Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom | Aliens Have a Big Big Problem | 1Hour | HD Cartoons for Kids

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we have a big problem once upon a time a whole planet was a wonderful planet it was covered in trucks and all was good there was everything we needed and we were surrounded by beautiful flowers we worked happily in our factories and everything was fine it sounds very nice yes it was but now it is very hot and the plows do not grow anymore oh that's a shame so we want you to bring all the plants back to life and make planet bond nice again like it was before that sounds a bit difficult don't you use your magic magic elves don't do magic and I'm an elf so you cannot help us you are not smartypants yes I am smartypants and I will save your planet with a day of the magic but wise old elf elves don't do magic don't worry about it Ben good we go now this will be an elf expedition to save Planet bomb I'll just need to stop on the way to collect a friend [Music] we have found smarty pants Here I am how do I get down is there a ladder I am afraid we do not have this ladder you speak of me a primitive chronic beams what do you want it's the middle of the night we're going to plan it bomb it's very hot there yes and I have a job to do there which may require the services of a fairy helper I can help I'm good at helping I need a sensible fairy thank you my pleasure now please do the rest of the planet oh yes but I'm not a plum not an interplanetary terraforming bioengineer do you mean feces eat yes plants aren't easy to do lots of fiddly bits Oh so smarty pants you cannot save us after all well no thank you for trying so we can have lots of plants and beautiful ones no no wait a minute plants need water to grow yes and if you had lots of water you could have lots of plants yes so we just need to make it rain I could do that rains much easier to make the plants it's just water then please make it rain magic wand on planet bones make it rain loud [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] with this telescope I can see deep into space can I look yes right now the telescope is pointed at the moon it looks really close can I have a go of course if I turn the telescope this way you can see distant stars amazing oh one of the stars is moving maybe it's a shooting star oh I can see it too Wow that sounded close let's take a look this is where the shooting star landed it's made a huge hole incredible look at all the smoke it must be very hot let's climb down and get a closer look No we'll have to come back tomorrow with its cooldown later I'm off to see the shooting star hi man hi Holly Wow what made that hole a shooting star it fell out of the sky excellent so what does this shooting star thingy look like we're just about to find out your majesty ever lower the claw got windows is it a spaceship it's a flying saucer opening don't panic yet but this might be an alien invasion [Music] blaster all systems go where did it go where did it go where did it go into space it actually worked I wasn't expecting that [Music] we are now Alto good atmosphere we can take off our seat belt that's because there's no gravity in space I'm flapping my wings but they don't do anything yes your wings won't work in zero gravity oh are you sure there isn't a toilet what's through this door when you open a door in space it sucks all the air out of the rocket nanny plum she's floating away we can hear you through the radio nanny plum you don't need to shout just stay calm elf rocket this is Mission Control what's going on up there nanny plum open the door that is now lost in space oh yeah that's a shame well never mind on with the mission no we I suppose we must oh all right you're all tied to this rope so you won't drift away are you ready ready we're coming nanny plum hold on hold on hold on support I know we can't reach money plum we can use the power of jelly to make the rocket fly back home that sounds being silly but it's not you saying it it's me I'm the wise old elf is very wise nanny plum I suppose he is a bit clever okay let's give it a go magic basket please jelly jelly [Music] now rockets to control we are hanging back for the Little Kingdom using chilli power they're on their way home [Music] mr. else please land the elf rocket in the Frog Pond right hole where are they stand back everyone [Music] [Applause] we flew to the moon and back the mission was a complete success SAG's to the wonders of elf cleverness thanks to my magic jelly you mean what without my magic jelly would still be on the moon nonno Nanni let's not argue over the little details let's just say elf skill got us to the moon and fairy magic got us home and I gave it a brain and a voice what do you think of my gardening Cedric this isn't gardening this is an abomination what's an abomination that chulip I do like my hobbies frogs I asked myself why should a frog have just two eyes why not 10 or 