Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom | No Magic Today? | 1Hour | HD Cartoons for Kids

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hello figgy remember me ah nanny plum how could i forget i told you i was her best pupil in all my years of teaching nanny plum i never had another pupil like you thank you and i am the wise old elf elves at magic school yes we're here to see the magic all go wrong nothing will go wrong at mrs fegg's magic school now who do we have here i'm princess holly princess holly what do you and your little friends know about magic oh i've taught them lots of things let's say you know nothing now what's the most important rule of magic don't do magic correct what but where's the fun in that magic is not meant to be fun i like this lesson magic is only meant to be used for sensible things by sensible people no pretend you were in the kitchen doing the washing up are you going to wash the dirty dishes using magic yes stop that's just the sort of thing you can do by hand what that's just plain wrong but if you come across a particularly stubborn stain on a saucepan then perhaps you could use magic leave it to soak overnight why not just magic the whole lot clean and get on with something fun i am the teacher nanny plum sorry figgy and no for the magic lesson hooray first we have to warm up let's start with a little jog no not the joking outside chop chop run around everyone what does running have to do with magic nothing who wants a badge eh everyone step forward and tell me what badge you'd like you first rosie can i have an adventure batch please one adventure badge but but can i have a sailing badge of course one sailing badge strawberry what would you like a knots badge please here you go stop it stop it at once you don't just hand out badges why not you have to earn your badges to get my adventure badge i had to spend three days camping in the wild well i watched a whole night of tv for my watching tv badge watching tv badge that's not what the fox cubs are about the fox cubs are about having adventures in the wild adventures do sound like fun we like adventures mr ralph can we have an adventure in the wild well it's not up to me it's up to fluffy owl oh very well follow me everyone okay here we are having an adventure what do we do well imagine we had to look for food how do we find food here fluffy owl why don't you show the children how to find food in the wild all right this way everyone now they'll see it's not easy to find food in the wild hiya we found food ice cream ice cream yes from the ice cream van over there but that's cheating look you said find some food so we did now you're changing the rules we got you a raspberry ripple mr elf okay moving on from finding food does anybody know how to make a shelter oh me me i brought my tent watch this there we go [Music] it's got five bedrooms a bathroom a television and even a cellar oh it's amazing magic jelly lots and lots what's a daisy used a bit too much magic there nanny palum do you even have a magic license of course i do oh dear it's expired what does that mean it means it's worthless can't i do magic then no it's against the law no grown-up fairy can do magic without a license what i'm taking away your wand you can't do that i just did it's an outrage the king will be very angry [Laughter] it's not funny you're right it's not funny nanny does not have a license she must not do magic yes yes wise old elf but maybe we can overlook it just this once as its nanny it's because it is nanny we shouldn't overlook it she's dangerous wise old elf i am your king and i must yes is your license up to date your majesty my license well i'm sure i mean i i i maybe i should take a look uh no need for that the wise old elf is right nanny plum rules are rules what so i can never do magic again of course you can uh can she she will have to go back to magic school first magic school yes mrs figgs magic school oh [Music] hello figgy my name is mrs figg you remember me don't you how could i forget in all my years of teaching i never had another pupil like you thank you i was her best pupil big what are the twins up to they sound like a herd of elephants they're being very noisy ah good they've gone quiet quiet isn't good it means they're up to something you better go up and see nanny yes your majesty [Music] daisy poppy dolly daisy poppy what have you done turn me back at once hello i'm dolly plum dolly plums is lots of fun nan is taking a long time should we have a look you know what the twins are like naughty very naughty i'm dolly plum change my nappy please i didn't know the twins had a nanny plum doll they don't i think that is nanny plum that's right it is me can you please turn me back poor nanny oh thank you not all this noise again couldn't you be a dolly for a while just to keep them quiet no way i have a lot of work to get on with there's the washing in the eyes ah peace and quiet carry on danny now what am i going to do i won't get any work done if i stay like this don't worry nanny i can turn you back oh thanks holly now the twins are crying again i know the elves could make a nanny plum doll elves are good at making things and i'm an elf he good idea ben why's old elf can you make a nanny plum doll it's for the twins well now what does this doll look like uh it looks like that oh i see daisy poppy you turned me back this instant or i'll i'm dolly plum feed me please dave's not silly mr elf he knows not to do it in a plane everything okay back there uh yes dad don't do it again dave nanny plum where is