Behind the Read: A Reading for a Newborn Baby | Long Island Medium

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my name is Jackie I work in a dermatology office I didn't know who Teresa was the first couple times that I had met her my mother and sister were really into her show and they kept telling me to watch her show and finally I saw who it was Teresa hey here we go I'm very nervous you know the second she's very anxious getting injections or when I'm always what I have to hold her hand this doesn't look good hi Teresa how are you let me take a look and so the area looks great it's time for the stitches come out you know I was so nervous about getting my stitches taken out and wouldn't you know it's the height of my anxiety um I'm not even sure if you're aware what I do but I'm a medium which I'm able to connect with people that have crossed over I don't know maybe spirit was doing me a solid by putting off the inevitable I don't know so um who's the mother energy well it could be a grandmother who just passed that would be me that's your grandmother my grandmother so know that she's stepping forward I do believe in spirit and that kind of thing I didn't necessarily know if I believed in how they communicate with Teresa or you know mediums I didn't know how much I believed in that I can't explain it and I say it all the time I can make up something really cool to say how this works and how I get it I can't it just happens it just it is what it is it's Who I am I had known that there was a possibility she would read somebody so on my half hour right in I was talking to my grandmother and saying you know if this is really real bring up these three things and then I'll know that it's real I love how people see my name on a schedule and then they decide that they're gonna talk to the other and say well if this is real I want to reset to say this this and this and this why do I gotta get thrown under the bus she brought up all three things so that was that really took me by surprise um usually when spirit shows me like a cardboard box and then going through items yeah we were just in her apartment on Saturday going through all my stuff know that her soul was with you at that exact moment did you take some things also because she goes she left what happened my apartment Teresa had come to us on a Tuesday and that's Sunday we were all at her condominium you know kind of cleaning up and going through things and my mom was saying you know it was certain things we can't get rid of that she'd she'd be freaking out if we gave that away we gave you know you have to hold on to so my husband and I did we took you know we took a lot of things do you have her wedding ring when she brought up that I was wearing her wedding ring I think that really shocked me my grandmother was a very very strong independent woman she would always be the last one at the party singing and you know dancing and having a great time even when she turned 90 she wanted a party and that's how she wanted to go out in fact right before she had passed we were all in her hospital room and the priest had already given her last rites and she's still singing Frank Sinatra and that's just that's just how she was she really truly loved life she loved her family did you speak at her funeral I can't believe this I'm the only one out of my sisters that didn't speak because I had such a hard time and I kept saying she's not gonna forgive me she's gonna want me I mean they should speak I just couldn't I was too emotional for me and I didn't want her to think that because I didn't speak I cared any less about her she made me feel like you keep saying to her oh I wish you could have stayed just to have seen my baby well my grandmother kept hounding me to have another child so when I finally told her that I was pregnant she kept saying I hope I'm gonna be here to see it I was like that it's only nine months away you're gonna be here stop talking like that I don't know if it was right before she died or the day of but she keeps showing me the holding of the hands and she keeps showing me you and her having a conversation and you actually whispering in her ear that's what I told her my son's name so she's the only one that knows unbelievable she had a big mask on an oxygen mask and looked at me and she just gave me a thumbs up I wanted her to know what his name was gonna be since she wasn't gonna be able to be here and hold him and know who he was and watch him grow up I just wanted her to know him for Jackie to be able to receive that message of her grandmother saying I'm still with you I know that you're ready to have this baby and my soul will be with you at that exact moment and I remember the baby's name I mean that was just beautiful this is Brendan Patrick and he was born on June 1st and he's such a good little boy and this is Liam Joseph's his big brother I had a difficult birth with my son and I definitely felt my grandmother with me and I did ask her for help and to get me through it and she did and I definitely have felt her with me ever since he's come to the world my other son talks about her all the time he'll be in the middle of eating dinner and he'll just say mom I really miss that I marry and I feel at those times when she's with us you know I believe there are certain things that we're not supposed to know and I was told from spirit that my grandmother was going to pass on my birthday and I didn't believe them because she was doing so well and the one day that I didn't go to see her was her last day and I have no regrets about that because I remember my last moments with her of her telling me that she loved me in a strong clear voice and I wouldn't have traded that for anything Jaclyn and I both got to have this beautiful moment with our grandmother's before they passed I feel her presence I know she knows I know that she knows how I feel and I allow myself to do that where before I probably wouldn't as a medium I can tell you there was a lot more to her reading than meets the eye blew us away check out TLC com to find out what happened behind the read [Music]
Channel: TLC
Views: 2,942,047
Rating: 4.8924093 out of 5
Keywords: long island medium, theresa caputo, spiritual medium, finding peace, tlc, long island medium full episodes, teresa caputo, nurse jackie, other side, crossed over, aftershows, lim aftershow, grandmother, grandma, child birth, childbirth, psychic medium, touching stories, reality tv series
Id: JsAM-fIZd2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 44sec (404 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 27 2013
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