Dr Betty Price Faith to Walk in the Spirit, Part 2 Sep 17th

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last time on ever-increasing faith or a  corruptible crown but we for an imperishable   our uncorruptible crown so we all want to obey God  and do the things of God so that we can receive an   uncorruptible crown they will do whatever it  takes to make things work for them the sports   people that actors whatever it take it they have  to lose 50 pounds they'll do it or they have to do   so much exercise they'll do it to get to where  they need to do to receive a corruptible crown   so why don't we do it for an incorruptible  crown or an imperishable crown verse 26 of   the Apostle Paul again it says therefore I run  thus not with uncertainty that's a fight not as   one who beats the air but I discipline my body  and as the traditional King James says I put I   put my body I keep my body under and bring it  into subjection that's when I have preached to   others i myself should become disqualified so  we want to discipline our bodies and whatever   way we need to do it as the Apostle Paul says  and bring it into suggestion less when we preach   to others we ourselves become disqualified  so I think that's a good verse we need to   do self-control discipline your body in whatever  area you need to do it now Luke 9:23 this is how   you can take care of the body the things that  come to the body they're natural if you we're   in the world before and you knew you lived  a certain lifestyle you used to having sex   out of marriage there's you know it's gonna  be hard to stop it because that's a natural   thing and so God tells you what to do to stop it  because he forgives you for anything you do but   I think if you just practice sin he can't keep  putting up with that forever but if you make a   mistake or you make a wrong choice and you ask  him to forget you forgive you then you repent   and he says like he says in first John 1:9 if  you confess your sins he is faithful and just   to forgive you of your sins and then to cleanse  you from all unrighteousness so if you actually   repented and you're not doing it anymore you  shouldn't be in bondage over what you've done   you can't undo that do what God says God says in  more verses than 1 in Hebrews 8:12 is one of the   verses I know but he said this in more places  in the Bible where God says I will not remember   your sins or transgressions any more so God knows  everything so how does he forget he says I will   I will not remember so that's what you have to do  when you've made a bad choice and you really want   to be right with God God will receive you and take  you in and it was just like you've never done that   before so what does he tell you to do he tells  you to forgive yourself if you confess your sins   he's faithful and just to forgive you and then  to cleanse you from all unrighteousness you're   cleanse and you have to believe it only the devil  wants you to remember because God has already told   you he wouldn't remember them anymore but see the  devil you shouldn't have to devil let you do that   because number one the devil is the one that led  you into doing the bad choice in the first place   and he's the only one who wants to remind you  of it so that you could stay in bondage she have   to rise above that and do what God says he says I  will not remember so God tells you in Philippians   3:13 forgetting those things which are behind  reaching for those things which are before press   turn to mark for the prize of the high calling  of God in Christ Jesus now you may not be able to   forget it for you forget it out of your mind but  what he means when he tells you to forget is not   to let it dominate your life anymore don't let it  take control of your life because number one like   if you're a woman you had a child out of out of  wedlock there's no way you can remember that you   can forget that but what you do is you don't let  it keep you from moving on with God because once   God has given you forgiveness you're forgiven for  whatever anything there's nothing too bad you can   do that God wouldn't forgive you up unless you  don't receive Jesus Christ because he's your wait   for forgiveness so God is not just coming down on  people but it's people that practice these things   as a way of life and there are too many of them  that do it I mean I get letters where every I'll   think of a letter every time when I'm talking and  thinking about this lady I got this sad letter at   home right now the latest says her husband is a  pastor but he at the same time is going with the   secretary he had wanted his wife to be a good  friend to the secretary so the secretary knows   everything that's going on in their home she no  all mr. wife didn't know it at first but anyway   she comes to find out he's having an affair with  her then there's another lady in the church that   needed counseling and the Menace ministers you  need to listen to this but you make rules for   yourself the lady whatever they whatever they  come in to your office for they trying to get   your attention she was saying that you know  husband wasn't all that he should be in the   bedroom so the pastor just takes her in has  another girlfriend on the side and the wife   tells me that she has to sit in church I wouldn't  do it just to sit in church between these two   women that are going with her husband and she  can't say anything about it that's not God so   they don't they don't know the word or they don't  know who they are in Christ so they could rise up   and take their rightful stand anyway I I have all  these stories and it's unreal but I think I know   it's because people don't know the Word of God  and they don't know who they are in Christ and   they don't they're not strong enough to stand up  and say what's right and you know and sometimes   