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come if you know that you're not gonna remain the same again jump up on your feet hallelujah [Music] is is are you excited i am what god says have what god says oh i will never i would never jesus is my salvation say jesus is my salvation jesus is my righteousness jesus is you [Music] i play i would never never it is my pleasure to invite on stage our own papa reverend doctor ava demina you are the righteousness of god you are the head and not the tale you are above and not below you are redeemed redeemed from sickness from death redeem from sin by the power of the holy ghost it's your season to win take your healing take your freedom take your favor give the lord i would never the same [Music] you [Music] put your right hands to heaven let's release our feet together as we say these words i am born of god i am born of the world the word of god is my nature i do not struggle to do the world i do the world naturally therefore today i will understand the word of his grace i will be built up by the end of this service i will never be the same never ever be the same again in jesus name and every believer sees it powerful amen we want to welcome everybody connected to this service by we have kingdom life network facebook youtube twitter instagram our friends our brothers online what a joy to have all of you that powerful army online that invades the entire blue marble planet with the fragrance of jesus's grace like you've always done do me the favor again share the video of this service put it on as many groups on your page join as many groups as possible let's flood the earth with the truth of the gospel all our campuses all over the world and bible study centers we're so glad to welcome every one of you get ready guys it's going to be an adventure in the word of his grace and everybody in the building are we excited to be here can we celebrate with a shout glory to god amen you can be seated grab your pen your notebook your bible let's get in the word john chapter 5 verse number 39 you search the scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life and they are they which testify of me verse 40 and you will not come to me that you might have life the word testify is a word in the greek that has to do with giving evidences luke chapter 24 verse 25 on the way to imaus jesus met some of his disciples arguing with him concerning jesus then he said unto them all fools and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken but not christ to have suffered these things these things and to enter into his glory and begin in at moses and all the prophets he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself the things concerning himself was the focus of the scriptures which means that the focus of the scriptures is one person so let's examine john's language remember we're walking around the four gospels and the book of acts in our study let's examine john's use of language he wrote his account and skipped all the details of the incarnation he begins with john chapter one verse number one in the beginning was the world and the world was with god and the word was god in the beginning was the word he uses a terminology we need to see that word word word w-o-r-d is a language it's used 331 times in the new testament greek why will john collapse 30 years including angelic visits the wise men herod john the baptist conception everything the baby in the manger the killing of all the children that took place because you know um jesus could not be found he collapsed all those events and that's why brother e.w kenyon said that the gospel of john is the closest to the epistles that is the way the epistles teach is exactly the way brother john wrote the gospel of john he just collapsed all the details of the gospels into 14 verses remember in the book of revelation or in revelation knowledge less is more less is more the less he said the more we understood it you know the old testament books are 39 39 books of the old testament then we have four gospels then we have the new testament making 23 books that is if you remove acts and revelation it will remain 21 books so 21 books explains 43 books why less is small less is small so john collapses everything in 14 verses look at what john said in the beginning that word in the beginning is the greek word e n n which means involved in involved in in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god we know from study that verse one differs from verse two of john chapter one because verse two says the same was in the beginning with god the same was in the beginning with god emphasis so verse 2 refers to genesis account genesis account because verse 3 now says all things were made by him which means verse 2 is explained by verse 3. does the genesis account because genesis 1 1 says in the beginning god created the heavens and the earth so john 1 1 can't be genesis 1 1. why did john say what he said in john 1 1 because of what jesus said much later now observe how john wrote his book he wrote it by revelation his gospel had an advantage over the other three gospels the word word is the greek word logos l-o-g-o-s logos was used 331 times it refers to many things the word logos refers to many things it refers to a statement or a book i mean or a story or a message the word logos is a statement a message or a story but the strongest of it is it speaks about a conclusion that is it's when you reach a conclusion or better still a collection of facts that says the same thing the ancient news is i have a thought in my mind i have a throat in my mind how do i communicate it then i look for something that is similar that explains what i am saying so the word lugos was used back then as a reason for something the reason for an action or the reason for a cause notice jesus never said i am the word paul never used it he says in the beginning was the word the reason or the conclusion or the message and the message was with god the message was with god so in john 1 1 john calls it the word in first john chapter 1 verse 1 john calls it the word of life in revelation chapter 19 verse 13 john calls it the word of god notice john 1 1 he didn't say the word of god in the beginning was the word the word was with god the word was god he never called him the word of god he says the word was with god the word was god in hebrews chapter 4 verse 12 he says the word is quick and powerful the word of god is quick and powerful sharper than any two-edged sword so john 1 1 the word then he repeats it in john 1 14 the word became flesh remember the meaning of the word word is logos a statement a message or a collection of facts or a conclusion observe the word was with god was with god if your bible is man i will underline was with god the word was with god is the word prose p-r-o-s it's used to point to prose with god to point to so in the beginning was the word and the word points to the word or the message or the conclusion or the story points to the term logos so in the beginning was a statement of facts and the statement of facts points to god that's why the next statement is the word was god that is i am saying something that talks about or points to god and what i am saying is in the beginning was a statement of facts or better steel in the beginning was the reason or the conclusion pointing towards god and god is the conclusion so when john said jesus said i am the alpha and the omega the beginning and the end the message points to god the conclusion thus the word with god with god he says the message refers to god or the reason points to god or the collection of facts speaks about god the word did not become god the word points to god the word did not become god the word points to god what does it mean not like an associate of god john 5 39 you search the scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life they are there which testify of me it says the scriptures testifies of me that is they speak about me a person just one person the scripture has just one character there are no characters just one character one message the entire scriptures are one message look at john chapter 14 verse number six jesus saith unto him i am the way the truth and the life no man commit unto the father but by me i am the way nobody in the bible ever spoke like that i am the way the term i am is affirmative is descriptive and definite i am the way i am the truth i am the life notice how many times jesus uses the term i am these prophetic scriptures are the things that we are spoken of in the scriptures he is not