh what is it it's a secret come on Ben fine I've got a better idea anyway what sort of boat are we going to build we're going to build a viking boat cool Nanny what sort of base are we going to build no idea the wise old elf said he had a good idea but it was a secret all right let's find out what it is isn't that cheating yes well done Fleur that's called cheating our Viking boot will have shields on the sides and a dragon head at the front oh will it be not too big just large enough for the king to sit in come on fairies back to the castle [Music] so they're making a viking boat we can make one too isn't that copying yes Fleur well done that's called copying Abracadabra biking boat and to make it better than theirs we'll make it bigger hello hello Nanny Plum how's your boot coming along we finished I Magic Tap a viking boat what but we're building a viking boot fancy that we're both building Viking boats Nanny Plum is building a viking boat oh she must have stopped spied on us hmm two can play at that game Who Wants to be a spy Barnaby elf you will be our spy But first you must look like a fairy two fairy wings held on with elastic a toy wand and a hat to cover your elf ears [Music] no they won't discover [Music] hello hello I've just moved into the neighborhood I'm a fairy what's your name it's Barnaby oh no it's a bamboo I'm a fairy oops um I mean uh I'm a fairy well come in say hello to Bamboo everyone hello bamboo look we're building a viking bite the elves are building one too but ours is bigger oh you didn't say much do you bamboo no um I'm a fairy oops I mean bamboo do I know you from somewhere no well I better be going it was nice to meet you [Music] but accomplished I found out all about the fairies Viking boat what's it like it's big bigger than ours then we'll start again we'll make the biggest Viking boot ever yes you weren't discovered were you Barnaby no they never suspected I know where I've seen bamboo before he was born to be in Disguise the elves are spying on us that's outrageous but didn't we spy on them that was different we thought of spying first so now the elves know all about our boat fine we'll just find out more about theirs strawberry you can be our spy all right you need to look like an elf bye bye wings hello ears [Music] still looks a lot like strawberry though hmm yes let's add a disguise perfect [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello hello I'm an elf who has just moved to the neighborhood oh really what's your name little elf strawberry that's a nice name I mean Alice even nicer come in this elf is a fairy spy let's tell her silly made up things about our boat wow you've what a big boat yes yes and it isn't isn't fair to put the legs on Viking boots had legs duck legs duck legs and we're going to change the dragon's head for um a hippopotamus head that bridge fire very interesting well it's been nice meeting you I'd better be going are we really going to put those things on our boats no that was just so the Spy will tell Nanny Plum and she'll build a very silly boat I'm back I'm out no it's me the elves boat is really really big no problem we can do big and we need duck legs oh really then duck legs it is and a hippopotamus head at the front [Music] that breathes fire are you sure it looks right hmm maybe we should add chicken wings that's better come on let's take it for a walkies what an awful noise how do you like our boat it looks a bit funny if you ask me it is a traditional Viking boat oh no it isn't I'll show you a traditional Viking boot Mr elf please bring out our boat right oh what's wrong we can't get the boat through the door it's too big oh that's a bit embarrassing I suppose you want some fairy house getting it out yes please hey boy fudge well I suppose we might be able to fix it in time oh hello everyone have you finished my boot yes your majesty uh what's that your boat so I told you to make me a boat that wouldn't be laughed at and this is what you made yes your majesty whose idea was the hippo head that was my idea I thought of the flames the legs my idea your majesty I thought of the chicken wings I am going to be a complete laughing stock I can't wait to see what king of thistle's boat looks like hello is that your boat King's Sizzle uh yes why I know I know it's the most amazing built with ever seen it's fantastic well thank you it is the finest boat in the whole Carnival [Applause] I knew this shortcut through the meadow wasn't a good idea you'll be late for school Lucy but I love going this way we might meet my little elf and fairy friends again Lucy the other day when we thought we saw elves and fairies it was a very hot day and I'm afraid we let our imaginations run away with us there really aren't any such things as fairies and elves good morning Lucy's dad ah um good morning little elf hi Lacey hi Ben and Holly come on Lucy you'll be late for school um bye little people I'm going to school it's nature day can we come it would be a brilliant Adventure yes no no I forbid it remember we mustn't be seen by big people but I've seen you and so has my dad but you're nice it's just other big people we can't trust oh don't worry I'll go with them and we'll keep while he done hooray okay but if you