What I Found at Vietnam’s $89 Brunch Buffet!!

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in this video some of these desserts look like actual pieces of art it's gorgeous How could somebody even eat that I'm gonna be taking you on a tour oh yeah it's hot steamy juicy and succulent oh Ho Chi Minh City's most expensive Buffet first of all cheers we opted for the alcohol package so I have unlimited wine for the next three hours Ho Chi Minh city is the biggest city in all of Vietnam at around almost 10 million people this is a city with plenty of food and plenty of Buffets I've gone to a very cheap buffets in the past but the buffet we're going to today cost over 70 dollars right behind me you can see Caravelle Hotel the buffet is called 19 Buffet the buffet itself is 72 dollars and 52 cents but if you want to get unlimited alcohol that's an extra 14.54 that's not bad I mean go to New York any cocktail is gonna cost you that for one cocktail here it's unlimited [ __ ] Tails sorry awkward place to take a breath let's go see if we can get our money's worth thank you officially the buffet opens in 17 minutes I want to get here a little bit early because as soon as the doors open people are going to rip this thing apart it never looks better than before people get here we're gonna go take a look and see what kind of options they have I've been to other expensive buffets that were a bit more broad here it's really condensed there's tons of meat and it's all together this is all Seafood right here we have some scallops Abalone if you come here they have all the roasted Meats also they have pizza now I'm not sure who pays 71 dollars and then gets pizza at a buffet but that's not going to be meat today as you come down here they have a foie gras station I think they will sear it a little bit and then maybe put it on some bread so I'm definitely gonna come back for that right here Sushi it looks pretty gorgeous they have like literal Sushi flowers from salmon from whatever fish that is they have some rolls they have some niggity all that looks stunning and delicious they're still setting up a little bit you can say they're putting some desserts on the dessert area some of these desserts look like actual pieces of art take a look at this it's gorgeous How could somebody even eat that it feels mean to do here you can get your steak incredibly rare no I'm just kidding I think they'll cook this up for you there some steak they have plus even more Seafood here we've got snails we've got another kind of shellfish we have lobsters up here shrimp down here and then down here it looks like different colors of caviar or fish eggs at least and then over here the oysters now do I like oysters I don't know I'm always right on the fence but what I've learned is smaller is better and then you have to include some Vietnamese sauces some lime maybe some salt and pepper so we're gonna try some of those soon we have just a couple more minutes before they open and then we're gonna get to it round one I'm gonna start with oysters they have Shook and unshucked I'm gonna go with the shucked ones I'm guessing these would be local on the side sauce is a must yummy whatever that is and yummy whatever this is it's probably salt and pepper right here and then some limes to go with that this is a cracker topping tray Sunny you're at a buffet why would you get some cheap Ritz crackers well because you can put fun things on top of the crackers right here eggs song these are shrimp eggs and then these are wasabi flavored eggs awesome and then this is just normal caviar what's great is to go with the fish eggs you can also have chicken eggs so this is some diced up egg whites and then this looks like a heavy whipping cream we've got our oysters we've got our eggs let's go eat first of all cheers we opted for the alcohol package so I have unlimited wine for the next three hours so I got two random sauces they're both like kind of a vinegar sauce I'm gonna put some of that in there put a little salt and pepper a squeeze of citrus it's soaking up all those sauces try it out okay pretty good it's gooey it's like a loogie but the flavoring does help a bit it's just a strong vinegar kind of flavor that's been added I still don't understand why some people absolutely love and adore oysters like the person holding the camera right now happens to be married to me here many crackers here one cracker I want to point out a couple things this is caviar right here but this is not going to be like the caviar from a sturgeon this is probably from like a Cod or some other much much cheaper fish and then it's dyed black to make it look like the fancy expensive caviar it doesn't mean it can't taste good though the very tall team Briny and chewy I still like it but that is still definitely an imitation of the real thing here Wasabi caviar very very fine tiny little eggs they explode as you chew on them a hint of Wasabi flavor and I'm told this is shrimp eggs super Briny intense seafoody forgot the chicken eggs chicken eggs Briny seafoody oh wait no it's just an egg white this here is not even an appetizer it's more like in a moose Bouche it's just a flavor a taste of what's to come let's go out for another round I've been told that this middle section right here is for display purposes only you can eat the food but you don't take the food from here you actually order it and then they'll cook it up for you so I've got Lobster I've got Abalone and crab let's go see the food foreign looks absolutely delicious I think this is garlic and butter and I really appreciate that you can come here and fill up on Abalone Abalone is very expensive I've stabbed it it's looking hot and steamy let's try it out Abalone has the best texture of meat it's almost like eating beef hearts or something it's really dense there's piles of garlic on