the husband's threatened them all of these types  of things and God is not pleased with that because   when you're messin over your sister you're messin  over God's child and that's gonna be your wife   that's your sister messin over God's child so  anyway some more scriptures on how do we deal   with this and how do we take care of this that  will walk in the spirit and not in the flesh look   at Luke chapter 9 verse 23 I like this particular  verse because it adds something to it he says this   and I believe in all of the all of Matthew Mark  Luke and John but I like what Luke adds to it Luke 9 verse 23 and Jesus is speaking then he  said to them all if anyone desires to come after   me let him deny himself and take up his cross  daily and follow me so this is how you overcome   all these weakness and weaknesses and desires in  the flesh you have to deny yourself take up your   cross because Jesus did the ultimate job take up  your cross daily he says and follow me so if you   have some weakness or some type of situation  in your life that you can't overcome there's   a scripture that covers that like for instance  if you're not loving your wife as Christ loved   the church you need to confess that every day  I love my wife as Christ loved the church do it   as long as it takes for you to love your wife  as Christ loved the church if you caught up in   sexual immorality fornication and adultery you  confess that every day that's your cross see   to crucify yourself that's going to hurt so it's  not going to be easy but you do it you do it out   of obedience and as you do it then you're gonna  love yourself when you have that free life with   nothing inside so awesome to have a life of  peace where there's all as well with you and   God that is such an exciting life but it's going  to cost you something it's costed with Jesus a   lot so he tells you to take up your cross daily  because you've come out of the world and there   are certain things you like in the six pleasures  for sin for a season was good but it's not what   God wants and God has something better for you so  you have to move away from that type of lifestyle   so let's look at Romans chapter eight or maybe  we'll do Romans six first and then we'll go to   eight Romans chapter six he tells us what to do is  just so many that are not obedient Romans chapter   six beginning at verse 11 it says likewise you  also reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin   but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord now  that word reckoned means to act like you're dead   because you're not dead or consider yourself  to be dead our counselors have to be dead so   he tells you likewise you also reckon or consider  or act like you're dead or count just have to be   dead indeed to sin you're not dead but he says  but alive to God in Jesus our Lord so if you're   dead to sin deaf people don't commit adultery  deaf people don't over eat dead people don't   lie she still hate so he's telling you if you  have any problems with this you have to count   yourself to be dead and you're not dead but  you can't just have to be dead so you can be an   example of Jesus Christ verse 12 says therefore  do not wear to not do it therefore do not let   sin reign in your mortal body that you should  obey it in its lusts that is very plain to me verse 13 this one is clean also says and do not  present your members I don't have to tell you   what your members are do I do not present your  members as instruments of unrighteousness to   sin but present yourselves to God has been alive  from the dead and your members as instruments of   righteousness to God now if it was my daughter  and my husband they would tell you what members   they are but I'm gonna pass it up and let you  figure it out but he tells you what to do so if   you don't do it you're going to end up letting  your members do something they shouldn't do   but look at verse 22 and 23 says but now having  been set free from sin and having become slaves   of God you have your fruit to holiness and the  end everlasting life for the wages of sin is   but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ  Jesus our Lord so we have enough scriptures   where he warns us that we would obey them but  apparently we just overlooked those and because   God doesn't just cut us off while we're doing  stuff we just keep on doing it and doing it and   thinking we're getting away with it but there's  a verse I forgot what I think it's in Timothy or   I'm not Peter one of those where God is not slack  concerning his promise as some count slackness but   he's long-suffering not willing that any should  perish but that all should come to repentance   so the reason God hasn't just cut this thing out  he is long-suffering not willing that any should   perish but that all should come to repentance oh  he's trying to give you time to repent so let's   not thank God doesn't see it because he doesn't  just kill you right now when you're doing stuff   Romans chapter 8 Romans chapter 8 beginning  that verse I would do first five and six Romans chapter eight verse five says for those  who live according to the flesh set their minds   on the things of the flesh but those who live  according to the spirit the things of the Spirit   verse six this for to be carnally minded is  death but to be spiritually minded is life   and peace even that's enough too scary to be  carnally minded is death walking in the flesh   you're slowly killing yourself you're already  on your way we're all already done but you're   killing yourself faster when you walk in the  flesh let's look at in that same look at verses   12 and 13 so it says therefore brethren we are  debtors not to the flesh to live according to   the flesh in other words you don't owe your  flesh nothing you don't owe your flesh that   affair you know your