Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom | Ben And Holly Stuck In The Ice ❄️ 1Hour | HD Cartoons for Kids

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leave your problem with elf man and fairy girl we'll take care of it thank you elf boy ah elf man we have to find strawberry secret hideout and tell her to stop the snow the whole of the little kingdom is freezing cold even in here yes my bottom is getting cold sitting on the ice throne couldn't you be the sunshine queen instead it's too late now i'm strawberry ice queen strawberry's hideout must be around here somewhere we need to look out for a sort of place that a super villain ice queen might live in uh like that wow a giant palace of ice this is better than the elf cave any day no it's not it's just showing off [Music] not so fast strawberry ice queen what brings you here elf boy elf man i've come to stop you but you can't stop me i'm the ice cream oh that's cold strawberry the grown-ups are a bit cross about all the freezing snow oops are they yes are we in trouble i don't think we're in trouble as long as the game is over okay do i win no the goodies win that's not fair you're stuck in the ice oh okay you win hey finally i can get rid of the ice throne my bottom is freezing [Music] oh good the sun is out i need something to do that's not relaxing it is for me i relax by being very busy maybe i'll explore the island i could work out how big it is do you think there'll be anyone else on the island no i don't think so ah footsteps oh so something does live here yes a wild beast let's follow its tracks and find it all right but we must take care the wild beast might be dangerous the tracks lead to this bush there's something in there the wild beast [Music] it's gaston how did you get here oh well what's that you hid in the plane swam ashore when we weren't looking and hid in the bushes you say oh clever gaston but i thought i said no pets gaston could be useful dad gaston we need food can you find sam gaston's good at sniffing out food a coconut it's huge yes enough food and drink to last us for weeks well done gaston stand clear hey you know this holiday isn't so bad after all i shall call this place elf island ben and holly have been gone for ages i do miss them me too oh what's that it's a message in a bottle it's from ben it says trapped on a desert island dad board please rescue let's go and tell the wise old elf well this will be the best party ever what do you think gaston would like for his birthday present a squeaky toy very good now to wrap it spotty wrapping paper brilliant hello i finished my bath oh oh what are you doing relax darling it's nothing to do with you a likely story it really isn't so stop fussing uh fine hmm can i smell cakes i thought so what's going on nanny are you baking cakes yes i am these cakes had better not be for me they're not now shoot go on i haven't got time to talk to you i suppose it is nice that they want to give me a party so much what shall we do for gaston's birthday card let's draw a picture of gaston good idea hello holly hello daddy we're making a birthday card i don't suppose it's for me is it no no of course not ah i don't think my face is that red and i don't have black spots i told you daddy it's not for you oh yes so you did ben hello dad do you want to help deliver the party invitations yes please off we go they're delivering invitations for my party how sweet [Music] special delivery invitations to gaston's birthday gaston's party is tomorrow at the frog pond are you all coming yes of course we are we're next we mustn't forget gaston it is his party [Music] there you go gaston an invitation to your very own birthday gaston loves eating lettuce you're doing very well daddy it's rather dull why don't i speed things up with some magic no daddy the elves don't like magic your job looks fun let's swap of course your majesty much better oh this is fun part of starboard which way starboard why can't they just say left or right we've hit a rock abandoned hello your majesty how's everything going very well but that ship wasn't strong enough have you got another one maybe you're not cut out to be a sailor your majesty what other jobs did the elf ladies say i could do the toy factory daddy that would be fun it's the king i'm not the king today i'm just a humble factory worker like you lot but we need a king to inspect the toys okay i'll be king for a second it's perfect right now i'm just a humble factory worker again what do i do press this button and out comes the gloop what about something a bit more interesting making the toys no your majesty the painting perhaps not the packing no today you are the gloop elf very good daddy i think i'm really getting the hang of this don't go so fast what go faster all right how are you getting on your majesty perhaps you're not suited to factory work your majesty what was the last job on the list working on the farm daddy the king has arrived to start our harvest dance hooray i'm not the king today i'm here to do farm work but wow ben tricking the jack door to open its mouth i would never have thought of that uh yes elves are