BETTER THAN NAME BRAND GUITARS? - Checking out the Eart EGLP-610 and asking the big questions

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[Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Music] so [Music] hey everyone i'm ryan you're watching 60 cycle hum and in this video i'm going to tell you everything i know everything you want to know and everything you didn't know you wanted to know about the eglp-610 single cut electric guitar but before we get in the details and the specs and showing off what the pickups sound like and me just you know saying what i generally think about the guitar i want to ask a big question for us to ponder during this video to discuss in the comments section is this better than name brand is ert selling us a guitar that is better than what you could expect from the big household name brands at this price point right now this is 369 on amazon down from 439 i think it's on sale right now so 439 is the normal price unless i misremembered that number but anyways big name brand household name brands that we all know and love are they selling us anything that is similar to the specs of this at this price point that is what i want to know so let's get into it i want to go from tip to tail going through all the specs and the details hopefully i won't miss anything but anyways let's start with the headstock here the logo ert hurt if you're going to print a logo that has two colors in it and one of those colors is red and you're printing on a finish that's very red part of that logo is going to disappear it looks like it says ear on there it doesn't say because the t is disappearing you printed the t red on a red-ish wood grain and it just disappeared it's just me complaining that's graphic designer ryan complaining about that you could have printed it white and i think it would have looked really nice and gone with the inlays and whatnot or put you know some sort of box around that or something like that something to make it pop i don't know there's something else you could do there maybe consider ditching the two color thing maybe consider it all right onto things that actually matter the headstock shape i mean it doesn't really totally matter it kind of matters there is a functionality here it's not a straight block uh headstock here which means that the tuners appear are in more than they would be on a traditional block style straight headstock a three by three headstock which means you have a more shallow break angle through the nut slots which means you're gonna get less binding up on the nut and things like that so a more tapered shape like this is practical visually i think i prefer a more gibson style three by three headstock just to look at but there's nothing wrong with this really visually it's all just personal preference the tuners on here they're great they're honestly really really great they're firm they're smooth they feel like tuners that you could expect on say like a 1200 guitar or something like that you wouldn't even blink you'd be like oh yeah these are normal tuners for a guitar this price point they're very high quality tuners they're not name brand or anything like that i don't see any markings on them but there's no reason you would need to swap those out other than personal preference the nut it is a bone nut it's rounded really nicely on the edges which you don't always find on guitars at this price point it's very comfortable when your hand hits it because it is rounded uh there is a little bit of binding going on with the high b string and that is the string that has been giving me trouble i haven't lubed it yet and i think a little bit of lube will go a long way as far as massaging that out but other than that i can't say that there's anything wrong with the nut at all it's completely flush and level with the sides of the fretboard and where it connects with the neck and stuff there's no quality control issues nothing big i'm finding here and really i think lube is going to solve my issues with that b string we've got a truss rod cover here that's fun it's one of these little flick out guys so if you want to make quick adjustments to your truss rod it just slides over like that now you can get in there and adjust your trust i actually did adjust my truss on this guitar uh it came set up just unreasonably fast way too fast for a player like me so i increased the relief of the neck just a little bit to get it playing more comfortable for me but if you're a shredder if it shows up set up the way that mine did you're gonna be happy it was set up to be a really really fast guitar the fretboard is i think indian rosewood let me pull up the specs on amazon here yep indian rosewood uh the main material of the neck is roasted akume akume i'm not sure how to pronounce that so i am so sorry if i'm mispronouncing that roasted akume that is the back of the body as well and i think it had a what was the top oh it says the body is two-piece roasted akumi akami so yeah akami throughout whatever that is it seems to try to hint that it is similar to mahogany all right let's talk about the neck before we get into the body and the woods and stuff like that the neck has a compound shape thing going on at the nut it's got this really full almost like traditional but slightly smaller than traditional kind of feel to the neck it fills your hand nicely it's round is comfortable and then as it goes down the neck it flattens out to like a somewhat modern and aggressive d shape a flat d shape down here for all your shreddy shreddy stuff when you transition your thumb to the back of the neck it gets really nice and flat for you and when you get up here and you're wrapping your whole hand around the neck it's really comfortable i think that's really neat i think that is a neat detail for them to work in to a guitar in the mid hundreds price point you know high 300s low 400s i don't remember if i've ever encountered a guitar in that price point with a distinctly compound neck shape thing going on it's also a compound radius on the fretboard it goes from nine inch radius to 14 i think let me check really quick to make sure that is correct compound nine and a half to 14 inches all right now let's talk about the thing that everyone talks about with earth guitars the frets ert does something special with their frets compared to all other guitars at this price point i have played guitars before that have this hyper rounded ball end thing going on with their frets but never at this price point usually those are all like you know custom