the way shower he doesn't show the way he am no way no way singing that songs makes you an illiterate he is not a show a worshiper he is not a waymaker because if he is a well-shower then it's not the word look at john 8 56 your father abraham rejoiced to see my day and he saw it and was glad verse 58 abraham saw my day and was glad jesus said unto them verily verily i say unto you before abraham was i am i am the way i don't have the way i am the embodiment of the way when i come into you the way has come in the word i am refers to an existing reality i am the way not that i became the way it's an existing reality and the jews went crazy when jesus said i mean they couldn't stand that before abraham was i am so there was an existing reality before abraham john chapter 4 verse 10 look at what jesus told the woman at the well jesus answered and said unto him if that knowest the gift of god and who it is the savior today give me to drink that with us have acts of him and he will have given the living water jesus emphatically revealed to her that he is the gift of god he is the one who gives living water he doesn't show you how to get it he doesn't point you to salvation he is the water he is salvation he is the way so when he comes into your heart all of that reality takes up residence on your inside remember the meaning of the word the word a set of facts a conclusion a cause a reason we want to know where john developed the concept of calling jesus the world john 10 34 jesus answered them is it not written in your law i said you are god's 35-36 if you call them gods unto whom the word of god came and the scriptures cannot be broken say of him whom the father has sanctified and sent into the world that blasphemous because i said i am the son of god what caused the issue what caused all this coral he was speaking from john 10 28 and i give unto them eternal life and they shall never perish neither shall any man pluck them out of my hands 29 my father which gave them me is greater than all and no man is able to pluck them out of my father's hands i give unto them eternal life he didn't say i preached eternal life or he didn't say i preached unto them eternal life he said i give unto them eternal life notice verse 28 he says my hand no one can take them out of my hand no one can take them out of my father's hands do we have two hands no vastati now explains what he meant but my hand my father son i and father are one so which means my hand is the father's and the father son is my hand all right are you following all right so now i and father are one then they took stones to stone him verse 31 look at what jesus will now say to them in response to their stone then the jews took up stones again they like stones in israel they don't like stoning someone took up stones again to stone him verse 32 jesus answered them many good works have i showed you from my father for which of these walks do you stone me 33 the jews answered him saying for a good walk we stoned he not but for blasphemy and because that thou being a man makes thyself god verse 34 jesus answered them is it not written in your law i said you are god's what is he saying here he's quoting from psalm 82 6. so let's go to the original place where he quoted from i have said you are god and all of you are children of the most high jesus never said i am god did he observe he never said that okay but he said i and my father are one i and my father are one not i am god then he explains further much later look at verse 38 but if i do though you believe not me believe the works he tells them to believe the works that you may know and believe that the father is in me and i in him john chapter 10 36 say he of him whom the father has sanctified and sent into the world the blasphemous because i said i am the son of god the word unto whom the word of god came god's it was used after that incident there in four places and none of those was divine acts chapter 14 verse 11 and when the people saw what paul had done they lifted up their voices saying in the speech of lyconia the gods are come down to us look at it plural the gods are come down to us in the likeness of man acts 19 26 moreover you see and hear that most alone at ephesus but almost throughout all asia this paul had persuaded and turned away much people saying that there be no gods plural which are made with hands first corinthians 8 verse 5 and 6 gods foreign whether in heaven or in earth as they are the gods many and lords many so take note of the word gods there god's there is in plural now please watch this watch this gods are never used for believers the word god's there is the word idols i-d-o-l-s so but in acts and in the epistles the word gods referred to idols let's examine the text against psalm 82 6 i have said you are god's plural and all of you are children of the most high verse one god standed in the congregation of the mighty he judged among the gods plural he judged among the gods the word god there is the same word for elohim in hebrew is the same word for god okay now so god singular judge it among the gods plural verse 2 how long will you judge underlying george unjustly and accept the presence of the wicked cellar verse 3 instructions defend the poor and fatherless do justice to the afflicted and needy verse 4 deliver the poor and needy read them out of the hand of the wicked instructions verse 5 they know not neither will they understand they walk on in darkness all the foundations of the earth are out of course versus i have said ye god ye god the eye is not in the original you god and all of you children of the most high so god is judging among the gods these gods we are not believers these were judges in israel god was judging the judges now as i say you judges are supposed to defend the poor and the fatherless and the widows so god is judging judges these are not believers these are judges okay so that word god is never used for believers nobody just say you know we are god keep quiet don't display your ignorance in public you need to study don't just speak something because a man of god is saying it you need to check the book and be sure that that is your true reality so you don't keep saying things that contradict who you are did you observe that the use of the word gods in the new testament was just for idols for idols or for people that you hold in high esteem in the society he judge judges among the mighty why do you accept the presence of the unjust the word elohim in the old testament and new testament also refers to idols so elohim is not just exclusively for god so in the old testament you can see an elohim killed him he may be an idol that killed him because god never kills so when you now read and god killed him not knowing that the elohim there refers to an idol or the oppression of a demonic entity tied to an idol you now assume because it's god it must be god so there's no omnibus application for any word of scripture every word of scripture must be interpreted within its own merit within the context where it is found but you must remember that the word god is the word elohim which could be god divine or it can relay to idols or judges judges in the court of law you know today you call judges in the court of law my lord my lord even today they are called my lord my lord now if you say my lord people think you're talking of jesus christ except you explain to them that it was a high court judge you met and you were referring to him as my lord so if you're writing a document today and you say my lord slapped him they will think is god or jesus except somebody interprets that in our day-to-day judges are called my lord are we teaching good so the same use of language spans all through the centuries all through time and that is why it is not heavenly language that the bible is written with it's written with human language the language of the day-to-day communication within a particular time and season so to understand what they were saying you must sit where they sat and hear what they heard to understand what they were hearing and in order for you to sit where they sat you must read what they read that's why we read what jesus was reading in psalm 82 and after analyzing we now saw where they got the use of the word you are god's it wasn't referring to believers are we clear on this now in jesus statement when he said if he called them gods if he called them gods that's in john 10 35 if he called them gods unto whom the word of god came and the scriptures cannot be broken now let me ask you a simple question when he says if he called