very good at that sort of thing we should go before the jackdaw works out what to do next okay [Music] get out [Music] nanny ben found my wand that's very nice but you really shouldn't have lost it in the first place yes nanny plum now ben i understand we have you to thank for finding holly's wand it was nothing really i think a reward is in order i hear you want a new magic hat um yes it can be my thank you to ben no please don't bother stay very still ben and holly wave the wand gently yes nanny plum abracazat magic ben a hat wow it worked it's all down to wand control and it's a nice cowboy hat ben thanks for finding my wand sorry i didn't believe your plan would work and i'm sorry i didn't trust your magic hat spell oh no the magic hat has turned ben blue how do i look um i think your old hat suits you better me too abraca zombie ah it's good to have my old hat back again and it's nice to have you back wand i will never lose you again let's tell everyone to get baking daddy daddy an apple fell on mrs fix magic school and now the school has a big hole in it oh dear that's a shame mrs figg is asking everybody to bake cakes to raise money baitcakes uh well don't tell your mother about that about what darling mrs figg is running a cake still oh how exciting i'll bake some cakes really there's no need mrs figg needs them today then i better start straight away oh no what is it daddy your mother is not very good at baking cakes oh she bakes horrible cakes and she gets very upset if anyone doesn't like them dum dum that's odd who's in my kitchen the queen baking cakes yes nanny plum would you like to try a cake maybe later cakes cakes the queen's baking cakes i know we'll have to leave the country pack a bag everyone the queen's cakes can't be that bad they're worse than bad they're cake time who wants to try my lovely cakes [Applause] i've got rock cakes fudge cake and gingerbread they look lovely in fact they look too good to eat you don't want to eat them do you you think they're worried no no no i can't wait to try them have a rock cake ow did you just say ow no i said oh is it nice it's inedible i mean incredible but maybe i'll save it for later try the fudge cake ah isn't it someone else's turn don't you want my fudge cake of course i do what do you think tasty are you all right daddy my mother's first we need something to turn into shoes lemons no they need to be shoe shaped ah carrots now we need something round and juicy for the jacket a lemon no a tomato hmm what can we use for the crown oh holly you remember king and queen marigold hello princess holler hello and this is my best friend ben elf hello ben i must say your clothes are quite um charming yes nice and uh sensible oh is it the country look uh i think the way one dresses is very important my husband won't be a moment he's just changing into his new clothes new clothes that sounds interesting well it is an experiment [Music] sorry to keep you waiting oh that's fantastic outstanding oh really well the jacket feels a bit soggy actually it looks wonderful so fresh and exciting we were just saying how important it is to think carefully about what you wear oh i don't think i think at all oh i say [Music] what's that yes i was worried that might happen tricky things magic clothes silly daddy you've got a lemon on your head this is nothing to do with me my wife chose it abracadabra [Music] i didn't expect that to happen we need to rest too hard i could do another spell no no i've got a better idea [Music] [Music] that's better brilliant hello holly oh hello daddy what an earth is going on uh ben's in a spot of bother ah i see liberty flop stop stop stop [Music] what were you doing to that poor creature you were just trying to help her betty's sad that she can't fly i see well you needn't worry she'll be flying soon enough on her own how well because she's one of those uh insect things a caterpillar thank you ben yes a caterpillar and they change don't they do they of course they do so you've nothing to worry about uh right if you want to help you can find her some leaves to eat so if we want to help her fly we have to find more leaves exactly she needs to eat lots and lots of leaves no no you all have to have a nice day's holiday it's the lore [Music] [Applause] [Music] now what do you eat on holiday ice cream yes that's it you shall all eat ice cream thank you [Applause] [Music] where are we going to the kitchen we can use nellycam's cauldron to make the ice cream oh are you going to make the ice cream with magic of course i am but holly your spells don't always work out quite right making ice cream is easy peasy watch africa do africa ice cream for everyone all day long see it worked wow ice creams for everyone thank you i'll be back with more oh that's quite a lot will it stop soon i think i told you to make ice cream all day long oh dear [Music] ah we'll soon be home yes and it's good to see that the kingdom isn't flooded with frogs or jelly or anything yes holly must be behaving herself there's too many ice creams make it stop holly make it stop um [Music] stop stop stop for you that's better i am nanny plum for today good