23 oh that's enough yeah they didn't care about your silly old hobbies yes I'm forgetting myself it's your party darling and I've arranged a fantastic surprise what's the surprise I dread to think to the top of the tower Rena thistle loves looking at the stars oh yes stars are very pretty so I asked myself why do we have to look at the stars from down here why not up there in the sky [Music] Wow was turned into a rocket on the Stars beautiful granny this suddenly our darling very nice how do you land this thing no idea son this is magic I don't have to know what I'm doing I may not know much about magic but I do know how to land a rocket [Music] look we're back home home we survives the party thank you for landing a rocket surgery my pleasure Millicent let's head to the Sun and see what it's made of magic magic magic tomorrow is the day what happens tomorrow wise old elf once in a blue moon the fairies magic stops working stop smoking yes for a whole day from sunrise to sunset it will be no magic day why nobody knows why only that when the moon is blue the magic does not work whoa fairies without magic for a whole day morning time pyjamas into place hey my wands not working daddy daddy my wand isn't working neither is mine mine isn't either juanzi yeah the magic stopped how am I supposed to get dressed without magic we'll just have to dress the old-fashioned way using our hands our hands do calm down dear let's just have some breakfast while we think about what to do you're right honey plum magic up some breakfast certainly your majesty Liberty velvety table oh I forgot my wand doesn't work what's going on why isn't there any magic [Music] happy no magic day Hey what don't you know every blue moon it's no magic day oh of course yes and I see you're all still in your pajamas had any breakfast no you will see children when fairies don't have magic they can't do anything have you just come to laugh at us wise old owl yes good turn you into a frog be my guest abracadabra as you can see children the fairy wands don't work today why wearing those funny clothes they're not funny these are safety clothes the great elf tower can be very dangerous and very smelly here goes [Music] you found lots of things for making toys yet it's a bit dark I think the great [Music] that was a lovely picnic what was that [Music] [Music] I am NOT a smelly little ferret I'm a smelly little dust on its Rex because you're smelly charmed I'm sure your friends your majesty you don't understand this is just the start the dwarfs will dig up all of the little kingdom wise old elf you worry too much it will be fine that's gracious I say do you mind what's that night you've made a great big hole in my courtyard nap l don't get upset upset my castle is falling over yeah you want to get that fixed now listen here I'm the king Oh a complaint is it you better talk to the boss right I will okay what you were saying I want to speak to the boss I'm the boss do you have an appointment he doesn't need one he's the king a king doesn't make appointments nor even at the hairdresser's daddy doesn't have any hair he's bald well that's not our fault look we want to complain about the noise what noise the noise from the mine I can't hear anything toys now look I'm the king and I'm commanding you to stop all the digging yeah the thing is though you're only king above the ground just to the top soil below that I'm the boss but we can't stop digging anyway that's what we do we won't stop until we found gold and diamonds and gems I've got an idea nanny plum magic you up some gold and diamonds and gems good thinking Holly there we go problem solved now kindly stop digging musical statues when the music stops [Music] Katie you moved I nearly stepped on this toy No oh I'll just pop up the toy over here with the rest of the toys what are you doing Barnaby sorry Lucy's mom Barnaby we're supposed to stay here but I love to boogie no Lucy's dad is going to do some magic tricks oh goody I love magic it won't be real magic just magic tricks what's a magic tricks you'll say hello and welcome to the magic show you see that's a magic trick it's a trick wand that was really good my dad's been practicing and now I will make a rabbit come out of my hat hey presto it's Flopsy my pet rabbit i can't Lucy only has one rabbit Oh maybe he needs a bit of help no strawberry rabbits rabbits rabbits oh another rabbit and birds where did they come from [Music] [Music] crazy spells for the under-fives eek-eek spell number one how to make a storm today where's granny now uh she's with the twins oh is that such a good idea Oh new ones no of course mummy and daddy knew best and took your wands away never mind mine I wonder if that had something to do with granny hello then she'll be down in a minute did you hear the storm last night hear it it was in our bedroom a storm in a bedroom cool it was a magical storm good morning mother I already know the answer to this but who showed them how to make