dragon land dragon land isn't marked on any maps it's the only place the dragons can get some peace and quiet nowadays here we are dragon land i'll open the back of the plane get ready to chuck him out shut him out dad he can fly can't he oh all right i'll land but we mustn't stay long [Music] it's so hot here and everything's burnt yes dave feels right at home marvelous ah let's get going then shall we nanny how big is a grown-up dragon think of the biggest thing that you can think of and it's bigger than that bigger than a horse much bigger bigger than an elephant yeah you're getting there [Music] wow a grown-up dragon is ginormous right then home time but we haven't said goodbye to dave okay quickly goodbye dave this is where you belong this is your home oh well don't worry gaston maybe dave can come and visit you wow more dragons lovely well maybe we should be thinking about leaving can't we stay a bit longer no run bye bye dave right fast seat belts and off we go whoa looks like we got away with that one [Music] nice dragon don't be fire now don't breathe fire nice dragon [Music] hello hello i've just moved into the neighborhood i'm a fairy what's your name it's barnaby oh no it's a bamboo i'm a fairy oops um i mean uh i'm a fairy well come in say hello to bamboo everyone hello bamboo look we're building a viking bike the elves are building one too but ours is bigger oh you don't say much do you bamboo no um i'm a fairy oops i mean bamboo do i know you from somewhere no well i better be going it was nice to meet you bye [Music] mission accomplished i found out all about the ferry's viking boats what's it like it's big bigger than ours then we'll start again we'll make the biggest viking boat ever yes wise you weren't discovered were you barnaby no they never suspected i know where i've seen bamboo before he was barnaby in disguise oh the elves are spying on us that's outrageous but didn't we spy on them that was different we thought of spying first so now the elves know all about our boat fine we'll just find out more about theirs strawberry you can be our spy all right you need to look like an elf bye bye wings hello ears [Music] she still looks a lot like strawberry though hmm yes let's add a disguise perfect [Music] it's a good job none of you get seasick my tummy nanny tom you've gone green oh sorry i mean woman overboard catch hold of this light belt oh i fell in the sea it was a horrible perhaps those sailors were right it is bad luck having a woman on board bad luck for the woman i just want to get off this rocking boat and onto solid ground lander high straight ahead ah a little island ah it's so nice to stand on something that isn't moving redbed do islands normally have fins not as a rule no what about eyes hardly ever it's lovely being on dry land uh i think you should come back now no i want to stay here pick me up on the way home nanny plum hurry i'm not leaving this island i wouldn't exactly call that an island why not because it's a fish and a whopping big one it's big bad furry ah help me don't worry you're in no danger as long as he doesn't think you're food like a fly or something nanny does look like a fly ah i'm not a fly i'm not a fly ah get away don't let barry catch you oh don't flap your wings so much nanny fly faster nanny don't look so like a fly will you now she looks a bit like a worm on a hook oh fish like eating worms i'm not a worm i'm not a worm what maybe it wasn't such a good idea to use a fishing rod danny i want a snack okay your majesty aha jelly your snack king thistle lovely what is it jelly oh that's magic jelly we don't want a jelly flood oh there's not going to be a jelly flood but all it takes is someone to shout magic jelly more more more who would be foolish enough to shout magic jelly ball oops [Music] can somebody answer the phone i'm busy using biscuits nanny you're in charge oh all right hello elf rescue here it had better be something important um i seem to have made a jelly flood can you rescue us please okey-dokey i'll rescue it go little gentle thing elf rocket a-okay elf flame a-okay [Music] thank goodness you're here elf rescue a jelly flood isn't a job for alf rescue it's a job for nanny plum magic time [Music] thank you neddy being you for a day wasn't easy and it wasn't easy being you either ah i'm nanny plum again and i'm the wise old elf good everything is back to normal can i celebrate by turning you into a frog don't even think about turning me into a frog tight everyone [Music] wow [Music] [Music] how can we hide the treasure with all the dwarves around i know i'm good at voices this is the dwarf boss come on lads let's go go go that's brilliant now watch this all right boys take break well done nanny plum no probs right let's hide this treasure quickly now dwarves never stop digging for long [Music] here they come gold i found gold there we go diamonds there's diamonds here have we found treasure yes and lots of it well done lads keep digging eh what do you mean keep digging in case there's more treasure of course we always do twice as hard when we find treasure oh no what are you doing here anyway this is the dwarf only area we put the treasure there for you to find what we thought you'd stop digging we thought you'd be happy why how thoughtful of you and we thought you'd stop making that racket well i suppose all the noise could be a bit upsetting yes yes it is and that's why we apologize in advance come on lads let's get digging all this digging has made me quite tired help gaston we're stuck gaston run and get nanny plum [Music] there