Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom | Worm Hunting | 1Hour | HD Cartoons for Kids

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I am NOT a mummy bad the chick is hungry mummy bird must give it food I haven't got any foods what do birds eat worms and insects gustl is an insect bastard maybe you should stand back a bit we need to find some worms how with worm charming like this the worms think it is raining and come up to breathe it goes away oh come on everyone try again I give up they're too hard to catch the baby bird is very hungry we really need to find its mommy usually the mommy bird comes when her baby calls but it's not chirping loud enough nanny do a spell to make the chick chip longer of course zigzag Zig make it big I made it to make it louder don't worry snow won't last long how long it could last a minute or a week what kind of sweet things Oh Jimmy oh I can do jelly careful nanny plum we don't want a jelly flood don't worry I know what I'm doing magic basket please jelly jelly but you want more no problem careful nanny plum Oh mr. elf stop fussing jelly jelly a little bit more money oh Jenny goodness me woopi-hey okay I just have to make a lot more [Applause] [Music] [Applause] daddy is showing us the way I can hear something what's that what are they shouting Jerry fat watts Jerry fudge I've got my own back and the ants have got all the jelly bacony channels taken a bit of a flashing I'm glad that's not my piano actually your majesty it is your piano Oh orange juice bear yes please mum it's not an earthquake it's worse than an earthquake it's a woodpecker it's not in my flat whew it's not in my flat here son let me try I believe we have found the bird everybody keep calm and don't panic everybody out run for your life hell I been hello Holly we've got a bird in our tree yes I saw it first it's a woodpecker that's correct I didn't realize your Majesty was interested in birds oh yes I'm a bird spotter here's my badge and then it's very good you turned up we need all the help we can get take me to the bird thank goodness you're here your majesty the woodpecker is in our home it's building a nest and soon there be eggs and baby woodpecker chicks are extremely rare to spot fantastic when they hatch I can come back and tick them off in my book it's got to go now before it lays its eggs it can't go I want to spot the chicks don't ride your hobby horses on the breakfast table I'm sorry your majesty the twins really like ponies at the moment hmm they really want a pet and ponies are lovely pets so pretty and cuddly and they've got lungs where she tails to brush Daisy and poppy would so love a pony jaimé jaimé goodness meet no ponies are ginormous and Daisy and poppy are tiny fairies no pony [Music] maybe the princesses could have another sort of pet I can magic them up a harmless fluffy little pet wait a minute pets need looking after who's going to do all the cleaning up the twins can okay but please make it a sensible pet nanny not a dragon or a-- or guys horse your majesty ah I've got a bad feeling about this don't worry darling nanny plum knows what she's doing I've got a very bad feeling about this we are the magical fairy library now let's find a book on pets hmm a tiger no too big Oh hmm a snake sneaky sneaky no to Wrigley Oh an alligator alligator no too many teeth ah here we go perfect little pets a hamster [Music] stupid creatures because they are so big [Laughter] yes tell me no stupid indeed now children what does the cow give us a picnic yes and what is hasn't brought any with I one is allowed to touch it not even Danny why not because it's very delicate well of course it's not [Music] [Music] teapot Oh mommy will be so sad we won't supposed to touch it while we know what can we do can you fix it with magic well that didn't work Oh nanny will no spell let's ask our no we can't tell anyone what can we do then then add else good at mending things yes and you're in health burn sigh can you help me mend it oh sure please Bend you're my very best friend and you're my only hope ok I've got stuff for mending things at home we but what if someone sees us I can make us invisible I know that spell I believe people make what's kind of by only using today stale bread stale bread who likes stale bread should we put some butter on it that and jam yes we're not gonna catch anything with stale bread old boy stick a bit of jam on its stop I'm the captain so while what about Bunty we do what I say now be quiet fish don't like noise very bossy isn't he this is so exciting Shh everybody now we wait are you sure this is right of course I'm sure come on let me have a go fine you'll see it takes time to catch a fish I've caught a fish Polly grab the net get ready to catch it [Music] wow it's big it's a whopper alright and I caught it it's only a little tiddler it must be the biggest fish in the lake it's too small that was the biggest fish I've ever seen I've seen bigger much much bigger really really it was many years ago when I first met big bad buddy only the biggest hugest most gigantic hissed fish the world has ever seen no it was a dark and stormy night I was out sailing in my favorite boat Hilda when I first saw the body I knew straight away I had to catch him I had to be the fisherman who took him home for the biggest fish dinner in history I tried several different baits hello there unknown mind if I join you huh well thank you I'll only stay for a week or two but we had