Being a Jerk in Deus Ex

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do something man they're gonna kill him [Music] what a shame i'm starving do you have anything to eat [Music] sorry i don't have any food take this one alive and conscious find out what you can about the shipment then turn them over to one of the troopers don't shoot i surrender and what are you doing that's over the line what did i just tell you we won already report back to base you're a complete jackass i don't understand command wanted to question the leader he surrendered to you i asked him some questions i didn't like his answers what's your business here agent just going up to my brother's room uh you better hold off the nsf retreated in there about half an hour ago and they've taken hostages we're waiting on a specialist i'm your specialist just tell me where the hostages are being held no one's standing in your way but you'll have to go in alone our orders are to hold the perimeter we think the terrorists are on the second floor carry on corporal i know i heard they found there were a couple of nsf on the second floor i took care of the situation what about the hostages dead but i played by the book no deals with terrorists you should have waited for the specialist you are not afraid to kill i am pleased the last thing i would expect from the brother of paul [Music] you max might have copper wiring to reroute your fear of pain but i've got nerves of steel you are not a mech you do not know what it is like what's it like to stand around revving your actuators while the more advanced units complete the mission no thanks hey you with the troops i need help what's the problem actually it's my friend johnny took her into the alley west to here across the street slow down who's johnny i got a bad feeling about this he was mad he gets crazy when he's mad don't worry i'll check it out i have some bad news my friend in the alley cheap sandra oh my god is she okay i did what i could sick of being shoved around the nsf terrorists in the subway have threatened to blow up the platform watch for booby traps i don't believe what i just saw those were innocents you can't go in and just shoot everywhere take the subway to hell's kitchen and go talk to your brother jc we have to talk that hostage rescue was a disaster unacco policy is clear no negotiation you try for a rescue if it works it works i don't need you second guessing me who have 20 credits mister what for i will be honest it is crash a big crash uh i just need a little for the pain [Music] hey you're this far into withdrawal maybe it's time you kick the habit how can you why so cruel it's for your own good you awful man i hope you die very [Music] oh soon oh sandra this is terrible i just wanted to protect her you did your best she just got mixed up with the wrong crowd sandra was all i cared about in the whole world i wish there was something more i could say what's your name i'm a little busy right now hey can i ask a favor i'm out of money have any spare cheats how does someone with no money get into a club with a 300 credit cover charge my friends work here then you must know all about the place oh yes i used to work in the office i could tell you anything how about 200 credits i could give you the code to the safe room [Music] already been there are you sure i broke in myself looks like that code isn't going to be as valuable as you thought oh great i really hit bottom this time that was my last chance to make any cash i hope you're happy maybe you should try getting a job they got my friend ford chick in a secret lab next to the sewers a lab and the sewers maybe he was taken hostage by the nsf if you're serious about going down there and finding ford i'll give you a deal on some hardware also you'll need this it's the key that can open the sewer manholes you must before check a break for it i'll protect you here i go i have some bad news did you find ford he's dead i tried to get him out but dead i did what i could i can't believe it i wish i'd never said anything maybe you'd be alive right now you aren't in a position to make any demands paige on the contrary my mission might have failed but so did yours i captured your daughter an hour ago tiffany [Music] i don't think we have a choice i should have never let her go tell them you're sending someone with the components i'll have my pilot drop me off where they're holding your daughter maybe i can rescue her that's too risky we don't have a choice trust me she'll be fine i'm ready make a break for the helicopter it's in the junkyard got it [Music] that's too bad about tiffany i gave it my best shot what are you i came to help majestic triumph took my mother prisoner where bunker chad has a key but he says he's too dangerous to try to rescue her i'm on my way to see chad right now maybe i can change his mind [Music] we are not mercenaries when the troopers moved into the crypts half of my people retreated without firing a shot two of them took a wrong turn and were attacking prisoner where in burn care 3 the tunnels behind the second blast door maybe i can help you out i have some bad news are my people okay neither of them made it back alive no it can be i'm deeply sorry [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] oh my god daddy what a shame he can't really be there must be something we can do he was a good man what a rotten way to die no no no i wish there was something more i could say i absolutely refused to subject myself to this madness [Music] you're a complete jackass i don't understand
Channel: ICEnJAM
Views: 389,949
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: being a jerk, deus ex, what a shame, fallout, rpg, evil choices, playthrough
Id: m68jnuTWtyE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 57sec (477 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 18 2017
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