all nice and clean again oh oh no gaston out out what's that ben and holly and king and queen thistle are mr mrs alf all stuck in the old mine you say oh then there's no time to lose lead the way gaston [Music] hello nanny plum thank goodness you're here we're trapped hang on i'll just magic the door open oh it doesn't work no because the door is sealed with dwarf magic you have to answer a question what question an aeroplane is flying at 180 miles per hour how strong will the wind have to be to slow its speed by 15 that's just gobbledygook nanny magic upper spade and diggers out [Music] this will take ages i know gaston can dig us out yes gaston's brilliant at digging gaston old friend figures out uh he wants you to say please oh please gaston [Music] [Applause] thank you gaston oh gaston you're wonderful good boy gaston so can gaston come to the little castle now yes and to our house too yes oh you're blue have you got a cold or something hi ben hi guest what's happened to gaston nanny you can speak lady bird what's gaston saying oh oh oh he's saying he's not gaston he's gaston's brother tony i didn't know gaston had a brother me neither and tony has come here with his family this is pam [Music] and these are their children amber emerald and keith [Laughter] ah look they are so cute hello they've come to visit gaston but they're lost we'll take you to gaston come on this way [Music] gaston your brother tony has come to visit [Laughter] they love their uncle gaston oh dear what what is it what are they saying well they wrote gaston a letter asking if he could look after their children for a day because he ate the letter yes gaston likes eating letters so gaston had no idea he was supposed to be looking after the little ones what does he want nani plum i can't find my glasses have you tried looking on your head oh yes now where's my crown navi oh i'll have to go have fun you two and uncle gaston [Music] lunch time oh i'm afraid insects are not allowed inside the castle it's all right manny plum daddy's invited gaston to stay with us oh very well then make yourself at home gaston gaston just i hope he's going to learn to wipe his feet gaston isn't well nanny and he hasn't got anywhere to stay i'm still not sure it's a good idea for him to stay with us don't worry darling gaston will be no trouble at all so where is he going to sit he can sit on this little chair nanny plum you can speak lady bird what's he saying gaston says this chair is too little no that's the queen's chair don't fuss nanny plum the queen doesn't mind do you darling [Music] gaston says this chair is too hard [Music] actually gaston that's my chair well gaston says this chair is just right goodness it's like having goldilocks to stay never mind daddy you can sit on this little chair [Music] yummy thanks manny yes this food is delicious i suppose i'd better magic up some special ladybird food by a ladybird's growl food smelly and found [Music] gaston loves smelly food there's your tea your majesty will that be all yes thank you [Music] away you go thank you nanny you stopped it yes but i've had to stop all the fairy magic in the castle oh [Music] what happened to the magic [Music] him there was a little problem in the kitchen and i've had to stop all the fairy magic in the castle for one day your majesties sorry oh and the weather in the little kingdom today will be bright and sunny everywhere hang on if you've stopped all the magic in the castle why is the tv still working uh the tv's not magic isn't it really if there's no magic today how can i make ben a birthday card well you could make the card by hand really could i and i can help you ah nanny plum i think you'll be busy cleaning up the kitchen that would take but a moment with my fairy magic wand but there isn't any magic you've stopped all the magic for one day oh yes [Music] this will be fun this will be fun too i think i'll start with a picture of ben annie plum do you know where the stars go in the day time uh no oh perhaps we should ask king thistle he knows how the world works yes let's go and ask daddy [Laughter] [Music] and top daddy daddy can we ask you a question yes of course holly what is it can you tell us where the stars go in the daytime what where do the stars go when the sun comes up well they go yes they go i'm actually rather busy at the moment holly our storybook said the stars went away but it didn't say where they went oh i see well there are plenty of books in the royal library one of them might have the answer good idea queen thistle come on everyone [Music] wow it's very untidy in here that's because these are magic books you are very naughty books flying about and fidgeting chop chop go sort yourselves out abc neatly please how do we find what we're looking for these are magic books you just ask them excuse me books where do the stars go in the daytime do you have anything about stars at all look at all the fancy writing what does it say has it got the answer it says oh it's a little chick good now the mummy will hear the chick call and come to collect it and i can get back to my work look the chick is following nanny plum usually the first thing a chick sees is its mummy and this chick saw manny first so it thinks nanny is it's mommy i am not a mummy bird the chick is hungry mummy bird must give it food i haven't got any food what do birds eat worms and insects uh gaston is an insect gaston maybe you should stand back a bit we need to find some worms how with worm charming like this the worms think it is raining and come up to [Music] breathe it got away