Breathtaking Arista

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is arista and she does have experience being handled just it's kind of a long process getting the halter on because she's not super fond of people anymore so today we are going to work on altering and then hopefully trying to lead her around the property a little bit she's really head shy she doesn't like me like scooping her nose in the halter like you would normally so the only way we can get the halter on her now is to like slide it all over her head and then clip it underneath so what i have to do is unlatch all the latches and clips and everything so obviously this isn't really the right way to put on a halter not the ideal way but it's the only way we can get it on here and then once we have it on is when we can start working on her head shy problem she won't let me anywhere near her head unless she has a halter on oh yeah good girl [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a good girl [Applause] and then with picking up her feet we're not really to the i'm not really able to hold him up yet but we're just kind of working on getting her to pick him up and then keep him up a little bit because picking them up is one thing but then completely holding it and taking it away from her is another thing so i don't want her to just have a bad experience from me going too quick [Music] hi i'm avery i'm a volunteer here and i hope to come here more often and become a regular [Music] so um i'm just going to kind of slowly start introducing her to the other pastors and walking her around away from horses a little bit she's getting a little bit antsy just because of the wind and the new horses and the new environment so we'll just go a little bit out of time [Music] we can do good it i'm just gonna kind of let her check everything out before i push her too far i don't wanna have her take off on me or do something crazy so [Music] also a lot of horses are scared of the goats when we walk by so we don't want to create bad habits so i'd rather go a little bit out of time [Music] you go see them good girl it's really nice though even with her being nervous she's still really respectful [Music] she comes forward when i ask her with hardly any pressure and she's not trying to run me over or run away or anything she just kind of stops and stands ever since we've been able to start haltering her and getting around her a little more i've been working with her every day and she's been coming a really long ways last week when i got here you couldn't even touch her in the catch pen she would wouldn't even let you close to her and now that we've got a halter on her and everything we can see how much she really knows and really mostly the issue was just haltering her and her thinking that she can get away from you and not have to do anything she was never scared just didn't want anything to do with you so she's still learning but she's doing really good so she would need someone just willing to be patient with her and not get upset with her when she tries to walk away from you and stuff because that's all she's really ever known [Music] like now she's completely handleable she's just fine it's just the fact of catching her i think she would be a really nice horse for someone who just has the extra patience for her
Channel: Pony Tales Refuge
Views: 2,402
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: Mr1Bv8zu3ho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 31sec (331 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 22 2021
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