do get seen pretend to be a toy like this I'm a toy yes yes whatever come on Lucy say goodbye to your um little friends yes daddy quick into my pocket okay bye Lucy pick you up later this is my school wow so many big children stay hidden we mustn't be seen good morning children good morning Miss cookie today we are learning about wonderful things in nature like fluffy our hamster who knows what kind of animal fluffy is a hamster yes but what sort of animal is a hamster oh he's a mama is he a mammal yes well done Lucy it's proper name is meso cricketers alratus its proper name is meso cretus alratus goodness I think we'll just stick with fluffy Stone smell the banana [Music] nature is all around us like this pretty little insect does anyone know what she's called Gaston and he's a boy very funny Lucy is it a ladybird yes well you could call her a ladybug and what does she eat Gaston likes pies and spaghetti bolognese pie and spaghetti bolognese no ladybirds eat things like green flies let's keep the ladybird in this jar I know stun's trapped we'll let her go later I hope Gaston will be all right don't worry I'll get him out of the jar but you'll be seen it's all right Ben I'll be very careful Miss cookie there's a fairy world here across my desk a fairy let's have a look hey the page is coming pretend to be a toy oh yes I'm a toy oh a little fairy godmother whose toy is this um it's mine do you remember what our rule is no time that's right I'll pop the dolly in my drawer and you can have it back at the end of the lesson all right yes Miss cookie but miss cookie it was a real fairy thank you Katie let's carry on shall we ooh what's this he's got Nanny's wand it's sparkly [Music] that girl doesn't know she's doing magic Miss cookie there's a frog on my desk oh what oh where did he spring from well well can anyone tell me what kind of animal a frog is what a kitten oh my goodness it is a kitten just stop to stop her I'll do a spell to lift the wand out of her hand [Music] float in the air dear I didn't mean to lift her as well miss cookie Katie's out of her seat sit down please Katie [Music] good she's dropped to the wand I'll go and get it wait for me Miss cookie there's an elf in a fairy walking across my desk quick pretend to be toys what a pretty fairy doll and a handsome elf are they yours as well Lucy yes Miss cookie I think I'll put these toys in the drawer as well what are you two doing here we tried to get your wand but a boy saw us did you pretend to be toys yes Nanny good well I think we've been very clever so far no one knows we're not toys but we should teachers draw and we haven't got our ones yes I think we'll have to call for a little help elf rescue hello well if it isn't Nanny Plum let me guess the big children have seen you you've lost your wand and you've been locked in a Cupboard no you've got it all wrong we've been locked in a draw oh all right I suppose I'd better rescue you elf helicopter is go I'm on my way sit tight and don't do any magic he's on his way thank you [Music] see Lucy oh hello wise Odell are you here to rescue Ben and Holly yes watch an elf Ninja at work [Applause] oh bother Miss cookie there's an elf on a string oh this is an odd looking doll yours as well Lucy uh yes Miss cookie I'll put this funny looking Goblin in the draw with the rest of the toys funny looking Goblin funny goblin ah it's the wise old elf here to rescue us yeah uh yes hello I never thought I'd be so glad to see you what's the rescue plan uh will you make a hole in the draw with a special elf rescue drill uh no getting locked in the draw was not part of my plan it wasn't no it's all right Lucy's teacher will let us out at the end of the lesson home time children oh Lucy let me give you your toys back I said it was risky but oh no you don't listen oh it's all right they all think we're toys ah guys oh I must have imagined it right um here are your toys back Lucy the pretty fairy the handsome elf the Fairy Godmother and the strange old Goblin Madam for your information I am not a goblin I'm an elf well done Wise Old elf so much for not being seen by big people now miss cookie knows about us don't worry I'll sort it out hello Miss cookie you must promise not to tell any of your friends that you've been seeing elf and fairies no I promise I won't tell anyone any of my friends that I've been seeing elves and fairies thank you so much bye can I have my ladybird back your ladybird okay [Music] by the way he's a boy and he loves spaghetti bolognese don't you Gaston bye now I've seen everything [Music] hi Lucy good day great so what did you do at school today uh well bye Lucy can we have our ones back of course see you again soon Cheerio Lucy's dad uh Cheerio you're never in a million years guess what I saw today an elf in a helicopter don't tell me you've seen them too um yes maybe we should just keep this between ourselves eh yeah good idea I think we got away with that only a couple of people saw us please say and her dad and all her friends and her teacher thanks to the wise old elf yes maybe we should just keep this between ourselves yes what's it worth [Music] naughty Gaston Holly and Ben please keep Gaston under control sorry Daddy [Music] fly strawberry hello Holly