them gods was it in reference to himself was he referring to himself jesus when he said if he called them gods is jesus among them okay good was it in reference to the church no so when he said you god children of the most high which is the same word used for supernatural beings that are worshiped if he calls them making reference to them men of israel who were in position of worship if he called them judges it's not like saying if we call them lords into this world if he called them god lords it's getting clear then he now said if you call them gods how much i who came from god if you call human beings that you worship god how much more either came from god why should it be an issue that i that came from god say i and my father are one since you yourselves didn't see anything wrong in calling people that you hold in respect god is it clear that's exactly what jesus was doing in that in that context there he was demystifying that whole reality to shut them up now first peter chapter 1 verse number 10 of which salvation the prophets have inquired and such diligently who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you next verse searching what or what manner of time the spirit of christ which was in them did signify when he testified beforehand the sufferings of christ and the glory that shall fall remember again that the word logos refers to the message or the conclusion or it points to god the statement points to god confess deity on the word points to god confess deity on the world why did jesus say they testify of me i mean the scriptures in other words he is the message of the scriptures or he is the fact revealed by the scriptures so first peter 1 10 to 11 he is saying all the prophets had a united message all the prophets that's why a prophet like isaiah will stand out and say who has believed our report not who has believed my report because his report ezekiel's report i jeremiah's the report you know um nehemiah's report all of them was the same so he could speak on their behalf who has believed our report so all of us put together have one report and to whom is the arm of the lord revealed who has believed our shemour our report because the bible has one singular message whether in the law in the prophet in the psalms it is one message the christ a singular revelation so if anybody is preaching in the name of the bible anything other than christ is robbing you of your time and robbing you of space in your mind so you guard your ears and guard your heart and don't let anybody molest your mind with things that are anti-scripture don't let anybody insult your intelligence with illiteracy he calls it a united message the prophets the prophets collectively had one message had one conclusion had one destination they testified of me look at revelation 19 verse 10 i fell at his feet to worship him and he said unto me see thou do it not i am thy fellow servant and of thy brethren that of the testimony the testimony not testimonies that have the testimony singular of jesus worship god for the testimony singular of jesus is the spirit of prophecy singular prophecy not prophecies the spirit of prophecy the testimony of jesus one singular revelation the entire bible is called the testimony of jesus it agrees with jesus saying they are they which testify of me a singular revelation he calls it the testimony of jesus so when john said in the beginning was the word john was referring to the message of the scriptures that in the beginning was the message of the scriptures that already shows you that the message predates the messengers the message predates the messengers the message must have pre existed before the messengers that is why the messengers testified of the mercy that's why i said the word was with god or it points to deity one who doesn't exist in time so he says the word was with god the word was god what word the message the conclusion of the scriptures such the scriptures they testify of me the conclusion of the scriptures that is when you put the scriptures together i am the message this is the testimony or this is the conclusion so the word of god is a title of what jesus represents in the scriptures is a title of what jesus represents in the scriptures that is why it's unique to john is a title of what jesus represents in the scriptures he is the word notice he didn't say the word of god he says the word was with the word was with god that is it points to god john 1 1 was to let you see that the message of the scriptures is a person and that person is deity john 1 10-13 he was in the world and the world was made by him and the world knew him not he couldn't have been in the world to make the world for the world to be made by him means he predicted the world and the world knew him not he came unto his own and his own received him not 12 but as many as receive him to them gave the power to become the sons of god even to them that believe on his name 13 which were born speaking of the same person that was in the world but the world knew him not that made the world he was born not of blood nor of the will of the flesh not of the will of man but of god he came to the world and the world was made by him he pre-existed before the world what's john saying he's saying in essence that the bible is jesus's book the bible is christ's book he is the character of the bible he is the the center point of the scriptures in other words jesus will be found hidden within all the wars and the actions and the prophecies and the symbols of the old testament it is his book i thought somebody who shouted hallelujah so john's description of christ when he called him the word is based on the fact that he calls him the message of the prophet he is the message of the old testament how do i understand the scriptures by converging everything everything on a person how do i understand the scriptures by converging everything on a person it's not a textbook of general discovery the true discovery of scripture is to discover one person that's why john calls him the word these old testament prophets were actually saying or speaking about a man all they said was the prophecy of a man jesus said to them didn't the prophet say that the christ will die and suffer three days and the rest again the third day they said yes that means that the message of the old testament is a man is not the message of god is the message of a man the message of god who became a man so is the message of a man like god a man like god a man like god or god who became a man this god is god who became a man so he is a man like man like he is man-like he is not a man that is god-like he is not a man that is god-like he is god that is man-like are you following please don't miss her if you miss her you have missed the entire bible he is not a man that is like god he is a god that is man like hence the word was with god with points to god so this message is not man being like god it is god who is man-like the message of the scriptures is a message of god who is man like man like god so when he stepped into the realm of man we saw god as a man it's not man that became god we saw god as a man so we have a man like god what we have is god who is a man god's only revelation that is the only place you will ever know god in all of his vast creation is in a man all the message that is the word points to god so the message of god the voice of god is a man the message of god the voice of god is a man when we say a man we are going to see how a man he is so we have a man like god that means god is like man look at genesis 1 26 28 let us make man in our image and i have taught you before because of time that the image and likeness of god is christ so on the streets of man in the four gospels for 33 years who was in the earth a man like god i didn't say a man who is like god i said a man like god is god who became a man a man like god was on the earth a man of god says the four gospels was a photograph no details eyewitness a photograph no details however interestingly you can only know him in him you can only know him in him john now says the word became what the word became the message it became the reason it became flesh so the message and the reason is a man once the word became is the word genomic in the greek the word was made flesh genomic so we have a man like god that is god is man like he is god that became a man so to know whether he is a man let's find out hebrews chapter 4 verse 15 for we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities but was in all points tempted like us like us without sin as we are is not in