morning nanny plum today's magic lesson is magic always leads to trouble so don't do magic the end is that it yes now i think i'll have a little nap so this is nanny palam's bedroom it's all flowers bunnies and cushions lovely isn't it at least i can have a little sleep ah it's so soft it's not a bed it's a giant pudding what's next the wise old elf has a little nap so this is the wise old elf's bedroom how could a room be more boring ow that's not a bad it's a plank of wood why is old elf please report to elf rescue oh what now you have to sit here and wait for the red phone to ring if the red phone rings you launch elf rescue and save people from deadly peril are the biscuits yes oh goody oh how could a bed be so soft oh what is it now nanny i want a snack okay your majesty aha jelly your snack king thistle lovely what is it jelly oh that's magic jelly we don't want a jelly flood oh there's not going to be a jelly flood but all it takes is someone to shout magic jelly more more more who would be foolish enough to shout magic jelly and these are my toys let's play hide and seek one two three four five six seven eight nine ten coming ready or not let's play another game huh bedtime princess holly manny say hello to my friends fluffy tiddles mopsy and ben um hello good night froggies [Music] [Music] good morning ben are you coming out to play holly i'm a bit busy ben i'm playing with my frogs frogs this one's very good at running and jumping i've called him ben oh see you later okay bye [Music] do something about these frogs please nanny plum they do seem to be getting bigger and noisier if they're smaller perhaps they'll be quieter slimy eating the flies shrink to half your size ah lucy could you get bessie to stand up please i'm sorry cows never get up when it's raining daddy plum you may now use magic if you wish i didn't think you liked magic just get me out if you're sure i'm now what was i saying the last thing you said was that's the sound you made when the cow sat on you thank you strawberry oh no it's a thunderstorm everyone back on the bus lucy you'd better go indoors but i can't i have to get all the animals into the barn first franks can help but what about bessie and the chickens maybe i could try magicking them into the barn oh no it's too wet for my one to work it is working look it's not magic it's gaston he's copying next the sheep dog [Music] gaston's a sheep ladybird [Music] thanks for all your help here take some milk with you oh okay hooray for lucy and hooray for the little fairies and elves hey calm i'm floating off into deep space elf rocket this is mission control what's going on up there nanny plum opens the door and is now lost in space oh dear that's a shame well never mind on with a mission no we have to rescue nanny plum oh i suppose we must i'll rescue nanny me too all right you're all tied to this rope so you won't drift away are you ready ready we're coming nanny plum hold on hold on hold on to what oh no we can't reach nanny plum mr ralph the rope isn't long enough oh no lost in space and i never even went to the toilet here's your lasso ben thanks dad keep still i'm going to throw this lasso around your waist got you hey you rescued manny plum thank you ben thank you everyone for rescuing me let that be a lesson to you nanny plum no more opening doors i was just having a look around well please don't look around this is a serious mission elf honor is at stake well i'm very sorry i won't touch anything again fair is honor good now everybody strap themselves in our next stop is the moon oh good the sooner we get there the sooner we can have our picnic for the last time nanny plum there will be no picnic on the moon this adventure continues in our next episode picnic on the moon because i am a princess and i can be the prince yes i'll turn you into a prince by magic can't we just pretend i'm a prince no magic is much better abraca zombie [Music] oh i seem to have turned ben into a frog huh i always get frogs and princes mixed up ben if you can hear me croak good i'm going to get help wait here come quick i've turned ben into a frog oh good you've been practicing your magic no no it was an accident ben is not happy being a frog frogs are never happy can you help me turn ben into himself again all right now calm down i'll fetch my wand while you wait with ben okay make sure he doesn't hop off frogs do that [Music] i know ben's gone now i'll never find ben and he'll be a frog forever hi holly hello violet what's wrong i've turned ben into a frog and he's hopped off somewhere hmm he'll be at the pond that's where frogs live of course come on let's go and find him holly look yes that must be ben hello never mind daddy you can sit on this little chair [Music] yummy thanks manny yes this food is delicious i suppose i'd better magic up some special ladybird food by a ladybird's growl food smelly and found [Music] gaston loves smelly food why isn't he eating it then gaston says it's too cold uh hello gaston daddy i think he wants to try your food have a little taste if you like gaston [Music] gaston says it's just right it's such fun having gaston visit us can he