Being a Jerk in Fallout 3 - Evil Karma

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haven't run into you before you probably wouldn't remember me anyway I'm Mr Lopez nobody does I'm not very memorable don't worry it won't be a problem for much longer you're right I F Ked everyone even my family someday maybe I'll get courage stranger I thank you for your Aid we must press forward if you are willing to Aid us you are welcome to join us very well then I should have expected as much from an outsider thank God someone's come you have to help me please you can mock me all you want I don't care just get me out of here but but why quit coing smooth skin we're on our way to 10 Penny Tower you know anything about that Tower oh really you God damn bigot you smooth skinned bastards are always oppressing us but we're done with all that so we're going to take that Tower by force and teach y all the lesson in fact the revolution is going to start right here and now start running smooth skin thought I want something we'll get him I'm out of here damn what did you say about my mother you you take that back I'll show you I'll show all of you when I'm gone my mom will really miss me hey mister can you get us out of here thanks for nothing ass I was in an old basement but there were bottles of pure water stocked everywhere of course I'm sorry other than you I only have myself to talk to I know very little about civilized conversation please please I can hear it moving pulsing just leave me alone make him shut up please just make him shut up no no way he'll set the bombs off if I go anywhere near him oh um well you look like someone who's pretty smart so if you say so I'll give it a try okay here I go we can work out a trade we've got some stuff around here that we don't need but a smooth skin like you might make use of it what what are you talking about do nothing you you wouldn't dare I've got I mean I'll call for help this is the last mistake you'll ever make help somebody help me hey my husband built this place way out here for a reason rest his soul well that's the most insulting thing anyone has ever said to me here I offer my hospitality and you spit it right back in my face watch the Sass Captain sassy pants I can still hold my own if I have to my husband made me learn a thing or two about how to defend myself besides I have a caravan come through here about once a week they'd miss me if I was gone that's disgusting I'm old enough to be your grandmother I won't have that kind of talk in this house house come on help me get this colar off please oh I don't know okay yeah do it it's worth the risk you're evil introductions are in order I am Mrs Edgar Wellington you may refer to me as Madam or my lady Wellington tisk tisk you were raised by beasts weren't you poor thing did those ghouls send you here to torment a civilized folk seriously though they have everyone on edge so mind your manners I do hope you're not referring to me I'm certainly a better conversationalist than some stupid ghoul and I smell better too glad to see a friendly face out here I swear that damn book nearly ended me this so-called Wasteland Survival Guide it's a piece of crap is what it is serves me right for taking advice from some crazy girls book well I'd have to be an idiot to listen to this piece of crap here you think so much of it you take it fat lot of good it'll do you if you're here looking for water I'm afraid I can't help you all the water is at project Purity if you want a hand out head over to the Jefferson Memorial and ask for scribe bigsley now if you'll excuse me I'm busy coordinating military operations say that a little louder I've got a lot of disgruntled men who'd be happy to prove you wrong now remove yourself before I have you arrested ATT civilian on Deck whoa Nelly sensing combat inhibitor removal guns are hot firing for effect welcome to hell you zombie freaks every day is a good day to die found you made in the US damn it hey is that you oh my head's still ringing from that explosion what happened don't be silly why would you blow up our town you're talking crazy talk wait what look at out hey knock it off I think we need to talk I've been hearing things things that have happened out there Megaton destroyed you you didn't have anything to do with that did you what I did can't even compare to such a thing all those people you're still my son and I love you but I can't begin to tell you how disappointed in you I am we'll talk more about this when there's time we can't go any further we need to stop Garza is in need of medical attention immediately he has a heart condition I will not leave him behind I said I will not leave him now look around for any sort of medical supplies there must be something we can put to use now there was no C that coward you're going to pay for that you monster how could you do that to him you're inhuman I won't forget this hell to you stranger I am Knight Captain dusk in service of Steel if you require anything simply ask H funny here's some free advice you Our Guest so I'd be real careful about who you insult that sort of thing might fly out in the waist but here in the Citadel it'll earn you a few broken teeth see that right there that's the sort of [ __ ] that gets a man injured did I stutter get out of my face oh oh really look I know how you wasters are you cap a few red scorpions and you think you can walk around like you own the [ __ ] place but things work differently around here you got a problem with that then you go ahead and meet me in the Lion's Den after lights out I'll solve your little problem the oldfashioned way hail to you stranger I am Squire Maxon loyal servant of Steel it is an honor to make your acquaintance well yes if I may speak my will you do sort of we do not have many guests in the Citadel and when we do they're usually visiting Brothers Outsiders are not be trusted so says the Codex I don't I'm I I'm if Elder Lions chooses to show trust in you then by the oath I must trust you as well sometimes I'm afraid their missions end in their deaths as Keeper of the Scrolls it's it's my charge to write of each Fallen brother's Deeds okay well