How To Live in the Spirit and not the Flesh | How to Walk in the Power of The Holy Spirit

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people are living out of the flesh they're living out of their works and they reduce this Living Word of God to a book of dead principles [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] one thing that I see in the church today is that I see certainly Christians that are struggling to live like Christ they want to but they're in such bondage and slavery to their sin and it reminds me so much of what Paul talks about in Romans chapter 7 verse 18 where he says for I know that nothing good dwells in me that is in my flesh for I have the desire to do what is right but not the ability to carry it out for I do not do the good I want but the evil I do not want is what I keep on doing and you see so many Christians are living this life and it leads to frustration it leads to discouragement a sense of failure a sense of guilt and then these Christians end up defining themselves and their Christian walk by these things you see the reason why is very obvious people are living out of the flesh and people living out of a place of works and they reduce this Living Word of God to a book of dead principles which they try to apply but they don't have the power to do so it's exactly the same as like trying to stick pieces of fruit on a tree rather than allowing a tree to just produce fruit naturally and then people reduce this Christian life to this our world no one's perfect sort of mindset where it allows them to remain where they are it gives them permission to stay with our they define their walk by their experiences and by the way that people are living around them rather than God's Word and they have such a sin consciousness that it actually becomes their identity and they're struggling in their flesh and they're putting on their Christian face and they're trying to do good and they just failing over and over but if you're struggling with this the good news is that you're struggling with this because there are people out there who don't even care about trying to live like Christ you obviously care enough if you're struggling with this and God can use that that's a place to start from is the desire to want to live like that and you see the answer to living this life is actually very simple it's living in the spirit and living from a place of grace not from a place of works it's a transformation rather than just trying to improve upon the old self for the Bible says in 2 Corinthians 5:17 if anyone is in Christ he's a new creation behold the older has passed away the new has come and this is a complete transformation of our being it's a change of our desires our conviction our our mindset and we actually have the power to carry it out we're not living right to try to be made right with God but rather we've been made right with God so we're living right and this is a completely different way of living it's a it's a revelation of your identity of who you are in God and from that place is where you can live like Christ so naturally where it becomes as natural as breathing and when you don't live like Christ it becomes a surprise all of a sudden you've turned away from this works straining and striving mentality and God's Spirit is working through you to produce the life that you want to live in him you might be saying yeah this is this is really great and that's a life I want to live but but how do I actually apply these in my life so that I'm transformed and I'm living this hour every day and the answer is simply to abide in him that when we abide in him he is going to produce this work in us and the first step is to a bit that we can't Paul says in Romans chapter seven and five do not have the power to do so to live the good I want to do that's the first place that's a fantastic place to be because that's a place of humility that's a place of dependence upon God and when you're in that place he can come in and work through you and you don't want to run to the gospel when a crisis comes when a trouble comes and and try to apply these principles in your own strength to to overcome it know you want to be with him every day you want in the gospel to be alive inside of you living and active and when the crisis comes when the situation comes your just going to manifest Christ it's just gonna come out naturally that's just who you are because it's God's Spirit alive in you and from this place you know who you are in him and you are one with Jesus and it's his spirit that is alive in you and working through you you're drawing upon his resources flowing through you it's not your own work it's his love peace joy kindness goodness faithfulness patience self-control that is working through you and you got to come before him and you've got a want miss with all your heart and cry out to him day after day consistently that's what the place of abiding is with him close fellowship with him in prayer and in his word and you might say well you know I've tried this mat and and this doesn't work you may have given up but that's that's deception that's deception you may not think he's there you may not feel he's there but the word says is there so you believe that he is there no matter what you think no matter what you feel you don't want to fall into the deception of oble this just doesn't work and then you subvert grace and you subvert faith and then all of a sudden you're not able to be transformed because you've actually closed yourself off to the working power of God what you want to do when you come before him is to release faith and then grace will come in and make that a reality that's how this all works is by faith through grace you keep coming before him consistently and when you get into that place you don't come before him and start beating yourself up and declaring what you're not you start declaring who you are who are you gonna believe what what your minds is what the world says what the enemy says where your emotions say or what God has said in his word you come before him and I do this every day I say Lord God no matter how I'm feeling Lord God I thank you so much that you're ruling and reigning in me Lord God I thank you so much that you're making me more like your son I thank you Lord that you're producing fruit in me Lord God I thank you Lord that you're drawing closer to me I thank you Lord that you're guiding me I thank you Lord God that you're working a righteousness in me I thank you Lord that every day I'm growing more and more to be like your son and I'm operating more and more in the spirit and when when you release that faith God's grace will come in and transform you that's the way that you want to pray that's the way that you want to commune with God and that is coming from a place of faith there's no point in him giving you gift if you don't receive it and open it up and use it put it on and walk in it that's what he's giving you and he's giving you the power to do that through his spirit as you do that and you may not see anything happen at first but if you persist in doing that God will meet you and he's done that to me over and over and over again and taken me higher and higher and higher and higher as I've dared to believe by his grace more and more of what he can do in me and the transformation that he can work in me he says in in the bob was in Hebrews 11:6 that he's the reward of those who diligently seek him and I can promise you that if you bring the faith that you have if you confess these things in faith and hope against all hope and believe in the face of everything that he will work that transformation in you he is faithful to meet you there the problem that a lot of Christians make is that they they fall into this place they fall into this trap where they're looking to the next conference they're looking to the next emotional high they're looking to the next book to give them this secret that's going to unlock this faith that all of a sudden them they're going to be zapped and they're going to be like Jesus and they're just gonna be walking in the power of the Spirit but that doesn't happen these these are just emotional hires and they just never lead to transformation as soon as the difficulty comes BAM house I've built on the sand washed away and the back to that place of discouragement and frustration and guilt and they define themselves by their sin all over again and it just reaffirms that this just doesn't work I pray friend that that you would have the faith to do this you would take what you have that you would get into your bedroom that you would get alone with him that you would confess the word and you would dare to believe what God can do in you and that you would see his faithfulness in meeting you there and that what he does is going to blow your mind feel free to leave any comments below any questions any thoughts I'm happy to chat a bit further may you be so blessed in this and take care if you like this video give it a thumbs up below be sure to hit the subscribe button so you don't miss out on any new videos feel free to leave any comments or questions below and don't forget to share with your friends
Views: 17,697
Rating: 4.9731245 out of 5
Keywords: jesus, Holy Spirit, live in the Spirit, Walk in the Spirit, Live like Jesus, How to live in the Spirit and not the flesh, Faith over feelings, how to walk in the power of the holy spirit, how to live like jesus in the modern world, how to live in the spirit and not in the flesh, how to walk in the spirit and not in the flesh, how to walk in the spirit and not the flesh, live like jesus in the modern world, walk in the spirit not in the flesh, how to walk in the spirit
Id: 4wPmeoZabjk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 38sec (578 seconds)
Published: Tue May 05 2020
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