stay with us forever and ever daddy uh maybe not forever but he can stay until his house is mended and the weather in the little kingdom today will be bright and sunny look gaston says that this tv program is a bit boring how about this one and this program's too noisy [Music] [Applause] oh this program is just right look daddy gaston's not sneezing anymore that's what i was saying we fairies always take an empty basket on picnics magic basket please can i have um spaghetti bolognese oh it's still empty that's because it isn't a magic basket it's just an empty basket can't city for magikarp a packet of crisps no i uh holly remember what i said about not needing any magicking today yes mr elf well this is an emergency so if you wouldn't mind doing a bit of magicking you want me to do magicking yes please hmm i do know spell for magic jelly oh no not magic jelly right too dangerous hmm i could try an ice cream spell that's easy and there's no chance of that spell going wrong silly ben spells nearly always go a bit wrong that's what makes some fun well without magic we're not going to have anything to eat that's right please holly do your spell abracadabra ice cream i'm afraid it's only vanilla i don't know how to magic other flavors yet that's fine vanilla is my favorite delicious maybe magic can be useful sometimes thank you princess holly you're welcome ah what should we do next make sandcastles i love making sandcastles a nanny plum you can turn yourself back now i don't think nanny plum can turn herself back again she can't pick up her wand oh what a shame now for your homework that's manny plum we can't leave her as a frog can't we oh i suppose not er which fairy wants to turn her back again all right holly do your best um i'm not sure what spell to use i'm sure nanny plum would want you to just have a go anyway okay i'll try this um oh it works oh thank you holly oops sorry nanny you did very well holly but you shook your wand a bit too hard abracaberry frog to fairy you see children it's all in the wand control yes nanny plum fascinating mistress palum but if we might return to nature class yes children what mr old elf is trying to say is that that brings today's nature class to a close that was the bestest ever nature class thank you strawberry it was excellently cool thank you barnaby so from now on nanny plum and the wise old elf always teach us nature class together uh all right oh if you insist [Music] oh holly i don't think we should use a magic key magic can be dangerous i'm sure it will be okay whatever happens it'll be fun all right okay let's see what happens master what is your name is that what it's supposed to do i don't know uh i'm ben elf ben elf you are my master we thought robots went [Music] oh no put us down you silly robot put the girls only answer to my master bed elf robot up put the fairies down please yes ben elf and say sorry sorry that was a bit scary hmm it's not like a normal toy robot i think my key might have made it a bit magic but it seems to do what i say so we should be okay hello boys and girls what do you have there we found a toy robot it was broken so we mended it well done ah yes this is the old mark z33 built by the elf factory hmm it was a rather basic model uh please don't get it angry i beg your pardon nanny that's not a swan it looks like a hen or a duck maybe it looks lovely i like ducks this way do keep up this is our finest and most treasured collection of all antique toys amazing you must play in here all the time i could play here forever this monkey is over a hundred years old [Music] and this clown is over 200 years old apparently they were made at the elf factory by someone called the wise old elf we know the wise old elf you know the wise old elf what's he like he's wise he's old he's he's a grumpy old elf that's a bit clever [Music] this is my favorite toy a clockwork fairground ride but sadly it's broken don't worry i can mend it i don't think so it needs to be seen by an expert elves are experts and i'm an elf [Music] and i can help you don't touch these toys must not be touched by children we'll have to touch it to mend it okay [Music] [Applause] i hear the sound of excited little ones and something else we must not enter honestly what a lot of fuss about a terrible magical force of unimaginable power i'll handle hanselvis good luck me brave little pumpkin what can you see terrible things red beards to [Music] you're safe now my plum pudding i've seen many a terrible thing at sea but nothing nothing as bad as what i saw in that room that's why we tend to keep the door locked good the party's over it all went rather well i thought but what about the jelly we haven't had magic jelly yet magic jelly jelly all right nanny but please don't make too much this time magic jelly that's good the party must be almost over oh raspberry have you had a nice time yes mummy chocolate say thank you for having me thank you for having me it was a pleasure goodbye nettles ow she stung me again it's raspberry's birthday next we here you've got a children's entertainer who's good with toddlers yes here he is the great wizardo um wonderful see you