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treasure is a little 12 year old 13 hand pony that came to ponytails rescue back in february when he first came into the rescue he was extremely shy scared of people if not borderline feral we don't think he really had much if any handling in the beginning of his life and before he came to ponytails since treasure has been here at ponytails he's made some amazing progress our volunteer karen kind of took him under her wing first and started kind of gentling him getting him used to touching people and then one of our trainers ally started to take him over in addition to karen and they started working on haltering leading and just the basics of being a horse i'm not getting out of this [Music] okay just a little bit just a little bit all right i'll have to find a different one trying to find ways to spend more and more time on his blind side and he's very food motivated if i hold this over here then i can be over here for a long time and he's like no more with his side like that now when we do things like this it's always possible that he is going to get he'll keep me on his good side but he can get spooked on his other side and you always want to be on the side that they're afraid so it's very interesting project to me he did go out of the gate slower at first and now he's pretty fast so i got treasure out again today and today we're mostly working on desensitizing and just getting more comfortable with everything around him not being so reactive about everything right now i have a ball and i'm just kicking it around and he's fine with it for the most part except he doesn't love it touching his feet he kind of gets a little weird about it but he's still curious and willing to learn it's not like he's super scared of it to the point where he doesn't want anything to do with it he's plenty curious and has a really good mind about this kind of stuff which is very good to see he's he won't really let me stand on his blind side yet but he'll let me pet wherever i want from this side he doesn't care about that at all it's just i can kind of get over here but then he just walks over and puts me in his good eye see he's getting better because before he wouldn't hardly take his eye off you but good boy it's a good boy today is treasures first time trying to load in the trailer and we're hoping it goes well so he can eventually find a home and load up perfect for him um well at first he wouldn't pick up his feet at all and then we got to the point where i could put my hand down here and he would pick it up but then he'd stomp it back down like it was a fly so that took a little bit and then i've just been using a lot of treats and stuff to get them to be able to hold it longer rather than stomping it down which has been a little difficult for him but he's getting a lot better [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] today was treasures first time with a fly mask obviously it's a little big but it was a good starter for him he did really well it only took like two minutes and we were able to get it on and obviously he's completely calm so that was a big step for him and hopefully we can keep going [Music] so i don't have it really snug but it's plenty tight for a bareback pad when i was practicing before i blasted or whatever i was holding it quite a bit more snug hey he's getting impatient but i was holding it pretty much as snug as you would cinch a saddle and he does just fine so it's really good to see that he doesn't mind about the tightness around his belly and then the stirrups don't seem to bother him at all which is also good so i think he'll come around really quick once we're able to work him consistently with the saddle [Music] so so i'm on his blind side and it's just since there's a whole lot of new equipment he's not super comfortable with it yet all the sounds and noises are just making him a little more nervous because he has no idea what it is he can't see anything so it could be a saddle or it could be something that's trying to eat him so he just doesn't know so we're just gonna go slow so he understands that it's good and i will untie him for this just in case he gets nervous thank you [Music] lots of energy today [Music] let's see doesn't them too much just weird why can't i eat it boy would you say this is the next step [Music] treasure was quite the project he was just pretty much halter broke at the beginning and then i got him to be able to take a saddle and everything we're taking a couple steps back now with him though but it was still we're still doing really really good so i'm happy with that and when he came in we kind of all referred to him as the feral pony he did not like people interaction wasn't halter broke his feet were overgrown he was a little underweight and in rough shape so our one of our trainers and our volunteer has spent lots and lots of time working with him getting him halter broke getting him friendly to people overcoming some of his challenges of being blind on one side and just being overall skittish and we've gotten him to this point now where we can do his feet he is sedated but even with sedation before i don't think we would have been able to get to this point [Music]
Channel: Pony Tales Refuge
Views: 2,401
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 49sec (589 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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