Spirit is still communicating with me... || STEVE HARVEY

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[Music] all right before the break Teresa started to read our audience but spirit is still communicating with her Teresa go for it can you please stand back remembering Melanie honey Scotch channeling you would need more than one Scotch so this girl what happens is what I asked to be done was to bring forward other foals but more importantly your son says mom you wouldn't have known that I was going to depart no do you understand that yeah he says nobody knew no oh he also shows me his sweatshirt so do you have his sweatshirt or jacket that you wear so know that when you wear that know that his soul is with you did you make a blanket or quilt out of his clothing I'm starting to yeah perfect it means that he supports all of the choices and decisions so if you don't think that he's a piece there's no way that I would know that he says I owe you 12 we'll talked about his headstone yes he says it's very different he shows me this big black headstone I can see my reflection in it and it's very unique because you have like either something is picture engrave and then some type of saying on that just come sit with me awhile and take a break and it says to 194 area code and it's got a purse of a Harry Chapin song that was kind of like a perfect like to validate that every choice and decision that you ever made with your son alive and also departed she says I want to thank you for giving me that gift he says and I want you mom to know that I live life through your eyes so I want you to be happy so now every time you smile my soul is smiling in heaven your daughter shows me the butterflies man so do you connect with the butterflies perfect so now that when you see the butterflies you do know that it's the butterfly did you do something with your daughter's handprint after she died on a sheet or something we did a family handprint when my daughter passed away the nurse at the hospital permit my daughter's hand and her footprint on the summons at heart perfect so you know to validate that it was her soul time to leave let me ask you this with that point where she got better before she passed because I said to her I go wait why do we ensure she showed me like doing all these great things and she's talking about Disney and all this stuff and I said to her what is that she goes Theresa she goes I am so thankful that I was blessed with another brief kind here of not being sick she says because I was able to do so many things with my family she says that I went to traded that for anything she goes but then I went so quickly after that really fast she says mom I want you to focus on that time that extra time I was given back and I wouldn't have traded that for anything and she told me you smell her too so know that when you do know that she's with you at that exact moment you also have things in your car in memory of her this fall and move like when you drive it that's her I think you better be careful your father's going to crash a car [Applause] [Laughter] okay are you alright just crazy right here see see see Ashley do you you see I see it's crazy to me you got to go get this book I'm man I'm scared hold my hands it's wet you only month I said look at my hand my hands are ready but my hands is wet so let me sit over here can I get incest razor I love you you know you're one of my favorite guests give it up for Theresa everybody remember her new folks installed good grief heal your soul on your loved ones and learn to live again and Theresa ascended everybody in our studio audience closer to Papa [Music] you
Channel: Steve TV Show
Views: 1,739,084
Rating: 4.8117914 out of 5
Keywords: Steve, Harvey, funny, humor, comedy, tv, steve harvey, steve harvey daytime, steve harvey show, Talk Show (TV Genre), theresa caputo, spirit, medium, after life, communicating with the dead, 5115
Id: sdYiOBrCb1E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 11sec (251 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 14 2017
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