Beirut’s Most Expensive Buffet!! Lebanese Food UNLIMITED!!

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in this video that's a big old meaty piece I'm gonna be eating at the most expensive Buffet I could find in Beirut Lebanon but there's a Twist The Twist is that it's only fifty dollars now fifty dollars ain't nothing but it's not that crazy when you're thinking probably the most expensive buffet in the country well what is going on Sunny well I'll tell you things in Lebanon have changed in the last three years in 2020 there was a gigantic economic crisis that means that things are a lot cheaper now than they used to be that means now if you travel to Lebanon your money can go a lot further what's great about it is it's not like you're actually taking advantage of people by coming here and saving a bunch of money it's exactly what they need they need tourism they need dollars they need people to come here and to spend money and that's exactly what we're doing today the buffet is right inside let's go take a look [Music] thank you that we just come downstairs to where the restaurant is this place is beautiful and this hotel is unique because it's way up on a hill and you can look down at all the city of Beirut this Buffet is opening in five minutes it's about to get very very busy in here there's all different types of vegetables roasted and fried and then I look at something like this and I go yeah I don't know it looks yummy I just don't know what it's called here we have a mini salad bar I'll be staying away from this section this is a very famous salad that you'll find in Lebanon basically at almost every meal this is a dish it might be made with raw meat this looks like a mashed potatoes shaped into a beautiful cylinder with a pattern on top here we have beautiful stuffed grape leaves there's fish there's fried cauliflower there's beets and then there's hummus here I believe these are artichoke hearts right here this is a section we're going to be going to later this is Middle Eastern desserts you know what that is maybe I made it up you don't even know for sure they have fruit in the USA it means you're eating healthy here it means a treat for after dinner this is what I'm talking about this is gorgeous it's got cream inside and other stuff I don't know what anything is I can make up a name for this you won't know the niferous yeah it said bleep blue super good bleep Loop here I can't wait to try this blue outside is where they have the main courses there's a private party over here and you can see this incredible view looking down onto the city boring who cares food right here the grill is heating up and it's ready for some meat grilling this is the mains right here the chefs are still filling it up what is this one this is this is an amazing Lebanese sausage it smells of strong cinnamon smell and you have some sausages here very nice so that's all the food we need to start from the beginning probably some of those dishes on the table inside then I'm gonna graduate out to here I want to see the guys cooking meat in front of me I need drinks oh God there's so much going on I'm gonna sit down make a plan let's do this this is a dish that is made with raw meat mixed with a load of spices so I want to try some of that oh classic tough grape leaves depending on what they're stuffed with they can be quite delicious this is so perfect I don't want to destroy it but also I kind of do so I'm going to I need to know what this is so I believe it's a mashed potato this is certainly something I've never tried on the show before it's a freaking artichoke they have freshly oven baked fish and they smell very fishy but I'm still gonna get one anyways let's go eat if you have a first course right here I have to say this is one of the more unique buffets I've ever been to because I don't recognize almost anything and that's kind of fun let's start with potentially the most boring this right here I think it's probably mashed potatoes with some herbs and butter inside [Music] not buttery they may have some olive oil and it tastes a bit sour here in Lebanon people are big fans of sour flavors I've never had mashed potatoes quite like that but not bad right here we have the grape leaves all these are very cold and they're stuffed but what are they stuffed with I'm not sure let's find out [Music] salty it's slightly sour I think it tastes a little bit of pomegranate let's break it open and see what's inside yeah it's rice and a load of spices there's some tomato too so it's a little bit acidic as well here this has to be raw meat come take a look I know because it makes a really specific Gucci sound when I move it around very much as raw meat would we've already filmed for our main channel here in Lebanon and then I had something similar to this too let's try it out and not just any meat that is raw lamb and very lamb there's a load of spices inside it's a bit intense actually it tastes like the spices you would have in a kebab but it's all raw then we have a little fish if I had to guess I would say this fish came from the Mediterranean Sea this smelled fishy and it didn't look like it was going to be fantastic you cannot judge food by itself just like you cannot judge a person by their smell every girl in my 20s I figured it out eventually it's called deodorant nobody told me [Music] artichoke I've not eaten an artichoke for the last 10 years I think I forgot how each of these leaves that you can pull off there's like a little bit of starch or something on there you can peel off with your teeth [Music] and that has no flavor the texture is kind of like the inside of a pea I do like it overall it's just not a very strong flavor and they didn't boil this in salt or anything like that that is the Lesser known part of the artichoke the part everyone knows of course though is the artichoke heart oh my God what am I doing am I doing it wrong is this food this thing's edible I don't know let's see if I spit this off [Music] that part's not that good let me break this open hold on oh when you break it open then it reveals it looks like a cattail I don't know what the I'm doing I'm not gonna eat this that was a terrific ending to our first course let's go to round two and maybe even get some wine this one now at first when I saw this I thought it was a quiche but no it's salmon baked