an orange yes we wouldn't have found you if it weren't for the smell of this orange hate oranges normally yes but I'm on a balanced diet you see before he 10 poised and 20 steamed puddings I need to balance that boy in fruit let's make a fire how do you make a fire mr. elf rub two sticks together really fast like this you have to rub the sticks a little bit faster would you like to hear the interesting thing I know about sticks sticks grow on trees that's because fire is hot I'm hungry me too what a surprise I hardly eaten anything today I've only had 10 toys a skip full of chips 30 apple tarts wow that's a sponge cake on grits sausages and the orange I thought you said you're on a diet um there are some things I don't eat like stones would and television sets nobody eats those things what you're on this diet to all we never knew it was so popular what's for dinner mrs. elf it's still empty that's because it isn't a magic basket it's just an empty basket consuit evil magic castle packet of crisps no aah Oh Holly remember what I said about not needing any magic today well this is an emergency so if you wouldn't mind doing a bit of I dunno a spell for jelly oh no not magic jelly writes too dangerous hmm I could try an ice-cream spell that's easy and there's no chance of that spell going wrong silly bear spells me always that's what makes fun well without magic we're not going to have anything to eat that's right please Holly do your spell [Music] I'm afraid it's only vanilla I don't know how to magic other flavors yet that's fine vanilla is my favorite delicious maybe magic can be useful sometimes thank you princess Holly you're welcome what should we do next make sandcastles making sand castles hmm what's the spell for sand castles Holly you don't need a spell to make sand castles you fill the bucket with sad keep still pretend to be a statue that's odd some of the decorations have fallen off the tree this little elf must go here and this pretty fairy should be at the top of the tree let's deliver Lucy's presents [Music] Christmas what are you doing here we're delivering your Christmas present slow to elves and fairies get presents as well no but tonight we have the elf and fairy face that sounds nice it's beautiful we'd better go Santa's waiting on your roof delicious this drink even betcha we can't start the elf and fairy feast until the others are back well where are they father Christmas gave us a lift on his sleigh Thank You father Christmas would you like to stay for our elf and fairy feast no time I'm afraid I have to deliver presents to all the children of the world oh are you going to make the ice cream with magic oh but Holly your spell's don't always work out quite right max an ice cream is easy-peasy what ah well soon be home yes and it's good to see that the kingdom isn't flooded with frogs or jelly or anything yes oli must be behaving herself [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I did try to stop him Manny but he got worse well thank goodness the king and queen aren't here to see all this mess [Music] it's the king and queen [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi olli hi Ben where's Gaston he hasn't turned up yet oh let's go and find him Gaston I come here to play - Don's not answering I maybe we've upset him but we have such fun together yes he liked when I tip him over and he Wiggles his feet and when I ride on his back but do you think Gaston enjoys it hmm perhaps he doesn't maybe Gaston sad and that's why he won't come out to play oh dear what can we do many planner will know what to do she knows everything about ladybirds good idea [Music] [Applause] [Music] duh happy birthday your majesty here's your K shush any plan sorry there aren't enough candles there should be one for every year for weed nice stop going on about how old I am but darling you're only on no cake take it away no cake I've baked loads of cakes for the party I don't care no cakes and no birthday oh I suppose I'll just have to eat all the cakes myself why doesn't daddy wants a birthday he doesn't like getting older who does okay oh well that's better cancel the fireworks I can't wait for the King's birthday party me too we've got a really big firework to let off yes it's as big as a carer palpable under be music dancing and cakes everyone loves King thistles birthday party while work delivery for King thistles birthday party open is not going to be a party no party King thistle has decided he doesn't like getting older who does I do so there won't be any fireworks now Oh music Oh dancing we'd better take this delivery back to the elfin tree can I stay here with Holly okay bye see you later if we could shakings this up then maybe he'd want to part a good idea Ben I could do a magic spell to cheer the King on really will not work of course but how do you cheer people up with magic I'll show you I booked a dapper Africa duck make Queen sit down or chamber I see what we do here what's he doing he's setting magic spell lemonade we're going to test the wand by turning the lemonade into something else it's called encourage or a monster with a hundred eyes and three legs wait and see [Music] the lemonade has turned into water why would you want to do that that's not magic it's very sensible magic it's rubbish magic well what would you turn it into how about you did magic outside the test oh it's a lemon I meant to turn it into a frog nanny plum my ones not working right it's rustling ooh I see