oh come on everyone try again [Music] i give up they're too hard to catch the baby bird is very hungry we really need to find its mummy usually the mummy bird comes when her baby calls but it's not chirping loud enough nanny do a spell to make the chick i hope ben doesn't knock the pole off as long as they don't put it up any higher i'm sure he'll be fine oh dear lizzy eric come on [Applause] [Music] if he loses he's going to be really upset don't worry we'll give him a little bit of magical help but nanny magic isn't allowed relax no one will notice are you sure no one will notice nanny trust me [Music] [Music] you see i told you no one would notice someone has been using magic he knows okay but he doesn't know it was me mistress plum um hello i'll take that wand if you please and ben elf you are disqualified from the high jump but that's not fair the rule book clearly says magic is not allowed at the elf games but it wasn't ben's fault it was my idea sorry ben we were worried you wouldn't win i could have won the race and the high jump now i'm not going to win anything take your partners please for our final event the wheelbarrow race oh dear ben doesn't have a partner can i be your partner ben i promise i won't use magic or flying no you've already messed see she's not frightening at all just a bit smelly what's that don't touch anything children why can't we touch because it's dirty what's that don't worry dear i just wanted to show the children how a real witch lives oh i see would you like some wrapped milk and work pancakes uh no thank you mrs witch we've already eaten mrs witch can we ask you some questions about being a witch of course anything you like are you any good at magic well i don't like to use magic these days because i told you witches are no good at magic and they never use it anyway what's that this is witch if you don't do magic these days then what do you do i'm retired so you don't chase elves or fairies anymore then oh no i just look witches don't do anything they just smell a bit funny and make horrible cakes what as for magic they're completely harmless she probably can't even do a simple transformation spell yes i can then why don't you change this horrible wallpaper that will make these seats more comfortable stop it nanny you could make tasty cakes i warning you oh get some new clothes if you change one more thing a bit of makeup i'm sorry i had to freeze nanny plum she was very rude to me i don't think nanny meant to be rude mrs witch maybe not but she was [Music] what was that laughing um sort of oh let's go and join in the fun [Music] that was not funny wise old elf oh i'm terribly sorry nanny plum may i say how lovely you are looking today what is this another silly joke no oh you are so pretty may i take your photograph well i suppose so oh you are most kind say cheese cheese what it's smelly elf cheese it's really smelly yes it's top quality smelly elf cheese that was not funny at all mr old alf oh yes it was i'm going to turn you into a snail but nanny you said never use magic in anger i'm not angry now where's my wand it was just a joke yes and here's another joke elter snail naughty nanny you said never use magic when you're angry yes happy elf joke day wise old snail ha ha ha ha look captain squid forgot his map run after him and give it back no it's too late he's gone we can still catch him captain squid white give the map to me i'll fly after him let's not be too hasty tell you what i'll keep his map safe until he gets back are you going to hunt for captain squid's treasure oh no that would be against pirates honor what's pirate's honor a pirate must never go looking for another pirate's treasure anyway the map's too complicated for redbeard what i could follow this map in my sleep i'll prove it but what about pirate's honor yes the thing is pirates don't really have much honor they're pirates after all and anyway i only want to check that captain squid's treasure is hidden safely and that can we come too well i can always use more crew yay cast off and away we go when polly [Music] having fun is what being an elf pirate is all about and we're health pirates the map says we pass a tree with a huge wheel that's silly trees don't have wheels redbeard is that it yes holly it must be that's the old tire that the big children swing on ooh big children that sounds a bit dangerous i'm not afraid of danger pirates laugh in the face of danger gaston is lost [Music] have you seen gaston gaston no come to think of it i haven't seen him at all today he usually comes in for his breakfast first thing in the morning but he hasn't touched his food gaston is lost don't worry holly we can find gaston by looking in a crystal ball let's use this one it's a snow globe with a little eiffel tower inside yes pretty isn't it there you go paris in the snow it's almost like you're there but how can a snow globe find gaston ah that's where we need a little magic the snow is clearing that's gaston's house there's gaston the crystal ball is showing us what gaston did yesterday and then we can work out where he is very clever nanny not just a pretty face eh where's he going that's me feeding gaston yesterday good morning gaston here's your breakfast hungry boy where would you be without me to feed you [Music] he's at the fairy village morning gaston that's my mom here's your breakfast he's had two breakfasts i thought it was just me who fed him bye gaston he's off again he's at the great elf tree and that's the wise old elf ah gaston i haven't forgotten you here's your breakfast i don't