Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom | Miss Jolly's Snail Riding Club | Cartoon for Kids

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miss jolly's riding club now as you can see ben the cabbages are ready to eat yes dad fascinating things cabbages yes dad today we'll be harvesting them then we can have cabbage soup every night yes dad we can have cabbage soup monday cabbage soup tuesday cabbage soup wednesday cabbage soup hi ben oh hi holly we're off to miss jolly snail riding club yeah snails horrible things no they're adorable there's dobbin and robin hurt he's the cheeky one i want to ride cupcake he's lovely they're all lovely snails are not lovely they eat up my cabbages but they're so fun to ride would you boys like to come along riding club sounds a bit girly to me it's not girly the snails can go pretty fast i suppose we could try it yes cowboys ride don't they we could wear our cowboy hats all right let's go just keep those snails away from my cabbages here we are miss dolly's riding club but where's miss jolly yo trigger steady boy hello everyone my name is are you ready for a good day's riding yes miss charlie spiffing i see we have some cowboys here today yeehaw [Music] one thing to remember snails don't like loud noises they're quite shy yes miss jolly don't worry trigger the cowboy is your friend jolly gourd let's go and meet your snails here are bobbin muffin cupcake they're so adorable toffee bobby speedy robin hood and samson uh miss jolly yes samson doesn't seem to have a shell that's because he's a slug a slug who would want to ride a slug now children you must never walk behind a snail why not it might give you a jolly good cake that's why oh speedy's got a bit of spirit you need to get to know your snails hold out your hand so they can sniff it hello bobby the snails will be shy until they get to know you give bobby the pat on the shell come on bobby don't be frightened [Music] well done now she's your friend can we ride them now first there's jobs to be done like marking out the stables what's working out cleaning up snail poo snail poo everyone take a bucket and spade off you go snail poo it's all smelly and squelchy ugh that's the spirit excellent and now you must all wash your hands next it's grooming what's grooming cleaning and polishing everyone take a brush and give the shells a jolly good scrub will room speedy easy now easy now we just want to polish your shell whoa steady boy he's a bit frisky this one good boy bobby's looking very nice so is stopping look at lapin he's so shiny excellent job lovely well done now before we ride the blighters they need some nosh what's nash food everybody take some vegetables and hold them out for the snails here's a carrots robin hood here you go bobby a lovely cabbage leaf [Music] they like fresh vegetables [Music] they're so hungry oh yes they'd eat all day if you let them [Music] now time for the riding everybody choose a snail oh can i ride bobby please yes i'm on a snail all right robin hood i'll ride muffin tuffy cupcake i like speedy oh the thing is speedy hasn't been broken in yet what do you mean i mean no one has ever ridden him he's too frisky yes he's a young one full of beans you know can i be the first to ride speedy today you can have a go but you need to get on his back and he'll try and throw you off sounds like a job for an elf cowboy i like your spirit cowboy van [Music] easy now speedy steady boy [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i've never seen anything like it well done cowboy ben yeehaw so young jake what's it to be dobbin or samson um maybe dobbin it's strange isn't it samson no one ever seems to want to ride you never mind you stay here and have a rest off we go then uh miss jolly yes how do we tell our snails to move tell them to trot on trot on let's go snail riding wonderful day for a snail ride what where are we going just around the meadow uh miss jolly samson the slug is following us oh i see keep going i'll catch you up in a minute now then you naughty slug you're not meant to be on the ride back to the stables with you keep up everyone hmm which way now miss jolly said just round the meadow hmm this way then whoa what's happening well i suppose he knows all right elves let's get these cabbages loaded it's a bumper crop yes we managed to keep all the pests off them this year no green fly no caterpillars and most important of all no snails [Music] [Applause] [Music] get off me vegetables what are these snails doing here uh we're just doing a riding class it's no good [Music] snails stop you cheeky little snails cheeky they've eaten half our cabbages well if you will grow such delicious cabbages what do you expect but but children did you all have a nice ride today yes thank you miss jolly it's a pleasure and we should also say a jolly big thank you to mr elf for giving the snails such a lovely lunch it was my pleasure mind you if they're going to eat at your place again they really like lettuce the best grow a bit of that next time all right people think snails are a pest but they're adorable really yes they're so lovely and cute and cuddly [Music] planets [Music] wow a flying saucer hello holly it is i zyros from planet bong oh hello zyros nice to see you again