flesh that fornication that  adultery you don't owe your flesh that extra pie   and ice cream and cake you don't owe your flesh  anything you got to talk to it because it always   wants to do the wrong thing you see I had a  problem with the fornication in the in the   adultery but I have to talk to myself when it  comes to eating because I love chocolate candy   we have a really good candy store out there called  C's candy you need to buy that candy and I would   eat one piece and then it would just taste so  good then I'll just get another piece and it   would taste so good then I say why don't I just  get all the ones I like and get through eating   with them and eat them and I'll be through you  see that's not good that's not self-control and   then some good ice cream I just learned about oh  my goodness it's like addictive now like coconut   is called coconut ice cream and I really have  to just where's the word sit on myself or set   on myself sit on myself do not eat a whole pint  at one time you have to talk to yourself because   these again verse dresses therefore brethren we  are debtors not to the flesh you don't owe your   flesh that to live according to the flesh verse  13 goes going to say for if you live according   to the flesh you will die but if by the spirit you  put to death the deeds of the body you will live   so we want to live and be a blessing being  an example to of Jesus Christ to the world   but we have to do all of these things God's not  going to do any of this for us we have to do it   let's look at Galatians again to tell you another  reason why you do not want to walk in the flesh Galatians chapter 6 verse 7 says do not be  deceived God is not mocked for whatever a man   shows that he will also reap for he who sows to  his flesh is the one I want to hear I want you to   hear for he who sows to his flesh will have the  flesh reap corruption and corruption is decay   and dying you're killing yourself faster but he  who sows to the Spirit will have the Spirit reap   life everlasting and then when we're doing our  very best tells us in verse nine and let us not   grow weary while doing good for in due season we  shall reap if we do not lose heart or faint so we   just need to be obedient to God in these areas  now turn back over to Galatians 6:6 and I want   to finish out these verses about walking in the  spirit verse 22 again says but the fruit of the   Spirit is love joy peace long-suffering kindness  goodness faithfulness gentleness self-control   against such there is no law verse 24 says and  those who are Christ's have crucified the flesh   with its passions and lusts if we live in the  spirit let us also walk in the spirit and you   tell us let us not become conceited provoking  one another Indian one another so when that   flesh wants to get out of hand what you do is  you crucify it let's go to Romans chapter 12 Romans chapter 12 since I Romans chapter 12 verse  1 says I beseech you therefore brethren by the   mercies of God that you present your bodies  a living sacrifice holy acceptable acceptable   to God which is your reasonable rational or  intelligent service so this is what you have   to do with the body when it's out of hand you  present your bodies a living sacrifice ok that's   another word sacrifice that means you have to  kill those things that are against God's Word   you have to kill that body in those areas he said  present your bodies a living sacrifice holy she'd   have a holy life holy acceptable to God which is  your reasonable service so you have to do that   in sacrifice hurts like I save you used to live  in a certain kind of life is gonna it's gonna   be a sacrifice to cut those things out of your  life but if you want to be obedient to God and   obey God as she says if you love me you'll keep  my Commandments if we love God we will put away   anything that would cause that will cause us to  be separated from God and when you're living in   sin you're actually separating yourself from  God because God can't live God can't be around   anything that's unholy and all of those things  that I read in the flesh those that's unholy   so you're really just operating on your own when  you're living in that kind of lifestyle and verse   2 tells you what to do and do not be conformed to  this world but be transformed by the renewing of   your mind that you may prove what is that good  and acceptable and perfect will of God this is   another place where God tells you you can prove  him by not being conformed to this world don't do   things the way the world do it but be transformed  by the renewing of your mind the Bible tells you   everything you need to do to live and overcoming  in victorious life so we need to conform to doing   the Word of God so many of the Christians you  don't know the Christians from from the world   because they do the same things they end up  messed up I mean how many thirds have we heard   about people and and like I said it's not just  people but ministers and pastors all messed up   with pornography all kinds of stuff they get  themselves all messed up mess up their whole   home and family into that kind of stuff that's  what the world is into so you don't want to you   you have to sacrifice that your mind might want to  go there and your body might want to go there but   you sacrifice that because if you're left for God  don't we want to please God don't we want to be an   example of Jesus Christ that's what the world is  looking for and that's why the body price can't   do any more than it's done because we live just  like the world and it's very very very sad and God   can't do anything because God works through people  we are just not gonna say this one right it's my   husband says if we are all that God has is God  in trouble so ask yourself if I am all that God   has is God in trouble because God is not