all at raspberry's party then party party i know let's ask nanny plum if it's going to snow why ask nanny plum nanny can tell the future ha this i must see you can tell the future can't you i certainly can can you tell if it's going to snow today yes i'll use my special snow forecasting globe oh i see you gaze into the crystal ball and it tells our fortune i suppose no you just shake it like this there we are it'll snow today stop stop stop how on earth can that thing predict the weather it's never been wrong what if you shook it in the summer well you don't shake it in the summer obviously that would be silly well you can't tell exactly when it's going to snow can you yes i can it's going to snow now abracadabra that's cheating no it's not make it snow nannies made it snow let's go and see it it's snowing inside wow it's snowing in the sitting room is this your doing yes it is inside is for sitting in armchairs and reading outside is for snow inside outside whatever nanny plum you're fired don't be silly what happens next next is the paint room this is where the toys are painted what's fun hello everybody every elf has their bit to paint one paints the eyes another the mouth and another the hair amazing i thought it would be all done by a machine no we do it all by hand it looks such hard work elves like hard work and where else well thank goodness i'm a fairy shush nanny once the dress is painted the doll goes through to the dryer and then it's packed ready for delivery [Music] here we are the finished doll a perfect example of elf workmanship isn't the doll's dress supposed to be red what oh you're quite right princess holly oh never mind some mistakes occur when you're making so many dolls but they've all got blue dresses oh she's right we'll have to unpack them all and paint them again but there's not enough time i could sort this out in a moment with a bit of magic magic is not allowed in the elf factory okay i'll just ring up father christmas and tell him what's happened i'm sure he'll understand no no don't bring father christmas uh maybe nanny plum can use a bit of magic just this once good first i need my wand [Music] ah hello wands i'm sorry i had to freeze nanny plum she was very rude to me i don't think nanny meant to be rude mrs witch maybe not but she was are you going to keep nanny frozen forever no if nanny says sorry she can go nanny say sorry to mrs witch i will not say sorry i was only trying to help you out your grumpy old witch oh so you won't let nanny go nope we should get help uh is it all right if we go mrs witch of course you have both been delightful company what's your plan we have to get the king yes daddy can tell the witch off then she'll let nanny go bye-bye uh bye thank you very much for having us yes thank you mrs witch goodbye bye bye quick run [Music] daddy daddy nanny plum made mrs witch really angry and now nanny's frozen like a statue oh dear daddy if we don't do something the nanny will stay frozen forever hmm we'll never see nanny again how sad and there'll be no more lovely dinners no dinners what nunny plum frozen yes show me where mrs witch lives [Music] tomorrow [Music] that looks dangerous it is that's why we wear these hard hats but there's another job that's really dangerous oh what's that can i see it can be quite scary i'm not afraid it is possibly the most dangerous job in the world for an elf what is it collecting eggs what's so dangerous about collecting eggs chickens [Music] wow they're big aren't they yes that's why we have this high fence and why it's very important to lock this gate these chickens don't look dangerous it's collecting eggs that's dangerous how do you collect an egg an elf must run very quickly to the egg pick it up and run away with it as quick as they can what happens if they're not quick enough they get saturn now you see how important it is that the gate is locked at all times a chicken's escaped catch that chicken oh no i didn't mean to do that don't worry holly i'll fix it i've still got my magic wand but money magic isn't allowed at elf school oh it'll be all right no one will notice knickknack now lend this owl what was that loud bang uh i think there's a bit of a storm brewing outside hmm well as long as there's no magic going on i assure you mr old elf princess holly is not using magic naughty nanny plum oh sauce now it's time to paint our toys remember be very careful a little paint goes a long long way [Music] i bother doing things without magic is very hard maybe you need just a teeny tiny bit of magic oh are you sure trust me zig zag zoy paint this toy miss holly are you doing magic no wise old elf not me i think it's just the storm outside it must be really close now there's something funny going on around here why's old elf what do we do next a good question holly and i'm princess holly but you can call me holly that's nice you can call me mr gnome i need a deck chair and a fishing rod why do you need a fishing rod on a golf course so i can pretend to fish pretend to fish moles don't like it when i pretend to fish no quick before the mole comes back abracadabra cheese sandwiches one bucket of tea needs