what's all this noise is it an alien invasion no it's our friend zyros from planet bong we have come for help from the wise one the wise one that must be me no dear i think he means the wise old elf oh yes smarty pants he lives at the great elf tree over there thank you we will go and look for smarty pants it's cyros the alien hello hello elf ben we are looking for the one they call smarty pants he must mean the wise old elf did someone say my name goodness me alien we need your help smarty pants well of course anything i can do is it true you can solve any problem yes i can solve any problem good we have a big problem once upon a time our home planet was a wonderful planet it was covered in plants and all was good there was everything we needed and we were surrounded by beautiful flowers we worked happily in our factories and everything was fine it sounds very nice yes it was but now it is very hot and the plants do not grow anymore oh that's a shame so we want you to bring all the plants back to life and make planet bong nice again like it was before uh that sounds a bit difficult but can't you use your magic magic elves don't do magic and i'm an elf so you cannot help us you are not smarty pants yes i am smarty pants and i will save your planet with uh the magic but wise old elf elves don't do magic shh don't worry about it ben good we go now this will be an elf expedition to save planet bomb uh i'll just need to stop on the way to collect a friend [Music] for goodness sake what is it now we have found smarty pants here i am how do i get down is there a ladder i am afraid we do not have this ladder you speak of nearly a primitive chronic beam what do you want it's the middle of the night we're going to planet bomb it's very hot there ah a holiday i love holidays i'll come too holiday holiday yes and i have a job to do there which may require the services of a fairy helper i can help i'm good at helping i need a sensible fairy that's me a fairy who does magic in a responsible grown-up way it's almost like you've said my name oh very well if we're going on holiday we'll need to pack some things no no no it's not a holiday whatever let's see what do we need for a holiday swimming costumes in towns we'll need sunscreen sunscreen [Music] beach ball first aid kit cooker deck chairs she's bringing everything but the kitchen sink oh i nearly forgot thank you wise old kitchen sink wow you got all that into your bag yes it's my magic bag all aboard [Music] [Applause] holiday here we come um it's not really a holiday we must leave hold tight everyone it can be bumpy what do you mean bumping ah what's happening why are we floating there is no gravity in space nothing to hold you down sorry i forgot to turn on the ship's gravity motor [Music] look at all the pretty sparkly lights behold the wondrous science of an alien race where's the toy alert we do not go to the toilet incredible being so advanced they have stopped needing to go to the toilet no toilets what have i once again you should have gone before we set off maybe there'll be toilets at the beach is there a beach on planet bong planet bong is all beach wow or beach yes it is very hot and sunny would anyone like a snack yes please this machine can make any food or drink you like can i make orange juice yes mmm delicious can it make a jam and peanut butter and banana sandwich yes [Music] amazing can it make jelly no it can make anything in the universe but not jelly which is a shame because i like jelly jelly i can do jelly nanny what a little bit of jelly never did anyone any harm magic jelly please oh it is a bit small i would like lots of jelly okay magic jelly not [Music] a jelly flood inside a pressurized spacecraft nanny you have surpassed yourself thank you wise old elf mmm magic jelly is very tasty [Music] was that we're slowing down the engine is stopped why i'll tell you why it's full of magic jelly oh drifting in deep space we're stuck here forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever we are not stuck here forever aren't we no we have smarty pants he can fix the engine well uh i will open the engine now smartypants will go outside and fix the engine uh i'd love to but i can't go outside i don't have a spacesuit a spacesuit oh hang on i think i pat one in my magic bag here you are ab thank you nanny [Music] hmm this looks a bit like plumbing elves are good at blabbing and i'm an elf oh hello there what are you doing here i'm the fairy helper remember well don't touch anything this is advanced alien technology capable of traveling across the universe at the speed of light although it is very like plumbing maybe if i give it a kick why don't you just give it a push give it a push this technological miracle you just gave it a cake oh okay let's give it a push it's just like getting a car to start okay mr cyros give it a bit of gas okay nothing more gas okay [Music] it worked they went off like a a rocket next stop planet hey come back they've left us that's outrageous help [Applause] help will nanny plumb and the wise old elf be lost in space forever find out next time in planet bong episode 2 the new one gaston wants to play fetch the stick okay a magic upper stick ready wandy abracadabra here you go gaston fetch the stick [Music] oh