the original when he says he was at all point tempted you cannot see him if you are not tempted you cannot see him if you are not tempted and you cannot be tempted if you are not a man you cannot sin if you are not tempted and you cannot be tempted if you are not a man you need to have a physical body to be a man you need to have a physical body to sin so when he says he was tempted at all points without sin that was like like he was tempted like that what like was used in hebrews 7 15 and it is yet far more evident for that after the similitude of melchizedek they another priest similitude when he says like he's referring to semblance we are the same so he's telling us here that just like melchizedek was the word like in the greek is the word homoitis it means semblance in that case melchizedek was to foreshadow the priesthood of christ so what we have in mind will be a shadow of christ man is a shadow of christ and you cannot foreshadow what does not exist there can only be a shadow after there was an object a shadow does not appear on its own there must be a substance somewhere that brings out a shadow so if man was to foreshadow christ so genesis 1 26 will be christ genesis 2 7 will be the shadow genesis one god created man in his image genesis to god formed man the shadow of man created because melchizedek foreshadowing christ will mean that christ pre-existed before milk is ready because you can't foreshadow what is not real are we teaching if you see a shadow somewhere and you don't see an object what is that shadow telling you that if you look well somewhere there that object that brought that shadow is existing so when we say the old testament is a shadow of the new what we mean is that they knew existed before the old testament could shadow it am i communicating so in melchizedek we see a foreshadowing so what we have in mind will be a shadow of christ adam was a shadow of christ so a man like god or god who is like man so far for jesus to be tempted he must have been in the same status like adam that is jesus was neither mortal nor immortal he was neither subject to death or are both dead he was neither of them because that's exactly how adam's body was adam was neither mortal nor immortal pending when he makes a choice if adam had made a choice for christ he would have lived forever so within that body was the capacity to be both mortal and immortal pending on the choice so when adam made the choice for death his body started succumbing and learning how to die so for you to be tempted you have to be a man you cannot be tempted if you are not a man remember jesus was tempted at all points without sin now let's look at the points james 1 13 let no man say one is tempted i'm tempted of god for god cannot be tempted with evil neither tempted he any man next verse but every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own lost and enticed then when lost had conceived it bring it forth sin and sin when it is finished bring it forth dead the word drawn away of his own desire is instructive drawn away of his own desire so you have to have a desire to be tempted but the fact that you have a desire does not result in sin automatically but every man has desire if you don't have desires you're not a man so what leads to sin verse 15 then when lost hath conceived it brings it forth sin and sin when it is finished bringeth for death so what brings forth sin the conception of lost when lost has conceived that means the desire is man-like so jesus had desires let me ask you was jesus a man so jesus had desires yes yes but he was not drawn to the point of conceiving sin but he had desires that means jesus had sinful thoughts yes he did he had the desire as a man except he's not a man if you say jesus didn't have sinful thoughts you cancel him from being a man but even though he had sinful thoughts he didn't conceive them because it is when it is conceived that it will now produce sin so desire on its own is not a sin and human beings what makes you human is that you have so jesus because we're examining the christ here so jesus had desires he had sinful thoughts that means he was tempted was he tempted if you are the son of man command the stones that have been made bread what is that you know why it is a genuine temptation because he was hungry so a man that is hungry what will be his desire exactly is it a sin to eat food no why was it a sin because of the person that was asking him to turn the stone to bread to prove a point and he said i know i'm hungry and i know i want bread but man shall not live by bread alone i'm not gonna do it so he overcame the temptation okay so jesus had sinful thoughts now does temptation include human desire huh so we have a man like god was he tempted first corinthians 10 13. there are no temptation taking you but such as is common to man but god is faithful who will not suffer you to be tempted above that you are able and will with the temptation also make a way to escape that you may be able to bear it again what is the message of the prophet amen their prophecies was that a man was coming god was coming as a man now so no temptation has taken but such as is common to man the greek word entrepoinos is used for anything not divine something that belongs to man so temptation belongs to man temptation god cannot be tempted so once somebody is tempted he's a man so the moment jesus was tempted it was further proof that jesus was a complete man jesus was a complete man so we have a man like god a man like god by the name of christ so all the prophets has been speaking about a god that will be a man so god like man has to be tempted like man god like man has to be tempted like man how is man tempted desire what's the desire let me ask all of you another question look at me everybody did jesus have the capacity to sing how why did you answer that one very fast [Laughter] so christ is a man like god a man like god that's what christ is a man full man so what's the message of the prophet amen the word the message that is all the prophets were saying is that we will see a man like god so while all the universe were looking outside the earth for god god was pointing attention to man we will see god clearly as a man because god's only revelation god's only revelation is in a man notice the angels desire to look into man so paul said that the church which comprises men will teach principalities and powers the manifold wisdom of god so men are the university of angels angels come to us to learn because the revelation of god isn't a man had his own body he rendered his body to death and when he rose from the dead he was glorified was there a difference between the body of jesus before he died and the body of jesus after he rose huh are you sure okay before he died did he eat after he rose did he eat before he died did he sleep after he rose did he sleep before he died did he go to toilet after he rose did he go to toilet so was there a difference why all of you looking at me don't be in shock while studying the bible where was there a difference between the body of jesus before he died and the body of jesus after he rose did you say no oh yes okay just write it down [Laughter] there was no difference are you sure there was a difference between jesus before and jesus after resurrection now jesus after resurrection is it the same with jesus now jesus after resurrection is it the same with jesus now after resurrection did jesus go to the toilet jesus now does he go to toilet is bible study abby in bible study you asked a manner of questions we will find out we will study together and get there luke 24 36 and as they don't speak jesus himself stood in the midst of them and saith unto them peace be unto you next verse 37 but they were terrified and frightened and supposed that they had seen a spirit next verse and he said unto them why are you troubled and why do thoughts arise in your hearts next verse behold my hands and my feet that it is i myself handle me and see for a spirit hat not flesh and bones as you see me have he was proving to them that he had structure he had bones and he had support so he could move like anybody he could shake hands and he could hang their hands and they don't turn to oil he was the same and when they touched him they saw that this is the same body we touched before but we saw when he died so of a truth he rose it's not another person that has come to us to do but you bought you this is the real guy glory to god as a glory to god somebody shout hallelujah i said somebody shout hallelujah so let me ask you this last