a deck chair and a fishing rod quickly so he can pretend to fish oh dear i thought this might happen we have flattened all the hills so um goodbye thank you wise old elf i will also be needing a windmill what a working windmill is a very difficult thing to build oh it mustn't actually work no just pretend but with sails that go round oh all right sandwiches tea chair and fishing rod most coins [Music] what's that noise wise old elf what are you doing we're building a pretend windmill for the gnome a pretend windmill yes it mustn't actually work it's just silly but it looks fun princess holly could you remind us what your tune sounded like please i don't suppose you love can read music well i haven't seen this particular piece before you played that perfectly perfect for you maybe but it's not elf music elf music has umpa umpa like this [Applause] just remember you are playing for king and queen marigold and they are very snooty we like umpire music but king and queen marigold don't quite so play holly's tune please [Music] lovely uh holly do the elf band sound any better yes daddy they've been practicing all day okay let's hear them [Music] play much better yes it's charming but i still don't think king and queen marigold will like it why mummy king and queen marigold don't like country things and the instruments sound so uh rough i can fix that how i'll just use magic to make the instrument sound more normal play me a tune mr elf these are magic books you just ask them excuse me books where do the stars go in the daytime do you have anything about stars at all look at all the fancy writing what does it say has it got the answer it says little star we ask you to make our wishes all come true oh it's just a spell for wishing on a star oh i think these magic books are only for making spells not for answering questions but nanny why don't you know the answer i'm nanny plum not an astrophysicist astrophysicist what's that oh it's just someone who knows a lot about stars and space and things elves know a lot about things we could ask my mum and dad are your mum and dad astrophysicists uh maybe let's go and see [Music] hello my goodness mum dad are you astrophysicists no we're elves do you know where the stars go in the day time ah no nobody knows the answer maybe we could ask the wise old elf yes he's wise he's old and he's [Music] this is the wise old help study where he thinks about things [Music] that's the cockrell crow princess holly time for fairies to get up is it morning already [Music] breakfasts ready holly thank you nanny plum let's get your hair brushed holly and here's your crown [Music] all done mornings are such hard work [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello nanny plum what is it ben i haven't got time to be answering the door to elves can holly come out to play i'm afraid princess holly is too busy too hi ben hi holly i've got a new watch wow is it a real watch yes you can hear it ticking oh yes can you tell the time ben not yet but we're going to learn how to tell the time at school today yes well i'm sure you don't want to be late i'm an elf elves are never late bye holly bye ben i wish i had to watch whatever for princess holly if i had to watch i could tell the time we failers don't need watches we have different ways of telling the time like what nanny we have dandelion clocks here's a good one how can a dandelion tell the time we count how many puffs it takes to blow away all the seeds like this one two three it took three puffs that means three o'clock holly you've broken the queen's teapot oh no mommy will be so sad we weren't supposed to touch it were we no what can we do can you fix it with magic uh i'll try abracadabra [Music] [Music] well that didn't work nanny will know a spell let's ask her no we can't tell anyone what can we do then uh ben aren't elves good at mending things uh yes and you're an elf ben elf so can you help me mend it uh i'm not sure please ben you're my very best friend and you're my only hope uh okay i've got stuff for mending things at home we can carry the pieces in this box but what if someone sees us i can make us invisible i know that spell abracadibly dibble make us invisible hey it worked come on there's money bed be quiet i'd bother my invisible spell has worn off that's all right we're nearly there no one will see us now hello ben hello princess holly [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom – Official Channel
Views: 4,001,121
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ben and holly's little kingdom, ben and holly, #benandholly, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes, #littlekingdom, #benandhollycartoon, holly and ben, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes english, ben and holly little kingdom, princess holly, cartoon, little kingdom, ben holly little kingdom, ben, ben holly, holly, ben and holly full episodes, ben and holly's little kingdom christmas, nanny plum
Id: slVzliquTjg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 26sec (3746 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2019
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