it's raining we're getting wet no problem one two umbrella wow that's great let's go [Music] home and dry umbrella to wand also whoops it sounds like your wand's got a cold oh no poor wandy it's because she got all wet i'd better call the wand doctor [Music] hello is that the one doctor yes we've got a sick wand with a hot water bottle and i'll be right over thank you goodbye the doctor says you have to put wandy to bed and he'll be right over also oh wandy [Music] the once doctor is here hello but that's just the wise old elf i'll have you know i'm not just the wise old elf i'm also a fully qualified one doctor oh i see we elves make the ones remember yes why is that you hate magic we make ones but we don't use them magic always leads to trouble now where is my patient here that's loud tongue out please as i thought a cold i suggest plenty of rest the wand needs to stay in bed and keep nice and warm will wandy be able to do magic oh no no no there'll be no waving wandy around for a while oh what will i do without a wand funny you should ask i've been working on a brand new wand maybe you'd like to try it out wow it's been top secret until now i call it the wise wand 3000. even i didn't know about it gosh thanks wise old elf it's so pretty you're my best friend and it talks i love you incredible amazing that's not all this wand has a very special feature no other wand has what special feature oh you'll find out soon enough i have to say ones don't get any better than this what did he mean by that what does he ever mean i always lose interest halfway through i can't wait to do some magic with my wise wands 3 000 well you will have to wait till tomorrow because it's nearly bedtime oh bye holly bye ben bye gaston see you tomorrow [Music] [Laughter] morning daddy morning holly you're my best friend ah the new wand how is it it's amazing i love you good news princess holly wandy is better the ones doctor was right she just needed a bit of rest oh that's nice so you can take that new wand back to the wise old elf if you like uh i think i might like to keep it for a bit i haven't even tried doing magic with it yet oh well what should we do with this um i don't really need it anymore can you put it with my baby toys okay oh wow there you go holly's got a new ones now [Music] you're my best friend hello holly hello ben hello fleur is that a new wand yes it's called the wise wand 3000 i love you wow it talks yes it's very very new and top secret you're my best friend oh let's play a game yes what shall we play let's play princesses knights and naughty witches yes i'll be the princess because i am a princess and i'll be the brave knight okay wow real armor and i'll be the naughty witch [Music] what do we do now the brave knight has to rescue the princess from a tower what tower haha this tower wow how am i going to rescue you from that in the stories the princess grows her hair really long and the knight climbs up it oh yes [Music] climb up that hair ben easy elves are good at climbing up hair and i'm an elf here i am i've got to rescue you thank you brave knight but now you're both trapped [Music] we can easily get down not if i put bars on the window [Music] oh we're stuck ha ha ha ha lunchtime oh that's my mum i've got to go bye okay bye fleur how are we going to get down don't worry i've got my wise one three thousand you're my best friend okay let's get out of here i love you oh it didn't work i love you it's not doing anything what happens the last time you used it nothing i haven't done any magic with it yet i love you it's useless i wish i had my old wand oh it's gaston gaston could fetch hell yes gaston go and get one day fed cast on fetch [Music] you're in a hurry today [Music] hey where are you going with one day [Music] the wise one 3000 is meant to be a very special wand but it doesn't do anything maybe it's broken it doesn't look broken i love you does it ever say anything else no apart from you're my best friend it's actually a bit annoying yes my old ones never talked it just oh wandy [Music] my old ones here gaston wandy hooray oh wandy i'm so glad to see you now let's get down from this tower yes indeed [Music] you i think i'll use my old wand from now on ah princess holly how are you getting on with a wise wand 3 000 it's broken is it i love you it looks perfectly fine to me but it doesn't do magic yes that's the special feature i was talking about no magic what a ones that doesn't do magic correct you see magic always leads to trouble and also but the one that doesn't do magic it's not a wand it's just a stick so you're saying that the wise one 3 000 is good for absolutely nothing yes i know one thing it's good for yes hey gaston fetch the stick you're my best [Music] fetching sticks i love you you're my best friend and i love you one day you're my best friend elf rescue aha nothing quite like sailing the high seas hey nanny plum no there's nothing quite as boring my little cherry blossom i love it that you say what you mean i don't like sailing in boats they sink not my boat it's unsinkable oh what was that noise i think we hit a rock ah the boat is sinking never fear nanny plum i know just the people to call who's he calling he's calling elf rescue elf rescue [Music] elf rescue hello red