question hey batata was his body physical it was physical today is jesus body physical after resurrection was his body physical today is his body still physical his bible study wait wait wait was his body physical after resurrection did they hold him did they touch him did they feel him today is his body still physical are you saying yes or no are you just saying glory glory somebody shot i'm growing in grace i'm growing in knowledge you see all these questions i'm raising we will answer them we'll answer them because the bible has answers to all of them all of them now let me ask you a very simple question when he rose from the dead okay they were in a room without a window and door did he enter the room was his body still physical how did he enter a room without a door and a window he appeared and disappeared can you appear and disappear do you have a physical body did jesus have a physical body why can't you appear and disappear glory to god somebody shot glory [Applause] amen father we rejoice that we have access into the deep things of god by the holy ghost thank you that our hearts are open and we are receiving the things which the holy ghost teach it comparing spiritual with spiritual and we rejoice that we understand the words of the holy ghost so your word is coming alive in our hearts revelation knowledge is growing in this place our eyes are fixated on the passing of christ and we rejoice that christ is being revealed to us in full disclosure that your people have been empowered with precise exact accurate knowledge of christ and his finished work and we thank you for the blessing lord i decree that everyone connected around the world revelation knowledge keeps growing big on your inside until nothing else matters thank you father we rebuke sickness we rebuke disease we silence the voice of the enemy and we decree in the name of jesus anyone that is being afflicted or tormented by the enemy satan get your hands off in the name of jesus sick bodies be healed be healed in the name of jesus and father we give you praise glory and honor and we thank you for your word among us in jesus precious name and every believer says that amen on an auto finality glory we trust that you have been blessed by this message for these all the messages and books by dr abel dominar please call plus 234 806 800-9939 or email power cityoffice [Music] [Music] [Music] my name is michael bush global baba is here and his doctor ebal damina it's for all of us they're waiting for all the club for all of us oh no then the continental time is approached good to see you again today you're looking you're looking christmas yeah sure looking good global bubble you're tempting me i'm not going to fall into it okay let's just set the stage we don't have time so let's just do what we always do before i come back for my traditional opening questions let's pray for aqua boom let's pray for our government our people let's pray for nigeria government our people let's pray for our world father we rejoice that we have access access undeniable and our prayers are guaranteed answers so we thank you for acquiring state the governor his executive council all the public and civil servants who keep serving this state we decree that lord your grace and mercy continues to abound in their direction they lack nothing they have everything supplied them and above all the revelation of jesus overtakes their hearts and minds the fullness of god finds expression in their beings in the name of jesus amen and we pray for our world that the gospel continues to thrive laborers and harvesters are released into every nation every continent every community every society every village we declare that laborers are released to go forth and preach the gospel of christ in his clarity and we thank you lord for the blessing upon our world through the gospel of jesus christ amen in jesus name amen amen amen um a couple of uh questions joseph said the stitch then we go looking at some great entries that we have so many entries from around the world and number one would be about you today you dropped another one when you said ye are gods yes it's for idols yes it's for how can that be so we have been idols all along judges we are not that's where there's no scripture that calls us gods but we have been claiming that no people have been claiming that because of ignorance i used to many years ago but when i saw the truth i stayed away oh you two used to use it i used to okay so there's hope but but when i saw the new testament calls us new creations it calls us sons of god it calls us heirs of christ joint heirs with christ you know all of those that are the adjectives used to describe a child of god not uh gods or all of that okay global so you you come here you you you address the world every day yes and you're always dropping um something to take home here and there and then you just sit there as you sit now like somebody who knows nothing who is doing nothing how does mama russia see you how do your children your biological children how do they see you how do they relate with you like some dangerous beings no no they relate to me like their father like a human being okay they know where to draw the lines oh they're lines yeah they're lines oh they know when i'm speaking to them as a man of god and they receive it from a man of god and they know when i'm speaking to them like their father and she knows that i'm talking to her like a husband and she knows when i'm speaking to like a man of god so that's why i pray for them and they have answers like that because they honor and receive me as a prophet they receive me as their man of god and they also know when it's time to play when it's time to be father when it's time to be husband at home and at that time i'm no more the man of god so they can scratch my head they can push my leg okay so glove baba you know jesus jesus talking yes jesus talking with some of his disciples so his disciples said who do the people say i am and they went on who do you say i am and who do they think you are well they know i'm their father and they know me man of god whenever they need a miracle they just say daddy this has to happen and they know that if i declined to ask who do you see yourself as i see myself as a child of god i see myself as a man of god i see myself as a servant of god that has been graced by god to share with the world the message of christ and to be a blessing to the world okay last question my last question and for me it's deep it's a it's uh it's a question that i really would like you to feel um there's a guy there's a man it's called mr anne or tom panna and when i sat on my radio trip i drew a lot of inspiration from one of his programs or one his main program his only program and that was something to remember that's how he called it where he would just bring facts from around the world he would tell you things that happened there and we don't know how he got those things now is the same temptation that i face to ask you where do you get all these things that you you teach they are called revelation knowledge from a book from the word of god from the bible that we also have yes the same bible when i was preaching for for one of my friends illegals and i don't like calling it so a lot of pastors were sitting in front on the front row a lot of pastors as i began to preach and the word of god came alive i just discovered that they were dropping their bibles on the pulpit they were throwing their bibles on the pulpit so after the service i was asking pastor philemon who was with me on that trip i said why are they dropping their bibles he said the pastors at a point said they've been carrying this bible all their lives and they didn't see what you were teaching it must be tokumbo so they were throwing it away it's the same bible that's why paul says the eyes of your understanding is a prayer has to be enlightened because there are depths it's called the unsatiable riches of christ is there in the world have you encountered somebody who another pastor who teaches like as you do yes there are quite a number of them around the world in nigeria yes even in nigeria oh you have also met people like you sure you sit down and they they bless me real good oh yes so there must be hope oh there is a lot of others there is okay [Applause] okay so we spent last night um in the southeastern part of asia that was in vietnam yeah we survived it i told you it would be fine you survived it yes vietnam yes okay so it will be good with host axe your councilor there one day vietnam yes okay okay so we have