hand built high-end boutique sorts of things but they have some sort of process for doing this that all the other brands need to learn from i've never fretted an instrument myself but i've always been under the impression from watching people do things in videos and stuff that the wire is put on raw and then the ends are trimmed and then polished and whatnot there's actually a photo on the ert facebook page that shows that these frets are cut and dressed and polished and rounded on the edges before they're even installed so they have some sort of process for cutting these all to size polishing them rounding off the edges and then installing them i think a lot of other brands could learn from that because it gives you a very pleasurable fret experience on a guitar that doesn't cost a ton of money and it had the same fret dressing on that hurt i bought i want to say a year and a half ago that strat style hurt that was um it was 200 at the time i think they're like 270 now and that guitar kicked off the affordable strat series that i did for a while i might still do it some more i've been so busy i haven't been able to circle back to that but that guitar i paid 200 for it and had these exact same style frets and they're stainless steel i'm burying the lead on that i didn't even mention they're stainless steel frets that's how they're listed anyways they look a little they look a little bit different to me than the stainless steel frets on other guitars that i have they're shinier they've got a higher polish they have i know it sometimes i can hear the difference i can feel the difference in the stainless steel fret and i'm not sure with these there is some debate as to what grade of stainless steel they're using because there's different grades and it means different things but you know even if they are or aren't stainless steel frets i'm sure they are i'm sure it is a stainless steel metal even if they aren't the way they're dressed in their setup is is really really great and i think it is a big selling point of these guitars all right the inlays are some sort of plastic i think they feel like a plastic but i think they're an attractive shape they're installed well there's not any big channels around the inlays or anything like that they're put in there nice and snug it doesn't look cheap or anything like that the fretboard material i mentioned is uh indian rosewood has a little bit of a shine to it like it was either polished or there's like a clear coat on it i'm not totally sure maybe that's just the way indian rosewood looks but it is a it's a fun and kind of unique look it has a bit of kind of more of the feel you would expect from maple as far as how your finger touches it it's smoother it's glossier but then it has that kind of warm rosewood sort of thing going on as well moving on to the body the body is interesting in that it is thinner than you might expect a les paul style cut guitar to be by somewhere in between a third to half an inch thinner than my uh my gibson les paul that i'm looking at right now which i just kind of eyeballed it the other day and i just kind of measured it with my knuckle to uh come up with that rough estimate but it is thinner it is a thinner body than a standard les paul style shape it's got a belly cut here for comfort and it's just light and comfortable the whole guitar comes in under seven pounds i think it was six pounds 15 ounces so yeah just one ounce under seven pounds nice and light and comfortable the look is all subjective i think it's attractive it's got a very matte finish on it this fun kind of like iced tea honey sort of burst here with a dark red on the edges bursting into a light kind of golden honey sort of shade there it's all red on the back you can see the wood grain coming in a little bit it's attractive i like it what do you guys think do you like the finish do you like the look of the body or is there something that's catching your eye weird the hardware is all seemingly of good quality i'm not you know an expert judge on the quality of tunomatic hardware and whatnot but it looks it looks fine it looks great i made a slight adjustment to it it was very smooth there was no issues that i ran into there chrome knobs you got a volume a tone a three-way switch for bridge middle and neck of course the pickups they are al niko 2 humbuckers and i think they sound completely fine they don't sound like the most amazing humbuckers i've ever heard in my life they have a nice personality to them i'll say that they've got plenty of output they're clear but they've also got a nice bit of low end to push against they've got a lot of mids the way humbuckers usually do there's nothing about these pickups that you would need to swap out unless you had very specific personal taste then of course you know like swap them out put in the pickups that you like why wouldn't you what else what else i did open up the back and check it out in there and the pickups are four wires so you could do a coil split mod on this if you want to it's got full size pots in there uh all the hardware inside and the wiring looks great totally fine especially for a guitar at this price point i've definitely opened up guitars from this price point and seen like all the cheap stuff that you normally see on cheap guitars and that's not what i was seeing in this guitar so i was a bit impressed in that direction all right let's plug it in and see what it sounds like i've been flapping my gums long enough haven't i [Music] all tuned up and ready to play i'm gonna be showing off clean sounds starting with the bridge pickup of course i'm running through my two princeton's rig [Music] i laugh because it's absurd but i i love that all of you love the two princess gag so thank you for continuing to support the two princeton's gag alright here we go clean sounds on the bridge pickup through the two princetons [Music] i like it i like this bridge pick up quite a bit it's got that brightness it's got that clarity it's got that push and that punch with output and with some mid qualities in there [Music] without being muddy you know i hate it when i run into a muddy humbucker [Music] not like twangy but plenty of like personality and character even on the low string that's what i like that's what i like from a humbucker here is the middle position [Music] [Music] sounds pretty [Music] here is the neck position [Music] got a little bit skunky there [Music] but the neck is deep it's dark it's [Music] rich it's got a really nice round mid frequency quality to it [Music] a