Being a Jerk in Fallout 3

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I'll be another newcomer you've got a weird look about you boy the kind that means trouble I give everyone a fair Shake but if you do anything remotely stupid you're dead that's my eye on you don't do anything stupid I knew I should have trusted you damn it boy you picked a wrong man to mess with now I've got to put you in the ground murderer [Music] well well Mr Burke what a grand display of fireworks thank God water I'm out you got to give me some water I'm done for yeah that's what I figured can you at least shoot me in the head before you leave I'm out of ammo or I do it myself [Music] [Music] stay away from me what do you want are you one of them no don't take me back I would rather die than be a slave for that awful Alistair 10 penny no please don't tell sister think he's a slaver I don't want to be taken by him I I am at your mercy no interesting never look a gift slave in the mouth I say [Music] are you going to help me over to the slave the slit oh my God what am I going to do now how could you get away from me [Music] the mechanist you're the awesomest person ever ever gonna have your autograph oh how right I was going to use this money to buy food but you're worth it mechanist hey new in town good to meet you I'm Moira Brown I take care of supplies and repairs here but what I really do is mostly tinkering and research actually right now I'm working on a book to help the world and I could use a bit of help I can pay you and it'll be fun Target whoa no no no no it's not that sort of job no I'm talking about researching things like surviving in the wastes and such and I can offer caps and meds and a few of my inventions in return I guess I can even get you some ammo if that's more your style oh sure because the angel of death really needs a helping hand out there I guess almost everyone in the world didn't quite meet his quota just stay out of my way until you reconsider that okay some of us actually give a damn about the survival of the species foreign thank you whoever you are thank you the things they talked about doing to me look I don't have anything to offer you except these supplies I don't know why they didn't take it here thank you again I'm gonna try to make it home if it's still there we can't go any further we need to stop Garza has a heart condition he needs medicine or he may not make it I'm not moving until he gets the medicine he needs I said I will not leave him now look around for any sort of medical supplies there must be something we can put to use we cannot continue to delay here something must be done is there no medicine to be found you monster how could you do that to him you're inhuman I won't forget this you killed him oh hi there I'm bitter cup no one understands me you're just like all the others around here fine be that way you'll be sorry you'll all be sorry Gob yes of course is my son well not really not like you would think of a son we ghouls don't really work like that but I love him like he's my own do you know him have you seen him is he all right you you what you son of a [ __ ] help you're rescuing me thanks I thought we were goners for sure I think the others are dead or worse you think I asked those super mutants to wait until I got all my caps together before abducting me don't get me wrong I'm terribly grateful I'll gladly give you a reward but let's get out of here first all right there's a back door somewhere nearby we can use let's go everything oh blurry who are you again [Music] thanks for not attacking us most people don't tolerate ghouls you'll have to kill us first go ahead shoot me again my friend I see I found you at last I knew you had survived and I had hoped to assist in your rescue to repay my debt to you you are my rescuer and my only connection to this world so I felt compelled to see you safe but if this is what you think of me perhaps I should not have bothered but I know no one else in this world it seems I didn't know you as well as I had thought my mistake I read about a museum of history in the South perhaps I can learn more about the world there without facing such enmity I will take my leave of you goodbye my rescuer well if it isn't the Magnificent manga what now why because I'm princess a little Lamplight oh yeah well that was a long time ago now RJ's my best friend someday we're gonna be boyfriend and girlfriend and then he'll kick you out true you're a liar shut your stupid face liar I know RJ likes me he really does really just leave me alone Mungo jerk I hate you [Music] I hate you go away I'm getting out of here I had you brought in here to ask a very simple favor would you please kill me oh no no no no no no no no no no fire would be too painful for me and poor old Bob you keep that stuff away from us the heart would be just fine and I won't feel a thing hail to you stranger I am night Captain dusk in service of Steel if you require anything simply ask funny here's some free advice you're our guest so I'd be real careful about who you insult that sort of thing might fly out in the waste but here in the Citadel it'll earn you a few broken teeth see that right there that's the sort of [ __ ] that'll land a little girl like you in the Infirmary did I stutter get out of my face oh oh really look I know how you wasters are you cap a few red scorpions and you think you can walk around like you own the [ __ ] place but things work differently around here you got a problem with that then you go ahead and meet me in the Lion's Den after it lights out I'll solve your little problem the old-fashioned way I had myself a ghoul man servant and everything so uh you haven't met a ghoul before if you weren't a child I'd show you what this old man can do [Music] you and the worm make him shut up please just make him shut up no no way he'll set the bombs off if I go anywhere near him oh um well you look like someone who's pretty smart so if you say so I'll give it a try okay here I go hey pal what were you doing in Sierra's place nope I'm not the marrying type look I'm just trying to make sure no one messes with her you do the same to protect your woman too good I aim to keep it that way she's a fine woman I'd love to get closer to her if you know what I mean all right suit yourself I was going to make you an offer that could earn you some caps but if you don't have the time to listen be careful what what the hell happened what you're crazy how could you just go and kill her like that that's it you're dead meat say hello to the kneecapper want us alive for something who knows what point is if it looks like one of us is gonna kill the other they'll step in to stop it so that's what we do we throw a few punches make it look real and then jump them when they come in to break it up hey whoa now let's not go down that road sweetie take a second and think before you start saying stuff that'll get you killed okay see now you're getting me frustrated you look around here you tell me there's some other way to do this and I'll listen but I'm telling you this will work oh that really hurts oh God damn [Music] it run into you before you probably