coming  down here to straighten anybody out he's told us   what to do but judgment will fall one day and the  wrath of God will fall but he's giving us time to   get our set get our act together and like I say  there's too much too much of that going on and   people do it and think nothing about ministers  do it and think nothing about it they gone to   the churches the churches still receive them in  they don't have to sit down they don't have to   do anything just go commit adultery have babies  with other people it's sad sad sad and it's been   going on for years I'm 75 years old I've been  hearing that since I was growing up and it's   never stopped and I know that because I'm the  body of Christ it grieves me to hear stirs like   that and I can imagine what it does to God so all  of us need to just make ourselves a committee of   one that we're not gonna live like the world  we're not going to do that you can do that and I would say also those who are filled with  the holy spirit or we need to pray in the spirit   now I started praying in spirit more I've always  prayed in the spirit but I mean I'm a deliberate   special time to pray in the spirit praying for  all these and these ministers I don't know who   all of them are because like I said get letters  if I pray specifically for them that living moral   sexually immoral eyes that they get their lives  together and because God it's a blemish like I say   in the world looks at the church and they we can't  help the world because they actually all of us a   mess in us so if we don't get our act together  God can't do his work so like I say again it's   up to us to do it and it's such an exciting life  to do it if you make up your mind I'm gonna live   this life for God according to the Word of God  but if you don't do it then there's a price to   pay and there are so many scriptures that tell us  about living and moral so I'm gonna read some of   these until I run out of time Ephesians chapter  3 I mean chapter 5 I'm sorry it tells you the   things that you need to do especially this is a  ministers conference and as I said about the book   that I wrote warning to pastors their wives and  mistresses I wrote it mainly for the thousands   upon thousands of passes that live right that  they will never write a story about when you there   because they don't want to write good stories but  hopefully for many many young ministers that will   never get into that lifestyle hopefully they will  get the message and avoid it Ephesians chapter 5 beginning at verse three I'm going to read verse  three to seven it says the fornication and all   uncleanness or covetousness let it not even  be named among you as is fitting for Saints   how do preachers get away with that they said  let it not even be once named among you neither   filthiness nor foolish talking not coarse jesting  which are not fitting but rather giving of thanks   for this you know that no fornicator unclean  person nor covetous man who is an idolater has   any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and  God that would be enough to scare me but maybe   I'm scary anyway verse 6 goes on to say let no  one deceive you with empty words for because of   these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons  of disobedience therefore do not be partakers with   them and see God might not kill you right away  fresh into stuff but you're gonna kick it's gonna   catch up with you because I know pastors right  now pastor to live longer than the 56 years but   all of his ministerial life he would have women  on the side even had children out of wedlock end   up putting his wife you know a home for the sick  well what do you call it real anyway she had to   go to a nurse nursing home and he ended up dying  at 56 years old not obeying the Word of God now   everybody might not die but you still there's  their consequences to your choices I'm thinking   about another Minister out in the California area  had the largest church out in this particular area   and I mean that had like 6,000 members and he  let some woman come and talk to him and talk   him out of his ministry and see the thing about it  they're not thinking you know you boys certainly   you're not thinking when the woman gets you and  then you lose your job lose your church you don't   have that power anymore then the woman goes off  and leaves him because he does he's not who she   thought he was he doesn't have that power anymore  so after many years he dies very lonely man down   in the south somewhere see what happens is you  get food and you shouldn't listen to that kind   of stuff anyway you get food and these women  start you know telling you what what tell me   how much they love you and all this kinds of  stuff and you step outside of what you ought   to do and then once you away from your anointing  you don't have the anointing anymore and then the   women look at you and you don't have the anointing  see they fell in love with your anointing but then   when they came face to face with that flesh I'm  out of here so that's why you have to you need   to think if I'm just trying to get some younger  minutes to think before you get into that it's   not popular it's not the best thing in the world  make rules for yourself so what pastor price did   he made rules for himself and when we could come  in we'd have the same kind of challenges anybody   else would have women certainly came on the scene  when you read my book you'll see women came on the   scene but the number one the one the wife has  to be strong enough to speak up also because   you could have women the wife could avoid certain  things if they weren't weren't afraid to speak up   but why be afraid if you love God first the man  is second I can live without a man I can't live   without the man and so in our early marriage when  this ministry was getting