nice push from a little bit of like a boomy low there i like it it's got good sounding pickups we'll try it with some overdrive now from the wampler bell [Music] i am back on the bridge position [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] middle position [Music] and on to the neck [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] really not bad at all i think that's a really decent set of pickups for guitar in this price point you know they're not like incredible it's not like oh my gosh these humbuckers where do i buy them so i can put them in all my other guitars but they've got personality they've got plenty of clarity they're hitting frequencies the way that i like it's the sort of like this guitar is like the definition of a guitar that i could recommend to a new player it's not going to give you any trouble out of the box the action was set up too fast there was nothing wrong with the action it was too fast for my own personal preferences the pickups sound great all the hardware seems great the playability is there the front ends are you know wonderful really wonderful nice and smooth on the edges there nothing sharp to cut your hands on nothing here that is going to discourage a new player and of course i mean if i can recommend it to a new player i can recommend it to the seasoned player as well that's looking for you know something to fill out their quiver maybe they need a double humbucker guitar but they want something more modern or they want something to do modifications on and have some fun with yeah i think it's a good guitar i've found nothing about it so far where i'm like oh man i mean the logo the way the logo is printed that's really my only complaint everything else is just all personal adjustment i do need to lube the nut a tiny little bit it's really not bad i've i haven't had any issues in filming for the past half an hour working on this video i've been playing it i've been strumming i've been plucking and nothing's gone severely out of tune at all everything else is just tastes it's all subjective you know but i think they've put together a guitar here that stands on its own just great and i could easily recommend this to people who are curious about them so what do you guys think is this guitar better than name brand is it better than what you would expect from the big household name brands and is ert on their way to becoming a household name brand i think as far as like affordable guitars go i've covered a lot i've covered a lot of affordable guitars over the years i think this is at the tops i think er so far is at the tops like i really really like that strat that i covered a year a year and a half ago or something like that when i started doing the afforder strat uh series it ended up being disqualified i think like two guitars in and it was on a technicality it was just because the other guitar was more stratty in a traditional sense where it had pushed the pushed more modern like that was really the only reason i can remember because i thought it was a good guitar i really did the hardware was good the playability was good i think you know i have an instinct to push against the hyperbolic stuff that's out there like people get really excited about affordable brands of guitars that are delivering a playable instrument and then they say dumb things like oh man it plays better than my buddies 2 500 blah blah blah or this and that i have this and i i play the earth more often that's great that really is if you feel that way about your affordable instruments but it's it's still very close to being appropriate for its price point this is not a top shelf premium sort of build but it does outshine other guitars that i've played in this price point in this low hundreds kind of affordable range price point it's doing things it's got qualities to it it's got a playability a comfortability uh it's got sound qualities that i don't usually find in that level of instruments uh something i wanted to show off is that the pickups are not microphonic that is something i run into quite a bit with guitars in this price point especially import guitars i'm gonna throw on the boss hm2 i have a japanese hm2 down here and i'll throw on a delay so we can hear that echo if it's there a little bit but not bad here it is with just the overdrive hey no there's nothing there hey huh it takes a lot of gain to get anything out of there this is not a guitar you're going to be singing through on stage and as far as like feedback goes i'm going to stack some drives here and see if we can get the pickups themselves to feedback [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] now there's feedback there but it's the musical kind of feedback it's the string feeding back a little bit of chirp right here and there but yeah it's it's not the type of pickups that i've been finding in various affordable guitars where there's some where i've sat here and the pickups start feeding back with the amp going through my body into the guitar let's do some high gain stuff here here's some fun [Music] [Music] oh turn that delay off [Music] back to that hm2 so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] i [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right that's enough of that nonsense anyways what did you guys think what are your opinions on this guitar do you have any questions that i can answer in the comments section and other than that thanks for watching please like subscribe just like leave me rude and nasty comments support us on patreon buy a shirt if you're naked huge thanks to ert for sending this out to me i bought the last one and then they decided that they would hit me up to see if i wanted to check out another one so thanks to ert thank you for that and you know what stay grounded bye everybody you
Channel: 60 Cycle Hum
Views: 10,242
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 60 cycle hum, eart eglp-610, eart eglp-610 lp-electric guitar, eart eglp-610 lp, earth eglp, eart eglp-610 electric guitar, eart eglp guitar, eart eglp-610 review, art studio eglp-610, earth eglp 100, eart guitar, eart guitars, better than name brand, name brand guitar, fender, gibson, les paul, cheap les paul, budget les paul, gibson alternative, firefly, grote, donner, harley benton, epiphone, ryan burke, demo, review, eart guitar review, eart guitar demo, eart guitars les paul
Id: UlhjG7LnvSg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 9sec (1749 seconds)
Published: Fri May 06 2022
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