Behringer Wing 001 - Overview of the Surface

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hi guys this is drew brashler with dbb audio today i am so excited i'm here with the behringer wing which is the brand new audio console the behringer just added to their digital mixer lineup now this console i'm so excited about it brings us 48 total channels now all of those channels can either be mono stereo or this thing called mid-side which i'm going to explain in a different video but the makeup of those 48 stereo channels means that we can actually process 96 mono inputs mono sources on this console which is incredible so let's go ahead and dive in and check out what this thing actually has to offer for us now the first thing that we want to go and talk about are the inputs now there's 40 main inputs and let's go dive into that so we can see here that on the left side of the console we have this fader bank section of 12 faders and we have a 1 through 12 13 through 24 25 through 36 and 37 through 40. now if we look up at the screen here we have 37 through 40 listed here if we go and tap on one of these sections we can see all of the adjustments that we can make in this section so we have a low cut high cut a tilt eq you can actually change this out for a max a sound maximizer kind of like the the sound maximizer sound as well as an all pass filter and then we also have delay now the trim and balance is pretty neat you can trim up or down this is also the analog gain and then we also have this thing called balance so if you have a stereo input that may be on that xlr one of the wires is not working you can actually make that up by using this balance knob or if you have two microphones in front of a source and one's a little bit louder than the other you can make that up with this balance knob now going back on to the rest of the sections here with the main 40 channels we have all of those things i just mentioned invert low cut high cut tilt delay we have a gate section an eq section a compressor section a pre fader insert point and a post fader insert point the next thing that we have are eight auxiliary channels now these eight channels are also mono stereo or mid-side depending on which source you select and these are limited processing which means that we can invert but we don't have our high cut low cut tilt or delay like we have on our main channels we do not have a gate we do have our eq but no compressor we do have one pre fader insert point and no post fader insert point now let's move over to the output side of the console so we can see that we have 16 mix buses now these 16 mix buses on the x32 were all mono so if you wanted to have a stereo mix bus you'd have to use two channels so one and two the wing actually makes all 16 of these stereo mix buses now additionally we can go into our main section and we have our mains one through four these are four main mix buses that are also stereo and then if we tab over here using this little arrow four over we can get to our matrix section which is matrix one through eight and these are also stereo so we actually have 28 stereo sends on this console that is the 16 stereo mix busses the four stereo main busses and the eight stereo matrices now additionally if we head over to the dcas we actually have 16 dcas available to us so when we hit the dca button we see one through eight then we can tab over to get our 9 through 12 and tab over one more time to get 9 through 16 which is great additionally we have our 24 faders on this console now they are broken up into three sections we have our left which is going to be 12 faders we have our center which is going to be eight faders and we have our right which is going to be four faders the phenomenal thing that behringer has done with the wing all of these layers that we can see here with these buttons so we have on our center section we have our dca main matrix aux in bus master user 1 and user 2 and all of these can be customized on each individual page additionally if we go over to our left fader section we have our 1 through 12 13 through 24 so on and so forth we can also adjust what is programmed into these layers so for instance on my 13 through 24 layer i could have my kick channel followed by the drums dca followed by the reverb send for my snare followed by the snare drum followed by whatever you want so everything is customizable and one really neat feature on this console is the user section so we have two user sections user one and user two and you can configure all three fader sections to respond to either user one or user two or be completely independent of each other i have all three of them linked so if i hit main matrix over on the right dca is on the center channels on the left and then i go and hit user one on any of these it's going to link all of them to my user one page now my user one page allows me to layout all the channels that i'd like and additionally i can do another whole set of channels on user two so there's a lot of complexity that behringer has built into this that you can use if you want to or you can just continue to use the console the way it's made with your channels on the left fader bank your mains and dcas aux ins and bus masters in the center and then your mains and dcas and inputs and auxins and bus masters and user ones and user twos there's a lot of complexity on this board that you can do if you want to now one thing to note about the right fader bank is there is an inputs button on this which allows us to tab through all of our inputs and this is a completely independent control from the left and center fader banks so you could in essence have a a2 right next to you and they could go through and turn on phantom power or turn off phantom power or set gains on all the inputs as you are doing whatever you need to on the left and center side of the console which is super exciting moving up to the upper portion of our console we get to our control surface so this is a very nice touch sensitive screen and so we can go in and touch any of the things in here to navigate however we want on this console we can even adjust eqs with touch and then there are six touch sensitive rotary knobs below the screen and those controls correspond to whatever you're adjusting and they're all labeled right here above each knob additionally there's a last knob that's right here on the right hand side of the lcd screen and if we go into a channel that maybe has a knob like this on our effects section i can tap on something that i want to adjust and then use this to go up or down additionally i can go into a vocal delay and we can see that