ready to take off our   ministry was getting ready to take off we got to  feel with the Holy Spirit of my husband we were   just so excited about things in the spirit and it  was all new to us and God's gonna not God I mean   the devil is gonna send you some counterfeit and  I remember this particular lady came in and she   looked like she was a really really spiritual she  had all kinds of prophecies every day she'd have   a prophetess she always she could talk none she  could talk without stopping in every service she   got hold of dr. price and she was talking always  talking with him telling some God had said that's   the only reason he was interested because like  I say he wasn't interested sexually because by   that time thank God I had learned how to take care  of him so he didn't have to be out after somebody and so I know that he wasn't interested in  her for sex but she was giving his emotions   all mixed up she's telling him all kinds of  things that God had told her and I remember   this one story she she told him she said up she  said I'm going to be the next I guess the only   the first black Kathryn Kuhlman see all these  stirs they sounded interesting she was feeding   him story after story and he was liking hearing  these stirs and I said there's something wrong   with that and I know I'm not jealous I know I  don't have any of that in me I don't like any   ugly but I mean that was getting a little bit  too much and a little too inordinate so anyway   I talked to him about it he couldn't see it  he can see it at first and he said you know   and she was you know how the women to come  in and they're new in the church and I just   need to talk to the pastor because I don't have  anybody to talk to spiritually and so she says   so my husband would tell me well I need that  I need to help her because she said she didn't   have anybody to help her I said well let God help  her he's a man I called her so anyway he couldn't   see it but he is a precious husband thank God  he didn't want to he didn't want to stop that   communication with her but it was bothering  me and I told him it was bothering me and I   said if you can't stop talking with her I'm out  of the picture I'm not going to church this you   another Sunday and so I did miss one Sunday too  and he said if you wanted to hurt me you really   hurt me but but it's okay we paid the price and  we're standing here today because of that so so anyway he says well if you if you  don't go to church what are you going   to tell the people I said well I'll just  tell them you're in a relationship that   bothers me so anyway you have to be strong  women I didn't like that at all but I think   God I'm an example now for thousands of  women my husband listened to me so after   256 years no he's never had an affair because  he made rules for himself and so when all the so when all the women in the church decide that  they wanted to get with the pastor he never let   any of them get close to him he had made rules for  himself we've had all kinds of things that happen   in our ministry so young men you're gonna be faced  with it because Satan's gonna see that somebody   comes there to try to get you off track and I  remember the the first thing that happened is   and and I'm really not even I love people you know  I love women like I say I would not run a church   without women because women are there they're the  bomb but it's not my word but anyway they keep the   church going they really do so I that's why I  say I know I'm not jealous in any kind of way   and the church was you know when this particular  incident happened our church was just seeking to   take off we're just about 300 people and God was  just moving people were coming by the droves and   Satan was trying to stop it through that little  spiritual woman but anyway so after that he knew   he knew better so so all the women could come  whatever you know however they want to come I   remember this particular girl woman I can see her  right now sitting across from from me on the aisle   and I was just as nice to her and I didn't know  what she was there for she would dress seductive   you know really low-cut stuff and everything and  short dresses and but I didn't think anybody I   said okay she's just new out of the world so she  stay around you she'll learn how to dress anyway   my husband my husband tells us later that she  made an appointment to come to see him and so   he you know he says like he always say he asked  her well and how may I help you and he said this   woman says in this husky voice I want you and so  he said he said she said to himself my body says   and I want you to he said he says but my spirits  say said I can't help you I'll have to let you out   of my office so you have to be strong in your  spiritual you're able to do that so then you   will go down to the level of getting on the couch  with somebody in your office because that happens   too much it happens too much but that's the way  you do it young man because you can't have all   the women anyway so why don't you just love your  wife and do what you're supposed to do with her and can have them all so that's that's my  suggestion just love your wife and be happy   and do everything to make her happy and and she  won't care about you complimenting women don't   women don't be jealous I'm never jealous I don't  care who he compliments cuz he's still alive and   he's a man and a woman women look good but how  long as he complements me as well then take care   of me I don't care about him complimenting the  women cuz they do look good so I have no problem   with that but I'm just going through some of  all the verses to tell you you know what to do   you make rules for yourself there was another  lady we still have we have Tuesday night Bible   study I'm trying to make sure I'm seeing this  right