believe it that's another breakfast gaston's off again um we'd love to join you but i think we are just a tad too big to fit in your little submarine and ah what's happening to me just shrinking you down my turn um will we stay little forever oh no the spell will wear off in a bit and you'll grow big again [Music] [Music] it's beautiful look dad yes it's all very pretty in fact i'm beginning to quite enjoy this magical adventure you see dad the world of awesome fairies is fun yes i don't know why i was so worried about being magically shrunk down it's amazing to be as small as these sweet little fishes not all the fish in the lake are sweet and little don't forget the fish you met this morning big bad baddie as i remember barry is about this big uh that was before we were shrunk down dad now who would be about that big oh look it's barry what does he want with us he wants to eat the submarine any boat with me in it barry wants to eat all tight everyone i'm going to reverse [Music] don't worry lucy we've been in barry's tummy before and it was fine that's good to know well hello barry i don't understand he should have eaten us by now maybe he remembers how my dad was nice to him this morning why won't the magic door open it's not a magic door you just stand in front of it and it opens but we're too small for the door to notice us time for a bit of magic now that's what i call a magic door [Music] am i pleased to see you me hearties don't you me hearty me do you realize how much of our time you've wasted oh we thought you were trapped in the jungle not sitting in a tomato plant in a shop but this is where the lost city is look no city it's a load of garden ornaments come come nanny plum you have to use your imagination it's a lost city of pyramids waterfalls and treasure it's a load of plastic rubbish well haven't you had an adventure coming to find me yes it's been fun and that's what being an elf pirate is all about having fun [Music] now all you have to do is untangle me and we can get away from this dangerous jungle oh this isn't a jungle and there is no danger wow [Music] hello i'm a customer and i would like to buy this plant find everything you're looking for today yes thank you do the toys come free with the plant uh oh i suppose so one pot plant with toys and one magic goblin i am not magic one talking magic goblin oh no barcodes i'll put it through as composts oh thank you magic goblin compost how dare she [Music] i need like jelly no it can make anything in the universe but not jelly which is a shame because i like jelly jelly i can do jelly nanny what a little bit of jelly never did anyone any harm magic jelly please oh it is a bit small i would like lots of jelly okay magic jelly lots [Music] a jelly flood inside a pressurized spacecraft nanny you have surpassed yourself thank you wise old elf mmm magic jelly is very tasty [Music] what was that we're slowing down the engine is stopped why i'll tell you why it's full of magic jelly oh drifting in deep space we're stuck here forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever we are not stuck here forever aren't we no we have smarty smartypants he can fix the engine well i will open the engine now smartypants will go outside and fix the engine uh i'd love to but i can't go outside i don't have a spacesuit a spacesuit oh hang on i think i pat one in my magic bag here you are ab thank you nanny [Music] hmm this looks a bit like plumbing elves are good at blabbing and i'm an elf [Music] i will hand over to my fairy helper me yes just magic the plants up would you oh right it is very excellent thank you my pleasure now please do the rest of the planet what the whole planet yes but i'm nani plum not an interplanetary terraforming bioengineer do you mean this is it yes plants aren't easy to do lots of fiddly bits oh so smarty pants you cannot save us after all uh well no thank you for trying so planning on will never again have lots of plants and be beautiful once more no wait a minute plants need water to grow yes and if you had lots of water you could have lots of plants yes so we just need to make it rain i can do that brain's much easier to make than plants it's just water then please make it rain magic wand on planet bong make it rain loud and strong [Music] nothing is happening did the magic work yes it worked look up clouds yes and lots of them and [Music] yes they needed water the flowers look so pretty and smells so lovely it's an alien paradise thank you so much you have saved planet bomb [Music] wandy onesie no the magic stopped how am i supposed to get dressed without magic we'll just have to dress the old-fashioned way using our hands our hands do calm down dear let's just have some breakfast while we think about what to do you're right honey plum magic up some breakfast certainly your majesty liberty zabadee's dog i forgot my wand doesn't work what's going on why isn't there any magic [Music] happy no magic day eh what don't you know every blue moon it's no magic day oh of course yes and i see you're all still in your pajamas had any breakfast no you will see children when fairies don't have magic they can't do anything have you just come to laugh at us wise old alf yes i have a good mind to turn you into a frog be my guest abracadabra as you can see children the fairy ones don't work today holly would you like us to help oh thanks ben we can all help happy no magic day bye normally i wave my wand and warm water appears in the bath with lots of lovely bubbles have you tried the taps taps oh so that's what those things are for put