in with perhaps egg or cheese oh yeah that looks like a nice loaf nothing better than basically a cake with chunks of salmon inside I think this is maybe an Arctic choke heart and I failed so badly with the artichoke heart already that I went around too we have a little bit of hummus I'm gonna get some of these they look like egg rolls right here we have some beets why am I getting beets because I want to go to the bathroom later and be terrified for a brief moment it also adds a nice color to the plate we've got fish on top let's get that on there and this is looking like a very successful round too I found the bread section and actually this bread has Wi-Fi cool let's go eat [Music] ladies and gentlemen I of course too right here but I've also ordered a bottle of wine this is a Lebanese white wine the camera person gets wine too dangerous because these shots might be out of focus soon Lebanon is famous for it's one and people here drink like crazy they're known for their nightlife they love to party okay let's get into this right here I'm gonna start with some beets I don't know why I love beans so much they're naturally sweet and they taste like dirt but I like it people here in Lebanon they freaking love bread I see it at every meal that I've experienced here as bread we have hummus too hummus is made out of a few different things garlic olive oil lots of chickpeas [Music] oh that's a great hummus very smoky Savory toasted tasting garlicky and delicious here I don't know what this is it looks like a spring roll I'm gonna break it open oh it's better than a spring roll I think these are full of cheese Lebanese cheese sticks oh my God it's so good it's like gushy oily white cheese inside the outside is super crunchy this is a nice surprise how often do you break something open and then you discover oh my God there's cheese in here like if you fall off your bike or something and crack your head open you're never like whoa there's cheese in my head is that bad example here we have some fish and then kind of an orange salad underneath not every single food is Lebanese they do have some food from other neighboring countries as well let's try it out it's like a spicy Tangy sauce and the fish is fish but it's a nice combination that's really good here's our quiche but I don't even know if it's really quiche I see salmon chunks I see cheese on top cheers so weird when you first bite into it it's nice but it has a little bit I'm infunk to it it's a strong fishy flavor but overall this is very good it has like a little crackery ready base on the bottom I believe it's eggy in the middle there's some cheese and then Smoky fishy salmon on the inside we're about to go get the meat but first this is an artichoke heart this is what I should have been able to get out of that artichoke but I was too unskilled and too inexperienced I didn't know what I was doing that isn't good it's a weird texture it tastes very vibrous it's crunchy it's nice that it makes a little dish I could put it in the bathroom it could hold soap let's go get some meat [Music] we're all warmed up we've had two courses it's time to get some meat hi there what do you have here with sauce and the chicken and lamb and the rice okay let's try it all right so he takes the sauce right here he puts it in a pot that is step one this sauce has a very strong smell of cinnamon so he puts in a lot of greens this is a lot of food maybe more than I bargained for so we throw some rice on the plate some chicken then some lamb meat that goes here once that's done cooking that is gonna go on top of here so here we have vinegar and onion together some chips and some lemon sauce too thank you we're gonna walk this to the table because it is too hot and too heavy I'll be back for you I'm gonna get more what else we got here now everything is open it looks tasty We've Got Rice we've got Kevin here we have rice with fish okay I'll try some of them very nice amazing service the chef at the beginning of the day said this is a very famous very delicious sausage but why not have one sir thank you don't wake up this is enough for course three let's go something that you're not going to find at your Old Country Buffet and even this dish right here he literally had to assemble it for me with several different ingredients we've got lots of vinegar onions on top we have these thick greens that almost look like seaweed or sauteed spinach or something like that there's rice on the bottom that's soaked up all the juices and he was boiling up let's try this sour from the vinegar from the onions but I like it a lot of cinnamon flavor and tasty overall oh take a look at that that's like a nice big old thick piece of beef I meant lamb the whole time [Music] I don't know what that's a big old meaty piece has been braised so long it's very soft and tender it's very delicious or is my Cuban friend Aura would say you're so Jammy okay what's going on here sausage come take a look at this here's what I like about this sausage is it's like the inconsistent texture and the shape of it you can see that stuffed with rice it's looking really intestinal let's try it out Patty casing full of rice tons of cinnamon flavor Saltine interesting because it is a sausage but it's not filled with meat they stuffed it with air and also rice this is a stuffed zucchini what are you stuck with ah it's not cheese that does look nice though it looks like there's some rice and some meat [Music] I mean technically a fruit hey Siri is zucchini technically a fruit zucchini is technically a fruit although it's treated as a vegetable sorry hey you know what did I treat you like a vegetable I'm sorry because I know you're a fruit very fruity last right here fish on top of rice oh look at that folks here love almonds and nuts in general and I love nuts especially if these nuts a beautiful blend of spices it's almost like a Biryani nice texture on the rice I love that brown color it's brown in such a way that you know it's been soaking up some nice flavors here's a piece of fish the rice all the sauces are co-mingling I gotta say food's getting better with every plate there is a live meat roasting section we're gonna go check that out next there is one thing we've not tried yet that is the live roasted Meats now the animals are not alive but the roasting definitely is right here we've