this is my tap button so i can actually change the tap tempo using this button or i can tap and change it using the rotary knob the next section that we have is our channel processing section there is a small lcd screen here this is not touch sensitive but each of these six knobs are touch sensitive knobs and additionally we have a couple other knobs here as well so you can do all of your channel processing adjusting either on the screen or on the right hand side where we have our channel processing we have this big section of custom controls here which we can correspond to anything that we want we can actually set these by pressing the view and configuring those and that will be an updated video later but you can see that we can go to say an effect page on any of these or we could even mute things and that's how i have this set up additionally we can control our daw by pressing daw and controlling a remote daw that's connected via the usb card on the console which brings me to the next portion of this console which is amazing there is a usb 2 card on the back of the console which can connect into any computer with a daw say reaper pro tools logic any of those things and it can do 48 channels in and out to your daw so you can use that for a multi-track recording or even a virtual sound check but additionally there is the expansion card on the back of this console now behringer happened to make a wing live card which is similar to the x32 x live card but this has two dual sd cards so dual sd cards which means that each sd card can control 32 input and output channels on each card and what behringer did is they made it so that you could link both card slots and actually do a total of 64 mono channels input or output via the expansion card on two sd card slots which is incredible now the amount of i o that's on this console is crazy if we add up all of the inputs and output sources that this console has via aes50 local aux inputs stageconnect which is a new thing from behringer which is amazing and all the virtual connections via the cards there's almost 400 inputs and outputs that are available on this console now to keep all of those things straight behringer has changed their terminology for an input to become a source so an input on the back of the console is now called a source and the reason for that is because we want to assign a source to a channel because there's so com much complexity to this console it can't just be a single channel with a single input it has to be a source to a channel so i will have more videos coming up on that later but the really neat thing is if we go into our routing we can make any of our sources either mono stereo or mid side now that means that when i assign this source to a channel it is also going to configure that channel as a mono a stereo or a mid side automatically without us doing any fancy routing it just does it so with my kick drum that would be a mono but my overheads that we can see on seven and eight those are going to be stereo so i have them set up as stereo additionally on the screen we have a mute button and some polarity reverse on that as well now behringer has also released a wing copilot app which this is incredible because this is for a tablet and if you have an a2 that's helping you plug in all of your inputs up on the stage into the stage boxes you can just hand them a tablet connected into the wi-fi that you have with your console and then as they're plugging things in they can be naming the sources on the stage and then those will start populating on your screen at the behringer wing and then you can then assign those sources to the channels so this is really handy because you can just give this to your a2 and let them plug in all the things and label them as they're going into the console and then you can just do your routing on the front of house another very cool feature that behringer has added to the wing is the ability to have a main input and a auxiliary or an alternate input on each channel so for instance my vocalist on danny i'm going to go to his page and we can see that it's coming in on vocal danny which is uh just his main channel but i actually have a backup microphone sitting up on stage for his mic just in case there's some rf issues with his microphone we can then switch to an alternative mic and we can actually do that by going into our channel input section and just assigning right here we can see backup vocal one and alternate and so by just going between the main and the alternate i'm actually changing the source of this channel so if we're sitting on main and all of a sudden there's an rf issue and stagehand brings out a microphone to him well i can just hit this button to alt and then it is just working which is a very cool feature that they have added you can additionally use the alt input for virtual sound check and do a very quick jump between our stage inputs and our virtual sound check now as far as audio quality goes the behringer wing uses a 40 bit floating point processing on all of the audio which means it's going to be very very good sounding additionally we can select between 48 kilohertz sample rate and 44.1 kilohertz sample rate we can actually do that by going to setup and over to audio we can set our clock rate right here we can also set it to be an internal sync aes50 or expansion card depending on where you have your main sync coming from thank you so much for watching this video just a quick overview of the behringer wing i am going to have a whole bunch more videos about the wing coming out here very shortly in a level 100 a level 200 and a level 300 basically going from basic things more advanced and then advanced subjects with the behringer wing now if you haven't already go over to my blog at as there's a whole bunch of resources and blog posts about the different behringer products that are available on there and if you haven't make sure you subscribe to my youtube channel because then you will be notified right when i post a brand new video on a behringer product like the behringer wing so thank you so much for watching have a great day
Channel: Drew Brashler
Views: 16,123
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Behringer Wing, Wing, Behringer, Midas, Wing Tutorials, Tutorial, Wing Tutorial, Tutorials, Behringer Wing Tutorial, Behringer Wing Tutorials, Behringer Wing Walkthrough, Wing Walkthrough, Walkthrough, Overview, About the Behringer Wing
Id: nQeVFhfk4dE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 27sec (867 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 01 2021
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