what you mean that doesn't sound right hmm when did you last have this wand serviced ten years ago one should be serviced once a year yeah try that yes that's much better Manny you turned wise old elf into a frog so I did are you going to turn him back again oh I suppose I'll have to silly old owl flatter yourself very good your wand seems to be working perfectly don't wait ten years before getting it serviced again yes I've got some good news and some bad news what's the good news we're not going to king and queen marigolds for dinner tomorrow what's the bad news they're coming here Oh what are we going to do King and Queen marigold will want to eat something special luckily we have the best cook in the whole world yeah thank you your majesty what about baked potato stuffed with potato with chips and mash and a fried egg on top no nanny they will want special Maude food I can cook porridge that's not modern food what is modern food mummy it is very delicate food in tiny portions I can do tiny portion well-done nanny that is small home of course it will get bigger when the magic wears off when is the magic going to wear off nanny um about now excuse me it's not just the size of the food nanny modern cooking is fussy no problem nanny has until tomorrow evening to come up with something yes your majesty good that's that sorted what are you going to do I need to help nanny learn how to cook but nanny plums a very good cook she is the best cook in the world Ben but she can't cook modern food why does she need to cook modern food it's what king and queen marigold like and they're coming to dinner tonight what mummy needs it done happy acorn day when do the squirrels arrive oh I've missed all the fun the squirrels have failed the elf tree with icons daddy ah yes very clever animals those squirrels menace if you're going to live in an oak tree with little windows you might as well put up a sign saying store your acorns here well if I've missed the squirrels I might as well go home goodbye happy acord a happy a wise old elf why don't you just move the Acorn somewhere else squirrels won't let anyone move their acorns watch [Music] what are you going to do now now we're going to move the acorns out of the tree but you said you couldn't move the icons we can't but we can trick the squirrels into moving the acorns for us how wait here you'll see oh it's very clever is it really clever no it's stupid but funny here we are squeak oh why is the wise old elf dressed there's a squirrel because squirrels copy other squirrels now if I move an acorn all the other squirrels will copy me and move their acorns too but don't the squirrels need to store their icons for the winter ha ha yes that's why I'll lead them to the dry hollow log on the top of the big hill your costume looks very heavy yes but it's perfectly balanced by the tail ready for checks ready tail check acorn because I am a princess and I can be the prince yes I'll turn you into a prince by magic can't we just pretend I'm a prince no magic is much better I seem to have turned Ben into a frog I always get frogs and princes mixed up then if you could hear me croak good I'm going to get help wait here [Music] I've turned Ben into a frog oh good you've been practicing your magic it was an accident Ben is not happy being a frog frogs are never happy can you help me turn Ben into himself again all right now calm down I'll fetch my wand while you wait with Ben okay make sure he doesn't hop off frogs do that I know Ben's gone [Music] forever hi hello what's wrong I've turned Ben into a frog and he's hopped off somewhere hmm he'll be at the point that's where frogs live of course come on let's go now I need to practice my lifting I can do that abracadabra [Music] magic we don't have magic at the elf games oh so what do you have we have jumping I can do that we don't have flying either the games are not for fairies just for elves that's not they're fairies can do lots of things without flying all magic like what I can dance like a ballerina okay but we don't have dancing at the elf games pretty we don't have dancing gymnastics all looking pretty at the elf games why not where else we have serious things like jumping running and princess Holly time for your lessons I hello nanny plum Ben's going to be in the elf games can we go to won't it be boring for you princess horny watching us have sweaty little elves running about we don't just one week jump and we lift things look I won this trophy for the high jump last year Wow if you really want a trophy you can have one abracadabra kazar for princess Holly a fancy car you can't just magic up a trophy you have to work for it daddy plums in a bird's nest I'll be alright as long as the eggs don't hatch oh dear Rose baby bad look hungry Oh Baba my wings are still wet it's not pleasant but it's only March I think it's quicksand Nellie plum is sinking into the ground now [Music] Oh nanny plum you smell horrible Wow at least no one else was here to see all that my goodness is that you nanny Club oh yes Queen thistle I'm just teaching the children a few fairy rolls excellent and what fairy rules are you teaching whoa fairies must always look nice lovely glow stylish skin beautifully clean yes I've been showing the children what not to do yes yes strawberry pink this who doesn't want to know all the little details quite right you seem to have everything under control nanny plum please carry on thank you your royalness noticed that nanny