I've come to show you my new pet oh come in hello everyone this is Fufu my rainbow Beetle I say she's very pretty watch this [Music] sit roll over shake hands wow that's amazing I've been taking Fufu to pet school well it's very impressive why can't Gaston do tricks like that Gaston can do tricks really yes we've been teaching him to fetch your slippers oh I'd like to see that Gaston fetch daddy slippers ah good boy Gaston drop the slippers Gaston drop drop oh I hate my slippers sorry Daddy bad Gaston sit Gaston sit I say I think it's about time Gaston was trained he can go to pet school with Fufu good idea strawberry lead the way here we are this is pet school look all our friends are here hello this this my pet to the insect hey Stanley Stone it's all right daddy they're just saying hello this is my pet Bobby hello Bobby B this is my pet Archie the ants hello Archie hello though oh no it's king and queen Marigold well hello how nice to see you we always bring our pedigree green flag to pet training we've brought our ladybird well you remember Lucinda Gucci and Timmy Timmy say hello to the ladybird Timmy out [Music] [Applause] sorry about that look here comes Miss Jolly who's Miss jolly whoa trigger ready boy morning everybody I'm Miss jolly [Music] everyone on time good show well done Archie nice posture Stanley she's funny chin up Bobby that's better let's face the future like we mean it aha a new pet wonderful does he have a name he's called Gaston and I'm Holly I'm Ben and I'm King thistle hello Gaston well no Mr thistle why isn't Gaston wearing a lead ah he never wears a lead nonsense he has to wear a lead to be trained uh he's not really trainable puppycock all pets are trainable by Miss Jolly tell him to sit down ah Gaston sit down please you see it's impossible oh just be firm let your pet know who's boss now let's also show Gaston how we walk with the lead nice and upright that's it do you want to have a go Gaston no don't talk to Gaston like that who's the boss here well I've always thought of Gaston as a friend you're the boss so show him that Gaston heal knees up Gaston chin in the air don't slouch good boy Gaston what a good boy now you do it Mr thistle ah heal not bad but louder sir okay to the obstacle course everyone [Music] now the Seesaw very good [Music] through the tunnel excellent round the poles [Music] and jump over the mud pit fly [Music] come on Gaston jump over remember who's in charge Gaston jump that's it now the Seesaw good work straight through please good boy Gaston round the pose and jump over the mud pit uh-oh Gaston's in the mud he's covered in it no harm in a bit of mud is there Gaston oh no oh no Gaston is going to shake himself dry sorry Miss jolly you're a Mucky pup aren't you Gaston but next time you will jump over now who'd like to show us all a trick me first my green flies can dance [Music] Archie can lift really heavy things wow and they can walk on his front legs Bobby B can do a somersault whoa whoa food can shake hands amazing and what about Gaston I don't know how to fetch shoes excellent but maybe it's not a good time to see it figgle sticks no time like the present Gaston fetch my boot oh no Gaston is going to eat Miss Jolly's boobs hey wow he didn't eat it Gaston is now trained thank you Miss Jolly my pleasure just remember Miss Jolly's simple rule show them who's boss yes seems a bit silly to keep Gaston on the lead that's daddy you're meant to show Gaston who's boss oh I'm sure it wouldn't do any harm just this once there we go [Music] um should we keep Gaston outside Nanny doesn't like his muddy feet indoors oh yes Gaston wait outside oh well I think we can bend the rules just this once hello how was training it was amazing Miss Jolly put Gaston on a lead yes Gaston is completely trained well well he does everything I see really yes he can even fetch shoes properly now goodness are you sure oh yes watch this Gaston fetch the Queen's slippers please oh boy Gaston drop drop drop please ah he's eating my slippers what's he was trained a minute ago but Daddy you did break Miss Jolly's rules yes we were supposed to show Gaston whose boss what do you mean you shouldn't have let him off the lead and you shouldn't have let him come in the castle you're right I should be much firmer with him Gaston sit sit oh well pet school isn't such a big deal anyway the important thing is Gaston knows who's boss come on Gaston off my Throne ah yes I'll just sit down here oh well yes I think Gaston does know who's the Boss [Music]
Channel: Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom – Official Channel
Views: 2,549,786
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #benandholly, #benandhollycartoon, #littlekingdom, ben, ben and holly, ben and holly full episodes, ben and holly little kingdom, ben and holly's little kingdom, ben and holly's little kingdom christmas, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes english, ben holly, ben holly little kingdom, cartoon, holly, holly and ben, little kingdom, nanny plum, princess holly
Id: Df4kb61ybv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 227min 36sec (13656 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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