as you can see we're having trouble keeping track of our soldiers in the field you have my condolences your father was a good man really I assumed that you would have taken after your father I assumed incorrectly but from what I've heard he died with honor he died for you I only pray that my own death has such meaning then you did not know the man I knew your father I knew his goodness and I will not have you Sully the memory of a noble man go now I have nothing more to say to you what the hell the the whole place it's it's gone it was you you did this you goddamn murderer you've killed them all kill this traitor kill him you enemy contact I will make you pay for you hear me pay last week we were forced to choose someone to gather ingots from the steal yard Bill volunteered he didn't want anyone to have to die out there but he's a Survivor he can't be dead you look like you can handle yourself could you look for him and bring him back any luck finding Wild Bill oh that's wonderful where is he now did he come back with you oh no that's horrible poor Bill Bill Bill he he was alive please please stop I I can't hear any more of it I don't feel so well I I think I'm going to faint please stop it I don't feel I'm going to I'm sorry I've been a poor host please take this it isn't much but I want you to have it well please give the clothes to someone who needs them I'm sorry sorry for annoying you maybe it's best that I Leave You Now what where am I what happened how long have I been out huh what the hell are you talking about that isn't very funny if my guys were here they'd kick your oh [ __ ] my team what the hell happened look [ __ ] I don't know who you are but no one talks to Riley that way yeah you heard me the Riley of Riley's Rangers nice that you pick on bedridden people that how you get your jollies does it make you feel tough if you want to hear me out then shut the hell up if not get out of my face those things they're going to get me too can't stop now no you don't care the grownups never cared now they're all dead well fine you'll just die too oh no what happened you you know what you are you're a big [ __ ] that's right an [ __ ] my Papa said never to say that word but you deserve it now what am I going to do my papa's dead poor Papa Dr Weston leco is my name and it's good to make your acquaintance what brings you to my little experimental [Music] ecosystem oh my such rude Behavior I'll have none of this from you I have far more important things to do you utter buffoon you've set my work back months perhaps even years destroying the mutagen was not part of what we discussed I hope you found me a place to live what is this weird thing you son of a [ __ ] how could you do this to me I lost everything and you sell me to slavers get away from me I never want to see you again hey smooth skin do you need something a drink maybe anything anything at all I see how it is what do you need don't hit me now no call all for that no natural selection at its finest Gob yes of course he's my son well not really not like you would think of a son we ghouls don't really work like that but I love him like he's my own do you know him have you seen him is he all right you you what you son of a [ __ ] this is hopeless ain't none of my business look Herbert he's back I told you oh no no no no no no fire would be too pain P ful for me and poor old Bob he keep that stuff away from [Music] us the great one is dead slain by your hand don't worry I hold no grudge toward you you'll have to forgive my people people at a time like this Outsider they aren't used to being so lost and for once I don't have the words to help them your words sting Outsider normally I'd have cast you from this place for such a statement but my eyes have been opened Could you actually be a pure human what's the matter with you I assure you I'm unlike the others in this dank place the name's Fox I'd shake your hand but this room happens to be my prison cell your arrogance against my kind is hardly surprising however there is only so much even I can take please I'm appealing to the positive side of your human nature can we have a civil conversation no very well I was hoping my first encounter with a human would have proven more beneficial I'm sadden that I was mistaken truly free please help me you've got to get this collar off of me what did I ever do to you I had myself a ghoul man servant and everything so uh you ever met a ghoul before if you weren't a child I'd show you what this old man can do if you're going to get yourself killed out here you mind doing it further away from our bunker I don't want your corpse stinking up our little patch of Heaven wrong answer scum my friend I see I found you at last I knew you had survived and I had hoped to assist in your rescue to repay my debt to you you are my rescuer and my only connection to this world so I felt compelled to see you safe if this is what you think of me perhaps I should not have bothered but I know no one else in this world it seems I didn't know you as well as I had thought my mistake stay away from me what do you want are you one of them no don't take me back I would rather die than be a slave for that awful Alistair ten peny no please don't tell sister I think he's a slaver I don't want to be taken by him you're bothering me you don't want to bother me no interesting never look a gift slave in the mouth I say well are you going to help me or turn me over to the slaver oh my God what am I going to do now how could you get away from me the pint-sized slasher someone help me ah the Pint sized slasher someone help me run run it's the PIP slasher please please help me I need water I'm dying oh I guess that's understandable got to watch out for numero Uno and all just leave me just go away I'd like to die without you standing over me gloating y' care what do you think you're doing
Channel: Alternative Gaming Channel
Views: 124,281
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0PvR7X9laP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 15sec (1395 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 29 2023
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