there it's buttery it's Rich it's divine speaking of divine our next thing right here this is a popular preparation for a lot of different seafood in Vietnam when I see it I always feel like why would you put cheese on Seafood my fellow Americans who are watching this would you ever just drape cheese over Lobster and cook it like this let's try it out I'm gonna pry out tearing this out just in this moment sold me on the 71 dollars holy cow that looks good interesting buttering juicing great texture to the meat the cheesecakes I'm getting used to as somebody who is an avid fan of cheese I still find it unusual that they would put on a lobster on this premium meat but it's kind of working what's up that food secretly for my wife turns out she wants to eat some food too very selfish I know but I have to accommodate her boom over here crab I asked what kind of crabs are they they said normal crabs what they meant was mud crabs look at that you can just pop the top we all know by now I like king crab and something just big and meaty and you can rip the meat out this though it could be promised in the head they might have some eggs are you supposed to eat them okay my wife what happens to be Vietnamese says that is food [Music] it tastes like food so it's a Tamarind crab it's got a little tart sweetness to it I ate the part that used to be food for the crab you gotta be careful in that head that head is full of [ __ ] I'm looking at this I can't do it it's sticky it's small there's so many tiny pieces I'm gonna give this to my wife because she knows exactly what to do with this and I'm gonna go for something more hearty next round I've already had a lot of seafood it's time for some land animals except for this I have to try this it's unusual it's my wife's absolute favorite I shouldn't be using my hand that is an oyster with melted cheese on top I think I'm gonna try some of this handle oh so they're going to cut it fresh right in front of me oh yeah it's hot steamy juicy and succulent all right there we go come on in okay so I'm told they have a beef option and a lamb option right now she's gonna slice up some lamb for me that looks tender and delicious and juicy right here's what I really care about this is the foie gras station so right here we've asked for a fresh order he's gonna put five of these little Patties on here you can see immediately they're so full of fat it looks like he added some Crisco or vegetable oil but no that is just pure fattiness coming out of each slice [Music] well right here we have gorgeous full grass and then these right here look like I don't know if you were a piece of baby bread you would need to nourish yourself on this it is a peculiar shade so I'm gonna break the bread open and then I'm gonna stop some of the Foie Grom inside and that might even be too heavy what time we went to Hanoi to do a video about a buffet there and the chef said that one time he saw a Vietnamese family eat nothing but foie gras well you'd be surprised we've had guests at a table of six ate about 150 slices yes really without blinking it's just pure fat they must have destroyed their Plumbing I get you're trying to beat the system not worth it cheers [Music] Rich soft tender fatty decadent this is how Jeff Bezos feels when he wakes up in the morning I want to try it with that mango sauce because it is so rich that you do almost want to cut it with something sweet delicious it's like a mango puree right here oyster the lobster with cheese that kind of makes sense to me this is a Briny Oceanic oyster salty mixed with cheese my wife said you have to try it out you will change your mind let's see [Music] mixed with melted cheese which is not a combination that I want but that's pretty good it just tastes creamy and Meaty all right I stand corrected I was being egotistical and cheese on oyster that's pretty good next we have a lamb check out this lamb sliced fresh for me um very much I have a mustard sauce here just for a little bit of extra flavor it's lambing but I can say it is a little bit Bland there's not a ton of flavor to it so I think if you're gonna get meat like this here you have to add your own sauces overall it's Juicy and Delicious it's just lacking a bit of flavors here a big old piece of ham it's so funny she gave me this giant slice and then she said is that enough this is enough for a football player that's nice and that's completely different because with the ham they would put it in a salty brine so the salt is already permeated the meat it's every bite from the inside out is going to be kind of salty soft tender delicious that's a nice ham I'm not sure how much more I can fit in my body at this point I'm gonna try to do one to two more rounds and then I gotta call it quits let's go for more so here's the difficult part about any Buffet as soon as you get like three quarters full food starts to look less attractive and so at this point I'm trying to figure out what I want to eat I have such a small amount of stomach space left I had to really Choose Wisely at this point Sushi here we have some Wasabi paste I'll just put that on a peanut butter and jelly sandwich Ginger important palette cleanser wow they even give you some of this sliced cabbage it's uh not in cabbage I'm gonna grab some salmon and then we got some uh unlabeled fish oh that looks nice over here some salmon niggity this right here just looks like kimbap and then finally here some tofu skin with rice and vinegar and sugar I don't know what it's called it looks delicious oh look at this plate oh my gosh I could be a plating expert the final missing element soy sauce oh thank God it's a teapot full of soy sauce let's go eat milk check it out course number 400 here we have the Japanese section now is this real Wasabi probably not this is probably a horseradish paste first salmon look how