BUILDING A MIX on the WING in under an hour!

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[Music] hey what's up everyone we're here with the behringer wing and we have arrived at the time to start throwing together a mix we've learned how to use the console we've set it up from start to finish so let's dive into some music so over the course of the next i don't know 20 or 30 minutes or so we're going to build a mix from scratch now there's some things i did ahead of time to save a lot of time so i don't have to bore you with things like channel labeling and color coding and effects routing and even i've even preset some trim levels to get volumes pretty close but everything's blank no eqs no dynamics nothing like that there's no effects picked out so we're going to go through that whole thing for a full band so let me first walk you through all the inputs that we're dealing with and then we'll dive into the music all right so from left to right top to bottom we have a drum kit it's a five piece drum kit we've got one kick mic two snare mics a high hat two toms stereo overheads stereo keys bass guitar just a di an acoustic guitar and a di a mono rhythm guitar a stereo lead guitar next page we've got a couple channels of tracks so we've got stereo loops stereo keys and strings a mono synth bass and then we've got a gang vocal track a click track and that's all for the band and then over on the vocals i've got a male and a female vocal and then we're going to use one reverb and a tap delay and a drum verb so we're going to keep it super simple so hopefully most of you watching this video can relate to something you're about to see well i think it's time to start with the kick drum let's go [Music] okay so it's a sennheiser 901 it's inside the kick drum so the first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to eq it first and then i'm going to put a gate on after that and one of the great things about the behringer wing is the ability to put plug-ins right on the console where your console eq and console dynamics are most consoles don't have this option we're gonna use whatever plug-in we want so here we go let's start with the eq [Music] i think we'll go with let's try this focusrite [Music] so just getting a little bit of that low mid out of there this mic has a ton of attack in it so i'm actually going to take out some of that like 3k and i'm going to add in some top end above that all right now let's add some top in and some lows let's get some sub going [Music] okay so that's okay um not a huge fan of it but you can hear just straight into that microphone it's got tons of click in it so let's try a gate we can actually play with this attack time too to try and get some of those transients under control so and that attacks at zero it really brightens up but i'm going to slow it down i usually don't do this but i want to try and get some of that attack out of there now back to the eq put some of this back in okay that was a lot of time on just the kick drum i'm getting a little carried away so um it's close enough it's a kick drum it's not that hard to make them sound good let's go to the snare [Music] all right so that's a beta 57 on a ludwig black beauty so i'm going to go eq first let's go with ssl [Music] i'm going to scoop out some 800. make that pretty wide [Music] that's got some bite [Music] there we go now let's brighten it up this drum already sounds like it's being compressed because of how loose the head is but let's add maybe a distressor because that will be awesome [Music] all right so that's quite a bit i'm just going to pull back that input but i like the way it sounds [Music] all right so here's on and off let me up that ratio [Music] okay i like that and now we're going to add some verb i usually always add the verb at this point because it's a part of the snare sound so i've already got a bus set up so we've got the drum verb bus and we're gonna insert an effect on here let's see we got hall room chamber plate concert verb ambience vss3 vintage room i like the word vintage and i like rooms let's listen to this so let's go sins on fader i'm going to go ahead and send a bit to there so we can hear this okay so it sounds pretty good just like that let's mess with the time [Music] shorten that room size [Music] i actually like that just the way it is let's leave that level for now and let's go to snare bottom okay so this is a pencil condenser it's really bright it's it's actually a mojave 101 i believe it's a 100 or 101 they don't make this microphone anymore but it's similar to neumann akg pencil condenser really bright on top first thing i'm going to do is eq and then i'm going to use a ton of compression to really get this to shape up the way i want let's do a high pass filter on this guy and we'll just use the console eq [Music] and compression and add some output gain [Music] all right let's blend these two together [Music] so it's too too much like two to five k in the snare bottom i need more that sizzle like that but i want less of this more like that all right let's try that again okay here's on and off [Music] and with the verb pull that down a little [Music] and then at this point i'll go back to the kick and just listen to that kick with it okay good enough to keep going hi hat we're at the a spot where he's playing the hi-hat there we go [Music] so definitely high-pass filter [Music] [Music] and listen to that with snare [Music] okay not a lot going on with the hi-hat we'll see what we get from the overheads on this too which that's where i'm going to go next so i'm not going to go to the toms i'm going to go to the overheads here and i want to listen to that blend between kick snare hat overhead and see what actually the toms sound like in the overheads [Music] so you can hear the subs you hear all kinds of stuff coming through here so let's high pass they sound really good those are akg 214s maybe a little bright there i like a little bit of compression on overheads so let's try something kind of snappy maybe that distressor again wrong channel oh too much that sounds cool i'm going to just roll through the ratios [Music] a little more input okay let's turn this on and off [Music] i really dig that all right unmute everything else okay