beard here my boat is sinking i see you red beard hang on elf rescue are go calling all units to the lake redbeard's boat is sinking elf rocket a-okay elf plane a-okay elf helicopter a-okay elf submarine a-o-k elf rescue our goal [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] here they come [Music] hello what seems to be the trouble we're sinking hang on we'll have you out of there in a jiffy mr elf lower the claw lowering claw [Music] hold on i'm lifting you up gosh that was amazing would you like a cup of tea yes please biscuit ooh ginger snaps my favorite thank you so much think nothing of it nanny plum it's all in a day's work for elf rescue [Music] thank you elf rescue not at all whenever you need us just call well i better start fixing me boat and we'd better go home oh i'm too tired to walk shall we fly that's even more tiring it's not that far nanny plum i'd feel better about it if i had a biscuit maybe i'll call elf rescue but nanny i don't think elf rescue is really for giving people lyft home nonsense the wise old elf said whenever you need us just call elf rescue hello nanny plum here i'm stuck by the lay stuck you say hang on we'll be right there elf rescue our goal what seems to be the problem my legs are tired can i have a lift home what nanny plum the elf rescue service is for emergencies only keep your hair on can you give me a lift or not this is the way to travel tea biscuits and a great view dad can i have a go at flying no ben you're not a grown-up it's not fair grown-ups have all the fun we want to rescue people you're just going to have to wait till you're older [Music] thank you alf rescue and don't waste our time again charming the wise old elf is right nanny plum elf rescue is only for emergencies uh whatever cool you got rescued by elf rescue i wish we could rescue people too yes it's just the silly grown-ups won't let us [Music] elf rescue ah thank goodness we need your help alfresco what's the problem a big cow is stuck in some brambles we'll be right there calling all units cows stuck in brambles [Music] mode launching mode [Music] good the mole can dig up the brambles [Applause] don't worry mrs cow we'll have you out of there in no time [Music] elf rescue help help me alfresco nanny palum i told you elf rescue is for emergencies this is an emergency i'm stuck stuck with what a tricky jigsaw no in the muds mr elf you take over the cow rescue i'll deal with nanny plum i can't believe i got stuck in mud what a day never mind alf rescue be here in a minute and then it'll be tea and biscuits on the ride home so you are stuck of course i'm stuck what did you think can't you use magic to get yourself out no my wand's over there i see where elf rescue are there any biscuits left we don't need a rocket to pull you out of a puddle nanny plum it's not a puddle it's very deep mud yes yes yes i'll just pull you out oh it's very deep mud told you no problem i'll call elf rescue hello thank you for calling elf rescue we are a bit busy right now please call back later are they coming no so what do we do now uh shout for help help listen someone's shouting the help they need rescuing we can rescue them we can be children rescue hooray children rescue are go go go [Music] we're children rescue thank goodness you're here are you stuck yes launch gaston i'm going to throw this lasso around your waist keep still okay lift cast on [Music] i know i can magic him out of the mud oh yes good idea holly no no no no magic i want to be rescued properly that is properly magic is cheating please let me use magic or we won't be able to get you out no magic please no no no no magic please [Music] well done children rescue hello you rang us wise old elf what seems to be the trouble ah nothing panic over wise old elf you should know better than to call out elf rescue for no reason but but it wasn't for no reason children rescue had to rescue us from the mud oh in that case i think everyone deserves a lift home oh goody biscuits [Music] oh this is the way to travel got any more of those ginger snaps yes biscuits are go go go go no magic day bedtime princess holly into your pajamas yes nanny plum clothes into pajamas let's just magic you into bed and magically brush your hair ah magic is so nice what would we do without magic elves don't have magic elves are crazy they don't even like talking about magic magic magic magic tomorrow is the day what happens tomorrow wise old elf once in a blue moon the fairy's magic stops working stops working yes for the whole day from sunrise to sunset it will be no magic day why nobody knows why only that when the moon is blue the magic does not work ooh fairies without magic for a whole day morning time pajamas into class oh my wand's not working daddy daddy my wand isn't working neither is mine mine isn't either onesie no the magic stopped how am i supposed to get dressed without magic we'll just have to dress the old-fashioned way using our hands our hands do calm down dear let's just have some breakfast while we think about what to do you're right honey plum magic up some breakfast certainly your majesty liberty zabadee's dog i forgot my one doesn't work what's going on why isn't there any magic [Music] happy no magic day eh what don't you know every blue moon