plum seemed a bit smelly I thought it was for lady but and now for pudding magic jelly nanny plum please don't make too much this time we don't want a repeat of last year's jelly flood what's happened holy Daisy and poppy always helped me make the pudding but last year we made too much and flooded the whole kingdom with jelly I remember the jelly flood was are you yes that was us it was rather spectacular but it's not going to happen again is it nanny plum don't worry your majesty we've been practicing safe new words that keep the quantity down come along girls can I help - yes Ben children repeat after me magic basket please jelly jelly but not a lot [Music] oh they're a bit small they are quite little aren't they yes we'll need more okay let's try this basket baskets more more MORE phew for a moment there I thought we were going to have another jelly flood magic train train train drop the spoon I could use these are the tomato plants I'm afraid we have tomato bugs oh dear tomato bugs like to eat the tomato plants go away Joe Joe Joe Joe yes if only we could find a way to get rid of them you should be our chief pest controller now we can harvest a tomato carry on right Oh [Music] tomato it is that's why we wear these hard hats but there's another job that's really dangerous whoa what's that can I see it can be quite scary I'm not afraid it is possibly the most dangerous job in the world for an elf what is it collecting what's so dangerous about collecting eggs chickens Wow oh yes that's why we have this high fence and why it's very important to lock this game wait princess Holly well done Daisy and poppy he the twins should make breakfast more often hmm it's quite tasty yeah I'm covered in horrible porridge thanks to my little sister know how holy remember Daisy and poppy are only babies and we'll have this porridge cleared up in a flash I'd forgotten the twins knew how to say more no no when I was a baby the first way that I said was bang that's not a good word for a magical baby today bang ah yes Holly mommy and I were thinking it would be fun if you and your friends played with Daisy and poppy today but daddy it would be a chance for the twins to learn your games mummy hi olli hi Ben coming out to play Holly sorry Fleur I can't come out to play why not Daisy and poppy are with me so we have to play in the courtyard that's a sweet an echo they're not sweet [Music] princess Holly and King thistle here are the finalists your majesty this is a tamato ah very big and this a strawberry also very big and red now I have to make another speech well done everybody for growing this um stuff it all looks very big now without further ado I judge that the winner is better market or perhaps the strawberry tomato daddy thank you using magic yes this happens every time why don't we just see which one tastes the best what a good idea let's taste them he it could be our lunch first the main course the tomato [Music] hmm delicious mouthful pudding the strawberry scrumptious yo yo they're both so very tasty they both win so where's the trophy hope I'm not too late your majesty no you're just in time well done jolly good show hi Dan hi lolly bye ollie that was delicious now I'd like a little nap I'm sorry your majesty there's no time for that this is my very special cupcake recipe using flour honey milk chocolate and an apple yummy now hi Holly I'm helping mum make cakes Oh can I help fairies are good at making cakes of course princess Holly you can help with the stirring that's my favorite bit splashing and splashing the cake mixture whose I'd like more stirring and less splashing and splashing please Holly maybe you should do the stirring okay [Music] very good stone it could have been a bit more splashy next we put the mixture into the cake - can we have one now sorry Ben I have to bake them in the oven first these are elf cakes baked without magic the magic can bake them really quick I'll show you no thanks Holly remember elves don't do magic and where else are the cakes ready yet they haven't even start look I do John stop Holly it's not a good idea to fly around madam spider why man the flutter of our fairy wings is like a fly and she likes to eat flies eat flies yes that's just what spiders do you like to eat ice-cream spiders like sweet flies they have very smelly breath ah excuse me madam spider could we possibly collect a chi drop from your lovely web here it is to make some medicine for the king madam spider says yes I'll get the Dew Drop nanny elves are very good at climbing and I'm an elf [Music] very good now we need the slime from a slug holy perhaps you could do the asking this time you might have to shout a little though because slugs cannot hear very well why is that Manny because they have no ears can't we just take some slime from the ground you can't go around collecting someone else's slime without asking them first it's not polite hello mister slug louder my daddy the king isn't well we need some of your crime to make his medicine can we collect some in this jar please milk thanks nice thank you mrs. witch we've already eaten mrs. witch can we ask you some questions about being a witch of course anything you like are you any good at magic well I don't like to use magic these days because I told you which is the no good at magic and they never use it anyway what's that magic these days I'm retired so you don't chase elves or fairies anymore then oh no I just look witches don't do anything they just