decent start let's go to the toms let's find a section where the toms are playing so we can loop those [Music] okay so tom one that's a 12-inch drum these are clear heads on the toms and it's a 12 inch with a beta 98 high pass [Music] let's go ssl [Music] that's nice [Music] adverb [Music] okay and now we um we're i'm gonna gate this but this is not a great part to test the gate let me find something [Music] that's pretty good all right [Music] so i'm gonna turn this range up a little bit actually i'm gonna turn all the way down and then we'll get the threshold set and then i'll back that range off a little their symbols are opening there still a little much [Music] speed the attack up still cymbals snare [Music] is that it nope nope let's open that time up we still want it to sound like a drum [Music] is that going to do it i think we found it [Music] all right let's try that i'm gonna open up the whole kit [Music] okay let's do the same thing with tom two high pass not as high on this guy this is a 16 inch tom with a ksm 32 microphone let's go ssl like the way that sounded on the rack tom [Music] [Music] maybe needs a little more bite [Music] not that much all right let's adverb that guy all right now let's set the gate same [Music] thing i mean i got lucky speed the attack up make it sound like a drum [Music] and i'm going to open this range up a little so it doesn't kill the whole thing [Music] and i'll do that to the tom one [Music] okay [Music] all right let's listen to the whole drum kit up to this point [Music] okay i don't hear anything drastic except for levels so what i would typically do my instinct is turn all the faders down and just one fader up at a time and just mix the drum kit so okay so i'm noticing the gate light on tom one opening on some snare hits so let's fix that [Music] and i just saw it on tom 2 also okay i think that's pretty good the snare is a little loud but it's fine all right moving on i'm gonna go to bass guitar [Music] so we've got a like a fender jazz bass and this is a di i believe it's an avalon no sorry it's a sans amp this is sansamp [Music] so the base tone is not terrible there's not a ton of eq i want to do i'm going to actually compress this first and see what happens and we'll use let's see let's use something new and so we don't think it'll distress her every time let's try um something i've never used this fair child let's see what this sounds like not sure let's try something else let's try 76 i know this one will be awesome go ahead and go to 12 to 1. [Music] there we go turn the output down [Music] attack time let's mess with that [Music] too fast [Music] that's better [Music] okay so i'm going to add a little bit of low end and i'm going to take out some of the string and pick noise [Music] now that's driving into the compressor so if you heard it get too squashed there now we gotta back off the input on the compressor [Music] all right let's listen to that with [Music] drums [Music] okay it's not really sticking out enough i don't know if it's just this crazy room i'm in but i'm gonna add a little mid [Music] back to the compressor [Music] all right let's listen that with a full kit okay moving on let's try let's throw keys in now this should be pretty simple this is coming from a main stage rig where the patches for this song was created so a lot of times i'm just looking for a high pass filter here let's see what it sounds like yeah so the piano sounds already been eq'd it's compressed it's got that very modern worship key sound he's even got some distortion on here that wasn't on accident that was actually on purpose so i'm just going to blend this level in with the drums and bass [Music] okay let's move on to acoustic guitar this is a standard acoustic with a pickup going to a di okay so there's an eq on here that i feel like was made for what i like to do to acoustic guitars and it's the mock eq4 and because of this air band so to get the acoustic to almost sound like a percussion instrument i'll really crank up the super top end and get it like it almost acts as like a shaker or a percussive instrument which is why it's super important that the acoustic player is in tune and in time because you're really going to hear it [Music] so listen this on and off [Music] okay so i'm going to throw up in the mix and then i'll turn this on and off we'll see what happens [Music] okay i'm going to add some compression to control the dynamics because you can hear a loud note soft note [Music] let's go 1176. [Music] i'm gonna go super fast [Applause] [Music] all right let's try that in the mix [Music] okay not too bad let's go on to rhythm guitar [Music] okay so i believe this is a tele or something like a telly it might be something custom through a kemper so it's just distorted guitar that was like super bright so i'm going to high pass antelope past this [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so it's all the way down to like 6k don't tell the guitar player all right let's listen to that [Music] those drums are pretty loud i'm gonna pull those down [Music] okay move on to lead guitar then we're getting close to tracks and then we'll polish all the levels up [Applause] okay that sounds pretty good nice and wide let's listen to that [Music] that sounds good i think i lost the keys oh they're there [Music] still there okay we got some tracks so we got again these tracks were made in the studio so it's just levels high pass filters unless something crazy is happening and if there is something crazy happening with your tracks go fix them before they hit your console all right so it's just perk so i'm just going to throw a high pass filter on here as precaution let's get it to like 60 just in case there's some low frequency stuff in it i'm not [Applause] hearing and we've got a keys track that sounds familiar that's the exact same parts and pad the actual keys player is playing probably just tuck that and then we've got a mono synth bass [Music] all right so tons of low information there still don't be afraid to high pass this if your system is like super muddy on the bottom end even something like this putting a little bit of high pass filter on it can help [Music] all right i'm gonna open everything up throw the tracks in and