it's no magic day oh of course yes and i see you're all still in your pajamas had any breakfast no you will see children when fairies don't have magic they can't do anything have you just come to laugh at us wise old alf yes i have a good mind to turn you into a frog be my guest abracadabra as you can see children the fairy ones don't work today holly would you like us to help oh thanks ben we can all help happy no magic day bye normally i wave my wand and warm water appears in the bath with lots of lovely bubbles have you tried the taps taps oh so that's what those things are for put your feet in your shoes and your dress without magic and this is how you brush your hair it's really fun i'm gonna do the washing up with our magic we'll help you nanny plum oh thank you elves are good at washing up and we're elves this is how you turn the television on and the weather in the little kingdom today will be bright and sunny everywhere oh very good and this works like this how clever happy no magic day mr elf um wise old elf we're having a bit of a problem at the toy factory oh then i'd better take a look that's strange the escalator isn't working yes wise old elf nothing is working the whole factory has stopped but the elf factory never stops oh it stopped we cannot make any toys but i don't understand why has everything stopped i think you should take a look at this the elf engine has broken down ah the elf engine of course what can we do um well let's not worry about it not worry but there are toys to be made oh never mind we'll just have a day off yes in honor of no magic day we can all have a holiday there's no time for holidays we have a big order of toys for an important customer well the customer can wait uh you better tell him yourself hello it's father christmas here oh mr christmas ah wise old elf how are the toys coming along i need them today uh yes your christmas no problem how on earth are we going to get the toys made we'll just fix the elf engine i'm afraid we can't why can't we elves can't fix anything [Applause] there is no way that engine is going to work today maybe it's just run out of fuel yes it has so we'll just get some more fuel what does it run on steam or gas no the engine is powered by a very dangerous fuel nanny plum magic is up some lunch but i can't your majesty it's no magic day remember then what are we going to eat um would you like to come to the great elf tree for lunch that's very kind of you ben we've got lots of food really then we shall take you up on your kind offer [Music] it's very quiet hello anybody home ben was the escalator working uh i don't know why is old elf what an earth is happening well nothing but aren't there toys to be made yes ben we've a big order for father christmas but we can't make them why not the elf engine isn't working we can fix it elves are good no no no it can't be fixed the engine has run out of fuel oh and what kind of fuel does it use i can't say i demand to know it's a secret wise old elf what fuel does the elf engine use oh [Music] magic are you saying the great elf engine is run on magic yes but you hate magic yes but it has a small carbon footprint and it never stops except today yes because today is no magic day there must be another way to run the factory yes the emergency power of course the emergency power but that's just a hamster wheel it is the emergency power unit all elves on the hamster wheel will power the factory by foot [Music] can we help good idea holly but your majesty this is elf work not fairy work we're all in it together you helped us this morning now we can help you all for one and one for all yeah i suppose thank you everyone the elf factory is working again let's hope we get these toys done in time yes the day is nearly over [Music] ah the magic is back and the elf engine is working again everyone off the hamster wheel ah i'm glad the earth engine is working again don't you mean the secret magic engine ah so now we know elves do do magic sometimes well at least we don't need magic to get dressed let's hear you laugh when i turn you into a frog not today daddy plum it is no magic day remember uh why zodell no magic day is over eh ooh abracadabra ah good the magic is back and the factory is working again and the wise old elf is a frog everything is back to normal [Music] the shooting star with this telescope i can see deep into space why's ourself can i look yes right now the telescope is pointed at the moon it looks really close can i have a go of course if i turn the telescope this way you can see distant stars amazing oh one of the stars is moving maybe it's a shooting star oh i can see it too it's going to crash into the ground [Music] wow that sounded close let's take a look this is where the shooting star landed it's made a huge hole incredible look at all the smoke it must be very hot let's climb down and get a closer look no we'll have to come back tomorrow with its cool down [Music] morning time [Music] holly breakfast no time daddy a shooting star crashed into the meadow last night morning time [Music] ben don't you want your break first later mom i'm off to see the shooting star hi ben hi holly wow what made that hole a shooting star it fell out of the sky excellent so what does this shooting star