a magical storm me what a surprise only a little indoor weather darling nothing to worry about what else did you teach them oh just a few harmless little spells why - holy Daisy and poppy did a spell on me we asked them not to but they did it anyway this is what happens when Daisy and poppy do magic so it's a little doubling spell no harm done it's not like there's ten Hollies and if there were wouldn't that be nice mr. Ralph is on holiday having fun stuck on a desert island I am so bored do try and relax darling I can't I need something to do that's not relaxing it is for me I relax by being very busy maybe I'll explore the island I could work out how big it is do you think there'll be anywhere else on the island no I don't think so footsteps huh so something does live here yes a wild beast let's follow its drags and find it all right but we must take care the wild beast might be dangerous the tracks lead to this bush there's something in there the wild beast how did you get here well what's that you hidden the plane so I'm a sure when we weren't looking and hidden the bushes you say well pleasure Gaston but I thought I said no pets Gaston could be useful dad Gaston we need food can you find some gas Don's good at sniffing out food yes enough food and drink to last us for weeks well done Gaston stand clear hey you know this holiday isn't so bad after all I shall call this place elfs island burnin holy I've been gone for ages I do miss them me too it's a message in a bottle it says trapped on a desert island I'd like this truck filled up with blackberries thank you no problem one blackberry coming up oh it's a nice one not in your mouth in the truck oh yes sorry don't worry this time I'll oh a blackberry oh no no no no no this isn't going to work if you keep eating them whoops-a-daisy I do apologize this time I'll make sure I oh sorry oh yeah it again ah this is useless every time he has food in his hand he just eats it that's just what gnomes do they eat and eat and eat right it's time for Plan B what's plan B you'll see I'll be back in a moment mr. elf do you know what no but if it's the wise old elf who's come up with it it's bound to be very clever oh very stupid as you see I am dressed as a pie why are you dressed as a pie gnomes love pie more than anything in the world so every time mr. gnome is about to eat a blackberry I will run in front of him dressed as a bi yes very that's why it's plan B this time I promise I'm not gonna eat it oh look at that silly me I did it again focus mr. no right this is it no more Oh a black furry hey there mister no look over here I'm a PI oh boy oh sorry thought I saw a POI never mind he is a lovely black berry for me hey wouldn't you rather eat a pie oh yes I would here they come remember you're just a nice old lady who wouldn't hurt a fly okay hello I'm not a witch I'm just a nice old lady who wouldn't hurt a fly well I'm pleased to hear it my name is Miss cookie I'm mrs. witch your name is mrs. witch yes but I'm not a witch I'm just a nice old lady who wouldn't eat a fly that's good can you tell us the way to the lake yes straight down the path and through the trees you can't miss it is that a week cheese hat you're wearing yes but I'm not a witch but you are cold mrs. witch yes and you're called miss cookie but you're not a biscuit talking of cookies if anyone would like a snack take a roof tiles their gingerbread you know never suspected a thing but now they're going to the lake and that's where red beard the elf pirate sails his boat we have to warn him [Music] hello Redbeard the elf pirates speaking listen carefully big people are coming your way I hear them and I have no time to hide pretend to be a toy okey-dokey I am a toy here's the lake I found a toy boat is a doll on it oh that's red beard who's red beard I mean the dolls got two red beard some poor child must have lost it let's put it here where they'll find it miss cookie I found tadpole lovey tick tadpoles off your list and that's the end of today's nature trail come on children back to school yes miss me well done rabbit they never suspected a thing sorry pen we must all [Applause] who looks like everything is under control anyway back to your pet Ben what was it you wanted it was the dragon you can't have a dragon in your room he could burn the house down it's the most dangerous pet you could have in a tree apart from woodworm it's okay everyone my son is taking the dragon away where can Dave live how about gas Don's house yes it'll be nice for gas don't have a friend to stay we've got a visitor for you he's sleeping in Gaston's bed he's making himself at home Oh Ben you don't think Gaston mind sharing his home do you know I think he's pleased to have a new friend Dave got bigger Oh we pledge to get him out of here while we still can [Music] I see the baby dragon is getting bigger yes nanny and it's impossible to find anywhere for him to live he needs to go home but where is his home dragon land of