see what we're dealing with [Music] okay i feel like that's pretty close i'm going to do a quick polish of the whole band and then we'll go to vocals [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay i'm feeling pretty good about that let's go to our lead vocal um he's singing on a neumann 105 microphone on an axion digital stick [Music] all right first things first high pass filter i'm going to go pretty high with this his name is jesus and he is alive the tomb is let me go find a part where he's not singing so loud so closer to the front of the song for the cross has paid my day okay so i'm hearing some low mid stuff and some stuff around 1k i want to get out standing in my corner i'm never too far gone no i'm never too far so that just did wonders just that alone now let's add some compression and i'm a huge fan of 1176 on vocals again he is alive and now redemption is my story for the cross has paid my day here's on and off and if the son of god is standing in my corner i'm never too far gone maybe a little much i'm gonna back off a little i'm never too far gone cause there is right i'm gonna back off that high pass filter get some more body and put a little more of that low mid back in and he is alive the tomb is empty okay i'm gonna go to verb now before i throw this in with the band because even a great sounding vocal to me without some effects on it is gonna stick out like a sore thumb so let's go find a nice plate verb is what i like so we'll select our vocal bus and our insert and let's see here okay reverbs i like plates and halls on vocals let's try the one that looks like a lexicon of course i'm going to try that one and let's send level vocal verb we're going to just send it to a lot and see where the level is at now i'm gonna send way too much just so i can hear the sound of the reverb and i'm gonna go 100 milliseconds of pre-delay first just some things i know what i want to do and i'm going to dial this up to about three seconds we'll start there [Music] that actually sounds really good and now redemption is my story okay i don't hate this um i'm gonna just change the levels here i'm back 10 db down on the bus so i'm going to flip that pull that one down 10 and then the master up ten it should be similar but the level you send into these it's gonna change the way it sounds so let's see what happened i'm never too far gone cause there is a hole there is a light okay that's pretty good i'm gonna turn the vocal down the band on slide the vocal in and see where it sits [Music] [Music] okay not bad i'm hearing something the vocal i don't like i'm gonna go to the eq and just mess around until it sets better the son of god is standing in my corner i'm never too far gone i think that might have done it let's [Music] see his name is jesus okay pretty good let's add a vocal tap delay same thing here we'll take a bus i've already got it pre-eq'd cut out some lows cut out some highs on this and let's drop a tap delay this one's actually called tape delay but it has a tap also and let's see what this sounds like send our level to zero is my story wanna get close with the tempo so it sounds i like the lack of top end in it but the bottom end sounds a little weird let's just turn the knobs and see what happens [Music] wrong ways [Music] okay so i'm gonna eq this so i'm just gonna take some low end out let's go is i think it's a little better so pull that level down vocal back up verb back up stack the delay in then bring the full band in god is standing in my corner i'm never too far gone no i'm never too far so what i'm trying to do there with the verb and the delay is create one sound and one texture and not just treat them both like different effects that happen sometimes i want the whole thing to be a part of the whole sound of the vocal [Music] [Applause] is [Music] okay i think we're really close i'm gonna go to the beginning of this song and just let it roll and mix the song for a minute or two and then we'll stop and talk about what we [Music] don't think dismayed when i've lost my way he's still right beside me i'm never too far gone oh my eyes don't lose your focus fix your gaze on [Music] all my worst mistakes are buried in his grace i'm never too far gone no i'm never too far gone cause there is a hope there is his name is jesus [Music] cause he is alive he [Music] [Music] has paid my debt and if the son of god is standing in my corner i'm never too far gone no i'm never too far gone cause there [Applause] there is a line his name is jesus and he is [Music] [Applause] okay that's about it um you know i'm pretty happy with that overall there's a couple things i'd go back like that the keys were a little hot snare is probably a little loud maybe that vocal is a little too loud but overall i'm pretty happy the console has got loads of features once you start mixing it can make mixing on the console pretty fun setting it up is a completely different story it's got like i said tons of features but to get to those features can be a painstaking process sometimes with the console but it's definitely doing things that no other console is doing the ability to put the types of plugins that you can right in place of console eq and console dynamics is pretty great and obviously for the price this is certainly something that lots of churches should look at and it doesn't sound terrible but when you've got a great band and great sources and great microphones and you've done the best job you can learning how to mix i think you can get a pretty good result you
Channel: MxU
Views: 24,174
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mixing, church, how to, drums, vocals, keys, guitar, electric guitar, acoustic guitar, worship, mix, audio, live, console, resource, ministry, concert, music, stage, andrew stone, lee fields, jeff sandstrom, mxu, mxu now, live stream, master, mic, balance, training, tutorial, subscribe, broadcast, live production, churchfront, jesus, worship leader, worship leading, pastor, mxu teams, compression, high pass filter, low pass filter, snare drum, micing
Id: iPikktPbAHI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 33sec (2793 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 04 2021
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