thingy look like we're just about to find out your majesty lower the it's claw windows is it a spaceship it's a flying saucer the top's opening don't panic yet but this might be an alien invasion bleep bloop ah alien invasion alien invasion everyone please panic it's the friendly aliens we met on the moon bloop bleep hello aliens bleep bleep bloop bloop bleep bloop oh look they've got a baby alien i am not baby whoops sorry but you're so sweet an echo i am oldest one here we get smaller as we get older oh we get bigger as we get older that's crazy my name is xyros take me to your leader uh king thistle is our leader ah thistle king so you are leader well the wise old elf is also a leader in a way oh no your majesty you are our king and leader yes we come in peace phew we are here on holidays have you come far we come from planet bong but our spaceship is crushed oh dear you thistle king must fix it me yes as leader you are clever and wise ah yes of course i'm clever and wise hmm doesn't sound good it is broken maybe i should take a look your majesty good idea elves are good at fixing flying saucers and i'm an elf let's see does the engine use clockwork or batteries oh it's so colorful and pretty it's a massive pipes tubes and incredibly complicated i don't need to know the little details just fix it what a great and clever leader yes we're very lucky hmm this is going to take some time mr zairos while you're waiting would you like a tour of the little kingdom we would very much like that oh goody this way first stop gaston's cave gaston are you in oh well this is our friend gaston the ladybird ah a ladybird so that is the sound a ladybird makes what did he say he asked if gaston is for eating no we don't eat our friends do you oh no hardly ever next on the tour the little castle where i live mommy hello darling it's okay mummy they're just aliens from planet bong oh that's all right then no you can't eat her thistle king is this way you make your important decisions ah yes yes i'm always making important decisions your majesty do you want soup or sausages for lunch hmm i think sausages you are very wise thistle king oh well you know i do my best and elf ben where do you live i live in a tree tree what is tree here it is the great elf tree ah i see so a tree is a kind of apartment block i am learning much about your planet hello ben ah aliens yes dad you remember the aliens we met on the moon they're here on holiday oh yes those aliens happy holiday no he is not to be eaten either ah this is such a wonderful planet have you been to other planets on holiday oh yes but this is best you see we are quite small and on most planets everyone is big i see yes we go to other planets for lovely relaxing holiday and get stepped on by big people it is not nice uh there are some big people here too big people here hello don't worry it's only our friend lucy she's a big girl lucy these are aliens they're here on holiday hey hello aliens you are big aren't you are there more like you there's my mum and dad we're having a picnic over there so there are three big people on this planet oh no there's loads millions and millions most of them bigger than me hmm perhaps it is time for end of holiday okay let's go and see if your flying saucer is mended ah just in time i've mended the flying saucer well done wise old elf all those tubes and things made it a bit like plumbing and elves are good at plumbing thank you i will now start the engine oh that's not right it sounds like a fairy car on a cold day daddy yes it does a bit of magic always helps start the fairy car no you must never mix magic and plumbing oh nonsense sounds good thanks to me being an excellent plumber thanks to my magic fairy dust you mean now now let's say elf skill mended the engine and fairy magic got it started [Music] lucy that's my dad i better go mom dad you'll never guess what i just saw don't tell me elves and fairies again yes and aliens too aliens oh aliens of course lucy we must leave now ben holly would you like a little a ride before we go yes please dear lucy everyone knows aliens don't exist [Music] hello lucy hi ben and holly the aliens have to fly back to their planet they just wanted to say hello to your parents hello big people we have just been here on our holidays um hello we go now bye bye bye bye bye i think we'll have picnics somewhere else in the future [Music] bye ben and holly next time you go on holiday you must come to planet bong okay we will see you soon bye [Music] [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom – Official Channel
Views: 5,705,780
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ben and holly's little kingdom, ben and holly, #benandholly, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes, #littlekingdom, #benandhollycartoon, holly and ben, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes english, ben and holly little kingdom, princess holly, cartoon, little kingdom, ben holly little kingdom, ben, ben holly, holly, ben and holly full episodes, ben and holly's little kingdom christmas, nanny plum
Id: Sq421UeCpn8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 46sec (3586 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 14 2020
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