wouldn't remember me anyway I'm Mr Lopez nobody does I'm not very memorable don't worry it won't be a problem for much longer you're right I've failed everyone even my family wait I think that's somewhere in my squad it's Daniels and Beckett there's got to be a way to revive them with their memories intact so they won't attack us on site what the hell are you doing don't press that I had no choice I I had to do it you saw they would have killed us damn it why couldn't you just wait before you open their pods if you don't trust me enough to listen to me why did you drag me down here with you laughs [Music] no no no [Music] have you seen Wild Bill around Bill's a friend of mine a very dear friend we've worked the mill together for a long time last week we were forced to choose someone to gather ingots from the steel yard Bill volunteered he didn't want anyone to have to die out there but Survivor he can't be dead you look like you can handle yourself could you look for him and bring him back well oh okay I hope you change your mind any luck finding Wild Bill oh that's wonderful where is he now did he come back with you oh no that's horrible poor Bill he he was alive please please stop I can't hear any more of it I don't feel so well I I think I'm gonna faint please stop it I don't feel ah I'm going to ugh foreign they're gonna get me no you don't care the grown-ups never cared now they're all dead well fine you'll just die too see I knew it you don't care no one ever cares well fine go away see if I care but those things they're gonna get you don't worry I'm not offended I know that I am a hideous monstrosity Fleet only to be hunted down and killed I'm sorry I've been poor host Hill please take this there isn't much but I want you to have well please give the clues to someone who needs them I'm sorry for annoying you maybe it's best that I Leave You Now foreign thanks a whole lot my house is the one closest to the huge sign and the old Diner please find my papa and make him come back you don't have to be such a jerk about it [Music] come on tell me already oh no what happened you you know what you are you're a big [ __ ] that's right an [ __ ] my Papa said never to say that word but you deserve it now what am I going to do my pup is dead or Papa why does everyone who comes through here have to be so mean oh hey there do you need something I've been wondering about that for an hour now I think it's stuck in some sort of loop I tried fixing it but all those switches and circuits are beyond me thanks if you get it working I have a couple of energy cells you can have just come back to me when you're done I just have no idea what to do with you hey what happened with the robot what the hell man why would you even do that forget you I'm out of here stay away from machines in the future especially mine my portable terminal is set up in the Hatchery chamber near the ant Queen your objective would be to eliminate what I call her quintet of Nest Guardians filthy little Abominations please don't insult my intelligence you didn't even enter the Hatchery now I believe you have a job to do I trust your task is progressing well oh how marvelous please tell me what happened then I will proceed to my portable terminal at once and make the necessary changes to the formula thank you I'm the littlest kid my real name's Betty but mostly I get called Bumble what do you call big kid oh okay bye uh oh now what I don't know I'm not supposed to go outside oh boy an adventure let's go let's go oh please let's go now [Music] why hello little girl what a lovely dress you have thank you Miss we're going on an adventure you bet we are you ready to go on the Adventure Express oh boy let's go now can we please absolutely in fact put you to have this friendship necklace it's good luck wear it and you'll never get lost [Music] don't fuss my little girl you'll get used to it well okay I can't wait to tell Lucy about this adventure I'm sure she'll be so proud of you now we've got a big day ahead of us so let's get going I'm going on an adventure I guess now you'll be on your way I don't have to try living here by myself I hope you'll come back and visit someday really you mean it oh boy thank you so much I'll wait in my old house for you to come back I need to bury my papa anyway just don't forget about me holy holy you actually came back like you said you would I hope you found me a place to live what is this weird thing you son of a [ __ ] how could you do this to me I lost everything and you sell me to slavers well [ __ ] you well I give up you may be right but I have nothing to live for Ted Strayer I suppose I could talk to him he is kind of a lost boy thank you stranger oh my God you're back you got my message and actually came back I guess you must have more important things waiting for you outside so I'll make this quick when you left we realized we could leave the Vault but my father won't stand for it and it's just getting worse down here he won't listen to us but he can't just ignore you so we need your help I need your help you're leaving us you're leaving me I guess what my father said was right now that you've been out there you've stopped caring about anyone but yourself we don't need your help we can take care of ourselves you can just get out and never come back foreign you just couldn't let us live in peace could you you couldn't have a home so you decided to destroy ours even they aren't foolish enough to destroy their homes just to prove a point it could only have been you how many of them do you think Will Survive out there still better a few of them stay alive out there than have them all die down here the evacuation will begin immediately but you won't be joining them outside I'll see to that myself oh thank goodness you're here I told everyone to wait here for you that you'd know what to do but they didn't listen to me with everything they'd been through they just panicked but I knew you'd come back I knew you'd know what was happening you do don't you you're you're lying he may be crazy but he'd never try to destroy the Vault like this only an outsider would do something like that someone like you I deal with you myself except these people are going to need someone to watch out for them out there as for you you can stay down here and die for all I care if you ever talk to me again out there I'll kill you one of us is going to have to go in there and turn the damn thing on whoever does it isn't coming back out not exactly how I imagine going out you know so what should we do draw straws so that's how it is so much for chivalry fine I'll do it but I need the code what of your mind it turned on who knows how many other people died too give me the damn code you can't do this give me the code
Channel: ICEnJAM
Views: 156,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fallout 3, evil, being a jerk, dialogue, choices, responses, walkthrough, gameplay, funny, scumbag, renegade, rpg, bethesda
Id: oGMaRHEh1g4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 6sec (1506 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 03 2022
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