Behringer Wing 002 - Overview of the Rear Connections

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welcome to the second video on the behringer wing i am drew brashler i'm with dbb audio and i have a blog at dedicated to all the behringer products you can find tips and tricks on the x air the x32 and the wing if you haven't already make sure to subscribe to my channel as i'm always posting new videos on any of the behringer products and tips and tricks on rf and other things related to production so let's go ahead and dive into the connections on the behringer wing now this console is 48 mono stereo or mid side channels so the channels themselves can either be mono stereo or mid-side and it depends on the type of source that you select and those sources are found in the routing section of the board and that's going to be a different video however i wanted to go over all the input and output connections on the behringer wing so let's go ahead and take a look at the back side of the board and let's dive in now when we think of all of the available types of connections on the behringer wing we actually have upwards of 400 sources that we can do on the new behringer wing so let's go ahead and talk about inputs first on the right hand side we actually have eight midas pro series inputs now this is an xlr input and it is a combo jack so it's either xlr or quarter inch trs or ts now one thing to note about these is they are not a high impedance input so for a guitar or a base or something like that if you were to connect it directly into this you would want to use a direct box first the next thing is over on the left hand side is we have eight auxiliary inputs that are line level so these are trs or ts depending on if you want balanced or unbalanced and these are line levels so again these are not going to be for your guitar inputs down here we have our digital audio aes ebu input this is a stereo over one xlr on a digital protocol and it's it's very good for getting audio in and out of your console the next thing that's actually pretty exciting is this stage connect now this allows you to do 32 channels over low latency over one xlr input now we're going to see behringer come out with a lot of new input options using this stageconnect so i'm very excited about that next we have the aes50 supermac ports and we actually have three of these now this does need to be a shielded or stp type of cable and it's a good idea to have the ethercon barrel on the actual cable itself just for robustness but it does need to have the shielded rj45 connection on the actual termination now the aes50 super mac as what it's called can handle 48 channels input and output on each cable so we can have up to 144 sources just from these three super mac connections over here on the left hand side we can see the control audio network we have a usb 2.0 right here and that is going to be for connecting our console into a favorite daw that you have on your computer this is usb 2.0 and it can handle 48 channels over the single usb 2.0 cable to your favorite daw such as reaper or pro tools or logic additionally we have some network ports on the left hand side for our control of the console using the behringer tablet apps such as the copilot app if we move over to the right hand side of this we also see our dual channel recording playback card this is where the expansion card is on the behringer wing and this is again two sd card slots each of them handling 32 channels on their own io input and output and you can actually combine the two slots to record or playback 64 channels at a time one thing to note is there is no longer a talkback microphone input so you will have to use a different input in all of your i o to do so on the output side we have eight xlr outputs which are again the midas pro series output followed by eight trs outputs for line level either trs for balanced or ts4 unbalanced there is no rca output like there was on the x32 additionally for outputs we have our three super mac aes50 ports as well as our aes ebu port on the back of the console located on both the left and right side of the console we have our headphone port for using for some headphones to get on your monitor section for soloing an input these are controlled via the phones knob on the top of the surface moving over to the left hand side of the board we have our 4 pin 12 volt lamp output followed by gpio which is a brand new feature on the behringer wing and this stands for general purpose input output which actually allows us to control the console via foot switches or even turn on certain things with a relay so the big joke about this is you could end up controlling your coffee machine by turning it on on the last portion of your show we also have our midi input and output which can control different midi devices or even control lighting or different things in the production space one thing to note about the usb connection on the back of the console is not only can this control your daw and control all of your audio input and output from your daw but this can be a great way of loading data onto the console such as presets or different scenes as well as update your firmware on the console one last thing to note is that there is a usb connection on the top of the console on the top left and you can use that for recording either a two or four track audio to that or even playing it back as doing some some music pre-service or pre your show you can also load data via that into your scenes or presets thank you so much for watching this video i do hope that you check out my blog at or subscribe to my youtube channel as i'm going to be posting a whole lot more videos on the behringer wing thank you so much
Channel: Drew Brashler
Views: 5,880
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Behringer, Behringer Wing, Wing, Behringer Wing Tutorial, Behringer Wing Tutorials, Wing Tutorial, Wing Tutorials, Behringer Wing Walkthrough, Wing Walkthrough, Tutorial, Tutorials, Walkthrough, About the Behringer Wing, How to use the Behringer Wing, About the wing, how to use the wing, Rear connections, Behringer Wing Rear, Behringer Wing Connections, Behringer Wing XLR, Inputs, Outputs
Id: wxKu4T9C350
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 47sec (407 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 08 2021
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