course mind you it's a long long way away my dad can fly Sarah in the elf plane he'll be happy to take us what take a fire-breathing dragon an aeroplane this is my school Wow so many big children stay hidden we mustn't be seen good morning children today we are learning about wonderful things in nature like fluffy our hamster who knows what kind of animal fluffy is a hamster yes but what sort of animal is a hamster oh he's a mammal you see a mammal yes well don't you see its proper name is meso click eat us our artists its proper name is meso creepy tiss our artists goodness I think we'll just stick with fluffy Oh No yes don't smelt the bananas he likes bananas yes done here boy stop come back nature is all around us like this pretty little insect does anyone know what she's called Gaston and he's a boy very funny Lucy is it a ladybird yes or you could call her a ladybug and what does she eat Gaston like spice and spaghetti bolognaise pies and spaghetti bolognaise no lady birds eat things like green flies let's keep the Lady Bird in this jar I know Gaston's trapped we'll let her go later I hope Gaston will be all right don't worry I'll get him out of the jar but be safe it's alright then I'll be very careful miss cookie there's a fairy world here cross my desk a fairy let's have a look nanny the teachers coming pretend to be a toy oh yes I'm a toy Oh little fairy godmother whose toy is this um it's mine do you remember our rule is class that's right I'll pop the dolly in my drawer and you can have it like the end of the lesson told you he's dressed as a bee yes so if the bees do wake up they'll think I'm a bee and not sting me your failsafe yes Ben now I simply fly into the hive but you can't fly that's where the elf le copter comes in bees asleep check bee costume on check jar for honey go go go now watch a beekeeper at work calm safe and sensible I'm a bee buzz buzz buzz noemi in I'm inside take me down all thanks for a jar of honey yes it's very exciting now left to beat the peas will wake up soon if he doesn't get a move on I need position quick wise all doubts [Music] old elf yeah we are done come safe and sensible nice bees just for doing a bit of honey and I'm a bee buzz hold me up [Music] mission accomplished come safe and sensible obey the snails will be shy until they get to know you give Bobby a pat on the shell come on Bobby don't be frightened well done now she is your friend can we ride them now first there's jobs to be done like the stables [Music] next it's grooming what screaming cleaning and polishing everyone take a brush and give the shells a jolly good scrub well Grimm speedy we just want to polish your shell whoa steady boy he's a bit frisky this one good boy Obie's looking very nice well done now before we ride the blighters they need some nosh-nosh food everybody take some vegetables and hold them out for the snails time for the writing everybody choose a snail what am i doing deep-sea diving in a goldfish ball look for the treasure chest oh it's just a plastic toy I don't even think it happens it's real treasure captain squid said I never find his treasure I'd like to see his face now red beard fancy meeting you here Oh captain squid when I set sail I found my treasure mat was missing was it really so I came back I was worried some rascal might try and steal my treasure yes yes that would be very bad if someone tried to steal your treasure I've got the treasure mr. Rhoades bear why you double-crossing old sea dog I can explain that shrek Sheree with a smile on its face it's all right captain squid I found your map on the ground wet bed was worried about your treasure so we came to make sure it was yes that's right just check it overnight oh well that's that's different but you must admit it was a good hiding place wasn't it oh very good a children's fish tank best hiding place ever oh but now you all know where it is I better hide it again if you could all close your eyes thank you okay you can look now where have you hidden the treasure somewhere in the world well it can't be that far away you were only gone for a second no one will ever ever find it it's guarded by a ferocious beast all right ACORN class settle down Lucy could you please feed fluffy the hamster yes miss cookie oh look what I found look after that leg and that leg and that leg and that leg and that leg and mom oh dear you better bring him straight in I didn't expect to see you back so soon Gaston it's a bit sore isn't it I landed it for you and I'll sprinkle on a little fairy dust just to make it heal quickly Gaston scratching it no Gaston you mustn't scratch it or it won't get better oh just pop on this plastic collar now he can't scratch it right sorry Gaston here's another sticker for being so brave well be careful now I don't want to see you back here again oh well mrs. elf have you got the holiday tickets yes here they are good throw them down to me oh I'm not sure that's such a good idea mr. elf you might not catch