your feet in your shoes and your dress without magic and this is how you brush your hair it's really fun i'm gonna do the washing up with our magic we'll help you nanny plum oh thank you elves are good at washing up and we're elves [Music] hello what seems to be the trouble we're sinking hang on we'll have you out of there in a jiffy mr elf lower the claw lowering claw [Music] hold on i'm lifting you up gosh that was amazing would you like a cup of tea yes please biscuit ooh gingersnaps my favorite thank you so much think nothing of it nani plum it's all in a day's work for elf rescue [Music] thank you elf rescue not at all whenever you need us just call well i better start fixing me boat and we'd better go home oh i'm too tired to walk shall we fly that's even more tiring it's not that far nanny plum i'd feel better about it if i had a biscuit maybe i'll call elf rescue but nanny i don't think elf rescue is really for giving people lyft home nonsense the wise old elf said whenever you need us just call elf rescue hello nanny plum here i'm stuck by the lay stuck you say hang on we'll be right there elf rescue our goal [Music] what seems to be the problem my legs are tired can i have a lift home what nanny plum the elf rescue service is for emergencies only keep your hair on can you give me a lift or not this is the way to travel tea biscuits and a great view can i ask you a question about spells please a question of course nanny a little friend of mine has broken something and wants to mend it what spell can she use do i know this little friend uh no she's a goblin and she lives far away and you don't know her at all is it a special thing this little goblin broke yes and did the little goblin break it on purpose no it was an accident i didn't mean to break it oh i see you broke it oh nanny i didn't mean to break it oh don't worry holly it can't be that bad it is that bad don't be silly it's not as if you've broken the queen's teapot what did you break the queen's teapot oh mommy's going to be so sad but we did mend it well i'm sure it's okay then it doesn't look exactly like it did before ah please can you fix it nanny don't worry i know just what to do i knew nanny plum would have a spell to fix it i'm not going to fix it are you going to buy a new teapot no much simpler than that what we'll tell the queen [Music] excuse me your majesty what is it nanny plum unfortunately there has been a little accident accident what happened i'm sorry to say that your teapot has been broken oh the teapot i said no one was to touch uh yes nanny plum i told you not to dust that tea set yes your majesty i have goodness me holly i've been looking everywhere for you sorry nanny but ben kept wandering off and we had to keep finding him i see so where's this frog that needs to be turned back into ben uh here but that's a rabbit ben was a frog then a bird and now he's turned himself into a rabbit we've tried everything well it just shows that you both need a lot more spell practice yes fairies of your age really should be able to get a simple spell right yes watch and learn when you turned ben into a frog abraca zombie you should not have turned him into a bird sub a disease and certainly not into a rabbit abracadabra no at the start you should have made him ben again africa zombies aberdeen hooray for you i'm glad that's over you see girls it's easy anyone can do it okay can i have another guy no if anyone can do it i want to go oh all right holly give ben your wand but but else don't do magic i'd like to give magic a go just this once that's the spirit ben uh into frogs abraca zombie phew for a moment i thought ben was going to turn us into frogs abraca zombie it's no good else don't do magic hmm maybe you just need a teeny tiny bit of magical help hi holly i'm helping my dad today he's very busy thank you mr l [Music] gotta dash on to our next delivery bye ollie bye ben daddy are you busy i'm king thistle i'm always busy i have lots of important work to do you're not working now i am i'm practicing sitting still without falling asleep that's not work it is king's work and it's harder than it looks oh what else is king's work making speeches shaking hands and waving a lot that sounds fun can i help you work today of course holly oh goody [Music] magic car drive on now the first job for any king is waving it's a bit boring but you do it like this oh look it's the king hello [Music] hello it's princess holly hello hey this is fun yes a good wave will work wonders wherever you go where are we going nanny plum what's the first bit of work i'm doing today you're launching an elf boat your majesty how do you launch a boat i'll show you [Music] princess holly and king thistle this is where i make a speech well done elves for building this boat it uh looks like a good one [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom – Official Channel
Views: 2,733,060
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ben and holly's little kingdom, ben and holly, #benandholly, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes, #littlekingdom, #benandhollycartoon, holly and ben, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes english, ben and holly little kingdom, princess holly, cartoon, little kingdom, ben holly little kingdom, ben, ben holly, holly, ben and holly full episodes, ben and holly's little kingdom christmas, nanny plum
Id: EcZqcL9R61k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 52sec (3772 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 11 2019
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