got our meat on the grill we've got some chicken and beef right here I always put more on the grill this looks real tasty I love it oh right here they have some sauces they have garlic sauce tartar sauce barbecue and cocktail sauce too so we have our plate right here this is some major meat we have kofta this is the Lamb or shrimp that have been grilled chicken and then this sauce is called tomb let's head back to the table right here we have our grilled Meats let's start with the shrimp I'm gonna Twist Off the head and they've already split the back kind of making it pretty easy to get the rest of it off they've split it they took the poop line out of its spine basically I should say mostly I found some poop still try it out not doing this that is a tasty shrimp it's bouncy it's shrimpy it's very nice this is called this is a garlic cream sauce it's so intensely garlicky that if you had this on a first date they would divorce you and you would have to pay alimony somehow even though it was your first date so if you really like pure intensely garlic flavors that is the one for you you cannot just have meat alone in Lebanon you must have it with bread I got some more of this bread right here most people just kind of eat with their hands in this scenario they would take some bread they'd break off some meat hit it with some of this delicious garlicky creamy and throw it back cheers I love lamb I grew up in Minnesota not much lamb plus you know in the US if you get lamb what do you get lamb chops and it's something that my family never had because you know we were white trash when I got McDonald's twice a year it was like oh my God Mom did you win a scratch off we got McDonald's I got two cheeseburgers what happened mom lamb is good deliciously seasoned great texture to the mean creamy like powerful garlic and the bread here I like because it's really thin here I can grab this chicken wrap the bread around peel it off hit it with some sauce and toss it back deliciously seasoned chicken still pretty moist it's like the breast was pretty good brush I like it these guys are grilled Masters out there but this meal to me doesn't work at all if you don't have the sauce it's like trying to eat these shrimp without any sauce it's a problem this is our final dinner course from here dessert boom we have entered the dessert section now here's what they would like you to do they would like you to get a plate this size but I'm not falling for that let's go right here this looks stunning and delicious I'm gonna break off some of this much more cakey than expected you can see there's like a cream on top and some pistachios and then we have this right here it looks like fried hair in the best way possible and then there's cream in the middle this reminds me of a Turkish dessert it's important to not miss this step right here that ain't water that is syrup and the serum has to go on top of the dessert so let's put it on oh yes right here they literally just have a bowl of whipped cream of course I want to do this whipped cream just by itself right there this is just chocolate cake I think we have enough dessert let's go to the table our final course it's been such an amazing journey so many different surprises so many new foods and then right here the best way to finish it off do you ever just go to Starbucks and Order whipped cream and pumpkin they'll look at you funny but it's worth it because it's delicious that just tastes like straight up gold whipped cream this is very nice by the way whipped cream diet hack if you get Cool Whip in a tub put it in the freezer it's got like 10 of the calories of ice cream and it's real good this right here fat hack if you're trying to get fat as fast as possible eat whatever this is there's a creamy Upper Crust there's pistachio let's try it out oh it's so sweet it's like the texture of gulab jamun that Indian dessert desserts here seem somewhat similar to Turkey Turkey loves their desserts and here they definitely do too it even tastes like a little bit of roads it's good it's interesting because it looks like it has layers but then when you put it in your mouth it's just one big sugary actuated texture quite a bread that's been soaking your syrup that's real sweet I recommend tiny little bites for that this is our final dessert I've got the syrup on top in the middle a layer of cream just look at the top and bottom layers the crunch on there let's try it out super sweet awesome crunchy texture just like a little miniature sized fried noodles almost really creamy on the inside and just tons of freaking sugar this is great and everything but there's a private party behind me and they have a giant cake I'm looking at it right now I kind of want some of that too there's a cross on the cake maybe the cake is for God God cake this was amazing from here we gotta wrap this up [Music] boom guys that is the end of the video and my gosh what a buffet what an experience what a life I gotta say I've never seen a buffet like this in my life I feel like I've dropped by at different planets some foods were familiar many were not some were questionable and many were absolutely delicious and fun to try for the first time and can I ever try them again yes in theory except for I wouldn't know how to order them because I don't know how to say the names yeah it's a bleep bloop the buffet fifty dollars the wine for a bottle 25 wine here super cheap if you're ever in Beirut why not swing by anyways that is the most expensive Buffet I could find here in Beirut Lebanon guys I hope you enjoyed this video thank you so much for watching I will see you next time a piece oh Batman peace a piece I will find you I will find peace all right where am I going no I have to leave I have to go back to my hotel I'm actually staying at a hotel this hotel I should have stayed here they have a buffet another date your style with our brand new clothing collection rock out in our threads feel the thrill of culinary adventures and celebrate with us in style head on over to today
Channel: More Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 1,588,598
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: HJyZs-Ns2CU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 37sec (937 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2023
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