them I'll catch them okay if you're sure [Music] you see elves are great at catching and I'm an elf why is Gaston got that big collar on don't laugh at you looks a custom sorry Gaston oh just throw them to me mrs. elf if you're sure Gaston caught the keys Gaston's great yes give me the keys back now I have called an emergency meeting because there are big people in the middle two grown-ups one little go and a dork having a picnic now as you all know the big people are dangerous they stepped off my granddad and they ate my house so we must be very careful and if anyone sees any big people I've seen a big person what where who me I'm a big person like me don't worry Lacey it's not your fault you're a big person you're a little person now anyway Lucy is our friend yes look at her feet they're far too small to step on anyone yes she does seem a bit small for a big person Polly shrunk me down oh I see but Lucy's our friends whether she is big or small in that case we are forgetting our manners Lucy would you like to join us for lunch as our special guest I'm having a picnic we'll take you back come on it's true darling there really are elves and fairies and talking rabbits well that's a new one on me but obviously there are no I can't believe it we must have imagined it [Music] darling I think that would be fine have a nice tree with eggs bacon sausages and toast the most beautiful thing I've ever seen look they're about to meet and run a hundred miles from each other Oh No why you doing here I could ask you the same question go on then what are you doing here oh no breakfast would you like to know why No Oh take that as a yes it's because are you like Freud eggs and sausages and bacon and pancakes and well if you didn't talk so much you could do some eating right I'm going a hundred miles away from you I'm going a thousand miles away from you it worked they've both left the Little Kingdom what a brilliant plan well done nanny plum Thank You King thistle and it was my idea your majesty it wasn't I thought of getting them together the breakfast tray let's just say elf cleverness and fairy magic has saved the day she loves me she loves me not she loves me she loves me not she loves me we thought you'd gone far away oh it's royde but I just can't get her out of my head that lighting gnomes beautiful isn't she do you like the way her eyes sort of sparkle for pity's sake can't we talk about something else okay then don't you think she has pretty ears oh this is terrible he's in love with her that spring time for you he's a fine figure of a no Minnie oh yes and I sneaked on a noise big tummy tire today a gas stove at least that means you will be jumping up on me and licking my face goodness me baby ladybirds yes and well well so Gaston is a girl Lady Bird after all no just ons a boy ladybird he's their uncle he's looking after them for the day ah be house-trained [Music] I'm sorry Holly but it's cross take care I'm going to read a story but to make the baby ladybirds sleepy oh but where are the baby ladybirds they've gone I'll go and get them no Ben Daisy and poppy can be a bit dangerous I'll go Daisy poppy they're not your dollies they're baby lady Birds how many baby lady Birds Oliver hmm this seems to be full now Daisy poppy it's very naughty to turn your mother into a ladybird thank you darling [Music] Klee it's just bad news the matter girls are coming here oh it gets worse I told them someone was doing up the castle for us oh yes who's that then you oh it's always the same with the marigolds they're just coming over to laugh at us oh well I'm sure the wise old elf can do something to make our castle a bit better yes I've got a few ideas already we can put in plastic windows and add a few garden gnomes no no no it needs to be super modern I can do super modern concrete blast even taps the don't drip that's more like it give me a yeah and I'll turn this castle into a palace but the models are coming today oh and they're expecting a modern open-plan castle don't worry Queen Sissel I can rebuild your castle and we can help yes darling why don't you go out for a nice walk and leave it with us why do I have to go away well it's like one of those shows you see on the telly where you go away and they do your house up in a day and when you come back it's lovely oh I see that sounds nice bye-bye when you come back you won't recognize the place right what's the plan it's a big job can we get it done by tonight maybe if we bought it what's this budget mean it's just a term we use in the building trade I write this wall has got to come out for a start I suppose you know what you're doing don't worry I always get the building inspector to check my work here's the building inspector me but how can you inspect your own work oh I'm very strict let me see now having some work done are you ah yes dear oh dear who did this for you yes let's go to the elf pay this is just gas Don's house well today it's the elf kay here's the elf