two anonymous entries from there before we go to other parts of asia so this one says please can i marry a lady who's older than me maybe one or two years dear friends please advise me oh sure even five years there's nothing wrong because you see when it comes to marriage what you're looking at is mental maturity emotional maturity spiritual maturity and physical maturity so once the person you're getting married to even if the lady is younger than you or older than you once two of you have the ability to reason together your minds are developed at a point where you see eye to eye and you know your your you can communicate you can interface with each other very well that's all that is needed you know because biological age is just calendar the real development is the maturity of the mind the majority of the body and the maturity of the biggest of all of the spirit of imam so sure still anonymous from vietnam may the lord richly bless you for all the knowledge that you have given to us through the light of god's word i need the explanation about the scriptures of jeremiah where that is 7 33 where prophet jeremiah talks on behalf of god that god is going to kill people remove joy and gladness that's invested before but according to the revelation of god's character that i've learned from you through our lord jesus christ god doesn't kill he doesn't bring diseases calamity etc it seems prophet jeremiah gave the character of god which is different from the character of god that jesus showed us global baba please i need more clarity about the prophecy of jeremiah about a god that kills and brings disease in calamity well if you've been following the teachings that i teach very closely you will have known by now that recently i did a teaching and i said of all that the old testament prophet spoke about in the entire old testament the only thing that is valid the only thing that has got confirmation and fulfillment are their prophecies concerning christ that was all every other thing is subject to correction so if jeremiah said god kills we have overwhelming evidence from jesus who is god made manifest that god doesn't kill because jesus never killed anybody rather he raised the dead so it's proven so when you read such scriptures that's where you apply the rule of rightly dividing the word of truth you look at jeremiah's testimony in the light of christ because christ is the explanation of the scriptures and if what jeremiah is claiming does not agree with the character of god in christ then you have to put it aside okay so from south eastern asia that is vietnam we're going on making more trips around that continent as the continent of asia we're going to the eastern part now tokyo japan hello global baba and my dm is intercontinental michael bush thank you for being a great team preacher of the true gospel for us around the world my name is i'm learning from tokyo japan is that orient yes she's a lady she said oh it's a lady she told me she was already organized that kid should be here this year oh my god maybe you know during homecoming okay so ray continues i think some people misunderstand that forgiveness of sin is a license to sin also when they hear that you don't need to confess you sin anymore because we're standing on the basis of this righteousness they feel that we're saying that we don't need to apologize anymore when we do wrong i try to explain our sin is forgiven when we accept jesus christ as our savior but still while we are on this earth we are responsible for what we do but i always feel my explanation is not enough the other day you taught us that when you do wrong what we need to do is adjustments in our prayers just like looking into a mirror i thought this could be the answer i'm looking for baba will you please teach me more specifically how we had adjust in our prayers well there are two things already number one is when when you sin against god you already have eternal forgiveness so that's where you make adjustments you just look at the scriptures and see what the scriptures have said and you shake off yourself and walk in the light of the scriptures but there is also confess your fault one to another that is when you offend brethren when you do wrong towards brethren that one you need to confess it you need to tell your brother brother i'm sorry this is what i've done i'm sorry please forgive me because that one is between you and a brother and the bible didn't tell you that your sin against brethren has been forgiven by jesus because it's not jesus you're sinning against is the brethren and therefore you need to ask for the forgiveness of those brethren so the bible says confess your fault one to another that you may be healed you need to confess if you do wrong to somebody you need to tell him i'm sorry please forgive me and apologize very sincerely you know and that's very important now it's important to also know that in christ jesus you are totally and eternally forgiven so what do you do walk in the reality of it and if you find yourself walking contrary to who you are it means you are agitated in your mind so what do you do come back to the mirror of god's word look at the mirror and make the adjustment and continue to walk in the light where you have no occasion of stumbling okay global but something you just said can we sing against man i thought crime is for that that happens between men between man and man yes and then sin is for god we can sin against man oh we can you know we can yeah i can do you wrong i could miss i could miss the mark where you're concerned i could hurt you i could offend you i could do something wrong and i need to confess okay so that you can forgive me and the reason for that confession is so that our relationship is not affected by that offense okay global people so let's leave the eastern part of asia that is japan and head to the western part and that is kuwait again kuwait the last last edition was vietnam those are so weird some wonderful places okay we'll just fly through that and says dear global barbarian mr bush my name is williams and i write from kuwait sir i'm not with my wife currently because i'm in kuwait working and as a man that loves my wife i wouldn't cheat on her but at times i watch porn to cool off is that wrong well again you know your mind must be centered on christ guard your heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues the forces the influences of life is so important you've got to keep your heart pure you've got to keep your mind pure so you don't give room to the devil because as you keep watching porn you're creating room for the devil and you you will soon find that if you don't stop you've created a hunger and an appetite that can only be satisfied by sea and then it becomes very difficult for you to overcome temptation so keep your heart pure keep your thoughts pure stay away from it and if your wife if if needing your wife becomes an issue quickly work out a way of getting your wife to come over to where you are or you know work out something that will make you and your wife stay together so you don't give room to the devil to mess you up and mess up everything that you represent right now from asia we're flying all the way to the americas the united states be nice hello global baba and dr bush dr dr bush okay sounds great prophet bush dr william samwell okay so um hello global baba i am calling i write uh i currently live in the us i'm a follower of your messages and ministry have a question on the message preached on facebook on the 1st of december that cannot be in the first of january on the 31st of january 2021 when you said god doesn't get angry for the reason being that god or draft is a manifestation of the flesh and god has never manifested in the flesh can you please explain to me from the following scriptures that talks about the anger of god and how god became flesh psalm 7 11 it goes on or not well you must understand the word flesh the word flesh is not the word flesh flesh is flesh even though flesh is not flesh so flesh is there's no omnibus application to that world there's a place where flesh is a way of thinking there's another place where flesh is a human body so you must be able to understand the different usage of the word flesh that will help you understand what you ask okay so from the americas you're flying into africa yes we're flying into africa cameroon hello sir i'm from cameroon doesn't live in names it says it's uh been just one month that i got to know you and since then i've been glued to your messages my question how do i get to