there Tuesday night Bible study and the   lady used to come and go because I would just sit  out in the audience and talk to people and greet   people this lady would she said this lady would  come up to him every Tuesday night and tell him   she loved him and so he said I got tired of her  doing that so that's how you see a high chair up   here and a high chair there cuz he said bring a  chair here I want my wife to sit up here with me   so the lady disappeared after that because  his wife is up there hearing you know what   what you know what she's trying to get what the  woman is trying to get him to do our experience   or to receive her so anyway that was one then  another one tell you how Satan could be and I   like I said we lived through it all so there's  no excuse for anybody messing up I got a life   threat life-threatening situation 20 years  ago 19 years ago and there was a woman she   knew I was out she made it her business to sit  in my chair every every Sunday and every Tuesday   night Bible study she was working with him in  the school doing everything to try to get his   attention and so he wouldn't pay any attention  to her so finally she sent him a note and says   you're my past if I can't I talk to you and  talk to you alone she says cuz I pay my tithes   well we don't care if you pay your tithes  give you a no right to talk to your past   alone so anyway but my see my husband still  here in rooms from 71 interested in talking   to her I mean his life is going good why should  I mess up like he says for three minutes anyway and so anyway anyway this this lady drives up to the church you  know to the parking lot to try to see him and so   he tell him he sends his oldest daughter Angela  out he said go and find out what she wants so   Angie goes to find out what she won and she you  know why she want to see him and she Angela says   my daddy doesn't even know your name does he he  says well she he she should know my name but he   did he says well he doesn't have anything to talk  to you about so anyway of course soon after that   [ __ ] and she left the church so see there's no  reason for you to not make rules for yourself and   live for God because I've heard this story before  where some time a wife got sick well I was sick   for at least a year and a half and my husband  stayed faithful to me that's why thank you Jesus   for him so there's no excuse because God has told  us what to do and he tell you what to do and what   not to do and if you could not do it he wouldn't  told you to do it you can do anything he said for   you not to you can do anything he said for you  to do and not do anything that he said for you   not to do so look at 1st Corinthians chapter 6  so we have to be real so you talk about that now   dr. price talked about a plenty in his church but  most churches a lot of them don't I'm not saying   some of you don't but you need to talk about  even keep the women away from you let them know   you're not interested 1st Corinthians chapter 6  beginning at verse 9 he says do you not know that   the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom  of God do not be deceived neither fornicators   nor idolaters nor adulterers nor homosexuals nor  sodomites nor thieves nor covetous nor drunkards   nor revilers nor extortioners will inherit the  kingdom of God see if I read that that would be   enough for me to do right and he goes on to say  and he says and such worse were that should be   now and such were some of you but you were washed  but you were sanctified set apart for God but you   were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus  and by the spirit of our God all things are   lawful for me but all things are not helpful  all things that are lawful for me I will not   be brought under the power of any foods for the  stomach and the stomach for foods but God will   destroy both it and then now the body is not for  sexual immorality but for the Lord and the Lord   for the body and God both raised up the Lord and  will also raise us up by his power he says do you   not know that your bodies are members of Christ  shall I then take the members of Christ and make   them members of a harlot certainly not do you  not know that he who is joined to a harlot is   one body with her for the two he says shall  become one flesh but he who is joined to the   Lord is one spirit with him so anytime you get  involved with someone that's not your wife your   allowing the Holy Spirit to be involved or Jesus  to be involved in fornication or adultery never   thought about that he says flee sexual immorality  that means run from it every sin that a man does   is outside the body but he who commits sexual  immorality sins against his own body what you   want to sin against your own body or do you not  know that your body is the temple of the Holy   Spirit who is in you whom you have from God and  you are not your own for you were bought at a   price therefore glorify God in your body and in  your spirit put your gods so if anything that   you do does not glorify God you should not do  it ask yourself that first Corinthians well 6   I just read that part 1st Corinthians chapter  7 verses 1 and 2 don't want to go that far yeah   verse Quran chapter 7 verse 1 and 2 says now  concerning the things of which you wrote to me   this is the Apostle Paul it is good for a man not  to touch a woman nevertheless because of sexual   immorality that each man had his own wife and  that each woman have her own husband and there   are some other things in those verses that talks  to the husband and wives which I won't read now okay let's go to first Thessalonians chapter 4 first Thessalonians chapter or okay I'll get there  okay begin that verse I want to read from verse 1   into verse 7 first we read in chapter 4 verse 20  says finally then brethren we urge I mean that   would