computer I invented it myself but it's a cardboard box ah as I thought strawberry ice queen has made it cold on purpose that's how do you know that there's nothing on the screen it's pretend remember Holly oh yes the computer doesn't really work that would be crazy it's me the ice queen how are you oh boy Elfman how did you do that this computer's just a cardboard box I can do anything I'm the one who made it cold I wouldn't say it's that cold no we're not even wearing gloves huh oh yes I can make it colder if you like do your worst you'll never stop Elfman and ferry go we'll see about that lunch time oh I've got to go I'm having pizza for lunch pizza can we all country can we please okay you could all come for pizza there you are I was getting worried what with this mad weather mum my friends have come for lunch too is this okay yes of course we're super heroes and super villains that's nice who wants pizza we can't stop long I've got to take over the world and Ben and I have to save the world oh good so you'll need to keep your strength up then hmm what's the best way of taking over the world you are the ice queen you could make it snow yes maybe I will thanks fairy gal come on let's get on with the game we're off to us and quits hideout just give it a Polish oh he's very manly what should we wish for why don't you dance for us wish I wish for loud music thirty-one [Music] wish we had a big party with all of us dancing that is your third and final wish [Music] but you have used up your three wishes bye-bye let's go and see King missile he can sort it out how are you doing in there darling I'm hungry I'm ready mummy you look super yes you look lovely right let's go eat I'll just ask the mirror what it thinks mirror mirror on the wall how does my hair look now honestly not good oh dear I don't know what to do let me help I am a magic mirror after all salted that's horrid change my hair back no it looks great do something nobody will notice your hair come on let's go to dinner no no I can't go out like this I'm going to get a snack now then what would be a lovely tasty snack Oh nanny always put the best stuff at the back of the cupboard move yeah [Music] lift this rock up in the air but it's really big I know cause I use a pebble the pebbles are for the children's test why can't say the children's test because you're a grown-up or you're supposed to be right mm-hmm now four words please just be careful okay reverse please [Music] what's happened to my castle wise old elf told me to do it sorry your majesty now forwards again and when I clap my hands you must stop no problemo stop stop stop stop bring the rock back here now I want you to magic this rock into something else a frog no I can do frogs and egg what do you want an egg for oh just do it please oh I said an egg not a chicken one egg to the pause the practical test is over but you still have to answer one question how would you help a tadpole become a grown-up the test is over and it's bad news did I fail it's worse than that you passed you may now do magic again we're back in business [Music] it's locked does that mean it's a riddle no one's real until you solve that's silly I'll just magic it open oh [Music] my magic doesn't work on the door yes fairy magic and dwarf magic don't mix maybe we should just ask nicely how are you today mister door can we come in please maybe it means say the word friend good idea Ben friend that was easy let's go in Ben and Holly you wait outside oh the dwarf mine could be dangerous then why are you going in well we're grownups can we go with you why not if you're with us grown-ups you'll be safe as long as the door doesn't shut behind us oh now what do we do wand give me light maybe we can say friend again to make the door open friend it's a new rule this time alright what's the new riddle if a car was a two-liter engine traveled up a 15 degree hill at ten miles how much fuel abuse it is a hundred meters ah ah what if we go this way lots and lots of tunnels leading for miles we'd get lost going that way if only Gaston was here he could smell his way out good idea where is Gaston yes where is good old Gaston you said you never wanted to see him again and so did you dad oh yes and now Gaston's off somewhere being sad [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Peppa and Friends
Views: 3,863,412
Rating: 3.9564581 out of 5
Keywords: ben and holly, ben and holly’s little kingdom, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes, princess holly, ben and holly little kingdom, little kingdom, #benandholly, ben holly little kingdom, holly and ben, cartoon for kids, cartoons, ben holly, holly, holly and ben’s little kingdom, ben and holly full episodes, cartoon for children, ben, cartoons for kids, princess holly and ben elf
Id: tj_khcv0N7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 58sec (3778 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 30 2019
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