study the bible because my mind has been so messed up with so much confusion i've grown up in religion all my life and your teachings have been so contrary to all i know sometimes i feel like i'm going crazy in my head i don't even know how to study anymore second question can i as a child of god go wrong in life can i make mistakes in marriage because the bible tells me that my steps are ordered by him our first caller hello welcome to the program you know where you're calling from what part of cameroon are you calling from uh i'm coming from southwest okay sideways province go ahead go ahead more graceful thank you i want you to speak for my ministry sir okay okay want me to pray for you father we decree that your son continues to abound in grace ultra boldness ability to speak god's word without compromise you're strengthened with might by the spirit receive boldness to declare the testimony of jesus great grace is upon you in jesus name amen okay so we go back to cameroon he's just calling from cameroon so yep all right so um i'm just trying to put back together what the president you know can he make mistakes in marriage because the bible tells that the steps are ordered by all right okay okay i understand that let's go wrong so now the first thing you said is you just got started listening to my messages about a month ago and it's like you're confused so it's normal it's normal for you to get confused so everyone begin to doubt everything so this is what you should do i will encourage you not to try right now to study your bible right now don't try to study your bible what you should rather do is study with me order for my teaching series the first one that will help you fundamentally is the old and the new covenant in christ the old and the new covenant in christ it's about 36 hours it gives you a general overview of the whole bible it will help you a lot so you start from there and study with me as i teach you go through the scriptures that's how to study that's the first one secondly can you make mistakes in life yeah you you can make mistakes in life for many reasons number one god doesn't make choices for you but god gives you advice on what choices to make number two god does not influence your decisions he allows you to make your decisions and live with the consequences of your decisions so therefore that is why the bible says receive counsel that you may be wise at a latter end that's the bible says in the multitude of counsel there is safety so when we teach you the word of god what we are giving you is sound counsel for example in marriage i have a book that will do you good if you can order for it understanding relationships marriage and family life and a lot of information on it in it on how to choose a life partner how to locate a life partner and all of that that information will be very useful and very very much a blessing to you bless you okay global will stay on in cameroon but i understand producer would like us to take a couple of questions from the live audience i will set well if you have a question i'll just take that in a moment but cameroon dwala that's where we're heading says greetings global baba greetings the boss bless you for all the labor and feeding the lordship i'm kitty bless ella from dwala in literal province in the republic of cameroon daddy according to what you taught us about angels they are ministering spirits for those who are asked for salvation and that we shall judge angels by implication man is superior to angels what then global did jesus mean in matthew 13 49 to when he explained to the parable when he said angels will come and separate the wicked from the righteous at the end trusted baba clarify please well remember that parables were a form of communicating with people who could not understand revelation that in that is informs why jesus will use all of those kind of of of you know speaking metal to communicate what he was simply saying in that parable is that angels will be used as servants in the in the bringing of their harvest at the end of time that's what he meant it's not like angels are superior to us they will be used to serve to walk in putting together the harvest at the end of time that's what jesus said from cameroon we're heading to le ceto says hello global baba i'm writing this mail from le ceto my name's uh should be my name is leloko moteben my question is after the cross jesus spent some time teaching his disciples did he during the 40-day period level about teach the same message he preached before the cross no he didn't teach the same thing he preached before the cross after the cross after he rose from the dead he he preached revelation knowledge before he died he spoke in parables there's a difference between parables and revelation knowledge all right if you order the incredible realities of season two it deals with all of jesus's teaching ministry before he rose from the dead okay so the second question from leloko motebe is i want to know global barbara i want to get some clarity on the kingdom of heaven on the one hand and on the other the kingdom of god i often read global war by jesus telling the multitudes that the kingdom of heaven is at hand are these two phrases the same thank you very much yeah they are the same they are interchangeably used the kingdom of god is the kingdom of heaven the kingdom of heaven is the kingdom of god to south africa next just as i wait to take my live audience my first question from the live audience but south africa greetings i'm married in community of property to my caring wife who's from outside south africa now we want to buy a property in south africa but the bank wants us to raise 50 which we don't have we are both working but our salary is too small to be up to 50 percent so i'm thinking of a prenup marriage or to divorce her and marry her again after buying the property please advice [Laughter] he wants to divorce her and marry her again because by the property i think there's some there's something they do in that part of the the country you know that allows those kind of things that's dishonesty they're very dishonest don't do that don't do that be patient keep patiently walking until you get the money it's more honorable for you bless you okay i i thought we were ready but uh from south africa let's stay on in south africa hello dr damina please kindly assist me here i was reading john 1 18 using the passion translation when we see that jesus has unfolded god to us then the translator used the greek word oh my god uh global baba you need to look at this by yourself i can't pronounce that ex giumei [Music] when i checked the meeting i discovered he made a mistake it should be exeggum you know my instead please kindly assist me i don't know i i don't know what it means by the people made a mistake but what you do next time is write what they wrote write what you saw and on the the meanings because sometimes in the greek in the greek like for example there's a word called di harmonia then it is also called harmonia it is also called hermeneutics see that so um sometimes that's why again the greek bible or the greek translation is not like straight you just look at the word no you have to study the words to be able to arrive at what their meanings are so my advice you know look at it again very carefully and if you're still confused send another meal but give me more details and i'll be able to help you okay so from south africa we're heading next to namibia first though our first life question hello your name my name is nicolas bless any colors uh from the gospel you need us to understand that or the bible need to understand that jesus spoke basically with parables when he was talking to them yes then in luke 24 when we were teaching yesterday the people acknowledged that their heart was burning when jesus was teaching yes so my question is was jesus speaking in parables to them with their heart burned all revolutionaries started at that point because he has risen from the dead so that was revelation knowledge from luke 24 and that was what he taught for 40 days after resurrection that opened them up to the reality of the scriptures where their hearts were opened so it was revelation knowledge thank you bless you i'll take another in a moment but first though i head back to namibia greetings i reached out to you from namibia ludicrous town imagine for you blah blah blah about you please pray for me concerning my spiritual as well as physical life really i need total deliverance so that i may be restored both bodily and emotionally i'm also begging