urge me to beg we urge beg you and exhort  in the Lord Jesus that you should have bound more   and more just as you received from us how you  ought to walk and please God for you know what   Commandments we gave you through the Lord Jesus  for this is the will of God your sanctification   and means you're set apart for God that you should  abstain from sexual immorality that each of you   should know how to possess his own vessel in  sanctification and honor not in passion of   lust like the Gentiles who do not know God that  no one should take advantage of and defraud his   brother in this matter because the Lord is the  Avenger of all such as we also foreign forewarn   you and testified for God did not call us to  uncleanness but in holiness so when you take   advantage of your sister or brother in that way  you're defrauding them and he tells us not to do   it because the things that follow that can be so  devastating ok let's look at one Romans chapter 1 and see if we meet enough of these things and  read them every day the things that can help   you improve in your life you need to read  this all over and over again so that you   keep yourself pure and clean for god verse 18  it says for the wrath of God is revealed from   heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness  of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness   because what may be known of God is manifest in  them for God has shown it to them for since the   creation of the world his invisible attributes  are clearly seen being understood by the things   that are made even his eternal power and Godhead  so that they are without excuse because although   they knew God they did not glorify Him as God nor  we're thankful but became futile in their thoughts   and their foolish hearts were darkened professing  to be wise they became fools and changed the glory   of the incorruptible God into an image made like  corruptible man and birds and four-footed animals   and creeping things therefore God gave them up  to uncleanness in the lust of their hearts to   dishonour their bodies among themselves who  exchanged the truth of God for the lie and   worshipped and served the creature rather than  the Creator who is blessed forever amen for this   reason God gave them up to vile passions for even  their women exchanged the natural use for what is   against nature see that was not of God verse 27  likewise also the men leaving the natural use of   the woman burned in their lust for one another men  with men committing what is shameful and receiving   in themselves the penalty of their error which was  due and even as they did not like to retain God in   their knowledge God gave them over to a debased  mind that Debates minds a mind bored of judgment   to do those things which are not fitting being  filled with all unrighteousness sexual immorality   wickedness covetousness maliciousness full of  envy murder strife deceit evil mindedness there   whispers backbiters haters of God violent proud  boasters inventors of evil things disobedient   to parents undiscerning untrustworthy unloving  unforgiving unmerciful who knowing the righteous   judgment of God that those who practice such  things are deserving of death not only do the   but also approve of those who practice them  so I read stuff like that I'll never want   to be involved in doing being disobedient to the  Word of God so we as ministers of the gospel and   members in the body of Christ laymen leaders we  need to strive to be an example of Jesus Christ   into the world because if we do if we don't be in  the world we'll never be able to see Jesus and us   and we'd be able the body of Christ be able to do  what it should do to influence the world a second   chronicles chapter 7 verse 14 this is what we  need to do second chronicles chapter 7 verse 13   I don't want to be able beat into the time just  obediently dramatic ok new Bible ok 7 Corinthians   you probably know this in Chapter 7 verse 14 this  is what we need to do church if my people who are   called by not by my name will humble themselves  and pray and seek my face and turn from their   wicked ways then I will hear from heaven and  will forgive their sin and heal their land   and our land needs healing okay Isaiah 59 and I'm  gonna be through two scriptures I think that side   is minus 10000 okay Isaiah 59 okay I'm not going  to keep you over you're so important God's words okay Isaiah 59 verses 1 through verse 3 says  behold the Lord's hand is not shortened that   it cannot save nor his ear heavy that it cannot  hear but your iniquities have separated you   from your God and your sins have hidden his  face from you so that he will not hear for   your hands are defiled with blood and your  fingers with iniquity your lips have spoken   lies your tongue has muttered perversity  so God God's hand is not sure that you   cannot save but our sins have separated  him from us a look at psalm 66 verse 18 it says if I regard iniquity in my heart and  Nick we is that sin in my heart the Lord will   not hear so I just want to leave these words  with you let's as the body of Christ these   serious about our commitment to God because  of what Jesus has done God has done so much   for us and what Jesus has done for us how can  we dare not live the life that he planned not   for us in his word that the world may see  Jesus we are all that God has let's be our   best for God so at rest that this word  has been a blessing to you I'm finished god bless you and thank you
Channel: Fred Price Jr
Views: 1,489
Rating: 4.8620691 out of 5
Keywords: Dr Betty Price, Faith, Walk, Spirit, Part 2, message, flesh, dealing, issues, life
Id: zZT78JkheeI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 12sec (2652 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 17 2017
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