smell a bit funny and make horrible cakes what has the magic they're completely harmless she probably can't even do a simple transformation spell that's okay then you changed this horrible wallpaper or make these seats more comfortable you could make tasty cake get some new clothes makeup I'm sorry I had to free his nanny plum she was very rude to me I don't think nanny meant to be rude mrs. rich maybe not but she boss are you going to keep me forever if nanny says sorry she can go nanny say sorry - missus which I will not say sorry I was only trying to help you out yograj lemons no there needs to be shoe shapes Oh now we need something round and juicy for the jacket oh no it's a martyr hmm what can we use for the crown ah Holly you remember king and queen marigold hello and this is my best friend then elf hello Ben I must say your skills are quite um charming yes nice and sensible oh is it the country look I think the way one dresses is very important my husband won't be a moment he's just changing into his new clothes new clothes that sounds interesting well it is an experiment [Music] sorry to keep you waiting fantastic outstanding really well the jacket feels a bit soggy actually it looks wonderful you're fresh and exciting nope we were just saying how important it is to think carefully about what you wear oh I don't think I think it's all oh what's that yes I was worried that might happen tricky things magic clothes this is nothing to do with me my wife chose it that yes Maisy I prefer cheese sandwiches one bucket of tea mr. Nam needs a deck chair and a fishing rod quickly so he can pretend to fish oh dear I thought this might happen we have flattened all the hills so goodbye thank you boys all else or you will also believe in a windmill what a working windmill is a very difficult thing to build oh it mustn't actually work no just pretend but with sails that go round all right we're building a pretend windmill for the gnome yes it mustn't actually work it's just silly but it looks fun cannoli and I help you oh yes please now we can fix the sails [Music] ah is it dinner time or yummy thanks Manny yes this food is delicious well I suppose I'd better magic up some special lazy bird food by a lady Birds growl food smelly and found Gaston loves smelly food why isn't he eating it then Gaston says it's too cold oh hello Gaston have a little taste if you like Gaston Gaston says it's just right and a bad day maybe not forever but he can stay until his house is mended this oh gosh Tom's getting better splendid Gaston says that this TV program is a bit boring how about this one this programs too noisy this program is just bright Gaston's not sneezing anymore so now Gaston was better maybe he can go home but daddy Gaston can't go home until his home is mended he might catch enough I did mommy say being a tooth fairy there are lots of things you need to be careful of when you're flying at night like cobwebs for instance good evening madam spider sorry for damaging your web but the young elf is a very experienced at night flying [Music] well done Holly you found a little girl's house and that's the little girl she doesn't look very little Wow look at that big girl shush she's also got big ears to hear us with so be very quiet follow me beats your wings as I said we must be very careful this is the tricky bit I have to get the tooth from under the pillow without waking the little girl [Music] gently pillow oh wow very tease right [Music] stock one two three four oh thanks Ben that's what I call a big baby tooth what about the coin mammy here it is y'all know what's wrong yeah the little girls witness and letter what a nuisance nanny plum I'd like some bread with my egg please I'm sorry your majesty we haven't any bread this morning no bread then please magic some up I can't magic up bread without flour and we've run out of flour we'll can't we order more flour from the elves I have but as usual the elf truck is late [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi food delivery I love mr. Alf King missile is waiting for his breakfast well today we've got mushrooms tomatoes baked beans and of course eggs that should make a splendid Kings breakfast yes yes thank you mr. Alf but the only thing I need today is flour flour yes flour for making breads the king wants bread no problem we'll pick up a bag of flour from the elf windmill Thank You mr. Alf let's see we should be able to deliver it next week next week but I need flour today ah you know what they say you can't rush the elf windmill hmm maybe I should visit this elf windmill of course nanny plum we can take you if you like the windmill sounds fun and I can't a of course hop aboard princess Holly [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom – Official Channel
Views: 9,368,920
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ben and holly's little kingdom, ben and holly, #benandholly, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes, #littlekingdom, #benandhollycartoon, holly and ben, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes english, ben and holly little kingdom, princess holly, cartoon, little kingdom, ben holly little kingdom, ben, ben holly, holly, ben and holly full episodes, ben and holly's little kingdom christmas, nanny plum
Id: oQdTB8V0jAs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 17sec (3917 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 26 2019
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