nicely marbled that salmon is you guys worry about mercury poisoning because they say fish is amazing and it has omega-3 fatty acids and then they say don't eat it because it has mercury how bad can mercury be for you I should read books sometimes cheers high grade delicious quality of salmon that is very nice and then we have this right here a white fish I'm told recently this is actually sea bass let's see how that compares with salmon Fisher not so like creamy and delicious like that salmon but also nice just maybe a slightly more stringy no strong flavor to it this right here reminds me of Korean kimbap so the kimbap generally does not have anything raw inside of it it would just be like the cold ingredients or eggs or roots or kimchi rice things like that probably know it's probably a Japanese sushi roll cheers just so again flavors aren't really popping the rice feels a bit too congealed I think it's just been hanging out a little bit too long it's decent here oh my God these are my favorite I forgot what they're called though [Music] unbelievable delicious a little bit of Ginger to cleanse the palette all right let me go see if I can find something interesting for the grand finale guys for our last course I'm getting very full and what I've realized after all these courses and after all these foods that the real strength here is in the seafood so why deny it here this is a henshell scallop in there they are gonna cook this up in a very Vietnamese way with peanuts and with shallot oil it's gonna be delicious so I'm gonna get a few different types of seafood but I'm also gonna get a dessert right here is there a signature dessert they said you have to try this before you leave this is a fly now this has been unmolested untouched oh it is thick I'm gonna get a nice piece like that it's like this delicious thick caramel sauce oh you can see it's got a weight to it I got my dessert I'm waiting on seafood and then we're gonna sit down for one final course right here we have our absolute final final course I swear I cannot do any more after this I want to show you something special yes I've been drinking white wine this whole time but they came up to us and they said we also have cocktails how about a Long Island iced tea absolutely I said yeah so let's try that powerful let's take a look at the seafood here octopuses this is grilled and actually it looks like they shrink down quite a bit huh oh yeah delicious Smoky chewy I can like feel the suction cups on his little legs and then they just put some oil on there deep breath every fat guy was watching this who's been to a buffet knows it's kind of deep breathing you have to do this isn't like deep breathing like I'm trying to get focused on the day it's like I'm trying to stay alive so I can eat more food take a look at this the pen shell now this is a classic Vietnamese preparation shallot oil peanuts it's gonna taste like a little charcoal cheers as College goes surprisingly Top flavor is very nice right here snails in Vietnamese it's called I just got judged by my Vietnamese wife because I didn't get the poop sack out okay I got it by the head come on oh oh there you go that is what you're looking for that is a big ugly beast it looks hideous but tastes delicious I'll give it a little bit of a dip right here in this thick fish sauce let's try it out [Music] hold on makes feelings it's such a mix of textures because the meaty part is great it's crunchy it's kind of chewy and then the poopy part is very soft and warm when I say pooping part I mean you're actually eating the whole digestive tractors inside it doesn't taste bad it's like a bad day very fascinating overall I like it here our final thing if you don't know what flan is flan is a creme caramel fly huh font has a rich toasted sugar caramel flavor from the topping and the base tastes very milky perfectly sweet and lightly eggy let's try it out [Music] oh my gosh it is like taking an ecstasy pill except that you don't have a hangover the next day there's like a touch of delicious tantalizing caramel flavor but beneath that a base of intensely creamy milky notes like if a cow dunked its utter and caramel and then you sucked off that cow but luckily you don't have to suck off a cow you can just eat this and it feels much more civilized boom we did it 75 different dishes in my stomach right now that's going to be good for me later we're gonna go outside at this moment and I'm gonna tell you my final thoughts guys I'm trying my best to suck in my stomach right now it's in the wind it's not helping oh there we go guys that is the end of the video 19 Buffet I gotta say it's over 70 dollars if you add the booze it's around 85 for me 100 worth it that is not something you do every Sunday but maybe something you do once or twice a year it is glorious there's so much food it's an experience you can just chill out it's a great time the people here were very incredible kind sweet and very attentive coming by every couple seconds do you need a seventh glass of wine sir you probably shouldn't but do you want more yes what's the answer in the end I must say highly recommend otherwise that is it for this one thank you so much for watching I will see you next time oh I wonder what the most expensive pizza buffet is in Saigon I want a Godfather's Pizza
Channel: More Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 1,964,835
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: foodtravel, foodieadventures, foodexplorer, travelingchef, foodietraveler, culinaryjourney, globaleats, foodculture, localcuisine, foodporn, travelvlog, foodvlog, foodandtravel, foodietravelguide, foodietraveller
Id: GtVdsMLP_hs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 36sec (876 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 25 2023
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