for the prophet of god to pray for me so i may get a permanent job may he also pray on my behalf for the forgiveness of my sins i need strength in my faith and to increase in the knowledge of god's word may the apostle also pray for my wife so she also could get a permanent job on the offspring of our wishes the great apostle i appreciate all of your time patience and efforts in this matter as an honor to meet you thank you apostle amen father we declare a release right now supernatural a visitation and every desire of yours granted barriers dominated in the name of jesus amen and above all that the revelation of god's word grows big on your inside the reality of christ take hold of your heart and that eternal life becomes yours in jesus name amen another question from the live audience hello mom okay my name is dr zeke pyong and i have two questions first and foremost i'm really excited being here on sunday was my official time listening to pastel about amina thank you so much sir thank you um my first thank you church my first question is about the right way to pray i come from an orthodox church and the church sorry to say but i'm really not comfortable with a lot of things they do the right way to pray i want to know if our father that the lord's prayer is a prayer that we should actually be praying and the second question is about telling people god bless you or telling them more grace to me i feel it's a cliche that doesn't sit well so i want to know your response to that thank you so much well doctors welcome to power city we're glad to have you in charge and get ready get ready get ready to learn so much so much so much and i'm sure you will be very very very built up and blessed now the first question you ask is not a prayer what they call the lord's prayer in matthew chapter 6 is not a prayer it was jesus teaching on the character of god and they just assumed people just assumed it was a prayer for example jesus said to them our father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name all right so he now begins to talk about the realities your kingdom come your will be done on earth uh you know and all of that now what jesus was teaching was a character of god you'll find out that he said something like you forgive us our sins as we forgive others so the character of god is that he forgives us even when we don't deserve forgiveness so when we learn from him how he forgives we also will forgive other people the same way he says you lead not us not into temptation you deliver us from the evil one it's not a prayer it is a manifestation or a teaching of the character of god so how do we pray in the new testament we pray to the father in the name of jesus and what do we say there are samples of prayers given to us as new testament believers in ephesians chapter 1 15 16 17 18 to 23 philippians chapter one verse nine colossians chapter one verse nine all those are prayers a believer can pray for himself the eyes of my understanding be enlightened that i may know the the hope of my calling that i may know the riches of my inheritance that i may know the exceeding greatness of his power towards me who believe according to the walking of his mighty power which he wrought in christ when he raised him from the dead so there are prayers like that for you in the new testament that reflects your true identity and reflects your true appetite as a child of god to grow in the knowledge of christ what about god bless you uh be blessed and all of that well again god bless you there's nothing wrong in asking for god's blessings because god's blessings are two ways first of all the blessings that a believer has in christ jesus and you can wish somebody well by telling the person god bless you meaning as you go out today in your personal endeavors experience the blessing so you know that's why such uh such statements are used within brethren and within the household of god be blessed god bless you you know and all of that brother paul say i am sure that when i come i will come in the fullness of the blessing so when we preach to you what we are giving you is the blessing so it's still part of it bless you i hope that helps you a little bit okay global quickly quickly from namibia we're coming down to nigeria and we're taking straight to you we're flying straight into the victor international airport while trying to disembark blue barber there is another live question from the live audience it's not a dead question hello my name is becky i had this question containing willful sin from my friend we're trying to share the the gospel together hebrews 10 yeah hebrews 10 26 and the friend said that any real full sin is punishable so and when i was trying to explain he now gave other scriptures to back it up so i have been having a mind to ask is willful willful sin punishable once somebody starts back in scripture is doing an immoral activity we don't back scripture we explain scripture so hebrews chapter 10 26 talking about willful sin there is there any sin that is not willful all sins are willful there is no sin you commit that you didn't think of but when you talked about willful sin in hebrews 10 he was talking about unbelief he was talking about not believing the gospel not accepting the gospel of christ and when the gospel is preached and you have seen that all christ has done for you and you say no that rejection of the gospel is what is called willful sin which will bring punishment on the adversary an adversary is one who opposes the gospel so that's what he means by willful sin all your sins have been paid for by christ and god is not holding anybody accountable for sin on earth the only sin that you are held accountable for is the rejection of christ outside of that no other sin however the fact that christ has forgiven you all your sins in christ does not mean there are no consequences there are natural consequences if you do not protect yourself and love yourself enough to create boundaries there are things you will do for example you steal your court if it is in northern nigeria they will remove the hand you will have half hand if it's in the south you'll go to prison even when you're in prison god will still be with you in prison because god has no problem with you it is government and men that have problems with you so it's consequences that go along with certain choices and sinful acts that we commit but with god the blood of jesus has taken care of all our sins okay okay so we we're back and um we're at the victor international airport so let's just take this one hello baba and mr bush thank you for all you do for us i alia sent a mail group about basically council on how to deal with depression loss of extreme inferiority complex but certainly i probably missed your reply on this and haven't been able to identify which edition it was answered on which edition it was answered i kind of request that you please give me your counsel on this again as i'm following steadily during this conference god bless you amen depression inferiority complex and cowardice you are a victim of identity crisis so what do you do sit on the diet of christ when you see christ in christ you will see who you are and once that reality dawns on you all those things will jump out through the window so what series do you listen to to get free from that the father and his family order for the father and his family say teaching series bless you okay that was from priests and somehow blah blah blah blah we must um just round it off at this point tomorrow is another day my name is michael bush complete with the production team and of course all join me to thank you and the moment is here for global barber doctor ebel damina to take us home then the continental mr bush it's been a great day today so good to have all of you remember we're live tonight nine to ten o'clock on inspiration fm uh 10 to 12 on heritage tomorrow morning 5 45 on xl fm 11 to 1 on radio aqua bomb one two three xlfm three to five you know your fm and we're back at 6 pm again in comfort fm bringing you the truth of god's word we love you guys and everybody in the audience thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve you the grace of god enjoy the rest of your day and be blessed goodbye from you nigeria [Music] amen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 3,185
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: tIDebX0dwR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 5sec (6185 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 13 2021
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